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Endodontic Topics 2003, 6, 29–56 Copyright r Blackwell Munksgaard

Printed in Denmark. All rights reserved ENDODONTIC TOPICS 2003

Persistent, recurrent, and acquired

infection of the root canal system

Apical periodontitis is an inflammatory process in the periradicular tissues caused by microorganisms in the necrotic
root canal. Accordingly, to achieve healing of apical periodontitis, the main goal of the treatment must be
elimination of the infection and prevention of re-infection. As shown by recent epidemiological studies in several
countries around the world, post-treatment endodontic disease is a far too common finding. To understand the
reasons for survival of resistant bacteria in the filled root canal, it is important to know in detail the interaction
between treatment procedures and the root canal flora in primary apical periodontitis. Therefore, in the first half of
this review, the focus is placed on control of infection in primary apical periodontitis. This is followed by a detailed
description of the resistant root canal microflora and a discussion about the present and future strategies to
eliminate even the most resistant microbes in post-treatment disease.

Introduction Apical periodontitis is an inflammatory process in the

periradicular tissues (Fig. 1) caused by microorganisms
in the necrotic root canal (4). Several studies have
Microbial etiology of primary apical
indicated that the prognosis of apical periodontitis after
endodontic treatment is poorer if living bacteria are
The main goal in endodontics is the prevention and present in the root canal at the time of filling (5–7).
treatment of diseases of the dental pulp and periapical Other studies, however, have not been able to show
tissues. This objective can be best achieved if preventive significant differences in healing between teeth filled
measures and treatment procedures are based on a after obtaining positive or negative cultures from the
thorough and detailed understanding of the etiology root canal (8), as well as between treatments performed
and pathogenesis of endodontic diseases. In pulpitis, in one or two appointments (8, 9). Nevertheless, it is
caused by a deep caries lesion, an inflammatory reaction generally accepted that healing of primary apical
in the pulp starts long before bacteria invade the pulp periodontitis depends on effective elimination of the
tissue. The inflammatory reaction is first initiated by causative agents in the root canal system (10).
bacterial antigens interacting with the local immune Once endodontic therapy has been initiated, several
system (1–3). As long as the body of the carious lesion factors may potentially contribute to breakdown of the
has not entered the pulp, the inflammatory process in periapical tissues, resulting in persistence of the disease
the pulp can be reversible, and no endodontic therapy process. These factors include complications such as
is usually required. With progressing caries, bacterial perforations, instrument fractures, and extrusion of
cells enter the superficial layers of the pulp, which, even materials used during the treatment in the periapical
though heavily inflamed, is considered to be relatively area. However, in most of these situations, a mechan-
bacteria-free as long as it remains vital. ical complication is only a secondary factor that

Haapasalo et al

to technical procedures and use of materials do not cause

more than temporary problems such as short-lasting
(aseptic) inflammatory reaction due to physical or
chemical trauma and the occasional occurrence of pain.

The invading infection: from carious dentine

to apical periodontitis
The nature of the intracanal infection after the
initiation and completion of endodontic therapy can
be explained by the microbiological, ecological, and
anatomical factors that play a key role in regulating the
various phases of the invading endodontic infection
before any treatment procedures are started. Bacteria
have several possible pathways to invade the pulp.
These include caries, enamel and dentine cracks,
fractures, exposed and patent dentine tubules in the
crown area or in the gingival/periodontal pocket,
lateral canals, leaking fillings, and a hematogenous
pathway associated with bacteremia. To promote
understanding of how root canal infection develops,
these pathways are highlighted below.

Caries: the major source of infection

Fig. 1. Apical periodontitis in right maxillary canine.
Dental caries is usually the major pathway through
which bacteria enter the pulp and root canal system.
facilitates the microbial infection by impeding or While mutants streptococci have been the main focus of
preventing effective disinfection of the root canal interest in studies of the initiation of enamel caries,
system. In addition, development of a radicular cyst dentine caries is a mixed infection arising from a wide
or cholesterol crystals may contribute to persistence of variety of facultative and anaerobic bacteria destroying
disease after endodontic treatment (11, 12). the dentine structure and advancing towards the pulp.
It has been indicated that lactobacilli or other Gram-
positive pleomorphic rods may play a special role in the
advancing front of the lesion (17). These include
Microbial etiology of post-treatment apical
genera such as (Lactobacillus), Actinomyces, Propioni-
bacterium, Bifidobacterium, Rothia, and Eubacterium
The etiology of apical periodontitis in a root-filled tooth as well as various streptococci. However, Gram-
(post-treatment disease) is generally the same as in negative anaerobic bacteria are also present in the
primary apical periodontitis: microbial infection of the carious dentine lesion (18).
root canal (13–16). However, the root-filled tooth and It is quite possible that bacteria in the front line of the
the root canal(s) have already undergone a variety of advancing caries lesion are etiologically significant in
treatment procedures, including use of mechanical the development of pulpitis. However, it is important
instruments such as burs, and files, local disinfecting to realize that the first inflammatory reaction in the
agents such as irrigants, and inter-appointment dressings pulp in response to caries takes place before whole
and root filling. Consequently, secondary factors are bacterial cells enter the pulp (19–20). Therefore, it
often highlighted when persistence of disease is analyzed. cannot be ruled out that the bacterial metabolic end
Nevertheless, as indicated earlier, without the presence of products and microbial components initiating pulpitis
a microbial infection, mechanical complications related also originate from bacteria present in the body of the

Intracanal infection

ment), access to and availability of nutrients, positive

and negative bacterial interactions, and finally, the
host’s defense system. The redox potential in the
necrotic root canal is very low – lower than in a deep
periodontal pocket – which favors the dominance of
anaerobic bacteria. In a classical series of experiments,
Fabricius et al. (23) inoculated necrotic, sterile root
canals with a mixture of eight different bacterial species
and monitored the short- and long-term changes in the
flora by sampling the canals. The eight strains were a
complete collection isolated from one root canal of a
monkey. These strains were inoculated together, in
Fig. 2. A histological section (hematoxylin eosin equal proportions, into 12 root canals. In the same
staining) of a molar with a deep dentinal caries. A study, 63 canals were inoculated with other combina-
microabscess is seen at the area corresponding to the tions of bacteria or with separate strains as pure
deepest part of the advancing caries lesion. The abscess is
cultures. At the end of the experimental period,
surrounded by infiltration of inflammatory cells and
hyperemia. However, only 1–2 mm from the abscess, Bacteroides oralis (presently Prevotella oralis) predomi-
normal pulpal anatomy can be seen. nated in most root canals inoculated with mixed
infections. However, B. oralis did not survive in the
caries lesion, not just the front line. Nonetheless, it is root canals when inoculated in a pure culture. In
mainly the Gram-positive rods in the front line that are contrast, enterococci survived also as pure cultures.
the first invaders into the pulp (17, 21). The mixed infections showed the greatest capacity of
In pulpitis, the inflammatory reaction often remains inducing apical periodontitis, as revealed by radio-
surprisingly localized even after the bacteria have graphy, and most pronounced lesions were caused by
invaded the pulp space. A localized necrotic zone is inoculation with the full eight-strain mix. In another
surrounded by a thin zone of hyperemia and accumula- study by the same group (24), the pulps of 24 root
tion of mainly polymorphonuclear cells. At a distance of canals in three monkeys were mechanically devitalized,
2–3 mm from the necrosis and bacteria, the pulp tissue, exposed to the oral flora for 1 week, and thereafter
as judged from histological sections, usually appears to sealed with a temporary filling. Microbiological sam-
be healthy (Fig. 2). Eventually, the diseased area grows pling and analysis were performed in 16 teeth (in two of
in size and the bacteria invade deeper into the root the monkeys) after 1 week of temporary closure. The
canal. Although it is not known in detail, the dynamics root canals of the infected teeth of the three monkeys
of this phase may take a few days/weeks and up to were bacteriologically analyzed 90, 180, and 1060 days
several years. From a clinical point of view, it is after inoculation. The final sampling included samples
important to know that as long as there is vital pulp from the main root canal, dentine, and the apical region
tissue, there seems to be only a limited number of at the same sampling session. The root canal samples
bacteria in the root canal space, and that the infection from the apical region showed a predominance of
has not spread into root dentine. This is the main obligately anaerobic non-sporulating bacteria, 85–98%
reason why elimination of infection is not a concern in of the bacteria being anaerobic. The most frequently
the treatment of teeth with pulpitis. Therefore, the found species were Bacteroides spp. and Gram-positive
outcome of endodontic treatment in teeth with pulpitis anaerobic rods. Facultatively anaerobic bacteria were
is excellent (22). also found. The results clearly showed that soon after
the start of the experiment, anaerobic bacteria became
dominant in the flora, and their dominance became
Infection in the main root canal and in the
only more prominent over time.
lateral canals
Analysis of several studies on the microflora of
The fate of bacteria that have entered the root canal primary apical periodontitis indicates that in closed
space is dependent on the following factors: the redox cases (without ‘macroscopic’ communication between
potential (the amount of oxygen in the local environ- the root canal and the oral cavity), the proportion of

