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Biomolecular Engineering: Sbe Special Section

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30 S
 BE Update: The Many Applications
of Biomolecular Engineering
32 Vaccines as Therapies
40 Cancer-Fighting T Cells
47 Single-Cell Analytics
52 Computational Protein Engineering
58 Plant Metabolic Engineering

The Many Applications of

Biomolecular Engineering
T he discipline of biomolecular engineering focuses on the
interface between molecular biology, biophysical chemis-
try, and chemical engineering — with the goal to translate our
traditional therapeutics such as chemo­therapy, radiation, and
surgery, ACT harnesses a patient’s own immune cells as a liv-
ing drug to treat previously incurable cancers. This treatment
fundamental understanding of molecular biology into useful involves tumor-targeting T cells obtained by either isolating
therapies, devices, and processes. Applications of this disci- T cells that naturally target tumors or genetically modifying
pline include clinical medicine and developmental biology. T cells to express a transgenic tumor-targeting receptor.
To support the community of scientists and engineers In the third article, “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom
working at the forefront of this emerging discipline, SBE of a Cell” (pp. 47–51), Angela Wu and Lei Yu of Hong Kong
holds an annual International Conference on Biomolecular Univ. of Science and Technology provide an overview of
Engineering (ICBE). The 7th ICBE, which was held in Janu- single-cell sequencing — a technique used to simultaneously
ary 2017, is the basis for the articles in this special section. profile all expressed genes within a single cell. They high-
With such a broad and exciting discipline, there were light several applications of this technique, including gaining
many topics to choose from in designing this special unprecedented understanding of the embryonic development
section. Our guest editor, Jennifer Maynard, an associate process, cancer treatment, and the discovery of new cell types.
professor and Laurence E. McMakin, Jr. Centennial Fac- Switching gears somewhat, the next article, “Computa-
ulty Fellow in the McKetta Dept. of Chemical Engineering tional Protein Engineering” (pp. 52–57), focuses on compu-
at the Univ. of Texas at Austin, sought to create a collec- tational tools to design proteins. Robert Pantazes of Auburn
tion of interesting, as well as promising, developments to Univ. explains how protein-based catalysts have the potential
invoke excitement around this emerging discipline. The to be less expensive, safer, and more effective than traditional
topics covered also convey the breadth and depth of emerg- catalysts. However, proteins have not reached their wide-
ing areas of biomolecular engineering. spread potential because they are too difficult and expensive
In the first article, “A Materials Approach to Vaccines to engineer for a particular purpose. Computational protein
as Therapies” (pp. 32–38), Christopher Jewell and Neil engineering overcomes some of these limitations, Pantazes
Dold of the Univ. of Maryland discuss the application of explains, by providing a means to explore protein folds not
biomolecular engineering tools to develop vaccines that treat observed in nature and designing novel proteins from scratch.
— not just prevent — infectious diseases. The authors begin The topic of the final article is metabolic engineer-
their discussion by describing how a healthy mammalian ing. There are comparatively fewer studies on plants than
immune system responds to threats — providing a basis to microbes by metabolic engineers. Although plants are the
discuss what happens when the immune system fails and ultimate source of many of our chemicals and fuels, the
how engineering approaches can be used to get it back on large engineering gap between microbes and plants limits
track. Two pervasive examples of a failing immune system the power of much of synthetic biology. In the article, “Plant
are autoimmune disorders and cancer. Autoimmune diseases Metabolic Engineering for Chemicals, Fuels, and Precursors”
occur when immune cells inappropriately target one’s own (pp. 58–62), Timothy A. Whitehead of Michigan State Univ.
cells as if they were foreign or infected. Cancer, on the other and Sean Cutler and Ian Wheeldon of the Univ. of California,
hand, is a disease in which mutated self-cells lose metabolic Riverside, describe the engineering divide between plants and
control and divide in an unrestrained manner. microorganisms, and discuss ways to narrow this gap.
Jewell and Dold show how designing vaccines with As the community and the field of biomolecular engi-
biomaterials enables new approaches to treating cancer and neering are maturing and branching out, SBE has launced
autoimmune disorders, such as multiple sclerosis (MS) and a second conference series on biomolecular engineering in
Type I diabetes. They discuss several emerging develop- ASIA (ICBE ASIA) with the next ICBE ASIA scheduled for
ments, including more-efficient vaccine-delivery mechanisms, January 8-10, 2018 in Singapore. Join us and the chairs of
implanted scaffolds to recruit immune cells, and microneedle the conferences to stay abreast of the continual research and
arrays for the delivery of vaccines with local precision. cutting-edge impacts of this evolving field.
Building on the ideas presented in the first article, Yvonne
Chen and Eugenia Zah introduce a new treatment for can- Gabriel Levesque-Tremblay, Sr. Engineering Specialist
cer — adoptive T-cell therapy (ACT) — in their article, Society for Biological Engineering (SBE)
“Engineering Cancer-Fighting T Cells” (pp. 40–46). Unlike An AIChE Technological Community

30  October 2017  CEP Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)


The International Conference on Biomolecular Engineering - ICBE CONFERENCE CO-CHAIRS:

Asia 2018: Engineering Living Matter will present researchers at the
■ Matthew Chang
forefront of biological engineering the opportunity to showcase cutting
National University of Singapore
edge ideas to other experts in the field, as well as allow for discussion
amongst researchers and exhibitors about the implementation of new
■ Poh Chueh Loo
expertise in Asia and globally.
National University of Singapore


Georgia Institute of Technology
■ Foundational Technologies for Biomolecular Engineering.
New tools and platforms developed to enable engineering
of molecules, cells, and multi-cellular entities. Technologies
for molecular design or synthesis, functional screening and ■ Zhen Xie
selection, integration into living systems. Tsinghua University, China

■ Biomolecular Programming - from DNA to Community. ■ Sierin Lim

Programming approaches across single to multiple lengthscales. Nanyang Technological
Sustainable programming for bioprocess engineering, University, Singapore
microbiome programming, and molecular networks.
■ Wilson Wong
■ Translational Biomolecular Engineering. Boston University, USA
Biomolecular engineering applications for the benefit of
society. Translational approaches from production of high value ■ Inchan Kwon
chemicals, to cellular immunotherapies, to catalytic protein Gwangju Institute of Science
materials. and Technology, South Korea

■ Wenjun Zhang
University ofCalifornia

Karen Polizzi
For more information about ICBE Asia 2018 ■

ImperialCollege London, UK

© 2017 AIChE 1954_17 • 09.17 FOLLOW US: @ChEnected


A Materials Approach to
Vaccines as Therapies
Neil Dold The widespread adoption of vaccines over
Christopher M. Jewell
Univ. of maryland the last two centuries has transformed
medicine by preventing infectious disease.
In the future, so-called therapeutic vaccines
could be used as effective treatments for
cancer and autoimmune disorders —
ushering in a new era of medicine.

accines are traditionally viewed as a technology that broader scheme of immunotherapies that try to correct or
arms the immune system before the body encoun- enhance the immune system’s behavior; some of the other
ters an infectious disease. This preventive approach exciting approaches, such as cell therapy, are highlighted
has helped fight chickenpox, measles, influenza, and other elsewhere in this special section. This is meant as an intro-
pathogens. Vaccines have also profoundly reduced the ductory article; Refs. 2–6 provide more in-depth discussions
incidence of polio, with only 37 confirmed cases reported in of biomaterial-based vaccines for infectious disease, cancer,
2016 worldwide (1), and they are responsible for the global and autoimmune disorders.
eradication of smallpox.
Advances in the use of vaccines to prevent infection The healthy immune response
have radically improved health around the globe, but there Vaccines for infectious diseases equip the immune system
is an equally provocative wave of emerging research in to fend off safe mimics of a particular pathogen (e.g., protein
developing selective, therapeutic vaccines designed to treat fragments or a killed virus), enabling the body to quickly rec-
— not just prevent — noninfectious diseases such as cancer ognize and destroy this same pathogen during an actual infec-
and autoimmune disorders. These vaccine-like therapies tion in the future. The body’s pathogen-specific responses
aim to specifically target tumors, which normally evade the are faster after vaccination, because vaccines create immuno­
immune system, and to stall autoimmune diseases such as logical memory that can last for decades. The immune sys-
multiple sclerosis (MS) and Type I diabetes — diseases in tem must be able to recognize and quickly destroy pathogens
which the immune system erroneously attacks one’s own tis- with molecular precision, while avoiding attack of self-cells
sues. Several recent advances in this area harness the unique and tissues through a programmed state known as tolerance.
capabilities of polymers and other biomaterials. Mammalian immune systems have evolved non-specific
This article discusses some of the challenges facing (i.e., innate) responses that form a first line of defense
therapeutic vaccines for cancer and autoimmune diseases, against foreign invaders, along with highly specific (i.e.,
and the potential of new biomaterial-based technologies adaptive) responses that target distinct pathogens and gener-
that target these diseases. Therapeutic vaccines fit into the ate memory against these pathogens (Figure 1).

32  October 2017  CEP Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
Innate immune cells — including macrophages and antibodies that can neutralize extracellular pathogens or
dendritic cells (DCs) — can recognize biological pat- identify pathogens for destruction by other immune mecha-
terns that occur in pathogens and are typically absent nisms. T cells have several functions. One type of activated
in normal human tissues (e.g., lipopolysaccharides that T cell, a cytotoxic T cell, directly seeks out and destroys
comprise bacterial membranes, DNA, or RNA associated host cells infected with viruses to prevent the virus from
with viruses). Within minutes to hours of detecting the spreading. B cells require other types of activated T cells for
pathogen-associated patterns, innate immune cells mount activation — demonstrating the interconnectivity between
responses to directly kill the infected cells, engulf patho- cells in the body’s immune mechanisms.
gens, and release signaling molecules called cytokines A fraction of activated T cells and B cells remains in
to signal danger and recruit more immune cells. These the body after a pathogen is cleared. These persistent cells
processes underpin the inflammation associated with tissue provide the immune system with memory of the pathogen,
sites containing infection or wounds. enabling lymphocyte populations to have a strong and
Innate immune cells do not possess the capacity for rapid response to that same pathogen in the future. Gener-
memory, so they share information with cells of the adap- ating this protective memory — the goal of most traditional
tive immune system by digesting and presenting the peptide vaccines — is not always efficient or long lasting, which is
fragments — called antigens — from the digested pathogens. why multiple immunizations may be required over a short
Antigen-presenting cells (APCs), such as macrophages and period of time (e.g., hepatitis vaccines) and why adults
DCs, present antigens alongside co-stimulatory signals to receive periodic booster shots for certain diseases (e.g.,
activate T and B lymphocytes, which are key players of tetanus). References 7–9 provide more detailed information
the adaptive immune response. While APCs can encounter on immune responses.
lymphocytes throughout the body, APCs eventually migrate
to lymph nodes and the spleen to present the antigen to T and When the immune system goes wild, or mild
B cells residing in these immune tissues. Free antigen can also Unfortunately, the normal immune processes can fail
drain to the lymph nodes and spleen, where it is processed by — cancer and autoimmune disorders are two pervasive
APCs and then presented to T and B cells. examples. Autoimmune diseases occur when immune
Each B cell or T cell has a receptor for a specific anti- cells inappropriately target one’s own cells as if they were
gen, which, when activated in the lymph nodes or spleen, foreign or infected (Figure 2a). Some of the most common
only binds with specific antigen molecules — enabling a autoimmune diseases are MS, Type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid
molecule-specific immune response. The activation process arthritis, and lupus. The immune system of someone with
significantly enhances the ability of the B or T cells to rec- MS degrades the myelin sheath around neurons in a process
ognize a given antigen. Activated B cells mature and secrete called neurodegeneration. In patients with Type 1 diabe-

p Figure 1. A healthy immune system involves a nonspecific innate response that arises quickly but lacks memory and a highly specific adaptive response
that requires time to develop initially but creates long-lasting immunological memory. These responses work together to successfully clear pathogens.

Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) CEP  October 2017  33

tes, the immune system destroys pancreatic islet cells that in autoimmunity and its lack of action toward cancerous
produce insulin; without enough insulin, the patient’s blood cells presents a multitude of opposing challenges. The next
glucose levels are not properly regulated. Therapies that section discusses new approaches to tackle cancer and
direct the immune system to stop attacking specific “self” autoimmune diseases with therapeutic vaccines that combine
molecules — termed tolerance — could stop or reverse auto- biomaterials with insight gleaned from conventional vac-
immune diseases without causing the broad immune system cines against infectious disease.
suppression characteristic of many existing treatments.
Cancer, on the other hand, is a disease in which unhealthy Biomaterials in conventional vaccines
self-cells lose metabolic control and divide in an unrestrained To generate memory against a particular pathogen, vac-
manner (Figure 2b). Cancer cells are able to avoid attack cines for infectious disease use attenuated pathogens (e.g.,
by the immune system by secreting suppressive signaling modified by chemicals or heat) or specific antigens isolated
molecules and presenting those molecules to immune cells. or derived from a pathogen. Most vaccine formulations con-
Therefore, even if a T cell is activated against a cancer anti- tain antigens along with additives known as adjuvants (10).
gen and infiltrates a tumor, the tumor may signal the T cell It has only been in the past few decades that researchers
to ignore the tumor (tolerance), or the tumor may develop have taken an in-depth look at adjuvant material properties
new self-antigens not recognized by the infiltrating immune (e.g., particle size, surface charge, specific interactions with
cells. Moreover, cancer vaccines that generate tumor-specific innate immune cells) to understand how they influence vac-
T cells are risky, because those lymphocytes could recog- cine performance (11).
nize noncancerous tissues. Effective cancer vaccines must Perhaps not surprising then, biomaterial-based adju-
therefore program the immune system to selectively recog- vants were previously thought of as inert carriers; recent
nize tumors and overcome the tumor’s immunosuppressive studies, however, reveal that many biomaterials exhibit
microenvironment. intrinsic physiochemical features (e.g., shape, charge,
Regulating the immune system’s overzealous mistakes chemical functionality) that engage immune signaling

p Figure 2. Dysregulation of biological signals can cause immune cells to attack one’s own tissues in autoimmune diseases (a) or to ignore unhealthy
cancerous tissues that need to be cleared by the immune system (b).

