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Pakistan Movement

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The key takeaways are that Pakistan was conceived in the early 20th century as India's Muslim population grew significantly. The idea of a separate Muslim state was first proposed by Iqbal and later endorsed by the Muslim League. Major events like the two-nation theory and communal conflicts ultimately led to the partition of India and creation of Pakistan.

In the early 20th century, India was predominantly Hindu but the Muslim population grew from 22% in 1901 to over 41% by 1941 according to censuses conducted by the British.

The idea of a separate Muslim state was first articulated by Allama Iqbal in his 1930 presidential address to the All India Muslim League. He argued that the aspirations of Muslims, being a minority in India, could not be addressed within a united Indian state dominated by Hindus.

Genesis of Pakistan

Pakistan was not conceived of till the
beginning of 20th century
India was Great Britains most
populated colonial dominion

Strategic Position of India

Religious Composition
India was predominantly a Hindu
Census of 1901: Muslims were only
22 percent of the total population
Census of 1941: Muslim population
exceeded 41 per cent

Why did the Partition occur?

British design? What did the British have
to gain from it? What would have
happened if they left it intact?
Orientalist understandings
Divide and rule
Negotiations between the ruling classes
Communal conflict
Incompatibility of cultures?

Iqbal: Two Nation theory

First articulated in the Presidential
address to the All India Muslim
league in 1930 by Allama Iqbal, the
famous poet, philosopher and
Argued that the aspirations of two
different communities, especially
when one was a minority, and the
other a majority, could be addressed
within one state
Was in disagreement with both
Nehru and Gandhi
In Indias nationalist discourse this
came to be known as Muslim

Ideology of Pakistan:
Jinnah: The Hindus and Muslims belong to two different
religious philosophies, social customs, and literatures.
They neither intermarry, nor inter-dine together and,
indeed, they belong to two different civilizations which
are based mainly on conflicting ideas and
conceptions. Their aspects on life and of life are
different. It is quite clear that Hindus and Musalmans
derive their inspiration from different sources of
history. They have different epics, their heroes are
different, and they have different episodes. Very often
the hero of one is a foe of the other, and likewise,
their victories and defeats overlap

Chronology of Events

1857- Indian Revolt

1885- Formation of Indian National Congress
1905- Partition of Bengal
1906- Muslim League founded as forum for Indian Muslim separatism
1918-Khilafat Movement
1916-Lucknow Pact
1930-Idea of separate Muslim state, put forward by Iqbal
1940- Muslim League endorses idea of separate nation for India's
1947- Muslim state of East and West Pakistan created out of partition
of India at the end of British rule. Hundreds of thousands die in
widespread communal violence and millions are made homeless.
1948- Muhammed Ali Jinnah, founding leader of Pakistan, dies. First
war with India over disputed territory of Kashmir.

Pakistan Movement
Role of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
(1817 to 1898)

Indian National Congress

The foundation of Indian National Congress (INC) - December
28, 1885
It claimed to represent all communities of India
In its very first session held in 1885, the Congress passed a
resolution urging the reconstitution of the Legislative Councils
on a representative basis thus suggesting a Hindu domination in
Syed Ahmad vehemently opposed that proposal arguing that in
such a case, the Muslims would be in a permanent minority and
instead exhorted the Muslims to raise their educational status
In December 1886, he founded All India Muhammaden
Educational Congress to create communal consciousness and
solidarity among the Muslim community of India along with
raising their educational standards.

Role of Sir Syed Ahmed

Born in 1817
Served British east India company during rebellion
of 1857
He defended Muslims against the British charge of
Established MAO college in 1875
Worked as member of Governor-Genrals
Legislative council(1878-1883)
He played immediate task of rescuing Muslims
from their downward spiral
Died 1898

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

Greatest Muslim reformers of the 19th
Founder of 'modernist Islamic thought'
He succeeded in pulling Muslims out of the
depths of ignorance and backwardness


Educational Services
Political Services
Literary works
Social Services

Educational Services:
Two Madrassahs in Muradabad (1858) and
Ghaziabad (1862) Persian education
In 1864, Sir Syed laid the foundation of a
Scientific Society which translated English
works into Urdu
M.A.O High School was founded in 1875.
In 1877, M.A.O High School was given the
status of a college.
Later on, this college became a University
in 1920A.D.

Aligarh Movement
Maulana Mohamed Ali stated the purpose
of Aligarh Movement : 'to create for young
Musalmans a centre with the true Islamic
atmosphere, so that its alumni would not
merely be educated and cultured men, but
educated and cultured Musalmans
Sir Syeds approach: 'Science', he said,
'shall be in our right hand and philosophy
in our left; and on our head shall be the
crown of "

Political Service
He is regarded as one of the greatest exponents of Two-Nation theory
because after the Hindu-Urdu controversy he was convinced that
Hindus were not sincere towards the Muslims.
He remarked:" Now I am convinced that both these communities will
not join whole-heartedly in anything though, at present, there was no
open hostility between the two communities, but on account of the
so-called educated people it will increase immensely in future.
Sir Syed founded a Patriotic Association in order to counter the antiMuslim propaganda by the Hindus.
Soon after the establishment of Indian National Congress, he came to
realise that it was a purely Hindu organisation. Consequently, he
asked the Muslims to desist taking part in its activities
He proposed the system of separate electorate for the Muslims in
order to protect the political rights of the Muslim Community. He
highlighted his views in this regard in a speech in 1883 by saying,
"The system of representation by election means the representation
of the views and interests of the majority of the population".

