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Computer MCQs 3rd Semester

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Ch Asim(0304-9184620)

Bs Physics
1. UNIVAC is
A) Universal Automatic Computer
B) Universal Array Computer
C) Unique Automatic Computer
D) Unvalued Automatic Computer

2. The basic operations performed by a computer are

A) Arithmetic operation
B) Logical operation
C) Storage and relative
D) All the above

3. The two major types of computer chips are

A) External memory chip
B) Primary memory chip
C) Microprocessor chip
D) Both b and c

4. Microprocessors as switching devices are for which generation computers

A) First Generation
B) Second Generation
C) Third Generation
D) Fourth Generation

5. What is the main difference between a mainframe and a super computer?

A) Super computer is much larger than mainframe computers
B) Super computers are much smaller than mainframe computers
C) Supercomputers are focused to execute few programs as fast as possible while mainframe
uses its power to execute as many programs concurrently
D) Supercomputers are focused to execute as many programs as possible while mainframe
uses its power to execute few programs as fast as possible.

6. ASCII and EBCDIC are the popular character coding systems. What does EBCDIC
stand for?
A) Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
B) Extended Bit Code Decimal Interchange Code
C) Extended Bit Case Decimal Interchange Code
D) Extended Binary Case Decimal Interchange Code

7. The brain of any computer system is

B) Memory
D) Control unit

8. Storage capacity of magnetic disk depends on

A) tracks per inch of surface
B) bits per inch of tracks
C) disk pack in disk surface
D) All of above
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
9. The two kinds of main memory are:
A) Primary and secondary
B) Random and sequential
C) ROM and RAM
D) All of above

10. A storage area used to store data to a compensate for the difference in speed at which
the different units can handle data is
A) Memory
B) Buffer
C) Accumulator
D) Address

11. Computer is free from tiresome and boardoom. We call it

A) Accuracy
B) Reliability
C) Diligence
D) Versatility

12. Integrated Circuits (Ics) are related to which generation of computers?

A) First generation
B) Second generation
C) Third generation
D) Fourth generation

13. CD-ROM is a
A) Semiconductor memory
B) Memory register
C) Magnetic memory
D) None of above

14. A hybrid computer

A) Resembles digital computer
B) Resembles analogue computer
C) Resembles both a digital and analogue computer
D) None of the above

15. Which type of computers uses the 8-bit code called EBCDIC?
A) Minicomputers
B) Microcomputers
C) Mainframe computers
D) Super computer

16. The ALU of a computer responds to the commands coming from

A) Primary memory
B) Control section
C) External memory
D) Cache memory
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
17. Chief component of first generation computer was
A) Transistors
B) Vacuum Tubes and Valves
C) Integrated Circuits
D) None of above

18. To produce high quality graphics (hardcopy) in color, you would want to use a/n
A) RGB monitor
B) Plotter
C) Ink-jet printer
D) Laser printer

19. What are the stages in the compilation process?

A) Feasibility study, system design and testing
B) Implementation and documentation
C) Lexical Analysis, syntax analysis, and code generation
D) None of the above

20. Which of the following IC was used in third generation of computers?

D) Both a and b

These 100 MCQ questions from fundamentals of computer is distributed through Fundamentals of Computer is one of the most weighted topic on most of the
competitive computer jobs exams.

21. The main electronic component used in first generation computers was
A) Transistors
B) Vacuum Tubes and Valves
C) Integrated Circuits
D) None of above

22. A dumb terminal has

A) an embedded microprocessor
B) extensive memory
C) independent processing capability
D) a keyboard and screen

23. One millisecond is

A) 1 second
B) 10th of a seconds
C) 1000th of a seconds
D) 10000th of a seconds

24. The output quality of a printer is measured by

A) Dot per sq. inch
B) Dot per inch
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
C) Dots printed per unit time
D) All of the above

25. Which of the following was a special purpose computer?

D) All of the above

26. What was the computer invented by Attanasoff and Clifford?

A) Mark I
C) Z3
D) None of above

27. Which of the following storage devices can store maximum amount of data?
A) Floppy Disk
B) Hard Disk
C) Compact Disk
D) Magneto Optic Disk

28. Which computer was considered the first electronic computer until 1973 when court
invalidated the patent?
C) Z3

29. A physical connection between the microprocessor memory and other parts of the
microcomputer is known as
A) Path
B) Address bus
C) Route
D) All of the above

30. High density double sided floppy disks could store _____ of data
A) 1.40 MB
B) 1.44 GB
C) 1.40 GB
D) 1.44 MB

31. A high quality CAD system uses the following for printing drawing and graphs
A) Dot matrix printer
B) Digital plotter
C) Line printer
D) All of the above

32. Which of the following is not an input device?

B) Optical scanners
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
C) Voice recognition device
D) COM (Computer Output to Microfilm)

33. The accuracy of the floating-point numbers representable in two 16-bit words of a
computer is approximately
A) 16 digits
B) 6 digits
C) 9 digits
D) All of above

34. In most of the IBM PCs, the CPU, the device drivers, memory, expansion slots and
active components are mounted on a single board. What is the name of the board?
A) Motherboard
B) Daughterboard
C) Bredboard
D) Fatherboard

35. In most IBM PCs, the CPU, the device drives, memory expansion slots and active
components are mounted on a single board. What is the name of this board?
A) Motherboard
B) Breadboard
C) Daughter board
D) Grandmother board

36. Magnetic disks are the most popular medium for

A) Direct access
B) Sequential access
C) Both of above
D) None of above

37. A technique used by codes to convert an analog signal into a digital bit stream is known
A) Pulse code modulation
B) Pulse stretcher
C) Query processing
D) Queue management

38. Regarding a VDU, Which statement is more correct?

A) It is an output device
B) It is an input device
C) It is a peripheral device
D) It is hardware item

