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GREEK Archtempleetc

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Greek Architecture

• Classical art is considered the formal and
aesthetic basis of Occidental Art.
• This art was born in Greece and
continued during the Roman
• The chronology of Greek Art is:
– Archaic period: 8th to 6th century bc
– Classical period: 5th to 4th century bc
– Hellenistic period: 4th to 2nd century bc
• Archaic period:
– It is the time of formation
– To the local basis are added other influences:
• Crete civilization
• Mycenaean civilization
• Oriental influences, above all, Egyptian
– Art evolved from abstraction to expressive
• Classical period:
– It is the peak of this art
– Every art manifestation reached its zenith
– It is the period of political, economic and cultural
expansion of the polis, mainly Athens.
– It is the period of the Democracy
– This situation lasted until the political decay of
the polis with the Peloponnesus Wars.
• Hellenistic period:
– Greek culture suffered a deep transformation
– Alexander the Great expanded Greek culture
– With culture, Art expanded too:
• The artistic forms
• Technical solutions
– Greece became the artistic reference in the
whole Mediterranean area.
Geographical space
• Even when the basic nucleus is Greece, this
civilization expanded to other regions due to:
– Greek colonization (forced by the inner
difficulties for communication –difficult relieve,
politically divided into polis)
• South of Italy and Sicily (Magna Greece)
• Easter Mediterranean coasts (Turkey, Middle
• Rest of Mediterranean coasts.
– Hellenistic expansion
Greek civilization
• Ideologically:
– Freedom and individual independence
– Isodomia: equal right among free men
• Human being is the centre of their culture:
everything is done at man’s measure
• Rich mythology and religion: gods were used to
express beauty ideal.
• Reason, observation and experience are the basis
for the reality: Philosophy and Sciences developed
Architecture: Basis
• Greek created equilibrate and proportional
• It is an architecture to be seen (temple)
– Sculptural values, volumes
– Building is conceived as an sculpture
• Beauty= proportion and measure:
– it is conceived from the human point of view
– it is anti-colossal
Architecture: Basis
• The organization of the polis did not help the
development of the palace.
• Temple is the essential building, residence of the
god, not a place for people
• Other constructions combined beauty with
practical solutions:
– Theatres
– Sanctuaries
– Gymnasiums
• Importance of urbanism: Hipodamus from Mileto
created the orthogonal planning
Building systems
• It has lintels, and it is apparently serene and
• Dominant lines are horizontal and vertical
• The column is the essential element
• Building materials limestone and white marble
• Walls are made of regular ashlars, without mortar
(stretcher and header bond= soga y tizón)
• Buildings were polychrome
• There are not fixed measures, this is why there are
different orders
• Doric:
– Columns
• Without basis
• Sharp-edged shaft
• Simple capital, without decoration
– Tablature
• Frieze divided
– Metopes
– Triglyphs
– Cornice
– Triangular pediment
• Of the three columns found in Greece, Doric columns are the simplest. They have
a capital (the top, or crown) made of a circle topped by a square. The shaft (the tall
part of the column) is plain and has 20 sides. There is no base in the Doric order.
The Doric order is very plain, but powerful-looking in its design. Doric, like most
Greek styles, works well horizontally on buildings, that's why it was so good with the
long rectangular buildings made by the Greeks. The area above the column, called
the frieze [pronounced "freeze"], had simple patterns. Above the columns are the
metopes and triglyphs. The metope [pronounced "met-o-pee"] is a plain, smooth
stone section between triglyphs. Sometimes the metopes had statues of heroes or
gods on them. The triglyphs are a pattern of 3 vertical lines between the metopes.
• There are many examples of ancient Doric buildings. Perhaps the most famous one
is the Parthenon in Athens, which is probably the most famous and most studied
building on Earth. Buildings built even now borrow some parts of the Doric order.
• Ionic:
– Columns:
• With basis
• Blunt-edged shaft
• Capital with volutes
– Tablature
• Three bands, without decoration
• Continues frieze (decorated)
– Cornice
– Triangular pediment
