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Promoting Local Economic Development Through Strategic Planning: Local Economic Development (LED) Series

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The Local Economic Development Series

Promoting Local Economic

Development through
Strategic Planning

Volume 1: Quick Guide

Copyright © United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2005

ISBN 92-1-131726-6
HS 738//05E Promoting Local Economic Development
Strategic Planning — Volume 1: Quick Guide
92-1-131721-5 (Series)


The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do

not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of
the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area
or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries
regarding its economic system or degree of development. Excerpts may be
reproduced without authorization, on condition that the source is indicated.

Designed and printed in Nairobi by the United Nations Office at Nairobi

Cover photocollage photographs by: Panos Pictures - Aerial view of urban sprawl in
Mexico © Mark Henley / Community organiser with calculator in Mali © Crispin
Hughes / Crowd in Indonesia © Mark Henley / Black market money change in China
© Mark Henley / Coal power plant pylons in Mongolia © Mark Henley

The publication of the Local Economic Development Series was made possible
through the financial support of the Dutch Government.

Published by:

United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT)

P.O. Box 30030 GPO 00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Fax: (254-20) 623091 (TCBB Office)
Web site:


EcoPlan International Inc.

131 Water Street, #208
Vancouver, BC Canada V6B 4M3
Phone: 604-228-1855 Fax: 604-228-1892
The Local Economic Development Series

Promoting Local Economic

Development through
Strategic Planning

Volume 1: Quick Guide


A ll around the world, local governments, the private

sector and civil society are demanding better ways
to achieve local economic development, a cornerstone of
sustainable development. This is due to the fact that
local governments face increased democratic reforms
and greater decentralization at the same time as massive
transformations are taking place in the global economy
resulting from trade liberalization, privatization, and
enhanced telecommunications. The significance of these
changes is that citizens and local governments now face
formidable challenges, greater opportunity, and growing responsibility to
work together to address the economic health of municipalities and the
livelihood of their local citizens, many of whom may be under- or unemployed
and living in poverty.
The purpose of the training series on Local Economic Development
(LED) is to respond to this demand and help local authorities and their
partners in the private, public and community sectors address these issues.
Achieving economic growth and staying competitive is a serious challenge in
itself. Ensuring the benefits of growth spread widely such that development
becomes inclusive and impacting on the quality of life of all citizens is even
more challenging. The question therefore is not only how we can make
economic growth a reality in our communities, but how we can make sure
that the growth benefits the marginalized and the poor. This requires firmly
placing LED within the broader framework of local sustainable development.
This in turn demands a strategic approach to LED that implies careful
consideration of the various trade-offs, and making difficult choices. It also
demands harnessing and mobilizing the local human, social, financial and
natural capital towards the common vision, goals and objectives that the
community aspires to achieve. This is possible only when the various
stakeholders and actors join forces to make a difference in quality of life in
their cities, towns and settlements.
This series on Local Economic Development, developed by
UN-HABITAT, in partnership with EcoPlan International, is built around
these principles. Whilst there are many tools and best practices in the field
of local economic development, mainstreaming these into the local
government institutional structure and development agenda remains a key
challenge. This series will go a long way in bridging this gap, and enhancing
the role of local authorities, elected officials and their officers, in guiding and
stimulating local economic development to the benefit of their citizens.
The process of developing the LED Training Series relied on the
above-mentioned basic philosophy of knowledge sharing. As is evident in the
Acknowledgements, a wide range of local economic development
professionals offered their ideas and experience to make this final document
rich in content, robust in methods and widely applicable. There are many to

thank in the achievement of this training series: from the funding agencies –
the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the Dutch
Partnership Programme, to the contributing members of the “virtual round
table”, to the dozens of trainers and members of local government, private
sector and civil society. Their wisdom and pragmatism permeate the
documents in this series. Due acknowledgement must also go to Gulelat
Kebede and the Training and Capacity Building Branch (TCBB) team of
UN-HABITAT who guided and contributed to the project while bringing it to
fruition. Final gratitude is reserved for principal author William Trousdale of
EcoPlan International, Inc. (EPI), as well as to the many co-authors who
undertook the challenge of articulating this innovative training series.

Anna Kajumulo Tibaijuka

Executive Director, UN-HABITAT


S trategic planning for local economic development is important. It is a

cornerstone of sustainable development. It involves wise resource use,
integrating values and thinking ahead. These are demanding tasks that can
be intimidating, and at times, overwhelming. They need not be.
In our work around the world, we have seen local economic
development (LED) planning processes unnecessarily get stuck, lose
momentum or, worse yet, not get started in the first place. In other cases, we
have seen LED processes craving fresh insight, innovative ideas or a new
sense of direction. We believe that confronting these basic challenges and
taking advantage of these opportunities are well within our reach. It is this
belief that inspired the development of this training series on LED.
As part of the development of this LED training series, we convened
a Global Round Table of LED professionals. From Africa to Asia, Slovakia to
Canada, Washington, DC to Quito, we received a myriad of perspectives on
the core issues of LED. What we found was encouraging — the opportunities
are great, the success stories extensive and the lessons learned helpful. Our
Round Table participants pinpointed key issues in LED, such as leadership;
enabling environments; children, youth and gender; job quality; society and
environment; governance and democracy; culture; capacity; poverty
reduction and globalization — to name but a few. Our Round Table
participants agreed that for LED to succeed, local leaders and economic
development practitioners need to have access to a range of tools, ideas and
experiences to help them strategically address their own complex issues at
the local level. Local challenges require local solutions.
We believe that strategic planning for LED is a pragmatic and
powerful tool that can help significantly address local issues. By engaging in
a strategic planning process for LED, at a minimum, this offers a way to
improve the necessary interaction among business, government, labor and
the poor. If done well, it provides a way to clarify competitive advantages,
identify cooperative opportunities, craft innovative options and generate
strategies that better achieve local priorities.
The commonality at the heart of all the comments from our Round
Table is the belief that LED, broadly defined, can help communities to realize
vibrant, resilient and sustainable local economies capable of improving the
quality of life for all.
The LED series will yield a number of key measurable outcomes. It
would respond to the existing demand and culminate in production of a
tangible output that begins with local adaptations of these manuals, and
ends with durable, long-term training and capacity building initiatives which
are ultimately captured in the application of what has been learned. The LED
Training Series targets the development of concrete action plans as a clear
output of the training process. Partnerships and cooperation between public,
private and civil society sectors underpin these action plans. The series is
important in its contribution to promoting knowledge sharing. The LED

Training Series uses case studies and real world examples to encourage the
evolution of learning-by-doing. The ultimate success and realization of these
outcomes however lies on the creativity of local establishments and actors -
local authorities, training institutions, informal sector operators, businesses,
and civil society organizations-in adapting the tools to the realities on the
ground and using this series as a living document, keeping it enriched
through new insights, knowledge and experience.

