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Sustainable Design Engineering

Developing new systems and improving the design of a Single-use Wet

Cloth in order to improve circularity.

Danyaal Hussain
Tamara Carpar
Josh Williams

Key Focuses:
A fully circular reusable container
Reducing the weight by not having
pre-wet wipes
Making the new wipes out of 80%
used ones
Keeping the functionality and ergonomics

Dyson School of
Design Engineering 1
PROBLEMS AND USER GROUP As of 2023, the market stands at $4.55 billion and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 6.1% through 2033, building
on a historical growth rate of 6.3% from 2018-2022, influenced by the pandemic. [0]

What is your primary method for cleaning floors at home? Problems Causes How Might we? Solutions
27.8% Disposable floor wipes
Labelled and seen as a
throwaway product. Advertised as a throwaway Make customers more aware Clear branding and labels. An
In 2021 14003 tonnes of product. there is a recycle scheme? Make intuitive app with a user
A large number of people use
waste went to landfill in it easier for them to operate this focused recycle scheme.
disposable floor wipes and this
the UK. [1] scheme?
sends a huge amount of plastic
waste to landfill.
Contains multiple Inside layer is made from Make the whole cloth from Simplified design. Only using a
different materials, Cellulose and Polyester, the one material so that no single non-woven fabric such as
Survey by Danyaal Hassain outside is made from separation is needed? Polypropylene.
making separation
difficult Polypropylene.
Would the recyclability of a mop effect your choice when purchasing?
58% Yes, recyclability would effect The pre-wet wipes are 250 grams of the contents (of a Reduce the weight of the The chemicals and detergent
buying choice. very heavy due to their 12 pack) are liquid content. overall packaging by having less needed comes in a powder form.
high moisture content. water content? Tap water is added by the user.
Consumers are becoming more aware
of sustainability within
the cleaning market. Customers are
Terracycle isn’t widely known Not enough branding or Clean, process and re- Melt down old wipes and make
interested in buying greener options.
and material is downcycled. advertising for the terracycle manufacture new cloths from them into new ones, accepting
‘A variety of playground program. No mention of it on old ones? that it might not be bright white.
Survey by Josh Williams
options are available and can the box.
be made from TerraCycle®
User Persona - Young Profesional - Eco Aware waste’ [2].

‘I know these aren’t very good for the A lot of effort to either take the
No direct incentive for Offer a monetary incentive for When wipes are returned, a
enviroment, however they just work so used wipes to a recycle point or
customers to peruse the returning the old wipes? discount on new cloths is
well in my small apartment.’ log-in to get a postage label.
recycle scheme. offered.
Environmental concern

Real User - University Student - Eco Conscious They are all single use. Negate the need for throwaway The packaging is a hardwearing
The box, lid and film is packaging by making the box which is circulated between
thrown away. packaging re-usable? the factory and the user, being
‘These are perfect in a busy Uni house
where we don’t have space for a mop
Environmental concern
Design Limitation

Customer pain points: Need for there to still be a Allows the user to tell when Make the cloth from brown Adding small strips of virgin
Some customers can see the negative enviormental impact. white surface on the the cloth is dirty and has recycled material but still white material as a visual aid to
Focus on ease of use, this must be retained in the new product. underside of the wipe reached the end of its use. have some white areas for the user.
indicating dirtiness.

FUTURES AND TIME HORIZON Our product service timeline: 0-3 years
Scope Wheel
The scope wheel helps to assess what and when in the future changes will become visible within 5 areas. Trends When will our product system be viable?
Optimistic but Realistic
We have designed the product and service to be viable and implementable within the near future. The
Oil runs out system is designed to utilise current technologies such as dynamic QR codes and upcoming Ai supply
chain optimisation.
Raw material Recycled plastic Landfill space The main obstacles to overcome going into the future are consumer habits. These need to change to
Polymer eating
are more becomes runs out
enzymes reduce have more of a focus on sustainable actions. Having monetary incentives will help to push this as well add
expensive as oil cheaper
plastic waste
becomes more green advertising.
This scheme is also years ahead of any governmental legislation regarding plastic packaging. If the
Ai - Optimizes Net zero target
supply chains Bottle return scheme is made / missed government was to completely ban throwaway plastic packaging in the future, the proposed system
implemented 2025. would be unaffected.
Major political
Driverless Microplastics
Delivery start to affect New legislation
reform based on
climate values
UK based factory 1-2 years
Plastic tax – currently is implamented
systems food chain
£210 per tonne of Our system relies there being a nationwide factory, this is so that the distance travelled by the pads is
Political stance plastic packaging
becomes more
improve placed onto the UK
Plastic packaging reduced. From looking at online sources we have discovered that in 2025 the flash speed mop is to be
market is banned Enviromental
Environmental Beaches are
made in the UK [2.1] . This will achieve the complete circular system within the UK that we are aiming
Governments scandels are
ly driven. Drone Delivery littered with for.
contine to push exploited
becomes plastic
Increased widespread
back targets
No-one buys Smart postage labels - Current
Profit margins
People see pressure from throwaway
increased consumers for
are squeezed as Companies polymers
Integrated postage labels for a deliver and return system are already very possible. Multiple currier
Companies plastic becomes
impact of environmental compete for companies such as DHL and UPS offer home collection services and it would take little effort to
gain sales from more expensive
climate change packaging Eco awareness enviromental
targets implement an efficient deliver and return system.