39. A modern electronic computer is a machine that is meant for

A) Doing quick mathematical calculations
B) Input, storage, manipulation and outputting of data
C) Electronic data processing
D) Performing repetitive tasks accurately
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
40. When was vacuum tube invented?
A) 1900
B) 1906
C) 1910
D) 1880

41. Which of the following produces the best quality graphics reproduction?
A) Laser printer
B) Ink jet printer
C) Plotter
D) Dot matrix printer

42. Computers with 80286 microprocessor is

A) XT computer
B) AT comptuers
C) PS/2 computer
D) None of above

43. An application suitable for sequential processing is

A) Processing of grades
B) Payroll processing
C) Both a and b
D) All of above

44. Which of the following is not processing?

A) arranging
B) manipulating
C) calculating
D) gathering

45. The digital computer was developed primarily in

B) Japan

46. Software in computer

A) Enhances the capabilities of the hardware machine
B) Increase the speed of central processing unit
C) Both of above
D) None of above

47. Today’s computer giant IBM was earlier known by different name which was changes
in 1924. What was that name?
A) Tabulator Machine Co.
B) Computing Tabulating Recording Co.
C) The Tabulator Ltd.
D) International Computer Ltd.
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
48. Before a disk drive can access any sector record, a computer program has to provide
the record’s disk address. What information does this address specify?
A) Track number
B) Sector number
C) Surface number
D) All of above

49. The arranging of data in a logical sequence is called

A) Sorting
B) Classifying
C) Reproducing
D) Summarizing

50. What is the responsibility of the logical unit in the CPU of a computer?
A) To produce result
B) To compare numbers
C) To control flow of information
D) To do math’s works

These 100 MCQ questions from fundamentals of computer is distributed through Fundamentals of Computer is one of the most weighted topic on most of the
competitive computer jobs exams.

51. Abacus was the first

A) electronic computer
B) mechanical computer
C) electronic calculator
D) mechanical calculator

52. If in a computer, 16 bits are used to specify address in a RAM, the number of addresses
will be
A) 216
B) 65,536
C) 64K
D) Any of the above

53. Instructions and memory address are represented by

A) Character code
B) Binary codes
C) Binary word
D) Parity bit

54. The terminal device that functions as a cash register, computer terminal, and OCR
reader is the:
A) Data collection terminal
B) OCR register terminal
C) Video Display terminal
D) POS terminal
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
55. A set of flip flops integrated together is called ____
A) Counter
B) Adder
C) Register
D) None of the above

56. People often call ______ as the brain of computer system

A) Control Unit
B) Arithmetic Logic Unit
C) Central Processing Unit
D) Storage Unit

57. Which is used for manufacturing chips?

A) Bus
B) Control unit
C) Semiconductors
D) A and b only

58. The value of each bead in heaven is

A) 1
B) 3
C) 5
D) 7

59. The first computer introduced in Nepal was

A) IBM 1400
B) IBM 1401
C) IBM 1402
D) IBM1402

60. Mnemonic a memory trick is used in which of the following language?

A) Machine language
B) Assembly language
C) High level language
D) None of above

61. Instruction in computer languages consists of

C) Both of above
D) None of above

62. Which generation of computer is still under development

A) Fourth Generation
B) Fifth Generation
C) Sixth Generation
D) Seventh Generation

63. A register organized to allow to move left or right operations is called a ____
A) Counter
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
B) Loader
C) Adder
D) Shift register

64. Which was the most popular first generation computer?

A) IBM 1650
B) IBM 360
C) IBM 1130
D) IBM 2700

65. Which is considered a direct entry input device?

A) Optical scanner
B) Mouse and digitizer
C) Light pen
D) All of the above

66. A set of information that defines the status of resources allocated to a process is
A) Process control
C) Register Unit
D) Process description

67. Each set of Napier’s bones consisted of ______ rods.

A) 5
B) 9
C) 11
D) 13

68. BCD is
A) Binary Coded Decimal
B) Bit Coded Decimal
C) Binary Coded Digit
D) Bit Coded Digit

69. When was the world’s first laptop computer introduced in the market and by whom?
A) Hewlett-Packard, 1980
B) Epson, 1981
C) Laplink Traveling Software Inc, 1982
D) Tandy Model-200, 1985

70. From which generation operating systems were developed?

A) First
B) Second
C) Third
D) Fourth

71. The first firm to mass-market a microcomputer as a personal computer was

Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
C) Radio Shaks
D) Data General Corporation

72. How many address lines are needed to address each machine location in a 2048 x 4
memory chip?
A) 10
B) 11
C) 8
D) 12

73. Properly arranged data is called

A) Field
B) Words
C) Information
D) File

74. A computer consists of

A) A central processing unit
B) A memory
C) Input and output unit
D) All of the above

75. Why are vacuum tubes also called valves?

A) Because they can amplify the weak signals and make them strong
B) Because they can stop or allow the flow of current
C) Both of above
D) None of above

76. John Napier invented Logarithm in

A) 1614
B) 1617
C) 1620
D) None of above

77. An integrated circuit is

A) A complicated circuit
B) An integrating device
C) Much costlier than a single transistor
D) Fabricated on a tiny silicon chip

78. What type of control pins are needed in a microprocessor to regulate traffic on the bus,
in order to prevent two devices from trying to use it at the same time?
A) Bus control
B) Interrupts
C) Bus arbitration
D) Status

79. Where as a computer mouse moves over the table surface, the trackball is
A) Stationary
B) Difficult to move
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
C) Dragged
D) Moved in small steps

80. Which of the following is used as a primary storage device?

A) Magnetic drum
B) Hard Disks
C) Floppy
D) All of above

These 100 MCQ questions from fundamentals of computer is distributed through Fundamentals of Computer is one of the most weighted topic on most of the
competitive computer jobs exams.

