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Long Quiz Math 7 3rd Q

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San Martin National High School

Mathematics 7

Name: ____________________________ Year and Section: _____________ Score: ________

Teacher: __________________________

I. MULTIPLE CHOICES: Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the correct answer and encircle the letter of your chosen answer..

1. Which statement is true?

a. the square of binomial is also a binomial.
b. the product of the sum and difference of binomial is also a binomial.
c. the product of binomial and trinomial is binomial.
d. the terms of the cube of binomial is also a positive.

2. If (x + 2) (x – 6) = x2 + kx – 12, what is the value of k?

a. 8 c. -4
b. 4 d. -8

3. Find the product of (x + 5) (x – 7).

a. x2 + 12x + 35 c. x2 - 12x – 35
b. x2 + 2x – 35 d. x2 - 2x – 35

4. Multiply : ( x – 8 )2
a. x2 + 16x + 64 c. x2 + 16x - 64
b. x2 - 16x + 64 d. x2 - 16x – 64

5. Expand : ( 3a2 + 4c) 2

a. 9a4b2 – 24a2bc + 16c2 c. 9a4b2 + 24a2bc - 16c2
b. 9a4b2 – 24a2bc - 16c d. 9a4b2 + 24a2bc + 16c2

6. Simplify (a + b) (a – b)
a. a2 – b 2 c. a2 + 2b + b2
b. a2 + b2 d. a2 + 2b - b2

7. Expand : (a + 2)3
a. a3 – 6a2 + 12a + 8 c. a3 + 6a2 - 12a - 8
b. a3 + 6a2 + 12a + 8d. a3 + 6a2 + 12a – 8

8. Find the product of 4x2y3 (5xy2).

a. -20x3y5 c. 20x3y5
b. 20x2y3 d. 20x3y2

9. Expand : ( 2x – y) (4x2 + 2xy + y2)

a. 8x3 – y3 c. 8x2 + y3
b. 8x2 – y2 d.8x3 + y3

10. Your classmate was ask to square (2x – 3). He answered 4x2 – 9. Is his answer correct?
a. Yes, because squaring of binomial always produces a binomial product.
b. Yes, because product rule is correctly applied.
c. No, because squaring of a binomial always produce a trinomial product.
d. No, because the answer must be 4x2 + 9.

11.What is a diameter?

a)the line that goes all the way around the circle

b)a line that is half of the line that divides the circle in hal

c)90 degrees

d)A line that divides a circle in half

12.What is a radius?

a)The line that goes around the circle

b)one eternal round

c)half of the diameter

d)the area on the inside of the circle

13.What is the circumference?

a)The line that goes around the outside of the circle

b)the area on the inside of the circle

c)the line that divides the circle in half

d)it is the same as the diameter

14. Find the value of 26

a) 12

b) 24
c) 32

d) 64

15. (x+3)(x-8) =

a) x2-11x-24




16. (m3n2)(mn3)


b) m4n6



17. (4x-3)(2x-5)



c) 8x2-14x-15


18. What is the product of 2a ²(7a² +3ab – 4) ?

a. 14a⁴ + 6a³b +8a² b. 14a⁴- 6a³b + 8a² c. 14a⁴+6a³b-8a² d. 14a⁴+6ab³-8a² 19. Find the product of (6x-5) and (4x+3).

a. 24x²+2x-15 b. 24x²-2x-15 c. 24x²-2x+15 d. 24x²+2x+15

20. It is an algebraic expression such that each term is either a constant, a variable, or a product of constant and variables with natural number

a. Constant b. term c. algebra d. polynomial

21. Which of the following is the correct condition for similar terms.

a. The terms have the same numerical coefficients.

b. The terms has the same sign.

c. The terms has the same exponents.

d. The tyerms has the same literal coefficients.

