Deway Classification 000
Deway Classification 000
Deway Classification 000
001 Knowledge
Description and critical appraisal of intellectual activity in general
Including interdisciplinary works on consultants
Class here discussion of ideas from many fields; interdisciplinary approach to
Class epistemology in 121. Class a compilation of knowledge in a specific form
with the form, e.g., encyclopedias 030
For consultants or use of consultants in a specific subject, see the subject, e.g.,
library consultants 023, engineering consultants 620, use of consultants in
management 658.4
See Manual at 500 vs. 001
.01 Theory of knowledge
Do not use for philosophy of knowledge, philosophical works on theory of
knowledge; class in 121
.1 Intellectual life
Nature and value
For scholarship and learning, see 001.2
See also 900 for broad description of intellectual situation and condition
001 Dewey Decimal Classification 001
.3 Humanities
Including relative value of science versus the humanities
Class here government policy on humanities
.4 Research
Including research methods; qualitative research, quantitative research,
scientific method; descriptive and experimental methods; support of and
incentives for research; awards, bursaries, certificates, competitions, contests,
fellowships and scholarships, financial support, grants, honors, medals, prizes
Class here action research, evaluation research, works discussing what research
Class operations research, computer modeling and simulation in 003; class
student finance in higher education in 378.3. Class research in a specific subject
with the subject, plus notation 072 from Table 1, e.g., research in linguistics
410.72; class results of research in a specific subject with the subject without
notation 072 from Table 1, e.g., results of research in linguistics 410 (not
410.72); class support of and incentives for research in a specific subject with
the subject, plus notation 079 from Table 1, e.g., research awards in mechanical
engineering 621.079
See Manual at 500 vs. 001; also at 519.5, T1—01 vs. 001.4, T1—072
Interdisciplinary works on historical research relocated to 907.2
.9 Controversial knowledge
Including well-established phenomena for which explanations are controversial;
the end of the world; deceptions and hoaxes; errors, delusions, superstitions
Class here interdisciplinary works on controversial knowledge, parapsychology,
Class a hoax that influenced history with the hoax in 900, e.g., False Dmitri 947
For parapsychology and occultism, see 130. For controversial knowledge
concerning a specific subject, see the subject, e.g., paranatural and
legendary phenomena as subjects of folklore 398, Piltdown man hoax 569.9,
controversial medical remedies 615.8, an alleged conspiracy to assassinate
John F. Kennedy 973.922
See Manual at 001.9 and 130
001 Computer science, information, general works 001
.94 Mysteries
Reported phenomena not explained, not fully verified
Including Atlantis, Bermuda Triangle, pyramid power
Class here nonastronomical extraterrestrial influences on earth
See also 900 for Atlantis as a subject of archaeology
.942 Unidentified flying objects (UFOs)
Variant name: flying saucers
Class here human-alien encounters
.944 Monsters and related phenomena
Including abominable snowman, Loch Ness monster
See also 590 for animals whose reality is not controversial
003 Dewey Decimal Classification 003
003 Systems
Including system identification; forecasting and forecasts; interdisciplinary
works on forecasting; computer modeling and simulation; computer applications
in systems, computer implementation of mathematical models of systems,
interdisciplinary works on computer modeling and simulation; theory of
communication and control; cybernetics, interdisciplinary works on control and
stability of systems; kinds of systems; systems distinguished in relation to time
Class here operations research; systems theory, analysis, design, optimization;
models (simulations) applied to real-world systems
Class computer vision in 006.3; class psychology of human perception in 153.7;
class simulation in education in 371.39; class perception in animals in 573.8;
class information theory in communications engineering in 621.382, without
using notation 01 from Table 1; class coding for purpose of limiting access to
information (cryptography) in 652; class use of systems analysis and operations
research in management in 658.4; class social aspects of and interdisciplinary
works on communication in systems in 302.2. Class systems in a specific subject
with the subject, plus notation 01 from Table 1, e.g., systems theory in the social
sciences 300.1; class information theory in communications engineering of a
specific kind of communications with the kind, without using notation 01 from
Table 1, e.g., radio 621.384; class information theory in any other specific subject