Haapasalo et al

strictly anaerobic organisms varies between 70 and

100%, whereas in cases with carious exposure to the
root canal, the relative proportion of microaerophilic
and facultative Gram-positive bacteria is higher than in
the closed cases (23, 25, 26). The differences in the
composition of the flora can be explained by the type
and amount of nutrients and oxygen available in the
different cases. The possible sources of nutrients are the
necrotic pulp tissue, inflammatory exudate entering
through the apical foramen, lateral canals, and patent
dentinal tubules. An open caries lesion allows access to
nutrients rich in carbohydrates as well as increased
amounts of oxygen. In summary, despite certain
variations, anaerobic dominance is a typical feature of
primary apical periodontitis.
Fig. 3. Brown and Brenn staining of dentine invaded by
The nutrient composition in the necrotic root canal Enterococcus faecalis.
has not been studied in great detail. Because of the lack
of defense mechanisms in the necrotic pulp as well as
better access to nutrients than in dentinal tubules, the
majority of microorganisms in apical periodontitis counting. The total number of anaerobes detected was
reside in the main root canal system. The location 41 times greater using real-time PCR than colony
where the bacteria are found, be that in lateral canals counting.
near the apex or the furcation area, or in other parts of Already in 1964, Shovelton (29) examined histolo-
the root, has not been studied. However, lateral gically 97 extracted, previously necrotic teeth, and
periodontitis lesions often detected in radiographs found bacteria in root dentine in 63% of them. Since
indicate the presence of bacteria and bacterial products then, several in vivo and in vitro studies have
in lateral canals. demonstrated invasion of root canal bacteria into
surrounding dentine via dentinal tubules. In one of
the most recent studies, Peters et al. (27) examined two
Invasion of dentinal tubules
sets of teeth extracted for apical periodontitis in
Various methods have been used in studying bacterial Holland and in Ireland. The frequency of dentine
invasion into dentinal tubules. These include histolo- invasion by bacteria from the root canal was 77% and
gical sectioning and staining (e.g. Brown and Brenn 87%, respectively. However, the information available
staining, Fig. 3), immunohistochemistry using specific on the frequency and quantity of bacterial invasion of
antibodies and a fluorescent detection system, culture dentinal tubules is still far from complete. It seems that
studies using dentine powder obtained by burs or there are great differences in ability between different
endodontic instruments, scanning electron micro- bacterial species to penetrate from the main canal into
scopy, transmission electron microscopy, and PCR as the dentinal tubules (17, 18, 30–34). Streptococci and
well as real-time PCR. The choice of method is partly some Gram-positive rods such as Actinomyces and
dependent on the type of material available as well as Lactobacillus spp. appear to invade the dentinal tubules
the kind of information sought. Peters et al. (27) better than several Gram-negative species. In another
compared the sensitivity of culturing and histology, and study, Peters et al. (33) demonstrated the role of the
found that when the bacterial density in the infected smear layer in effectively preventing bacterial invasion
dentine was lower than 10 000 colony-forming units into the dentine. However, E. faecalis penetrated the
(cfu)/mg dentine, culturing was superior to histology; dentine even in the presence of the smear layer. E.
the latter failed to detect any bacteria below this faecalis was also shown to invade the dentinal tubules
threshold. A recent study of carious dentine by Martin better than Actinomyces israelii. The inhibition of
et al. (28) showed that real-time PCR analysis indicated bacterial invasion by the smear layer has also been
a greater microbial load than that detected by colony demonstrated by Love et al. (35).

Intracanal infection

Variation in bacterial penetration patterns within penetrating into the dentine, using strepavidin–biotin
different portions of root canals has been little studied. labeling. Fusobacterium nucleatum, Eubacterium alac-
In an in vitro study with Streptococcus gordonii, Love tolyticum, E. nodatum, Lactobacillus casei, and Peptos-
(36) showed that in the coronal and middle portions of treptococcus micros were the most frequently detected
the root canals bacterial invasion into tubules was species. It is noteworthy that F. nucleatum is a Gram-
similarly effective and much greater than in the apical negative anaerobic rod, and all others were Gram-
portion of the canals. Obviously, in a clinical situation positive anaerobic rods and cocci (34).
in vivo, composition of the flora, patency of the Although the dominance of Gram-positive bacteria in
dentinal tubules, and availability of nutrients, in dentine samples seems quite convincing, there are
particular, may play a major role in regulating or reports also showing a strong invasion of dentinal
stimulating bacterial invasion of the dentine in various tubules by Gram-negative anaerobic bacteria (34).
parts of the root canal. Both in vitro studies (33, 37) Martin et al. (28) studied bacteria found in the carious
and in vivo observations (38) have clearly shown that dentine of 65 teeth extracted from patients with
removal of root surface cementum by mechanical advanced caries and pulpitis. Analysis of cultured
means or by surface resorption, such as typically bacteria showed a predominance of lactobacilli and
seen histologically in the apical area of teeth with other Gram-positive microorganisms. Gram-negative
apical periodontitis, greatly facilitates invasion of bacteria were also present in significant numbers, with
bacteria into dentinal tubules. Stanley et al. (39) Prevotella spp. being the most numerous anaerobic
reported that dentinal sclerosis in the root was not group cultured. With real-time PCR analysis of the
related to external stimuli such as caries, but rather powdered dentine, the relative proportion of Gram-
related to increasing age. Dentinal sclerosis extended negative anaerobes was somewhat higher than when
with age from the apical towards the cervical area. culturing was used. Prevotella spp., Fusobacterium spp.,
This could mean that among older people bacterial Porphyromonas gingivalis, and P. endodontalis were
invasion of dentinal tubules, in particular in the apical among the frequently detected species.
portions of canals, is less pronounced than in young Invasion into dentinal tubules by Gram-negative
patients. bacteria from periodontal pockets has been reported by
Ando & Hoshino (40) studied the composition of Giuliana et al. (41). Microorganisms identified in-
the microflora invading the deep layers of root canal cluded putative periodontal pathogens such as Pre-
dentin (0.5–2.0 mm from the surface of the root canal votella intermedia, Porphyromonas gingivalis, F.
wall) of human root canals by sampling the split nucleatum, and Bacteroides forsythus (present name
surfaces of eight freshly extracted teeth in an anaerobic Tannerella forsythensis), all frequently found in primary
chamber. More bacteria were recovered after anaerobic apical periodontitis.
incubation than after aerobic incubation in air with 30% The mechanisms by which the bacteria invade
CO2. Out of 256 predominant bacteria isolated, 80% dentinal tubules are not fully understood. However,
were obligately anaerobic species. Lactobacillus spp. the ability to penetrate dentinal tubules does not seem
(30%) and Streptococcus spp. (13%) were predominant, to be dependent on the motility of the bacterial cells. In
followed by Propionibacterium sp. (9%). In this study, fact, most of the species that best invade the tubules are
obligately anaerobic Gram-negative rods were not nonmotile. Love et al. (42) found that the streptococ-
found. The authors concluded that the microflora cal antigen I/II family of polypeptides are involved in
found in the deep layers of infected root dentine the attachment of oral streptococci to collagen, and
resembled that of the deep layers of carious lesions in that they also determine the ability of these bacteria to
coronal dentine. Recently, Matsuo et al. (34) showed invade dentinal tubules of human teeth. It has also been
bacterial invasion into dentinal tubules in 70% of 40 shown that while serum prevented dentinal invasion by
teeth extracted for apical periodontitis. When the root S. mutans and S. gordonii, the invasion by E. faecalis
canals were instrumented, the frequency of bacteria was only reduced but not totally prevented (43).
found in the dentinal tubules was almost as high, with Salivary molecules mucin and immunoglobulin G
65% of the teeth still showing dentinal invasion by (IgG), which co-aggregate with bacterial cells, also
bacteria. Antibodies against 16 selected oral bacteria inhibit dentine invasion (43). In addition, the deposi-
were used in the same study to identify the species tion of dentinal tubule fluid molecules e.g. albumin,

Haapasalo et al

between 50% and 90%, and instrumentation seems to

have little, if any, effect on the number of teeth with
infected dentine (34). Yet, after treatment of primary
apical periodontitis, disease persists in only 5–20%,
when the treatment is carried out with adequate quality.
Thus, it is obvious that residual bacteria in root dentine
usually do not succeed in interacting with the host in a
way that would result in an infection process that would
be clinically or radiographically detectable.

