Applied R&M Manual For Defence Systems Part A - General
Applied R&M Manual For Defence Systems Part A - General
Applied R&M Manual For Defence Systems Part A - General
Part A - General
1 Introduction 2
2 Abbreviations 2
1.1 This Chapter provides list of abbreviations used in this manual and equivalents found
elsewhere. They are listed in alphabetical order. Definitions of many of the more unusual
terms, and discussions of terms where ambiguity exists, are provided in PtACh3.
1.2 Further guidance can be found in Def-Stan 00-49 and the other standards listed in
Leaflet 0 to PtACh3.
The use of MTTR to stand for Mean Time To Repair is described in BS 4778. In practice MTTR has often
been used with no local definition. This leaves ambiguity. It is recommended that the terms used are precisely
defined in meaning and scope
R&M is a generic term which embraces the qualities of Availability, Reliability, Maintainability, Durability,
RCM and Testability.