with the subject, plus notation 01 from Table 1, e.g., information theory in
economics 330.01
For artificial intelligence, see 006.3; for forecasting by parapsychological
and occult means, see 133.3; for social forecasting, forecasting and forecasts
for specific areas, see 303.49; for purely mathematical treatment of networks
without reference to real-world systems, see 511; for control theory in
automation engineering, see 629.8. For computer modeling and simulation
applied to a specific subject, see the subject, plus notation 01 from Table 1, e.g.,
computer modeling in economics 330.01; for control and stability of systems in
a specific subject, see the subject, plus notation 01 from Table 1, e.g., control
and stability of systems in general engineering 620.001
See also 004.2 for analysis and design of computer-based systems; also 511
for mathematical models not applied to real-world systems; also 519.7 for
mathematical programming not applied to real-world systems
[.028 5] Computer applications
Do not use; class in 003
004 Computer science, information, general works 004
004 Dewey Decimal Classification 004
.5 *Storage
Including hardware aspects of virtual memory; comprehensive works on
associative (content-addressable) memory and associative processing; internal
storage (main memory); external storage (auxiliary memory)
Class associative processing in 004; class comprehensive works on virtual
memory in 005.4
.602 Miscellany
Do not use for standards; class in 004.6
.67 *Wide-area networks
Including Internet; World Wide Web
Class here metropolitan-area networks
For Internet, World Wide Web as information systems, see 025.042. For
a specific aspect of cloud computing, see the aspect, e.g., grid computing
004, web services 006.7
See Manual at 004.67 vs. 006.7, 025.042, 384.3
.670 917 3 Socioeconomic regions by concentration of population
Do not use for metropolitan-area networks; class in 004.67
.69 Specific kinds of computer communications
Including Internet telephony
Class computer communications in multimedia systems with the system,
e.g., online social networks 006.7
[.690 1–.690 9] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 004.601–004.609
.692 *Electronic mail
Class here instant messaging; point-to-point communications
Class e-mail lists in 004.693
.693 *Discussion groups
Class here chat groups, electronic bulletin boards, e-mail lists,
newsgroups; broadcast communications
Class electronic mail in 004.692
.7 *Peripherals
Including peripherals for analog, digital, hybrid computers; peripherals for
computers distinguished by processing modes; peripherals combining input and
output functions; computer terminals; input peripherals; output peripherals
Class peripheral storage, tape and disk devices in 004.5; class input devices that
utilize pattern recognition methods in 006.4; class output peripherals that utilize
computer sound synthesis in 006.5; class computer graphics output devices in
006.6; class ergonomic engineering of computer peripherals in 621.39. Class
a special-purpose input device with the purpose, e.g., graphics input devices
006.6, game paddles 688.7
See also 004.6 for communications devices
*Use notation 01 from Table 1 as modified at 004.01
005 Computer science, information, general works 005
005.01 Philosophy and theory
.1 Programming
.2 Programming for specific types of computers, for specific operating
systems, for specific user interfaces
.3 Programs
.4 Systems programming and programs
.5 General purpose application programs
.7 Data in computer systems
.8 Data security
.1 Programming
Including special programming techniques; software systems analysis and
design; analysis of a user’s problem preparatory to developing a software
system to solve it; verification, testing, measurement, debugging; preparation
of program documentation; preparation of software documentation; program
maintenance; software maintenance; microprogramming and microprograms
Class here application frameworks, application programming, computer
algorithms, integrated development environments, software engineering
Class firmware viewed as hardware in 004; class real-time programming,
parallel programming in 005.2; class programming for personal computers
in 005.26; class programs for personal computers in 005.36; class algorithms
discussed solely from a theoretical perspective, without regard to computer
implementation, in 518. Class a specific application of programming within
computer science with the application in 005.4–005.8 or 006, e.g., programming
of computer graphics 006.6
For programming for specific types of computers, for specific operating
systems, for specific user interfaces, see 005.2
See Manual at 005.1–005.2 vs. 005.4; also at 005.1 vs. 005.3
*Use notation 01 from Table 1 as modified at 004.01