Extracanal infection: bacteria in the periapical

Fig. 4. A scanning electron micrograph of dentine
invaded by Enterococcus faecalis. In some areas, the tissues
bacteria have started to spread from the tubules into Occasionally, bacteria can also be found outside the
surrounding dentine.
tooth system in the periradicular tissues. Such situa-
tions include, among others, periapical abscesses,
IgG, or fibrinogen within dentinal tubules also inhibits periapical actinomycosis, and other similar infections
invasion (43). as well as osteomyelitis of the jaw. This article is limited
When bacteria invade into dentinal tubules, not all to intracanal infections, while extracanal infections are
the tubules are equally invaded. On the contrary, both reviewed in other articles in this issue.
in vitro and in vivo observations show that bacterial
penetration into dentinal tubules occurs seemingly at
random; while one dentinal tubule is full of invading Elimination of root canal infection
bacteria, many of the surrounding tubules are totally The elimination of endodontic infection is different
empty (Fig. 3). Bacteria in dentinal tubules are typically from elimination and control of most other infections
seen as sporadic, dense accumulations of cells, not as a in the human body. Because of the special anatomic
continuously growing rows of cells, extending out from environment in the root canal and tooth, host measures
the main canal lumen towards the periphery. In some that are sufficient to eliminate the infectious organisms
cases, when the root canal infection has been present in other sites do not suffice for complete elimination of
for a long time and the availability to nutrients is good, endodontic infections. Therefore, control of an en-
the bacteria break out from the dentinal tubules into dodontic infection is a concerted effort by several host
surrounding dentine (Fig. 4), which then becomes and treatment factors. Success in all aspects of this
structurally destroyed (44). cooperation will eventually result in elimination of the
infective microorganisms and healing of apical period-
ontitis (Figs 5A–E). The necessary components in the
Importance of invasion of dentinal tubules in
elimination of endodontic infection are: (i) host
primary apical periodontitis
defense system, (ii) in some cases, systemic antibiotic
The importance of bacterial penetration from the main therapy, (iii) chemomechanical preparation and irriga-
root canal into dentine in teeth with primary apical tion, (iv) local root canal disinfecting medicaments, (v)
periodontitis is not fully understood. From an ecolo- permanent root filling, and (vi) permanent coronal
gical and microbiological point of view, spreading into restoration.
new areas is part of a normal ‘natural history’ of any
infection. However, in primary apical periodontitis it
Host defense
may be of relatively little importance. Peters et al. (45)
stated that ‘In the vast majority of cases, those bacteria The host’s defense system is a key factor in preventing
(that have invaded radicular dentine) appear not to the spreading of the infection from the root canal to the
jeopardize the successful outcome of root canal periapical tissues and surrounding bone (Figs 6 and 7).
treatment.’ Studies measuring the frequency of dent- However, a lack of circulation in the necrotic root canal
inal tubules invasion in necrotic teeth present values makes it impossible for the phagocytes and the rest of

Intracanal infection

Fig. 5. (A) Apical periodontitis in two lower incisor teeth. (B) Four months control after the canals were filled with
calcium hydroxide. (C) Six months control. Continued healing can be seen (D). The teeth were root filled at 6 months.
(E) One-year control radiograph shows complete healing of apical periodontitis lesions.

the immune system to penetrate into the root canal

space for more than a few hundred micrometers.
Therefore, although of crucial importance in maintain-
ing general health, the defense system is limited to
achieving a balance between the microbial intruders
and the body, but it cannot eliminate the source of the
infection in the root canal.
In chronic apical periodontitis, the main mechanism
responsible for the destruction of normal bone
structure is activation of bone osteoclasts and inhibi-
tion of osteoblast activity (46, 47). The sequence of
events resulting in osteoclast stimulation is a network of
Fig. 6. Gram-stained smear sample from root canal
immunological chain reactions where inflammatory
exudate of a tooth with apical periodontitis. Several
polymorphonuclear leukocytes and Gram-positive rod- cytokines play a major role. Although alternative
shaped bacteria can be seen. theories about the major route in osteoclast activation

Haapasalo et al

indications for their use are present (48). Administration

of systemic antibiotics should be considered when
infection appears to be spreading, indicating failure of
local host responses, or when host defense mechanisms
are known to be compromised and the patient is at an
increased systemic risk (48, 49). Also, when the patient
develops fever, antibiotics should be prescribed. The
effectiveness of antibiotic therapy is never fully predictable
because of a variety of parameters affecting the outcome.
Therefore, the focus must always be on local antimicro-
bial measures, namely chemomechanical preparation and
disinfection. Whenever there are general symptoms
of spreading infection, the patient must be carefully
monitored and hospitalization must be considered.

Chemomechanical preparation and

Fig. 7. A polymorphonuclear cell surrounded by several
Gram-negative bacteria. Manual instrumentation
There is a general consensus that high-quality mechan-
have been presented, the key fact remains that it is the ical cleaning and shaping of the root canal is the most
host’s own osteoclastic cells that remove the bone important single factor in the prevention or healing of
around the root tip (46, 47). Currently, removal of endodontic disease. Together with the use of anti-
bone is understood as an important and necessary bacterial irrigating solutions, the majority, if not all,
defense strategy: bone has a poor capability to defend bacteria in the root canal system can be eliminated.
itself against bacterial intruders, and osteomyelitis Mechanical instrumentation is a primary means of
might ensue if the intracanal infection is allowed to bacterial reduction in endodontic treatment. Byström
spread. This is the obvious reason why bone is removed & Sundqvist (50) measured the reduction in bacterial
by the body’s own defense system before the infection counts cultured from the infected root canal when
reaches the periapical tissues. In apical periodontitis, instrumented with hand stainless-steel instruments and
the lesion is filled with phagocytes and other defense saline irrigation. Fifteen root canals with necrotic pulps
cells, which effectively prevent further spreading of the and periapical lesions were instrumented at five
microbial infection. sequential appointments. This procedure greatly re-
duced the number of cfu, usually 100–1000-fold, but
Systemic antibiotics the progression towards achieving bacteria-free root
canals was slow. Even after five appointments several
The use of systemic antibiotics is not a routine part of canals still showed growth. Corresponding observa-
endodontic treatment of apical periodontitis. On the tions were also reported by Ørstavik et al. (51). Since it
contrary, antibiotics are only rarely used in endodontics. has become obvious that mechanical preparation with
Minimizing the risk of post-operative symptoms has been hand instruments and irrigation with saline (lacking any
one argument often used when prescribing antibiotics to antibacterial activity) are unable to produce bacteria-
endodontic patients. However, the use of systemic free root canals predictably, focus has been placed on
antibiotics has not been helpful in reducing the incidence the combined effect of instrumentation and strongly
of flare-ups or other acute problems after the start of the antibacterial irrigating solutions.
treatment (48). Neither is there scientific evidence that
systemic antibiotic therapy has a beneficial effect on the
Canal irrigation
long-term prognosis of the treatment of apical period-
ontitis. There is presently a consensus in endodontics that The use of irrigating solutions is an important part of
systemic antibiotics should be used only when general effective chemomechanical preparation. It enhances

Intracanal infection

bacterial elimination and facilitates removal of necrotic been increasing. Although studies comparing the
tissue and dentine chips from the root canal; thus antibacterial effect of NaOCl and CHX have produced
irrigants prevent packing of infected tissue apically in somewhat conflicting results, it seems that when used
the root canal and into the periapical area. In addition, in identical concentrations, their antibacterial effect in
many irrigating solutions have other beneficial effects. the root canal and in infected dentine is similar (29, 58–
EDTA (ethylene–diammine–tetra-acetic acid, 17% 60). However, CHX lacks the tissue-dissolving ability,
disodium salt, pH 7) is a chelating agent widely used which is one of the obvious benefits of NaOCl.
in endodontic preparation. It has low or no antibacter- Waltimo et al. (61) studied the antifungal effect of
ial activity, but it effectively removes smear layer by combinations of endodontic irrigants and found that
affecting the inorganic component of the dentine. the combinations of disinfectants were equally or less
Therefore, by facilitating cleaning and removal of effective than the more effective component when used
infected tissue, EDTA contributes to the elimination alone. However, it has been shown that in certain
of bacteria in the root canal. It has also been shown that concentrations chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide
removal of the smear layer by EDTA (or citric acid) have a strong synergistic effect against Enterococcus
improves the antibacterial effect of locally used disin- faecalis, Streptococcus sobrinus, and Staphylococcus aur-
fecting agents in deeper layers of dentine (29, 52). eus (58, 62).
Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), used in concentra-
tions varying from 0.5% to 5.25%, is a strong
Rotary instrumentation
antimicrobial agent, which plays an important role in
dissolving the organic part of pulpal remnants and The use of rotary preparation with nickel–titanium
dentine. Most importantly, it kills bacteria very rapidly (NiTi) instruments undoubtedly offers several poten-
even at relatively low concentrations. Pashley et al. (53) tial advantages. The most obvious of these are probably
demonstrated greater cytotoxicity and caustic effects the quality of the apical preparation and efficiency.
on healthy tissue with 5.25% NaOCl than with 0.5% However, rotary instruments have not always com-
and 1% solutions. No in vivo studies have clearly shown pared favorably when the various aspects of preparation
that the stronger solutions have a better antibacterial have been analyzed (63). Ahlquist et al. (64) showed
effect in the root canal. However, careless use of both that hand instrumentation produced cleaner canals
NaOCl (in high and low concentrations) as well as than preparation with rotary instruments. Similar
EDTA will result in severe pain and extensive tissue results have been reported by Schafer & Lohmann
damage if they are introduced to the periapical area (65). Nevertheless, rotary NiTi instruments appear to
(54). Niu et al. (55) observed the ultrastructure on maintain the original canal curvature better than hand
canal walls after EDTA and combined EDTA plus stainless-steel instruments, particularly in the apical
NaOCl irrigation by scanning electron microscopy. part of the root canal (66).
They reported that more debris was removed by Dalton et al. (67) compared stainless-steel K-type
irrigation with EDTA followed by NaOCl than with files and NiTi rotary instruments in removing bacteria
EDTA alone. Byström & Sundqvist (56, 57) showed from infected root canals with saline as an irrigant. Only
that although 0.5% NaOCl, with or without EDTA, approximately one-third of the canals were rendered
improved the antibacterial efficiency of preparation, all bacteria-free, and no significant difference could be
canals could not be rendered bacteria-free even after detected between the two groups. However, larger
repeated appointments. preparation diameter of the apical canal produced a
NaOCl effectively kills bacteria, but is caustic if significant reduction in bacterial counts. Coldero et al.
accidentally expressed into the periapical area. In (68) studied the effect of apical preparation on the
addition, the active chlorine in the solution may number of residual bacteria in the root canal. They
damage patients’ clothing through its strong bleaching concluded that additional apical enlargement to size
effect. Therefore, alternative irrigating solutions have #35 did not further reduce the number of surviving
been pursued that could replace NaOCl. Chlorhexidine bacteria. However, the size of the original preparation
gluconate (CHX) has been in use for a long time in was not given, and it is possible that the size #35 was
dentistry because of its antimicrobial properties and its too small to show differences in bacterial elimination.
relatively low toxicity, and its use in endodontics has In fact, Rollison et al. (69) showed that apical

