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04 Esophageal Tumors

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DR (Can). Dr. H. YUSMAIDI, SpB – KBD
Devisi Bedah Digestif
Dept Bedah RS. Abdul Moeloek
Universitas Lampung
Eso tumors:
 Malignant > common than benign.
 Unfortunately, eso cancer discovered late & overall 5 y ear
prognosis is bad < 10.
 Even for potentally resectable ca eso, 5 y survival is < 30%
Benign Neoplasms
 The most common is a gastrointestinal stromal tumour
(GIST, another name for leimymoma),usually
asymptomatic but may cause bleeding or dysphagia
 Uncommon, include fibrovascular polyps,
leiomyomas, papillomas, lipomas,
neurofibromas, granular cell tumors.
 When large, can cause dysphagia or chest pain
from obstruction or stretch.
 Usually discovered incidentally.

 Most common benign tumor of esophagus & small bowel

but not common in the colon
 Usually asymptomatic
 May produce dysphagia or hematemesis if large.
 Typically occurs in young males
 Found most often in distal third of esophagus.
 Usually solitary, but may be multiple (3%).
 Imaging findings:
 Smooth, sharply-marginated mass.
 Well-defined, intramural (wall) mass &may narrow the
 May have coarse calcifications (only calcifying
esophageal tumor)
 Rarely ulcerates

 Barium swallow.
 Endoscopy: smooth submucosal lesion.
Ca esophagus.

 Almost all are adenocarcinoma or squamous cancers.

 Small-cell cancer is a rare third type.
 In West relatively rare (4 cases /100 000), in Iran, Iraq
Africa , China,common (200/100 000).
 Can arise in any part of the oesophagus from the post-
cricoid region to the cardia.
 Almost all tumours above the lower third of the
oesophagus are squamous cancers.
Adeno ca.

 Arises in the lower third of the oesophagus from

Barrett's oesophagus or from the cardia of the stomach.
 The incidence is increasing & now 5:100 000 in UK;
possibly because of the high prevalence of GERD/

 men than women 3-4:1.

 Relatively common in Kurdistan.
 Should be considered in any case presenting with
SCC:Risk factors.

 Alcohol.
 Tobacco smoking.
 SCC of the head & neck.
 Lye or post-caustic strictures
 Achalasia.
 Papilloma virus infection.
 Plummer-Vinson syndrome
 Tylosis (familial hyperkeratosis of palms & soles) .
 Celiac disease.
 Radiation exposure.
 Post-cricoid web

 The most common is progressive dysphagia over a

several-month period until only liquids can be taken.
 The obstruction does not occur until the cancer is far
 The dysphagia may be accompanied by a steady,
boring pain, which often signals mediastinal
involvement & inoperability.

 Unexplained persistent chest pain should always be

investigated by a careful double-contrast Barium or
 More advanced; halitosis(bau mulut) & weight loss.
 Coughing after drinking fluid may be caused either by
nearly complete esophageal lumen obstruction, with
overspill into the larynx, or by the development of a
tracheoesophageal fistula.
 Hematemesis & Hoarseness from involvement of the
recurrent laryngeal nerve by tumor are unusual

 Weight loss.
 Nail bed clubbing can be seen with both benign &
malignant tumors.
 Vricho’s node in left supracalvicular region.
 Early diagnosis affords the only chance for cure.

 The investigation of choice is upper GI endoscopy with

cytology & biopsy.
 A barium swallow demonstrates the site& length of the
stricture but adds little useful information.
 Once a diagnosis has been achieved, investigations are
performed to stage the tumour& define operability.
 Thoracic & abdominal CT are carried out to identify
metastatic spread & local invasion.
 Invasion of the aorta&other local structures may preclude
 Unfortunately, CT tends to understage tumours &the most
sensitive modality is EUS to define the TNM stage.

 Dysphagia needs immediately double-contrast Barium.

 Any irregularity, esp if it narrows the lumen, mandates
further evaluation.
 A bolus of barium-soaked bread may discover any
possible sites of arrest.
 In the presence of suspicious symptoms & normal
barium swallow results, endoscopy with biopsy &
brushing of any suspicious lesion is indicated.
 The endoscopist should always obtain a good
retroflexed view of the cardia from below, to make
certain that an adenocarcinoma in GEJ has not been

 If narrowing detected by barium swallow, endoscopy

with biopsy & cytologic brushings of the involved area
is required.
 Biopsy of visible tissue may reveal only inflammation;
so as many as 6-9 deep biopsy specimens should be
DIAGNOSIS: staging.

