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Manufactured Substances in Industry

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9.2 AM M ON I A AN D
9.2 Ammonia and its salt
 9.2.1 Properties of ammonia
 9.2.2 The uses of ammonia
 9.2.3 The industrial process in manufacture of
ammonia .

Have 2 experiment
 Investigate the properties of ammonia

 Prepare ammonium sulphate ,fertiliser

 A colorless ,pungent o Ammonia is alkaline in
gas . property and reacts with
 Its molecular formula is dilute acids in
to produce salt.For
 It is extremely soluble
in water.
NH3+HNO3 →( NH4NO3
 It is a weak alkali.
 It is about one half as  Aqueous solutions of
dense as air ammonia produces OH− ions
 It reacts with hydrogen (except Na+ ion, K+ ion,
chloride gas to produce and Ca2+ ion) forming
metal hydroxides
white fumes of ammonium
Fe3+ +3OH− →Fe(OH)3
 Ammoniais used in the manufacturing of nitrogenous

The Main uses 0f ammonia :

The liquid form is used as a cooling in
As a raw material for the manufacture of nitric acid
in the Ostawald process .
To be converted into nitric acid used for making
explosives .
To prevent the coagulation of latex .
To produce ammonium chloride .

Ammonia solutions are used to clean, bleach, and The Haber Process
deodorize; to etch aluminum; to saponify (hydrolyze)
oils and fats; and in chemical manufacture.
Ammonia is also used in large amounts in the Ostwald
combines nitrogen from the
process for the synthesis of nitric acid; in the Solvay air with hydrogen derived
process for the synthesis of sodium carbonate; in the
synthesis of numerous organic compounds used as mainly from natural gas
dyes, drugs, and in plastics; and in various
metallurgical processes. (methane) into ammonia.
The ammonia sold for household use is a dilute water
solution of ammonia in which ammonium hydroxide is
The reaction is reversible
the active cleansing agent.
As a constituent of smelling salt, it revives a fainted
and the production of
person. But it should be used with caution since it can ammonia is exothermic.
attack the skin and eyes. The vapors are especially
irritating prolonged exposure and inhalation cause A flow scheme for the
serious injury and may be fatal.
Ammonia and its compounds are mainly used as Haber Process looks like
Liquid ammonia is used as refrigirant.
o Some metal hydroxides such as zinc hydroxide and
copper (II) hydroxide dissolves in excess aqueous
ammonia to form complexes.
Zn(OH)2 + 4NH3→ [Zn(NH3)4]2++ 2OH

Nitrogen 9.2.3 The industrial process IN manufacture

is required in large of ammonia
amount by plant to make 1. Haber process is the industrial method of

proteins which are necessary producing ammonia.

2. It needs direct combination of nitrogen and
for hydrogen under high pressure in the presence
growth and cell repair.
 of a catalyst, often iron. 16 Mass of nitrogen
X 100 % Molar mass offertilizers
Most plant are not able to get

a nitrogen supply directly NH3(aq) + HNO3(aq) → NH4NO3(aq)
Ammonium nitrate
from the air although it is 3NH3(aq) + H3PO4(aq)
abundant in the air (78%). →(NH4)3PO4(aq) Ammonium
Plants can only absorb soluble phosphate
nitrogen compounds from soil
through their roots. Ammonium sulphate

Aim:- 5. The sulphuric acid is added slowly into the conical flask. The conical
• To prepare ammonium sulphate. flask is swirled gently throughout the titration.

Material:- 6. The addition of sulphuric acid is stopped when the indicator changes
from yellow to orange. The final burette reading is recorded.
• 1 mol dm-2 sulphuric acid, 2 mol dm-3 ammonia
solution, methyl orange, filter paper 7.The volume of acid needed to completely
Apparatus:- neutralize the 25.0 cm of 2 mol dm-3 ammonia
•25.0 cm pipette, burette, conical flask, white tile, solution is calculated. Let this volume V cm.
retort stand and clamp, beaker, glass rod,
evaporating dish, filter funnel, Bunsen burner, tripod
stand, wire gauze.


a) Determining the volume of sulphuric acid that will

neutralize 25.0 cm of ammonia solution:-
1. 25.0 cm of 2 mol dm-3 ammonia solution is
transferred by a pipette to a clean conical flask.

2. Three drops of methyl orange indicator are

added to the alkali. The solution turns yellow.

3. A clean burette is filled with 1 mol dm-2 sulphuric

acid and clamped to a retort stand. The initial
burette reading is recorded.

4. The conical flask with its content is placed on a white tile below the
burette as shown in figure 6 below.
b) Preparation ammonium sulphate salt:- The salt solution in the first titration is discarded
because it is contaminated by methyl orange.
1. 25.0 cm of 2 mol dm-3 ammonia solution is
pipetted into a clean conical flask. No indicator is • The ammonium sulphate solution should not be heated until dryness
added. because ammonium sulphate decomposes when it is overheated.

2. V cm of 1 mol sulphuric acid is added from the •The weight of ammonium sulphate obtained from the
burette to the ammonia solution. activity is always less than the theorical value. This is because some of
the salt is not fully crystallized out and still remains in the solution.
3. The mixture in the conical flask is transferred to an evaporating dish
and heated until a saturated solution is formed. •Other ammonium salt such as ammonium nitrate can
be prepared from the reaction between nitric acid
4. The hot, saturated salt solution is left to cool for and ammonium solution.
crystallization to occur.
5.The crystal of ammonium sulphate formed are filtered, ashed and •Ammonium sulphate and other ammonium fertilizers
dried between sheets of filter paper. can be prepared by neutralizing ammonia solution
with the respective acids

•A colourless solution is formed when sulphuric acid is

added to ammonia solution.
•The crystal obtained are white in colour

•The equation for the reaction is:
H2SO4 (aq) + 2NH4OH (aq)
(NH4)2SO4 (aq) + 2H2O
• Methyl orange is an acid-base indicator used to
determine the end point of the titration.
•The first titration is carried out to determine the
exact volume of sulphuric acid required to completely neutralize the
25.0 cm of ammonia solution.

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