005 Dewey Decimal Classification 005
005 Computer science, information, general works 005
005 Dewey Decimal Classification 005
.3 *Programs
Software, firmware, middleware
Including programs for digital computers (e.g., programs for supercomputers,
programs for mainframe computers, programs for midrange computers,
programs for personal computers); programs for specific processing modes;
programs for specific operating systems and for specific user interfaces not
limited by type of computer; programs for hybrid and analog computers
Class here application programs, collections of programs, software
documentation, software packages, comprehensive works on software and
firmware, on applications and systems programs
Class comprehensive works on programs for midrange and personal computers
in 005.36. Class programs for a specific application in computer science with
the application in 005–006, e.g., programs for computer graphics 006.6; class
online help in specific kinds of programs with the kind, e.g., online help in
programs for personal computers 005.36; class collections of programs of a
specific kind with the kind, e.g., collections of general purpose application
software 005.5
For firmware, see 005.1; for systems programs, see 005.4
See also 005.1 for preparation of program documentation
See Manual at 005.3; also at 005.1 vs. 005.3; also at 005.3, 005.5 vs. 005.4
.302 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Do not use for software metrics, quality assurance, reliability, testing,
verification, maintenance and repair, class in 005.1
Including usability testing, software evaluation as an aid in selection
.302 9 Commercial miscellany
See Manual at 011 vs. 005.3029, 016.0053, 025.0422
.36 *Programs for personal computers
Including programs for handheld computing devices
Class here programs for specific types of personal computers;
comprehensive works on programs for midrange and personal computers
Class programs for midrange computers in 005.3
.362 Programs in specific programming languages
Limited to programs and works about programs where the material being
classified emphasizes the programming language
Arrange alphabetically by name of programming language, e.g., BASIC
*Use notation 01 from Table 1 as modified at 004.01
005 Computer science, information, general works 005
.740 2 Miscellany
.740 285 Computer applications
For web databases as information storage and retrieval
systems, see 025.0422
.740 6 Organizations and management
.740 68 Management
Do not use notation 068 from Table 1 for file management or
database management (computer programs that enable operation
of files or databases); class in 005.74
Class here management of organizations concerned with
databases, e.g., firms that create them
.75 Specific types of data files and databases
Including centralized files and databases; flat-file databases; databases based
on specific data models (e.g., network databases, hierarchical databases,
relational databases, object-oriented databases); temporal, spatial, constraint
databases; distributed data files and databases; data files and databases used
in client/server computing; full-text database management systems
.8 *Data security
Including digital rights management, electronic signatures; data encryption;
ciphers; malware; data backup and recovery
Class here access control, computer network security, firewalls;
interdisciplinary works on computer security
Class interdisciplinary works on cryptography in 652
For a specific aspect of computer security, see the aspect, e.g., management
of computer security 658.4
.2 *Special-purpose systems
Including automatic data collection; embedded computer systems [formerly
004.1]; interdisciplinary works on automatic identification and data capture;
interdisciplinary works on bar coding [formerly 006.4]
Class real-time locating systems that use radio frequency identification in
For optical character recognition, speaker recognition, see 006.4; for
biometric identification, see 570.1; for use of bar coding in materials
management, see 658.7. For specific applications of automatic identification
and data capture, see the application, plus notation 0285 from Table 1,
e.g., management of supplies in business 658.70285; for a specific aspect
of embedded computer systems, see the aspect, e.g., systems analysis and
design of embedded computer systems 004.2, software for embedded systems
.3 *Artificial intelligence
Including machine learning; neural nets (neural networks); connectionism,
neural computers; knowledge-based systems; expert systems; natural language
processing; computational linguistics [formerly 410.285]; computer vision; data
mining [formerly also 005.74]
Class here computational intelligence, intelligent agents, multi-agent systems,
question-answering systems, comprehensive works on artificial intelligence and
