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Empirical Tools of Public Finance Lecture 1

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Empirical Tools in Public Finance

Empirical Tools of Public Finance

The Important Distinction between Correlation and

Measuring Causation with Data We’d Like to Have:
Randomized Trials
Estimating Causation with Data We Actually Get:
Observational Data
Empirical Tools of Public Finance

Empirical Tools in Public Finance

This chapter focuses on empirical public finance.
• Empirical public finance: The use of data and statistical
methods to measure the impact of government policy
on individuals and markets.
• Distinguishing between correlations and causal
relationship is the key task in empirical public finance.
• Correlated: Two economic variables are correlated if
they move together.
• Causal: Two economic variables are causally related if
the movement of one causes movement of the other.
The Important Distinction Between Correlation

Empirical Tools in Public Finance

and Causality

• There are many examples where causation and

correlation can get confused.
• In statistics, this is called the identification problem:
Given that two series are correlated, how do you
identify whether one series is causing another?
The Problem

Empirical Tools in Public Finance

• Whenever we see a correlation between A and B,
there are three possible explanations:
1. A is causing B.
2. B is causing A.
3. Some third factor is causing both.
• The general problem that empirical economists face in
trying to distinguish among these three explanations.
Correlation alone does not imply causation.
Example Identification Problem: SAT Prep Courses

Empirical Tools in Public Finance

Among Harvard students who took an SAT prep course,
SAT scores were 63 points lower than among those who
• Do prep courses reduce scores (i.e., A causes B)?
• Do low scores cause people to enroll in prep courses?
• Does some third factor cause both low scores and
Randomized Trials as a Solution

Empirical Tools in Public Finance

Randomized trials solve the identification problem.
• Randomized trial: The ideal type of experiment
designed to test causality, whereby a group of
individuals is randomly divided into a treatment group,
which receives the treatment of interest, and a control
group, which does not.
• Treatment group: The set of individuals who are
subject to an intervention being studied.
• Control group: The set of individuals comparable to
the treatment group who are not subject to the
intervention being studied.
Randomized Trials as a Solution

Empirical Tools in Public Finance

Why do randomized trials solve the problem?
• Random assignment rules out reverse causation.
• Random assignment means the treatment and control
group differ only by treatment. This rules out any third
factors causing both treatment and effects.
• Any difference between treatment and control group
must be due to treatment.
• Randomized trials therefore considered the “gold
standard” for determining causality.
The Problem of Bias

Empirical Tools in Public Finance

The identification problem is a problem of bias.
• Bias: Any source of difference between treatment and
control groups that is correlated with the treatment
but is not due to the treatment.
• Randomization eliminates bias, which is why it is the
gold standard.
Measuring Causation with Data We’d Like to Have:

Empirical Tools in Public Finance

Randomized Trials

Randomized trials are useful in medicine and public

• ERT: Randomized trials showed that Estrogen
replacement therapy raised the risk of heart disease.
These trials lead to reduced use of ERT.
• TANF: Randomized trials showed that changing welfare
programs can encourage employment among
Why We Need to Go Beyond Randomized Trials

Empirical Tools in Public Finance

Even the gold standard of randomized trials have some
potential problems.
• The results are only valid for the sample of individuals
who volunteer to be either treatments or controls—
not the population as a whole.
• They can suffer from attrition.
o Attrition: Reduction in the size of samples over
time, which, if not random, can lead to bias
Estimating Causation with Data We Actually Get:

Empirical Tools in Public Finance

Observational Data

• Typically, randomized data are not available;

researchers rely on observational data.
o Observational data: Data generated by individual
behavior observed in the real world, not in the
context of deliberately designed experiments.
• Bias is a pervasive, difficult problem in observation
• There are, however, methods available that can allow
us to approach the gold standard of randomized trials.
Time Series Analysis: Cash Welfare Guarantee and Hours
Worked Among Single Mothers

Empirical Tools in Public Finance

Time series analysis: Analysis of two series over time.
Time Series Analysis: Problems