34  October 2017  CEP Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
pathways. For example, polymers such as poly(lactide- Several features of biomaterials
co-glycolide) (PLGA), poly­styrene, polyanhydrides, and can be harnessed for the development of
poly(β-amino esters) are all capable of stimulating innate
immune responses (12–14). In addition to stimulating therapeutic vaccines.
the immune system, biomaterials also enable the use of
well-known drug-delivery and tissue-engineering technolo- immune cells attacking myelin (15, 16). This approach has
gies that are difficulat to achieve with traditional vaccines, demonstrated promising therapeutic effects in stopping or
including co-delivery, cargo protection, controlled release, reversing disease in mouse models of MS, allergies, and other
and targeting. inflammatory states.
All of these features can be harnessed for therapeutic Another platform being developed involves encapsulat-
vaccines. For example, one new biomaterial-based approach ing peptides and tolerizing cues in larger microparticles (17).
for treating autoimmune disorders involves delivering These particles, which can be injected directly into lymph
immunosuppressive molecules together with self-antigens nodes, are designed such that they are too large to drain away.
to restore tolerance against those antigens. New strategies Instead, the particles create a local depot that reprograms the
to fight cancer are exploiting biomaterials for personalized microenvironment of lymph nodes and trains differentiat-
vaccines that maintain antitumor immunity within immuno­ ing T cells to become regulatory. In one noteworthy study, a
suppressive tumors, while avoiding unregulated responses single lymph-node treatment permanently reversed disease in
that could damage healthy tissue. a mouse model of MS (17).
The following sections highlight four delivery An important opportunity arising from such approaches
approaches — particulate formulations, implanted scaf- is the ability to create therapies with vaccine-like specificity;
folds, micro­needles, and self-assembly of immune signals such therapies could control autoimmune disease without
— that are revealing new potential for next-generation compromising the patient’s immune system — a common
therapeutic vaccines. side effect of existing therapies.
Other particle-based strategies under development
Particulate formulations for delivery could change how self-antigens are processed to selectively
Most conventional vaccines are delivered in a poorly restore tolerance (18–21). These approaches involve deliv-
localized or largely soluble dose. The physicochemical fea- ering the self-antigen, in distinct particulate forms, to APCs
tures of particles can be exploited to develop more-efficient expressing scavenger receptors or other features associ-
delivery approaches. However, few rational design methods ated with clearance of naturally dying self-cells (e.g., red
have been implemented for either conventional or biomaterial- blood cells). Nano­particles are being used to co-opt natural
based vaccines and immunotherapies. regulatory pathways — an important theme in the immune
Because particulate materials are readily internalized by engineering field. Several new studies in this area seek to
immune cells, loading vaccine cargos into particles enables define the specific design features needed for tolerance.
co-delivery of multiple compounds and the controlled release In one study, monodispersed quantum dots decorated
of these cues (Figure 3). In the area of immune tolerance to with self-peptides were delivered to mouse cells while the
combat autoimmunity, one approach involves co-loading MS was active (i.e., mouse model of MS). The researchers
nanoparticles with myelin peptides (self-molecules that are found that delivering many quantum dots, each with a low
attacked in patients with MS) and a regulatory ligand. The density of peptide, is more effective in promoting tolerance
goal is to reprogram T cells during presentation of the self- than delivery of fewer higher-peptide-density quantum dots
antigen and direct the myelin-recognizing cells to become (Figure 4) (20). Santamaria and his group have devel-
regulatory T cells that specifically control the inflammatory
Control Over Presentation of Antigen to Alter
Co-Delivery of Antigen with Combinations of Processing and Immune Cell Differentiation
Stimulatory or Regulatory Immune Cues


Tumor Antigens with Self Antigen with Regulatory High Density, Few Carriers Low Density, Many Carriers
Stimulatory Cues for Cancer Cues for Tolerance
p Figure 4. Researchers found that delivering many quantum dots, each with
p Figure 3. Biomaterials can be used to deliver multiple components, a low density of peptide, is more effective in promoting tolerance than delivery
including antigens and regulatory immune cues. with fewer quantum dots, each displaying a high density of peptide coverage.

Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) CEP  October 2017  35

oped an approach to directly control how a self-antigen is ponents), along with the ability to co-deliver defined ratios
presented to T cells using iron nanoparticles displaying self- of immune components, has significant implications for
peptides in natural antigen presentating protein complexes personalized medicine.
(22). Research has revealed that the dose of self-antigen
presentating complexes determines the extent of expansion Implanted scaffolds recruit
of antigen-specific T cells, while the density of these com- immune cells and program responses
plexes determines how effectively the differentiation of Scaffolds can be implanted in the body to recruit
T cells is directed toward regulatory T cells (23). Funda- immune cells and act as a classroom of sorts. This is similar
mental studies that provide this level of molecular insight in some ways to lymph nodes or the spleen, where innate
will be increasingly important to support the rational and and adaptive immune cells interact (like classmates) to
efficient design of more complex therapies. promote a desired function or phenotype (Figure 6). Recent
An important emerging trend in the fight against cancer studies have revealed the role of adaptive immune cells
is the use of biomaterials to create candidates for personal- in responding to implants (25) and key immune signaling
ized cancer vaccines (Figure 5). Kuai and colleagues have pathways that help determine how the body will respond to
designed a cancer vaccine from nanoscale discs, which polymers or other foreign bodies (26).
are composed of synthetic high-density lipoproteins and One early example of engineered scaffolds to promote
decorated with stimulatory adjuvants and multiple peptide and control the immune response involved a porous PLGA
tumor antigens (24). These cancer vaccines effectively matrix loaded with material obtained from killed tumor
expanded the number of T cells that targeted model tumor cells, a molecule to recruit immune cells, and a stimulatory
peptides in mice, and could also be assembled using differ- DNA molecule as an adjuvant. In mice, the scaffold success-
ent tumor peptides identified through sequencing of tumor fully recruited DCs to capture the tumor cell fragments (i.e.,
cells from individual mice. In two challenging mouse can- antigens); these DCs subsequently migrated to the lymph
cer models, personalized nanodiscs were delivered in com- nodes and initiated T-cell responses that conferred prolonged
bination with gold-standard immunotherapies. Strikingly, immunity against tumor models that are often fatal (27).
the treatment produced complete tumor regression (i.e., More recently, researchers have prepared spontane-
no tumor present), whereas treatment with the immuno­ ously assembling scaffolds with larger pores to recruit
therapies and a soluble version of the vaccine produced innate immune cells (28). Recruitment was largest in scaf-
less than 50% regression. folds assembled with the greatest aspect ratios, which cor-
The ability to use biomaterials as flexible platforms for related to larger pore sizes to accommodate the recruited
quickly customizing cancer vaccines and immunotherapies cells. Moreover, scaffolds loaded with a model antigen
(e.g., by simply switching peptide antigens or other com- and other immune signals were able to release these com-
ponents in a controlled manner over a period of weeks. In
mice with tumors expressing the model antigen, 90% of
Modular Platforms for Personalized Medicine
vaccinated mice were still alive when all untreated mice
had succumbed.
Adjuvant with
with Linker Cholesterol This example demonstrates the integration of multiple
emerging findings from the immune engineering field to
provide better control over immune cell recruitment and
function. Other research teams are using scaffolds to directly
Nanodisc Personalized Vaccine
deliver and sustain, rather than recruit, immune cells for
p Figure 5. Biomaterials are being used to create candidates for personalized
anti-tumor activity — an approach that combines materials
cancer vaccines. with the idea of adoptive cell therapies (29).
With a goal of restraining immune function, rather
Recruitment of Immune Cells to Scaffolds for than activating it, one recent approach sought to treat
Engineering of Cell Function or Differentiation auto­immunity in a mouse model of Type I diabetes using
a layered scaffold constructed from a 5-mm dia. PLGA
disc (30). Before implantation, the scaffold was seeded
DC DC with functional pancreatic islet cells (i.e., cells attacked
during diabetes) to produce insulin and restore control of
From Tissue Scaffold with Signals for Back to Tissue
and Blood Recruitment and Modulation and Blood
blood glucose. However, immune tolerance is required to
prevent these new islet cells from meeting the same fate
p Figure 6. Scaffolds can be implanted in the body to recruit immune cells. as the original islets in the host mouse — destruction by

36  October 2017  CEP Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
malfunctioning self-reactive immune cells. Thus, the outer example of microneedle delivery of tumor antigens high-
layers of the disc were porous to support islet cell seeding, lights the ability to combine features from different ends
while an inner layer of solid PLGA contained transforming of the design space — automated manufacturing and co-
growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-β1). TGF-β1 reduces antigen delivery, for example — to control immune responses more
presentation by innate cells and promotes differentiation of precisely. Together, the advances discussed in this section
T cells into tolerogenic regulatory T cells. show that microneedles are already finding clinical utility
Islets in the mice that received scaffolds loaded with in infectious disease, while holding exciting potential for
TGF-β1 had longer functional lifetimes and lower inflamma- fighting cancer and autoimmune disorders through themes
tory cytokine secretion than the mice that received scaffolds of stimuli responsiveness, manufacturing advantages, and
without TGF-β1. This approach achieves control over local co-delivery.
inflammation at the site of transplantation, paving the way
for additional therapeutic vaccine strategies that deliver Self-assembly of immune cues
other signals locally to control the immune environment in into structured materials to simplify design
and around transplant sites. Synthetic biomaterials and existing vaccine excipients
may affect the immune system in ways that are complex or
Microneedles deliver vaccines with local precision difficult to characterize. The intrinsic immunostimulatory
Microneedle arrays are alternatives to hypodermic effects of biomaterials discussed previously represent one
needles that deliver cargo loaded in or on the surface of important example, since the carrier itself can impact the
dozens of polymeric microscale needles, each several response of the immune system to the other vaccine com-
hundred microns high (Figure 7). At this size scale, drug ponents. Furthermore, avoiding unanticipated inflammation
delivery is nearly painless because the microneedles reach is especially important in autoimmunity — where inflam-
few pain receptors. Their small size also confers other mation might make the disease worse — and in avoiding
unique benefits. Microneedles can efficiently deliver cargo off-target effects of immunotherapies. Thus, materials made
intradermally to skin-resident immune cells. A recent entirely of well-defined immune signals with attractive
first-in-humans Phase I clinical trial demonstrated the use features of biomaterials, such as co-delivery and tunable
of 650-µm dissolvable microneedle arrays to effectively loading, provide an opportunity for more modular design
deliver the inactivated influenza vaccine (31). Of note, these strategies that also eliminate confounding intrinsic effects.
arrays can be stored in unrefrigerated conditions, self- Self-assembly is well-suited for this goal, owing to sponta-
administered by patients, and discarded following use more neous, molecularly defined processes.
safely than traditional needles. Our group has developed an approach that involves
Researchers are also exploring the use of microneedles electro­static self-assembly of immunological polyelectrolytes
for cancer vaccination and combination immunotherapies. such as peptide antigens and immune-modulating nucleic
For example, Zhen Gu and colleagues at the Univ. of North acids on a dissolvable particle template (Figure 8) (34).
Carolina at Chapel Hill fabricated microneedle patches for The template is subsequently removed to create carrier-free
the sustained delivery of anti-PD1, an antibody that blocks immune polyelectrolyte multilayer (iPEM) capsules. The size
the immunosuppressive PD-1 pathway that tumors activate to of the iPEM capsules can be tuned, the absolute and relative
suppress anti-tumor response (32). loadings of the antigens and nucleic acids can be controlled,
Another approach employs robotic automation to coat and multiple components can be delivered.
microneedle arrays with up to 128 nanoscale layers juxta- In mice, iPEM capsules containing model tumor antigens
posing tumor antigens and stimulatory nucleic acid adju- and a stimulatory nucleic acid confered anti-tumor immu-
vants (33). In mice, this co-delivery promoted the expansion
of T cells specifically reactive to the tumor antigen. This Improved Rational Design through Simplification
and Self-Assembly of Immune Signals

-- -- - --- - -
New Tools for Efficient Delivery to Immune Cells +++++ +
with Improved Efficacy, Compliance, and Stability + +++ + - --
- -

Peptide Stimulatory or Regulatory Carrier-Free

Antigen Nucleic Acid Ligands iPEM Capsules

p Figure 8. Immunological polyelectrolytes such as peptide antigens and

Microneedle Patch for Self-Administration of Vaccines immune-modulating nucleic acids can be electrostaticly self-assembled on a
dissolvable particle template. The template is subsequently removed to create
p Figure 7. Microneedle arrays are alternatives to hypodermic needles. carrier-free immune polyelectrolyte multilayer (iPEM) capsules.

Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) CEP  October 2017  37

nity. By exploiting the modularity of this platform, we have The complexity of the immune system and
extended this system to autoimmunity (35). The iPEMs the diversity of biomaterials available for
built from myelin peptide and a regulatory nucleic acid that
blocks distinct inflammatory signaling pathways eliminated vaccine development are enormous.
disease in a mouse model of MS. These iPEM capsules also
reduced inflammatory cytokines in samples from human MS experience of process and quality engineers will be vital
patients, while iPEMs formed from myelin and scrambled because many of the strategies employed in preclinical stud-
nucleic acid ligands did not. ies will require significant resources to scale up in a manner
Self-assembled immunological cues can also borrow that meets applicable regulatory standards for human use.
directly from pathogens. Virus-like particles (VLPs) are Perhaps the greatest challenge for those working on
constructed from protein subunits of viruses, but they do biomaterial vaccines is the balance between understanding
not include components that can make viruses infectious. immunological mechanisms and eliciting a prophylactic
These VLPs rely on the intrinsic immunogenicity of viral or therapeutic benefit. Do we need to characterize new and
proteins and can be harnessed in the context of cancer existing adjuvants more fully before we champion their
vaccination to combat cancer by efficiently co-delivering use? Or, should striking results that shrink tumors or reverse
tumor antigens in the VLP. autoimmune symptoms be a focus, even with unchecked
VLP vaccines are sometimes ineffective if the patient cost or inefficient processes? Of course, the answers to these
has previously been exposed to the virus proteins, because questions will need to equilibrate somewhere in between;
immunity is not directed against the cancer antigen. Several more rigorous analysis in basic studies, in translation, and
research groups are investigating the use of viral proteins in manufacturing will be useful in assessing the risks and
that humans do not commonly encounter, such as those rewards of new therapeutic vaccines.
derived from bacteriophages (36) and plant viruses (37). In Nevertheless, materials-based vaccination and immuno­
one example, a carbohydrate tumor antigen that is normally therapies are breaking new ground in treating pathogenic
a difficult target for the immune system was attached to and noninfectious disease, and we will continue to learn
the surface of a bacteriophage subunit (36), and in another more about the exciting potential and most prominent chal-
example, the antigen was attached to a plant virus particle lenges in the coming years CEP
carrier to substantially enhance survival in a mouse model
of lymphoma (37).
Finally, Hudalla, et al., engineered protein moieties that NEIL DOLD is a graduate fellow in the Fischell
can self-assemble into nanofibers while exposing mul- Dept. of Bioengineering at the Univ.
of Maryland, College Park (neildold@
tiple different proteins along the length of the fibers (38). He received a BS in biomedical
This approach was successful in inducing high antibody engineering at Bucknell Univ. in 2012 and
worked in the medical device industry for
responses against the engineered protein fibers. several years before beginning his graduate
Although all of these strategies for self-assembly of work in Christopher Jewell’s lab in 2015. His
graduate research explores the ability of
immune signals are still in the preclinical phase, they polymers and self-assembled constructs to
represent an exciting frontier for exerting exquisite control enhance immune responses in the context of cancer. He is supported by
an NIH Graduate Fellowship from the National Cancer Institute.
over immune function without the worry of unanticipated
effects of excipients. CHRISTOPHER M. JEWELL, PhD, is an associate
professor in the Fischell Dept. of Bio­
engineering at the Univ. of Maryland and a
Outlook Damon Runyon-Rachleff Innovator (Email: He is an associate
The complexity of the immune system and the diver- scientific advisor for Science Translational
sity of biomaterials available for vaccine development are Medicine and holds appointments as a
non-clinical scientist at the Baltimore
enormous. Yet, we are only in the early stages of understand- Veterans Administration and as a full
ing how materials can be engineered in a rational way to member of Greenbaum Cancer Center. He
has published more than 60 papers and patents using materials to study
control specific functions of immune cells and tissues; this and control immune function, and to enable drug and gene delivery. He
is the same trial-and-error challenge facing the vaccine and has received many awards for research and education, including the
NSF CAREER Award, and was selected as a 2016 Cellular and Molecular
immunotherapy field more broadly. Understanding these Bioengineering Young Innovator, and as a Young Investigator of the
fundamental interactions will be important in enabling a Melanoma Research Alliance and the Alliance for Cancer Gene Therapy.
He was selected as the state of Maryland’s Outstanding Young Engineer
new generation of materials that actively program immune by the Maryland Academy of Science, the state’s highest honor awarded
response. Interdisciplinary partnerships are also needed to to an engineer under age 36. After his doctoral work, Dr. Jewell worked at
the Boston Consulting Group before completing his postgraduate train-
combine immunology expertise with engineering expertise ing at MIT and Harvard.
in materials design and characterization. In addition, the

38  October 2017  CEP Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
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Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) CEP  October 2017  39

Cancer-Fighting T Cells
Eugenia Zah Adoptive T-cell therapy is a personalized cancer
Yvonne Y. Chen
Univ. of California, Los Angeles treatment that has the potential to cure previously
untreatable malignancies. Researchers are applying
techniques in biomolecular engineering and
synthetic biology to the development of
next-generation therapeutic T cells with improved
safety and efficacy against a variety of cancers.

doptive T-cell therapy (ACT) is a new treatment are now engaged in fierce competition to bring ACT to
that holds promise for the safe and effective treat- the market. This drive toward commercialization of ACT
ment of cancer. Unlike traditional thera­peutics provides ample opportunities for chemical and biomolecular
such as chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, ACT har- engineers to apply their expertise to the manufacturing and
nesses a patient’s own immune cells as a living drug to development of cellular products.
treat previously incurable cancers. This article provides an overview of ACT cancer
The treatment involves tumor-targeting T cells (a type treatment and highlights the major milestones in this new
of white blood cell) that are obtained by either isolating therapy’s development. It identifies limitations and chal-
T cells that naturally target tumors or genetically modify- lenges associated with ACT, as well as strategies under
ing T cells to express a transgenic tumor-targeting receptor. consideration and developments that aim to address such
These receptors could be natural T-cell receptors (TCRs) challenges. Finally, it explores opportunities for engineers to
or synthetic receptors known as chimeric antigen receptors make a difference in this burgeoning field.
(CARs). The tumor-targeting T cells are then expanded and
reinfused into the patient (Figure 1). Commercialization of ACT
The leading ACT candidates are T cells that have been In the past five years, several companies specializing in
engineered to express CARs targeting CD19, which is a ACT as a novel cancer treatment have emerged. According
pan-B-cell marker found on the majority of cancerous B cells. to Coherent Market Insights, the global CAR-T cell mar-
In multiple clinical trials, 90% of advanced B-cell leukemia ket is valued at approximately $72 million in 2017 and is
patients treated with CD19 CAR-T cells experienced com- expected to reach $8.5 billion by 2028 (3).
plete remission (1). These results garnered immense excite- Three companies at the forefront of the ACT market —
ment among researchers and the general public. Juno Therapeutics, Novartis, and Kite-Pharma — have all
In July 2017, the first CD19 CAR-T cell product, received “breakthrough therapy” designation by the FDA
CTL019 (tisagenlecleucel) from Novartis, received unani- for their CD19 CAR-T cell products (4, 5). Juno Therapeu-
mous support from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration tics’ JCAR015 therapy received breakthrough designation
(FDA) Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee for approval in 2014, but it experienced a major setback after several
to treat B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) in patients being treated with it died from cerebral edema (i.e.,
pediatric and young-adult patients (2). Several companies swelling of the brain) — forcing the company to terminate

40  October 2017  CEP Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
its clinical trial in March 2017 (6). Since then, Kite Pharma tive against melanoma — a uniquely immunogenic cancer
has also reported one patient death due to brain toxicity, where high numbers of TILs are present in the tumors — it
but the company remains optimistic, while Novartis has not has not been as successfully or widely applied to other
(yet) reported any fatalities (6). Currently, Novartis and Kite types of cancer.
Pharma are competing to become the first to successfully
commercialize their drugs, CTL019 and KTE-C19, respec- Engineering T cells to target cancer
tively. Both Novartis and Kite Pharma expect to receive To overcome limitations of TIL-ACT, scientists have
FDA approval for their drugs in 2017. engineered T cells to express transgenic receptors, which
Although ACT has had substantial clinical success recognize tumor cells that are otherwise undetectable by the
in the treatment of B-cell leukemia and lymphoma, signifi- immune system (Figure 1). In this strategy, peripheral T cells
cant concerns about the safety and efficacy of this novel are isolated from a patient and then genetically modified —
therapy remain to be addressed. The development of new using viruses that encode the genes of interest — to express
tools in biomolecular engineering and synthetic biology receptors that recognize cancer-associated antigens. The
has enabled the engineering of T cells with safeguards ability to convert any T cell into an anti-tumor effector cell
against toxic and potentially deadly side effects of the (i.e., lymphocytes able to eliminate tumor cells) significantly
treatment. In addition, T cells with better anti-tumor capa- broadens the applications of ACT for the treatment of other
bilities are being developed for the treatment of cancers cancers beyond melanoma.
beyond B-cell malignancies. T cells can be modified to express two types of receptors,
natural and synthetic. All T cells naturally express TCRs,
ACT: A personalized treatment for cancer which recognize and bind to peptides (i.e., antigens) derived
Conventional T cells play a central role in the adaptive from pathogens. These pathogen-derived peptides are dis-
immune system and are naturally capable of detecting and played on the cell surface by major histocompatibility com-
killing bacterially and virally infected cells, making them plex (MHC) molecules; MHC molecules bind to the peptides
ideal candidates for cell-based immunotherapy. In ACT, the and then display them on the surface for TCR recognition.
T cells’ cytotoxic capabilities are redirected against tumor All nucleated cells and platelets express MHC Class I mol-
cells expressing specific antigens (7). This redirection is ecules, which present fragments of cellular proteins on the
accomplished by either naturally occurring, tumor-targeting cell surface. Cells infected by bacteria or viruses can present
TCRs or by transgenic receptors that are introduced into bacterial or viral protein fragments, thereby alerting T cells
T cells via genetic engineering. to the presence of infection. Tumor cells that express mutated
Steven A. Rosenberg and his team at the National proteins can similarly present tumor-associated protein frag-
Institutes of Health (NIH) were the first to demonstrate that ments via MHC molecules, thus allowing T cells that express
cell-based immunotherapy could be used to treat cancer. cognate TCRs to recognize tumor cells. The binding of TCRs
They showed that the adoptive transfer of patient-derived, to the peptide-MHC complex on tumor cells activates the
tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs, or T cells with innate T cells and triggers an anti-tumor immune response.
tumor-recognition capabilities)
could effectively treat patients with Therapy
metastatic melanoma (8). Of the 93 Excise Tumor TIL Isolation TIL Expansion Infusion
melanoma patients — many with
severe tumor burdens and visceral TCR TCR-T Cells
disease (characterized as stage IV
cancer) — who were treated with Viral
TIL-ACT, 20 patients experienced T-Cell
complete regression, and 19 expe- Isolation by and Infusion
rienced ongoing complete regres- Apheresis

sions 3–7 years after treatment (9). Virus Encodes

An important pre­requisite for Specific Receptor CAR-T Cells
TIL-based therapy, however, is
that the patient’s own immune sys- p Figure 1. ACT uses autologous tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) or T cells expressing a tumor-targeting
tem must contain tumor-targeting T-cell receptor (TCR) or a chimeric antigen receptor (CAR). In TIL-ACT, TILs are isolated from excised tumors
and subsequently expanded. In TCR/CAR-ACT, peripheral T cells are isolated from patient blood, genetically
T cells that can be isolated and
modified to express either a TCR or a CAR molecule, and subsequently expanded. Prior to T-cell reinfusion,
expanded from resected tumors. patients typically undergo a lymphodepleting regimen (chemotherapy that depletes existing lymphocytes in the
While TIL-ACT has been effec- patient), which has been demonstrated to improve ACT’s treatment efficacy.
Article continues on next page

Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) CEP  October 2017  41

Scientists have identified genes that encode TCRs to target the pan-B-cell marker CD19 has achieved remarkable
target a variety of cancer antigens (9). In an early example, clinical success in the treatment of advanced B-cell malig-
adoptive transfer of T cells that were genetically modi- nancies (7). Multiple clinical trials have reported >80%
fied to express a TCR that targets melanoma-associated response rate to CD19 CAR-ACT in patients with relapsed
antigen 1 (MART-1) induced the regression of advanced B-ALL and a 50–80% response rate in patients with refrac-
melanoma (10). TCR-ACT has also been applied in the tory B-cell lymphoma (1). Several obstacles limiting the
treatment of other epithelial cancers (9). widespread implementation of CAR-ACT, however, still
Despite its therapeutic potential, however, TCR-ACT need to be addressed.
still has several limitations. First, TCRs can only recognize
tumor cells via peptides presented in the MHC complex. To Strategies to improve the efficacy of CAR-ACT
avoid detection by TCRs, tumor cells can downregulate (i.e., CARs are single-input receptors, i.e., they identify target
reduce) their surface MHC expression, thereby rendering the cells based on the expression of one particular antigen. In
TCR-ACT treatment ineffective. Furthermore, MHC exists the presence of CAR-T cells, tumors face a strong selective
in several different subtypes (known as human leukocyte pressure that drives them to downregulate surface expression
antigens, or HLAs) in humans, and the specific subtypes of that cognate antigen. This process by which tumor cells
expressed vary among individuals. TCRs must be matched becomes undetectable to CAR-T cells via antigen down­
to specific HLA subtypes, so different TCR-based treatments regulation is termed antigen escape, and it has been observed
would need to be developed to match each patient’s HLA as a frequent cause of cancer relapse in patients treated with
type. Finally, identifying high-affinity TCRs for cancer- CAR-ACT. In CD19 CAR clinical trials for the treatment
associated antigens is still a challenge. Because most cancer of B-ALL, several patients who initially achieved com-
types are not caused by infectious agents, tumor cells fre- plete remission eventually relapsed due to the outgrowth of
quently do not express non-self antigens that can be recog- CD19-negative tumors (14, 15).
nized by TCRs — often making it impossible to isolate TCRs Tumor antigen escape. A potential solution to antigen
that specifically recognize tumor cells. escape is to engineer receptors to target multiple antigens
The development of CARs has overcome some of the such that tumor cells would need to downregulate more
major limitations of TCR-ACT. CARs were first conceptual- than one surface antigen to successfully avoid detection.
ized in the late-1980s by Zelig Eshhar, an immunologist at To combat the problem of antigen escape with CD19 CAR,
the Weizmann Institute of Science. The first CARs, which researchers have engineered T cells to express two recep-
were engineered to treat malignancies including ovarian and tors targeting different antigens in one cell, e.g., CD19 CAR
renal cancer as well as neuroblastoma, achieved little clinical paired with CD123, CD22, or receptor tyrosine kinase-like
success (11). It took more than 20 years to optimize CAR orphan receptor 1 (ROR1)-specific CARs (16).
molecules for therapeutic applications (see timeline below). Alternatively, scientists have generated single-chain bispe-
CARs are modular fusion proteins that can, in prin- cific CARs by fusing an additional scFv to the extracellular
ciple, be engineered to target any tumor antigen of inter- end of the second-generation CAR (17). A single-chain recep-
est. Importantly, CARs are capable of binding to antigens tor is more genetically compact than a double receptor and
independent of MHCs. The CAR molecule consists of an can be integrated into T cells more efficiently. The feasibility
extracellular ligand-binding domain (most commonly an of this approach was first demonstrated in the construction of
antibody-derived single-chain variable fragment, or scFv) a bispecific CAR targeting human epidermal growth factor
fused to an extracellular spacer, transmembrane domain, receptor 2 (HER2) and CD19. Subsequently, our group and
and one or more cytoplasmic signaling domain(s) that gen- others have engineered clinically relevant CD19/CD20 and
erally include the CD3z chain (12, 13). Second-generation CD19/CD22 bispecific CARs to prevent antigen escape in
CARs, which contain a co-stimulatory domain in addition the treatment of B-cell malignancies (18, 19). In addition, sci-
to the CD3z chain, have been most effective in clinical entists have developed a HER2/IL13Rα2 receptor to prevent
trials thus far. Specifically, CAR-ACT utilizing T cells that antigen escape in glioblastoma (16).
1976 1988 1989 2002

