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RJS Relibility PPT-1

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Introduction to Reliability Engineering


•No one disputes the need for articles to be reliable. The
average consumer is acutely aware of the problem of less
than perfect reliability in domestic products such as TV
sets and automobiles. Organizations such as airlines, the
military and public utilities are aware of the costs of
unreliability. Manufacturers often suffer high costs of
failure under Warranty. Argument and misunderstanding
begin when we try to quantify reliability values, or try to
assign financial or other benefit values to levels of
The objectives of reliability engineering, in the
order of priority, are:
•To apply engineering knowledge and specialist
techniques to prevent or to reduce the likelihood or
frequency of failures.
•To identify and correct the causes of failures that
do occur, despite the efforts to prevent them.
•To determine ways of coping with failures that do
occur, if their causes have not been corrected.
•To apply methods for estimating the likely
reliability of new designs, and for analyzing
reliability data.
•Engineering education is traditionally concerned with
teaching how manufactured products work. The ways in which
products fail, the effects of failure and aspects of design,
manufacture, maintenance and use which affect the likelihood
of failure are not usually taught, mainly because it is necessary
to understand hog a product works before considering ways in
which it might fail.
•For many products the tendency to approach the failed state is
analowous to entropy. The engineer’s tasks are to design and
maintain the product so that the failed state is deferred. In
these tasks he faces the problems inherent in the variability of
engineering materials, processes and applications. Figure 1.1
shows the pressures that lead to the overall perception of risk.
Reliability engineering has developed in response to the need
to control these risks.
•Some highly reliable products are produced by design
and manufacturing teams who practice the traditional
virtues of reliance on experience and maintenance of
high quality. They do not see reliability engineering as a
subject requiring specialist consideration, and a book
such as this would teach them little that they did not
already practice in creating their reliable products.
•Whether failures occur or not and their times to
occurrence, can seldom be forecast accurately. Reliability
is therefore an aspect of engineering uncertainty.
Whether an item will work for a particular period is a
question which can be answered as a probability.
•This results in the usual engineering definition of
reliability as: The probability that an item will perform a
required function without failure under stated conditions
for a stated period of time.
•Reliability can also be expressed as the number of
failures over a period.
•Durability is a particular aspect of reliability, related to
the ability of an item to withstand the effects of time (or
of distance travelled, operating cycles, etc.) dependent
mechanisms such as fatigue, gear, corrosion, electrical
parameter change, etc. Durability is usually expressed as
a minimum time before the occurrence of wear out
Reliability is an engineering discipline for applying scientific know-
how to a component, assembly, plant, or process so it will perform its
intended function, without failure, for the required time duration
when installed and Operated correctly in a specified environment.
Reliability is "quality changing over time" or A motion picture
instead of a Snapshot.
Reliability is a measure of the result of the quality of the product over
the long run. Reliability terminates with a failure—i.e, unreliability
occurs. Business enterprises observe the high cost of unreliability.
The high cost of unreliability motivates an engineering solution to
control and reduce costs.
MIL-STD-721C Definitions of Terms for Reliability and
Maintainability gives the following definition for reliability:
Reliability is the probability than an item can perform its
intended Function without failure for a specified interval under
stated conditions.
This definition provides the following four aspects of

1. Reliability is a probability based concept; the numerical

value of the reliability is between 0 and 1.
2. The functional performance of the product has to meet
certain stipulations and a functional definition of failure is
needed. For example, a failure means different things to
the user and to the repair person.
3. It implies successful operation over a certain period of
4. Operating or environmental conditions under which
product use takes place are specified
Cost of Unreliability
Cost improvement efforts are more productive when motivated from
the top-down rather than bottom-up because it is a top management
driven effort for improving costs. Finding the cost of unreliability
(COUR) starts with a big-picture view and helps direct cost
improvement programs by identifying:

1. Where is the cost problem--what sections of the plant,

2. What magnitude is the problem--all business loss costs are
included in the calculation, and
3. What major types of problems occur