Empirical Tools in Public Finance

One common approach is to use time series analysis.
• Time series analysis often produces striking patterns.
• Does not separate out causation from correlation.
o Different subperiods (1968–1976, 1978–1983,
1993–1998) give different impressions.
• Omitted variables may be driving the results—
especially the macroeconomy and wage-subsidy
When Is Time Series Analysis Useful? Cigarette Prices and
Youth Smoking

Empirical Tools in Public Finance

• Sharp, simultaneous changes in prices and smoking
rates in 1993 and 1998–onward
• Known causes: price war, tobacco settlements
Cross-Sectional Regression Analysis

Empirical Tools in Public Finance

An alternative to time series analysis is cross-sectional
regression analysis.
• Cross-sectional regression analysis: Statistical analysis
of the relationship between two or more variables
exhibited by many individuals at one point in time.
• Regression analysis finds the best-fitting linear
relationship between two variables.
• Regression line: The line that measures the best linear
approximation to the relationship between any two
Cross-Sectional Regression Analysis: Labor Supply and TANF

Empirical Tools in Public Finance

Example with Real-World Data: Labor Supply and TANF Benefits

Empirical Tools in Public Finance

Problems with Cross-Sectional Regression Analysis

Empirical Tools in Public Finance

• Mothers who receive the largest TANF benefits work
the fewest hours.
• There are several possible interpretations of this
o Perhaps higher TANF benefits are causing an
increase in leisure.
o Or perhaps some mothers have a high taste for
leisure and wouldn’t work much even if TANF
benefits weren’t available—and benefits are high
because they aren’t working much.
Control Variables

Empirical Tools in Public Finance

Sometimes, control variables can correct bias.
• Control variables: Variables that are included in cross-
sectional regression models to account for differences
between treatment and control groups that can lead
to bias.
• If we could measure “taste for leisure,” then we could
compare two single mothers with identical taste for
leisure, but different TANF benefits.
• In reality, probably impossible to measure “taste for
leisure” and all other relevant variables.

Empirical Tools in Public Finance

An alternative approach is to use quasi-experiments.
• Quasi-experiments: Changes in the economic
environment that create nearly identical treatment
and control groups for studying the effect of that
environmental change, allowing public finance
economists to take advantage of randomization
created by external forces.
• Policy differences across states and over time often
create quasi-experiments.
Difference-in-Difference Estimators

Empirical Tools in Public Finance

Difference-in-difference estimators are popular quasi-
experimental designs.
• Difference-in-difference estimator: The difference
between the changes in outcomes for the treatment
group that experiences an intervention and the control
group that does not.
• Example: In 1998, Arkansas cut its benefit guarantee
from $5,000 to $4,000, but Louisiana did not change
Benefits and Labor Supply in Arkansas and

Empirical Tools in Public Finance


1996 1998 Difference
Benefit guarantee ($) 5,000 4,000 −1,000
Hours worked 1,000 1,200 200
1996 1998 Difference
Benefit guarantee ($) 5,000 5,000 0
Hours worked 1,050 1,100 50
Problems with Quasi-Experiments: Bias

Empirical Tools in Public Finance

• With quasi-experimental studies, we can never be
completely certain that we have purged all bias from
the treatment–control comparison.
• Quasi-experimental studies use two approaches to try
to make the argument that they have obtained a
causal estimate.
• Intuitive approach: Argue that, given the experiment,
most of the bias has been removed.
• Statistical: Show that alternative control groups give
better results.
Problems with Quasi-Experiments: Interpretation

Empirical Tools in Public Finance

• Experiments give the reduced form impact of some
policy, do not explain why the policy works.
• Structural estimates: Estimates of the features that
drive individual decisions, such as income and
substitution effects or utility parameters.
• Reduced form estimates: Measures of the total impact
of an independent variable on a dependent variable,
without decomposing the source of that behavior
response in terms of underlying utility functions.

Empirical Tools in Public Finance

• The central issue for any policy question is establishing a
causal relationship between the policy in question and
the outcome of interest.
• How to distinguish causality from correlation, or
eliminate bias?
• Gold standard: randomized trial.
• Alternative methods: time series, cross-sectional
analysis, and quasi-experimental analysis.
• Each of alternative has weaknesses, but it is possible
to overcome the identification problem using careful
consideration of the problem at hand.

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