Identification of T-cell growth Earliest trials of ACT using TILs Construction of first Melanoma patients
factor interleukin-2 (IL-2) enables for the treatment of metastatic chimeric receptors treated with TIL-ACT
culture of T cells in vitro melanoma for T cells with exhibit complete
antibody-directed durable responses

42  October 2017  CEP Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
Tumor microenvironment. Despite the clinical success of receptor would still bind to TGF-β but it would not signal.
CAR-ACT against B-cell cancers, multiple obstacles have As another example, a synthetic IL-4/IL-7 fusion recep-
limited the success of CAR-ACT in the treatment of solid tor was made by fusing the extracellular domain of the
tumors. First, solid malignancies may reside in areas of the anti-proliferative IL-4 receptor to the cytoplasmic signaling
body that are difficult for CAR-T cells to access. For example, domain of the proliferative IL-7 cytokine signaling domain.
for cancers of the brain and spinal cord, CAR-T cells must be This receptor converted an inhibitory input (i.e., binding of
able to cross the blood-brain barrier to reach the tumor site. In IL-4) to an activating output (i.e., IL-7 signaling) (20). The
addition, solid tumors are often characterized by an immuno- expression of this receptor was shown to improve the prolif-
suppressive micro­environment in which inhibitory cytokines erative capacity of T cells in IL-4-rich environments.
such as transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) and inter- T-cell exhaustion. Recently, T-cell exhaustion has emerged
leukin (IL)-10 are present at high levels, thus inactivating any as a major factor limiting the efficacy of ACT. Chronic
immune cells that may reach the tumor site (20). Furthermore, exposure to antigen stimulation can exhaust T cells, leav-
tumor cells can express inhibitory ligands on their surfaces to ing them unable to mount an effective anti-tumor response.
impede the immune response and induce T-cell exhaustion. Checkpoint inhibitors, such as cytotoxic T lymphocyte-
T-cell homing, function, and persistence. Various strate- associated antigen 4 (CTLA-4) and programmed cell death
gies to improve T-cell homing, function, and persistence protein 1 (PD-1), play important roles in regulating the
in the tumor microenvironment have been developed. For immune response to prevent T-cell overstimulation, but they
example, T cells that express transgenic chemokine recep- can also contribute to T-cell exhaustion (20). The binding
tors have been engineered to improve T-cell homing to of these receptors to their ligands — CD80 and CD86 for
tumor sites; clinical trials to evaluate the expression of the CTLA-4, and programmed death ligand 1(PD-L1) for PD-1
chemokine C-X-C motif receptor 2 (CXCR2) and nerve — triggers downstream signaling events that inhibit T-cell
growth factor receptor (NGFR) in TILs for ACT are in function. Consequently, the increased expression of CTLA-4
progress (20). The overexpression of co-stimulatory ligands, and PD-1 during T-cell activation, as well as the upregulated
such as CD80 and 4-1BBL, can also enhance the expansion expression of PD-L1 on tumor cells, can substantially worsen
and persistence of engineered T cells (12). (Two signals — T-cell function in the tumor microenvironment.
antigen-specific and non-antigen-specific — are required Monoclonal antibodies that block the interaction between
to activate T cells. Co-stimulatory molecules provide the inhibitory receptors and their ligands, known as checkpoint-
non-antigen-specific signal.) Finally, T cells can be armed to inhibitor therapies, have shown promise in improving the
secrete proinflammatory or proliferative cytokines, such as potency of cancer treatments. For example, the FDA has
IL-2, IL-7, IL-15, and IL-21, to aid the anti-tumor response. approved CTLA-4 inhibitor ipilimumab and PD-1 inhibitor
In addition to enhancing the primary (effector) function pembrolizumab for the treatment of melanoma (20).
of T cells to destroy tumor cells, the therapeutic efficacy However, while clinically effective, checkpoint-inhibitor
of T cells can be improved by enabling T cells to resist therapies can also cause toxic side effects, because the
defense mechanisms employed by tumor cells. For exam- antibodies can interfere with the regulation of other immune
ple, a dominant-negative TGF-β receptor (DNR) has been cells in the body, not just the tumor-targeting T cells (21). To
developed to reduce T-cell susceptibility to the immuno­ improve safety associated with checkpoint inhibiting thera-
suppressive effects of tumor-secreted TGF-β. TGF-β is a pies, new gene-editing technologies have enabled scientists
cytokine that regulates cell growth and differentiation. In to selectively knock out PD-1 or CTLA-4 in T cells so that
the context of solid tumors, TGF-β is known to be a potent checkpoint blocking is specific to the tumor-targeting cells.
immunosuppressant that inhibits T-cell growth and effector The safety of PD-1 knockout T-cell therapy is currently
functions. The DNR is a truncated version of the TGF-β being evaluated under clinical conditions.
receptor chain 2 that is missing its cytoplasmic signaling Finally, a major obstacle limiting applications of ACT
domains. The expression of DNR can reduce T-cell suscep- is the lack of suitable tumor-specific antigens to target (22).
tibility to TGF-β-mediated growth inhibition because the Since cancer cells are derived from healthy tissue, finding
2006 2010 2014 2017

ACT clinical trial using First report of CD19 CD19 CAR-ACT receives Termination of clinical trial
genetically modified T CAR-ACT successfully FDA breakthrough status evaluating JCAR015 (Juno
cells (MART-1 TCR) treating a B-cell recognition Therapeutics)
showed partial lymphoma patient, who
response in 2 out of had partial remission
15 patients following therapy

Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) CEP  October 2017  43

tumor-exclusive antigens is a challenge. One strategy is to Strategies to improve safety of CAR-ACT

target antigens that are expressed on cancer cells as well as Safety remains a critical concern as ACT marches
nonessential cells. For example, the CD19 CAR recognizes toward FDA approval and subsequent commercialization.
CD19 antigens expressed on both cancerous and healthy As mentioned earlier, a major safety concern is on-target,
B cells. As a consequence, one common side effect of CD19 off-tumor toxicity, which occurs when engineered T cells
CAR-ACT is B-cell aplasia, or the depletion of healthy designed to target cancer cells also kill normal, healthy
B cells. Fortunately, B-cell aplasia can be clinically man- cells expressing the same antigen. Toxicity can also occur
aged with the periodic administration of immunoglobulin. when CAR-T cells cross-recognize incorrect-but-similar
However, such on-target, off-tumor toxicities limit the pool antigens expressed on healthy cells. In a clinical trial to
of potential targets to a very small number of antigens whose evaluate T cells expressing a transgenic TCR that targets
off-tumor targets are nonessential to human survival. melanoma-associated-antigen-3 (MAGE-A3), two patients
Another approach is to target antigens that are over­ died from cardiac failure within 5 days of T-cell infusion;
expressed on cancer cells (e.g., MART-1, carcinoembryonic subsequent analysis revealed that the TCR cross-reacted
antigen (CEA), and HER2). This approach, however, can with the protein titin, which is expressed in heart muscle
cause severe toxicity problems, since T cells can mount pow- cells (21). In another trial that involved a different MAGE-
erful attacks even on target cells with low antigen expression A3 TCR, patients experienced toxicity in the brain, high-
levels (22). The deadly side effects of on-target, off-tumor tox- lighting the unpredictability of side effects associated with
icity have been observed in clinical trials of the HER2 CAR imperfect T-cell specificity (11). Thus, there is an unmet
and CEA-targeting TCR. In the case of the HER2 CAR trials, need for general strategies that can minimize toxicity
patients suffered from respiratory stress when CAR-T cells caused by imperfect tumor-targeting specificity.
targeted lung epithelial cells that expressed low levels of In response to this challenge, scientists have engineered
HER2 (5). Patients treated with T cells expressing a transgenic next-generation CARs capable of multiple-input logic func-
CEA TCR developed severe colitis when the adoptively trans- tions to address on-target, off-tumor toxicity (Figure 2). One
ferred T cells attacked cells in the colon (21). strategy involves CARs engineered such that they are only
A potentially safer alternative is to target antigens that activated when they detect the correct combination of tumor
are unique to cancers. These include cancer-specific muta- antigens. In another system, a CAR containing only the CD3z
tions that give rise to neoantigens, cancer-testes antigens signaling domain is paired with another CAR containing
(which are restricted to cancer cells and cells in early devel- only co-stimulatory chains (17). Each receptor recognizes a
opmental stages), viral antigens on cancers with viral ori- different tumor-associated antigen, and only in the presence
gins, or components of the tumor stroma. However, it is still of tumor cells that express both targeted antigens would both
a challenge to identify TCRs and to design CAR molecules signaling chains be activated and a maximum T-cell response
that can effectively recognize these proteins. be observed (AND-gate signal integration). In this strategy,

Second-Generation CAR Next-Generation CARs

OR Gate AND Gate AND-NOT Gate

scFv#1 scFv#2

scFv#2 scFv#1 scFv#2 scFv#1 scFv#2

scFv 4-1BBcyto
Spacer Truncated
Tm CD3ζ
Co-Stim scFv#1
CD28cyto PD-1 or
CD3ζ Co-Stim CD3ζ Co-Stim
CD3ζ 4-1BBcyto <>=

p Figure 2. The second-generation CAR, which has been the most successful of the CAR treatments in clinical trials, consists of a single-chain fragment
(scFv), extracellular spacer, transmembrane domain, and two cytoplasmic signaling domains (a co-stimulatory domain, typically cytoplasmic domains of
CD28 or 4-1BB fused to a CD3z chain). To improve CAR-T-cell efficacy, a second scFv is fused to the second-generation CAR structure — creating a single-
chain bispecific CAR with OR-gate logic function. To prevent off-tumor toxicity, researchers have developed receptors exhibiting AND-gate or AND-NOT logic
function. In one AND-gate strategy, a CAR containing only the CD3z chain is paired with a second receptor containing two co-stimulatory domains. In another
strategy, the first receptor is a synthetic notch receptor that releases a transcription factor when it binds to a cognate antigen. The released transcription
factor subsequently drives the expression of a second-generation CAR molecule, which can respond to a second antigen. In both cases, T cells are only
activated if they recognize two antigens. In the AND-NOT gate system, a second-generation CAR is paired with an inhibitory CAR that contains an scFv fused
to the signaling domains of PD-1 or CTLA-4. CAR signaling occurs only in the presence of a tumor-associated antigen in the absence of a healthy antigen.