Cost of unreliability programs study plants as links in a chain for a

reliability system, and the costs Incurred when the plant, or a series
of plants, fail to produce the desired result.
Reliability does not just happen. It requires that the following three
key elements be in place
1. A commitment from top management to ensuring reliability
2. A reliability policy (that goes hand-in-hand with a Quality
3. A philosophy that designs reliability in at an early stage
# Use proven designs
# Use the simplest possible designs
# Use proven components that have undergone reliability
component testing
# Use redundant parts in high risk areas. Placing two
components in parallel will reduce the overall probability of
# Always design fail safe
# Specify and use proven manufacturing methods

Reliability is the probability that a system will still be functioning at time


This can be expressed as “the cumulative distribution of failure”

These two measures are the mirror image of each other (Refer Figure
below). The reliability will start at 1 and decay to approach 0 over time.
The cumulative distribution of failure will start at 0 (no failures) and
approach 1 as all the items fail over time. The slope of the reliability
curve at any time t is the failure rate at that point in time. These measures
give the overall reliability or failure at time t.
Probability density function
We wish to have an idea of the probability of an item failing in a
given unit time period. This is termed the “probability density
function” and is given by

The failure or hazard rate gives the failure density over a period of
time as with the “probability density function”, but is based on the
current population. This gives a much better indication of the
changing reliability of a system over time.
Most products go through three distinct phases from product
inception to wear out. Figure below shows a typical life cycle curve
for which the failure rate is plotted as function of time.
Infancy/ Green / Debugging / Burn-in-period: Many components
fail very soon after they are put into service. Failures within this
period are caused by defects and poor design that cause an item to
be legitimately bad. These are called infant mortality failures and
the failure rate in this period is relatively high. Good system
vendors will perform an operation called "burn in" where they put
together and test a system for several days to try to weed out these
types of problems so the customer doesn't see them.
Chance failure/ Normal Operating Life: If a component does not
fail within its infancy, it will generally tend to remain trouble-free
over its operating lifetime. The failure rate during this period is
typically quite low. This phase, in which the failure rate is constant,
typically represents the useful life of the product.
Wear out/ Ageing: After a component reaches a certain age, it
enters the period where it begins to wear out, and failures start to
increase. The period where failures start to increase is called the
wear out phase of component life.
Reliability Determination
In the adult or mature phase the failure rate of a component or system
is constant. Under such conditions the time to failure follows an
exponential law, and the probability density function of exponential
distribution is as given below:

Where ? denotes the failure rate. The Mean time to failure MTTF for
the exponential distribution is:
MTTF = 1 / ?

If the failure rate is constant, the MTTF is the reciprocal of the failure
rate. For repairable system it is also equal to MTBF. The reliability at
time t, R(t), is the probability of the product lasting up to at least time
t. It is given by
Series System: When components are in series and each component
has a reliability R i . If one component fails, the system fails.

The overall reliability of a series system shown above is:

R AB = R1 x R2 x R3

If R1 = R2 = R3 = 0.95

RAB = R1 x R2 x R3 = 0.95 x 0.95 x 0.95 = 0.86

R total is always < than R1 or R2 or R3

Parallel System: When components are in parallel and each component has a
reliability Ri. If one component fails, the system does not fail.

The probability of 2 failing is = (1 - R 2 )

Overall reliability is R AB =1 - (1 - R 1 ) (1 - R 2)

If R1= 0.9 and R2 =0.8

R AB =1 - (1 - 0.9) (1 - 0.8) = 0.98

R Totalise always > than R1 or R2

There are many reasons why a product might fail.
Knowing, as far as is practicable, the potential
causes of failures is fundamental to preventing
them. It is rarely practicable to anticipate all of the
causes, so it is also necessary to take account of
the uncertainty involved. The reliability
engineering effort, during design, development and
in manufacture and service should address all of
the anticipated and possibly unanticipated causes
of failure, to ensure that their occurrence is
prevented or minimized.
The main reasons why failures occur are:

1. The design might be inherently incapable. It might be too weak,

consume too much power, suffer resonance at the wrong frequency,
etc. The list of possible reasons is endless, and every design
problem presents the potential for errors, omissions, and oversights.
The more complex the design or difficult the problems to be
overcome, the greater is this potential.
2. The item might be overstressed in some way. If the stress
applied exceeds the strength then failure will occur. An
electronic component will fail if the applied electrical stress
(voltage, current) exceeds the ability to withstand it, and a
mechanical strut will buckle if the compression stress applied
exceeds the buck- ling strength. Overstress failures such as these do
happen, but fortunately not very often, since designers provide
margins of safety.
3. Failures might be caused by variation. In the
situations described above the values of strength and
load are fixed and known. If the known strength always
exceeds the known load, as shown in Fig. 1.2, then
failure will not occur. However, in most cases, there will
be some uncertainty about both. The actual strength
values of any population of components will vary there
will be some that are relatively strong, others that are
relatively weak, but most will be of nearly average
strength. Also, the loads applied will be variable. Figure
1.3 shows this type of situation. As before, failure will
not occur so long as the applied load does not exceed
the strength.
However, if there is an overlap between the distributions of
load and strength, and a load value in the high tail of the
load distribution is applied to an item in the weak tail of
the strength distribution so that there is overlap or
interference between the distributions (Fig. 1.4), then
failure will occur.
4. Failures can be caused by wear out. We will use this
term to include any mechanism or process that causes an
item that is sufficiently strong at the start of its life to
become weaker with age. Well-known examples of such
processes are material fatigue, wear between surfaces in
moving contact, corrosion, insulation deterioration, and
the wear out mechanisms of light bulbs and fluorescent
tubes. Figure 1.5 illustrates this kind of situation. Initially
the strength is adequate to withstand the applied loads, but
as weakening occurs over time the strength decreases. In
every case the average value falls and the spread of the
strength distribution widens. This is a major reason why it
is so difficult to provide accurate predictions of the lives
of such items.
5. Failures can be caused by other time-dependent
mechanisms. Battery run-down, creep caused by simultaneous
high temperature and tensile stress, as in turbine discs and fine
solder joints, and progressive drift of electronic component
parameter values are examples of such mechanisms.
6. Failures can be caused by sneaks. A sneak is a condition in
which the system does not work properly even though every
part does. For example, an electronic system might be
designed in such a way that under certain conditions incorrect
operation occurs. The fatal fire in the Apollo spacecraft crew
capsule was caused in this way: the circuit design ensured that
an electrical short circuit would occur when a particular
sequence was performed by the crew. Sneaks can also occur in
software designs.
7. Failures can be caused by errors, such as incorrect
specifications, designs or software coding, by faulty assembly
or test, by inadequate or incorrect maintenance, or by incorrect
use. The actual failure mechanisms that result might include
most of the list above.
8. There are many other potential causes of failure. Wears might
be noisy, oil seals might leak, display screens might flicker,
operating instructions might be wrong or ambiguous, electronic
systems might suffer from electromagnetic interference, etc.
Failures have many different causes and effects, and there
are also different perceptions of what kinds of events might
be classified as failures. The burning O-ring seals on the Space
Shuttle booster rockets were not classed as failures, until the ill-
fated launch of Challenger. We also know that all failures, in
principle and almost always in practice, can be prevented.
reliability as a probability means that any attempt to
quantify it must involve the use of statistical methods. An
understanding of statistics as applicable to reliability
engineering is therefore a necessary basis for progress,
except for the special cases when reliability is perfect (we
know the item will never fail) or it is zero (the item will
never work). For practical purposes a hammer might be
100% reliable if used for driving tacks, but would have a
zero reliability if used to stop a train. If used to break
rocks, its reliability for a given period might have some
value between 0 and 100%.
In engineering we try to ensure 100% reliability, but
our experience tells us that we do not always succeed.
Therefore reliability statistics are usually concerned
with probability values which are very high or very
low. Quantifying such numbers. brings increased
uncertainty, since we need correspondingly more
information. Other sources of uncertainty are
introduced because reliability is often about people who
make and people who use the product, and because of
the widely varying environments in which typical
products might operate.
Reliability is quantified in other ways. We can specify a
reliability as the mean number of failures in a given
time (failure rate), or as the mean time between failures
(MTBF) for items which are repaired and returned to
use, or as the mean time to failure (MTTF) for items
which are not repaired. For repaired items, it is often
assumed that failures occur at a constant rate, in which
case the failure rate = (MTBL)-1.
However, this is only a special case, valuable because
it is often true and because it is easy to understand.
important to distinguish between repairable and non-repairable items
when predicting or measuring reliability. For a non-repairable item
such as a light bulb, a transistor, a rocket motor or an unmanned
spacecraft, reliability is the survival probability over the item’s
expected life, or for a period during its life, when only one failure
can occur. During the item’s life the instantaneous probability of the
first and only failure is called the hazard rate. Life values such as the
mean life or mean time to failure (MTTF), or the expected life by
which a certain percentage might have failed (say 10 %), are other
reliability characteristics that can be used. Note that non-repairable
items may be individual parts (light bulbs, transistors) or systems
comprised of many parts (spacecraft, microprocessors). When a part
fails in a non-repairable system, the system fails (usually) and
system reliability is, therefore, a function of the time to the first part