81. Multi user systems provided cost savings for small business because they use a single
processing unit to link several
A) Personal computers
B) Workstations
C) Dumb terminals
D) Mainframes

82. What are the three decisions making operations performed by the ALU of a computer?
A) Grater than
B) Less than
C) Equal to
D) All of the above

83. The word processing task associated with changing the appearance of a document is
A) Editing
B) Writing
C) Formatting
D) All of above

84. Nepal brought a computer for census of 2028 BS. This computer was of
A) first generation
B) second generation
C) third generation
D) fourth generation

85. Algorithm and Flow chart help us to

A) Know the memory capacity
B) Identify the base of a number system
C) Direct the output to a printer
D) Specify the problem completely and clearly

86. Which statement is valid about computer program?

A) It is understood by a computer
B) It is understood by programmer
C) It is understood user
D) Both a & b
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
87. The difference between memory and storage is that memory is _____ and storage is __
A) Temporary, permanent
B) Permanent, temporary
C) Slow, fast
D) All of above

88. When was Pascaline invented?

A) 1617
B) 1620
C) 1642
D) 1837

89. Which of the following statement is valid?

A) Lady Augusta is the first programmer
B) Ada is the daughter of Lord Byron, a famous English poet
C) ADA is a programming language developed by US Defense
D) All of above

90. A compiler is a translating program which

A) Translates instruction of a high level language into machine language
B) Translates entire source program into machine language program
C) It is not involved in program’s execution
D) All of above

91. What is required when more than one person uses a central computer at the same
A) Light pen
B) Mouse
C) Digitizer
D) Terminal

92. Which of the following is the first computer to use Stored Program Concept?
D) None of above

93. The term gigabyte refers to

A) 1024 bytes
B) 1024 kilobytes
C) 1024 megabytes
D) 1024 gigabyte

94. in which year was UK’s premier computing event called ?The which computer?
A) 1980
B) 1985
C) 1986
D) 1987
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
95. Once you load the suitable program and provide required data, computer does not need
human intervention. This feature is known as
A) Accuracy
B) Reliability
C) Versatility
D) Automatic

96. What is a brand?

A) The name of companies that made computers
B) The name of product a company gives to identify its product in market
C) A name of class to indicate all similar products from different companies
D) All of above

97. Machine language is

A) Machine dependent
B) Difficult to program
C) Error prone
D) All of above

98. A byte consists of

A) One bit
B) Four bits
C) Eight bits
D) Sixteen bits

99. Modern Computers are very reliable but they are not
A) Fast
B) Powerful
C) Infallible
D) Cheap

100. What is the date when Babbage conceived Analytical engine

A) 1642
B) 1837
C) 1880
D) 1850

1-A 2-D 3-D 4-D 5-C 6-A 7-C 8-D 9-C

11-C 12-C 13-D 14-C 15-C 16-B 17-B 18-B 19-C

21-B 22-D 23-C 24-A 25-A 26-B 27-B 28-A 29-B

31-B 32-D 33-B 34-A 35-A 36-C 37-A 38-C 39-B

41-C 42-B 43-C 44-D 45-C 46-A 47-B 48-D 49-A

51-D 52-B 53-B 54-D 55-C 56-C 57-C 58-C 59-B

Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
61-C 62-B 63-D 64-A 65-D 66-D 67-C 68-A 69-B

71-C 72-B 73-C 74-D 75-B 76-A 77-D 78-C 79-A

81-C 82-D 83-C 84-B 85-D 86-D 87-A 88-C 89-D

91-D 92-C 93-C 94-A 95-D 96-B 97-D 98-C 99-C

Positional and non Positional Number System

1. Which of the following is not a type of number system?
a) Positional
b) Non-Positional
c) Octal
d) Fractional

Answer: d
Explanation: There are two main types of number systems : Positional & Non-positional.
Positional System uses digits for the representation whereas, non-positional number systems use
certain symbols for the representation of numbers. Octal is a type of positional number systems
with base 8.

2. How is the number 5 represented in non-positional number system?

b) 5
c) V
d) v

Answer: a
Explanation: In a non-positional number system, 1 is represented as I, 2 as II, 3 as III, 4 as IIII
and therefore, 5 is represented as IIIII. This number system uses symbols for the representation
of digits.

3. The base is the total number of digits in a number system.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: The statement is true. In a positional number system, base is the number of digits
the system comprises. For example, a binary number system comprises of only 2 digits, 0 and 1,
therefore its base is 2. Similarly, the decimal system comprises 10 digits 0 to 9, therefore its base
is 10.

4. The LSB and MSB of 1243247 are ____ and ____

a) 1, 7
b) 4, 7
c) 7, 1
d) 4, 1

Answer: c
Explanation: The LSB or the least significant bit is the rightmost digit at the zeros position. The
MSB or the most significant bit is the leftmost digit.
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
5. A device that uses positional notation to represent a decimal number.
a) Abacus
b) Calculator
c) Pascaline
d) Computer

Answer: a
Explanation: Abacus was used to doing arithmetic calculations around 2500 years ago. Pascaline
was the pascal’s calculator by Blaise Pascal invented for doing laborious calculations.

6. The 2’s complement of 5 is ______________

a) 1011
b) 0101
c) 1010
d) 0011

Answer: a
Explanation: The 2’s complement is obtained by adding 1 to the 1s complement of a number. The
1’s complement of 5(0101) is 1010. For 2’s complement : 1010+1=1011.

7. What does BCD stand for?

a) Bitwise coded decimal
b) Binary coded decimal
c) Binary converted decimal
d) Bitwise Converted Decimal

Answer: b
Explanation: BCD is the binary coded decimal form of representation of numbers in 4 bits.E.g. The
BCD representation of 5 is 0101. BCD representation of 22 is 00100010.

8. 1 zettabyte = ______________
a) 1024 TB
b) 1024 EB
c) 1024 ZB
d) 1024 PB

Answer: b
Explanation: 1 ZB=1024 EB(exabyte)
1 EB=1024PB(petabyte)

1 YB(yottabyte)=1024ZB.

9. Perfrom BCD addition: 2+3= _______________

a) 0010
b) 0011
c) 0101
d) 1010

Answer: c
Explanation: BCD of 2 =0010
BCD of 3=0011
Therefore, 2+3=0101(5).

