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Quarter 2 - Module 4 - Abella-Trisha-Mae-D

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Quarter 2 - Module 4
What I Know
Directions: Read each sentence carefully and give more attention to the underlined
part of the sentence. Decide which one among the choices uses
quotation marks correctly. Write the letter of the correct answer in your
activity notebook.
C 1. She asked When are you going to visit me?”
A. asked, “ When B. asked “ When” C. asked, “ when D. asked,
“ when
D 2. Esquith (2007) contends that the top priorities for schools and families should be
“ teaching our children to read well and helping them develop a love of reading
A. reading B. reading. C. reading” . D. “ reading.”
D 3. Ah said the young girl, “ I think I’ m going to cry.”
A. Ah said B. “ Ah said C. “ Ah, said D. “ Ah,” said
B 4. “Please don’ t hurt your eye the boy shouted.
A. eye B. eye,” C. eye?” D. eye.”

C 5. Ziglar (2008) believes that Man was designed for accomplishment, engineered for
success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness.
A. Man B. “ Man C. man D. “ man
D 6. “I think you are a stranger,” said the man. “ What are you here for?
A. for. B. for.” C. for” ? D. for?”
C 7. Gurian (1998) observed that boys often show their fragility in different ways” .
A. that, “ boys B. that boys C. that “ boys D.
that, boys”
B 8. “ It is very possible said the man. “ Life on earth is very unpredictable.”
A. possible.” B. possible,” C. possible” , D. possible
9. True wealth, according to Tan (2009), is measured by how much we are trained
A to think”.
A. is B. “ is C. “ is, D. “ is,”

C 10. Man’ s brilliance is released when he Operates in his natural intelligence” (Bailey,
A. Operates B. “ Operates C. operates D.
“ operates

The text below is excerpted from Lucille Tañalas’ (2016) article in Health & Home
magazine. Read it and tell whether the sentence is TRUE or FALSE. Write your
answer in your activity notebook.

In Jon Gordon’ s leadership book, Soup, the main character, Nancy, sent
out a “passion memo” to her employees, saying:
Our passion and our purpose must be greater than our challenges. To
be successful, we must be willing to work harder, learn more, practice
longer, lead better, smile more, and love deeper. And this requires
passion. Passion wakes you up 30 minutes earlier. It makes you dial
your phone one more time to make one more sale. Passion transforms
workplaces, powers champions, and fuels winning teams.

11. The text uses quotation marks . TRUE

12. A colon (:) is used before the quoted lines. TRUE

13. The author cited Nancy, the main character of the book. FALSE
14. The author uses hanging indention to show the exact words of the character.
15. The first two lines are the quoted part while the remaining lines are originally
worded by the author. TRUE

Using Quotation Marks
What I Need to Know
In this lesson, you will learn to
a. use quotation marks and other punctuations; and
b. observe proper capitalization in writing direct quotes.

What I Know
Activity 1. Mark Me
Directions: Rewrite the sentences in your activity notebook by adding quotation
marks whenever needed.

1. The girl said, Someone bullied me in the class.

- The girl said, “Someone bullied me in the class!”
2. So what did you do? I asked her.
- “So, what did you do?” I asked her.
3. I reported the bully to my adviser, she answered.
- “I reported the bully to my adviser”, she answered.
4. I asked her, What happened after that?
- I asked her, “What happened after that?”
5. He stopped bullying me, she said. Now, we are friends.
- “He stopped bullying me”, she said. “Now we’re friends.”

What’ s In
Activity 2. Find the Phrase
Directions: In the previous module, you have learned that your argumentative essay
will be more convincing if you use enough evidence to support your
claim. One type of support that you can use is expert opinion. Can you
think of an effective way to cite an expert in developing your argument?
Unscramble the letters below to find out one technique that you can use.
Write the phrase in your activity notebook.


______________ _________________

What’ s New
Activity 3. Lovely Lines
Directions: Read the excerpt from Federigo’ s Falcon, a story by Geovanni
Boccaccio. Identify the direct quotations. Copy the lines in your activity

Her brothers told her, “ Silly girl, don’ t talk such nonsense! How can you marry
a man who is very poor?”
- Her brothers told her, “Silly girl, don’t talk such nonsense! How can you marry
a man who is very poor?”
“ My brothers,” she replied, “ I know that. But I would rather have a gentleman
without riches, than riches without a gentleman.”
- “My brothers”, she replied, “I know that. But I would rather have a
gentleman without riches, than riches without a gentleman.”