For items which are repaired when they fail, reliability is the
probability that failure will not occur in the period of interest,
when more than one failure can occur. It can also be expressed as
the failure rate or the rate of occurrence of failures (ROCOF).
However, the failure rate expresses the instantaneous probability
of failure per unit time, when several failures can occur in a time
continuum. It is unfortunate that the expression failure rate has
been applied loosely in the past to non-repairable items. What is
really meant is that, in a repairable system which contains a part
type, the part will contribute by that amount to the system failure
rate. The part, being non-repairable, cannot have a failure rate.
This distinction does not always have practical significance, but it
can, as will be shown later. The expression ROCOF is sometimes
used to stress this point.

Repairable system reliability can also be characterized by

the mean time between failures (MTBF), but only under
the particular condition of a constant failure rate. We are
also concerned with the availability of repairable items,
since repair takes time. Availability is affected by the
rate of occurrence of failures (failure rate) and by
maintenance time. Maintenance can be corrective (i.e.
repair) or preventive (to reduce the likelihood of failure,
e.g. lubrication). We therefore need to understand the
relationship between reliability and maintenance, and
how both reliability and maintainability can affect
There are three basic ways in which the pattern of failures can
change with time.
1.The hazard rate may be decreasing, increasing or constant. We can
tell much about the causes of failure and about the reliability of the
item by appreciating the way the hazard rate behaves in time.
2. A constant hazard rate is characteristic of failures which are
caused by the application of loads in excess of the design strength,
at a constant average rate. For example, overstress failures due to
accidental or transient circuit overload, or maintenance-induced
failures of mechanical equipment, typically occur randomly and at a
generally constant rate.
3. Material fatigue brought about by strength deterioration due to
cyclic loading is a failure mode which does not occur for a finite
time, and then exhibits an increasing probability of occurrence.

The failure rates (or ROCOL) of repairable items can also

vary with time, and important implications can be derived
from these trends. A constant failure rate (CLR) is
indicative of externally induced failures, as in the constant
hazard rate situation for non-repairable items. A CLR is
also typical of complex systems subject to repair and
overhaul, where different parts exhibit different patterns
of failure with time and parts have different ages since
repair or replacement.

Repairable systems can show a decreasing failure

rate (DLR) when reliability is improved by
progressive repair, as defective parts which fail
relatively early are replaced by good parts. ‘Burn in’
is applied to electronic systems, as well as to parts,
for this purpose. An increasing failure rate (ILR)
occurs in repairable systems when wear out failure
modes of parts begin to predominate. The pattern of
failures with time of repairable systems can also be
illustrated by use of the bathtub curve (Fig. 1.6), but
with the failure rate (ROCOL) plotted against age
instead of the hazard rate.
With the increasing cost and complexity of many modern
systems, the importance of reliability as an effectiveness
parameter, which should be specified and paid for, has
become apparent. For example, a radar station, a process
plant or an airliner must be available when required, and
the cost of non-availability, particularly if it is un-
scheduled, can be very high. In the weapons field, if an
anti-aircraft missile has a less than 100% probability of
functioning correctly throughout its engagement sequence,
operational planners must consider deploying the
appropriate extra quantity to provide the required level of
Reliability generally affects availability, and in this context
maintainability is also relevant. Reliability and maintainability are
often related to availability by the formula:

