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Don't Do This!: Safety

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The article discusses some of the worst process safety management practices seen by the authors including issues with maintenance, safety equipment testing, and unsafe operator behaviors.

Companies should not give maintenance managers bonuses for being under budget as it incentivizes deferring maintenance. Safety critical equipment like emergency valves need regular functional testing.

All parts of a safety system including sensors, logic and actuators need to be fully tested. Testing parts in isolation is insufficient. No parts of a critical system should be excluded from routine testing.


Do This!

Glenn Young
Glenn Young & Associates, LLC These are some of the worst process safety
Joel Olener management (PSM) practices we have seen.
Process Safety and Security
International, LLC
Don’t make these mistakes.

ver our extensive careers in the chemical process predictable results. The worn-out equipment consistently
industries (CPI) and the field of process safety leaked, failed, and was otherwise a hazard to operate.
management (PSM), we have observed many good Paying maintenance
— and bad — practices. managers to not do their
For example, in the 1970s, one of us worked at a major jobs is a worst practice.
commodity chemical manufacturing complex with 10 indi- Don’t do this!
vidual plants onsite. Management’s attitude was “run it till A common reason for
it breaks and then patch it,” and we averaged three to four safety system failure is
explosions, fires, or releases per year. that nobody is assigned
When the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Admin- direct responsibility
istration (OSHA) published the PSM standard in 1992, an for their inspection and
internal company debate raged over whether or not we were maintenance. In one
already in compliance with the regulation. Management plant, emergency isolation
eventually brought in an outside auditor to answer the ques- valves had been installed
tion. The resulting audit report was so damaging that it was on pressurized equipment,
instantly sealed up under attorney-client privilege and was but the valves were tested only when it was convenient to
never seen again. do so — which was on scheduled turnarounds that were
This article summarizes some of the worst PSM prac- held every two or three years.
tices that we have seen, both as employees at manufacturing A safety control that is not tested is worse than one that
companies and as consultants at various clients’ facilities. does not exist. If employees know that no safeguard exists,
they can implement administrative controls to accommodate
Maintenance for the lack of the safeguard. However, if a safeguard is part of
A company gave maintenance managers a quarterly the design, operators assume that the safety controls will work
bonus based on how far under budget their expenditures on demand. But unless the controls are routinely tested, opera-
were. This gave the managers a financial incentive to not tors are relying on safeguards that may not function.
provide maintenance. Almost all of the site maintenance Failure to routinely test safety-critical equipment is a
managers routinely qualified for their bonuses — with worst practice. Don’t do this!
When control systems are tested, it is critical that the
This article is based on a paper presented at the 2016 AIChE Spring Meeting tests be “fully functional,” which means that all parts of the
and 12th Global Congress on Process Safety, April 2016. system are tested. This includes the sensor(s), the logic, the