10. ASCII stands for _____________________

a) American standard code for information interchange
b) American scientific code for information interchange
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
c) American scientific code for international interchange
d) American standard code of international interchange

Answer: a
Explanation: ASCII is an encoding standard which is used for communications worldwide. ASCII
codes are allotted to digits, special characters and alphabets for data communication purpose.

Decimal Number System

1. The value of base in a decimal number system is ____________
a) 8
b) 2
c) 10
d) 16

Answer: c
Explanation: A decimal number system consists of 10 digits from 0 to 9.
The definition of base describes it as a quantity to represent the number of digits present in that
particular number system.
Therefore, here, the base is 10.
2. Convert : (110)2 = ( __ )10.
a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 9

Answer: c
Explanation: The base 2 represents that the number is binary ,whereas, the base 10 represents
that it is to be converted to the decimal format.
Conversion: 22 * 1 + 21 * 1 + 20 *0 = 6.
3. The 2’s complement of 15 is ____________
a) 0000
b) 0001
c) 0010
d) 0100

Answer: b
Explanation: 2’s complement is obtained by adding 1 to the 1’s complement of the number.
Here, Binary of 15 = 1111
1’s complement of 15= 0000
2’s complement of 15= 0000+1=0001.
4. Another name for base is __________
a) root
b) radix
c) entity
d) median

Answer: b
Explanation: Another name for base is radix. Base refers to the number of digits that a particular
number system consists of.
The base of decimal number system is 10, binary is 2 and so on.
5. The decimal equivalent of (0.101)2 will be ____________
a) 0.5
b) 0.625
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
c) 0.25
d) 0.875

Answer: b
Explanation: Since the base is 2 , it could be easily guessed that the number is binary.
Conversion: 2-1 * 1 + 2-2 * 0 + 2-3 * 1 = 0.625.
6. The signed magnitude for -3 will be ___________
a) 00000011
b) 10000011
c) 11111101
d) 11111100

Answer: b
Explanation: Signed Magnitude of a number is a representation to determine if the number is
positive or negative.
If the MSB of a number is 0, the number is positive, else if it is 1 the number is negative.
Here, +3 = 00000011
-3= 100000011.
7. A number with both integer and a fractional part has digits raised to both positive and negative
powers of 2 in a decimal number system.
a) True
b) False

Answer: b
Explanation: In a decimal number system, a number with both integer and a fractional part has
digits raised to both positive and negative powers of 10 and not 2.
e.g. 22.34 = 2 * 101 + 2 * 100 + 3 * 10-1 + 4 * 10-2.
8. The hexadecimal representation of 14 is _______________
a) A
b) F
c) D
d) E

Answer: d
Explanation: The hexadecimal representations are as follows:
10 : A
11 : B
12 : C
13 : D
14 : E
15 : F.
9. Which of the following is not a decimal number?
a) 114
b) 43.47
c) 99.9A
d) 10101

Answer: c
Explanation: All the numbers except 99.9A are decimal numbers.
This number has a hexadecimal component A in it, therefore , it is not a valid decimal number.
The decimal equivalent of A is 10.
10. Select the incorrect option:
a) (101)10 = (1100101)2
b) G is valid in hexadecimal system.
c) C represents 12
d) The base of a decimal number system is 10.
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
Answer: b
Explanation: G is not a valid hexadecimal number. In this system, only representations from A to E
are used to represent the numbers from 10 to 15. The base of the hexadecimal number system is

Binary Number System

1. Which of the following is not a positional number system?
a) Roman Number System
b) Octal Number System
c) Binary Number System
d) Hexadecimal Number System

Answer: a
Explanation: The Roman number system isn’t a positional number system since it uses symbols to
represent numbers.
The octal number system uses digits from 0-7, the binary number system uses digits from 0-1
whereas, the hexadecimal number system uses digits from 0-15.

2. The value of radix in binary number system is _____________

a) 2
b) 8
c) 10
d) 1

Answer: a
Explanation: In a binary number system, the value of base or radix is 2. The binary system uses
only two digits for the representation of numbers, therefore its base id has chosen to be 2.

3. The binary equivalent of the decimal number 10 is __________

a) 0010
b) 10
c) 1010
d) 010

Answer: c
Explanation: To get the binary equivalent of any number, we need to divide the number by 2 and
obtain the remainders as :
We then write the remainders in the reverse order as 1010 .

4. A computer language that is written in binary codes only is _____

a) machine language
b) C
c) C#
d) pascal

Answer: a
Explanation: Machine Language is written in binary codes only. It can be easily understood by the
computer and is very difficult for us to understand. A machine language, unlike other languages,
requires no translators or interpreters.

5. The octal equivalent of 1100101.001010 is ______

a) 624.12
b) 145.12
c) 154.12
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
d) 145.21

Answer: b
Explanation: The octal equivalent is obtained by grouping the numbers into three, from right to left
before decimal and from right to left after the decimal place.
i.e. 145.12 is the octal equivalent of the number.

6. The input hexadecimal representation of 1110 is _______________

a) 0111
b) E
c) 15
d) 14

Answer: b
Explanation: In hexadecimal number system, 1110 = 15, which is represented by the alphabet E.
Some representations are:
A 10
B 11
C 12
D 13
E 14
F 15.

7. A bit in a computer terminology means either 0 or 1.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: A bit stands for a binary digit. A binary digit can have only two digits i.e. 0 or 1. A
binary number consisting of n-bits is called an n-bit number.

8. Convert the binary equivalent 10101 to its decimal equivalent.

a) 21
b) 12
c) 22
d) 31

Answer: a
Explanation: To convert a binary number to its decimal equivalent follow these steps :
24 * 1 + 23 * 0 + 22 *1 + 21 * 0 + 20 * 1 = 21.
Therefore, the answer is 21.