What Is It

When you use quotation marks, you let readers know the exact statement that
you lifted from a source. They are also used for some titles. Here are some rules on
the use of quotation marks.

You must use quotation marks to begin and end the direct quotations and to
set off titles.

INCORRECT: The narrator in Crow Call had never gone hunting.

Zig Ziglar, America’ s greatest motivational writer, said, The
poorest of all men is the one without a dream.
CORRECT: The narrator in “ Crow Call” had never gone hunting.
Zig Ziglar, America’ s greatest motivational writer, said, “ The
poorest of all men is the one without a dream.”
In a dialog, you need to capitalize the first letter of the first word of a direct quotation.

INCORRECT: The waitress, who questioned whether they really wanted three
pieces of pie, said, “ you mean two?”
CORRECT: The waitress, who questioned whether they really wanted three
piece of pie, said, “ You mean two?”
USAGE TIP: In using quoted words from written source which are not
complete sentences, you can begin with a small letter.
EXAMPLE: Mark Twain said that cauliflower was “ nothing but cabbage with
a college education.”

End Punctuation. Place periods inside quotation marks. If exclamation points and
question marks belong to the direct quotation, you need to place them inside the
quotation marks. If they are not part of the quotation, place them outside the quotation
marks. Place semicolons outside quotation marks.
INCORRECT: I said to my brother, “ I would have been nervous too” !
“ Are you saying you’ re not brave” ? he said.
I responded, “ Not really;” I added that I had enjoyed “ Crow
CORRECT: I said to my brother, “ I would have been nervous too!”
“ Are you saying you’ re not brave?” he said.
I responded, “ Not really” ; I added that I enjoyed “ Crow Call” .

If the quotation is a complete sentence and is followed by some descriptive words,

you need to use a comma at the end of the quotation.
EXAMPLE: “ Have a good day,” I said to the waitress as we left.

Divided Quotations. If a quotation starts a new sentence, the first letter of the first
words needs to be in capital letters.
INCORRECT: “ I know,” he said. “ are you scared?”
CORRECT: “ I know,” he said. “ Are you scared?”

USAGE TIP. If a capital letter would not be used, then do not use one in the divided
Do not capitalize the first word of the second part of a divided quotation if it does not
begin a new sentence.
EXAMPLE: “ Okay,” my father said, “ you can do the crow call now.”

What’ s More
Activity 4. Punctuate and Capitalize
Directions: Rewrite these sentences by using correct punctuations and observing
proper capitalization. Do this in your activity notebook.

1. The man said I will be here tomorrow

The man said, “I will be here tomorrow.”

2. He asked me who else are coming

He asked me, “Who else are coming?”

3. The reporter asked the senator what is your idea on the closure of ABS-CBN
The reporter asked the senator, “what is your idea on the closure of

4. Is man dependent to nature he asks himself.

“Is man dependent to nature?” he asks himself.
5. I heard her whisper my mother will tour around the country

I heard her whisper, “my mother will tour around the country.”

What I Have Learned

Activity 5. Complete Me.
Directions: When and how do we use quotation marks? Complete the sentence with
your answer. Write your answer in your activity notebook.

Quotation marks are used to let readers know the exact statement that is
lifted from a source. They are also used for some titles.

What I Can Do

Activity 6. All-time Favorite Quote

Directions: In a paragraph explain your favorite quotation. Don’ t forget to mention
the author in your explanation and use quotation marks and other
appropriate punctuations. Write your paragraph in your activity
notebook. Be guided by this rubric for scoring:
Proper use of quotation marks & other punctuations – 5 points
Depth of discussion – 5 points


Activity 7. Rewrite, Rewrite

Directions: Rewrite the sentences by observing proper punctuations (quotation
marks and comma) and capitalization. You will earn three points per
correct item. Write your answer in your activity notebook.
1. She asked me do you know me?
She asked me, “Do you know me?”

2. And with hesitation, I replied who are you?

And with hesitation, I replied, “Who are you?”

3. Where are you I asked.

“Where are you?” I asked.

