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Gradel (Group of Local Development Action'S) : Creating Youth Employment Projects in Emerging Sectors

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Creating Youth Employment Projects in Emerging Sectors

Dear Friends The Group of Local Development Actions is a group of research and from action on the development was born in 2003. It is given like vocation to use new communication and information technologies for development ,the eradication of poverty, youth employment and achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The 4th to 5th of March 2003, OECD, within the framework of its world forum on the economy of the knowledge organized with the United Nations and the World Bank, a forum on the topic "To integrate communication and information technology in the programs of development was the inciting element because ICT play from now on a determining part. It revolutionize our way of thinking, to work, live by reducing the times and the costs of communication, ICT makes possible the diffusion and the exchange of information abundant, relevant, brought up to date and directly useful for the development. Our work consists in supporting initiatives of development having a strong economic and social impact while making available reliable information. Now is the time to strengthen the efforts of GRADEL by pulling together ICT4YOUTH, and GRADEL will work to build capacity of young people, all other partners in the ICTs will stand up and play their part. Please view this as just a concept note that needs your comments and support. In solidarity Owalakin B.BELLO

Message from the Executive Director

Table of Contents


1. The Twin Opportunities 2. The GRADEL Campaigns Solution

3. The GRADEL Campaign Fund

4. Sector Solutions 5. GRADEL Background Information


1. The Twin Opportunities

The Twin Opportunities


Developing countries currently face two sets of pressing problems:

Sector Development Needs

Renewable Energy: 2 billion people lack access to energy/electricity

Youth Unemployment
There are currently 1 billion young people between the ages of 15-24

Water & Sanitation: 2.5 billion people lack access to clean water and sanitation
Rural Development: 60% of the developing world still live in rural areas Information & Communication Technologies: barely 2% of the world population has internet access HIV/Aids: 95% of the estimated 38 million people infected with HIV live in developing countries

850 million of these are living in developing countries

Over the next 30 years, this number will increase by another 1.2 billion, mostly in developing countries Young people are cognizant of the inequities of the global system, and are susceptible to association with the negative forces in their communities It is critical that youth employment opportunities are developed

Imagine if we could solve both of these problems at once?


Unemployment of youth has far-reaching implications on the labour market and the society at large. Youth unemployment contributes to economic exclusion and poverty and increases the probability of future joblessness. Youth unemployment results in the loss of a valuable contribution to economic activity and growth from one of the most productive elements in society. It obstructs the movement of young people from adolescence to adulthood and in turn is a major cause of crime and drug abuse. High levels of youth unemployment can also lead to alienation from society and distrust of democratic political processes. As a result, social cohesion is undermined. International Labour Organizations World Employment Report 1998/99


2. The GRADEL Campaigns Solution

Introduction to the GRADEL Campaign


The GRADEL Campaign was launched in BENIN in the post -NATIONAL FORUM for YOUTH EMPLOYMEN under the patronage of President YAYI BONI in 8th to 10 th Mars 2007 by GRADEL delegates. The campaign was launched in response to the enormous global challenge of youth unemployment affecting millions of young people around BENIN the goals to

build the capacity of young people to create sustainable livelihoods establish an entrepreneurial culture where youth will work towards self employment

Today, we are planning to establish Networks work with stakeholder groups such as the government, business, academics, NGOs, UN agencies etc. to develop programs, and suggest policies for promoting youth employment These GRADEL Networks will be supported by our potential partners. Additionally, the GRADEL Campaign works with national and global partners to develop and deploy effective programs that realize the following objectives

Develop capacity of youth to lead in-country youth employment initiatives Promote (in-country) youth employment to address key development challenges Build in-country coalitions to develop national strategies addressing youth unemployment

We have placed the issue of youth employment on the global agenda.

The Evolution of the GRADEL Campaign




Building Partnerships Creating employment generation models in GRADEL Network Building incountry selfreliance

Replicating and scaling up employment generating programs

Identifying the

Creating a




platform that inspire youth and development of Networks leaders and institutions

Advocacy with

sectors for employment and doing pilot work GRADEL information center hub for generating employment

Establishing the

We are creating great progress in building knowledge and infrastructure.