Haapasalo et al

enlargement to size #50 instead of size #35 resulted in a canals offers one explanation as to why in the clinical
more effective elimination of bacteria in the root canal, study (70) it was difficult to eliminate bacteria from
although sterility was not obtained. such canals totally as compared with canines and
In a recent study, Card et al. (70) reported sterility in premolars.
a majority of root canals instrumented by rotary NiTi
instruments using large apical sizes and irrigation with
Size of the apical preparation
1% NaOCl. The instrumentation and bacterial sam-
pling were carried out in two phases: the first The main goals of mechanical preparation are as
instrumentation utilized 1% NaOCl and 0.04 taper follows: (i) to remove infected tissue from the root
ProFile rotary files. The cuspid and bicuspid canals were canal, (ii) to facilitate the use and effectiveness of
instrumented to size #8 and the molar canals to size #7. irrigating solutions, (iii) to create sufficient space for
The second instrumentation utilized LightSpeed files effective delivery of intracanal medicaments between
and 1% NaOCl irrigation for further enlargement of the appointments, and (iv) to create sufficient space in the
apical third. Typically, canals of molars were instru- root canal to allow placement of permanent root filling
mented to size #60 and cuspid/bicuspid canals to size of high quality. Despite these clearly defined and widely
#80. All of the cuspid/bicuspid canals and 81.5% of the accepted general goals for preparation, there is no
molar canals were bacteria-free already after the first consensus about the recommended size for the apical
instrumentation, as shown by negative cultures from preparation in various teeth. Theoretically, optimal
samples obtained from the root canals. In the molars, apical preparation would require an instrument size
bacteria-free canals increased to 89% after the second equal to or bigger than the largest diameter of the apical
instrumentation. When the molar canals were divided canal. This would guarantee that all walls in this
into two groups, one with no visible anastomoses critically important part of the canal would be engaged
between root canals and the other with a complex root by the instruments. Studies by Kerekes & Tronstad
canal anatomy, the proportion of sterile canals in the (72–74) suggested that the final preparation size
first group was 93% already after the first instrumenta- should be quite large as compared with the sizes often
tion. The results of Card et al. (70) are indirectly used in practice: size #50 to #90 in incisors, canines and
supported by earlier observations by Peters et al. (71), premolars, and even in molar curved canals sizes #50 to
who studied rotary preparation of root canals of #60. These studies also demonstrated that in oval-
maxillary first molars. They compared the effects of shaped roots, such as in maxillary first premolars, it was
four preparation techniques on canal volume and often impossible to obtain a round apical preparation
surface area using three-dimensionally reconstructed without perforation of the root, because the narrow
root canals in extracted teeth. Micro CT data were used external dimension of the root in several teeth was
to describe morphometric parameters related to the smaller than the larger internal diameter of the root
four preparation techniques. Specimens were scanned canal. The same was concluded in another study of
before and after canals were prepared using K-type maxillary first molars by Gani & Visvisian (75).
hand files, LightSpeed instruments, ProFile .04 and GT In clinical practice, there are no available methods
rotary instruments. Differences in dentine volume that would reliably gauge the size of the apical root
removed, canal straightening, the proportion of unin- canal. Morfis et al. (76) studied the size of apical
strumented area, and canal transportation were calcu- foramina in various tooth groups and found that the
lated (71). The results showed that instrumentation of largest foramen was in the distal root of lower molars,
canals increased their volume and surface area. The the average diameter being almost 0.4 mm (size #40).
prepared canals were significantly more rounded, had Wu et al. (77) studied if the first file to bind apically
greater diameters, and were straighter than unprepared would correspond to the diameter of the canal in the
canals. However, all instrumentation techniques left at apical region. The canals were prepared three sizes
least 35% of the canals’ surface area untouched. There larger than the first binding file, and the quality of the
were significant differences between the three canal final preparation was then analyzed. The result of this
types investigated; however, very few differences were study showed that there was no correlation between the
found between instrument types. The relatively large first binding file and the larger diameter of the apical
proportion of untouched canal walls in molar root canal. At present, the typical size of the apical

Intracanal infection

preparation in curved molar canals varies in different

parts of the world, from sizes #20 to #60. It is possible
that in the treatment of teeth with a vital pulp
(pulpectomy), the size of the apical preparation is not
critical because of the absence of microorganisms in the
apical canal, while in the treatment of apical period-
ontitis, apical enlargement may be more important (69,
70). However, clear evidence of the importance of
apical enlargement for long-term prognosis is still
lacking. It is obvious that when canals are apically
enlarged to size #25, the apical canal walls often remain
relatively untouched; however, it is equally clear that
the healing rates of apical periodontitis are still high
regardless of the apical enlargement (78).
The quality of apical shaping and cleaning is affected
not only by the diameter of the last instrument but also
by the taper. A typical 2% taper in manual preparation of
a size #30 instrument produces canal diameters
corresponding to sizes #32, #34 and #36 in the levels
of 1, 2, and 3 mm from the working length, respec-
tively. In contrast, with a size #30 instrument with 9%
taper, the diameters at the same levels correspond to
sizes #39, #48, and #57 (Figs 8 and 9). It has been
speculated that the greater taper may facilitate the effect
of antibacterial irrigants in the apical canal (68).
However, at present there is no evidence to support
the clinical importance of the differences of apical taper.

Working length vs. apical foramen

Anatomic studies about the location of the foramen
have shown that it is often found at a distance of 0– Fig. 8. A radiograph from a lower canine with a size #30
3 mm from the anatomic apex (79). Using the radio- instrument with 9% taper (ProTaper F3) at working
graphic apex of the tooth as the target for working length.
length determination would therefore result in over-
instrumentation in a large number of teeth. It is even in teeth treated for pulpitis, although in these
recommended that the working length be determined teeth terminating the root canal treatment coronally of
using electronic apex locators and radiographs (80). the constriction is not expected to influence the
The apex locators indicate the location of the apical outcome adversely.
constriction (81). In pulpitis treatment, the recom- Overinstrumentation, with the possible exception of
mended working length is 1–2 mm short of the the smallest hand files of size #06–#10 in certain
radiographic apex. In apical periodontitis, elimination situations, should be avoided because of the following
of root canal infection, not the least in the apical canal, reasons: (i) direct physical trauma to periapical tissue,
is the key to successful treatment. In an optimal (ii) transportation of necrotic canal contents and dead
situation, the root canal should be instrumented, and living microorganisms into the periapical area that
disinfected and filled to the level of the coronal aspect can result in persisting infection, such as periapical
of the apical constriction (Figs 10 and 11), to avoid the actinomycosis, (iii) bleeding into the root canal that
possibility of residual microbes surviving in the unin- provides nutrients to intracanal bacteria, (iv) increase of
strumented apical canal (82). This should hold true the foramen size and associated improved possibilities

Haapasalo et al

Fig. 9. A close-up picture of Fig. 8 shows the increase in

diameter of the prepared root canal 1, 2, and 3 mm from
working length. At 3 mm the diameter is ca. 0.57 mm. Fig. 10. The canine shown earlier in Fig. 1 root filled to
optimal length.
for bacteria to receive nutrients from the periapical area
(inflammatory exudate), (v) increased risk for extrusion
of irrigating solutions and root-filling materials, and
In the treatment of apical periodontitis, intracanal
(vi) in curved canals ( 5 most canals), creation of an
medication has been recommended to eradicate the
oval foramen instead of a round one, resulting in poorer
microbes that survive instrumentation and irrigation. A
apical seal with a round gutta-percha master point
variety of medicaments have been used for this purpose.
(complete compensation with a sealer is theoretical)
These include calcium hydroxide, phenol compounds
and therefore hide-out for microbial colonization (Figs
eugenol and camphorated parachlorophenol (CMCP),
12A and B).
iodine potassium iodide (IPI), glutaraldehyde, formo-
cresol, and pastes containing a mixture of antibiotics
with or without corticosteroids. Byström et al. (83)
Disinfection of the root canal by intracanal
showed that calcium hydroxide was more effective as an
intracanal medicament than CMCP or camphorated
In pulpectomy, intracanal medication is not an integral phenol, rendering 34 out of 35 canals bacteria-free after
part of the treatment because the pulp is bacteria-free 4 weeks. The effectiveness of interappointment calcium
or only superficially infected. Only when time limita- hydroxide was also demonstrated by Sjögren et al. (84),
tion has not allowed completion of the treatment in who showed that the 7-day dressing with calcium
one appointment is the canal space filled e.g. with hydroxide eliminated bacteria that survived instrumen-
calcium hydroxide to prevent contamination of the tation and irrigation of the canal, while the 10-min
canal in between appointments. In anatomically application was ineffective. However, the ability of
demanding teeth, interappointment calcium hydroxide calcium hydroxide to disinfect the canal has been to
may have been selected to facilitate removal of residual some extent challenged by other studies that reported a
pulp tissue or to help to control bleeding. residual flora in 7–35% of teeth after the use of calcium