4. And she added may I make a request?

And she added, “May I make a request?”

5. I’ d rather stay here with you she said.


“I’d rather stay here with you”, she said.

Additional Activities

Activity 8. From a Piece of Fiction

Directions: The passage below is an excerpt from “The Joy of Openness” by Lucile
Tañalas. Rewrite the text by adding quotation marks to set off the
dialogs of the characters. Do this in your activity notebook.

You have an LBC package from Palawan, the father told his daughter.
She kept quiet in an attempt to silence her father’ s unsaid questions.
Who’ s it from? The father broke the silence.
From a friend.
A boy or a girl?
A boy. Just a friend.
May I have it? The daughter finally said.
It’ s with your mom.
Oh, no!
To her mom’ s questions, the daughter’ s answers were short and
general. It’ s nothing, the daughter finally said. Just friendly exchanges.

“You have an LBC package from Palawan,” the father told his
She kept quiet in an attempt to silence her father’s unsaid
“Who’s it from?” The father broke the silence.
“From a friend.”
“A boy or a girl?”
“A boy”. Just a friend.
“May I have it?” The daughter finally said.
“It’s with your mom.”
“Oh, no!”
To her mom’s questions, the daughter’s answers were short and
general. “It’s nothing,” the daughter finally said, “just friendly

Using Direct Quotations in
2 Academic Texts

What I Need to Know

In this lesson, you will learn to use quotation marks or hanging indentions for
direct quotes in academic texts. Specifically, you are expected to:
a. use quotation marks in direct quotations;
b. use indentions for longer quotations; and
c. use in-text citations for quotations in academic texts.

What I Know

Activity 1. True or False?

Directions. Study the text in the box and tell whether the sentence is TRUE or
FALSE. Write your answer in your activity notebook.

The family plays an indispensable role in ensuring that the child gets
quality character education. Education begins at home where the parents
are the teachers guiding the child every step of his growing years. White
(2016) wrote:
The educational influences of the home are a deciding power for good or
for evil. They are in many respects silent and gradual, but if exerted on the
right side, they become a far-reaching power for truth and righteousness
(White, 2016: 16).

1. The author cited White as the source of information. TRUE

2. The first three lines are White’s original words. TRUE
3. Quotation marks are used to set off the quoted lines. FALSE
4. The passage is an example of an academic text. TRUE
5. (White, 2016: 16) refers to the source cited, the date of publication, and the page
number where the quoted lines are lifted from. TRUE

What’ s In

Activity 2. Punctuate It

Directions: Rewrite each sentence by adding quotation marks and comma

whenever needed in the sentences below. Do this in your activity
1. The man said I think I need some rest.
The man said, “I think I need some rest.”

2. I asked him Where do you want to take some rest?

I asked him, “Where do you want to take some rest?”

3. I can rest anywhere he said.

“I can rest anywhere,” he said.

4. You can use the room on the left side I told him.
“You can use the room on the left side,” I told him.

5. He replied Thank you very much.

He replied, “Thank you very much.”

What’s New
Activity 3. Academic Quote
Directions: The text below is an excerpt from an academic writing. Find out how the
author presents information from another source. Answer the questions
that follow in your activity notebook.
Requillo (2019, p.21) found out that “teachers become prone to over-
indebtedness because they are the only major, if not the only, income-earners
in the family; they live in very close family ties; and they have weak budgeting
skills and easy access to formal and informal credit.”
1. Copy the quoted information from the source.
“Teachers become prone to over-indebtedness because they are the only
major, if not the only, income-earners in the family; they live in very close
family ties; and they have weak budgeting skills and easy access to formal
and informal credit.”

2. What source is cited in the text?

Requillo (2019, p.21)

3. What punctuation mark is used to set off the exact definition lifted from the original
Qoutation mark

4. What does (2019, p.21) refer to in the first sentence?

Teachers become prone to over-indebtedness because they are the only
major, if not the only, income-earners in the family