9. Which of the following is not a binary number?

a) 1111
b) 101
c) 11E
d) 000

Answer: c
Explanation: A binary number can have only two possible digits, 0 and 1. In the third option, there
is an alphabet E present which makes it an invalid binary number. Alphabets are only allowed in
the hexadecimal number system.

10. Which of the following is the correct representation of a binary number?

a) (124)2
b) 1110
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
c) (110)2
d) (000)2

Answer: d
Explanation: The binary numbers should comprise only two digits 0 and 1.
Also, for the base, the value should be 2 and it should be written as a subscript enclosing the
entire number. Here, the fourth option gives the correct representation.

Octal Number System

1. What could be the maximum value of a single digit in an octal number system?
a) 8
b) 7
c) 6
d) 5

Answer: b
Explanation: The maximum value in any number system is one less than the value of the base.
The base in an octal number system is 8, therefore, the maximum value of the single digit is 7. It
takes digits from 0 to 7.

2. In a number system, each position of a digit represents a specific power of the base.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: In a number system, every digit is denoted by a specific power of base. Like in an
octal system, consider the number 113, it will be represented as :
82 * 1 + 81 * 1 + 80 *3.

3. The maximum number of bits sufficient to represent an octal number in binary is _______
a) 4
b) 3
c) 7
d) 8

Answer: b
Explanation: The octal number system comprises of only 8 digits. Hence, three bits (23 = 8) are
sufficient to represent any octal number in the binary format.

4. The binary number 111 in octal format is ________________

a) 6
b) 7
c) 8
d) 5

Answer: b
Explanation: Certain binary to octal representations are :
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics

5. Convert (22)8 into its corresponding decimal number.

a) 28
b) 18
c) 81
d) 82

Answer: b
Explanation: To convert an octal number to decimal number:
81 * 2 + 80 * 2 = 16 + 2 = 18.
Hence, the decimal equivalent is 18.

6. The octal equivalent of the binary number (0010010100)2 is ______________

a) 422
b) 242
c) 224
d) 226

Answer: c
Explanation: To obtain the octal equivalent, we take numbers in groups of 3, from right to left as :
000 010 010 100

0 2 2 4 = (224)<sub>8</sub>.

7. Octal subtraction of (232)8 from (417)8 will give ______________

a) 165
b) 185
c) 815
d) 516

Answer: a
Explanation: Octal subtraction is done as follows:
– 232
The octal subtraction is the same as that of any other number system. The only difference is, like
in a decimal number system, we borrow a group of 10, in a binary system we borrow a group of 2,
in an octal number system, we borrow in groups of 8.

8. The 1’s complement of 0.101 is _________________

a) 1.010
b) 0.010
c) 0.101
d) 1.101

Answer: a
Explanation: The 1’s complement of a number is obtained by reversing the bits with value 1 to 0
and the bits with value 0 to 1.
Here, 0.101 gets converted to 1.010 in its 1’s complement format.

9. Convert (5401)8 to hexadecimal.

a) A01
b) A02
c) B01
d) C01
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Bs Physics
Answer: c
Explanation: To convert octal to hexadecimal, we first write binary format of the number and then
make groups of 4 bits from right to left, as follows:
5 4 0 1
101 100 000 001 (octal -> binary)
1011 0000 0001 ( groups of 4)
B 0 1 ( hexadecimal equivalent)
Therefore, the hexadecimal equivalent is (B01)16.


10. Express the decimal format of the signed binary number (10010)2 .
a) 2
b) 12
c) -12
d) -2

Answer: d
Explanation: The first bit is the sign bit whereas the rest of the bits are magnitude bits. So the
number is: 0010 = 21 * 1 =2
But, the sign bit is 1, Therefore the answer is : (-2)10.

Hexadecimal Number System

1. What does the symbol D represent in a hexadecimal number system?
a) 8
b) 16
c) 13
d) 14

Answer: c
Explanation: The symbols A, B, C, D, E and F represent 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15
respectively in a hexadecimal system. This system comprises of 15 numbers in total: digits
from 0-9 and symbols from A to F.

2. ABC is a valid hexadecimal number.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: In a hexadecimal number system, alphabets are used for the representation
of numbers from 10 to 15. Here, A represents 10, B represents 11 and C represents 12.
Therefore, it is a valid hexadecimal number.

3. The maximum number of bits sufficient to represent a hexadecimal number in binary:

a) 4
b) 3
c) 7
d) 8
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
Answer: a
Explanation: The hexadecimal number system comprises of only 15 symbols: 10 digits and
5 symbols. Hence, three bits (24 = 16 ) are sufficient to represent any hexadecimal
number in the binary format.

4. The binary number 1110 in hexadecimal format is _____________

a) 6
b) E
c) 14
d) 15

Answer: b
Explanation: Certain binary to hexadecimal representations are :

5. Convert (52)16 into its decimal equivalent.

a) 28
b) 83
c) 80
d) 82

Answer: d
Explanation: To convert a hexadecimal number to decimal number:
161 * 5 + 160 * 2 = 80 + 2 = 82
Hence, the decimal equivalent is 82.

6. The hexadecimal equivalent of the binary number (0010010100)2 is :

a) 0B4
b) 0A4
c) 224
d) 0114

Answer: c
Explanation: To obtain the octal equivalent, we take numbers in groups of 3, from right to
left as :

7. Hexadecimal Addition of (3A5)16 and (1B2)16 will give :

a) 165
b) 185
c) 815
d) 516

Answer: a
Explanation: Octal subtraction is done as follows:
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
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+ 1B2
In hexadecimal addition of alphabets, we add the corresponding numbers they represent
and then subtract the result from 16, then generate a carry of 1 to the next set of
Here, 5+2=7

8. The 2’s complement of 10.11 :

a) 10
b) 0.010
c) 01.01
d) 10.01

Answer: a
Explanation: The 1’s complement of a number is obtained by reversing the bits with value
1 to 0 and the bits with value 0 to 1. Here, 10.11 gets converted to 01.00 in its 1’s
complement format. Further, to convert 1’s complement into 2’s, we add 1 to the result.
Here, 01.00+1=10.00.