46  January 2017  CEP Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
concern about trade secrets of a proprietary process is an
insufficient reason to not educate the operations staff about
safe operating limits.
Keeping operators in the dark about the safety limits of
their equipment is a worst
actuated element(s), and the communications between all practice. Don’t do this!
elements. Some mechanical integrity programs omit some or In several plants, the
all of these elements from testing. Testing part of the system, operations staffs of multiple
or parts in isolation (e.g., omitting the communications), is packaged waste-heat boilers
insufficient to ensure function on demand. were unaware of the mechan-
Omission of ANY part of a safety-critical control system ics of boiler steam explo-
from routine testing is a worst practice. Don’t do this! sions. When the water levels
drop in a boiler, exposing the
Operations authority fired tubes to heat without
One day, the lead operator of a plant announced over the the thermosiphon cool-
radio, in an alarmed voice, “TRIP THE FURNACE!” The ing provided by circulation
board operator immediately complied, but before the trip through the boiler, the tubes become red hot and then soften.
sequence was complete, the plant manager skidded around If boiler feedwater flow is then resumed, the cold water hits
the corner, yelling, “Don’t trip it! Don’t trip it!” As it turned the overheated, softened tubes, and a steam (phase-change)
out, during the previous turnaround, the furnace outlet pip- explosion occurs. The head of the boiler is typically blown
ing was decoked by bead-blasting, which caused significant off, and fatalities can occur. The relief valves on the steam
thinning. The piping was so thin that the 16-in. furnace drum are insufficient to vent this localized overpressure.
outlet bend was becoming translucent. Had it failed, the hot Boilers are just as deadly as highly hazardous chemicals
and flammable gaseous contents, at 250 psig, would have in terms of explosion potential. Although most boiler opera-
been released in a massive explosion. tors are aware of the hazards of unburned fuel in the boiler
After the furnace was secured and cooled, the plant firebox, many are not trained on the mechanics of steam
manager assembled the operations staff and demanded that explosions. The mechanics of boiler steam explosions must
no process interruption would be made in the future without be included in every boiler operator’s training.
his personal approval. Some of the operators refused for Allowing operators to run boilers without an under-
safety reasons and were threatened with termination. Process standing of steam explosions is a worst practice. Don’t
operators must have independent authority to use their best do this!
professional judgment to apply whatever emergency safety
measures are necessary. Operating procedures
Waiting for management approval before implementing In a recent incident (
emergency measures is an almost sure way to create disas- plant-explosion-and-fire-), an experienced supervisor was
ters and is an absolute worst practice. Don’t do this! preparing a heat exchanger for service. The exchanger had
been isolated from the process by block valves, but appar-
Operational knowledge ently flammable process liquids had leaked through the
A plant being audited had a cyanogen bromide process closed valves into the exchanger’s cold process side. The
with runaway potential. The board operator being inter- supervisor opened the valves on the exchanger’s hot process
viewed by the auditor did not know the warning signs of a side to warm up the exchanger, but without first opening
runaway reaction, the rate at which such a reaction would the cold side to the process. The cold process side liquids
propagate, or the maximum safe operating temperatures or expanded in the isolated shell of the exchanger and the leak-
pressures of the reactor. When asked why this was not of ing manual block valves could not release the cold liquids
concern, the operator explained that the entire process was quickly enough to avoid a pressure rise. Since the cold side
in a sealed room that was vented to a scrubber. When asked of the exchanger had no mechanical overpressure protection,
if the sealed room was robust enough to withstand a reactor it eventually exceeded the maximum allowable working
failure, the reply was “I never thought of that!” pressure (MAWP) and failed catastrophically.
Operations staff must be given enough information to The engineering solution that would have prevented
safely operate the process. This includes the maximum safe this incident is to provide overpressure protection (a pres-
limits for temperature, pressure, flow, or any other criti- sure safety valve or rupture disc) on the cold side of the
cal aspects of the equipment being operated. Management exchanger. But the incident could also have been prevented

Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) CEP  January 2017  47

if the operating procedures had specifically instructed first began to form. The operators issued a shelter-in-place order
opening the cold side of the exchanger to the process before and tried for a full 15 minutes to stop the source of the leak
applying energy (heat) to the exchanger. Engineering safe- rather than calling for an evacuation. Eventually, the vapor
guards are the most reliable, but ensuring that operators are cloud found an ignition source and a massive explosion
trained in the safe way to put equipment into service is also occurred, with multiple fatalities.
mandatory. The company had failed to provide clear instructions
Failure to have operating procedures that document the on when to evacuate. Unless the operations staff has clear
safe way to put equipment into service is a worst practice. evacuation guidelines, it is the nature of operators to keep
Don’t do this! trying to fix the problem. But there comes a point in incident
Another common prob- management where further efforts to fix the problem are
lem is that many operating likely to be futile and/or create imminent danger for proxi-
procedures do not capture mate personnel. At that point, the focus must change from
institutional knowledge. One equipment protection to protection of life and health. Unless
of the largest demographic the company has clear guidelines for the specific circum-
shifts in the U.S. workforce stances requiring evacuation, and unless the operating staff
ever is taking place now. As is stringently and routinely trained on those guidelines, lives
the baby boom generation will continue to be lost.
retires, they take with them Failure to provide operations staff with clear guidelines
decades of process knowl- on when to evacuate is a worst practice. Don’t do this!
edge. They are being replaced A chemical plant’s firewater reservoir and header system
with younger workers, who, had been designed when ground was broken for construction
regardless of how technically competent they are, lack the at the site. Since that time, the number of production units
experience and training of the retiring workers. onsite had more than doubled. No survey of the fire system
To avoid losing this valuable experience, companies had been conducted to determine whether the firewater
should assign older workers to review and supplement operat- capacity was sufficient for the additions.
ing procedures. Adding “caution” and “danger” statements to When new processes or debottlenecking of existing pro-
existing procedures gives new trainees not only information cesses are contemplated, utility systems must be reanalyzed
on how to safely perform a task but also why the task must be via a management of change (MOC) procedure.
performed that way and the hazards created by failure to fol- Failure to review firewater demands during debottle-
low the procedure. This information increases the likelihood necking or new construction
that the training will be remembered and followed. is a worst practice. Don’t
Another best practice is to pay retiring employees a do this!
small annual retainer and keep them as consultants. In turn­ Flare header systems are
around situations, for example, having extra experienced often designed during the ini-
employees on staff is a good way to reduce injuries and to tial plant design. Over time,
ensure smooth and timely restarts. If situations arise that are the plant adds streams to the
baffling (e.g., product quality issues, unexpected pressure flare header without recalcu-
drops across distillation columns or scrubbers, etc.), these lating the header capabilities.
retired, experienced operators can be called to shed light on Because there could be a total
problems that they have dealt with in the past. Retirees can release of flammable and
also assist in updating operating procedures. toxic materials from multiple
Don’t let decades of valuable institutional knowledge sources to the flare header system, the site must be designed
walk away upon retirement. Find ways to utilize the experi- for multiple simultaneous worst-case flows.
ence of retirees. Assuming that the original flare header design will work
Failure to capture institutional knowledge of retiring as designed is a worst practice. Don’t do this.
employees is a worst practice. Don’t do this! Many plants omit the scenarios used in the development
of their risk management plan (RMP) from the emergency
Emergency response brigade’s drills. Since the RMP worst-case scenario events
Operators at a vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) plant are the worst events identified for the site and the alternate-
opened a drain valve on a reactor full of liquefied flam- case scenarios are the most likely failure events, the emer-
mable gas ( gency brigade must consider all of them in drills. To skip
explosion). As the reactor contents escaped, a vapor cloud these events not only creates regulatory liability, but it also