The 10 GRADEL Networks are youth-led national-level coalitions focused on promoting youth employment


Manifesting two core design principles that drive the GRADEL Campaigns work

the recognition that no one individual or institution can do the work alone; working in partnership is essential our belief in building self reliance and absorption capacity in our GRADEL Network countries

Networks exist from Natitingou to Cotonou!


There is a Youth Event organized somewhere in the world every other day!

We are establishing new partnership around the world

Afghanistan Albania Angola Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bangladesh Benin Bhutan Bolivia Brazil Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Canada Chad Chile Colombia Costa Rica Cote DIvoire Dominican Republic Egyp El Salvador Gambia Georgia Ghana Guatemala Guinea Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras India Iran Jordan Kenya Liberia Malaysia Malawi Mali Mauritius Mexico Moldova Mozambique Namibia Nepal Nigeria Pakistan Panama


Paraguay Philippines Peru Romania Rwanda Senegal Serbia & Montenegro Sierra Leone Somalia South Africa Swaziland Tanzania Togo Uganda USA Uruguay Zambia Zimbabwe

GRADEL Global Activities


Outreach & Engagement Building strategic alliances and fostering partnerships Over 1000 members of the GRADEL Global Alliance Seeking and developing programs Over 100 programs and projects Communicating information about youth employment and the GRADEL Campaign through newsletters, press releases, the website, electronic discussion groups, toolkits, and publications. Partner publication. Over 50 original publications Organizing regional and national training workshops and Forums. Knowledge Development Designing and implementing youth employment pilot projects centered around the Campaigns five key sectors Conducting policy analysis and publishing policy briefs Managing the Global Knowledge Resource (GKR) a resource database and communication medium where all stakeholders of youth employment can share and access innovative initiatives, useful toolkits, and comprehensive research and publications Managing the GRADEL, information center hub for youth employment initiatives located in Cotonou

We are at the forefront of youth unemployment advocacy and research.

GRADEL Global Activities

Capacity Building


Supporting the formation and development of GRADEL Networks, youth-led entities comprised of diverse stakeholders groups committed to the issue of promoting youth employment Creating the GRADEL Networks in the following activities:

Consultations: Hosting national level consultations with governments, private sector, academic institutions, education and training organizations and NGOS and youth groups to build the national coalition for youth employment Partnership Building: Building partnerships for developing and implementing projects Action Plans: Preparing country action plans and reports to inform stakeholders Entrepreneurship Development: Promoting an entrepreneurial culture through workshops and materials; developing programs to provide business development services to young people; working with banks and government agencies to provide credit and to provide credit and other services to youth Understanding Markets: Understanding the needs of the market place and creating products and services to serve the market and to help in enterprise development Mobilizing Resources: Building the capacity of GRADEL Network leadership to identify needs, develop projects, build partnerships, mobilize resources and implement projects Build Absorption Capacity: Working to make the YES Networks sustainable and effective and able to absorb the resources available for its development

We excel in a catalyzing youth-led employment creation programs.


3. The GRADEL Fund For Youth Employment

Our Request
Invest in the GRADEL Fund
The Problem:
Over one billion youth in the labor market No real jobs in the public or private sectors

Let us be clear. Half-educated, unemployed youth, with no prospect of being integrated into a better future is a prescription for disaster. If young people do not have a stake in the existing social order and political order, if they do not feel there is a way for them, why should they sacrifice today for a better tomorrow? Why should they have an interest in protecting the stability and social safety of that system? Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Vice President, World Bank, 1999

Solution: Creating Markets Unleashing Entrepreneurship What will the GRADEL Fund do:

Offer a mix of grants, loans and technical assistance to young entrepreneurs Support will be offered to those countries that have arranged matching funds YOU CAN invest as a

A traditional philanthropic donor A micro-finance creditor A venture capital angel investor

A private donor at any level comfortable for youit will take all of US!

We seek your help in raising a fund to turn our knowledge into action.

Replicating INITIATIVE


We need a New Deal for Youth Employment

What is Missing is the WILL will we?