Intracanal infection

Fig. 11. A high magnification of a radiograph of a root-

filled upper second premolar.

hydroxide (51, 85, 86). Peters et al. (87) reported that

the number of culture-positive canals had increased
between appointments even though calcium hydroxide
had been used as an intracanal dressing. However, the
number of microorganisms had only increased to
approximately 1% of their original number. The
different results may be partly explained by differences
in the clinical cases studied (e.g. intact teeth vs. carious
teeth), and in the techniques employed in sampling and
culturing the microbes.
Retreatment of root-filled teeth with apical perio-
dontitis has been suggested to have a poorer prognosis
than treatment of primary apical periodontitis (22).
This may be due to several reasons, such as technical
complications, difficult anatomy, unlocated root canals,
etc. One possible explanation for the poorer prognosis
is the presence in retreatment of a microflora that is
more resistant to conventional treatment procedures
than the flora in primary apical periodontitis. It is well
documented that E. faecalis is the dominant microbe in
Fig. 12. (A) Upper lateral incisor overfilled after
persistent apical periodontitis (retreatment) (13–16,
overinstrumentation. (B) A close-up of (A) showing
88, 89). It is ecologically tolerant and can survive in apical transportation and creation of a gap between
water without nutrients for several months (90). It is the root filling and the canal wall as a result of
also more resistant to most locally used disinfecting overinstrumentation.

Haapasalo et al

agents than other endodontic microbes (52). In vitro calcium hydroxide may help to better remove the
and in vivo studies have clearly demonstrated that residual necrotic pulp tissue at the second appointment,
intracanal calcium hydroxide fails to eliminate E. as well as neutralize bacterial antigens remaining in the
faecalis from the infected dentine (52, 91). On the root canal system (98, 99).
other hand, no other medicament has shown better in
vivo effectiveness against E. faecalis either (91).
Root filling and permanent restoration
However, although there is a good agreement about
the dominance of E. faecalis in retreatment cases of Eventually, all locally used disinfectants lose their
apical periodontitis, the importance of this bacterium antibacterial effect over time or are washed away from
for the long-term prognosis of the retreatment has not the canal through the apical foramen. Permanent root
been demonstrated in clinical studies. Other microbes filling is therefore necessary to prevent bacteria from re-
frequently found in retreatment cases include Gram- entering the root canal space after chemomechanical
positive facultative organisms such as Streptococcus spp., preparation and disinfection. It has also been suggested
Lactobacillus spp., Actinomyces spp., Propionibacterium that the root filling may entomb the residual bacteria in
spp., Gram-negative coliform rods, and the yeast the root canal system so that they cannot proliferate and
Candida albicans (15, 92, 93). interact with the periapical tissue, which could com-
Root canal disinfecting agents are extremely effective promise healing. However, there are very little data
against even the resistant microbes when tested in a available about the effectiveness of such root canal
test-tube environment. The clearly poorer results in bacteria entombment by the root filling. Sjögren et al.
vivo in the root canal indicate the presence of (6) demonstrated the importance of obtaining negative
interfering factors that negatively affect the outcome cultures for improving the prognosis of the treatment
of the disinfection. Haapasalo et al. (94) and Portenier of apical periodontitis. However, Peters & Wesselink
et al. (95, 96) studied the effect of dentine and other (8) found no difference in healing of teeth with apical
substances present in the root canal milieu on the periodontitis filled after negative or positive culture at
antibacterial effect of commonly used intracanal the time of filling. The latter would mean that more
medicaments, such as calcium hydroxide, chlorhexi- bacteria were ‘entombed’ by the root filling. Katebza-
dine, and IPI against E. faecalis. These studies showed deh et al. (7, 100) simulated such entombment in dog
that all three disinfectants were negatively affected by teeth that were experimentally infected and developed
the various substances tested, calcium hydroxide being apical lesions. Some of the canals were obturated at the
particularly sensitive to the inhibitory effect of a variety first appointment after instrumentation and irrigation
of substances present in the root canal. Earlier, Messer with saline, while the rest were disinfected before root
& Chen (97) had reported on the short duration of the canal filling with an interappointment calcium hydro-
vapors from cotton pellets soaked in phenol com- xide dressing. The results showed better healing in
pounds. The inactivation of locally used disinfecting teeth where calcium hydroxide had been used. How-
agents in the root canal may explain the relative ever, the apical anatomy of dog teeth is quite different
resistance of the root canal microflora. Gram-positive from that of human teeth, which may have affected the
facultative bacteria, which best tolerate the harsh results. Hernandez et al. (101) evaluated the root canal
ecological conditions created by the chemomechanical morphology in 72 maxillary fourth premolars and 59
preparation, have been shown to increase their relative mandibular first molars in dogs. An apical delta was
proportion of the flora after preparation and use of present in all roots (n 5 334) and represented approxi-
disinfection, even though the total numbers are mately 12–18% of the total root length for all roots.
strongly reduced by the treatment procedures (15, 92). In a new study using infected dentine blocks in vitro,
At present, it seems correct to conclude that no Saleh et al. (102) showed that root filling with gutta-
interappointment root canal disinfectant can predicta- percha and specific sealers (AH plus or Grossman’s
bly render canals sterile in the treatment of teeth with sealer) was clearly more effective in eliminating E.
apical periodontitis. However, it is clear from most faecalis from the dentine surrounding the root canal
studies that the use of the intracanal medicaments than calcium hydroxide 1 week after filling. Root
further reduces the number of infecting microorgan- fillings with gutta-percha and several other sealers
isms after chemomechanical preparation. Furthermore, proved to be less effective than calcium hydroxide

Intracanal infection

against E. faecalis dentine infection (102). The result home in Finland. Only 16% of the 507 root-filled teeth
supported an earlier observation by Ørstavik (103) that had apical periodontitis.
AH 26 was clearly more effective in killing bacteria in It should be emphasized that the great majority of
dentine around the root canal than other sealers tested. root-filled teeth with apical periodontitis (post-treat-
It may be of interest that in the study of Peters & ment disease) are symptom-free, and no clinical,
Wesselink (8), AH 26 was used as the sealer. Clearly, in histological, or bacteriological investigation has been
future studies comparing the outcome of single- included in most of the epidemiological studies.
appointment and two-appointment endodontic treat- Although some of these teeth may have been treated
ment of apical periodontitis, the type of the sealer also only recently, and thus may reflect healing in progress,
has to be taken into consideration. it is likely that most of these lesions will not heal
Finally, all root fillings must be protected by a coronal without some kind of intervention. It is possible that (i)
restoration of high quality. Lack of coronal restoration the original apical periodontitis lesion has not healed
or leaking restorations may result in bacterial contam- after the primary endodontic therapy, (ii) the lesion has
ination of the whole root filling in as little as a couple of persisted after retreatment, (iii) the original lesion has
weeks (104). Although the clinical relevance of coronal healed but a new lesion has later emerged, and (iv)
leakage has not yet been convincingly demonstrated, it there was no lesion at the time of endodontic
is obvious that coronal leakage plays an important role treatment, but a lesion has developed over time. There
in the etiology of post-treatment disease. is no reliable information available about the propor-
tion of each group, but clinical experience and follow-
up studies have shown that they all occur. Therefore, it
Post-treatment disease (persistent may be misleading to call categorically all root-filled
teeth with a lesion as ‘endodontic failures’. In fact,
endodontic infection)
endodontic treatment may have resulted in healing, but
Epidemiological studies of root-filled teeth in various subsequent coronal leakage, for example as a conse-
countries and different populations have demonstrated quence of caries, may have caused the recurrence of
the presence of apical periodontitis in a relatively high disease.
proportion of these teeth (105–112). In a large study of
the quality of endodontic treatment in a Belgian
Microbial flora of primary apical
population, De Moor et al. (105) evaluated the
periapical conditions in 4617 teeth of 206 adults using
panoramic radiographs. Of all the teeth, 6.8% were As stated earlier in this review, the ecological conditions
endodontically treated. Comparison of periapical status in the necrotic root canal are the main selective factors
showed that apical periodontitis was found in 6.6% of for the microbial flora in primary apical periodontitis.
all teeth, and in 40.4% of all root-filled teeth. Therefore, the flora is characterized by a strong
Inadequate level of the root canal filling was registered dominance of obligately anaerobic bacteria (Fig. 13)
in over 50% of these teeth. In another study in (25, 26, 115–131). The most frequent isolates are
Denmark (111), the periapical status of nearly 600 Dialister pneumosintes (Bacteroides pneumosintes), T.
root-filled teeth was compared in 1974–1975 and forsythensis (B. forsythus), Prevotella spp., Porphyromo-
1997–1998. Apical periodontitis was observed in nas spp., Fusobacterium spp., Treponema spp., Campy-
approximately 50% of the root-filled teeth in both lobacter rectus (Wolinella recta), Micromonas micros (P.
groups, and in molars the prevalence of disease was as micros), Eubacterium spp., Bifidobacterium spp., Acti-
high as 65% in both groups. In a Lithuanian popula- nomyces spp., Propionibacterium spp., Lactobacillus
tion, the frequency of apical periodontitis in root-filled spp., and Streptococcus spp. Most of the above genera
teeth was 35% (110), while in two selected Canadian are obligately anaerobic; Actinomyces, Propionibacter-
populations, the prevalence of apical periodontitis in ium and Lactobacillus contain both anaerobic and
root-filled teeth was 44% and 51% (113). The lowest facultatively anaerobic species and strains, while strep-
prevalence of apical periodontitis in root-filled teeth tococci are facultative bacteria. E. faecalis is usually not
was reported by Soikkonen (114), who studied 133 found in primary apical periodontitis. However, using
dentate old people aged 76, 81, and 86 years living at checkerboard DNA–DNA hybridization, Siqueira et al.

