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IoT-Based Real-Time Monitoring and Control System For Distribution Substation

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2023 10th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS)

13-15 December, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh

IoT-Based Real-Time Monitoring And Control

System for Distribution Substation
Md. Abu Talha1, Rashedur Rahman Rashed1, Shameem Ahmad1, Ruham Rofique1, Muhibul Haque Bhuyan1,
Sujan Howlader1, Md Shahriar Parvez1, and Mahamudul Hassan2
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE), Faculty of Engineering (FE)
2023 10th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS) | 979-8-3503-1873-9/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICPS60393.2023.10428721

Department of Industrial and Production Engineering (IPE), Faculty of Engineering (FE)
American International University–Bangladesh (AIUB), Dhaka 1229, Bangladesh.

Abstract— This paper presents the development and worked on Zigbee-based wireless network systems [7], and
deployment of an IoT-based monitoring and automatic control another group worked on centralized power consumption
system for power substations to address equipment failures, monitoring [8] to showcase IoT's potential in enhancing
energy losses, and safety concerns. This system utilizes a substation operations. A group of researchers highlighted the
network of sensors to collect voltage, current, and temperature reliability of Zigbee communication for data transmission [9].
data from various substation components in real-time. The In [10], the authors demonstrated cybersecurity issues,
collected data is then sent to a centralized control center and a whereas the others offered solutions to increase the energy
user-friendly Blynk IoT application that authorized personnel
efficiency and reliability of substations [11]. These
can access. Utilizing sophisticated analytics and algorithms
developments underscored the crucial role of IoT in ensuring
enables proactive maintenance by identifying potential
malfunctions and initiating prompt actions. In addition, the
efficient, secure, and resilient substation management in the
system maximizes resource utilization by monitoring voltage evolving power distribution landscape, with noteworthy
levels and balancing loads. Integration with the Blynk contributions.
application enables remote monitoring, real-time alerts, and Verma et al. discuss an IoT-based substation monitoring
remote-control capabilities, thereby improving accessibility and system with microcontrollers, addressing system limitations
expediting responses to urgent situations. Results show that the and putting a strong emphasis on data security [12]. In another
proposed system compared to existing ones, improves the
research work, the authors evaluated microcontroller
substation’s efficiency, minimizes downtime, and increases grid
platforms for substation control, emphasizing flexibility, cost-
reliability, thereby contributing to more resilient and
sustainable power infrastructure.
effectiveness, scalability, and security considerations [13]. In
[14], the authors of the article explored wireless sensor
Keywords—IoT, Real-Time Monitoring, Automatic Control, networks using microcontrollers and IoT for substation
Substation, Smart Grid. monitoring, highlighting the advantages of wireless
communication. In [15], the authors of the paper concentrated
I. INTRODUCTION on real-time substation monitoring with microcontrollers and
Substations are vital to electricity transmission and IoT, demonstrating practical benefits. In a separate research
distribution in the dynamic power industry. These vital work, the authors assessed microcontroller-based IoT
facilities supply power to end-users reliably and efficiently, platform performance for substation monitoring, emphasizing
making their monitoring and management essential for grid the importance of performance testing for informed
stability and operational excellence. Traditional substation deployments [16].
monitoring and control systems have helped, but they From the above literature reviews, it has been found that
typically have issues such as limited real-time data, high the integration of microcontrollers and IoT offers numerous
maintenance costs, and scalability. To address the advantages in substation monitoring, including enhanced
aforementioned concerns, the Internet of Things (IoT)-based monitoring capabilities, improved efficiency and reliability,
substation monitoring and control offers a promising solution scalability, and cost savings. These platforms enable real-time
to improve substation performance, efficiency, and reliability data collection, automation, and remote control, leading to
by addressing losses, equipment failures, and safety problems, proactive maintenance, optimized performance, and
akin to innovations in smart solar irrigation, automation, and adaptability to different substation requirements. However,
security [1-4]. there are also several challenges to consider. Security risks,
The integration of the IoT into substation monitoring and such as vulnerabilities and unauthorized access, highlight the
control systems represents a transformative approach to need for robust cyber-security measures. The complex
modernizing power distribution infrastructure. In [5], the integration of various components and the reliance on reliable
authors explored IoT-based solutions for substation power supply and maintenance can pose implementation
monitoring and control, emphasizing key contributions and challenges. It is crucial to address these concerns to ensure the
advancements. Other authors researched unmanned successful deployment of microcontroller-based IoT
monitoring systems for hot spot detection [6], a few others platforms in substation monitoring and control systems.