44  October 2017  CEP Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
the binding of one antigen is insufficient to fully activate the logous T cells minimizes the risk of graft-versus-host disease
CAR-T cell and elicit an immune response. (GVHD) and rejection of transferred cells. However, the need
In an alternative AND-gate strategy, antigen binding to a to generate a personalized product for each individual patient
constitutively expressed synthetic Notch (synNotch) recep- also increases the complexity of this treatment strategy. To
tor induces the expression of a CAR molecule (17). The qualify for ACT treatment, a patient must be able to provide
synNotch receptor consists of an extracellular scFv fused a sufficient number of isolated T cells. Consequently, auto­
to the Notch transmembrane domain, which is linked to a logous ACT is limited to those patients who are able to pro-
cyto­plasmic transcription factor. The pulling force exerted by duce enough T cells for modification. Furthermore, the need
the binding of surface antigens on the target cell to synNotch to manufacture patient-specific products currently restricts
receptors on the T cell causes the synNotch receptor to cleave. the availability of this therapy to specialized treatment cen-
During cleavage, the intracellular transcription factor is ters, imposes significant costs, and subjects each patient to
released into the nucleus, where it drives the expression of a potential variations in cell product quality.
CAR from a cognate promoter. The synNotch system requires Scientists have used gene-editing techniques to demon-
the sequential presentation of two antigens by target cells. strate that knocking out one or both endogenous TCR chains
In a third example, a conventional CAR targeting a in donor T cells is an effective strategy for generating univer-
tumor-associated antigen is paired with an inhibitory CAR sal CAR-T cells that are less susceptible to GVHD toxicity
that triggers an overriding negative signal when bound to (21). Recently, donor-derived, TCR-knockout T cells were
an antigen that is expressed on normal tissue (17). In such a used to treat two infants with relapsed leukemia, patients who
system, the T cells would not target healthy cells that express otherwise would have not been able to produce enough T cells
both the tumor-associated antigen and an antigen charac- to undergo ACT treatment (24). However, both patients
teristic of normal tissue. In essence, the CAR-T cell would eventually exhibited GVHD symptoms that were attributed to
perform an AND-NOT-gate signal computation through the incomplete TCR knockout in the infused cells, highlighting
combination of conventional and inhibitory CARs. this strategy’s remaining risks and room for improvement.
In addition to safety issues related to targeting specificity, As CD19 CAR-T cells race toward FDA approval, the
cytokine release syndrome (CRS) has emerged as a major development of cost-effective and robustly reproducible
side effect of ACT. CRS arises when transferred immune cells means to manufacture the cells is of growing importance. To
become overstimulated and produce excessive amounts of support a successful commercial product, the ideal manufac-
inflammatory cytokines, inducing high fever, organ failure, turing process must not only yield consistently high-quality
and even death. Immunosuppressive agents such as cortico­ products for each patient, but must also be sufficiently robust
steroids can be used to control CRS, but these steroids can and simple that cell production can be performed at local
also compromise the potency of ACT (11). More-targeted
inhibitors such as tocilizumab, a monoclonal antibody that
EUGENIA ZAH is a PhD candidate in the Dept.
blocks IL-6 receptor alpha (IL-6Rα), can often control CRS of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineer-
without suppressing the efficacy of transferred T cells, but the ing at the Univ. of California, Los Angeles
(Email: After receiving
ideal treatment window can be difficult to identify (11). her BSE in chemical engineering from
As an additional safety measure to prevent potential Princeton Univ., she went on to pursue
her doctoral degree at UCLA under the
adverse side effects of ACT, researchers have engineered supervision of Yvonne Chen. In graduate
CAR-T cells to express suicide genes that can be induced to school, her research focuses on engineer-
ing next-generation chimeric antigen
rapidly eliminate transferred cells. Two examples of suicide receptors to improve the efficacy of adop-
genes are herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (HSV-TK) tive T-cell therapy and developing robust
design-build-test platforms for new CARs.
and a synthetic, monomeric caspase-9 that can be activated by
the dimerization-inducing drug AP1903 (21). T cells express- YVONNE Y. CHEN, PhD, is an assistant professor
in the Dept. of Chemical and Biomolecular
ing HSV-TK are susceptible to cell death via ganciclovir Engineering at the Univ. of California, Los
administration. Similarly, exposure to AP1903 can induce Angeles (Email: Her
laboratory focuses on applying synthetic
apoptosis in T cells that express the synthetic caspase-9. biology and biomolecular engineering
AP1903 dimerizes caspase-9, which becomes active in the techniques to the development of novel
mammalian cell systems, particularly for
dimeric form and can induce apoptosis of transferred T cells. cell-based cancer immunotherapy. She
received a BS from Stanford Univ. and a PhD
from the California Institute of Technology,
CAR-T cell manufacturing considerations both in chemical engineering. She was a Junior Fellow at Harvard Univ.
ACT is a quintessentially personalized cancer treat- and has been a recipient of the NIH Director’s Early Independence
Award, the Hellman Fellowship, the ACGT Young Investigator Award in
ment, since the T cells are typically isolated from the patient Cell and Gene Therapy for Cancer, and the NSF CAREER Award.
undergoing treatment (23). The use of patient-derived, auto­

Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) CEP  October 2017  45

medical centers, rather than only at a handful of special- research and toward the clinical implementation of ACT.
ized production sites that may be far away from the cancer ACT has generated much excitement and press coverage
patient. In addition, the manufacturing process must be able because of its potential to provide a treatment for previ-
to produce treatments in a timely manner. This challenging ously incurable malignancies, but its success so far has been
process-design problem presents exciting opportunities for largely limited to B-cell malignancies. To improve therapeu-
chemical and biomolecular engineers. tic potency against other cancer types, multiple clinical trials
are underway to evaluate the combination of ACT with other
Closing thoughts cancer treatments, such as checkpoint-inhibitor therapies,
Engineers and scientists have hailed cell-based immuno- vaccines, radiation, and chemotherapy. Another approach is
therapy as the latest major breakthrough in cancer treatment. to combine ACT with oncolytic viruses, which has shown
However, the right balance between treatment safety and promise in preclinical tests. These strategies, however, must
efficacy needs to be achieved before widespread imple- be explored with caution, because toxicities may be exacer-
mentation of ACT can become a reality. Recent fatalities in bated when treatments are combined.
clinical trials by Juno Therapeutics and Kite Pharma serve as Finally, it will be interesting to see how ACT continues to
reminders that ACT, despite its curative potential, can also evolve in the coming years with the development of new syn-
have severe and potentially deadly side effects. Therefore, thetic biology and biomolecular engineering tools. Whether
safety and efficacy concerns surrounding ACT still need to be ACT will be able to live up to the expectations set forth by the
thoroughly addressed. The engineering strategies discussed public and the scientific community is a difficult, yet exciting,
in this article highlight potential contributions that chemical challenge to which chemical and biomolecular engineers have
and biomolecular engineers can make in this exciting area of much to contribute. CEP

Literature Cited
1. Fesnak, A. D., et al., “Engineered T Cells: The Promise and Chal- Receptor Design,” Cancer Discovery, 3 (4), pp. 388–398 (2013).
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pp. 566–581 (2016). for Cancer Therapy and Beyond,” Trends in Molecular Medicine,
2. McGinley, L., “FDA Panel Recommends Approval of CAR T-Cell 27 (1), pp. 38–58 (2017).
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3. Coherent Market Insights, “Global CAR T Cell Therapy Market,” 15. Gardner, R. A., et al., “Intent-to-Treat Leukemia Remission by CD19 CAR T Cells of Defined Formulation and Dose in Children
market-102 (Feb. 2017). and Young Adults,” Blood, 129 (25), pp. 3322–3331 (2017).
4. Brower, V., “The CAR T-Cell Race,” The Scientist, www.the- 16. Jaspers, J. E., and R. J. Brentjens, “Pharmacology and Therapeu- tics Development of CAR T Cells Designed to Improve Antitumor
Race/ (Apr. 1, 2015). Efficacy and Safety,” Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2 (2017).
5. Chustecka, Z., “CAR T Cells Motoring to Market — By Next 17. Lim, W. A., and C. H. June, “The Principles of Engineering
Year?,” Medscape, Immune Cells to Treat Cancer,” Cell, 168 (4), pp. 724–740 (2017).
(Dec. 5, 2016). 18. Zah, E., et al., “T Cells Expressing CD19/CD20 Bi-Specific Chi-
6. Adams, B., “Investors Spooked by Kite CAR-T Death, but Biotech meric Antigen Receptors Prevent Antigen Escape by Malignant B
Remains Confident,” FierceBiotech, Cells,” Cancer Immunology Research, 4 (6), pp. 498–508 (2016).
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7. Rosenberg, S. A., “Raising the Bar: The Curative Potential of 126 (23), (Dec. 3, 2015).
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46  October 2017  CEP Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)

There’s Plenty of Room

at the Bottom of a Cell
Angela R. Wu Single-cell RNA sequencing is giving engineers
Lei Yu
Hong Kong Univ. of Science and scientists the ability to better understand and
and Technology manipulate the smallest unit of a living organism —
the single cell. This technique has already ushered
in breakthroughs in biology and medicine. However,
challenges and opportunities abound.

ingle-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) is a tech- past to characterize single cells — from physical observa-
nique used to simultaneously profile all expressed tions of single cells to single-neuron electrophysiology mea-
genes within a single cell (i.e., transcriptome-wide surements — have focused on just a few features, properties,
profiling). It involves various biological, chemical, and or genes. Cellular RNA levels, which is a well-accepted
physical techniques to manipulate a minuscule amount of proxy for cellular identity and behavior, could be measured
RNA from a single cell. The ability to obtain comprehensive for a panel of chosen genes by techniques such as micro­
gene-expression profiles at single-cell resolution has enabled array analysis, but the ability to measure all gene expres-
researchers to rapidly identify and characterize novel and sion in a cell and provide systems-level insights has, until
rare cell types, which in turn provides a foundation for the recently, remained elusive.
development of new therapeutic avenues — revolutionizing The arrival of next-generation nucleic-acid-sequencing
the pace of biological discovery and clinical innovation. technologies drastically improved cellular readout (i.e.,
This article provides an overview of scRNA-seq technol- results) — from measuring selected gene targets to profiling
ogy and discusses various techniques for performing this all genes, or producing so-called whole transcriptomes (i.e.,
type of sequencing. It also discusses emerging develop- maps of all RNA transcripts for a given sample) (1). Initially,
ments, opportunities, and challenges from an engineer’s whole transcriptomes were generated from tissue samples,
perspective throughout. with all of the cells in that tissue blended together into a
smoothie of sorts. But since each tissue in the body contains
Genomics at single-cell resolution a multitude of cell types, each with diverse functions, a pro-
In 1959, when Richard Feynman first gave his famous file of a “tissue smoothie” is informative to a limited extent.
lecture “Plenty of Room at the Bottom,” he conjectured that The recent breakthroughs in transcriptome amplification,
if we could understand and manipulate matter at the atomic coupled with next-generation sequencing technology, culmi-
scale, it would enable a myriad of previously unimaginable nated in the creation of highly sensitive whole-transcriptome
discoveries and innovations. Today, similarly profound analysis methods for single cells (2, 3).
advancements are happening in the life sciences field. In the first published scRNA-seq study on mammalian
The single cell is the smallest functional unit of living cells, Fuchou Tang and colleagues used scRNA-seq to
beings, and bioengineers and biologists have long studied investigate mouse cells during early embryonic development
life at the single-cell level. But most approaches used in the (4). The scientists used scRNA-seq to gain novel insights

Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) CEP  October 2017  47

into the embryonic development process with unprecedented Many ways to skin a cat; many ways to sequence a cell
clarity, and, in the process, showed that scRNA-seq can RNA sequencing, whether for millions of cells or a
overcome challenges related to analyzing small samples of single cell, follows a similar general procedure (Figure 1).
biological material. Developmental biology, especially early- The main differences between the many-cells and
stage embryonic development, continues to be an area of single-cell methods are in the sample preparation and the
research in which scRNA-seq is proving to be an indispens- RNA-to-DNA conversion chemistry. One of the challenges
able tool for discovery. in sequencing single cells is the limited quantity of available
Cancer treatment is another area of research that is RNA, which makes loss or damage of RNA during isolation
benefiting greatly from scRNA-seq. Researchers have used and extraction extremely detrimental to the results. Cell viabil-
scRNA-seq to unequivocally demonstrate and investigate ity is critical to the integrity of RNA-seq results, because cells
the intratumoral heterogeneity in glioblastoma and colorectal respond to stress with changes in gene expression, or worse,
cancer — shedding light on previously unknown mecha- RNA degrades if the cell begins to die. Therefore, dissociation
nisms of cancer relapse and drug resistance, and exploring of tissue samples into single cells and isolation of these single
fundamental questions such as the validity of the cancer cells, without causing them too much trauma, are critical steps
stem-cell model and the effects of immune interactions to preserving RNA integrity in the scRNA-seq workflow.
within tumor microenvironments (5–8). Dissociation. A combination of mechanical agitation and
A third important application of scRNA-seq is in the dis- enzymatic digestion is typically used to release individual
covery and identification of new cell types, which has notably cells from a tissue matrix. The unique composition and
given rise to the Human Cell Atlas Project — a consortium structure of different tissue types make it essential to use tis-
established to characterize and catalog all distinct cell types sue dissociation protocols that are optimized for the sample
in the human body in healthy and various disease states (9). at hand; otherwise, cell viability and yield, and consequently
The Human Cell Atlas Project, arguably the Human Genome RNA-seq data quality, may suffer.
Project of this era, is poised to have an equal or even greater Single-cell isolation. After the sample is dissociated into
impact on human health than its predecessor. The consortium a single-cell suspension, individual cells can be isolated
has already identified novel cell types in the intestines, lungs, using one of the many available techniques. These can be
and many other tissue types, and has revised the taxonomy of classified into five types of methods (Figure 2): flow cyto­
dendritic cells in the immune system (10–13). metry or fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS)-based;
pipette- or capillary-based; laser-capture-microdissection
Bulk RNA Single-Cell RNA (LCM)-based; microfluidics-based; and microwell-based.
Sequencing Sequencing Each method type has benefits and downsides related to
versatility, labor-intensiveness, scale/throughput, and cost.
Dissociation • Flow cytometry involves a complex system in which
cells in a suspended fluidic stream are sorted into different
tubes or wells based on the cell’s fluorescence intensity.
The speed and resolution of laser-based FACS systems are
sufficient to isolate individual cells. This type of method
is widely used because it can be combined with immuno­
staining or other fluorescent staining methods to selectively
isolate cells expressing certain biomarkers of interest and
Capture and
discard cells that are not of interest (14, 15). Its ubiquity in
Conversion and Isolation life science laboratories and its relatively low operating cost
Amplification makes this an easy method for biologists to adopt.
• Pipette/capillary-based methods are labor-intensive but
also versatile, as they can be adapted to almost any sample
RNA-to-DNA type, even samples with a very low concentration of cells,
Conversion and such as samples of early-stage embryos. For example, an
Sequencing automated capillary isolation platform and special software
can be used to map a sample and direct a micropipette to pick
p Figure 1. Bulk RNA sequencing maps the genome from tissue samples up the cells of interest. Mouth pipetting can be used to manu-
blended together into a bulk mixture. This method does not account for the
ally aspirate single cells one-by-one into tubes; archaic as this
differences between cells within a single tissue. Single-cell sequencing, on
the other hand, sequences genetic material from one cell at a time, which method may seem, it offers an extremely high level of control
provides more information about the cells within tissue samples. in picking the desired cell and has very low capital costs.