What Is It

In writing academic texts, the use of direct quotation is sometimes needed to

report verbatim the exact meaning that the source intends to convey.
Here are some rules to follow.
 Put quotation marks at the beginning and end of the quotation.
Example: Allen (2019) defined freedom “ as the ability to do what is right.”
 Provide some introductory phrases before the quotation or put it in appropriate
Example: Emphasizing the necessity of financial literacy, renowned financial
guru Robert Kiyosaki (2012) said that “ money without financial intelligence is
soon gone.”
 Copy the quotations verbatim, meaning exactly as they are originally written.
 For longer quotations like four or more lines, use block formatting by indenting
a few spaces from the left. There is no need to use need quotation marks.
An essential element in developing a winning attitude is expectancy in
any endeavour. Ziglar (2008) wrote:
… your personal expectancy has a direct bearing on your
performance. Plan to win, expect to win, believe you will win, and
you will be a winner” (p.168).
 Aside from using quotation marks, provide the source through in-text citation if
you copy phrases or clauses.
Example: “Perceptions about money determines how you use money”
(Tan, 2009, p.39)
 You need to include the page number where the direct quotation is originally
lifted aside from the author’ s surname and publication in the in-text citation.
For example, “ perceptions about money determines how you use ,money”
(Tan, 2009, p.39)

What’ s More

Activity 4. Quote and Cite

Directions: In academic writing, the use of in-text citation is necessary when using
direct quotation. In your activity notebook, copy each sentence below.
Circle the in-text citation (author, year, and page) and underline the
quoted line in the passages. Do this in your activity notebook.

1. Bailey (2008, p. 193) states that man “ is like a diamond, and each of us has
the potential to be brilliant” .
2. Tan (2009) underscores the importance of the quality of man’s thought in
achieving financial goals by saying that mind set determines your financial life”.
3. Because most adults do not understand developments among male
adolescents, they “ are unable to give our adolescent males the kind of love
they need to become fully responsible, loving, and wise men. This
circumstance is not improving over the decades, and in many ways is growing
worse” (Gurian, 2008).
4. Ferrer (2018) concluded that “ debt is still a significant challenge in the financial
well-being of the public school teachers in the Philippines.”
5. One of the jobs of a language teacher is “ to get excellent films in front of the
students – and to inspire them to watch, listen, and write about them”
(Esquith, 2007).

What I Have Learned

Activity 5. Remember the Rule

Directions: Complete the sentence to state the important points to remember in
using direct quotes in academic writing. Do this in your activity
In using direct quotations in academic writing, it is important to report
verbatim the exact meaning that the source intends to convey.

What I Can Do
Activity 6. Quotable Quotes
Directions: Look for a quotation from a known personality on any of these topics:
love, family, friend, happiness, peace, etc. Write a paragraph expressing
your own thoughts. Improve your paragraph by quoting an author. You
can use quotation marks and/or hanging indention. Choose only one
topic. Write your paragraph in your activity notebook. Be guided by this
rubric for scoring:
Proper use of quotation marks – 5 points
Proper use of hanging indention – 5 points
Depth of discussion – 5 points


Activity 7. Quest for Quality Quotes

Directions: Read each sentence carefully and give more attention to the underlined
part of the sentence. Decide which one among the choices uses
quotation marks appropriately for the sentence. Write the letter of the
correct answer in your activity notebook.

A 1. Guingguing (2016) believes that time is an important element that defines not
only relationship but health” .
A. element B. “ element C. “ element, D. “ element,”
B 2. Parents who do not give spiritual instructions at home “ fail to fulfil the
responsibility laid upon them, to give their children an all-around education
(White, 2016).
A. education B. education. C. education” D.
“ education.”
A 3. Because inflation lowers the purchasing power of savings, Fausto (2016)
believes that it is risky to keep your retirement money only in your savings and
time deposits.”
A. risky B. risky” C. “ risky” D. “ risky
A 4. Fausto (2016) also commented that developing the habit of saving is
fundamental and essential in having a high FQ and a happy financial journey.”
A. is fundamental B. is, fundamental
C. is “ fundamental D. is, “ fundamental
B 5. Tañalas (2016) pointed out the connection between happiness or positive mood
and improved immunity, longevity, and overall health.”
A. the, “ connection B. the connection
C. the “ connection D. the, connection”
Directions: Below is an excerpt from a research report. Rewrite it using quotation
marks for a shorter quotation and hanging indention for the longer one.
Be sure to include proper in-text citation.

The teachers become prone to over-indebtedness because they are the only
major, if not the only, income-earners in the family; they live in very close
family ties; and they have weak budgeting skills and easy access to formal
and informal credit.