cognitive science
Class robotics in 629.8
For cognitive science, see 153
See also 005.1 for logic programming; also 006.4 for pattern recognition
not used as a tool of artificial intelligence
See Manual at 006.3 vs. 006.4, 621.36, 621.39; also at 006.3 vs. 153; also at
006.3 vs. 410.285
Logic databases, deductive databases relocated to 005.7401
.5 *Digital audio
Including speech synthesis
Class here computer sound synthesis
Class digital audio engineering in 621.389; class computer audio art in 776
See Manual at 776 vs. 006.5–006.7
.6 *Computer graphics
Including hardware; equipment specifically designed for computer graphics
and works treating use of equipment for computer graphics even if the
equipment was not specifically designed for that purpose; programming;
programming for specific types of computers, for specific operating systems,
for specific user interfaces; programs; special topics in computer graphics (e.g.,
three-dimensional graphics, digital video)
Class here image manipulation
Class works that treat equally the use of equipment for graphics and
nongraphics tasks in 004; class multimedia systems, interactive video,
comprehensive works on computer graphics and computer sound synthesis in
006.7; class digital television in 621.388; class computer graphic art in 776;
class digital video hardware, digital video effects in 777; class use of computers
in video production in 777.0285
For a specific product of computer animation techniques, see the product,
e.g., animated films 791.43
See Manual at 776 vs. 006.5–006.7
.7 *Multimedia systems
Including interactive video; hardware; markup languages; general document
markup languages, style sheet languages; specific types of multimedia systems;
programming; Internet programming, web application frameworks, web
programming; programming for specific types of computers, for specific
operating systems, for specific user interfaces; programs; multimedia authoring
programs, software; multimedia software
Class here hypermedia, hypertext; information architecture, web page design,
web site development; comprehensive works on computer graphics and digital
audio, interactive multimedia
Class web servers in 004; class web databases in 005.740285; class hypertext
databases in 005.75; class multimedia computer art in 776; class use of
computers in video production in 777.0285; class interdisciplinary works
on Internet in 004.67; class interdisciplinary works on World Wide Web
in 025.042; class interdisciplinary works on web publishing in 070.5; class
interdisciplinary works on online social networks in 302.30285
For digital audio, see 006.5; for computer graphics, see 006.6
See also 384.3 for interactive videotex
See Manual at 004.67 vs. 006.7, 025.042, 384.3; also at 776 vs. 006.5–006.7
*Use notation 01 from Table 1 as modified at 004.01
006 Dewey Decimal Classification 006
[007] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8
010 Bibliography
History, identification, description of printed, written, audiovisual, electronic
Including special topics of bibliography (e.g., analytical bibliography [descriptive
bibliography], systematic bibliography)
Class descriptive cataloging in 025.3. Class systematic bibliography applied to a
specific kind of bibliography with the kind, plus notation 028 from Table 1, e.g.,
preparation and compilation of biobibliographies 012.028; class catalogs and lists
of art works with the subject, plus notation 074 from Table 1, e.g., a catalog of the
prints in the Library of Congress 769.074
For historical bibliography, see 002
See also 028.1 for reviews
011 Bibliographies and catalogs
012 Bibliographies and catalogs of individuals
014 Bibliographies and catalogs of anonymous and pseudonymous works
015 Bibliographies and catalogs of works from specific places
016 Bibliographies and catalogs of works on specific subjects
017 General bibliographies and catalogs of works held in specific collections or
offered for sale
011 Dewey Decimal Classification 011
012 Bibliography 012
[013] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 14
016 Dewey Decimal Classification 016
017 Bibliography 017
020.1–.9 Standard subdivisions
021 Relationships of libraries, archives, information centers
022 Administration of physical plant
023 Personnel management (Human resource management)
025 Operations of libraries, archives, information centers
026 Libraries, archives, information centers devoted to specific subjects
027 General libraries, archives, information centers
028 Reading and use of other information media
[.68] Management
Do not use for plant management; class in 022. Do not use for personnel
management; class in 023. Do not use for other aspects of management, for
comprehensive works on management; class in 025.1
020 Dewey Decimal Classification 020
022 Library and information sciences 022