Sir Syeds Religious

Sir Syed rendered many religious services through
his movement.
Essay On Life Of Muhammad (PBUH)
He wrote essays on the life of (PBUH) named
Sir Syed also wrote a commentary on Bible in a
philosophical style and explained the similarities
between the Islam and Christianity with solid

Formation of All India Muslim

It was established to fulfill following objectives:
To promote among the Muslims of India, feelings of
loyalty to the British Government, and to remove any
misconception that may arise as to intention of the
Government with regard to any of its measures
To protect and advance the political rights and
interests of the Muslims of India, and to respectfully
represent their needs and aspirations to the
To prevent the rise among the Muslims of India of any
feeling of hostility towards other communities, without
prejudice to the other afore mentioned objects of the

Partition of Bengal
Viceroy, Lord Curzon, decided to
divide, population-wise, the Indian
Province Bengal, into EAST BENGAL
It was based on administrative
Gave rise to many anti-government
East Bengal-Muslims were in clear


Khilafat movement
Political campaign in support of the
Mass protest movement against the
Khilfat Leaders:
Maulana Mohammed Ali Jauhar, Maulana
Shaukat Ali, Maulana Zafar Ali Khan and
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
Later Mahatama Gandhi also joined the

Khilafat movement-Main
European powers, led by Great
Britain, started realizing their plan of
dividing the Ottoman Empire
beginning with the War of Tripoli in
1911 and the Balkan War of 1912-13
Thus, the Muslim leaders launched
the Khilafat Movement-1918
Gandhi also joined the Khilafat
Khilafat leader went to London

Treaty of sevres
The Treaty of Svres was signed with the Ottoman
Empire after the end of World war I(1920)
pact between the victorious Allied powers and
representatives of the government of Ottoman
Thetreatyabolished theOttoman Empireand
obliged Turkey to renounce all rights over Arab
Asia and North Africa
Rejected by the new Turkish nationalist regime,
the Treaty of Svres was replaced by theTreaty
of Lausannein 1923

Implications of the Khilafat

Turkish nationalist leadership( itself
put an end to the Caliphate
A movement rooted in pan-Islamism
to preserve the Ottoman Caliphate
ended up complementing the
process of Muslim nationalism in
India, thereby playing an important
role in the creation of Pakistan


Lucknow pact(1916)
It was an agreement between the Indian National
Congress & All Indian Muslim League
Constitutional reforms, implemented after first World
It was demand for an expansion of the representative
assemblies, both at the all-India and provincial levels,
and appointment of Indians to the executive councils
of the viceroy and the provincial executive
Congress accepted separate electorates for Muslims
Muslims were granted a fixed proportion of seats both
in the All-India and the provincial legislatures

It was an important landmark in the
development of Indian Nationalism
An instance of political cooperation
Congress compromised its position
as the representative organization of
All Indians
Characterized as surrender to
Muslim communalism and

Lucknow pact(1916)
Expansion of Imperial legislative council
& provincial legislative council
The congress agreed to enforce separate
electorate in those province, where they
do not exist (Punjab, CP, Madras)
Muslims would be granted a fixed
proportion of elective seats
In imperial legislative council, Muslims
were to have one-third of the seats

Lucknow pact(1916)
No bill affecting a particular
community should be proceeded with
any counsel if 3/4 representation of
community opposed it
Muslims and Hindus were to have the
weightage in the provinces where
they formed minorities


Lucknow pact(1916)-The Muslim strength in the different provinces:

Lucknow pact(1916)
Nature of relations between Executive and
legislature envisaged by the pact:
o Executive was the Viceroys executive council
o Provincial was the governors executive council
o These executive councils were not responsible to
respective legislatures
o The pact demanded that all provinces were to have
executive councils and that at least half the
members of these councils would be Indians, who
in turn would be elected by the elected members
of the legislative councils

Lucknow pact(1916)
o A similar demand was made for the viceroys
executive council. But though half the executive
was elected by the legislature, the executive as a
whole was not to be responsible to the
legislature. The elected half of the executive was
irremovable by the legislature
o But since crucial matters like the budget were to
depend upon the approval of the legislature
o This was in sum the basic nature of executivelegislature relations that the Congress expected
from and asked for in any scheme of post-war
constitutional reforms

Issues related to the pact

Veteran Congressmen Surendranath
Banerjea and B G Tilak pointed out
that though the legislature could not
dismiss the executive, such an
arrangement would practically mean
that the former controlled the latter

Impact of the Pact

A significant amount of power was
now available to Indians, they could
now aspire to become ministers
Control significant nation-building
departments like education,
agriculture, etc
Legislators could influence decisionmaking

Hindu Muslim unity did not last for more than eight
years, and collapsed after Khilafat Movement
It was the first time that the Congress recognized
the Muslim League as the political party
representing the Muslims of the region
The pact brought about a change, temporary
although, in the attitude of the Muslims towards
the "Hindu - Congress". It also made their relations
with the British hostiles
Chief architect of this pact was Muhammad Ali
Jinnah and Ms.Sarojini Naidu

Completely approval of separate
Security of Muslim rights and
Muslim league's separate status
Increase the fame of Quaid-e-Azam
as ambassador of Hindu Muslim
Start of Hindu Muslim Unity, First and

Politics of Reconciliation
If this sense of co-operation have been carried
out the atmosphere of understanding and cooperation generated but hindu did not honestly
stick to these principles instead of it mistrust
hatred and non-cooperation carried into
political life
It was an important milestone in the history of
sub-continent, due to this agreement congress
gave protection to all due rights of Muslims
and Muslim league

Social forces and

Ideology in the making of
By Hamza Alavi

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