Where MTTR is the mean time to repair. This is the simplest

steady-state situation. It is clear that availability improvements can
be achieved by improving either MTBL or MTTR. For example,
automatic built-in test equipment can greatly reduce diagnostic
times for electronic equipment, at a cost of a slight reduction in
overall reliability and an increase in unit costs. Many other
parameters can be considered in trade-offs, such as weight,
redundancy, cost of materials, parts and processes, or reduction in
The greatest difficulty in estimating relationships for reliability
trade-offs derives from the fact that, where as it is possible to
estimate quite accurately such factors as the cost and weight
penalties of built-in test equipment, the cost of materials and
components, or the worth of a measurable performance parameter,
the effect on reliability cannot generally be forecast accurately, and
reliability measurements can at best be made only within statistical
limits imposed by the amount of data available. Even for quite
simple systems, quantifying the separate contributions to a measured
change in reliability due to different causes is a very uncertain
exercise. Consequently, while there is considerable literature on the
effectiveness of various reliability methods, few generally applicable
estimating relationships are available. Selection of trade-offs must
therefore be very much a matter of experience of similar projects in
the knowledge that wide margins of error can exist.
What, then, are the actions that managers and engineers can take to
influence reliability? One obvious activity already mentioned is
quality control, the whole range of functions designed to ensure that
delivered products are compliant with the design. For many products,
QC is sufficient to ensure high reliability, and we would not expect a
match factory or a company mass-producing simple die-castings to
employ reliability staff. In such cases the designs are simple and well
proven, the environments in which the products will operate are well
understood and the very occasional failure has no significant
financial or operational effect. QC, together with craftsmanship, can
provide adequate assurance for simple products or when the risks are
known to be very low. Risks are low when safety margins can be
made very large, as in most structural engineering. Reliability
engineering disciplines may justifiably be absent in many types of
product development and manufacture. QC disciplines are, however,
essential elements of any integrated reliability programme.
A formal reliability programme is necessary whenever the risks or
costs of failure are not low. We have already seen how reliability
engineering developed as a result of the high costs of unreliability of
military equipment, and later in commercial application. Risks of
failure usually increase in proportion to the number of components in
a system, so reliability programmes are required for any product
whose complexity leads to an appreciable risk.
An effective reliability programme should be based on the
conventional wisdom of responsibility and authority being vested in
one person. The responsibility must relate to a defined objective,
which may be a maximum Warranty cost figure, an MTBL to be
demonstrated or a requirement that failure will not occur. Having an
objective and the authority, how does the reliability programme
manager set about his or her task, faced as he or she is with a
responsibility based on uncertainties? This question will be answered
in detail in subsequent chapters, but a brief outline is given below.
The reliability programme must begin at the earliest, conceptual
phase of the project. It is at this stage that fundamental decisions are
made, which can significantly affect reliability. These are decisions
related to the risks involved in the specification (design,
complexity, producibility, etc.), development time-scale, re-sources
applied to evaluation and test, skills available, and other factors.
The shorter the development time-scale, the more important is this
need, particularly if there will be few opportunities for an iterative
approach. The activities appropriate to this phase are an involvement
in the assessment of these trade-offs and the generation of reliability
objectives. The reliability staff can perform these functions
effectively only if they are competent to contribute to the give-and-
take inherent in the trade-off negotiations, which may be conducted
between designers, production staff, marketing staff, customer
representatives and finance staff.
As development proceeds from initial study to detail
design, the reliability risks are controlled by a formal,
documented approach to the review of design and to the
imposition of design rules relating to components,
materials and process selection, de-rating policy,
tolerance, etc. The objectives at this stage are to ensure
that known good practices are applied, that deviations are
detected and corrected, and that areas of uncertainty are
highlighted for further action. The programme continues
through the initial hardware manufacturing and test stages,
by planning and executing tests to generate confidence in
the design and by collecting, analyzing and acting upon
test data.
During production, QC activities ensure that the proven
design is repeated, and further testing may be applied to
eliminate weak items and to maintain confidence. The
data collection, analysis and action process continues
through the production and in-use phases. Throughout the
product life cycle, therefore, the reliability is assessed,
first by initial predictions based upon past experience in
order to determine feasibility and to set objectives, then
by refining the predictions as detail design proceeds and
subsequently by recording performance during the test,
production and in-use phases. This performance is fed
back to generate corrective action, and to provide data
and guidelines for future products.
Obviously the reliability programme activities described can be
expensive. Figure 1.7 is a commonly-described representation of the
theoretical cost–benefit relationship of effort expended on reliability
(or production quality) activities.
However, despite its intuitive appeal and frequent
presentation in textbooks and teaching on quality and
reliability, this picture is misleading. Closer thought
easily uncovers the
error in the picture. Since less than perfect reliability is
the result of Failures, all of which have causes, we should
ask ‘what is the cost of preventing or correcting the
cause, compared with the cost of doing nothing?’ When
each potential or actual cause is analyzed in this gay, it is
nearly always apparent that total costs continue to reduce
indefinitely as reliability is improved.
In other words, all effort on an effective reliability
programme represents an investment, usually with a large
payback over a short period. The only problem is that it is
not easy to quantify the effects of given reliability
programme activities, such as a certain amount of testing, on
achieved reliability.
However, experience shows clearly that the more realistic
picture is as shown in Fig. 1.8. It was W. E. Deming who
first explained this relationship in his teaching on production
quality. The truth has been clearly demonstrated by the
success of the companies that have whole heartedly adopted
this teaching.
Achieving reliable designs and products requires a totally integrated
approach, including design, training, test, production, as well as the
reliability programme activities. In such an approach it is difficult to
separately identify and cost those activities that are specifically
devoted to reliability, as opposed to say performance or cost. The
integrated engineering approach places high requirements for judgment
and engineering knowledge on project managers and team members.
Reliability specialists must play their parts as members of the team.
There are three kinds of engineering product, from the perspective
of failure prevention:

1. Intrinsically reliable components, which are those that have high

margins between their strength and the stresses that could cause
failure, and which do not wear out within their practicable lifetimes.
Such items include nearly all electronic components (if properly
applied), nearly all mechanical non-moving components, and all
correct software.
2. Intrinsically unreliable components, which are those
with low design margins or which wear out, such as
badly applied components, light bulbs, turbine blades,
parts that move in contact with others, like wears,
bearings and power drive belts, etc.
3. Systems which include many components and
interfaces, like cars, dishwashers, aircraft, etc, so that
there are many possibilities for Failures to occur,
particularly across interfaces (e.g. inadequate electrical
overstress protection, vibration nodes at weak points,
electromagnetic interference, software that contains
errors, etc.).
It is the task of design engineers to ensure that all
components are correctly applied, that margins are
adequate (particularly in relation to the possible extreme
values of strength and stress, which are often variable), that
wear-out failure modes are prevented during the expected
life (by safe life design, maintenance, etc.), and that system
interfaces cannot lead to failure (due to interactions,
tolerance mismatches, etc.). Because achieving all this on
any modern engineering product is a task that challenges
the capabilities of the very best engineering teams, it is
almost certain that aspects of the initial design will fall
short of the ‘intrinsically reliable’ criterion.
Therefore we must submit the design to analyses and tests
in order to show not only that it works, but also to show
up the features that might lead to Failures. When we find
out what these are we must redesign and retest, until the
final design is considered to meet the criterion.
Then the product has to be manufactured. In principle,
every one should be identical and correctly made. Of
course this is not achievable, because of the inherent
variability of all manufacturing processes, whether
performed by humans or by machines. It is the task of the
manufacturing people to understand and control variation,
and to implement inspections and tests that will identify
non-conforming product.
For many engineering products the quality of operation and
maintenance also influence reliability. The essential points that
arise from this brief and obvious discussion of Failures are that:
# Failures are caused primarily by people (designers, suppliers,
assemblers, users, maintainers). Therefore the achievement of
reliability is essentially a management task, to ensure that the
right people, skills, teams and other resources are applied to
prevent the creation of Failures.
# Reliability (and quality) are not separate specialist functions
that can effectively ensure the prevention of Failures. They are
the results of effective working by all involved.
# There is no fundamental limit to the extent to which Failures
can be prevented. We can design and build for ever-increasing
Deming explained how, in the context of
manufacturing quality, there is no point at which
further improvement leads to higher costs. This
is, of course, even more powerfully true when
considered over the whole product life cycle, so
that efforts to ensure that designs are intrinsically
reliable, by good design and effective
development testing, generate even higher pay-
offs than improvements in production quality.
The ‘kaizen’ (continuous improvement) principle
is even more effective when applied to up-front
Maintainability is a design characteristic dealing with the ease, accuracy,
safety, and economy in the performance of maintenance functions. It may be
defined in several ways:
# The probability that an item will be restored within a given period of
# The probability that maintenance will not be required more than x times
a given period of time
