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A Comparative Study and Literature Review of Image Steganography Techniques

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IJSTE - International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering | Volume 1 | Issue 10 | April 2015

ISSN (online): 2349-784X

A Comparative Study and Literature Review of

Image Steganography Techniques
M. Tech Research Scholar
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
PIET, Panipat, India

Yogita Gulati
Research Guide
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
PIET, Panipat, India

In the era of modern technology, there is a need of safe and secure communication. The art of impregnable communication
through a safe medium like images is known as steganography. The process that detects the embedded data in the medium is
called as Steganalysis. In this review paper, we have studied various methodologies proposed by the researchers in the field of
steganography. The main objective of image steganography is to hide the existence of data from unauthorized action. Image
steganography is a technique that provides a safe way to the secret embedded data to the target user. To hide the secret data in
the images various techniques are proposed by the researchers, some are complex and other produce good results. Each
methodology has good and bad points, so techniques are compared as well.
Keywords: Image steganography, steganography, stego image, cover image, Embedding, PSNR

In the field of Information technology, Steganography referred to cover writing which is derived from Greek language.
Steganography is defined by Markus Khan [1] as follows, "Steganography is the art and science of communicating in a way
which hides the existence of the communication. In contrast to Cryptography, where the enemy is allowed to detect, intercept
and modify messages without being able to violate certain security premises guaranteed by a cryptosystem, the goal of
Steganography is to hide messages inside other harmless messages in a way that does not allow any enemy to even detect that
there is a second message present". The main goal of steganography is to provide secure and robust communication. There are
two more concepts which are often mixed with steganography: Cryptography and watermarking. Cryptography is the technique
through which plain text is converted in to cipher text, but the data cannot be hidden from malicious intention even if the cipher
text is in unreadable form. "Watermarking" is the process of hiding digital information in a carrier signal; the hidden information
should, [2] but does not need to, contain a relation to the carrier signal. Digital watermarks may be used to verify the authenticity
or integrity of the carrier signal or to show the identity of its owners.

Fig. 1: Steganography system Scenarios [3]

The steganography can be done through different carriers i.e. we can classify steganography in to four types:
A. Text Steganography:
In this technique of steganography, the secret data is embedded in text form by altering certain properties of the text document.
This technique is not widely used.
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A Comparative Study and Literature Review of Image Steganography Techniques

(IJSTE/ Volume 1 / Issue 10 / 047)

B. Image Steganography:
In this technique of steganography, the secret data is embedded in the image. This is achieved by adjusting the pixels values.
C. Audio Steganography:
In this technique of steganography, the secret data is embedded in the audio form.
Various audio formats which can be used to create a stego image are MPEG, AVI, etc
D. Protocol Steganography:
In this technique of steganography, communication protocol control elements are used to hide the secret data. This domain is
referred to as the network steganography.


Image Steganography is a technique through which we can embed the secret message in the image by adjusting the pixels
intensities. Various terms that are used in Image Steganography are:
1) Cover Image: An image which is a carrier of secret information.
2) Stego Image: When the secret message is embedded in to the cover image, the resulting image is called as the stego
3) Message: The original data which is to be hidden
4) Stego key: To embed and retrieve the original data through embedding and retrieving algorithm respectively, the stego
key is required.

Fig. 2: Image Steganography Technique

A. Image Steganography Concepts:

1) Image Definition:
An image is a collection of numbers that constitute different light intensities in different areas of the image. [10] This numeric
representation forms a grid and the individual points are referred to as pixels. The pixels in an image are displayed horizontally
row by row. The number of bits in a color scheme, called the bit depth, refers to the number of bits used for each pixel.
2) Image Compression:
In images, there are two types of compression: lossless and lossy compression.
In lossless compression, every single bit of data is recovered when the image is decompressed; GIF (Graphic Interchange File) is
one of the formats that provide lossless compression. In lossy compression, the extra information related to the original image
especially the redundant information is removed permanently from the original file. JPEG image file provides lossy compression.

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A Comparative Study and Literature Review of Image Steganography Techniques

(IJSTE/ Volume 1 / Issue 10 / 047)

B. Evaluation Criteria for Steganography Techniques:

1) Invisibility:
The invisibility of steganography algorithm is the first requirement, since the strength of steganography lies in its ability to
unnoticed by the human eye [4].
2) Payload Capacity:
Steganography aims at hiding information so, it requires large payload capacity.
3) Robustness:
When the steganography algorithms are applied then sometimes, they add a signature when embedding information; this can be
easily detected through various statistical methods. There may be some cases where the image is cropped or its pixel values are
altered before it reaches to the target destination, so the steganography algorithms should be robust against such malicious
4) Independent of the File Format:
Only one format is used for secure communication even though there are different formats available on the internet, hence the
steganography algorithms should be robust even that it should be able to embed the message in any kind of formats available on
the internet.
5) Unsuspicious Files:
This requirement includes all characteristics of a steganography algorithm that may result in images that are not used normally
and may cause suspicion.[4] Abnormal file size, for example, is one property of an image that can result in further investigation
of the image by a warden.
6) PSNR:
High is the PSNR , High is the secure communication because high PSNR refers to the fact that the difference between the stego
image and cover image is less.


