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Unit Iii: Health Trends, Issues and Concerns (Global Level) : Group 1

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Activity 1: What If…?
Predict the Global Effects if
the 8 Millennium Development
Goals where achieved or not
achieved. Copy the table and write
your predictions in the columns.
Millennium What if this goal What if this goal is not
Development Goals achieved? achieved??
1) Eradicate Extreme • Malnutrition decreases • Case of malnutrition
poverty and hunger • Risk of death and mortality will
decreases increase.
• Economic status of the • Economic status of the
country will improve. country will
continuously goes down.
2) Achieve Universal • Literacy rate of the • Many children will no
Primary Education country will increase. longer competent.
• Students will become • Country will not
more competent. become globally
• Unemployment rate will competitive
decrease. • Graduates can not
recognize abroad.
Millennium What if this goal What if this goal is
Development Goals achieved? not achieved??

3) Promote Gender • Case of • Women will become

Equality and Empower discrimination will under command by
Women decrease. man.
• Fair opportunities for • Discrimination will
man and woman. continuously occur.
4) Reduce Child • Increase population • Decrease population
Mortality • Increase man power • Country will
of the country continuously recruit
man power to other
Millennium What if this goal What if this goal is
Development Goals achieved? not achieved??

5) Improve Maternal • Risk of death for both • Increase of Risk of

Health mother and baby will death for both mother
decrease. and baby.
• Ensure good health
for the baby and for
the delivery of the
6) Combat HIV/Malaria • Decrease case of • Increase risk of death
and other diseases Malaria/HIV and cause by those
other communicable diseases.
Millennium What if this goal What if this goal is not
Development Goals achieved? achieved??

7) Ensure Environmental • Ensure good health • Climate change will be

Sustainability • We will be free from worse (stronger
pollution(cleaner and typhoon, flood,
better environment) hurricane, etc.)
• People will suffer from
diseases cause by
8) A Global partnership • More opportunities to the • Poverty will rapidly grow
for Development people (unemployment rate • Less opportunities and
will decrease). unemployed people will
• Improve economic status increased
of the country. • Economic status of the
country goes down
Activity 2:
Do you think the Philippines
will be able to achieve these 8
goals? List which goals are highly
achievable and not achievable
goals. Explain why these goals are
achievable and not achievable.
 Goal 2 (Achieve Universal primary education )-  Goal 7 (Ensure Environmental
because now our government is implementing Sustainability)- Due to the rapid
the K-12 program which helps the students to be growth of technology, still we
more competent and it improves literacy rate of can’t prevent pollution and other
the country. environmental problems.
 Goal 8 (Global partnership for development)-  Goal 1 (Eradicate Extreme
because many investors are now investing in our poverty and hunger)- Because of
country which produces works for unemployed the rapid growth of population,
people. specially those who were poor.
 Goal 5 (Improve maternal health)- Our
government now are improving our health care
 Goal 6 (Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other
diseases)- Our country now are finding different
medicine in order to prevent those diseases.
 Goal 3 (Promote Gender Equality )- our
government now are making many laws

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