Haapasalo et al

chamber, the iodine is neutralized by 5% sodium

thiosulfate solution. When the superficial layers of
dentine (or temporary filling material) have been
removed, the disinfection procedures may be repeated
when necessary, and new sterile instruments are taken.
If the root canal(s) are filled with a disinfecting agent,
this must be removed either by means of paper points
or by careful irrigation with sterile water or physiolo-
gical saline, avoiding contamination of the fluid by
contact with the tooth crown. The disinfectants should
be neutralized whenever possible. Thiosulfate solution
inactivates iodine (124), while Tween 80, cysteine,
Fig. 13. Typical mixed anaerobic flora isolated from histidine, and saponine have been assessed as sufficient
primary apical periodontitis. Similar flora can sometimes for neutralizing chlorhexidine (133). The canals are
also be isolated from root-filled teeth with apical
then again dried with paper points and the sample is
taken with one of the following methods: (1) apical
dentine is collected with a reamer or a K-type file in a
(132) detected E. faecalis in 7.5% of primary endo- rotating motion, using instruments with a diameter
dontic infections. larger than the size of the apical canal. The tip of the
instrument is then cut using a sterile wire-cutter and
collected in a transport medium, or (2) the canal is filled
Intracanal infection post-treatment with a transport medium that is then collected with
Complete disinfection of the root canal system and paper points either with or without filing of the canal
elimination of viable microbes are the primary short- walls with adequate size files. As paper points may
term goals in endodontic treatment. Thess are believed contain chemicals with antimicrobial activity, such as
to secure the most important long-term objective, fatty acids, certain precautions have to be taken. Using
prevention and/or healing of apical periodontitis. charcoal-impregnated paper points helps avoiding
However, as shown earlier in this review, several studies false-negative samples. The same effect can be obtained
have confirmed the difficulties in predictably obtaining a by washing the paper points with chloroform before
sterile root canal by chemomechanical preparation sterilization to remove the free fatty acids.
combined with the use of local disinfection agents in When the microbiological sample is taken from a
the root canal (70, 86, 87). The focus, therefore, has previously filled root canal, the root filling must be
recently been on the characterization of the residual flora removed first. This has to be done without the use of
and the identification of factors related to the resistance chloroform or any other solution with antibacterial
of these microbes to endodontic treatment procedures. activity, to avoid false-negative samples. Canals where
From a clinical point of view, it is of interest as to whether this is not possible should be excluded from the study.
the persisting microbes in the root canal system Most root fillings made of gutta-percha and sealer can
negatively impact on the outcome of the treatment. be readily removed by using root canal burs, such as
Largo (Peeso reamer), Torpan, and Gates-Glidden
together with hand reamers and files. Rotary NiTi
Microbiological sampling and sample
instruments facilitate the removal procedure. After the
removal of the root filling, the sample is taken as
The precautions and preparatory procedures for micro- described above.
biological sampling in teeth associated with endodontic
post-treatment disease are the same as for primary apical
Characteristics of the residual microflora in
periodontitis, including isolation of the tooth with
root-filled teeth
rubber-dam, external cleaning of the tooth with pumice,
and disinfection with 30% hydrogen peroxide and 10% The different microbes present in the necrotic root
iodine tincture (124). Before trepanation into the pulp canal show great variation in their susceptibility to the

Intracanal infection

treatment procedures and to the various materials used treatment, but it is more likely to be the consequence of
during the treatment and in the root fillings. Ecological coronal leakage.
changes also play a major role in selecting species that
best resist the antibacterial effect of the chemicals and
Microflora in root-filled teeth with apical
try to adapt to the new ecological milieu. The
conclusion based on several studies is that facultative
species are more resistant than strictly anaerobic Research in endodontic microbiology has clearly been
bacteria, and Gram-positive bacteria are stronger characterized by a greater interest in primary apical
survivors than Gram-negative bacteria (13–16, 25, periodontitis than in post-treatment apical period-
26, 115–132). In root-filled teeth, the space available ontitis. However, interest in the microbiological profile
for microbes is limited as compared with the necrotic of post-treatment apical periodontitis has increased
root canals in primary apical periodontitis. Conse- considerably during the last few years. This may be
quently, the cfu counts obtained from retreated teeth mainly because of the perceived poorer prognosis of
are lower on average than those obtained from teeth retreatment as compared with primary treatment of
with primary apical periodontitis. Peciuliene et al. (15) infected root canals (89, 134). It has been suggested
reported a range between 40 and 7  107 cfu in that the differences in the outcome of treatment may be
microbiological samples obtained from 40 previously related to marked differences in the composition of the
root-filled teeth with asymptomatic apical period- microbial flora in the necrotic root canals (13). In post-
ontitis. The number of species and strains per canal is treatment apical periodontitis anaerobic bacteria con-
also clearly lower than in teeth with primary apical stitute the minority, and they are isolated less fre-
periodontitis. Typically one to three different species quently. E. faecalis is the dominant species present in
are isolated per canal, the average being close to one post-treatment apical periodontitis. It is the most
strain, whereas in primary apical periodontitis three to frequently isolated species and is usually also the
10 different strains are usually found, with the average predominant isolate in the canal (13–16, 89, 135).
of six species (13–15, 25, 26). The highest frequencies of isolation of E. faecalis have
been reported by Peciuliene et al. (15) and Pinheiro et
al. (135), at 64% and 53% of the culture-positive teeth,
Microflora in root-filled teeth without apical
respectively. The corresponding frequency in a North
American population reported by Hancock et al. (16)
In an infected, necrotic root canal, the presence of was 30%.
bacteria is invariably associated with the presence of Other bacteria frequently found in root-filled teeth
apical periodontitis (4, 26). However, when the root with apical periodontitis are alpha- and non-hemolytic
canal space is filled with a root-filling material, bacterial streptococci, Actinomyces spp., Lactobacillus spp., and
presence in the canal is not always accompanied by the Propionibacterium spp., all facultative or microaero-
presence of disease. Molander et al. (13) sampled root philic species (some Actinomyces and Lactobacillus
canals of 20 root-filled teeth that did not have apical strains and species are obligate anaerobes). Staphylo-
periodontitis. Thirteen microbial strains were found in coccus spp. are also found more frequently than in
nine of the 20 teeth. The microbes included one strain primary apical periodontitis (13, 16, 89, 135, 136).
of E. faecalis, streptococci and Gram-positive faculta- Gram-negative enteric rods and other facultative
tive rods, one strain of F. nucleatum (Gram-negative Gram-negative rods have also been reported from root
anaerobic rod), and two strains of the yeast C. albicans. canal samples of teeth with post-treatment apical
The cfu counts per canal were lower than in root-filled periodontitis. The species isolated include Enterobacter
teeth associated with apical periodontitis included in cloacae, E. agglomerans, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella
the same study. The absence of infection and disease in pneumoniae, Klebsiella oxytoca, Klebsiella sp., Citro-
root-filled teeth that harbor bacteria in the root canal bacter freundii, Acinetobacter sp., Pseudomonas aeru-
space can be explained by the lack of communication ginosa, Pseudomonas sp., Proteus mirabilis, and Proteus
between the bacteria in the root canal and the host sp. (13, 15, 88, 136).
tissues. The microbial flora in such teeth may be a Anaerobic bacteria are clearly in minority, and their
residual flora from an earlier infection that survived the frequency of isolation in root-filled teeth is below 50%

Haapasalo et al

Fig. 15. A Gram-negative enteric rod, Klebsiella pneumo-

niae, isolated a root-filled tooth with apical periodontitis.