48  January 2017  CEP Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
leaves the emergency team unprepared for the worst-case sources in the process (electricity, steam, etc.)
scenarios. • isolates as many parts of the process as possible.
Failure to use ALL RMP scenarios as emergency drill Such a shutdown will certainly cause rupture discs and
scenarios is a worst practice. Don’t do this! safety relief valves to lift, adding to the hazards, but will
A plant stored all of its emergency gear (bunker gear, prevent catastrophic vessel failures, runaway reactions, and
hazmat suits, air monitoring equipment, etc.) in a single domino effects that would be orders of magnitude worse.
building. If a release or fire occurred that blanketed the Not having a master shutdown switch is a definite worst
building in smoke or toxic chemical clouds, all of the emer- practice. Don’t do this!
gency gear would be unavailable. Emergency gear should
always be stored in multiple, physically separated locations Operator fatigue
to ensure that at least some of the gear will be available At a plant’s pre-op
on demand. cleaning and startup,
Storage of all emergency it was typical for the
gear in a single location is a operations staff to work
worst practice. Don’t do this! 16 hours per day, seven
During a PSM inspection days a week. During
of one facility by the U.S. a four-month startup,
Environmental Protection it was not unusual for
Agency (EPA), personnel operators to go home,
were asked whether they had sleep, and dream about
drilled for the scenarios of an operating the plant — and wake up more tired than when
airliner coming down on the they went to bed. Numerous errors occurred during the
plant, a ship detonation in the startup process, most attributable to fatigue.
adjacent shipping channel, In another instance, an operator had been on a trip that
and a railcar derailment and required him to be awake for almost a full 24 hours. Upon
boiling liquid expanding returning home, he was called by the plant to immediately
vapor explosion (BLEVE) on adjacent tracks. The site’s report for overtime duty. He refused on safety grounds, and
PSM manager responded that since those were beyond the was subsequently threatened with dismissal if any such
plant’s control, they had not been reviewed. The plant was refusal happened again.
cited for failing to prepare for external events. Since the Fatigue has been proven, again and again, to cause
plant was in the takeoff and landing path of a major inter­ significant operational errors. A company fatigue rule that is
national airport, and was adjacent to navigable waterways understood and enforced is essential to preventing operator
and rail lines, the events were credible even though the plant errors. Operators who have legitimate reasons for being unfit
had no direct control over them. for duty must be similarly accommodated. A tired operations
Failure to consider and drill for credible external events staff is an accident waiting to happen.
is a widespread worst practice. Don’t do this! Failure to have a worker fatigue policy that is rigorously
Most older plants lack a master shutdown switch. There enforced is a worst practice. Don’t do this!
are many credible situations that might require immediate
evacuation of a facility, such as a tornado, earthquake, fail- Quality control
ure of levees, and toxic releases from adjacent facilities. In A refinery had been buying pump seals from a particular
such circumstances, the immediate evacuation of personnel authorized vendor for decades. Without notification, the
will preclude any orderly seal manufacturer moved its production facility to another
shutdown of the equipment. country. The seal brand did not change and the seal part
A master shutdown switch number did not change, but poorer seal tolerances caused
should be available that: the failure rate to go from less than 5% to nearly 50%, and
• closes all chemical several fires resulted. The refinery’s quality control program
and energy feeds to the for warehouse spares was limited to checking the vendor and
process part number of arriving parts. This is inadequate.
• closes all chemical The process owner and the vendor should enter into a
and energy feeds from the written legal agreement that requires all changes related to
process parts — manufacturer, manufacturing location, materials of
• closes all energy construction, tolerances, etc. — to be communicated to the

Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) CEP  January 2017  49

process owner in writing prior to edge, the steam purges are still manually blocked.
any change. However, this alone Deliberate disabling of safeguards is a worst practice.
is still insufficient. In order Don’t do this!
to become an authorized
vendor, the supplier must Equipment siting
also have such agreements It seems that the larger the company, the more likely that
with all manufacturers of the management will be resistant to change. Some executives
parts it purchases. The vendor- seem to feel that any safety practice worth having would
manufacturer agreements should have been previously discovered and subsequently imple-
be periodically audited and corrections made as needed. mented, and that there is no need to utilize outside resources
Verifying the quality control of warehouse spares by putting for auditing or to suggest previously unknown safety
them into the PSM-covered process to see if they fail is not improvements. This insular mindset is a major reason why
acceptable. the process safety programs of many large refining compa-
Failure to have an audited, manufacturer-to-warehouse- nies are typically about 10 years behind those of chemical
shelf quality-control program for spare parts is a worst companies. The pipeline industry is typically 15 to 20 years
practice. Don’t do this! behind the chemical manufacturing industry.
Consider the layout at the refinery mentioned in the snuff-
Disabling safeguards ing steam example. Two 150,000-gal atmospheric tanks hold-
The entire operating area of a large refinery is electri- ing light naphtha are sited in the middle of the operating unit.
cally classified as Class 1, Division 2. This classification is The naphtha is kept in liquid phase through refrigeration. The
intended to prevent electrical gear from creating an igni- tanks have level controls and high-high level trips, but emer-
tion source in a hazardous atmosphere. In the center of the gency discharge is to atmosphere through tip-up manways
electrically classified area of the refinery are several large atop the tanks. If the tanks ever overflow, a cold, dense cloud
fired furnaces and crackers. As supplied by the vendor, the of naphtha vapor would form in the center of the operating
fired equipment was fitted with an automatic steam purge area. The fired equipment is in close proximity. The resulting
that actuated on loss of flame or on manual trip of the burn- vapor cloud explosion would likely destroy the refinery and
ers. However, this safety feature had been disabled — the adjacent plants in a domino-effect sequence.
operating staff had manually closed the steam valves to the During the process hazard analysis (PHA) of the refin-
furnaces, ostensibly to prevent spurious activation and to ery, an engineer stated that since no such catastrophe had
improve the onstream factor of the equipment. occurred in almost 40 years of operation, that scenario was
What the operators did not realize was that the steam not credible. Another letter to management was required …
purge served several critical safety functions. In the event Refusal to address obvious equipment-siting hazards is
of a vapor cloud in the operating area, the furnace burn- a worst practice. Don’t do this!
ers and the red-hot refractory can serve as ignition sources. The same refinery also had a major barge and ship-
The steam purge is intended to reduce this risk by instantly loading terminal on an adjacent river. The nearest shut-off
quenching the burner flames and simultaneously cooling the valves for the large loading headers were over a half-mile
refractory. In addition, if the vapor cloud itself puts out the from the terminal, and the valves (which were designed
burners (because the mixture is too rich to burn), the steam to close very slowly to prevent line hammer) were not all
purge creates enough flow through the furnace to reduce the remotely actuated. If a ship were to strike the loading dock,
likelihood of a back-flash ignition.
When informed of the purposes of the automatic steam
purge, the operators still refused to recommend reinstating
it. When asked what would happen if a flammable vapor
cloud formed, the operators stated that they would enter the
cloud and manually unblock the steam purge valve. In fact,
one such vapor cloud had already occurred, and the operator
was able to run into the flammable vapor cloud and open the
steam purge before ignition.
Deliberate stupidity in the face of life-threatening hazard
is an artifact of institutional inertia. Since the operators had
always done it that way, their resistance to change was high.
Even after a letter was sent to management, to our knowl-