9. Convert (6532)8 to hexadecimal.

a) A01
b) A02
c) B01
d) C01

Answer: c

1) Full form of "OS" is?

1. Order of significance
2. Operating system
3. Open software
4. Optical Sensor
Collection From:
Answer = B
2) The ribbon is used in ?
1. Laser Printer
2. Plotter
3. Ink-jet printer
4. Dot Matrix printer
Collection From:
Answer = D
3) Address book contains?
1. Email address
2. Phone numbers
3. People Names
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
4. All of the above
Collection From:
Answer = D
4) Full form of "DOCOMO" ?
1. Do Connect over Mobile
2. Do Communications Over the Mobile network
3. Dongle Communication Over Mobile
4. Do Communication Or More
Collection From:
Answer =B
5) Joystick is used to ?
1. Move cursor on the screen
2. Computer games
3. Both a and b
4. None of these
Collection From:
Answer = C

6) A DNS translates a domain name into what ?

1. Binary
2. Hex
3. IP
4. URL
Collection From:
Answer = C
7) When was the first e-mail sent ?
1. 1963
2. 1969
3. 1971
4. 1974
Collection From:
Answer = C Explanation: It was sent by Ray Tomlinson
8) What type of memory is volatile ?
1. Cache
2. RAM
3. ROM
4. Hard Drive
Collection From:
Answer =B
9) Which of the below is not an iPhone 4 feature ?
1. 4G
2. Front facing camera
3. HD recording
4. Multitasking
Collection From:
Answer = A
10) Main memory is also known as ?
1. Auxiliary memory
2. Primery memory
3. Secondry memory
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
4. None of above
Collection From:
Answer = B


1) A presentation means ?
1. Display of products
2. Explaining the utility of products
3. A gift
4. Display of communication or skills
Collection From:
Answer = B
2) The term CRM means ?
1. Customer Relationship Management
2. Customer Retention Manager
3. Customer's Relative Meet
4. Channel Root Market
Collection From:
Answer = A
3) Why would a switch be used in a network in preference to a HUB ?
1. To reduce the network traffic
2. To prevent the spread of all viruses
3. To connect a computer directly to the internet
4. To manage password security at the work station
Collection From:
Answer = A
4) What should be done to successfully convert the format of an image from BMP to
1. Compress the file
2. Rename the image
3. Use the save as command
4. Change the image file extension
Collection From:
Answer =C
5) A company regularly updates a user reference guide. Some staff are confused about
which of the printed document is the most current. What feature should be included in
the reference guide to eliminate this confusion ?
1. Data printed
2. Version number
3. Authors name
4. Copyright information
Collection From:
Answer = B
6) The term associated with the processing of comparison speed is ?
2. MPG
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
4. CPS
Collection From:
Answer =C
7) The data from a spreadsheet needs to be imported into a database package. Which
file format would be the most appropriate when saving the spreadsheet file ?
1. CSV
3. PDF
4. RTF
Collection From:
Answer =A
8) For reproducing sound the CD audio player uses a ?
1. Quartz Cristal
2. Titanium Needle
3. Laser Beam
4. Barium Titanium Ceramic
Collection From:
Answer =C
9) Which of the following would indicate that the motherboard battery has failed ?
1. Operating system passwords are lost
2. Files on the hard disk are lost and corrupted
3. Hardware settings, including virtual memory reverts to default values
4. Hardware settings, including the current date and time reverts to default values
Collection From:
Answer = D
10) Which of the following is essential component of communication cycle ?
1. A message
2. An interpreter
3. An email account
4. An internet connection
Collection From:
Answer =A


1) Which country created the most used networking software in 1980's ?

1. Sun
2. IBM
3. Novell
4. Microsoft
Collection From:
Answer =C
2) In what year was the @ chosen for its use in email address ?
1. 1972
2. 1976
3. 1980
4. 1984
Collection From:
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
Answer =A
3) Which American computer company is called Big Blue ?
1. IBM
2. Compaq Corp
3. Microsoft
4. Tandy Svenson
Collection From:
Answer = A
4) Who is credited with the idea of using punch cards to control patterns in a waving
machine ?
1. Pascal
2. Hollerith
3. Babbage
4. Jacquard
Collection From:
Answer =D
5) What does SSL stands for ?
1. System socket layer
2. Secure system login
3. Secure socket layer
4. Secure system login
Collection From:
Answer =C
6) What is MAC ?
1. A computer made by Apple
2. Memory address corruption
3. Mediocre Apple Computer
4. Media Access Control
Collection From:
Answer =D
7) What does PPTP stand for ?
1. Point to Point Transmission Protocol
2. Point to Point Transfer Protocol
3. Point to Point Tunneling Protocol
4. Point to Point Traffic Protocol
Collection From:
Answer = C
8) The IBM PC-XT was the first to include a hard drive. What was the capacity of this
disk ?
1. 750 KB
2. 10 KB
3. 20 KB
4. 1.44 KB
Collection From:
Answer =B
9) In 1983, which person was the first to offer a definition of the term 'computer virus' ?
1. Smith
2. Cohen
3. Norton
4. Mcafee
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
Collection From:
Answer = B
10) DTP computer abbreviation usually means ?
1. DeskTop Publishing
2. Data Type Programming
3. Digital Transmission Protocol
4. None Of above
Collection From:
Answer = B


1) Which country created the most used networking software in 1980's ?