48  October 2017  CEP Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
• LCM-based methods are similar to the pipette methods Barcode
Beads Oil
in terms of labor intensity and versatility. This approach
uses a laser to isolate a single cell by ablating the bound- Sample
ary between the cells. A built-in camera records the original Cells
position of the isolated cell (16). One advantage of LCM
is that it can be applied without the cell-dissociation step, ut Han
hp ds
which may be problematic in some cases. However, it has ug -


limitations. It is not always possible to guarantee clean laser


dissection margins with this method, and LCM hardware is Mouth Pipette Microwells

expensive and cost-prohibitive for many laboratories. Microfluidics FACS

• Microfluidics-based methods are burgeoning. These
offer the high-speed throughput of conventional automated Electro-
techniques in a miniaturized system. With this type of method,
the fluidic flow of the sample is controlled in a well-designed
device with micron-grade channels to isolate single cells. The
first commercial microfluidics device functioned by control-
ling microfabricated valves in soft polymer-based microchips,
thereby manipulating on-chip fluid flow to capture and isolate Single Cells
single cells and achieve biochemical reactions in nanoliter-
volume chambers. Later, microfluidics droplet-based systems p Figure 2. Several techniques are available to isolate single cells from the dis-
sociated cellular suspension. These include: fluorescence-activated cell sorting
emerged. These were designed to compartmentalize single (FACS); pipette- or capillary-based methods; microfluidics-based methods;
cells into thousands of nanoliter-sized aqueous droplets on and microwells. Each method has benefits and downsides related to labor-
demand by adjusting the interaction between the aqueous intensiveness and throughput. Source: Annual Reviews of Analytical Chemistry.
phase and the oil phase of the systems. Microfluidcs-based
platforms offer higher cellular throughput, on the order of introduced into the transcriptome profile (23).
thousands of cells per experiment (17, 18). However, the In addition to the myriad physical and biochemical
commercial platforms remain costly to buy and operate, and approaches that already exist, new scRNA-seq methods are
the demanding requirements for chemistry and engineering continually being adapted, providing versatility to vari-
knowledge to build a system in-house make the barrier to ous applications, applicability to different tissue types, and
entry quite high for most biologists. enabling different biological questions to be answered.
• Microwell-based single-cell separation technology
enables a few thousand cells to be analyzed simultaneously Example 1: Dissection of cellular regulation
in a simpler system than a microfluidics-based method. The CRISPR/Cas9-based genome editing technology is revo-
technique involves spreading the diluted cells into a care- lutionizing scientists’ ability to efficiently change and probe
fully designed array of picoliter wells and allowing the cells the relationship between genes, their function, and their
to randomly distribute by gravity (19, 20). influence on cell behavior. In a CRISPR/Cas9 assay, dif-
Cell lysis. Once individual cells have been separated and ferent genes in a cell can be targeted and turned off simply
isolated in their own compartments, whether those com- by changing the sequence of a guide RNA molecule in the
partments are water-in-oil droplets, physical chambers in system. Several research groups have simultaneously tested
a microchip, or microwells, the cells are broken apart (i.e., the function of thousands of different combinations of genes
lysed) to release RNA. by introducing different combinations of guide molecules to
RNA-to-DNA conversion. Next, the RNA is converted individual cells (24–26). In their experimental setups, each
into DNA and amplified by various biochemical methods to individual cell received a different combination of guide
produce large quantities of DNA. The Smart-seq2 protocol is RNA that turned off the corresponding combination of genes
the most popular method, owing to the availability of easy- via the CRISPR mechanism, and the response of each cell
to-use commercial kits, its straightforward biochemistry, and to this genetic change was measured by scRNA-seq profil-
the relatively short hands-on time required to use it. Smart- ing, which associates a transcriptome profile directly with a
seq2 amplification is a variation of polymerase chain reaction genetic perturbation (Figure 3).
(PCR), which amplifies DNA exponentially (21, 22). The Each group profiled thousands of single cells using
CEL-seq2 protocol uses an in vitro transcription chemistry, microfluidic droplet-based methods to isolate the cells. In
which is quite different from PCR, and amplifies transcripts one fell swoop, they identified genes that, when turned off,
linearly rather than exponentially, so less amplification bias is affected cellular behaviors such as proliferation, drug resis-

Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) CEP  October 2017  49

tance, and immune-function modulation. Without Cas9 or Challenges and opportunities abound
scRNA-seq technology, such experiments would take years Several challenges and opportunities exist for the future
of work using traditional genetic screening methods. of scRNA-seq. Although it is useful and versatile, existing
scRNA-seq technology is limited in that it can only be used
Example 2: Noninvasive cancer monitoring to explore one aspect of cells — the cell’s RNA or gene
Multiple myeloma (MM) is a cancerous growth of plasma expression. The assay itself is destructive, so once the gene
cells in the bone marrow. It remains incurable, and patients expression of a cell is probed, the same cell can no longer
suffering from MM often relapse, some more than once, and be probed for its protein expression or epigenetic profile.
eventually become resistant to therapy. Presently, patients One significant area of technology development in this field
must undergo painful bone marrow biopsies to assess their will be the ability to simultaneously analyze multiple –omes
response to therapy and monitor for signs of resistance. But (e.g., genome, proteome, transcriptome, epigenome, and
since biopsies are invasive and carry high medical risk, they metabolome) of a single cell (28, 29). For example, proto-
cannot be performed regularly, thus relapse or emerging resis- cols that simultaneously survey a single cell’s transcriptomic
tance to therapy might not be detected until it is too late. and proteomic profile would allow scientists to identify
Recently, Lohr, et al., proposed the use of scRNA-seq relationships between cellular identity and cellular behavior.
and single-cell DNA sequencing to profile the circulating Cell-to-cell interaction is a critical facet of cellular behav-
tumor cells (CTCs) isolated from patients’ blood as a pos- ior that must be explored to understand the organ as a whole.
sible replacement for bone marrow biopsying (27). They Existing scRNA-seq technology requires sample dissociation,
performed genotyping and mutational analysis of single which eliminates the ability to determine spatial, cell-to-cell
CTCs, and compared the results to the same analysis of bulk information. Hence, a method that preserves spatial informa-
cells taken in a bone marrow biopsy. They found that the tion would advance the utility of scRNA-seq. Although a few
mutations detected in each patient’s biopsy samples were techniques have been developed that partially preserve spatial
also detected in CTCs, and what’s more, the standard clinical context, such as the use of DNA barcodes in a spotted array to
biopsy test missed mutations in two of three patients because label RNA with the approximate location within a tissue sec-
the biopsy did not yield enough material for a test. They then tion where they were found, the dearth of follow-up applica-
used the scRNA-seq analysis for gene expression to verify tions of these methods indicates the difficulty and limitation
that the gene expression of CTCs was comparable to that of of applying them (30, 31). We still lack a true single-cell,
the cells obtained by bone marrow biopsies, and they identi- scalable, spatially aware method for genomic profiling.
fied large chromosomal translocations, some of which are
important markers of clinical risk. ANGELA R. WU, PhD, is an assistant professor
Although scRNA-seq is currently too costly for wide- in the Div. of Life Science and the Dept. of
Chemical and Biological Engineering at
spread clinical use, Lohr, et al., demonstrated the techni- Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology
cal feasibility of using a single-cell genomics approach to in Hong Kong (Clear Water Bay Rd., Clear
Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong; Phone:
achieve noninvasive, personalized monitoring of tumor +852 3469-2577; Email:
relapse and response to therapy for MM patients. With She is interested in developing enabling
technologies, such as microfluidic devices
efforts to reduce costs, it is foreseeable that in the future, and single-cell multiomic profiling methods,
scRNA-seq could become a routine, life-saving clinical tool. to bridge gaps between engineering and life
sciences as well as to enable discoveries in
Guide RNA biology and medicine. Her research group collaborates with clinicians
Coding to apply these new technologies in a translational setting. During
Sequence Unique PolyA Tail her postdoctoral work at Stanford Univ., she pioneered some of the
Unique PolyT Tail single-cell transcriptomics methodologies that are widely used today.
Barcode Barcode She is a founding member of the start-up company Agenovir Corp.,
based in South San Franscisco, CA. In 2016, she was named one of MIT
Technology Review’s Innovators Under 35 in Asia. She received a BS
in bioengineering from the Univ. of California, Berkeley, and an MS and
PhD in bioengineering from Stanford Univ.
LEI YU is a PhD candidate in the Div. of Life
Science at Hong Kong Univ. of Science and
Technology (Email: After
Guide RNA Cells completing his BS at Sun Yat-sen Univ.,
Cells Sorted into Droplets Guangzhou, China, in 2016, he started
p Figure 3. A library of guide RNAs, each tagged with a unique barcode that his doctoral studies under the supervi-
targets specific genes, is introduced into a sample of suspended cells. Each cell sion of Angela Wu. His current single-cell
genomics research includes developing
pairs with a guide RNA that turns off the corresponding combination of genes new single-cell amplification methods and
via the CRISPR mechanism. Cells tagged with barcoded PolyT primers are then applying those methods to further our
sorted and isolated into droplets. ScrRNA-seq shows the cell’s response to the fundamental understanding of multiple myeloma.
genetic change (genes turned off). Source: George Retseck Illustration.

50  October 2017  CEP Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
Commercial single-cell genomics systems are still too for certain desirable applications of scRNA-seq remain,
costly for most labs. Reducing the costs of single-cell isolation these obstacles also represent opportunities for chemical
and RNA processing remain opportunities for both business engineers and scientists to flex their ingenuity — improve-
and fundamental research. This will be particularly important ments in throughput, scale, and automation, as well as
for clinical implementation of single-cell genomics. exploration of new materials and reaction chemistries, are
just some of the issues that need to be addressed. In other
Closing thoughts words, single-cell genomics is just the beginning; there is
As an emerging technique, single-cell genomics has plenty of room at the bottom for further understanding and
already provided exciting breakthroughs at the frontiers of more innovative ways to harness the fundamental building
biology and medicine. Although technological challenges blocks of life itself. CEP

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Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) CEP  October 2017  51

Protein Engineering
Robert Pantazes Proteins could transform the chemical process
Auburn Univ.
industries if they could be engineered to facilitate
the production of biofuels, molecular medicines,
and other specialty chemicals. This reality is nearing as
expanded knowledge of proteins and improvements
in computational tools are making it possible to design
specific protein structures and functions.

roteins are vital to life on Earth: They replicate and 100 amino acids, for example, can be arranged into 20100
repair DNA, ensuring the continuation of genetic (~1.3×10130) proteins — significantly more variants than
material. They form internal support structures for the number of electrons in the universe (1). There are many
cells and routes for intracellular transport of materials. known proteins with more than 500 amino acids, making
And, perhaps most importantly, they catalyze a vast array the number of possible proteins exceedingly vast.
of chemical reactions, speeding creation, organization, and Nature has provided only a minuscule fraction of pos-
consumption of important molecules. sible protein structures, and it is effectively impossible to
Proteins are the most common catalysts nature uses assemble a random protein with any function, let alone a
to convert molecules from reactants to products. These specific function. Because the requirements of industrial
protein catalysts function at room temperature and pres- applications are often far removed from natural conditions,
sure and are often highly selective. Chemical engineers it may be impossible to identify a protein candidate that
are resourceful and creative and have devised numerous can feasibly be modified.
methods of producing chemicals from feedstocks, yet Computational protein engineering overcomes some
many processes using traditional catalysts require extreme of the limitations of experimental methods by exploring
conditions that increase cost and reduce safety. protein folds not observed in nature and designing novel
For many production processes, protein solutions have proteins from scratch (i.e., de novo design). Designing
the potential to be less expensive, safer, and more effective proteins at-will could be a powerful way to improve many
than traditional catalysts. Although the utility of proteins chemical engineering processes. Although computational
has been recognized for a long time, they are still far from methods have had limited success, improved methods and
as prevalent as their potential suggests they could be. The expanded computational resources are rapidly increasing
reason: It is often too difficult and expensive to engineer a the areas in which these methods can be reliably applied.
protein for a particular purpose. This article discusses protein structures and computa-
Nearly all commercially meaningful efforts to engineer tional engineering methods, provides examples to demon-
proteins have relied on experimental methods, which are strate state-of-the-art technologies, and examines the future
limited to changing an existing protein. A sequence of of computational protein engineering.