So, if you have found yourself asking:

❑ How do we get started in LED?

❑ What are the steps and tools needed to develop a LED
❑ What are alternative LED programs and projects?
❑ What are other communities doing?

……then this LED Manual Series was designed to help you.

Similar to the other UN-HABITAT training manuals, the LED

training manual and companion documents will be accessible to the public
in print and electronic formats. It is our vision to have this manual become
a “living document” that will continue to be improved over time and we
encourage adaptation to local, regional and national contexts. As you use,
change and adapt the documents in this training series, we request due
acknowledgement and credit.

Gulelat Kebede
LED Project Coordinator
Training and Capacity Building


T he ideas and information contained in this training manual series for

Local Economic Development (LED) come from many sources and
experiences. First and foremost, it is essential to acknowledge the support,
advice and contributions of Gulelat Kebede, the UN-HABITAT manager of this
project. Without his commitment and professionalism, this document would
not have been possible and would have been of a lesser quality. It is also
important to acknowledge the important contributions of his colleagues at
UN-HABITAT, in particular Tomasz Sudra (who also participated in the field-
testing), but Rafael Tuts, Erik Vittrup C., Catalina Hinchey Trujillo, and
Dinesh Mehta also made important contributions.
In addition, we would like to thank those that contributed to our
“Virtual Round Table,” which served as both the peer review process and a
forum for discussion. We would especially like to acknowledge the
contributions of Wassala Nimaga, Canadian Urban Institute; Gwen Swinburn
and Fergus Murphy at the World Bank; Kees Van der Ree and his staff at the
International Labour Organization (ILO); Jacqui Boulle, UN-Habitat Special
Advisor to KPEL Indonesia; Karen Peachey, EcoTrust Canada; Luba Vávrová,
Local Government Development Center Bratislava; Dr. Theo Van Der Loop,
Regional and Local Development Studies of the Addis Ababa University;
Francis Gentoral, Canadian Urban Institute Philippines; Nestor Vega,
International Union of Local Authorities; and Peter Boothroyd, School of
Community and Regional Planning at the University of British Columbia.
We would also like to thank other Round Table members for their
involvement: Paola Bordi, ILO; Andrew Farncombe, Canadian Urban
Institute; Jan Fransen, Institute for Housing and Urban Development
Studies; Rebecca Justicia, Fundación Maquipucuna; Fred Fisher,
IDIOM/USA; Peter Gerstlauer, LED Coordinator for the Local Government
Water and Related Services, Sector Education, Training Authority
(LGWSETA) South Africa; Michael Harstone, Oxfam Canada / BC Hydro; Tom
Laviolette, Portland Hotel Society; Anna Vasilache, Partners Foundation for
Local Development (FPDL); Maria de la Vega, Foundation for Sustainable
Development; and Brian Ward, Federation of Canadian Municipalities.
After the peer review process, we conducted several field tests that
greatly improved the content and usability of the manual. We would like to
acknowledge the special contributions in Romania of Anna Vasilache, Nicole
Rata and Ancuta Vamesu. We would also like to thank the town officials of
Horezu, Romania and the 40 participants of the three-day workshop where
these methods were applied. Finally, much excellent input was received from
the participant trainers who came from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria,
Moldova and Romania during the training-of-trainers exercise, including
Zoran Kulundzija, Miglena Todorova, Kostadinka Todorova, Aliona Niculita,
Liviu Ianasi, Elena-Marilena Porbumb, Sabina Chirvai, Olivia Baciu and
Claudiu Runceanu.

For our work in Zambia, we would like to acknowledge the funding
support of CIDA, as well as the facilitation and methodological input of
Wassala Nimaga. Great thanks go to our partner organization, the Local
Government Association of Zambia, and the significant contributions of Dan
Longwe, Maurice Mbolela and Colonel Kenneth Kabungo. The field-testing
was greatly facilitated by the assistance of Josephine Muchelemba and
Pierre-Paul Perron at the CIDA Project Support Unit in Lusaka. However, the
substance came from the Zambian and Zimbabwean participants, and
heartfelt thanks go to Josephine Chimbwali, Mbwainga Mbwainga, Daniel
Mapulanga, Patrick Katoti, Godfrey Musonda, Lilo Marohn, Mpataji
Namumba, Ephraim Belemu, Joyce Chimbila, Ronald Daka, Prof. Peter
Lolojih, Joseph Zulu, Morgen Gomo and Jonathan Simbeya.
We recognise the work done earlier by EcoPlan International, Inc.
manual, coauthored with Karen Peachey, which was part of international
project work completed with the Canadian Urban Institute, with the financial
assistance of the Canadian International Development Agency. This local
economic development training series has evolved from this earlier work.
Finally, we would like to offer our special thanks to the Canadian
International Development Agency (CIDA). Their support allowed for the
original manual development. CIDA also actively participated in the Virtual
Round Table process and supported the field-testing for this manual.

William Trousdale
Principal Author

Table of Contents

Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iii

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .v

Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .vii

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2

Module 1: Where are we now? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

Step 1: Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

Step 2: Stakeholders and Participation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Step 3: Situation Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

Module 2: Where do we want to go? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

Step 4: Visioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

Step 5: Setting Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

Module 3: How do we get there? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

Step 6: Identifying & Evaluating Strategy Options . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

Step 7: Action Planning and Strategy Documentation . . . . . . . . . .18
Step 8: Plan Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20

Module 4: Have We Arrived? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22

Step 9: Monitor and Evaluate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22

Step 10: Adjust and Modify . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23


T his document, Volume 1: Quick Guide, is the final document in the Local
Economic Development Series - Promoting Local Economic
Development through Strategic Planning. It is a companion piece to the
documents described below:-
❑ Volume 2 – Promoting Local Economic Development through
Strategic Planning – Manual: concepts and process is an
approach to LED in a 10-step framework
❑ Volume 3 – Promoting Local Economic Development through
Strategic Planning – ToolKit: Support Tools provides tools to
facilitate each step in the framework
❑ Volume 4 – Promoting Local Economic Development through
Strategic Planning – Action Guide: Ideas and Case Studies
supplies practical action ideas and case studies.

To find more details and references on anything in The Quick Guide,

go to The Manual. The Quick Guide serves as an overview for busy executives
or those not intimately involved with planning for local economic
development. This Training Series is part of a larger UN-HABITAT Training
Manual (see Training Resource Link 1: UN-HABITAT Training Manuals at


What is Local Economic Development?