22. Which of the following is a monomial ?

a. 5x b. 5x+y c. 5+xy d. 5xy+1

23. Which of the following terms is similar to 7xy /

a. -7x b. 7y c. -2xy d. 7x²y

24. What is the opposite of a-b ?

a. a+b b. –a+b c. –a-b d. b-a

25. Simplify ( 2x-6 )²

a. 4x² +12x -36 b. 4x² -24x +36 c. 4x² + 24x -36 d. 4x² -24x -36

26. Add the following polynomilas, ( 3ea-2b+5c) + (7a-3c) + -2b+7c)

a. 10a+4b+9c b. 10a-4b-9c c. 10a-4b+9c d. 10a+4b-9c

27. Simplify 6x⁴/ 2x⁵.

a. 3x b. x/3 c. 3/x d. 3x⁹

28. Divide (14x-49) by 7.

a. 2x+7 b. 2x-7 c. -2x+7 d. -2x-7

29. Find the product of (4x-5) (4x+5)

a. 16x-25 b. 16x²-25 c. 16x²-16x-25 d. 16x²-40x-25

30. What is the GCF of 24 and 100 ?

a. 10 b. 8 c. 6 d. 4
31. Simplify (-2x³)⁵

a. -64x⁸ b. -64x¹⁵ c. -64x⁸ d. 64x¹⁵

32. Find (2²a³b²c²)²

a. 32a⁴b⁴c⁴ b. 16a⁵b⁴c⁴ c. 16a⁵b⁶c⁶ d. 16a⁶b⁴c⁴

33. Find (a+3) ³

a. a³+6a²+27a+27 b. a³+9a²+27a+27 c. a³+9a²+18a+27 d. a³+9a²+27a-27

34. Find the sum of (3x³-14x²+16x+14) + (14x²-3x³+16x-6)

a. 32x + 20 b. 32x + 8 c. 17x³-17x²+32x+8 d. 17x³+17x²+32x+18

35. Find the difference of (-16a³+24a²+7) – (32a³+6a+2)

a. -48a³+24a²-6a-2 b. 16a³+24a²-6a-2 c. -48a³-24a²-6a-2 d. 16a³-24a²+6a-12

36. Give the product of (2x+3) (4x-6)

a. 8x²-18 b. 8x²-24x-18 c. 8x²+18 d. 8x²+24x-18

37. What polynomial must be added to 5x²-4x+7 to obtain 2x²+3x+2 ?

a. -3x-7x-5 b. -3x+7x+7 c. -3x²+7x-5 d. 3x²+7x-5

38. It is the difference of the squares of the monomials.

a. products of the sum and difference of two terms c. cube of binomials

b. product of two binomials d. square of binomials

39. It is a trinomial that is equal to the square of the first term of the binomial plus/minus twice

The product of the terms of the binomial plus the square of the second term of the binomial.

a. Products of the sum and difference of two terms c. cube of binomials

b. Product of two binomials d. square of binomials

40. What is the equivalent algebraic expression of “ The product of the sum and the square of the difference of

Two numbers x and y “?

a. (x+y) (x-y)² b. (x+y)²(x-y) c. {(x+y)(x-y)}² d. (x+y)²(x-y)²

41. Translate “ The trinomial whose terms are the square of x, the square of y, and twice the product of x and y”.

a. x²+y²+xy b. x²+xy+y² c. (x+y+xy)² d. (x+y)²xy

42. Which of the following is the product of the sum and difference of two squares?

a. x² + 4x + 4 b. x² - 4x +4 c. x² + 4 d. x² - 4x

43. What is the product when you square x + 5 ?

a. x² + 25 b. x² - 25 c. x² - 10x + 25 d. x² + 10x + 25

44. What is the product of (3x+3) and (3x-3) ?

a. 9x²-6x-9 b. 9x²-9 c. 9x²+6x-9 d. 6x²-6

45. What is the measure of a side of a square whose area is x²+2x+1 ?

a. x+1 b. x+2 c. x-1 d. x-2

46. Simplify {(x²y²)³}⁰

a. 1 b. x⁶y⁶ c. x⁵y⁵ d. xy

47. What is the operation to be use to find the exponent of x⁶(x³ )?

a. divide b. multiply c. subtract d. add

48. Simplify x⁶ (x³)

a. x² b. x¹⁸ c. x³ d. x⁹

49. Simplify (3x²y³)²

a. 9x⁴y⁶ b. 9x⁴y⁵ c. 6x⁴y⁶ d. 6x⁴y⁵

50. What is the product of (x+3) (x+5) ?

a. x² + 8x + 15 b. x² + 2x +15 c. x² + 8x – 15 d. x² - 85 + 15

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