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Unit 2 Steganography 2.0

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Unit 2

Tripti Misra
• It is often combined with cryptography in communication.

• Steganography is still often used for uniqueness and validation purposes, such as
storing data without it being obvious the data is stored there.

• For example, almost all modern laser printers now print a series of barely visible
yellow dots on every page printed. These dots, when interpreted properly, contain a
variety of meta data about the print job, such as the date and time, printer model,
and serial numbers.

• Steganography is the art and practice of communicating using hidden messages,

often disguised within something else where one would not expect a message to be
contained in.

Cover medium: It is an image that holds secret message.

The Secret message: it is message to be transmitted. It can be plain or
encrypted text, images or any other data.
The Stego-key: it is key used to hide the message (May or may not be used).
Steganography, Cryptography &
• Cryptography is about protecting the content of
messages (their meaning)

• Steganography is about concealing the existence of


• Watermarking is about establishing identity of

information to prevent unauthorized use
• They are imperceptible
• They are inseparable from the works they are embedded in
• They remain embedded in the work even during transformation
Watermarking Examples
• Sending a message to a spy by marking certain letters in a
newspaper using invisible ink
• Adding sub-perceptible echo at certain places in an audio
• Embedding a picture of President Andrew Jackson into the
paper during paper making process.
• Steganalysis is the art of discovering and rendering
useless such covert messages.
• Steganalysis involves analysis of the carrier file
• Simpler steganographic techniques produce some
discernible change in the file size, statistics or both.
• These changes can manifest themselves in color
variations, loss of resolution and other distortions that
are visible to the human eye.
• This form of detection requires that you know what the
original carrier image or file should look like.
Steganography Types
• Image Steganography: Taking the cover object as image in steganography is known as image steganography. Generally, in
this technique pixel intensities are used to hide the information.
• Network Steganography: When taking cover object as network protocol, such as TCP,UDP, ICMP, IP etc, where protocol is
used as carrier, is known as network protocol steganography. In the OSI network layer model there exist covert channels
where steganography can be achieved in unused header bits of TCP/IP fields.
• Video Steganography: Video Steganography is a technique to hide any kind of files or information into digital video format.
Video (combination of pictures) is used as carrier for hidden information. Generally discrete cosine transform (DCT) alter
values (e.g., 8.667 to 9) which is used to hide the information in each of the images in the video, which is not noticeable by
the human eye. Video steganography uses such as H.264, Mp4, MPEG, AVI or other video formats.
• Audio Steganography: When taking audio as a carrier for information hiding it is calledaudio steganography. It has become
very significant medium due to voice over IP (VOIP) popularity. Audio steganography uses digital audio formats such as
WAVE, MIDI, AVI MPEG or etc for steganography.
• Text Steganography: General technique in text steganography, such as number of tabs,white spaces, capital letters, just like
Morse code and etc is used to achieve information hiding
Image Steganography
Image Steganography Techniques
• Spatial Domain Methods: There are many versions of spatial steganography, all directly change some bits in
image pixel values in hiding data. Least significant bit (LSB)-based steganography is one of the simplest
that hides a secret message in the LSBs of pixel values without introducing many perceptible distortions.
Changes in
the value of the LSB are imperceptible for human eyes. Spatial domain techniques are broadly classified into:

1. Least significant bit (LSB)

2. Pixel value differencing (PVD)
3. Edges based data embedding method (EBE)
4. Random pixel embedding method (RPE)
5. Mapping pixel to hidden data method
6. Labeling or connectivity method
7. Pixel intensity based method
8. Texture based method
9. Histogram shifting methods
Image Steganography Techniques
• Transform Domain Technique: This is a more complex way of hiding information in an image.
Various algorithms and transformations are used on the image to hide information in it. The
process of embedding data in the frequency domain of a signal is much stronger than
embedding principles that operate in the time domain. Most of the strong steganographic
systems today operate within the transform domain Transform domain techniques have an
advantage over spatial domain techniques as they hide information in areas of the image that
are less exposed to compression, cropping, and image processing.

1. Discrete Fourier transformation technique (DFT).

2. Discrete cosine transformation technique (DCT).
3. Discrete Wavelet transformation technique (DWT).
4. Lossless or reversible method (DCT)
5. Embedding in coefficient bits
Image Steganography Techniques
• Masking and Filtering: These techniques hide information by marking an image, in the
same way as to paper watermarks. These techniques embed the information in the more
significant areas than just hiding it into the noise level. The hidden message is more
integral to the cover image. Watermarking techniques can be applied without the fear of
image destruction due to lossy compression as they are more integrated into the image.

• Distortion Techniques: Distortion techniques need knowledge of the original cover image
during the decoding process where the decoder functions to check for differences
between the original cover image and the distorted cover image in order to restore the
secret message. The encoder adds a sequence of changes to the cover image. So,
information is described as being stored by signal distortion.
Least Significant Bit Algorithm
• The most common and popular method of modern day steganography is to make use
of LSB of picture’s pixel information.

• This technique works best when the file is longer than the message file and if image
is grayscale.

• When applying LSB techniques to each byte of a 24 bit image, three bits can be
encoded into each pixel.
LSB Algorithm
• If the LSB of the pixel value of cover image C(i,j) is equal to the message bit SM of secret
massage to be embedded, C(i,j) remain unchanged; if not, set the LSB of C(i, j) to SM.

• Message embedding Procedure is given below:

S(i,j) = C(i,j) - 1, if LSB(C(i,j)) = 1 and SM = 0

S(i,j) = C(i,j) + 1, if LSB(C(i,j)) = 0 and SM = 1

S(I,j) = C(i,j), if LSB(C(i,j)) = SM
Where LSB(C(i, j)) stands for the LSB of cover image C(i,j) and “SM” is the next message
bit to be embedded. S(i,j) is the stego image.
• Example:
We can use images to hide things if we replace the last bit of every color’s byte with a
bit from the message.
Message A-01000001

Image with 3 pixels

Pixel 1: 11111000 11001001 00000011
Pixel 2: 11111000 11001001 00000011
Pixel 3: 11111000 11001001 00000011
Example contd...
Now we hide our message in the image.
Message: 01000001

Pixel 1: 11111000 11001001 00000010

Pixel 2: 11111000 11001000 00000010
Pixel 3: 11111000 11001001 00000011

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