Local economic development (LED) is a participatory process in which local

people from all sectors work together to stimulate local commercial activity,
resulting in a resilient and sustainable economy. It is a way to help create
decent jobs and improve the quality of life for everyone, including the poor
and marginalised.
Local economic development encourages public, private and
civil society sectors to establish partnerships and collaboratively find
local solutions to common economic challenges. The LED process seeks
to empower local participants to effectively utilise business enterprise,
labour, capital and other local resources to achieve local priorities (e.g.,
to promote quality jobs, reduce poverty, generate municipal taxes). LED
practitioners have many actions available to them. For LED to be
successful, participants and practitioners should have knowledge of
these actions and be committed to a process to achieve sustainable
results. A LED strategy is a process-oriented and non-prescriptive
endeavour incorporating:
❑ Local values (poverty reduction, basic needs, local jobs,
integrating social and environmental values);
❑ Economic drivers (value-added resource use, local skills
training, local income retention, regional co-operation); and
❑ Development (the role of structural change, quality of

This suggests that LED is not about “quick fixes” or generating

“wish lists.” It requires a practical understanding of what the local area
does well and what it has to offer; where its weakness and gaps lie, what
outside threats and opportunities exist; and, what the local area wants
and needs. Undertaking LED requires knowledge of a local area’s regional
economic linkages, including its competitive advantage and cooperation
opportunities. Success in LED depends on encouraging a business
environment where markets can operate efficiently, but appropriately,
within the local context. In most local areas (especially in developing or
transition countries), micro, small and medium-sized enterprises should
be strongly supported and encouraged to take the lead as they play a key
role in creating new local employment, wealth and tax generation. Visible
results can help maintain momentum in the short term, and simply
initiating a single project focusing on one critical issue might pave the way
for long-term success. Ultimately, LED is about sustainable development
in the long-term, for it takes time to change local conditions and mind
sets, build capacity, organise participatory processes and empower
stakeholders, especially the poor.

2 P R O M O T I N G L O C A L E C O N O M I C D E V E L O P M E N T T H R O U G H S T R AT E G I C P L A N N I N G • Q U I C K G U I D E
What is Strategic Planning?

Strategic planning is a systematic decision-making process that focuses

attention on important issues and on how to resolve them. Strategic
planning provides a general framework for action: a way to determine
priorities, make wise choices and allocate scarce resources (e.g., time, money,
skills) to achieve agreed-upon objectives. This manual organises strategic
planning for local economic development into a series of four basic questions:
1. Where are we now?
2. Where do we want to go?
3. How are we going to get there?
4. How do we know when we have arrived?

Answering each of these questions involves a number of steps that

takes you through the strategic planning process. This process is illustrated
below as the Ten Steps to Planning Excellence.

Ten Steps to Planning Excellence

Note: While the planning – implementation-

planning cycle is an on-going one, it is also
an ever-evolving one.
The 10 Steps might need to be applied to a
project or revisited at the strategic level after
"Adjustments and Modifications" take place.
Getting Situation

2 Assessment
1 3





& Modify


Monitor & Issues &

9 Objectives



8 6

Organisation & Strategy

Implementation 7 Development


O V E RV I E W 3
Business-enabling Environments

Good practice in local economic development suggests that use of public

resources and government intervention (e.g., public spending, access to
services) should focus on improving the basic business environment and
reach all levels of society (e.g., rather than supporting individual companies).
This means that capable institutions at the local level are essential for
effective LED. Beyond simple lack of capacity, expense (time and money) and
over-regulation (complex regulations) are the devastating effects of
cronyism1, nepotism2 and corruption.
Recent LED research suggests that strong and appropriate
institutions are necessary, and governments should pursue four concepts in
❑ First, support for institutions and strategies should combine
governance with culture, to gain respect, legitimacy and
acceptance of the local citizens.
❑ Second, there is a need for clear decision rules and procedures
in government, such as effective business codes and land use
zones that promote long-term plans and a clear and stable
economic ”playing field.”
❑ Third, the political environment must be safe. Poor economic
policies and weak government systems can seriously impact
local economic development efforts by raising risks and
increasing production costs. For many investors, consistency,
predictability and clarity of government policies and
regulations are as important as a business environment with
few restraints.
❑ Fourth, enabling environments should have a high ease of
business entry and efficient regulation enforcement. Not
surprisingly, researchers have found that countries with
heavy regulation and weak enforcement have higher rates of
corruption, a larger informal economy, are less democratic
and are more likely to be poor.

Poverty Reduction and LED

LED is now recognised as a key component in broader efforts to reduce

poverty. There is also an emerging consensus that LED cannot bring about
effective poverty reduction without incorporating explicit poverty reduction
actions. Therefore, a key challenge is to ensure the pursuit of inclusive
economic development that provides for both the promotion of local wealth
creation and poverty reduction; this ensures that those traditionally left out
are active participants and have access to opportunities resulting from

1 Favouritism (appointed positions, jobs, contracts) to unqualified friends rather than qualified individuals or firms.
2 Favouritism (appointed positions, jobs, contracts) to unqualified family members rather than qualified individuals or firms.

4 P R O M O T I N G L O C A L E C O N O M I C D E V E L O P M E N T T H R O U G H S T R AT E G I C P L A N N I N G • Q U I C K G U I D E
development. Inclusive means recognising formal as well as informal
In the formal economy, specific actions might include targeting
business expansion aimed at jobs for the poor, targeting the poor as an
unskilled labour force for training and placement assistance, and through
micro-enterprise/micro-credit programmes.3 Programmes might also target
the informal economy. In addition to reducing poverty, formalising the
informal economy might form a long-term goal for health and safety reasons,
better public management or increased revenues through taxation. However,
abrupt attempts to regulate the informal economy prematurely might lead to
more poverty and marginalisation. Rather, local authorities might want to
consider actions that tolerate and support the informal economy while they
seek to strengthen the skills and resources of people engaged in the informal
economy (see Training Resource Link 2: The International Labour
Organisation (ILO) Course Guide on Local Employment in the Informal
Economy at

Youth, Children and Women in LED

Youth (including children) and women might warrant special attention in

LED strategy development because they tend to be more vulnerable to
economic shocks and the transitional pressure of change that accompanies
economic restructuring and globalisation. Although not often recognised for
their economic impact, children under the age of 18 form a significant part
of the entrepreneurs and workforce in developing countries, and more than
50 per cent of the population in some countries. Youth, aged 15-24, make up
41 per cent of the world’s unemployed. Together, children and youth offer
opportunities to find solutions, while, at the same time, pose a significant
challenge to local economic development (see Training Resource Link 3:
Children, Youth and Employment at
as well as
Today, women play a larger role in the market economy, many in
insecure, low-income and part-time work in the informal economy. Investing
in children, youth and women as productive participants in the economy has
stabilising societal benefits that yield returns beyond economic measures.