The YES Campaign recognizes that it is only through employment, that we can accomplish conditions of freedom, democracy and equity, where youth can live in dignity and relate to the society and the environment in a truly sustainable way. -Dr. Mohamed T El Ashry, CEO GEF, September 2002

Renewable Energy: The UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Global Environment Facility have worked with us to train and develop RE entrepreneurs Water & Sanitation: With the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) and others, we are currently developing a plan to develop income-generating programs in this sector

Rural Development: The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), the Youth Employment Network (YEN), UNIDO, and the YES Campaign are preparing a project for East Africa for promoting agribusiness among youth
Information & Communication Technologies: With the IT department of the Ministry of Technology in India the YES Campaign is proposing to set up 200 Knowledge Centers to train youth in ICT skills, and serve as an information hub for local communities HIV/AIDS: YES Campaign staff has worked with the USAID-funded program Equip 3 in Southern Africa to prepare a livelihoods based strategy for prevention

The Campaign is uniquely positioned to leverage your investment.

Overview of the Fund


Fund Goals Investment Options Investment Beneficiary Investment Use

To create jobs for unemployed youth in the 5 development sectors

Knowledge & Training Fund knowledge and employment centers that provide job-skills training classes and practical experience Prepare youth for the working world

Individual Youth Entrepreneurs Provide small loans (with interest return) to local youth entrepreneurs looking to start businesses Help build youth employment opportunities

New or Growing Enterprises Provide capital and strategic advice to young and growing businesses in return for an ownership stake Create many new jobs as businesses grow

Job Creation Impact

The Fund will offer various avenues for investment and return.

Donations Investments


The GRADEL Campaign needs your investment to help strengthen local infrastructure for developing young entrepreneurs The donations will be used to create Knowledge and Research centers that will offer

Youth Leadership Training Green Enterprise Training

Social Entrepreneurship Training

Fundraising Training Livelihoods Internship Programs

As well as supporting youth in

Youth Led Innovative Program Implementation Seed Grant Projects for Entrepreneurship Development Developing multi-stakeholder partnerships for program design Building local capacity for program implementation Using new technologies for livelihood generation Community Driven Development Designing Collaborative Projects

Donations will impact scores of youth creating employment programs.

Loans Investments


We will work with you to select the young people and train then to design business solutions in the five development sectors

Renewable Energy Water & Sanitation Rural Development Information & Communication Technologies HIV/AIDS

The GRADEL Fund seeks to provide the start-up capital to help these entrepreneurs launch their business ideas Many of these investments will be made in the form of micro-credit loans that will offer investors both a return of principal and interest Micro-credit has been proven to act as a catalyst for both new employment-generating ventures and reliable investor returns The GRADEL Campaign will leverage its local knowledge and experience as well as commercial and government partnerships to implement this investment initiative

Loans to young entrepreneurs will spur crucial development solutions.

Equity Investments


In the medium-term, many of the development projects inspired and supported by GRADEL Campaign initiatives will be in phases of fruition and growth The GRADEL Campaign Fund aims to be in a position to provide significant capital to young and growing enterprises to further our two goals of creating employment and developing sector infrastructure Because the GRADEL Campaign prefers market-based solutions and understands that hand-outs are not the best long-term answer, the Fund will make capital contributions in the form of equity These contributions will ensure aligned incentives, long-term sustainability and an investment return to our investors Additionally, our investors can leverage their business backgrounds and provide strategic advice to the youth entrepreneurs Creating a culture of market-driven ownership and investment will catalyze long-term systemic change in the developing world

Equity investments are the final step in ensuring lasting enterprises.

GRADEL Fund - Governance


GRADEL will choose the best Bank that profile is to mobilizes market capital and philanthropic investment for development enterprise, will be acts as trustee for funds ensuring compliance with business standards and regulatory requirements, screens and selects opportunities for funding, oversees grant-making and investment into youth enterprise, and reports back to donors and investors.
Advisory The Board advises on all Board
aspects of philanthropic & market investment and capacity building

Bank Trustees

Bank Trustees channels donations to charitable aspects of GRADEL Campaign network GRADEL Campaign orchestrates action in the in-country networks

Bank LLP

Bank LLP mobilizes for-profit micro-finance investment and acts as equity partner for selected GRADEL enterprises

Youth Enterprise

Strong Governance is critical for investor and donor confidence


4. Sector Solutions

Renewable Energy


Organize young people at the community level to assemble, install, service and market renewable energy systems Provide renewable energy entrepreneurship training and seed grants or access to microfinance credit for innovative youth to launch their own renewable energy enterprise such as

providing energy for agro-based industries for making fruit pulp and juices, pickles, and drying vegetables manufacturing of home lighting systems - lights, fans and small refrigerators for storing medication, milk Designing and installing small power plants for institutions maintenance of renewable energy systems and selling and installing small home systems such as solar panels manufacturing of solar lanterns for fishing activities during the night and renewable energy based ICTs to enhance access to income generation opportunities, especially in rural areas solar cookers installation and maintenance of solar powered community facilities in rural areas