[024] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 10
025.001–.009 Standard subdivisions
.04–.06 [Information storage and retrieval systems]
.1 Administration
.2 Acquisitions and collection development
.3 Bibliographic analysis and control
.4 Subject analysis and control
.5 Services for users
.6 Circulation services
.7 Physical preparation for storage and use
.8 Maintenance and preservation of collections
025 Dewey Decimal Classification 025
025 Library and information sciences 025
.1 Administration
Including finance; duplication services (reprography); photocopying
(photoduplication) services, printing services; administration of specific types
of institutions
Class government financial support in 021.8; class publishing by libraries,
archives, information centers in 070.5; class interdisciplinary works on
photocopying in 686.4. Class administration of a specific function with the
function, plus notation 068 from Table 1, e.g., administration of cataloging
025.3068; class administration of a specific function in a specific type of
institution with the function, e.g., administration of a map collection in a map
library 025.17
For administration of physical plant, see 022; for personnel management,
see 023. For user fees for a specific service, see the service, plus notation
068 from Table 1, e.g., fees for automated information search and retrieval
.17 Administration of collections of special materials
Class here nonbook materials, comprehensive works on treatment of special
For a specific kind of treatment of special materials, see the kind, e.g.,
acquisition of and collection development for materials in special forms
025 Dewey Decimal Classification 025
025 Library and information sciences 025
.6 Circulation services
Including reserve collections; interlibrary loans
Class here document delivery
Class circulation services for special groups and organizations in 027.6
026 Dewey Decimal Classification 026
027 Library and information sciences 027
.4 *Public libraries
Including library outreach programs; library extension, the use of bookmobiles
(mobile libraries) in public librarianship
Class here public library branches
Class public library units for special groups and organizations in 027.6
[.409 3–.409 9] Specific continents, countries, localities
Do not use; class in 027.43–027.49
.43–.49 *Specific continents, countries, localities
Add to base number 027.4 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., public libraries in
France 027.444
.5 *Government libraries
National, state, provincial, local
Including overseas information libraries [formerly 027.6]
For legislative reference bureaus, see 027.6
.508 Government libraries for groups of people [formerly also 027.6]
.509 History, geographic treatment, biography
.509 3–.509 9 Specific continents, countries, localities
Class specific institutions in 027.53–027.59
.53–.59 *Specific institutions
Add to base number 027.5 notation 3–9 from Table 2 for area served, e.g.,
Library of Congress 027.573
*Do not add notation 068 from Table 1; class in 025.1
027 Dewey Decimal Classification 027
.8 *School libraries
Including school resource centers; specific levels and specific libraries; libraries
in religious schools
.809 3–.809 9 Specific continents, countries, localities
Class specific institutions in 027.8
028 Library and information sciences 028
.1 Reviews
Including reviews of reference works; reviews of works published in specific
forms; reviews of works for specific kinds of users
Class here general collections of book reviews
Class reviews of computer programs in 005.3029; class techniques of reviewing
in 808. Class reviews of a specific kind of reference work with the kind, e.g.,
reviews of encyclopedias 030; class reviews of works on a specific subject with
the subject, e.g., reviews of works on chemistry 540, reviews of entertainment
films 791.43, critical appraisal of literature 800
.108 Reviews for and by groups of people
.108 3 Reviews by young people
Do not use for reviews of works for young people; class in 028.1
.108 7 Reviews by people with disabilities and illnesses; reviews for and by
gifted people
Do not use for reviews of works for people with disabilities; class in
[029] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 10
030 Dewey Decimal Classification 030
036 General encyclopedic works 036
[040] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8
[041] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8
[042] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8
[043] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8
[044] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8
[045] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8
[046] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8
[047] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8