Globalisation and Poverty Reduction

Globalisation has changed the development landscape at every level of

human organisation. Certainly at the local level, economic globalisation – the
rapid spread of markets around the world and the coinciding expansion of
economic linkages – is now a fundamental issue. On the one hand, there is
the potential opportunity from growing markets and increasing wealth. On

3 See Promoting Local Economic Development through Strategic Planning - Vol 4 - The Action Guide.

O V E RV I E W 5
the other, not everybody has been able to take advantage of the benefits,
bringing the subsequent income inequalities and adverse impacts into sharp
focus. Yet, poverty is caused by many factors and attributing the problem to
globalisation can be seen as externalising a problem and limiting the options
available. Just as market economics is not a zero-sum game (somebody has
to lose for somebody to gain), this manual approaches poverty alleviation as
more of a challenge in improving democracy by incorporating the poor in the
development process. It encourages a pragmatic approach to addressing
globalisation and poverty reduction through research into markets, fair
trade, information sharing and responsive governments that incorporate
participatory planning into the decision-making process.

Prerequisites for Planning a Successful LED Strategy

Table 1: A successful LED strategy will. . .

Procedural Substantive

1. Have political will 9. Get visible results

2. Get commitment 10. Understand markets
3. Include the informal economy 11. Balance strategies
4. Use strategic thinking 12. Think about quality
5. Evaluate the pros and cons 13. Invest in infrastructure, both “soft” and
6. Integrate, network and link
14. Incorporate natural capital
7. Incorporate accountability
15. Leverage private investment for public good
8. Incorporate culture
16. Establish clear decision rules and procedures
17. Ease business entry & regulatory
18. Plug leaks / Increase multipliers
19. Encourage local business enterprise
20. Attract compatible new businesses

6 P R O M O T I N G L O C A L E C O N O M I C D E V E L O P M E N T T H R O U G H S T R AT E G I C P L A N N I N G • Q U I C K G U I D E
Module 1: Where are we now?

Step 1: Getting Started

Is a strategic approach going to be taken?

The very first task in planning for the future is to decide whether or not to take
a strategic approach to economic development planning. A strategic planning
approach moves beyond ad-hoc decision-making and allows a local area to
both create and respond to economic challenges and opportunities. Success
usually requires a local champion. This champion will play an instrumental
role in initiating and maintaining the process, sustaining commitment and
resources, and ensuring that the planning process is open to stakeholders in
the local area; this requires an organisational and institutional capacity. The
five tasks below outline how to prepare for the process.

Task 1: Get organised, get commitment and build trust

Without commitment from other stakeholders, well-
coordinated organisation and respected leadership, a strategic
planning process can stall before it starts.
Task 2: Form a core planning team
Establish a core group before the actual planning work
begins. This will be the engine that keeps the process moving.
Task 3: Determine where the “local” is in the LED process
Defining the “local” area is a pragmatic exercise based on
common linkages, constraints and common sense (e.g.
political jurisdictions at the local government level).
Task 4: Determine organisational capacity and if outside help is needed
The lead organisation needs to determine its own capacity and
bring in outside help if needed.
Task 5: Plan the planning process
It is important to be clear about the planning scope, planning
process, objectives and expected results before getting started.
Task 6: Define the LED planning question/challenge
Understand the ‘triggering event’ and ask questions that
address core problems rather than symptomatic ones, giving
economic development planning more leverage.

The importance of the process leader or facilitator

It is important to recognise that the process of planning for LED requires

agreement and cooperation among a wide range of stakeholders who might
profoundly disagree on a number of key issues. It also requires an

understanding of strategic planning and LED. If a structured group decision
process is attempted under circumstances of hostility and disrespect, the
results can be alienation and confusion, leading to a sub-optimal process at
best, failure at worst. The role of the facilitator is critical in these processes.
Their purpose is to create an environment for constructive and co-operative
interaction and to maximise productivity of group work and participation.
Because much of the success or failure of a LED process depends on the
skills of the individual(s) managing or facilitating the process, sufficient
resources should be put towards training someone on staff or finding an
appropriate person to undertake this responsibility.

Step 2: Stakeholders and Participation

What is a Participatory Approach?

A participatory approach involves the inclusion of different stakeholders so that

their views, concerns and issues can be included in the planning process. It is
also important because it is here that networks, partnerships and information
sharing occur that make better, more practical, strategies possible. Reviewing
who should be involved in the planning process is an essential first task in
creating a successful strategy. Consider including stakeholders from the public
sector (local, regional, national governments, education institutions); business
sector (corporations, small business, informal sector, banks, credit unions);
labor (trade unions, labor unions); community and non-governmental
organisations; (community leaders; neighborhood groups; religious
organisations; women’s groups; poor and disadvantaged groups;
environmental groups) and the general public (informal leaders).
Stakeholders are defined by their stake in the issues (e.g., the client
groups such as the urban poor, policy proponents such as environmental NGOs),
their formal position (e.g., government authority), their control over relevant
resources (e.g., money, expertise) and their power to promote, hinder or block
implementation (e.g. activist groups, lobby groups, implementing agencies).
The following are ten factors for successful participation.

Table 2: Ten Factors for Successful Participation

1. Good timing and clear need
2. Strong stakeholder groups
3. Broad-based involvement
4. Credibility and openness of process
5. Commitment and/or involvement of high level, visible leaders
6. Support or acquiescence of ’established’ authorities or powers
7. Overcoming mistrust and scepticism
8. Strong leadership of the process
9. Interim success
10. A shift to a broader concern

8 P R O M O T I N G L O C A L E C O N O M I C D E V E L O P M E N T T H R O U G H S T R AT E G I C P L A N N I N G • Q U I C K G U I D E
How to Incorporate Participation in the Planning Process

There are four key tasks to incorporate participation in the planning process:

Task 1: Determine the extent of public involvement and identify

Identify stakeholders and develop a plan for participation.
This does not have to be elaborate, but it should answer key
questions and consider the breadth vs. depth of participatory
planning. It should determine when and how all stakeholders
and the general public will be involved.
Task 2: Establish the size and structure of the stakeholder
partnership group.
The stakeholder group can also provide legitimacy, profile,
hard thinking and make sure a full range of issues is
considered. Often working groups are also formed to support
the work of the stakeholder group.
Task 3. Establish the procedures and terms of reference of the
stakeholder partnership group.

Step 3: Situation Analysis

What is a Situation Analysis for Economic Development?

The situation analysis explores business and market relationships as well as

organisational networks within the local area and between the local area, the
region and the rest of the world. It looks at economic events and economic
trends. It examines the economic base and how the local economy functions.
This requires an understanding of local resources, local businesses, what they
produce, where businesses inputs come from, and the marketplace. It looks at
the economic past and present of a local area and provides base data to identify
and prioritise important issues for consideration in future development plans.

How to Conduct a Situation Analysis

The economic situation analysis involves three key tasks:

Task 1: Collect and review research and analysis already completed.