• Ionic shafts were taller than Doric ones. This makes the columns look slender.
They also had flutes, which are lines carved into them from top to bottom. The
shafts also had a special characteristic: entasis, which is a little bulge in the
columns make the columns look straight, even at a distance [because since you
would see the building from eye level, the shafts would appear to get narrower as
they rise, so this bulge makes up for that - so it looks straight to your eye but it
really isn't !] . The frieze is plain. The bases were large and looked like a set of
stacked rings. Ionic capitals consist of a scrolls above the shaft. The Ionic style
is a little more decorative than the Doric.
• Corinthian:
– Columns:
• With basis
• High blunt-edged shaft
• Capital decorated with acantus leaves and small volutes
– Tablature:
• Three bands without decoration
• Continuous frieze
– Cornice
– Triangular pediment
• The Corinthian order is the most decorative and is usually
the one most modern people like best. Corinthian also uses
entasis to make the shafts look straight. The Corinthian
capitals have flowers and leaves below a small scroll. The
shaft has flutes and the base is like the Ionian. Unlike the
Doric and Ionian cornices, which are at a slant, the
Corinthian roofs are flat.
Finding for idealism
• Greek aimed at creating visually perfect buildings
• To correct optical distortions they
used several resources:
– Curved tablature and stilobatus
– Columns inclined towards the inside
– Entasis: columns are wider in the
– Corner columns are wider than the
– Different distances between columns
• All these deformation corrected optical errors and
buildings seemed to be perfect.
Greek temple
• It is based on the pre-Hellenic megaron
• Structure:
– Rectangular plan
– Longitudinal axes
• Circular temples existed too: Tholos
• Internal distribution:
– One to three naves
– Pronaos : Open entrance
– Naos or cella: chapel for God’s image
– Opistodomos: room for holding the treasure of the
Greek temple
• Location: in isolated or holy places
• Ceremonies were celebrated in the outside,
in front of the porticos.
• It was built on a basis with stairs, called crepis
in order to avoid humidity. The last stair is
called stillobatus.
• The façade is the main area for developing
architectonical orders (they may appear
inside too).
Temple typology
• Depending on the disposition of the columns
in the portico:
– In antis: the pillars of the side exceed the wall
– Prostyle: columns only in one façade
– Anphiprostyle: columns in both façades
– Peripteral: columns around the building
– Dipteral: double columns around the
– Monopteral: circular
Temple typology
• Depending on the number of columns in the
portico it can be:
– Tetrastile: four columns
– Hexastile: six columns
– Octastile: eight columns
– Tholos: circular temple
The majority of the religious buildings were concentrated in the Acropolis, or fortified city
built on a mountain near the city. (This is Athens’ Acropolis)
Public architecture
• Propylaea or porch was a monumental
entrance to a temenos or holy area
• Fountain houses
• Stoa: long narrow hall with an open
colonnade that was used as exhibition room
• Agora: commercial centre of the city
• Palestra or gymnasium, the social centre for
male citizens
• Bouleterion or council chamber

•1: NE Propylon •17: Ex-voto of Achaeans

•2: Prytaneion •18: Ex-voto of Mikythos
•3: Philippeion •19: Nike of Paionios
•4: Heraion •20: Gymnasion
•5: Pelopion •21: Palaestra
•6: Nympheum of Herodes Atticus •22: Theokoleon
•7: Metroon •23: Heroon
•8: Zanes •24: Phidias' workshop and paleochristian basilica
•9: Crypt (arched way to the stadium) •25: Baths of Kladeos
•10: Stadium •26: Greek baths
•11: Echo stoa •27 and 28: Hostels
•12: Building of Ptolemy II and Arsinoe •29: Leonidaion
•13: Hestia stoa •30: South baths
•14: Hellenistic building •31: Bouleuterion
•15: Temple of Zeus •32: South stoa
•16: Altar of Zeus •33: Villa of Nero
Public buildings
• Theatre:
– It was used for meeting and dramatic performances
– It consisted of several parts:
• Skene: place for the performance, it was circular
• Orchestra: first line of seats, for the chorus
• Seats: divided in areas to made it possible the movement
• Storage rooms (behind the skene)
– There were built on a hill
– They have perfect acoustic due to their location
– There were small theatres for reading poetry, they were
called odeon.

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