[048] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8
[049] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8
050 Dewey Decimal Classification 050
055 General serial publications 055
062 Dewey Decimal Classification 062
069 General organizations and museology 069
070 Dewey Decimal Classification 070
070.01–.09 Standard subdivisions
.1–.9 [Documentary media, educational media, news media; journalism;
071 Journalism and newspapers in North America
072 Journalism and newspapers in British Isles
073 Journalism and newspapers in Germany and neighboring central European
074 Journalism and newspapers in France and Monaco
075 Journalism and newspapers in Italy, San Marino, Vatican City, Malta
076 Journalism and newspapers in Spain, Andorra, Gibraltar, Portugal
077 Journalism and newspapers in Russia and neighboring east European
078 Journalism and newspapers in Scandinavia
079 Journalism and newspapers in other geographic areas
070 News media; journalism; publishing 070
.4 Journalism
Including editing; editorial policy (selection, presentation, display of news;
advocacy of specific points of view); reporting and news gathering; newsreels,
radio news programs, television news programs, other news programs; features
and specific subjects; newspaper columns; techniques and procedures for
information-gathering, writing, editing for features and specific subjects;
journalism directed to special groups; pictorial journalism; photojournalism
Class here specific topics of journalism in specific media
Class journalists whose careers span many activities in 070.92; class freedom
of the press in 323.44; class press control in 363.31; class school journalism in
371.8; class biographies of cartoonists in 741.5; class journalistic composition
and editorial mechanics in 808.06; class comprehensive works on journalism
and information media in 070; class comprehensive works on journalism of
specific media in 070.1. Class journalism of serial publications on a specific
subject with the subject in 001–999, plus notation 05 from Table 1, e.g.,
journalism of science journals 505; class journalism of a specific general serial
publication with the language of the publication in 051–059, e.g., journalism
of a French periodical 054; class journalism of a specific newspaper with
the place of publication of the newspaper in 071–079, e.g., journalism of an
Arab-language newspaper published in Paris 074; class reports, criticisms,
opinions on a specific subject with the subject, e.g., health columns 613; class
biographies of a humorous writer with the writer in 800, e.g., a contemporary
British writer of humorous essays 824
For student journalism, see 371.8
See also 070.5 for newspaper publishing; also 174.907 for ethics of
.408 Journalism for and by groups of people
.408 1 Journalism by people by gender or sex
Do not use for journalism for people by gender or sex; class in 070.4
.408 11 Journalism by men
Do not use for journalism for men; class in 070.4
.408 2 Journalism by women
Do not use for journalism for women; class in 070.4
.408 3 Journalism by young people
Do not use for journalism for young people; class in 070.4
.408 35 Journalism by young people twelve to twenty
Do not use for journalism for young people twelve to twenty; class
in 070.4
.408 8 Journalism by occupational and religious groups
Do not use for journalism for occupational and religious groups; class
in 070.4
.408 9 Journalism by ethnic and national groups
Do not use for journalism for ethnic and national groups; class in
070 Dewey Decimal Classification 070
.5 Publishing
Including selection and editing of manuscripts; relations with authors; kinds
of publications (e.g., serial publications, specific kinds of books); kinds of
publishers (e.g., commercial publishers, private publishers, institutional
publishers, governmental and intergovernmental publishers)
Class here book publishing; publishers regardless of their field of activity; book
clubs, e.g., Book-of-the-Month Club®; comprehensive works on publishing and
Class specific publishers regardless of kind of publication in
070.5093–070.5099; class works on desktop publishing that emphasize
typography in 686.2; class editorial techniques in 808.02; class comprehensive
works on journalism and publishing of serial publications in 070.1; class
interdisciplinary works on composition, preparation of manuscript, publishing
in 808.02
For printing, see 686.2
.502 9 Commercial miscellany
Class publishers’ catalogs in 015
.509 3–.509 9 Specific continents, countries, localities
Class here specific publishers, using the area number for the
publisher’s main office, e.g., U.S. Government Printing Office
070.509753, University of California Press 070.509794
080 Dewey Decimal Classification 080
090 Manuscripts, rare printed materials 090
091 Manuscripts
See also 011 for bibliographies of manuscripts