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THT Rhinosinusitis

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Patofisiologi rhinosinusitis akut

Ostium is closed
Nasal congestion or
Mucosal anatomic
thickening creates obstruction blocks
further blockage air flow and

Mucus secretions
develops in the
sinus cavity

Retained mucus
secretions cause

Lack of drainage and

thick mucus create Cilia and
culture medium for epithelium are
bacterial growth in damaged
closed cavity
Murtaza Mustafa, P. Patawari, HM. Iftikhar, SC.Shimmi, SS. Hussain, MM. Sien. 2015. “Acute and Chronic Rhinosinusitis ,
Pathophysiology, and Treatment”. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science Invention ISSN (Online) || Volume 4 Issue 2 || February 2015 || PP.30-36
Virus : rhinovirus, adenovirus, influenza virus, and
parainfluenza virus

Bakteri : Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus

influenzae, Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcal
species and Moraxella catarrhalis

Fungi : aspergillus, zygomycoses,

phaeohyphomycis, Pseudallescheria,

Jack M.GwaltneyJr.MD, W.MichaelScheldMD, Merle A.SandeMD, AustinSydnorMD. The microbial etiology and antimicrobial therapy of adults with
acute community-acquired sinusitis: A fifteen-year experience at the University of Virginia and review of other selected studies. Journal of Allergy
and Clinical Immunology Volume 90, Issue 3, Part 2. [Online].
Patofisiologi rhinosinusitis kronis

• Penyebab terpenting sinusitis kronis adalah

kegagalan penanganan infeksi akut.

• Infeksi akut epitel silia rusak  drainase

terganggu  sekresi terakumulasi dan
stagnan  infeksi persistance perubahan
mukosa (hilangnya silia, edema, polip)

Dhingra, PL, dkk. 2014. Diseases of ear, nose and throat & head and
neck surgery. New Delhi: Elsevier edisi keenam: Hal.195
Dhingra, PL, dkk. 2014. Diseases of ear, nose and throat & head
and neck surgery. New Delhi: Elsevier edisi keenam: Hal.195
Pada infeksi kronis, proses perusakan dan usaha
saat penyembuhan berlangsung bersamaan.

Sinus mukosa menjadi tebal dan polipoidal

(sinusitis hipertrofik) atau mengalami atrofi
(atrofi sinusitis). Permukaan epitel bisa terjadi
deskuamasi, regenerasi atau metaplasia.

Submukosa terinfiltrasi oleh limfosit dan sel

plasma danmungkin menunjukkan mikroabses,
granulasi, fibrosis atau pembentukan polip.

Dhingra, PL, dkk. 2014. Diseases of ear, nose and throat & head and neck surgery. New Delhi: Elsevier
edisi keenam: Hal.195
Etiologi rhinosinusitis kronis

Jr File. Sinusitis: Epidemiology. In Brook I, eds. Sinusitis from microbiology to management. New York: Taylor & Francis,2006; 1-13.
Jr File. Sinusitis: Epidemiology. In Brook I, eds. Sinusitis from microbiology to management. New York: Taylor & Francis,2006; 1-13.
Jr File. Sinusitis: Epidemiology. In Brook I, eds. Sinusitis from microbiology to
management. New York: Taylor & Francis,2006; 1-13.

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