Task 2: Create a local area economic profile.
Task 3: Conduct assessments and analyses:
❑ Business and local resident attitude survey (basic issues
analysis including perceived problems and opportunities);
❑ Competition and collaboration analysis;


❑ Economic leakage, markets and supply chain analysis;
❑ Gender analysis;
❑ Livelihood assessment analysis; and
❑ SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities,

This information can be collected at different degrees of detail and

through several methods. Ideally, all three tasks will be completed in full, but
often it is necessary to conduct only a few of the most critical analyses to get
started. Variables to be considered when conducting this inventory should
reflect the components of a functioning economy, such as human and social
capital, financial capital, physical capital and natural capital. Capital is a
useful concept because it can be acquired, exchanged, invested and
converted into other forms. This dynamic way of thinking about LED keeps
the focus on potential change, which is what strategy development is all
about. Within each of these categories lies important base-data for
understanding a functioning local economy.

Table 3: Data needs for understanding a functioning

local economy

Human and Social Capital

Organisational and Leadership Capacity: Partnerships, Networks (from Step 1)

Knowledge and Information: Business, Markets and Economic Data, Competition, Quality of Life,
Demographics, Household and Family
Capacity, Competency and Innovation: Institutional, Experience; Labor force (statistics and data,

Financial Capital

Financial: Services, Access (credit)

Natural Capital

Resources: Primary resource, Resource process

Living systems: Quality of life, Aesthetics
Ecosystem Services: Economic support

Physical Capital

Technology, Machines, Tools, Factories: Plant, factory and business technology assessment
Built Environment and Infrastructure: Geographic, Buildings and Infrastructure (roads, sewer and
water, utilities)

10 P R O M O T I N G L O C A L E C O N O M I C D E V E L O P M E N T T H R O U G H S T R AT E G I C P L A N N I N G • Q U I C K G U I D E
Module 2: Where do we want to go?

Step 4: Visioning

What is in a Vision?

The economic vision begins to answer the question: “Where do we want to

go?” It is a snapshot of the desired future. It makes clear the core values and
principles that are central to what the local area wants to become. The vision
is informed by the current situation and looks to the future to alter the
current into the desired. Objectives and actions are then based on this vision,
thereby connecting the vision to practical decision-making.

Why develop a vision?

Visions are an important way to harness the power of the mind. By imagining
an ideal future while considering the current reality, tension is created. As
human beings, we respond to this tension with an impulsive desire to close the
gap. A clearly articulated vision statement provides a continuous point of
reference to keep closing the gap and keep the process heading in a desirable
direction. As a general expression of values, visioning provides an opportunity
for the local area to think in broad terms about the future. Developing the vision
also provides the opportunity for dialogue, learning, relationship building and
awareness raising. Finally, insight from the visioning process supports
development objectives, the decision-making framework (discussed in Step 5).

How to Develop a Vision for Local Economic Development

There are many ways to generate a vision statement, and the five tasks below
describe one method:

Task 1: Review the SWOT Analysis and other work done previously.
Task 2: In a workshop setting, with focus groups or through surveys
(a good chance for public participation), ask the following:
❑ What would you like the local area’s future to become?
❑ What are the most important economic aspects of the
desired future (e.g., jobs, income, poverty reduction, etc.)?
❑ What is different about your vision of the future from
what you see today?
Task 3: Collect and group similar ideas.
Task 4: Get agreement on themes and have someone from the group
‘wordsmith’ one or two vision statements for approval at later

Use this process as a launching point into an issues analysis and
objectives formulation.
While a vision makes an effective way to begin a process (e.g., as an
“icebreaker”), be careful not to use too much of the participants’ energy and
time, or your budget, on this step. It is easy to get sidetracked here, and then
not have enough resources or participant enthusiasm for the more concrete
decision-making steps discussed in Steps 5-8. In some situations, it might be
helpful to examine objectives and actions before or during the visioning
process. Doing this helps to ground the local area’s vision for the future from
the beginning.

Step 5: Setting Objectives

What are Objectives?

The four points below discuss objectives:

❑ Objectives answer the question: “What matters?” and ask:

“What is important about local economic development?”
❑ Objectives are the basis for generating and designing strategy
options. They act as a checklist, or design criteria, to address
local area values.
❑ Objectives clarify directions of preference that can be
compared and traded off (a little more of this for a little less of
❑ Objectives provide decision criteria for evaluating strategy

An objective is formed by converting issues and concerns into a

succinct statement that describes a direction of preference (more/less) and
includes a noun; two examples are: “Expand Employment Opportunities” or
“Reduce Poverty.” Identifying a full range of objectives helps to avoid making
unbalanced or poor decisions.

Why do objectives matter?

Objectives are the framework of the LED Strategy. They define priorities
for economic development and are the basis upon which actions are
ultimately decided. Objectives guide the design of strategy options, allow
for evaluation of those strategy options and provide a basis for making
tradeoffs and building real consensus – the core of decision-making. After
all, actions are taken to achieve objectives, so it is wise to be clear about
what your objectives are.

12 P R O M O T I N G L O C A L E C O N O M I C D E V E L O P M E N T T H R O U G H S T R AT E G I C P L A N N I N G • Q U I C K G U I D E
Table 4: Examples of Strategic Objectives for Local Economic
❑ Promote the Reduction of Poverty
❑ Maximise Natural Capital
❑ Promote Decent Work
❑ Support Existing Local Business Expansion
❑ Promote Economic Stability (critical for small businesses)
❑ Promote Business/Investment Attraction

How to Set Objectives

Setting objectives might take longer than expected. However, here is where
time should be spent to ensure that objectives are complete, concise and
controllable. Well-constructed objectives will not only provide direction for
decision-making but also a framework for monitoring and evaluating how
well- chosen actions fulfill the local area’s vision of the future (described in
Step 9). The following six tasks define how to set objectives:

Task 1: Identify key issues (concerns, problems, challenges,

Task 2: Assess issues (distinguish: cause – effect – outcome).
Task 3: Restate issues as succinct statements of objective.
Task 4: Organise objectives: separate means from ends, actions from
Task 5: Develop SMART indicators of performance (Specific,
Measurable, Appropriate, Realistic, Time dated).
Task 6: Prioritise objectives.

M O D U L E T W O : W H E R E D O W E WA N T T O G O ? 13
Module 3: How do we get there?

Step 6: Identifying & Evaluating Strategy Options

How are strategy options designed?

Strategy options are the heart of strategic planning for LED. A strategy option is an
action or group of actions that, when implemented, can help realise the local area’s
LED vision and objectives. All the previous steps in the process have been designed
to allow the LED planning group to create good strategy options. This is perhaps
the most tangible point in the planning process – where thinkers and doers
connect, where specific actions are envisioned and where those with the greatest
promise are chosen. Table 5 below provides a list of 31 common LED actions that
could be taken alone, phased in over time or combined as strategy option.

How are strategy options identified?