Because of financial problems and over-indebtedness, the participants

experienced stress, conflict in the family, absenteeism from work, delay in
professional growth and a considerable incidences of foregoing personal
needs. They view borrowing as a means to solve their problems. They also

perceive the need for salary increase and for financial education to help them
get out of the vicious cycle of debts.

Source: Requillo (2019, p. 22)

Write your answer in your activity notebook.

“The teachers become prone to over-indebtedness because they

are the only major, if not the only, income-earners in the family; they live in
very close family ties; and they have weak budgeting skills and easy access
to formal and informal credit.”

“Because of financial problems and over-indebtedness, the participants

experienced stress, conflict in the family, absenteeism from work,
delay in professional growth and a considerable incidences of
foregoing personal needs. They view borrowing as a means to solve
their problems. They also perceive the need for salary increase and
for financial education to help them get out of the vicious cycle of

Additional Activities

Activity 8. Using Hanging Indention

Directions: Study the text in the box and tell whether the sentence is TRUE or
FALSE. Write your answer in your activity notebook.
Most people tend to value entertainment over education, as Tan (2009)
I can’ t believe people pay up to Php15,000 for front row seats to a UAAP
Ateneo-La Salle game! Why is it so strange that some people are willing
to cough up thousands of pesos for a concert ticket or a basketball game
but are not willing to invest in a learning event? Poor people entertain
themselves more than they educate themselves. (p. 121)

1. Tan refers to the source cited by the author . TRUE

2. The text uses quotation marks in quoting an author. FALSE
3. (2009) refers to the page number where the quote was lifted. FALSE

4. A colon was used (:) before the direct quotation. TRUE

Directions: Read each sentence and determine if the underlined part is correct or
wrong. If it is correct, choose the same expression from the choices. If it is wrong,
choose the correct one. Write the letter of your answer in your activity notebook.
A 1. She asked “ When are you going to visit me?”
A. asked, “ When B. asked “ When” C. asked, “ when D. asked,
“ when
D 2. Esquith (2007) contends that the top priorities for schools and families should be
“ teaching our children to read well and helping them develop a love of reading
A. reading B. reading. C. reading” . D. “ reading.”
D 3. “ Ah said the the young girl, “ I think I’ m going to cry.”
A. Ah said B. “ Ah said C. “ Ah, said D. “ Ah,” said
B 4. “Please don’ t hurt your eye,” the boy shouted.
A. eye B. eye,” C. eye?” D. eye.”
B 5. Ziglar (2008) believes that “ Man was designed for accomplishment, engineered
for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness.
A. Man B. “ Man C. man D. “ man
C 6. “I think you are a stranger,” said the man, “ What are you here for” ?
A. for. B. for.” C. for” ? D. for?”
C 7. Gurian (1998) observed that “ boys often show their fragility in different ways” .
A. that, “ boys B. that boys C. that “ boys D.
that, boys”
B 8. “ It is very possible.” said the man. “ Life on earth is very unpredictable.”
A. possible.” B. possible,” C. possible” , D. possible
9. True wealth, according to Tan (2009), “is measured by how much we are trained
B to think”.
A. is B. “ is C. “ is, D. “ is,”
10. Man’ s brilliance is released when he “ Operates in his natural intelligence”
C (Bailey, 2008).
A. Operates B. “ Operates C. operates D.
“ operates
The text below is excerpted from Lucille Tañalas’ (2016) article in Health & Home
magazine. Read it and tell whether the sentence is TRUE or FALSE.
In Jon Gordon’ s leadership book, Soup, the main character, Nancy, sent
out a “passion memo” to her employees, saying:
Our passion and our purpose must be greater than our challenges. To
be successful, we must be willing to work harder, learn more, practice
longer, lead better, smile more, and love deeper. And this requires
passion. Passion wakes you up 30 minutes earlier. It makes you dial
your phone one more time to make one more sale. Passion transforms
workplaces, powers champions, and fuels winning teams.
11. The author cited Nancy, the main character of the book. FALSE

12. The author uses hanging indention to show the exact words of the character.
13. The text uses quotation marks . TRUE
14. The first two lines are the quoted part while the remaining lines are originally
worded by the author. FALSE
15. A colon (:) is used before the quoted lines. TRUE

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