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Example Rexona Case story

Innovative design cuts waste and packaging

while keeping the same product volume

More sales, fewer complaints. The design of the Rexona upside-down deo roll-on has
gained Unilever yet another consumer success. The product is also top notch when
it comes to the environment. The new design minimizes product loss during use,
reduces production time, and saves tons of packaging plastic.

Unilever produces and sells a huge number of top brands the world. One of the prime concerns of these centres is to
in both the food and non-food sectors. Among them are take into account the impact of their products on the envi-
Becel, Lipton, Bertolli, Dove, and Rexona. As part of their ronment. A perfect illustration is the development of new
continuous search for better products and packaging, the packaging for Rexona deodorants.
group has established several development centres around

Less waste after use

The R&D team has literally turned the deodorant container without the user having to shake it first,’ explains Henk Kielman,
upside-down. The result? A more user and environmentally Technical Manager at Unilever Benelux. ‘The risk of wasting
friendly product. ‘By enabling the bottle to be stored upside- useful product is considerably reduced as less product residue
down, gravity ensures that the fluid flows out immediately remains in the container when throwing it away.’

Approximately 14 % less plastic

The new design saves a serious amount of packaging ging plastic. Given the product’s international popularity, this
plastic. ‘The bottle has the same 50 ml volume as its predeces- translates into an annual saving of hundreds of tons. This not
sor,’ Kielman points out. ‘Nevertheless, it requires 14% less packa- only benefits the environment, it also cuts our costs.’

Faster production limits energy consumption

The new upside-down deo roll-on is produced 18% faster. energy and cooling water,’ observes Kielman. ‘In short, the new
Remarkably, the bottle cap is smaller than before and requires 48% design reduces our environmental impact in several phases of the
less production time.‘This time saving enables us to consume less product life cycle.’
October 2009 • R.E.: J.Goossens • Fost Plus vzw • Martinus V-straat 40 • B-1200 Brussels.

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good to remember

The Unilever R&D The new design of

team always takes the Rexona deodorant
The packaging requires
into account the dispenser limits the
less plastic and
impact on the product residue after
production time
environment use and the risk of
Example Rexona Case story

Innovative design cuts waste and packaging

while keeping the same product volume

How did Unilever design a more user-friendly deodorant ?

Step 1: upside-down design reduces Step 2: Spider reservoir improves Step 3: less plastic and more efficient
waste usability production
The designers came up with the idea to A Spider reservoir in the neck of the bottle The new packaging has the same 50 ml
put the deodorant upside-down. This partitions the fluid more equally over the volume as its predecessor. On average,
way gravity ensures the fluid always flows roller. This increases customer satisfaction the new design requires 14% less plastic.
out of the bottle immediately, without and limits the risk that useful product Moreover, the bottle cap and the bottle
shaking. To avoid leakage, the ball holder winds up in the garbage bin. itself are produced more quickly, 48%
was equipped with two concentric valves and 18% respectively.
and the bottle cap with bayonet seals.

Old packaging New packaging

By adjusting the design,

you can extend the success of your
products as well
Some tips from Unilever :
• Use the information from your customer complaint
Henk Kielman, Technical Manager, department. Complaints can be an important source of
Unilever Benelux : inspiration for a more user-friendly design of your packaging.
• Along with environmental impact, brand support is also an
‘The new design of our
important parameter. The customer needs to recognize the
Rexona upside-down deo roll- packaging and immediately associate it with your brand.
on limits the environmental
• Take into account the environmental impact
impact in several phases of throughout the entire value chain: from production
the product life cycle.’ to the processing of the packaging.

Unilever and the environment

Unilever actively invests in sustainable development. Some realizations :
• Unilever launched a programme to substantially decrease the ecological footprint of its production. From 1995 to 2008 its
CO2 emission decreased by 39% and its water consumption dropped by 63% per ton of production.
• Unilever commits itself to acquire all of its palm oil from certified sustainable sources by 2015. It aims to buy all of the tea for
its Lipton range of products from plantations with a Rainforest Alliance certificate.

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