1. Sun
2. IBM
3. Novell
4. Microsoft
Collection From:
Answer =C
2) In what year was the @ chosen for its use in email address ?
1. 1972
2. 1976
3. 1980
4. 1984
Collection From:
Answer =A
3) Which American computer company is called Big Blue ?
1. IBM
2. Compaq Corp
3. Microsoft
4. Tandy Svenson
Collection From:
Answer = A
4) Who is credited with the idea of using punch cards to control patterns in a waving
machine ?
1. Pascal
2. Hollerith
3. Babbage
4. Jacquard
Collection From:
Answer =D
5) What does SSL stands for ?
1. System socket layer
2. Secure system login
3. Secure socket layer
4. Secure system login
Collection From:
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
Answer =C
6) What is MAC ?
1. A computer made by Apple
2. Memory address corruption
3. Mediocre Apple Computer
4. Media Access Control
Collection From:
Answer =D
7) What does PPTP stand for ?
1. Point to Point Transmission Protocol
2. Point to Point Transfer Protocol
3. Point to Point Tunneling Protocol
4. Point to Point Traffic Protocol
Collection From:
Answer = C
8) The IBM PC-XT was the first to include a hard drive. What was the capacity of this
disk ?
1. 750 KB
2. 10 KB
3. 20 KB
4. 1.44 KB
Collection From:
Answer =B
9) In 1983, which person was the first to offer a definition of the term 'computer virus' ?
1. Smith
2. Cohen
3. Norton
4. Mcafee
Collection From:
Answer = B
10) DTP computer abbreviation usually means ?
1. DeskTop Publishing
2. Data Type Programming
3. Digital Transmission Protocol
4. None Of above
Collection From:
Answer = B
In OSI network architecture, the dialogue control and token management are responsibility of
a. session layer
b. network layer
c. transport layer
d. data link layer
e. none of above

Collection on

Question 2:
In OSI network architecture, the routing is performed by
a. network layer
b. data link layer
c. transport layer
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
d. session layer
e. none of above

Collection on

Question 3:
Which of the following performs modulation and demodulation?
a. fiber optics
b. satellite
c. coaxial cable
d. modem
e. none of the above

Collection on

Question 4:
The process of converting analog signals into digital signals so they can be processed by a receiving
computer is referred to as:
a. modulation
b. demodulation
c. synchronizing
d. digitising

Collection on

Question 5:
How many OSI layers are covered in the X.25 standard?
a. Two
b. Three
c. Seven
d. Six
e. None of above

Collection on

Question 6:
Layer one of the OSI model is
a. physical layer
b. link layer
c. transport layer
d. network layer
e. none of above

Collection on

Question 7:
The x.25 standard specifies a
a. technique for start-stop data
b. technique for dial access
c. DTE/DCE interface
d. data bit rate
e. none of above

Collection on

Question 8:
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
Which of the following communication modes support two-way traffic but in only one direction at a
a. simplex
b. half duplex
c. three-quarters duplex
d. all of the above
e. none of the above

Question 9:
Which of the following might be used by a company to satisfy its growing communications needs?
a. front end processor
b. multiplexer
c. controller
d. concentrator
e. all of the above

Collection on

Question 10:
What is the number of separate protocol layers at the serial interface gateway specified by the X.25
a. 4
b. 2
c. 6
d. 3
3. none of the above

Collection on

Correct Answers:
1. a
2. a
3. d
4. d
5. b
6. a
7. c
8. b
9. e
10. d

Question 1:
The interactive transmission of data within a time sharing system may be best suited to
a. simplex lines
b. half-duplex lines
c. full duplex lines
d. biflex-lines

Question 2:
Which of the following statement is incorrect?
a. The difference between synchronous and asynchronous transmission is the clocking derived from
the data in synchronous transmission.
b. Half duplex line is a communication line in which data can move in two directions, but not at the
same time.
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
c. Teleprocessing combines telecommunications and DP techniques in online activities
d. Batch processing is the prefered processing mode for telecommunication operation.

Question 3:
Which of hte following is considered a broad band communication channel?
a. coaxial cable
b. fiber optics cable
c. microwave circuits
d. all of above

Question 4:
Which of the following is not a transmission medium?
a. telephone lines
b. coaxial cables
c. modem
d. microwave systems

Question 5:
Which of the following does not allow multiple uses or devices to share one communication line?
a. doubleplexer
b. multiplexer
c. concentrator
d. controller

Question 6:
Which of the following signal is not standard RS-232-C signal?
a. VDR
b. RTS
c. CTS
d. DSR

Question 7:
Which of the following statement is incorrect?
a. Multiplexers are designed to accept data from several I/O devices and transmit a unified stream of
data on one communication line
b. HDLC is a standard synchronous communication protocol.
c. RTS/CTS is the way the DTE indicates that it is ready to transmit data and the way the DCW
indicates that it is ready to accept data
d. RTS/CTS is the way the terminal indicates ringing

Question 8:
Which of the following is an advantage to using fiber optics data transmission?
a. resistance to data theft
b. fast data transmission rate
c. low noise level
d. all of above

Question 9:
Which of the following is required to communicate between two computers?
a. communications software
b. protocol
c. communication hardware
d. all of above including access to transmission medium

Question 10:
The transmission signal coding method of TI carrier is called
a. Bipolar
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
b. NRZ
c. Manchester
d. Binary


1. b
2. d
3. d
4. c
5. a
6. a
7. d
8. d
9. d
10. a

Question 1:
Which data communication method is used to transmit the data over a serial communication link?
a. simplex
b. half-duplex
c. full-duplex
d. b and c
e. None of above

Question 2:
What is the minimum number of wires needed to send data over a serial communication link layer?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 4
d. 6
e. none of above

Question 3:
Which of the following types of channels moves data relatively slowly?
a. wide band channel
b. voice band challen
c. narrow band channel

Question 4:
Most data communications involving telegraph lines use:
a. simplex lines
b. wideband channel
c. narrowband channel
d. dialed service

