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Microprocessors: BY: Prof. Dileep J Dept. of TCE K.S.I.T

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Dept. of TCE
• AD0-AD7:The address/ data bus lines are the
multiplexed address data bus and contain the right
most eight bit of memory address or data. The
address and data bits are separated by using ALE

• AD8-AD15:The address/data bus lines compose the

upper multiplexed address/data bus. This lines
contain address bit or data bus . The address and
data bits are separated by using ALE signal.
• A19/S6,A18/S 5,A17/S4,A16/S3:These are time multiplexed
address and status lines.
• During T1, these are the most significant address lines for
memory operations. During I/O operations, these lines are low.
• During Memory/IO operations, status information is available on
those lines for T2, T3, Tw and T4.
* The address bits are separated from the status bits using the ALE
* The status bit S6 is always a logic 0, bit S5 indicates the condition
of the interrupt flag bit.
*The S4 & S3 indicate which segment register is presently being
used for memory access.
1 0 CODE
1 1 DATA
BHE’/S7: used to indicate the transfer of data over the higher order
(D15-D8) data lines. The state of S7 is always a logic 1.
RD’ – read : when it is low, indicates the peripherals that the
processor is performing a memory or I/O read operation .
(active for T2, T3,Tw)
Ready – when it is 1: Normal operation. When it is 0: Idle mode
INTR – Interrupt Request: level triggered : this is sampled during
last clock cycle of each instruction to determine the
availability of the request.
TEST’ – when it is low, execution will continue. When it is high,
MP goes to idle state.
NMI – Non Maskable interrupt : edge triggered:
Minimum mode operation of 8086
• In this mode, all the control signals are given out by the
microprocessor chip itself. There is a single microprocessor in
the minimum mode system.
• Remaining components in the system are latches, transreceivers,
clock generator, memory and I/O devices.
• Some type of chip selection logic may be required for selecting
memory or I/O devices, depending upon the address map of the
• The clock generator generates the clock from the crystal
• In the minimum mode, the 8086 is operated by strapping the
MN/MX pin to Vcc.
• The read cycle begins in T1 with the assertion of address latch
enable (ALE) signal and also M / IO signal.
• During the negative going edge of this signal, the valid address
is latched on the local bus.
• The BHE and A0 signals address low, high or both bytes. From
T1 to T4 , the M/IO signal indicates a memory or I/O operation.
• At T2, the address is removed from the local bus and is sent to
the output. The bus is then tristated. The read (RD) control
signal is also activated in T2.
• The read (RD) signal causes the address device to enable its
data bus drivers. After RD goes low, the valid data is available
on the data bus.
• A write cycle also begins with the assertion of ALE and the
emission of the address.
• The M/IO signal is again asserted to indicate a memory or I/O
• In T2, after sending the address in T1, the processor sends the
data to be written to the addressed location.
• The data remains on the bus until middle of T4 state. The WR
becomes active at the beginning of T2 (unlike RD is somewhat
delayed in T2 to provide time for floating).
• The BHE and A0 signals are used to select the proper byte or
bytes of memory or I/O word to be read or write.
Maximum mode operation of 8086
• In the maximum mode, the 8086 is operated by strapping the
MN/MX pin to ground.
• In this mode, the processor derives the status signal S2, S1,S0.
Another chip called bus controller derives the control signal using
this status information .
• In this mode, there may be more than one microprocessor in the
system configuration.
• The components in the system are same as in the minimum mode
• The basic function of the bus controller chip IC8288, is to derive
control signals like RD and WR ( for memory and I/O devices),
DEN, DT/R, ALE etc. using the information by the processor on the
status lines.
• The bus controller chip has input lines S2, S1, S0 and CLK.
• These inputs to 8288 are driven by CPU.
• It derives the outputs ALE, DEN, DT/R, MRDC, MWTC, AMWC,
• ALE is asserted in T1, just like minimum mode. The only
difference lies in the status signal used and the available control
and advanced command signals.
• S0, S1, S2 are set at the beginning of bus cycle.8288 bus controller
will output a pulse as on the ALE and apply a required signal to
its DT / R pin during T1.
• In T2, 8288 will set DEN=1 thus enabling transceivers, and for an
input it will activate MRDC or IORC. These signals are activated
until T4. For an output, the AMWC or AIOWC is activated from
T2 to T4 and MWTC or IOWC is activated from T3 to T4.
• The status bit S0 to S2 remains active until T3 and become passive
during T3 and T4. If reader input is not activated before T3, wait
state will be inserted between T3 and T4.

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