52  October 2017  CEP Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
Protein structures The complex structures of proteins are the result of
Proteins are composed of 20 standard amino acids. The finely balanced interplays between enthalpic and entropic
amino acids all share a similar structure (Figure 1a) — an forces. Computational methods use force fields to design
amine group bound to a central carbon, to which a side- and predict protein structures. Force fields, such as Amber
chain and a carboxyl group are also attached. The side- (3), CHARMM (4), GROMACS (5) and Rosetta (6), are
chains differentiate the amino acids. mathematical functions that calculate forces and energies
A protein’s primary structure (Figure 1b) is the linear between atoms, amino acids, and proteins. These calcula-
order of its amino acids, which are connected to each other tions treat atoms as spheres of constant size and charge
by a peptide bond between the carboxyl group and the with fixed parameters for energy functions. Typical terms
amine group. The primary structure is considered to have in the calculations include van der Waals forces, electro-
a direction, which is defined as starting with the amino static forces, solvation effects, bond lengths, bond angles,
acid that has an unbound amine group and ending with the and dihedral bond angles. Statistical parameters for the
amino acid that has an unbound carboxylic acid group. presence of naturally occurring features, such as length
Proteins do not exist as extended, linear conformations, and angles of hydrogen bonds and the frequency of certain
but fold into complex, thermodynamically favorable geom- amino acids, are also used.
etries. Secondary structure elements (Figure 1c), such as The most common types of calculations are molecular
α-helixes and β-strands, are arrangements of amino acids mechanics (MM), which predict the energy minimum of
near one another in the primary structure. a protein structure, and molecular dynamics (MD), which
The tertiary structure (Figure 1d) is the arrangement of calculate the behavior of the protein over time. The fixed-
the secondary structure elements into the overall complex parameter approximations of MM and MD can cause inac-
fold. This involves one or more domains, which are stable curate predictions. Density functional theory and quantum
sets of secondary structure elements. mechanics calculations do not involve these approxima-
Exceptions to these general protein structure guide- tions and are sometimes used to improve accuracy, but
lines exist. Some proteins incorporate rare amino acids, they require significantly more calculation time to produce
such as selenocysteine; some are modified by the addition a prediction.
of carbohydrate, phosphate, or other groups that affect Early attempts at protein engineering aimed to create
their function or stability; and still others are intrinsically new proteins by considering the rules that govern protein
disordered and have dynamic tertiary and secondary struc- structures and functions (7). Computational protein engi-
tures. In general, however, protein structures and functions neering is an extension of this practice, utilizing enhanced
are determined by their primary, secondary, and tertiary calculation abilities to aid the design process. Computa-
structures. All experimentally determined protein structures tional methods were originally modeled after experimental
are deposited in the Research Collaboratory for Structural methods and focused on redesigning existing proteins for
Bioinformatics (RCSB) Protein Data Bank (PDB), which a new function, which is still a common practice. The real
currently contains more than 130,000 structures (2). promise of computational techniques was demonstrated in

(a) (b) (c) (d)

NH3 +

p Figure 1. All proteins are composed of a linear chain of amino acids. (a) All amino acids have the same backbone structure, but they have different side
chains bound to the central carbon. (b) A protein’s primary structure is the linear order of its amino acids. (c) Amino acids near one another in the primary
structure assemble into secondary structure elements, such as α-helixes and β-strands. (d) The secondary structure elements fold into the overall complex
protein fold, or tertiary structure, which brings into close proximity amino acids that may be far from one another in the primary structure.

Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) CEP  October 2017  53

2003 with the design of Top7 (8) — a protein with a fold modeled successfully is increasing rapidly (9). Template-
that had previously never been observed in nature. based predictive methods (10–13) are consistently the most
Computational protein engineering has continued to effective and reliable approaches. Although many more
advance and, as the following examples demonstrate, is protein sequences than structures are known, the large
reaching a point where it can reliably design proteins with number of experimentally determined structures means
specified structures and functions. that good templates are now available for many proteins.
When a good template is not available, methods that start
Predicting protein structures from scratch are effective at predicting structures of small
Computational protein design attempts to predict how proteins. Additionally, methods of assessing the accuracy
a sequence of amino acids will fold and the resulting of predicted models are becoming increasingly helpful (9).
structure it will create. The Critical Assessment of Protein Computational protein engineering is still useful even
Structure Prediction (CASP) is a blinded, biennial assess- if it is not able to correctly design every possible protein.
ment of current techniques for predicting protein structures It should, however, be sufficiently accurate for a diverse
that uses proteins with solved but unpublished structures set of protein structures with desired functions. Protein
as targets. The most recent cycle was completed in 2016 structure prediction has reached a point where consistent
(9); over the two-and-a-half decades since the first CASP, design of experimentally accurate proteins is now possible.
the number of known protein structures has dramatically As structure prediction methods improve, computational
increased, from several hundred to over 130,000 (2). protein design will expand beyond natural proteins.
Protein structure prediction involves initial structure
prediction, which identifies a preliminary structure, and Designing self-assembling multimers
then refinement of the preliminary structure. The initial As the ability to predict protein structures has
structure prediction employs as much known structural improved, researchers have begun to design protein-protein
information as possible. In cases where the target protein interactions. Many natural proteins exist as complexes of
has a high sequence similarity (i.e., homology) with a pro- homo­multimers (i.e., multiple copies of the same protein)
tein of known structure, the known structure can be used or hetero­multimers (i.e., one or more copies of multiple
as a template to predict the target protein’s structure (i.e., proteins). Protein-protein interactions play important roles
template-based methods). For proteins that lack homology, in many life processes, including cell signaling, immune
it is often still possible to identify a template by consid- response, and cell-cell adhesion. Designing protein-protein
ering the order of secondary structure elements in the interactions is complex, because it requires predicting
protein. In situations where no template can be identified, intermolecular interactions and their effects on protein
methods have been developed to predict proteins entirely structure. However, creating these custom interactions
from scratch or by using short fragments of structures (10). could enable the creation of complex systems.
Refinement of the predicted structure typically involves Multimer proteins can be used in applications of
MM and MD calculations to determine lower-energy protein engineering less accessible to monomeric proteins.
arrangements (9). Homodimers, heterodimers, homotrimers, and hetero­
Recent CASP results indicate that the field of protein trimers are common in cell signaling pathways and could
structure prediction is maturing to a point of practical be used in drug design. Larger icosahedron structures
utility, and the number of protein domains that can be are nanometer-scale particles (14) that could be used for

(a) (b) (c)

p Figure 2. Computational methods have been used to design protein multimers, including a homodimer (a), a 24-subunit tetrahedron (b), and a 60-subunit,
25-nm icosahedron (c). Source: (14–16).

54  October 2017  CEP Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
biomedical applications, such as carrying cargoes of drugs Antibodies are a promising target
and presenting antigenic epitopes as vaccines, as well as for computational protein design
serving as nanoparticles. Protein nanoparticles would have
very consistent size profiles, with nearly all particles being because they bind their
of identical composition; therefore, chemical engineers target antigens by forming
may find applications for them beyond biomedicine. stable protein-protein interfaces.
There are numerous examples of successful design
of multimer proteins. Mou, et al., designed an α-helical genetics target mutational diversity to six complementarity
homodimer by selecting a scaffold protein, predicting determining regions (CDRs), also known as hypervariable
numerous symmetric models, and then selecting a model regions, that are responsible for binding to target antigens.
based on shape complementarity (15) (Figure 2a). King, There are numerous experimental methods to develop
et al., designed 24-subunit cage-like proteins by identifying antibodies that bind to an antigen. Historically, this
potential building-block proteins, determining if they have involved inoculating an animal with the antigen, waiting
promising interfaces to replicate a tetrahedral geometry, for an immune response, and then isolating the antibodies.
and using RosettaDesign to finalize the sequences (16) Although effective at binding antigens, animal antibodies
(Figure 2b). Hsia, et al., built on this methodology to are sufficiently different from human antibodies that they
design a 60-subunit, 25-nm icosahedron that was highly can trigger an immune response to the antibodies them-
stable to both chemical and thermal denaturation (14) selves when used as a medicine.
(Figure 2c). Experimental and computational techniques attempt to
“humanize” animal antibodies, as well as to graft CDRs
Designing antibodies from one antibody to another. The Bailey-Kellogg labora-
Protein-based therapeutics are a very large segment of tory at Dartmouth College has developed the computation-
the pharmaceutical market. Global sales of antibodies are ally driven antibody humanization (CoDAH) method for
expected to be $125 billion per year by 2020 (17). Anti- humanizing antibodies. CoDAH has been used to make
bodies are a promising target for computational protein antibodies more human and improve thermostability, while
design because, like multimer proteins, antibodies bind retaining binding affinity (18). Other researchers have
their target antigens by forming stable protein-protein developed computational methods to humanize anti­bodies,
interfaces. In addition, because antibodies are so important graft CDRs, and design CDRs to replicate the inter­
to the immune system, the physical and genetic features actions between an antigen and its native binding partner
that enable antibodies to bind to practically any molecule protein (18–20).
have been extensively studied. Specifically, antibody The Maranas lab at Pennsylvania State Univ. has devel-

(a) (b) Target Peptides

Target Peptides

Antibodies Antibodies

p Figure 3. The OptCDR and OptMAVEn algorithms have been used to design nanomolar affinity antibodies against targeted peptide antigens. In the OptCDR
antibody (a), a peptide containing the FLAG epitope presents the epitope such that it sits in a deep pocket in the antibody’s complementarity determining
regions (CDRs). In contrast, the OptMAVEn antibody (b) binds a peptide that is in a more compact conformation. Although the peptides have different
orientations relative to their respective antibodies, both peptides are situated in the center of the antibodies’ binding pockets and form favorable interactions
with most CDRs.

Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) CEP  October 2017  55

Given the pace of developments, target of about half of all drugs (26).
computational protein engineering Despite these challenges, the design of new trans­
membrane proteins has seen recent success. Joh, et al.,
could be a mature and widespread field designed a four-helix transmembrane protein that selec-
in the next decade. tively transports Zn2+, but not Ca2+, while antiporting
protons (27). The researchers developed a computational
oped two algorithms to design antibodies from scratch to algorithm called Rocker that mimics the mechanism many
bind any specified epitope. The Optimal Complementarity natural transport proteins are thought to use, which involves
Determining Regions (OptCDR) method designs CDRs “rocking” between two states. That algorithm first designed
to be grafted into an antibody scaffold (21). OptCDR has a symmetric coiled coil with two Zn2+ binding sites and
been used to design nanomolar affinity antibodies against then designed the off-symmetry version by straightening
the FLAG epitope (Figure 3a) (22). The optimal method of the helixes at one of the binding sites. Energy calculations
antibody variable region engineering (OptMAVEn) designs and MD simulation were used to screen a thousand possible
the entirety of the domains in antibodies that are respon- sequences. The final structure (Figure 4) was experimen-
sible for antigen recognition (23). OptMAVEn is based tally verified and has the designed transport features.
on a database of predicted structures for the human genes Goparaju, et al., also designed a four-helix trans­
that are used to create antibodies (24) and correspondingly membrane protein that protein binds heme and other
designs antibodies that are nearly or entirely human. It was porphyrins for electron transport (28). The researchers cre-
used to design antibodies that bind with nanomolar affinity ated the protein using binary patterning of hydrophilic and
to a mannose-mimicking dodecapeptide (25) (Figure 3b). hydrophobic amino acids with α-helical propensities. Then
These methods demonstrate that computational antibody they placed histidine residues, which bind heme, at specific
design is capable of creating properties close to those in the positions to enable fast electron transfer rates. Experimen-
immune system. tal testing validated the heme binding and electron trans-
port features of the designed protein, but the final structure
Designing transmembrane proteins was not experimentally resolved. This work demonstrates
The expansion of experimentally determined protein that computationally designing transmembrane proteins
structures has helped to advance protein structure predic- is possible.
tion methods. However, because the primary experimental
methods for determining protein structures (e.g., X-ray Moving forward
crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance [NMR] The first structure of a computationally designed pro-
spectroscopy) are well-suited for soluble proteins but not tein with a fold never observed in nature (i.e., Top7) was
membrane-bound proteins, there are relatively few solved published in 2003 (8). At that time, computational protein
transmembrane protein structures. In addition to the dearth design was an immature field. Predicting protein structures
of known structures, force fields were initially parameter- was unreliable, computational methods were generally
ized and optimized for aqueous environments, rather than limited to redesigning proteins with only modest successes,
the hydrophobic environments necessary for computation- and the regular design of a protein from scratch with a
ally designing transmembrane proteins. These are signifi- specified function was unattainable.
cant limitations because transmembrane proteins are the Over the last 14 years, computational protein engineer-

u Figure 4. Transmembrane
ROBERT PANTAZES, PhD, is an assistant profes-
proteins represent a sor of chemical engineering at Auburn Univ.
significant challenge (Email: His research
for computational group focuses on combining computational and
protein design, experimental methods to design and identify
but some suc- therapeutic proteins, with an emphasis on
cesses are being rapidly designing high-affinity binding proteins
and comprehensively characterizing epitope
realized, such repertoires. He received his BS and PhD in
as this four-helix chemical engineering at Pennsylvania State
transmembrane Univ. under the supervision of Costas Maranas,
Zn2+ transporter. researching computational protein engineer-
The structure of four ing. He completed his postdoc at the Univ. of
California, Santa Barbara, researching autoimmune disease biomarker
α-helixes is represented discovery under the supervision of Patrick Daugherty. After completing
by space-filling spheres his postdoc, Pantazes was a scientist at Serimmune, Inc.
so that the central pore used for
transporting zinc can be seen.