Task 1. Generate actions for pursuing priority objectives (see Step 5).
Task 2. Refine and organise actions.
Task 3. Combine into strategy options, evaluate against LED objectives and
improve. Do the strategies promote the local area objectives? Do
they require tradeoffs and consensus building?
Task 4. Negotiate and redesign the strategies; agree on a strategy.

Table 5: Action Ideas for Local Economic Development

Note: These actions are profiled in detail in Volume 4: The Action Guide.4
Local Government
Action 1. Policy and Regulation Local governments should be involved to some degree in
local economic development planning. Policy and
regulation mechanisms can affect local business activity
through infrastructure, taxes and regulation of land,
buildings and activities. Creating business- and
entrepreneur-enabling environments depends on clear and
stable policies and regulations.

Initial Actions
Action 2. Stakeholder Once the plan has been agreed to, there needs to be an
Implementation Group organisational mechanism for implementing it. Either an
existing agency with an identified individual needs to take
the lead, or an implementing organisation needs to be
formed. Options for institutionalising LED include the
establishment of a Local Business Council or a Local
Economic Development Agency composed of public and
private institutions, representatives of political and
economic spheres, and civil society.

4 Additional Project headings can be found on the World Bank Local Economic Development Web site at: .

14 P R O M O T I N G L O C A L E C O N O M I C D E V E L O P M E N T T H R O U G H S T R AT E G I C P L A N N I N G • Q U I C K G U I D E
Action 3. Demonstration Projects Pilot or demonstration projects are small-scale, short-cycle
projects or test projects that prepare the way for replication or
expansion, and keep the momentum in a LED process going.
Action 4. Research and Analysis Nearly every action identified will have additional
information requirements (feasibility analysis). The LED
process might also have identified key data gaps where
spending time and money on additional research is
warranted (e.g. markets and opportunities, the supply
chain, value-added processing opportunities, import
substitution, salvage operations, remanufacturing, concept
testing/feasibility analysis).
Action 5. Study Tours Actually seeing what is possible helps to link concept and
ideas with reality. Having leaders in LED strategy visit other
communities or locations where LED actions have taken
place to see first hand how they work is a powerful
catalyst in mobilising activity.
Action 6. Local procurement and Local procurement is simply a commitment made by the
“buy local” campaigns local authority to buy and hire locally. ”Buy local”
campaigns are similar except they target consumers and
businesses, encouraging them to buy local products (e.g.,
local farmers sell to local restaurants).
Action 7. Simple upgrading of Sometimes simple actions, such as cleaning up an area,
local business areas adding plants and greenery or banners can build pride,
support local businesses, encourage infill development, and
reuse resources.
Action 8. LED Publications Some LED publications can be produced quickly and easily
with limited staff time and using information collected
during the LED process. Simple publications are useful ways
of getting existing businesses involved in the LED process.
Examples include a Local Area Brochure and Profile Letter;
Local Area or Economic Profile; and a Business Directory.

Advanced Actions

Marketing and Knowledge Management

Action 9. Knowledge Management A tremendous amount of information from best practices to
lessons learned to business matching depends on good
knowledge management. Collection, access and
organisation of information and data in a usable way are
important. Developing information portals (web-based) is
one way to manage and use knowledge.
Action 10. Marketing and Promotion Marketing is a process and a product that uses information
to identify customers, position a local area, and sell the
local area and/or its products. Promotion is part of
marketing. Marketing strategies combine other actions
(publications, upgrading, knowledge management) in a
strategic way for specific market purposes.

Entrepreneur and small business support

Action 11. Incubators An incubator consists of a building or set of buildings
where office space is rented out to fledgling businesses at
below-market rents to help minimise their overhead.
Action 12. Skills Training Center A skills training centre is a facility that works in partnership
with businesses and the local area to provide access to
education and training in various fields, conduct programs
to assist the creation of employment opportunities and
make available a job bank network for the local area.


Action 13. Micro and Small-Scale Micro and Small-Scale Enterprise (MSE) development
planning Enterprise (MSE) at the local government level
aims at creating linkages and Development networking
among different stakeholders and sectors of the
local economy, and typically includes business support,
training and micro-credit.
Action 14. Small Business Small Business Development Centres (SBDCs) are places
Development Centers designed to provide a range of support for local
prospective and operating entrepreneurs to develop their
capacity to run a small enterprise effectively and profitably.
Like MSE, they seek to create linkages and networks, and
often include links to business support, training and

Physical revitalisation, infrastructure and land planning

Action 15. Physical infrastructure Investments in physical or ”hard” infrastructure projects
investment are undertaken to improve the built environment. Often
these projects are done to improve economic efficiency
(transportation) and/or quality of life (water, sewer, power),
which make the local area more liveable and attractive for
business retention, expansion and attraction of new
businesses. Government or partnerships can implement
physical infrastructure.
Action 16. Clusters “Clustering” refers to firms or entrepreneurs (including
farmers) engaged in similar economic activities in one area
and working together to advance business opportunities
and add value. Related concepts are growth nodes and
investment corridors.
Action 17. Industrial / Business / The idea is to set aside or zone a significant area of land (a
Science and Eco- Parks park) where specific activities will take place. Eco-industrial
parks (or eco-clusters) have been promoted and are
basically the same concept, except they intentionally try
and attract businesses that can cooperate to improve their
environmental and economic performance through more
efficient use of raw materials, reducing outputs of waste,
conserving energy and water resources, and reducing
transportation requirements.
Action 18. Town center/ business Similar to Action 7 but more resource intensive. Town
area upgrading Center Enhancement typically involves partnerships and
can include physically upgrading the area (building
renovation, banners and flags, greenery, daily street
cleaning), targeting investment, marketing, events, etc.
Action 19. Linking of permits Development linking is when the concept of spatial
planning (bringing people and jobs closer together to
reduce travelling times and costs) is expanded by linking
profitable growth with redistributive development –
concurrent with permitting real estate developers to build
in profitable areas, local governments require
complementary investment in more impoverished

Organisational Development for LED

Action 20. Creating LED Local economic development organisations are devoted to
Organisations the implementation and ongoing planning of LED actions.
They include Business Improvement/ Development
Associations (BIA, BDA); Local area Development
Corporations (CDC); Municipal Government LED
Department, Chambers of Commerce and many more.

16 P R O M O T I N G L O C A L E C O N O M I C D E V E L O P M E N T T H R O U G H S T R AT E G I C P L A N N I N G • Q U I C K G U I D E
Action 21. Co-operatives A co-operative is a democratically controlled enterprise
owned by its members to fulfill a financial, economic, social
or cultural need.
Action 22. Partnerships Partnerships between the public and private sector and the
local area represent an effective and efficient approach to
implementing LED strategies in local communities and are
essential in many LED actions.
Action 23. Institutional Cooperation For local areas, cooperating in a competitive world is a key
Mechanisms to success. Both formal and informal mechanisms exist for
promoting greater cooperation.