50  January 2017  CEP Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
multiple headers containing flammable products would rup- the metal scaffolding structure gleamed like chrome.
ture, and operators would need to close manual valves or trip PSSR checklists must not only be complete and com-
pumps to prevent additional flows to the fire. The loading prehensive, but also should be independently verified. Most
dock fire would be uncontrolled since the firewater headers PSM incidents occur during startup and shutdown, and adher-
would rupture at the same time. ence to a good PSSR procedure can eliminate many of them.
The PHA team was encouraged to recommend putting Failure to double-check PSSR items, including clearing
emergency isolation valves on product headers closer to lockouts and blinds, is a worst practice. Don’t do this!
the loading dock. The same engineer refused, saying that
such a collision with the dock was not credible, since it had Process hazard analysis
not yet happened. (No more letters — I no longer do work The worst problem with PHAs involves node develop-
for that refinery.) ment, particularly the use of nodes that are unworkably large.
Refusal to locate safeguards proximate to the hazards One PHA divided an entire ammonia plant into just four
they are intended to control is a worst practice. Don’t nodes. Using nodes this large can have several bad conse-
do this! quences. The PHA team takes many weeks to review a single
node; they get bored and can become sloppy. They also can
Deficient pre-startup checklists get lost in the details of such huge nodes, and obvious haz-
Fireproofing had been installed on ards slip through the cracks without notice. Small nodes can
the skirts of a distillation column always be combined, but large nodes are hard to split.
because a horizontal flange on PHA nodes that are too large are a worst practice.
the column’s bottom (inside Don’t do this!
the skirt) had the potential to The second worst problem we’ve seen with PHAs is the
cause a fire hazard. (Hav- over-reliance on revalidations to save money. The PSM stan-
ing such a flange inside a dard requires facilities to update their PHAs every five years.
support skirt is a bad design, Updating can involve either completely redoing the PHA or
although many legacy vessels validating that the previous PHA is still accurate. Since revali-
and distillation columns have dations can take less time and cost less than full redos, some
similar flanges.) The fireproofing plant managements continue revalidating the original study.
was removed for a skirt inspection during The study that is the basis for the revalidation limits the
a turnaround and was not replaced. On startup, the flange effectiveness of a revalidation. It is not realistic to think that
inside the skirt leaked, causing a pressurized jet fire that the PHA techniques of five, 10, 15, or even 20 years ago are
began cutting the column skirt. The entire column leaned sufficient to find and address the hazards that you are look-
by 10–15 deg. before the column was depressured and the ing for now.
fire extinguished. Had the company been less fortunate, the A policy of performing every-other PHA from scratch
column would have collapsed, with domino effects. has multiple benefits. The nodes will be drawn differently,
The pre-startup checklist did not require inspection and and this alone makes it likely that the PHA team will catch
verification of fireproofing prior to charging the process with previously unrecognized hazards. When PHAs are revali-
flammable chemicals. All safety systems should be inspected dated multiple times, their utility fails miserably.
and verified prior to startup. The pre-startup safety review Failure to make every-other PHA a complete redo is a
(PSSR) checklist should have caught this deficiency. worst practice. Don’t do this!
A thorough PSSR checklist that has been reviewed and The third worst issue with PHAs is the granting of
independently verified is essential for startups. Failure to
have one is a worst practice. Don’t do this!
Another time, at the same plant, the PSSR was “pencil
whipped” by operations staff eager to satisfy management’s
desire for a rapid restart of the plant. The plant restarted
without incident, but the liquid product contained fine
entrained solids, and there was a high differential pressure
across a furnace outlet quench vessel. The plant was shut
down for troubleshooting, and when the quench vessel was
opened, a full set of scaffolding that had been left inside the
vessel was discovered. The scaffolding boards had disinte-
grated (creating the cellulose particles in the product), but

Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) CEP  January 2017  51

excessive authority to management review teams to decline controls. If it is not feasible to raise the piping over the
or modify PHA recommendations. Management should be roadways, then at least a bump-guard should be installed to
given guidelines that limit their authority to reject or modify prevent cranes from striking the piping.
PHA recommendations, for instance, only if: Failure to analyze all incidents for trends on a periodic
• the PHA team overlooked a credible safeguard basis is a worst practice. Don’t do this!
• the recommendation is not technically feasible — Employees and contractors often do not recognize PSM
which does not mean too expensive near-misses. A contractor driving a forklift approached an
• layer of protection analysis (LOPA) or event-tree intersection with pipe racks on the far side. When he tried
analysis has shown that the risk with existing safeguards is to stop for the stop sign, the brakes failed. He shut down
acceptable the engine, drifted to a stop, and radioed for a tow back to
• an equivalent option will provide equivalent safety the maintenance shop. There was no collision; there was
• the recommendation has no safety, health, or environ- no injury; there was no damage. The driver did not think of
mental consequences (i.e., it is operational only). this as a near-miss until he was asked, “What could have
And, any time management rejects or modifies a PHA happened if the forklift had plowed into the pipe rack?” To
team recommendation, they need to document in writing prevent the possibility of future collisions, the intersection
why the rejection or modification provides an equivalent was fitted with a vehicle barrier.
level of safety to what the team recommended. This type of incident will occur
In one incident, a high-pressure boiler was blown-down multiple times until it finally causes
to a lower-pressure vent tank. The PHA team recommended a disaster. The only prevention is to
a relief valve or rupture disc to protect the vent tank. For continually ask, “What could have
economic reasons, management decided to instead car-seal happened?” Unless employees and
open the vent valves from the vent tank to atmosphere. contractors are trained to be vigi-
The unit’s piping and instrumentation diagram (P&ID) was lant and thoughtful about
inaccurate — a block valve in the vent tank’s line to atmo- any out-of-the-ordinary
sphere used by operations during startup to minimize the event, many PSM near-
noise of steam venting was not shown on the P&ID and did miss incidents will be overlooked.
not get car-sealed open. On the next startup, the operators Failure to define PSM near-misses and to train employ-
did throttle the vent, the vent tank did overpressure, and the ees for awareness is a worst practice. Don’t do this!
top dome of the vent vessel was blown off into a pipe rack, Another common worst practice is to not identify PSM
where it put a large dent in an anhydrous ammonia pipe. near-misses in incident reports. Virtually every plant has
Had the ammonia pipe ruptured, multiple fatalities would recorded incidents with PSM potential that were not des-
have been virtually certain. If the PHA team’s recommenda- ignated in the reports as being PSM near-misses. This lack
tion had been implemented, this incident would not have of PSM awareness is not only a regulatory liability, but it is
occurred. also an impediment to preventing catastrophes. Near-misses
Failure to force management into documenting their rea- are opportunities to identify and fix potentially disastrous
sons for rejection or modification of PHA recommendations hazards. Unless the near-misses are identified as having
is a worst practice. Don’t do this! PSM potential, however, they will not receive the attention
they deserve.
Incident recognition and reporting Failure to correctly categorize PSM near-misses is a
At one plant, a review of all incidents over the last five worst practice. Don’t do this!
years identified seven instances of mobile cranes striking
overhead pipe racks. This trend had not been previously Personnel access
recognized — each individual incident report A large complex has multiple plants, some of which
concluded that the crane operators are covered by the PSM standards and others that are not.
should be retrained to not Personnel control was done at the front gate of the complex,
strike the overhead where everyone entering and leaving the site signed in and
racks. When a out. No records were kept of who was in what unit of the
near-miss occurs site, for what purpose, or for what duration. When the inad-
this frequently, it equacy of this for personnel accounting was explained, the
should be identi- safety representative strongly disagreed.
fied and addressed The purpose of personnel accounting is to enable the
by engineering owner to promptly verify that everyone escaped in the event