56  October 2017  CEP Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
ing has improved significantly. In addition to many protein properties comparable to those of natural enzymes. Promis-
structures being reliably predicted, protein complexes can ing research is underway to design enzymes and make
be designed to meet exacting geometric criteria, thera­ significant algorithmic improvements, such as multistate
peutic proteins with abilities comparable to those of natural design (i.e., designing a protein for more than a single
proteins can be computationally developed, and trans- requirement) and backbone flexibility.
membrane proteins with transport functions are becoming Given the pace of developments, computational protein
possible. Computational protein engineering has reached engineering could be a mature and widespread field in the
a threshold where it can reliably be of use in a growing next decade. It is already possible to create proteins for
number of applications. many purposes, and in the near future, it should be feasible
Areas requiring improvement exist, most significantly to design a protein from scratch for most catalytic, mate-
in designing catalytic proteins (i.e., enzymes) with catalytic rial, and medical applications. CEP

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Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) CEP  October 2017  57

Plant Metabolic Engineering

for Chemicals, Fuels,
and Precursors
Timothy A. Whitehead Narrowing the metabolic engineering divide
Michigan State Univ.
Sean Cutler
between plants and microorganisms
Ian Wheeldon will require faster design-build-test cycles
Univ. of California, Riverside
and better genome engineering tools.

lants are the ultimate source of foods, fibers, pharma- growing plants like tobacco can be genetically engineered to
ceuticals, and fuels. This article discusses the meta- accumulate value-added chemicals (3) and drugs (4). Thus,
bolic engineering of plants to produce fuels and value- there is a wide diversity of feedstocks and speciality chemi-
added chemicals, with a focus on the general concepts and cals that originate in plants.
challenges that differentiate plant and microbial engineering.
Two examples of successful metabolic engineering of plant Comparing products made by
traits are highlighted, and emerging techniques to prevent engineered plants and microbes
transgene release into the wild and to advance the speed of Not every chemical can be produced by plants. One
the design-build-test cycle are discussed. major issue is volatility: many plant-produced volatile
compounds leak into the atmosphere, making collection dif-
Conversion schemes for commodity ficult. Take, for example, the C5 monomer isoprene, which
chemicals and fuels from plant biomass is used in rubber. Although trees and other plants emit over
Plant biomass is an output of carbon dioxide, sunlight, 500 million tons of isoprene annually, little is left in plant
water, and soil-derived nutrients. This biomass can be used biomass (5). It is much easier to recover volatiles for down-
directly or indirectly for fuels and value-added chemicals stream purification from off-gases in closed fermentation
(Figure 1). vessels. To that end, Danisco, in collaboration with Good-
For thousands of years, pharmacologically active mol- year, has developed a bioprocess for production of isoprene
ecules have been extracted from plants, including opioids using metabolically engineered E. coli (6). Researchers
from poppies and antimalarial medicines such as artemisinin have implemented several strategies to mitigate the escape
from Chinese wormwood. Today, chiral building blocks are of plant-produced volatiles, including adding a protecting
sourced from plants for a variety of pharmaceuticals. For group or handle to keep the molecule inside of the plant (7)
example, shikimic acid is produced in anise seeds for the and redirecting biosynthesis to plant subcompartments.
synthesis of the antiviral oseltamivir (marketed as Tamiflu) Another issue is compound toxicity that can limit plant
(1) and scopolamine is extracted from corkwood leaves for yields. This is the case for classical fermentation products
synthesis of various bronchodilators (most notably tio­ — such as citric acid and ethanol — that can be produced
tropium, which is marketed as Spiriva) (2). by fermentation at near-quantitative yields and high product
Plant biomass can be converted to biofuel using physico- titers. Even though many plants naturally produce many of
chemical and/or enzymatic treatments to break it down into these compounds (e.g., citric acid in citrus fruits), the pro-
sugars, followed by upgrading via fermentation or chemical cess of extracting and purifying these products from diffuse
catalysis. Diesel and jet fuel can be prepared from seed oils point sources is economically less favorable than fermenta-
from palm trees or plants like Camelina sativa. Finally, fast- tion using inexpensive sugar sources like beet molasses.

58  October 2017  CEP Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
t Figure 1. Many different
chemicals and fuels can
be produced from plants;
Fatty Acids (for Biodiesel)
the photos in the center
are several representative
species. The outer boxes
show various chemicals
that can be produced from
plants, including shikimic
Etoposide Structural
Engineering acid and morphine. The
Biology inner ring shows different
enabling technologies that
facilitate production routes
for these and other fuels
and chemicals.


Genome Mathematical
Editing Modeling

and Design Morphine

Scopolamine Shikimic Acid

Chiral Building Blocks Pharmaceuticals

However, in many cases it is more desirable to pro- pathogen tolerance, water use, and fixed nitrogen use —
duce biofuels or bioproducts directly in the host plant. can improve the economic suitability of any given process.
Biodiesel is one such example. For example, the non­food Encoding degradation enzymes that are sequestered or inac-
oilseed crop Camelina can yield two metric tons of bio- tive until deconstruction conditions are present can enhance
diesel with approximately 40% by weight lipids per hectare. the digestibility of biomass. Alternatively, a large research
Seed lipids are trapped in oil bodies that can be recovered push over the past half-decade aims to increase the trans-
and hydrotreated to yield a renewable diesel that is inter­ formation of lignin to value-added products (8), including
changeable with petroleum-derived diesel. Alternatively, altering biosynthesis of lignin precursors.
the recovered lipids can be subjected to catalytic cracking Despite the scope and range of these approaches, there
to alter the distribution of chain lengths to the appropriate are comparatively fewer studies on plants than microbes by
range for jet fuel and gasoline. In general, products accumu- metabolic engineers (and, specifically, by those housed in
late at high abundance if they are part of the reproductive engineering departments). As an example, in 2016, the jour-
strategy of the organism — oil accumulation in the seeds, nal Metabolic Engineering published 100 research articles
sucrose in beets and sugarcane, and so forth. on microbes and three on plants or algae.
There are several reasons for this difference. First,
A large engineering gap exists traditional plant breeding techniques have been used to
between plants and microbes produce desired plants successfully over the past 10,000
The plant metabolic engineer has many potential targets. years. Many plants contain multiple copies of each chromo-
Classical approaches to improve yield of a desired prod- some and have many wild relatives, and thus thousands of
uct include overexpressing key biosynthetic genes and/or progeny with diverse genetic backgrounds can be screened
deleting genes that produce a competing metabolite. More fairly easily in modern breeding programs. Second, for many
fundamentally, increasing overall biomass yields — which desirable traits, the link between genotype and phenotype is
can result from changes in the efficiency of photosynthesis, not well understood — in fact, for many medicinally active

Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) CEP  October 2017  59

compounds, neither the biosynthetic nor regulatory genes are initial models. The example discussed in the next section
completely known. shows impressive productivity gains produced by careful
The largest stumbling block may be the engineering upstream modeling. Other improvements can be anticipated
gap between microorganisms and plants. Within micro­ as the engineering gap between microorganisms and plants
organisms, gene-editing technologies that harness transcrip- is narrowed. The second example showcases a potential
tion activator-like effector nucleases (TALEN) and clustered solution to optimize biosynthetic pathways in plants without
regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) extensive, sequential genetic modifications.
can be used to knock out genes at defined locations. How-
ever, gene replacement or repair at defined loci within plants Example 1: Improving efficiency of photosynthesis
is still an unsolved problem. Recent research has shown that simple genetic perturba-
In plants, standardized biological “parts” like promoters, tions identified by mechanistic modeling can substantially
terminators, cis- or trans-activators, etc., have been shown to improve plant biomass yields under real-world condi-
respond with very high variance between biological repli- tions. An elegant example of this modeling approach was
cates, even under ideal laboratory conditions (9), and are thus published recently (10). The study demonstrated that crop
not as useful as their microbial counterparts. In fact, plant leaves in full sunlight dissipate damaging excess absorbed
biologists who transform genes at random locations must light energy as heat (Figure 2). When sunlit leaves become
then go through expansive and exhaustive screening of seeds shaded, dissipation continues for many minutes and reduces
to identify constructs with appropriate transgene(s) expres- photosynthesis. The transition from high dissipation to low
sion levels. dissipation is longer than the reverse process, and the high-
Finally, the time required for a design-build-test cycle to-low time delay reduces the efficiency of photosynthesis
is daunting even for well-studied plants. These cycles can by up to 30% under real-world conditions. The researchers
range from several months for model species to up to a postulated that minimizing the time delay could improve
year for commercially relevant softwoods such as poplar. photosynthetic efficiency.
In contrast, a design-build-test cycle on the baker’s yeast The team built a regulatory model that explains how
Saccharomyces cerevisiae takes one week — two to three the time delay was controlled. They suggested that over­
days to generate a construct and the remainder of the time to expression of three genes — Photo System II subunit S
perform fermentation and analysis. Because of the difference (PsbS), violaxanthin de-epoxidase (VDE), and zeaxanthin
in cycle times for iterating design concepts, forward design epoxidase (ZEP) — could minimize the time delay. They
in plants has lagged far behind that in microbes. developed three independent tobacco lines overexpressing
Overcoming the disadvantages of plant metabolic these three genes, and found that the time delay in the modi-
engineering will require rethinking current strategies. One fied plants was shorter than the time delay in the control
way forward for plant metabolic engineers is to create better line. More importantly, under field conditions, plant biomass
yields improved by 15% relative to the control line.
Low Notably, simultaneous overexpression of all three genes
Light Light
Leaf transitions Leaf remains was necessary, as previous literature showed that over­
from sun to shade shaded
expression of a single gene did not improve biomass yields.
NPQ remains activated NPQ begins to relax
This groundbreaking work is important because it shows that
careful modeling of the extensive regulation-controlling plant
CO2 traits can identify comparatively simple solutions to improve
PsbS NPQ PsbS NPQ PsbS NPQ Fixation plant yields, abiotic stress tolerance, and product formation.
zeaxanthin zeaxanthin
zeaxanthin Example 2: Chemical control of plant water use
One emerging goal for researchers is tunable chemical
violaxanthin violaxanthin
control over plants. Achieving this goal has the potential
to avoid many of the technical challenges inherent in plant
ZEP speeds up NPQ relaxation metabolic engineering. For example, synthetic biologists
VDE balances ZEP activity during NPQ induction routinely use combinatorial construct assembly methods to
PsbS adjusts NPQ level to maintain WT amplitude
manipulate enzyme expression levels and optimize microbial
pathways. Such refactoring approaches are underutilized in
p Figure 2. Researchers found that overexpression of the PsbS, VDE, and
ZEP genes helped increase photosynthesis faster in periods when the leaf
plant synthetic biology due to the cost and time required to
transitions from high light to low light. Source: Adapted from (10). Reprinted make and characterize transgenic plants.
with permission from AAAS. In contrast, refactoring multigene expression can be

60  October 2017  CEP Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
accomplished from a single or a few transgenic plants if tion of agrochemical concentration. These breakthroughs,
researchers could apply chemicals to the plant exterior to in turn, will minimize the engineering gap between plants
activate regulatory modules that could turn beneficial traits and microbes for the plug-and-play design of enhanced plant
on and off. These regulatory modules can be multiplexed to traits in non-model organisms.
facilitate the engineering of complex, field-ready inducible,
and repressible traits. Biocontainment strategies for field-grown plants
In a demonstration of the power of this emerging Restricting the flow of transgenes out of genetically
technology, one author (Cutler) and his colleagues re-­ engineered organisms into wild relatives or nontransgenic
engineered a natural signaling pathway controlling water domesticated plants remains a challenge for plant synthetic
use to respond to a commonly used agrochemical (Figure 3) biologists. A recent report concluded that although gene
(11). His research team had previously worked on funda- flow has occurred, no examples have demonstrated an
mental control over water use with abscisic acid (ABA). adverse environmental effect of gene flow from a crop to
ABA interacts with a hormone receptor, Pyrabactin Resis- a wild, related plant species (12). Nonetheless, given the
tance 1 (PYR1), which then undergoes a conformational unfounded yet widespread societal concerns, it is essential
change to bind another protein that triggers gene expression that plant synthetic biologists attempt to prevent and/or limit
differences. The team redesigned the ligand-binding pocket the effects of transgene flow. Scientists must therefore build
of PYR1 to no longer recognize ABA and to bind with standardized parts that can mediate biocontainment.
potency to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)- For microbial systems, researchers have approached this
approved agrochemical mandipropamid. Transgenic plants problem by developing a modified genetic code that limits
containing this designed hormone receptor could regulate an engineered gene’s effects to a specialized host organism
water use if mandipropamid was applied. (13). Employing this approach in plants will take exten-
Further development of this technology could allow sive development and likely be costly because it relies on
biologists to control gene expression of unrelated transgenes, non-natural amino acids. Conventional proposals for plant
to further repurpose the binding pocket of PYR1 or related bio­containment exploit transgenes containing site-specific
hormone receptors to respond to new agrochemicals, and to recombination sites, which can be recombined to delete
develop predictive models of response thresholds as a func- engineered sequences using pollen­and or seed-specific

(a) t Figure 3. Scientists suc-

cessfully engineered a natural
ABA Signaling Module Engineered Agrochemically Controlled signaling pathway that controls
Receptor Draught Tolerance
water use to respond to a com-
mon agrochemical. (a) The plant
hormone abscisic acid (ABA) con-
trols transpiration and modulates
drought tolerance. Its biochemical
signaling functions via a chemi-
cally induced dimerization (CID)
module that stabilizes a complex
WT PYR1MANDI of its receptor (PYR1) and down-
PYR1MANDI stream effector (PP2C) (left).
Engineering of the PYR1 binding
pocket to bind the agro­chemical
(b) mandipropamid (PYR1MANDI)
Transcriptional Activation Transcriptional Repression enabled the induction of drought
“off-on” “on-off” tolerance by a low-cost molecule
suitable for field deployment
(middle). Arabidopsis thaliana
plants containing the redesigned
PYR1 binding pocket could
PP2C* PP2C* regulate water use depending on
madipropamid application (right).
Agchem Agchem (b) The PYR1-PP2C CID module
can be repurposed for transgene
activation (left) and repression
(right). Source: Adapted from (11).
Reprinted with permission from
Nature Publishing Group.

Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) CEP  October 2017  61

expression of recombinases. These recombinase enzymes ate the consequences of transgene flow. Both “on-off” and
would recognize the transgene recombination sites and “off-on” chemically regulated modules could be constructed
remove this DNA from progeny. to contain the transgene to the desired plant (Figure 3b).
While relatively simple, these strategies have limitations. Nevertheless, such designs are currently speculative.
For example, they prevent the sexual propagation of homo-
zygous transgenic materials; when using pollen-specific Closing thoughts
versions of the technology, hybrids between wild pollen Although plants are the ultimate source of many of our
and transgenic eggs are possible, and seeds can still trans- chemicals and fuels, the large engineering gap between
mit transgenes to their progeny and impact fitness outside microbes and plants currently limits the power of much of
managed agro-ecosystems. Thus, new methods to ensure synthetic biology. Better genome engineering and predictive
biocontainment are urgently needed. tools must be built if the promise of direct chemical and fuel
Chemically regulated systems — like those built by production in plants is to be met. CEP

Cutler and his colleagues — have great potential to moder-

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62  October 2017  CEP Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)

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