Question 5:
A communications device that combines transmissions from several I/O devices into one line is a
a. concentrator
b. modifier
c. multiplexer
d. full-duplex line

Question 6:
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
How much power (roughly) a light emitting diode can couple into an optical fiber?
a. 100 microwatts
b. 440 microwatts
c. 100 picowatts
d. 10 miliwatts

Question 7:
The synchronous modems are more costly than the asynchronous modems because
a. they produce large volume of data
b. they contain clock recovery circuits
c. they transmit the data with stop and start bits
d. they operate with a larger bandwidth
e. none of above

Question 8:
Which of the following statement is correct?
a. terminal section of a synchronous modem contains the scrambler
b. receiver section of a synchronous modem contains the scrambler
c. transmission section of a synchronous modem contains the scrambler
d. control section of a synchronous modem contains the scrambler
e. none of the above

Question 9:
In a synchronous modem, the digital-to-analog converter transmits signal to the
a. equilizer
b. modulator
c. demodulator
d. terminal
e. none of aobve

Question 10:
Which of the following communications lines is best suited to interactive processing applications?
a. narrow band channel
b. simplex lines
c. full duplex lines
d. mixed band channels


1. c
2. b
3. c
4. c
5. c
6. a
7. b
8. c
9. a
10. c

A remote batch-processing operation in which data is solely input to a central computer would require
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
a. telegraphp line
b. simplex lines
c. mixed bad channel
d. all of above

Question 2:
A band is always equivalent to
a. a byte
b. a bit
c. 100 bits
d. none of above

Question 3:
The loss in signal power as light travels down the fiber is called
a. attenuation
b. progragation
c. scattering
d. interruption

Question 4:
Avalanche photodiode receivers can detect bits of transmitted data by receiving
a. 100 photons
b. 200 photons
c. 2000 photons
d. 300 photons

Question 5:
Communiction circuits that transmit data in both directions but not at the same time are operating in
a. a simplex mode
b. a half duplex mode
c. a full duplex mode
d. an asynchronous mode

Question 6:
An example of a medium speed, switched communications service is
a. series 1000
b. data phone 50
c. DDD
d. All of the above

Question 7:
In communication satellite, multiple repeaters are known as
a. detector
b. modulator
c. stations
d. transponders

Question 8:
While transmitting odd-parity coded symbols, the number of zeros in each symbol is
a. odd
b. even
c. a and b both
d. unknown

Question 9:
Data communications monitors available on the software marked include
c. BPL
d. Telnet
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
Question 10:
An example of an analog communication method is
a. laser beam
b. microwave
c. voice grade telephone line
d. all of the above
1. b
2. d
3. a
4. b
5. b
6. c
7. d
8. d
9. a
10. d


Number of bits per symbol used in Baudot code is
a. 7
b. 5
c. 8
d. 9

Question 2:
What is the main difference between DDCMP and SDLC?
a. DDCMP does not need special hardware to final the beginning of a message
b. DDCMP has a message header
c. SDLC has a IP address
d. SDLC does not use CRC

Question 3:
An example of digital, rather than analog, communication is
a. DDD
b. DDS
d. DDT

Question 4:
Terminals are required for
a. real-time, batch processing & time-sharing
b. real time, time-sharing & distributed message processing
c. real time, distributed processing & manager inquiry
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
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d. real-time, time sharing & message switching

Question 5:
The receive equilizer reduces delay distortions using a
a. tapped delay lines
b. gearshift
c. descrambler
d. difference engine

Question 6:
Ina synchronous modem, the receive equilizer is known as
a. adaptive equilizer
b. impariment equilizer
c. statistical equilizer
d. compromise equilizer

Question 7:
The channel in the data communication model can be
a. postal mail services
b. telephone lines
c. radio lines
d. any of the above

Question 8:
A data terminal serves as an
a. Effector
b. sensor
c. both a and b
d. neither a nor b

Question 9:
Which of the following transmission systems provide the highest data rate to in individual device?
a. computer bus
b. telephone lines
c. voice and mode
d. lease lines

Question 10:
A protocol is a set of rules governing a time sequence of events that must take place
a. between peers
b. between an interface
c. between modems
d. across an interface
Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
1. b
2. a
3. b
4. d
5. a
6. a
7. d
8. c
9. a
10. a

1. The Mac Operating System is developed by:

 Microsoft
 Samsung
 Applecorrect

2. The inventor of QWERTY keyboard is:

 Carlos Glidden
 Christopher Latham Sholescorrect
 Henry Mill
 Alexander Graham Bell

3. What kind of file does usually has '.MPG' extension?

 Animation/movie filecorrect
 Notepad file
 MS Office document
 Image file

4. Computer Hard Disk was first introduced by which one of these companies?

 Dell
 IBMcorrect
 Microsoft
 HP

5. Which is a programming language among these?

Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
6. The first internet search engine was:

 Yahoo
 Altavista
 Google
 Archiecorrect

7. The computer abbreviation "OS" stands for:

 Open Software
 Optical Sensor
 Order of Significance
 Operating System

8. Linus Torvalds developed which of the following systems?

 iOS
 Linux
 Windows

9. Which one of these is not a database management software?

 Sybase
 Oracle

10. Which one of these is generally accepted as the first computer worm?

 Creepercorrect
 Rabbit
 Destruct

11. ".gif" is an extension of which type of file?

 Word
 Image
 Audio
 Video

12. A group of 8 bits is called:

 Record
 File
 Document
 Byte

13. What is the use of Firewall in a computer?

Ch Asim(0304-9184620)
Bs Physics
 For monitoring
 For security
 For authentication
 For data transmission

General Knowledge
14. Who is known as the father of internet?

 Alan Perlis
 Tom Truscott
 Vint Cerfcorrect
 Marc Andreessen

15. Which one of these created the C programming language?

 Rob Pike
 Ken Thompson
 Linus Torvalds
 Dennis Ritchi

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