Fig. 14. Candida albicans (yeast) cells isolated from root-

the 200 teeth included in the study, 107 showed
filled teeth with apical periodontitis. On the background a
dense growth of Enterococcus faecalis cells can be seen. positive cultures; 85% of the isolates were Gram-
positive facultative bacteria. Lactobacillus spp. (22%),
Streptococcus spp. (18%), and Enterococcus spp. (12%)
(13–16, 89, 135). The most common anaerobic were the most common isolates (92). Despite increased
bacteria are Prevotella spp. and Fusobacterium spp., knowledge of the persistence of the microbial infection
Peptostreptococcus spp., Eubacterium spp., Bifidobacter- in the root canal, it is obvious that more clinical
ium spp., and anaerobic strains of Actinomyces and investigation is needed to better understand the factors
Lactobacillus. Also, Porphyromonas spp. have been related to the susceptibility of the different microbial
isolated from root-filled teeth (16). groups to the various elements of endodontic treat-
The selection of microbes that remains in the root ment.
canal after the treatment procedures have been initiated Several studies have demonstrated the relative resis-
is based on differences in the sensitivity of the species to tance of E. faecalis to calcium hydroxide (52, 57, 88).
mechanical and chemical endodontic treatment, and on Therefore, the use of calcium hydroxide as a disin-
their ability to survive the ecologically altered root canal fectant of choice in the retreatment of cases with post-
milieu, i.e. increased oxygen levels and limited avail- treatment apical periodontitis has been questioned
ability of nutrients. In the short-term perspective, the (13). C. albicans and some other Candida species have
resistance to treatment procedures is obviously more been shown to be even more resistant to calcium
important, but with time, ecological strength becomes hydroxide in vitro than E. faecalis (61). The sensitivity
the determining factor for microbial survival. E. faecalis of the C. albicans strains to calcium hydroxide was
is probably the most resistant microbial species to generally low, and incubation of 16 h was required to
chemomechanical preparation, and its proportion in kill 99.9% of the cells. The level of resistance was the
the surviving flora is higher than in the initial root canal same for C. guilliermondii, while 13 h were required to
flora (137). However, increased numbers of other kill C. krusei. Strains of C. tropicalis were killed between
microbial species that are not usually present in primary 3 and 6 h of incubation, but all strains of C. glabrata
apical periodontitis, such as yeasts (Fig. 14) and Gram- survived only between 20 min and 1 h of incubation
negative enteric rods (Fig. 15), have also been reported with calcium hydroxide. Compared with E. faecalis
in root-filled teeth (13, 88, 138, 139). On the other (20 min–1 h), however, all Candida spp. showed either
hand, Peciuliene et al. (15) found that while a third of equally high or higher resistance to saturated calcium
the E. faecalis strains survived instrumentation and hydroxide solution. Interestingly, in the same study,
irrigation with NaOCl and EDTA, none of the yeasts or Candida strains from root canal infections and from
coliform rods did. Recently, Chavez De Paz et al. (92) periodontitis were compared, but no differences in
reported microbial findings in teeth (mostly primary susceptibility to calcium hydroxide were found (140).
treatments) after the initiation of the endodontic Higher resistance (than E. faecalis) to calcium hydro-
treatment. Each tooth had been instrumented and xide in vitro was also detected in two strains of Bacillus
medicated one or several times before the sampling. Of cereus that were isolated from treatment-resistant cases

Intracanal infection

of apical periodontitis in Finland and Norway (unpub-

lished data).
The clinical factors contributing to the selection of E.
faecalis or other Gram-positive facultative bacteria in
the treated root canal have been only rarely studied.
Siren et al. (88) found that if the number of treatment
appointments before sampling had been high (over 10
appointments), the probability of isolating E. faecalis
was very high. Similarly, if the root canal had been
unsealed between appointments one or several times,
the frequency of isolation of E. faecalis was significantly
higher (88). In a study of 25 root canals in teeth with
post-treatment apical periodontitis, the root-filling
materials used did not explain the high frequency of
isolation of E. faecalis in these teeth (14). Rather, it was
concluded that the ecological conditions in the
incompletely filled root canal created a selective
ecological niche that favored the growth and persis-
tence of E. faecalis (14). The quality of root fillings in
root-filled teeth with apical periodontitis varies greatly
from apparently excellent fillings to almost unfilled
canals (Figs. 16 and 17). Although not yet supported
by solid scientific evidence, it is likely that the
probability to isolate anaerobic bacteria is higher in
teeth where much of the (apical) root canal is unfilled.
Little is known about the relationship between
symptoms and the composition of the flora in root-
filled teeth with persistent infection and apical period-
ontitis. In most studies, the presence of symptoms has
not been reported, but the ‘chronic apical period-
Fig. 16. A root-filled tooth with apical periodontitis.
ontitis’ given as a diagnosis in some studies is likely to Coronal and middle root canal are relatively densely filled,
refer to symptom-free teeth. Typically, root-filled teeth whereas the apical canal seems empty.
with apical periodontitis are symptom-free, and are
detected by a radiographical investigation. Peciuliene et
al. (15) retreated 40 root-filled teeth with asympto- cens) and Fusobacterium spp. that were associated with
matic apical periodontitis, and reported a flare-up in clinical symptoms. Obviously, although the majority of
two teeth (5%) after initiation of the therapy. In one teeth with post-treatment apical periodontitis are
tooth, P. mirabilis was the major isolate (98%) with E. asymptomatic, more research is necessary to better
faecalis (2%), while in the other E. faecalis was the understand the correlation between the infective flora
major isolate (98%) with F. nucleatum and Actinomyces and symptoms in these cases, as well as to identify the
viscosus. F. nucleatum is known as a typical member in microbial ‘risk-species’ for flare-ups after retreatment is
odontogenic abscesses and spreading infections. No started.
flare-up occurred in teeth where E. faecalis was present
in monoinfection. Pinheiro et al. (135) correlated the
Ingress of bacteria: coronal leakage
occurrence of symptoms with the microbial findings in
60 root-filled teeth with apical periodontitis. Although In persisting or recurrent endodontic infections, the
E. faecalis was the most frequent isolate, it was the microbes present in the root canal system may be a
anaerobic bacteria, Peptostreptococcus spp. and dark residual flora from the original infection, or may have
pigmenting Prevotella species (P. intermedia/nigres- invaded the root canal post-treatment. There are

Haapasalo et al

(141) showed that in many filled roots leakage of fluid

occurred, but not passage of bacteria. Alves et al. (142)
showed that purified endotoxin penetrated root-filled
teeth faster than bacteria, while Carratu et al. (143)
observed the opposite and could not show endotoxin
penetration through filled root canals. With very few
exceptions, bacterial leakage studies have been per-
formed in vitro, studying the ability of bacteria from a
coronally placed inoculum to penetrate to the apex in
canals filled with various materials and techniques.
Smear layer has also been studied for its role in coronal
leakage. The results so far have shown either no
difference (144) or better resistance to leakage in
specimens where the smear layer has been removed
(144, 145). Both Gram-positive and Gram-negative,
motile and non-motile, aerobic, facultative, and anae-
robic species have been used in the experiments. The
overwhelming majority of these studies demonstrate
bacterial penetration through the filled canals in 50–
100% of the teeth within 2–12 weeks, regardless of
root-filling materials or test bacteria used. So far, no
dramatic differences between various sealers have been
documented in these leakage studies. Therefore, there
is little doubt that the phenomenon of bacterial
Fig. 17. A lower canine with apical periodontitis. The invasion of the filled root canal space in vitro, under
root filling leaves most of the canal unfilled, also giving the circumstances described in the studies, does occur.
anaerobic bacteria an ‘ecological’ possibility to establish Because of the obvious risk for coronal leakage, the
themselves in the canal microflora.
root filling must be coronally covered by a temporary or
permanent filling. Khayat et al. (146) showed that
when the coronal 3 mm of the root filling were
several possible pathways for the infecting microbes to removed and sealed with sticky wax, no leakage of
invade the filled root canal. These include caries, bacteria occurred, whereas all root fillings left intact
crown-root cracks and fractures, leaking fillings, lateral (performed with either lateral or vertical condensation)
canals from the crevice area or from a periodontal were penetrated within 30 days. Also, other studies
pocket, and dentinal tubules exposed by removal of have used sticky wax in control groups where leakage
cementum during root planing or abrasion, through could not be detected (147); however, sticky wax is not
the apical foramen from a periodontal pocket extending suitable for clinical use because of its physical proper-
to the apex, or via bacteremia. Inadequate asepsis ties. Cavit, IRM, and zinc-oxide eugenol (ZOE) are
during endodontic treatment also gives oral microbes a considered to be temporary filling materials with good
possibility to invade the root canal. Although impos- sealing properties. Barthel et al. (148) showed that
sible to verify by clinical studies because of ethical and glass-ionomer cement, alone or combined with IRM,
practical considerations, it seems reasonable to assume provided better protection against bacterial leakage
that coronal leakage, in one form or another, is the than Cavit or IRM alone. In another study, Cavit and
main mechanism by which oral microorganisms gain Dyract resisted bacterial leakage a few days longer than
access to the root canal during or after endodontic IRM, but all specimens showed leakage at 2 weeks
treatment. (149). Other studies using Cavit, IRM, TERM and
After the introduction in the literature of the Fermit have shown partly variable results (150, 151). In
possibility of coronal leakage, numerous studies have a recent study, root canals of extracted teeth were filled
focused on the various aspects of leakage. Wu et al. with either calcium hydroxide or chlorhexidine gel or

