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Understanding The Community Dynamics

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Understanding the

Community Dynamics
 having a clear perception of your personality, including strengths,
weaknesses, thoughts, beliefs, motivation, and emotions. The more
you know about yourself, the better you are at adapting life changes
that suit your needs.

 It is the first step in creating what you want and mastering your life.
Where you focus your attention, your emotions, reactions,
personality and behavior determine where you go in life.
Importance of Self-Awareness

Increases your social abilities

Promotes versality and open mindedness
Promotes productivity
Improves leadership skills
Promotes overall objectivity
How to Develop Self-Awareness

1. Know your strengths and weaknesses

2. Ask for feedback and listen
3. Develop intuitive decision making skills
4. Know your emotion triggers
5. Set boundaries
6. Practice self discipline
7. Keep an open mind
8. Try new experience
9. Motivate yourself
 An activity or practice of doing volunteer work in community
service for the benefit of other people without expecting in return.

 Concern for the welfare of other people, expressed through acts of

generosity and kindness.
Importance of Volunteering

 Helps to eliminate poverty

 Improve basic health and education
 Tackle environmental issues
 Reduce the risk of disasters or to combat social exclusion
and violent conflict
Benefits of Volunteering

 It connects you to others

 Good for your mind and body
 Can advance your career
 Brings fun and fulfillment to your life
 Helps you develop new skills
Community Builder
and Leader
Community is a group sharing a common understanding and often the same
languages, manners, traditions, laws, having certain attitudes and interests and
Leadership is based on both, characteristics/traits and behavior
Some Example Leader traits are: Resilience, Energy, Self-Confidence,
Decisiveness, Personal Integrity and honesty, Enthusiasm, Persistence and
Community Builder
And Leader Do:
 They operate a relationship or connection between people or
things. Ex.Operations, Marketing, Business development
 They are at once creative, analytical, strategic and emphathetic,
listeners and communicators constantly working to identify
opportunities and create unique, valuable connections between
group of people..
Community Needs and Assessments
 seek to gather accurate information representative of the needs of a community.
 Assessments are performed prior to taking action and are used to determine current
situations and identify issues for action.
 Needs assessments establish the essential foundation for vital planning. It is an
extension of the strategic planning process.
 Strategic planning confirms, transforms or develops a new mission and vision;
characterizes the nature of the business; furnishes a sense of direction for the
organization; identifies the goals necessary to achieve the mission; develops specific
plans to carry out each goal; and identifies essential resources such as people,
property, time, money, and technology to attain the goals.
 After the goals and the required resources have been determined, the needs
assessment process becomes fairly straightforward. A needs assessment will:

1. Identify the essential resources are already available within the organization.
2. Identify the essential resources to be acquired.
3. Determine how to use, deve resources.
Community Organizing
 The process of building power through involving a constituency in identifying problems
they share and the solutions to those problems that they desire; identifying the people
and structures that can make those solutions possible; enlisting those targets in the
effort through negotiation and using confrontation and pressure when needed; and
building an institution that is democratically controlled by that constituency that can
develop the capacity to take on further problems and that embodies the will and the
power of that constituency.
Ten Rules of Community Organizing
1. Nobody's going to come to the meeting unless they've got a reason to come to the
2. Nobody's going to come to a meeting unless they know about it.
3. If an organization doesn't grow, it will die.
4. Anyone can be a leader.
5. The most important victory is the group itself.
6. Sometimes winning is losing.
7. Sometimes winning is winning.
8. If you're not fighting for what you want, you don't want enough.
9. Celebrate!
10.Have fun!
Social Analysis
 The practice of systematically examining a social problem, issue or trend, often
with the aim of prompting changes in the situation being analyzed.
 Social analysis frequently involves issues of equality and social justice
 CRM analytics can also help organizations create strategies and policies that are
sensitive to particular social issues and likely to be perceived by the community
as having a positive social impact.
Importance of Social Analysis

 to engage in social analysis when trying to understand or examine a social

problem. Social analysis is a process that deeply examine the society and can
help reform their community in a positive manner.
How to do Social
Analysis in the Community
1. talk to the people in the community
2. know the issues, problems of the community
3. get their views/insights especially the burning issues
4. ask their perspectives in the development
5. share your thoughts
6. execute the plan
Community Identification
 process facilitates the collection of public health risk-related behaviors and
values that are prevalent in particular communities or populations and the
development of education and intervention programs that positively affect
those behaviors and values.
The Secrets of Successful Communities
 Inventory community assets and build on them.
 Use education and incentives, not just regulation
 Pick and choose among development projects.
 Cooperate with neighbors for mutual benefit.
 Pay attention to community aesthetics.
 Have strong leaders and committed citizens.
 Positive communities are groups that inspire their members in ways that promote a sense of
self-discovery and group connection, encouraging members to express their beliefs and
values, as well as build relationships with others
True Community
 living for the highest good of all, a commitment to helping each other demonstrate
unconditional love for one another, and supporting the constant growth and improvement
of ourselves, each other, and our global environment.
Feasibility Study
 show good project planning, a technical and financial assessment
of whether a project is viable and practical and achieveable.
Studies need to state whether the project is likely to achieve its
intended benefits and outcomes, and provide results that will last
a long time.
 The feasibility study needs to include:
1. the size and scale of the project
2. a discussion of the current situation and what's needed
3. options to deal with existing problems
4. comments on risks and benefits of each option
5. comments on the best option or options
6. an outline for the planned approach
7. an assessment of the group's ability to deliver the project and the
results over time.
Project Implementation
 the phase where visions and plans become reality. This is the logical conclusion, after
evaluating, deciding, visioning, planning, applying for funds and finding the financial resources
of a project. It is important to take into account that independently of the nature of the
project, implementation takes time, usually more than it is planned, and that many external
constraints can appear, which should be considered when initiating the implementation step
(ex. seasonality in availability of community)
 Overall management has to be taken over by the lead partner and project manager, who is
often engaged by the lead partner. The project management has to have an efficient
management system and always has to be flexible to current needs and changed situations,
as the project is rarely implemented exactly according to the initial plan. Nevertheless, the
partnership should aim to deliver quality results and outputs. Quality means meeting
expectations described in the application and those agreed within the partnership.
5 Best Successful Project Implementation

Start with a clear project scope

Put everything on a timeline
Prepare to keep planning
Implement while keeping an eye on the metrics
Keeping an eye on the quality
 Each project should find the most appropriate activities in order to reach their communication
and project objectives. The following points should be considered part of project
1. Regular information flow
2. Feedback systems
3. Regular evaluation
4. Make use of the programme resources
5. Long-term arrangements
6. Prepare for closure

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