(also see Financial Co-op Local lending institutions and financial co-operatives.
Action 21)
Action 24. Micro-credit Micro-credit is the extension of small loans to
entrepreneurs who are too poor to qualify for traditional
bank loans.
Action 25. Local Currency or Local Local Currency (or Local Area Currency Systems) is a type of
area Currency Systems parallel currency system where a local area organises and
administers a system of exchanging locally produced goods
and services; it uses an interest-free currency whose
circulation is limited to a particular geographic area or
social group. The local currency operates alongside the
conventional national currency of the country.

Action 26. Foreign Direct Investment This involves attempting to attract foreign direct
investment from outside the local area. Once a LED
strategy is in place, the goal is to attract investment that is
responsive to the local area values.
Action 27. Domestic Inward Investment Domestic inward investment is an attempt to keep local
money in the local economy. Often, money is put into
banks that invest outside the local area or investors seek
opportunity outside the local area. Local credit unions,
community credit/debit cards and other investment
strategies can be developed to locally reinvest money
earned in the local area.

Broad-based Actions

Action 28. Support for the Informal The informal economy is comprised of economic activities
Economy not recorded and not subject to formal rules of contract,
licensing, labour, and taxation. Informal economies often
contribute directly to poverty reduction by providing for the
livelihoods of large portions of the population. By
supporting the informal economy, other important social
development issues can also be addressed including gender
equity, cultural preservation, child labour, and public health
and safety.
Action 29. Sustainable Tourism Sustainable tourism is often pursued because it is not so
Development dependent on financial capital or major infrastructure, and
is therefore an entry sector that can achieve quick results,
especially important for poorer areas. It is also seen as a
win-win option, designed to mitigate the economic needs
of a local area and to protect the cultural and natural
environment. However, balance is never an easy task to


Action 30. Urban-Rural Linkages Creating improved urban-rural linkages is a key component
for ensuring the sustainability of both rural and urban
areas. By connecting the resources, the rural people’s desire
for direct access to end users of rural products and the
urban need for more affordable and better quality products
can be facilitated through more cooperative networks.
Action 31. Invest in Natural Capital Living systems provide us with resources (trees, water, soil,
air, oil) and services (aesthetics, flood control, purification
of water and air, pest and disease control, storage and
cycling of fresh water). Investing in resources (tree
planting, reef protection/development) and services (create
urban ecosystems for aesthetics and pest/disease control,
maintain wetland for waste treatment and storm water
retention, maintain watersheds for flood control, drinking

Step 7: Action Planning and Strategy Documentation

What is Action Planning?

Once a group of actions, known as a strategy option, has been designed and
agreed to by the LED planning group, it must be operationalised. It is one thing
to get agreement on a broad strategy, quite another to detail it, maintain the
commitment and secure the required resources. Action planning is simply a way
to clearly establish what must be done, the date by which it will be done, and who
will be responsible for doing the work. Action plans need to be “do-able” within
the existing limitations of time, budgets, administrative capacity and political
resources. Good action planning offers a chance to double check the strategy
option to make sure the strategy is practical and can be implemented. Specifying
tasks allows for clear budgeting and a realistic appraisal of the work ahead.

How are Action Plans created?

An action plan contains a description of the specific tasks and activities

necessary to implement the chosen strategy option. The key tasks involved in
action planning are as follows:

Task 1. Clearly understand the tasks and actions involved in the

chosen strategy option (Step 6).
Task 2. Determine who needs to be involved and specific roles and
Task 3. Determine time frames, resources, funding and pre-
Task 4. Identify risks, gaps and weak links in the action plan and how
they will be addressed (e.g., actions or tasks in which there is

18 P R O M O T I N G L O C A L E C O N O M I C D E V E L O P M E N T T H R O U G H S T R AT E G I C P L A N N I N G • Q U I C K G U I D E
no clear leader, no funding or other key resources identified,
capacity limitations).
Task 5. Reconfirm commitments of each partner.
Task 6. Agree on a coordination mechanism.
Task 7. Agree on a monitoring mechanism (Step 9).

Strategy Documentation: Preparing the Strategic Plan

The best LED strategic planning document is brief and easy to use. The LED
strategic planning document will be unique in content, but will likely contain
the same summary information – information derived from the Ten Steps of
Planning Excellence process. A typical LED strategic document will contain
the following chapters:

Chapter 1: Introduction Background information and document


Chapter 2: Where are we now? This provides the overview of the

stakeholders and the situation. It is an
analysis of the local economy’s strengths
and weaknesses, and the opportunities and
threats, as well as the availability of
partners and resources for economic

Chapter 3: Where do we This contains the final vision and objectives

want to go? that set the strategic direction for the action
plan, which is also included.

Chapter 4: How are we This is the strategy and the action plan. It
going to get there? represents priority programmes and
projects for implementation. Here is where
coordination of funding sources and
partnerships/organisations for economic
development are highlighted.

Chapter 5: How do we know Finally, the LED strategic planning docu

when we have arrived? ment should describe the process for
evaluation and periodic update.


Step 8: Plan Implementation

Following Through

At this point of the process, a written Local Economic Development Strategy

Document should have been produced. This document should outline
commitment of resources and establish a clear path of action. But beware!
LED strategies often become derailed here. Developing the plan is not the
end of the process; it requires good implementation management.

Institutionalisation and Organisational Development

New ways of thinking about LED and utilising a participatory approach will
take time to be understood, accepted and routinely applied. Research
indicates that the full impact of implementing a LED will also take time,
especially if institutional adaptations and adjustments are required.
Developing new organisations or adapting existing ones are two possible ways
to institutionalise and sustain the LED effort. For example, LED could be
institutionalised by giving an existing staff member responsibility for LED, or
by creating a new position within an existing department. Another way is
through the establishment of a Local Economic Development Agency (LEDA),
composed of public and private institutions, representatives of political and
economic spheres, and civil society (see Training Resource Link 6). LEDAs
have demonstrated their effectiveness, especially in institutionally poor
environments. In institutionally rich environments, some kind of ‘officialised’
LED forum might be more appropriate, ensuring continuity in consultations,
dialogue, strategic planning as well as monitoring and evaluation.

How is institutionalisation done?

The following tasks are useful in considering institutionalisation:

Task 1: Strengthen existing institutional structures to improve their

effectiveness in planning, management, and coordination among
different sectors; only where necessary, create new institutions
to accommodate special requirements both technical and
managerial – not covered by existing institutions.
Task 2: Change or adjust mandates of existing institutions to integrate
new functions and roles.
Task 3: Identify and task “anchor” institutions to take the lead and
provide a home base for LED activities or phases.
Task 4: Link to established policy instruments such as annual
budgeting, human resource allocation, sectoral work
programs, etc.