Rural Development (On-Farm and Off-Farm)


Orient agricultural extension programs towards youth, which includes

preparing then to set up small enterprises working with credit institutions to help youth build productive assets such as land, livestock, equipment and others vocational training, micro-entrepreneurship in the curriculum targeting young women identifying, natural resource based micro enterprises, and offering rural youth business development services to start such enterprises building an understanding of how agro-business value chains work and supporting rural youth entrepreneurs in producing value-added farm products

Water & Sanitation


Integrate youth in community management processes to improve the availability and supply of clean drinking water, sanitation services, and environmental conditions through

research, develop and disseminate information on water and sanitation sector, to inform and support behavioral change at the village level support income-generating programs in rain water-harvesting, storage and supply

organizing community level training for youth to build and maintain low cost toilets in rural areas and tackle the sanitation needs of people in villages
training youth to build and maintain hand pumps to provide water supply to rural communities

Information Communication Technology


Develop programs to support ICT-based entrepreneurship through

Knowledge Centers that provide information and a business development network that seeks to link youth entrepreneurs, interns, investors, incubators with each other Youth in Business Centers to support developing business ideas, explore credit options and financial management, and assist in marketing, product development

training youth in web based services such as website development and e-marketing
training youth as educators and mentors for distance learning and business development supporting agriculture though ICT tools incorporating the use of ICTs to support the educational programs for the students of the elementary and middle schools in the communities

Reproductive Health & HIV/Aids


Improve the reproductive health and family planning choices of women through

life skills and leadership trainings with reproductive health messages embedded providing vocational, professional and entrepreneurial trainings conducting pilot programs to evaluate the correlation between economic empowerment and improved reproductive health status improve the livelihood opportunities of youth living with HIV/AIDS - training them in positive living, peer/educators/mentors, establishing a support and mentorship network strengthen services by introducing a greater focus on youth livelihood initiatives, and supporting the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the delivery of youth-friendly HIV/AIDS and reproductive heath services


5. GRADEL Background Information

GRADEL Campaign Leadership


Campaign Committee Saturnin KOSSOU President ONG DPD( Dialogue for Peace and Development) President of DPD Network Gbenga Adebusuyi FOUNDER of WIRE AFRICA President of Economic Forum Africa-USA Executive Director Owalakin B.BELLO GRADEL (Group of Local Development Actions) c/1365 Ste-Rita 072BP238 Cotonou-Benin Tel. +229 97898504 Fax.+229 21302278 Email:

These Recent Project Successes in YES NETWORK can be replicate


India - The UNIDO/India Renewable Energy (RE) project had 4 major outcomes: Created a RE Center for Excellence at the SRT Rural Institute (SRTRI), in Andhra Pradesh Established a Solar Laboratory at SRTRI Trained about 100 young people as technicians and entrepreneurs in RE Worked with Shell Solar and other businesses to tailor the curriculum to their needs, and almost 40 percent of the trainees were hired by private business Zambia - UNIDO/Zambia Renewable Energy (RE) project had 4 major outcomes: The creation of a RE lab at the Elias Mutale Training Centre, in Kasama, Zambia Training 50 Master Trainers in renewable energy enterprise development, and an additional 250 youth trained by these master trainers A microfinance plan developed for the government A vibrant RE enterprise development network created of institutions, experts, NGOs, youth, membership drawn from all 23 districts in Zambia Global Environment Facility (GEF) The Renewable Energy Fellowship program: 5 Youth selected in competitive process (from Georgia, Ghana, India, Malawi, Peru) Training delivered in renewable energy, leadership and entrepreneurship Business planning assistance and start-up funding provided for businesses in

Portable Photovoltaic Panels Production and Distribution Wind Power Mills and Turbines for Farming Solar Equipment lanterns, box cookers Wind Energy to Pump Water for Communities Bio-digesters and Solar Cookers through Bio-mass

The GRADEL Framework for Action





Employment Generation

Environmental Empowerment Sustainability of Youth





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