# The probability that the maintenance cost will not exceed y Rupees in a
given period of time
Maintainability is the ease and speed with which any maintenance activity
can be carried out on an item of equipment. It may be measured by Mean
Time to Repair.
Once a piece of equipment has failed it must be possible to get it back into
an operating condition as soon as possible, this is known as maintainability .
To calculate the maintainability or Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) of an
item, the time required to perform each anticipated repair task must be
weighted (multiplied) by the relative frequency with which that task must be
performed (e.g. no. of times per year).
Maintenance categories
Corrective maintenance: unscheduled maintenance to restore a system to
a specified level of performance
Preventive maintenance: scheduled maintenance to retain a system at a
specified level of performance
Maintenance Elapsed-Time Factors
# Mean corrective maintenance time (Mc)
# Mean preventive maintenance time (Mp)
# Mean active maintenance time (MT = Mc + Mp)
# lowistic delay time (LDT)
# Administrative delay time (ADT)
# Maintenance down time (MDT=MT+LDT+ADT)
Maintenance Labour-Hour Factors
# Maintenance labour-hours per cycle, etc.
Maintenance Frequency Factors
# Mean time between maintenance
Maintenance Cost Factors
# Maintenance cost per system operating period, etc.
The ability of an item to be in a state to perform a required function
under given conditions at a given instant of time or during a given
time interval, assuming that the required external resources are
Availability at its simplest level
Availability = Uptime / (Downtime + Uptime)
The time units are generally hours and the time base is 1 year .
From the design area of concern this equation translates to
Availability(Intrinsic) A i = MTBF / (MTBF + MTTR)
MTBF = Mean time between failures
MTTR = Mean time to repair / Mean time to replace.
Operational availability is defined differently
Availability (Operational) A o = MTBM/(MTBM+MDT).
MTBM = Mean time between maintenance.
MDT = Mean Down Time.
System Availability

System Availability is calculated by modeling the

system as an interconnection of parts in series and
parallel. The following rules are used to decide if
components should be placed in series or parallel:
# If failure of a part leads to the combination
becoming inoperable, the two parts are considered to
be operating in series
# If failure of a part leads to the other part taking over
the operations of the failed part, the two parts are
considered to be operating in parallel.
The calculations of system availability are similar to
system reliability

1. Define (a) failure rate, and (b) hazard rate. Explain their
application to the reliability of components and repairable systems.
Discuss the plausibility of the ‘bathtub curve’ in both contexts.
2. (a) Explain the theory of component Failures derived from the
interaction of stress (or load) and strength distributions. Explain
how this theory relates to the behavior of the component hazard
(b) Discuss the validity of the ‘bathtub curve’ when used to
describe the failure characteristics of non-repairable components.
3. What are the main objectives of a reliability engineering team
working on an engineering development project? Describe the
important skills and experience that should be available within the
4.Briefy list the most common basic causes of
Failures of engineering products.

5. It is sometimes claimed that increasing quality

and reliability beyond levels that have been
achieved in the past is likely to be uneconomic,
due to the costs of the actions that would be
necessary. Present the argument against this belief.
Illustrate it with an example from your own

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