20 P R O M O T I N G L O C A L E C O N O M I C D E V E L O P M E N T T H R O U G H S T R AT E G I C P L A N N I N G • Q U I C K G U I D E
Task 5: Develop skills necessary to support and routinely apply the
LED process (information collection, negotiation, facilitation,
strategy formulation, action planning, monitoring and
Task 6: Modify legal and administrative frameworks to enable a
procedural framework for smooth and effective functioning of
Task 7: Provide funds to support expenditure and equipment for
capacity-building and sustaining the framework, primarily
through public budgetary provisions or allocations.
Task 8: Maintain knowledge support and a learning process, for
example, through documenting and evaluating lessons of
experience and building collaboration with local research or
consulting establishments.


Module 4: Have We Arrived?

Step 9: Monitor and Evaluate

What is Monitoring and Evaluation?

Monitoring is. . . Evaluation is. . .

Monitoring means to “observe” or to “check Evaluation uses the information from monitoring
performance”. Monitoring is a continuous process to analyse the process, programmes and projects
of collecting information using performance to determine if there are opportunities for
measures (or indicators) to gauge the process or changes to the strategy, programmes and
project. Monitoring accepts the design of the projects. Evaluation, like monitoring, should
strategy measuring progress and performance, promote learning. In the implementation stage of
and identifies successes or failures as early as a LED strategy, evaluation is used to determine if
possible. the actions are meeting the strategic objectives,
efficiently, effectively and/or at all.

Understanding Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) should be considered during each step of

the process and not as a specific “add-on” conducted only at the end of the
process. For each step of the LED process, objectives and outputs provide
opportunities for M&E. These opportunities can also be conducted as
participatory actions with expert support. M&E is not conducted to find fault
and be critical, possibly having adverse effects on the project. Instead, M&E
is a vehicle for accountability; but it is also a management tool for improving
the process, programs and projects. M&E should be used to enhance
learning and capacity building throughout all steps of the LED, to empower
the participants to do a better job, and to help promote implementation
partnerships as partners work through the process together. Done on a
regular basis, M&E is a proactive management tool that provides timely,
reliable and valid information for adjusting and modifying the LED (see Step
10). The M&E process should be a collaborative one with all those involved to
promote learning and a better outcome.

Why Monitor and Evaluate?

By tracking performance, monitoring ensures that limited resources for

economic development can be put to ‘“best use’” and that negative or
unintended impacts can be identified and minimised. Furthermore, effective
monitoring and evaluation will sound the alarm when internal and external
circumstances in the economic environment have changed, when key
opportunities are being missed, or when implementation of a project is no
longer effective. Adjustments in action plans, changes in priorities, or a

22 P R O M O T I N G L O C A L E C O N O M I C D E V E L O P M E N T T H R O U G H S T R AT E G I C P L A N N I N G • Q U I C K G U I D E
complete refocusing of strategic objectives can then be made to ensure the
economic development plan remains useful over time. Ongoing monitoring
and evaluation should result in the gradual evolution and upgrading of the
strategic plan, taking the local area closer and closer to its envisioned future.

How to Monitor and Evaluate Project Implementation

Task 1: Prepare the monitoring or evaluation plan and framework: use

project objectives and performance measures (Step 5),
determine what will be monitored and what information is
required and how it will be collected.
Task 2: Determine who will be involved.
Task 3: Determine when, where, how to monitor and evaluate.
Task 4: Determine documentation and reporting protocol.

Step 10: Adjust and Modify

The monitoring and evaluation process is designed to track performance and

identify where and when adjustments in plan implementation at the project
level need to be made or where more fundamental changes to the plan vision
or objectives might need to occur.
Adjustments and modifications should occur throughout the
strategic planning process whenever new information arises or new priorities
for direction or action are identified. And, of course, on a regular basis (every
5-10 years), the strategy needs to be completely revisited. At this time, go
back to Step One.

M O D U L E F O U R : H AV E W E A R R I V E D ? 23
Web Links
UN-HABITAT IADB (Inter American Development Bank),
EcoPlan International, Inc. sustainable development department
World Bank ICLEI (International Council for Local
Environmental Initiatives)
International Labour Organisation (ILO)
IEDC (International Economic Development
Canadian Urban Institute: Council)
CIDA (Canadian International Development INED (International Network for Economic
Agency) Developers)
CFED (Corporation for Enterprise Development) IULA (International Union of Local Authorities; Local Government Associations & Association
CUED (Council for Urban Economic Development) Capacity Building)

Department of Local Government, South Africa NCCED (National Congress for Community Economic Development)
DFID (Department for International Development) OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation
and Development, Local Economic and
EDAC (The Economic Developers Association of Employment Development)
KPEL (Partnership on Local Economic
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), Development)
economics topic page
UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development
ESRC: Cities Programme Organisation)
EURADA (European Association of Development USAID (United States Agency for International
Agencies) Development)
HUD (Housing and Urban Development), Office of
Economic Development, Community Planning and

24 P R O M O T I N G L O C A L E C O N O M I C D E V E L O P M E N T T H R O U G H S T R AT E G I C P L A N N I N G • Q U I C K G U I D E
Without strong local institutions and motivated staff, decentralization and
human settlements reform will not deliver the desired development
outcomes. Yet, many local authorities and civil society organisations lack
the human resources required to meet urgent needs. Training and capacity
building is therefore a wise investment into the future sustainability of our
cities. The Training and Capacity Building Branch (TCBB) of UN-HABITAT
supports national training institutions to build their capacity to implement
innovative programmes, focusing on local governance and sustainable
human settlements development. Typical activities include training needs
assessment, development of manuals, training of trainers, and impact
evaluation. TCBB products have been successfully adapted and translated
into over 20 languages.

This Quick Guide is a snapshot overview of the Local Economic

Development (LED) Series which focuses on promoting local economic
development through strategic planning. The series is comprised of four
volumes; Volume 1 – Quick Guide, Volume 2 - Manual, Volume 3 - Toolkit
and, Volume 4 - Action Guide. The Quick Guide contains summarised
information and resources prepared for busy executives or those not
intimately involved with planning for local economic development. It is also
handy tool for facilitators when approaching and communicating with busy
city mayors and business leaders whose support for a strategic planning
process is critical. The LED series is a resource for local governments,
businesses and civil society organizations, prepared to initiate and
implement LED interventions through a locally owned and driven strategic
planning process.

ISBN 92-1-131726-6
HS 738//05E
Promoting Local Economic Development Strategic Planning —
Volume 1: Quick Guide
92-1-131721-5 (Series)

United Nations Human Settlements EcoPlan International Inc.

Programme (UN-HABITAT) 131 Water Street, #208
P.O. Box 30030 GPO 00100 Vancouver, BC Canada V6B 4M3
Nairobi, Kenya Fax: 604-228-1892
Fax: (254-20) 623092 (TCBB Office) Email:
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