979-8-3503-1873-9/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE

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To address the aforementioned concerns, this paper aims
to develop an IoT-based monitoring and autonomous control
system for a substation, considering the challenges and
requirements of robust security measures, interoperability,
and grid efficiency enhancement to achieve a reliable and
sustainable power grid. The significant advantages of the
proposed substation monitoring and control system are fault
detection, safety, remote accessibility, resource utilization,
and data analytics assist in creating a more resilient and
sustainable power grid infrastructure by advancing substation
management methods.
The subsequent sections of the paper are structured in the
following manner: The experimental setup's approach, as well
as the circuit layout and flowchart for the advanced analytics
algorithm, were discussed in Section II. The application and (a) (b)
practical results are shown in Section III, together with a Fig. 1. Blynk App (a) Login page and (b) real-time data monitoring.
discussion and comparison to others based on evaluation
indexes. In Section IV, at the end of the paper, a conclusion B. Advanced Analytics Algorithm for Controlling Operation
will be offered to wrap up everything.
Fig. 2 depicts the flowchart of the advanced analytics
II. METHODOLOGY algorithm for the Blynk app. The process begins with
initiating the system and logging in with valid credentials.
This section explains the design and development of Once authenticated, the system displays real-time data on
different sections of the proposed substation monitoring and power, voltage, and current readings from the connected
control system. substations and repeats them as needed to monitor various
A. Design of Blynk app for IoT-based real-time operation components comprehensively. After completing the
The system uses the Arduino 1.6.8 platform, Arduino.exe, monitoring and control tasks, securely log out of the
to establish settings on a computer connected via USB. The application, ensuring data privacy and preventing
Blynk platform is the foundation for the IoT system, providing unauthorized access. The advanced analytics algorithm
a user-friendly interface for monitoring and managing ensures seamless data visualization and control, enhancing the
substation operations. The software is designed for smooth efficiency and reliability of substation management process.
communication with the MQTT protocol, optimizing data
exchange. The system prioritizes security through distinct
authentication tokens and SSL/TLS encryption, ensuring data
exchange is secure and efficient. The layout of the developed
Blynk App for real-time monitoring control of substation is
shown in Fig. 1. To develop with Blynk using Arduino, follow
these steps:
Step 1: Set up the Blynk App: Download the app from the
Play Store and create a new account.
Step 2: Install the Blynk Library: Open the Arduino IDE,
search for "Blynk" and click on the library.
Step 3: Connect the Arduino board to the computer using a
USB cable and select the appropriate board and port in the
Arduino IDE from the "Tools" menu.
Step 4: Write Arduino Code: Open a new sketch in the
Arduino IDE and include the Blynk library.
Fig. 2. Flowchart for advanced analytics algorithm for controlling.
Step 5: Create a new void setup function to initialize the
connection to the Blynk server using an auth token and chosen
communication method.
C. Software Implementation
Step 6: Use Blynk virtual pins to link sensor data or control
commands to specific widgets in the Blynk app. Fig. 3 shows that sensors monitor current, voltage, and
temperature, with their outputs transmitted as electrical
Step 7: Upload and Run the Blynk App: Click the "Upload" signals to an Arduino microcontroller, which processes and
button in the Arduino IDE to compile and upload the code to manages the incoming data in the Proteus platform. Arduino
the Arduino board. acts as a data aggregation and transmission hub, channeling
processed information. It communicates with a Node MCU
Step 8: Open the Blynk app on a mobile device and tap on the
for IoT connectivity, relaying data to a mobile application
"Play" button to start the Blynk program.
powered by Blynk IoT. The final element of the
interconnected system is a real-time display, allowing for
seamless sensor data acquisition, processing, IoT integration,
and real-time visualization through the mobile app.

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A. Simulation Results
1) Case study 1: In normal condition
In Fig. 5, the current (I) is measured as 0.4 A, the voltage
is recorded as 190.67 V, so the power is calculated as 76.268
W, and the temperature reading shows 31.25°C. These values
indicate that the loads are consuming the expected amount of
power based on their demand.

Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of the proposed system in Proteus.

D. Hardware Implementation
The system collects data from voltage, current, and
temperature sensors in a substation, analyzing it in real-time
to identify abnormalities or faults. It checks for conditions like
undervoltage, overvoltage, overcurrent, and temperature
errors, and if detected, triggers a response. The system allows
authorized personnel to remotely access and monitor data Fig. 5. Voltage, current, and temperature are shown on the LCD screen in
through an app, providing real-time visualization of the data. normal mode.
The modular software allows for the integration of additional
sensors and control units as the substation network size 2) Case study 2: Undervoltage error
increases. The MQTT protocol is highly scalable, handling In the given Fig. 6, an error is detected due to low voltage,
thousands of devices with minimal overhead. The system is with the voltage measuring 91.90V, which is below the
compatible with various sensor and actuator models, allowing acceptable range of 125V. As a result, the relay is turned off,
cost-effective scaling for larger substations. indicating that the power supply to the demand has been cut
off to prevent potential damage or unsafe operation.