 Evaluation for local tumor spread, mediastinal nodal

& liver metastases is essential for staging before a therapeutic
decision is reached by:
 Physical examination for lymphadenopathy
 Tests of liver enzymes
 Chest radiography.
 CT scan.
 For upper & mid-esophageal tumors, bronchoscopy is indicated to evaluate
for asymptomatic invasion of the tracheobronchial tree.
 Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is useful to detect the level of invasion &
presence of mediastinal lymph node abnormalities & is becoming the favored
test to determine if a lesion is resectable.
The tumour (T) has extended through oeso wall (stage T3).
A small peri-tumoral lymph node (LN) is also seen.

 Choice of therapy depends on:

 Location
 Size
 Presence or absence of spread.
 Cell type.

 Surgical resection of SCC & adenocarcinoma of the lower

1/3 is preferred unless widespread metastases present.
 Surgery offers the benefit of rapidly restoring
esophagogastric continuity.
 Only 1/4 have a resectable tumor; of these, 10 - 20% do not
survive the operative period.
 5-year survival is only 5 - 20%, even with extensive
 Long-term survival cannot be predicted in the individual
case by the operative findings.
 There is growing enthusiasm for palliative resection with
restoration of GI continuity with stomach or colon.

 Radiation therapy +/- surgery or chemotherapy has

been a mainstay for SCC, but adenocarcinomas are
relatively radioinsensitive.
 Radiotherapy has little hospital mortality, but some
short-term & long-term morbidity.
 Patients treated with definitive radiation therapy (50 to
80 Gy) alone have a 1-year survival of 18-40% & a 5-
year survival of 6-14% dependent on the initial stage.

 Chemotherapy with cisplatin-containing combinations

has demonstrated objective tumor response.
 Multimodality treatment with radiation +
chemotherapy with cisplatin - fluorouracil is superior
to radiation therapy alone.
 When obvious extraesophageal spread is present,
palliation may be achieved with bougienage dilation+/-
Endoscopic metalic stenting to restore & maintain an
adequate esophageal lumen.
 If performed with a guide wire under fluoroscopic
guidance, is not hazardous in skilled hands.

 If dilation does not offer lasting relief, then a Silastic

tube or metal stent can be placed perorally to relieve
esophageal obstruction&greatly beneficial in treating
malignant tracheoesophageal fistula.
 Destruction of intraluminal tumor & restoration of an
adequate lumen may be performed by endoscopic laser
therapy, intraluminal heat-coagulating probe, or
photodynamic therapy.

 Despite modern treatment, the overall 5-year survival

of oesophageal cancer is 6-9%.
 Survival following oesophageal resection depends on
 Tumours which have extended beyond the wall,have
lymph node involvement (T3, N1) are associated with a
5-year survival of around 10% after surgery.
 Without LNs, Overall survival following 'potentially
curative' surgery (all macroscopic tumour removed) is
about 30% at 5 years& can be improved by
neoadjuvant (pre-operative) chemotherapy with agents
as cisplatin/ 5-fluorouracil.

 Although SCC are radiosensitive, radiotherapy alone is

associated with a 5-year survival of only 5%.
 70% have extensive disease at presentation; in these,
treatment is palliative & based upon relief of dysphagia
 Endoscopically directed tumour ablation using laser
therapy or insertion of stents is the major method of
improving swallowing.
 Palliative radiotherapy may induce shrinkage of both
SCC/ adenocarcinomas but symptomatic response may
be slow.
 Quality of life can be improved by nutritional support
/appropriate analgesia.
 A rapid rise in adenocarcinoma, particularly in white
men, has made their current cancer rates about equal.
 Unlike SCC, arise in the distal esophagus because of
the presence of Barrett’s eso, a complication of GERD.
 Lymphatic spread is common.
 Adenocarcinomas are radio insensitive; although
chemoradiation &surgery may improve survival, the 5-
year survival < 10% almost equal to SCC.
 Palliation is the same as for inoperable SCC.
 Barrett’s esophagus, a specialized intestinal-type
metaplasia in the tubular esophagus
Barret’s :

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