In [5], author has proposed an image steganography technique that is based on Integer Wavelet Transform (IWT). In the
proposed technique the cover is 256x256 color image, two grey scale image of size 128x128 as secret message. Single level IWT
of secret message is obtained; the resultant matrix consists of LL, LH, HL, HH bands. The LL sub bands hide the secret message.
The authors showed through the experiments that two secret images can be hidden in one color image. The average PSNR values
obtained are much better than other methods.
In [6], author has proposed a block complexity analysis for transform domain image steganography. Author has proposed an
algorithm that is based on wavelet transform and bit plane complexity segmentation. The wavelet transform presentation of the
cover is used to hide the secret message whereas the bit plane complexity segmentation is used as a measure of noisiness. The
wavelet representation of an image is segmented in to 8x8 blocks and the capacity of each block is determined using BPCS.
Author has also described various parameters which are associated with embedded image like PSNR, SSIM (Structural
Similarity). The bit plane complexity images are obtained in embedding and extraction methods, which shows the improvement
in the image quality.
In [7], author has proposed a data hiding scheme using image steganography and compression. Author has proposed a
technique which processes the secret data first, and then this processed data is embedded in the LSBs of the cover image. 8 bit
secret data is encoded as fixed length 12- bit code, in the compression process input characters are gathered in sequence along
with it the dictionary is created that has single character strings corresponding to all possible input characters. So the capacity of
all the cover images to embed the secret data increases by applying the proposed technique.
In [8], author has proposed a robust steganography algorithm which is based on DCT, Arnold Transform and chaotic system.
In embedding process , the cover image is transformed using DCT , to further increase the security data is scrambled using
Arnold transform , then the spreading is performed using chaotic sequences. The author has provided the concept of three keys,
one for scrambling and two for generating chaotic sequences. In extraction process, inverse Arnold transform and inverse DCT is
used. The experiment takes a host image which is first divided in to 4096 blocks of size 8x8, the cover image are 512x512 gray
scale Lena, girl and Tank image . The logo is scrambled using Arnold transform. So the use of Arnold sequence increases the
security level and algorithm is robust against the JPEG compression, addition of noise, low pass filtering and cropping operation
as compared to other techniques. Thus the security is enhanced.

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A Comparative Study and Literature Review of Image Steganography Techniques

(IJSTE/ Volume 1 / Issue 10 / 047)

In [9], author has used various techniques like LSB, layout management schemes, only 0s and 1s are replaced from lower
nibble from the byte and are considered for hiding secret message in an image. Author has also proposed various methods of data
hiding based on the random bits of random pixels like replacing Intermediate bit, raster scan principle, random Scan principle,
Color based data hiding, shape based data hiding. So, the techniques are analysed and it showed that the parameters responsible
for noise in a cover image due to the hidden data depends on amount of data to hide , size of cover image, frequency of pixels
available in an image, physical location of pixels.


Table -1:
Comparison of Image Steganography Techniques

Image Steganography
Integer wavelength


Wavelet transform


LSB , LZW(Limpel-ZivWelch , modified Kekre



DCT, Arnold transform

and chaotic sequences


Spatial domain



Conceal Multiple Secret Images And Keys In A Color

Cover Image
By Retaining The Integrity Of Wavelength Coefficients
At High Capacity Embedding , Best Secret Embedded
Image Is Produced That Is Indistinguishable From A
Human Eye
LZW Pre-Processes The Data (Lossless Data
Technique), Compression Technique Is Also Used To
Increases The Efficiency . The Data Hiding Capacity Is
Calculated In Bytes.
Concept Of Three Keys, One For Scrambling Through
Arnold Transform And Two Keys For Generating
Chaotic Sequences, Along With The Concept Of DCT
And IDCT For Extraction Process.
Testing Is Done In The Presence Of JPEG Compression
, Low Pass Filtering ,Gaussian Noise Attack And
Cropping Operation

Best Of PSNR Value Are Obtained And The

Technique Is Simple To Implement

Analysis Of Image Steganography Tools Is Performed

And Parameters Of Image Are Considered Like
Physical Location Of The Pixel, Intensity Value.

Bit Plain Complexity Produces The Best

Quality Images
High PSNR Value And Low MSE ( Mean
Square Error) Value Results In To Good
Quality Image

Technique Is Very Secure, Provides

Multilayer Security And Is Robust.
Low Distortion Is Induced In The Cover
Noise Related Parameters Are Obtained Like
Size Of Cover Image, Physical Location Of
Pixel, Etc. These Parameters Can Produce
More Robust And Secure Systems.

In this paper, different image steganography techniques and their comparison were discussed, so that one can find the best
technique for hiding the data. In literature review section, various proposed techniques are discussed. By analysing all the
techniques , we have found that the combination of DCT, Arnold transform and chaotic sequence can produce a secure system
and is more robust technique, hence can enhance the performance .

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