Fig. 4. Prototype of Substation Monitoring and The Control System.

Fig. 6. An undervoltage error is shown on the LCD screen.
Note: 1. Transformer 2. 60W and 100W Bulb 3. Switches 4. Node MCU 5.
Current Sensor 6. Voltage Sensor 7. Relay 8. Voltage Regulator 9. Buck
Converter 10. Arduino Uno 11. LCD Display 12. Temperature Sensor 13. B. Hardware Results
Reset Button. 1) Case study 1: Normal operating condition for 60W
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS In the given scenario in Fig. 7 (a) and (b), the current (I) is
Delving into the results analysis of the system, where measured as 227mA, the voltage (V) is recorded as 178V, and
validation and analysis of the data obtained from practical the power is calculated as 40W. These values are displayed on
measurements as well as the Blynk app provide a the Blynk app, indicating the real-time measurements of the
comprehensive evaluation of the outcomes of the system and current, voltage, and power. According to the ranges provided
conclusions from the collected data. in the analytical algorithm shown in Fig. 2, the obtained values
for different parameters for 60 W bulbs ensure that the system
is operating at normal conditions.

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Fig. 8. Overvoltage error for 100W bulb (a) LCD and (b) Blynk App.

3) Case study 3: Undervoltage error for the 100W bulb

In the given scenario in Fig. 9 (a) and (b), a low voltage
error of 114V has been detected, which is below the
acceptable range of 125V. As a result, the relay has been
triggered to turn off the power supply. This error is likely due
to insufficient voltage supply to support the operation of a
100W bulb. The Blynk app provides real-time monitoring and
alerts for such voltage fluctuations, ensuring electrical device
safety and proper functioning.

Fig. 7. Power, voltage, and current for 60W bulb (a) LCD screen and (b)
Blynk App.

2) Case study 2: Overvoltage error for 100W bulb

In the given scenario in Fig. 8 (a) and (b), an error in the
overvoltage is detected, with a measured value of 264 volts,
exceeding the allowable range of 260 volts. As a result, the
relay is triggered and turned off to prevent any potential (a)
damage or safety hazards. This situation occurs when
operating a 100-watt bulb.

(a) Fig. 9. Undervoltage error for 100W bulb (a) LCD and (b) Blynk App.

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4) Case study 4: Normal operating conditions for 60W
and 100W bulb
In the given scenario in Fig. 10 (a) and (b), two bulbs are
being used: a 100W bulb and a 60W bulb. The current (I) is
measured as 496mA, the voltage (V) is recorded as 126V, and
the power (P) is observed as 62.496W. These values indicate
that the bulbs are consuming the expected amount of power
based on their wattage ratings.

Fig. 11. Overcurrent error for 60W and 100W bulbs (a) LCD screen and (b)
Blynk App.

6) Case study 6: Undervoltage error for 60W and 100W

(a) bulb
In the case of Fig. 12 (a) and (b), of the 100W and 60W
bulbs, an error is detected due to undervoltage, with the
voltage measuring 115V, which is below the acceptable range
of 125V. As a result, the relay is turned off, indicating that the
power supply to the bulbs has been cut off to prevent potential
damage or unsafe operation. The Blynk app is used to monitor
and control the system, providing real-time updates on voltage

Fig. 10. Power, voltage, and current for 60W and 100W bulb (a) LCD and
(b) Blynk App.

5) Case study 5: Overcurrent error for 60W and 100W

In the given scenario in Fig. 11 (a) and (b), two bulbs are (a)
being used: a 100W bulb and a 60W bulb. However, an
overcurrent error has been detected with a measured current
(I) of 506mA, which exceeds the expected range. As a result,
the relay has been triggered to turn off the power supply. The
Blynk app displays this information, providing real-time
monitoring and alerts for abnormal current levels.

Fig. 12. Undervoltage error for 60W and 100W bulb (a) LCD screen and (b)
(a) Blynk App.

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7) Case study 7: Temperature error in various failure modes and operational scenarios. This will
In the given scenario Fig. 13, the temperature reading guide the development of more sophisticated predictive
shows 34°C, which exceeds the defined limit of 25 to 32°C. maintenance algorithms and load management strategies,
As a result, the Blynk app displays this temperature anomaly, ultimately leading to a more resilient and efficient power
and the relay is turned off. distribution infrastructure.
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