52  January 2017  CEP Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
of a fire, explosion, or release. Without such verification, the asked if there were any alarms indicat-
emergency brigade must assume that some people are still ing that there was a leak and was
in the area, which puts responders at risk as they search for directed to the supervisor’s office,
those who might be missing. where there was a combustible-
Not knowing who is in the PSM-covered area at all times gas analyzer panel. None of the
is a definite worst practice. Don’t do this! instruments showed any levels of
combustible gases above the back-
Work permits ground readings!
It is common for welders, assistants, and fire-watch The supervisor was notified that he had
personnel to leave an area for a variety of reasons, including a potential catastrophic situation. The supervisor and the
tool procurement, bathroom breaks, and lunches. Many hot- consultant went out to inspect the leak. After only a minute
work procedures do not require the welding crews to ver- or two, the consultant began to get light-headed and made
bally confirm the validity of their hot-work permits prior to his way to fresher air. But before anyone could say “Stop!”
resuming work. This is a bad practice because conditions in the supervisor, while still standing in the middle of the vapor
the operating area can change in an instant. A valid hot-work cloud, pulled out his cellphone and called maintenance to
permit may be temporarily suspended if a leak occurs, an stop the leak. The cellphone was likely not explosionproof,
atmospheric blowdown begins, or for other reasons. Unless but luckily no ignition occurred.
the maintenance crew knows that conditions are safe, they Cellphones, cigarette lighters, and torch-strikers in
should never resume hot work after a hiatus. Verbal com- operating areas (without permits) are definitely worst
munication with the permit issuer is the only way to confirm practices. Don’t do this!
that the hot-work permit is still valid.
Failure to require communication with the hot-work Closing thoughts
permit issuer prior to resuming hot work is a worst practice. The incidents described here are a small fraction of the
Don’t do this! errors that we have seen that could cause fires, explosions,
Another common problem is that the boundaries of the or releases. When opportunities arise to share such incidents
PSM-covered process are not clearly marked. Trucks or with other safety professionals, do so. By learning from
golf carts can easily drive into areas where they should not others’ mistakes, we have the opportunity to avoid learning
be without a hot-work permit, such as electrically classified through bitter experience. CEP
areas. At best, a removable chain boundary should be erected
around the entire PSM-covered process. At a minimum,
GLENN YOUNG is an independent safety consultant with 15 years of
lines should be painted on the concrete pad to delineate the operating experience, nine years of corporate safety experience, and
perimeter of the PSM process. In both cases, signs should 16 years of consulting experience. His practice, Glenn Young & Associ-
ates, LLC (5261 Highland Rd. No. 193, Baton Rouge, LA 70808; Phone:
clearly state that vehicle entry without a permit issued by the (225) 772-1588; Email:, specializes in process
control room is prohibited. safety management (PSM) auditing, process hazard analysis, layer of
protection analysis, and safety instrumented systems, and has clients
Operators also sometimes that include major chemical manufacturers, refineries, pipelines, and
violate the permit rules for PSM pharma­ceutical companies. He is the author of Background Math
for Safety Certification Exams and Applied Mathematics for Safety
process areas. It is not unusual Engineers, and is currently working on a new book, The Art of the PHA
for operators to drive through — Process Hazard Analysis for the 21st Century. He holds a BS from
Louisiana State Univ., is a member of AIChE and the American Society
classified areas in electric of Safety Engineers (ASSE), and is a Certified Safety Professional and a
golf carts without bother- Certified Process Safety Auditor.
ing to obtain the proper JOEL OLENER has more than 22 years of experience in process safety man-
entry permits. If contractors agement (PSM) program development, implementation, and auditing.
Before founding Process Safety and Security International, LLC (13723
and maintenance person- Aspen Cove Dr., Suite 110, Houston, TX 77077; Phone: (832) 515-4342;
nel notice the operators Email:, he worked in the chemical process and phar-
maceutical industries, in process and project engineering, and engi-
flagrantly violating the permit requirements (and they do neering, maintenance, and plant management for Eastman Kodak Co.,
notice!), those contract and maintenance personnel will be Sterling Drug Co., and Occidental Chemical Corp. He received BS (1964)
and MS (1966) degrees in chemical engineering from the Polytechnic
less likely to bother with vehicle permits either. Institute of Brooklyn. He is a member of AIChE and its Safety and Health
Failure to prevent unpermitted vehicles in electrically Div. as well as of the Institute of Internal Auditors’ Environmental,
Health, and Safety Advisory Committee. He received his certification as
classified areas is a worst practice. Don’t do this! a Certified Process Safety Auditor (CPSA) from the Board of Environ-
A consultant was performing his first PHA at a refinery. mental, Health, and Safety Auditor Certifications (BEAC), and currently
serves on the BEAC Board of Directors.
During a walk-through of the plant, he noticed a leak from a
cryogenic propane line and a large visible cloud forming. He

Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) CEP  January 2017  53

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