Barelf SM PDF
Barelf SM PDF
Barelf SM PDF
46 & 68
Description OEM’s approvals:
PAO synthetic oils. +S
crew compressors: SAUER & SOHN,
Applications +T
urbochargers: ABB
+ Turbo-chargers with integral lubrication system.
+ Rotary screw compressors with or without oil Features and Benefits
injection. + High chemical stability and resistance
+ Rotary vane compressors with oil injection. to oxidation.
+ High viscosity index.
+ Anticorrosion properties.
+ Compatibility with elastomers,
plastics and usual paints.
Typical Characteristics
Methods Units 46 68
ISO Grade 46 68
Density at 15°C ISO 3675 kg/m3 841 845
Kinematic viscosity at 40°C ISO 3104 mm2/s 46 68
Kinematic viscosity at 100°C ISO 3104 mm /s2 7.6 10.7
Viscosity Index ISO 2909 139 147
Flash Point (COC) ASTM D 92 °C > 250 > 260
Pour Point ISO 3016 °C < - 42 < - 42
The values shown above are typical values at the date of publication. The color of the lubricant may vary without affecting
its quality or specifications. TOTAL Lubmarine reserves the right to change these typical values without prior notice. LUBMARINE 73/7GB 1705