Intracanal infection

both and sealed with an IRM top filling, whereas that of GE. Using a similar methodology, Tronstad et
control teeth were left unsealed. IRM considerably al. (156) evaluated the periapical status in 1001 teeth.
delayed but did not prevent bacterial penetration Full-mouth series of radiographs from randomly
through the root canal. No statistically significant selected patient charts at the Dental Faculty, University
differences were detected between the medicament of Oslo (Norway) were examined. The two groups with
groups (152). technically GEs had the least occurrence of disease. API
A potential limitation in the majority of studies on for the combined GE1GR was 81%, compared with
coronal bacterial leakage is their inability to quantify 71% for GE1PR. Groups with technically PEs had
leakage. However, Barrieshi et al. (153) assessed significantly lower API rates, regardless of the quality of
bacterial leakage of a mixed anaerobic community of coronal restoration (PE1GR, 56% and PE1PR, 57%).
organisms by F. nucleatum, P. micros, and C. rectus in In a study by Kirkevang et al. (157), a total of 614
filled canals after post-space preparation. Colonization randomly selected individuals (20 to over 60 years of
of the apical canal space was observed by scanning age) from Aarhus County (Denmark) had a full-mouth
electron microscopy. Eighty percent of the teeth radiographic examination. The quality of endodontic
demonstrated coronal leakage of F. nucleatum and C. and coronal restorations and the periapical status of
rectus within 90 days, with bacterial penetration root-filled teeth were assessed by radiographic criteria.
occurring from 48 to 84 days. Scanning electron GR was associated with better periapical status than PR
microscope examination showed a heterogeneous (API 52.0% vs. 36.1%). When both root filling and
biofilm of various bacterial morphotypes at the apical coronal restoration quality were assessed, API rates
canal wall. ranged from 68.8% (combined optimal quality) to
21.7% (all parameters scored as inadequate). In a recent
study, both clinical and radiographic criteria were used
Clinical relevance of coronal leakage
to evaluate the periapical, endodontic, and coronal
As opposed to the great number of studies demonstrat- status of 745 root-filled teeth, randomly selected from
ing coronal leakage in vitro, very few studies have patients attending Ghent University Dental School
focused on its clinical relevance. Friedman et al. (154) (Belgium) (158). Interestingly, when only clinical
observed the degree of periradicular inflammation in scoring was used to evaluate the quality of coronal
root-filled dog teeth, 6 months after inoculating the restoration, API rates for GR and PR did not differ
coronally sealed pulp chamber with plaque, and significantly (68.9% and 63.2%). However, when
compared it with teeth where no inoculation was evaluation was based on radiographic examination,
performed. Severe inflammation was detected in API rates for GR and PR (76.2% and 50.9%) differed
histological sections in seven of 48 coronally inoculated significantly. The significance of the quality of coronal
teeth (15%) and in one of 23 non-inoculated teeth (4%) restoration to periapical health of root-filled teeth was
without plaque sealed in the pulp chamber. Ray & also documented in two other recent studies in Canada
Trope (155) correlated the quality of both the root and India (113, 159). In the former, the coronal
filling and the permanent coronal restoration in 1010 restoration had an impact on API in teeth with PE, but
teeth with the periapical status as assessed from not in teeth with GE, corroborating the previous
radiographs. Full-mouth radiographs from randomly findings by Tronstad et al. (156).
selected new patient charts at Temple University A different approach to the role of coronal bacterial
Dental School (Philadelphia, PA, USA) were examined. leakage in periapical health was used by Ricucci et al.
A stronger correlation was found between the presence (160) and Ricucci & Bergenholtz (161), who analyzed
of a periapical lesion and poor coronal restoration than histologically 39 roots in 32 extracted teeth, all of
poor quality of endodontic treatment. The combina- which had been lacking coronal restoration for a
tion of good restoration (GR) and good endodontic minimum of 3 months. In some specimens, the root
(GE) quality had the highest absence of periradicular filling had been exposed to the oral environment for
inflammation (API) at 91.4%. This was significantly several years. As assessed by radiography, apical perio-
higher than poor restoration (PR) combined with poor dontitis was associated with five roots only (12.8%).
endodontic (PE) quality, with an API rate of only Brown and Brenn staining of longitudinal sections of
18.1%. The impact of GR appeared to be greater than 29 root specimens demonstrated the presence of

Haapasalo et al

bacteria along the main canal wall as well as in the system. In periapical actinomycosis, the infective flora,
dentinal tubules in the coronal third in 28 specimens. mainly Actinomyces species, has managed to establish
In one specimen bacteria were seen in the apical third of itself in the periapical area. In some cases of post-
the root canal, but not in the middle or coronal thirds. treatment apical periodontitis, it is possible that
One of the nine root specimens where the coronal third periapical inflammation is caused by a foreign body
was destroyed during extraction showed bacteria in the reaction, or may be connected to the presence of a large
apical third. Although based on a relatively small accumulation of cholesterol crystals (11, 12). The
sample, these two studies demonstrated that despite relative proportion of etiological reasons other than
prolonged exposure to the oral environment and oral microbes, however, is low. In addition, in order to
bacteria for several months and even years, a large-scale verify the diagnosis of non-microbial etiology, histo-
bacterial penetration into the filled root canal occurred pathological examination would be required. There-
only in the coronal portion of the root, while in the fore, from a practical point of view, whenever apical
apical portion the histological methods used failed to periodontitis has been diagnosed to affect a previously
disclose bacteria in the great majority of the roots. root-filled tooth, the treatment should target elimina-
tion of microbes. Consequently, the decision on new
treatment (retreatment) relies on the correct diagnosis
Coronal leakage: future
of the periapical status of the tooth. According to the
The evidence indicating the importance of coronal seal Consensus report of the European Society of Endodontol-
for the long-term outcome of endodontic therapy is ogy on quality guidelines for endodontic treatment (80),
quite convincing. It is reasonable, therefore, to empha- healing of apical periodontitis can be observed for up to
size the role of adequate, permanent coronal seal as an 4 years after the treatment (5 years after surgery),
integral part of endodontic therapy. However, many of before taking a decision on further intervention. The
the important details of bacterial coronal leakage and its prerequisite for this is that the tooth is symptom-free,
implications for clinical outcomes are yet to be and that the apical periodontitis lesion does not
uncovered. One of the central questions not yet become enlarged in the control radiographs. With
answered is when to recommend retreatment of a regard to differential diagnosis, it is important to
root-filled tooth, where the root filling has been exposed identify the possibility of healing with scar tissue (163,
directly or through leakage to oral bacteria. Our present 164), such as that may occur if both the buccal and
understanding is based on epidemiological studies and palatal cortex have been destroyed. Such may be the
indirect observations and conclusions. Because of many case in teeth associated with large lesions or after
ethical and practical reasons, the study design addressing periapical surgery (165).
this research question remains a challenge. Recently, In summary, post-treatment apical periodontitis is an
animal models were introduced for testing the effects of indication for endodontic treatment, where elimination
leakage on periradicular healing (154, 162). Areas not of the infection is the key for healing. Retreatment of
yet thoroughly studied are the composition of the teeth without apical periodontitis, but with an identified
invading microflora in coronal leakage in vivo, the effect risk for disease development, such as an apparently
of replacing only the coronal seal, without retreatment, deficient root filling or coronal leakage, is a more
on the contaminating microflora, and several quantita- complicated issue. The canal space in many of these teeth
tive aspects of coronal leakage in relation to apical is obviously contaminated, however, not to the extent
pathosis. Nevertheless, every effort should be taken to that causes disease. In such situations, too little is known
ensure good coronal seal during and after every about the risk of developing infection and disease in the
endodontic treatment. future, if coronal restoration is completed without first
performing endodontic retreatment.

Indications for retreatment of post-

treatment apical periodontitis Future strategies for eradication of the
residual microflora
There is overwhelming evidence that both primary and
post-treatment apical periodontitis are caused by It should be emphasized that already today, high-
bacteria and/or yeasts harbored in the root canal quality endodontic therapy of apical periodontitis

Intracanal infection

provides very good outcomes, and healing can be already be achieved with today’s techniques and
expected in the great majority of teeth. Recent materials, future developments in these areas will
literature indicates, though, that in many teeth a small hopefully further improve our possibilities to eliminate
number of viable bacteria reside in the root canal predictably intracanal infection and prevent reinfection,
system, particularly in the dentinal tubules, at the time and thus prevent or heal apical periodontitis.
of root filling. Although these and other studies suggest
that these residual bacteria seldom interfere with
healing, there is no doubt that theoretically, residual Acknowledgements
bacteria pose a potential threat to long-term outcomes.
The authors wish to thank Dr Shimon Friedman for
Therefore, in an optimal situation, complete elimina-
constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement
tion of the residual microflora remains the goal of
during the preparation of this paper.
endodontic treatment. There is presently considerable
research activity on new methods and materials used for
instrumentation, irrigation, disinfection, and filling of
the root canal space to achieve more predictably
complete elimination of root canal infection and to
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12. Nair PN, Sjögren U, Sundqvist G. Cholesterol crystals
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