AI supply chain and delivery management - 0-2 years

20 10 5
developments in AI could help to increase the enviromental effienciey of the whole supply chain. This
Legislation to ban plastic packaging could be particulary helpful in optimising the logistics and movement of the new and recycled materials
Politcal to reduce the transport miles.
Our product does not use throw away packaging so is effectively future proofed from this legislation.
In October 2023 the UK government banned the sale of certain plastic food packaging and cutlery. The Change in customers habits - 0-5 years
government will continue to add more bans on packaging in the coming decade.
In order for this system to work, customers need to be willing to put in extra effort in order to create
circularity. This comes in the form of re-boxing and returning the used cloths. They will receive an
Ai Sensing and Technology within the mop head incentive but they need to feel that this is worth it for the environmental gain.
This will reduce wasted wipes as users can be given feedback and tips on improvement for cleaning the Electric Vehicle (EV) supply chains 0-5 years
floor. If wipes are not being used correctly, users will be notified. Courier companies in the UK are expanding their EV fleets at a rapid rate. As more diesel vans and lorries
For example, sensors can detect pressure, duration of use and area cleaned and let the user know when it is are taken off the road, the distribution of household products will become more sustainable.
finished. As discussed in slide 8 we have chosen to use UPS as our courier as they seem the most devoted to
transferring to EV’s.
Drone delivery and driverless delivery
Technology and Political
In the future, the wipes could be collected and delivered directly to peoples homes via drones. This could The proposed system is viable in the very near future. The technology that is required to complete the
be especially useful in a nearby range to the factory where short journeys are required. system needs little development. The biggest challenges are for the consumers and the delivery
‘delivery drones needed 15.8% more energy than BEVs but 73% less energy than diesel trucks’ [3] companies to mold into the system. As well as, small manufacturing adjustments necessary for
This will improve in the future as technology advances. separation.

Dyson School of trucks/#:~:text=The%20study%2C%20published%20in%20the,less%20energy%20than%20diesel%20trucks.
Design Engineering 3

Our proposal for the new system of Disinfecting ingredients Powder form suppliable distribution ready
the P&G produced Flash wet cloths. hygiene and cleaning standard blending and mixing for
The user goes to the app and disinfectant then dehydrating assembly storage pack container together
subscribes. Upon initial purchase,
the dry cloth container arrives with with safety seal
a second empty container to collect
Cloth Materials Cloth Production
Virgin Amount: 20% virgin 80% method: web forming,
the dirty cloths. Once the user has recycled polypropylene The container has 24 cloths
filled the dirty cloth container a The cloths are dry with powder
new cloth container is ordered to be re hydrated
through the app and a container Container Materials Container Production Aim : every flash cloth container is to be
used at least 400 times. The containers are
exchange is made with the courier. Virgin Amount: 75% recycled method: injection molding, expected to return every 3 months. An Subscription return to recycling guidelines
PET average user uses 2 wet cloths every week.

KEY Runoff water is method: melted into PET

pellets to create a new STAKEHOLDER: Delivery Service (UPS)
Data filtered to remove container
Automated STAKEHOLDER: Cleaning and recycling facility
Values microplastics
Unpacking Process
supermarkets distribution service
Infrastructure The container is opened
online or in app subscription
the cloths are carefully
Principles recycling last cycle before melting quality passed
reused and arrival dates info
separated disassembled
Aim : cloths are
Resource States and then washed dehydrated due to
thoroughly to be melted quality test weight. reducing
courier load and
STAKEHOLDERS once again. transport emission
waste out Aim : container is expected to be used a per container.
Manufacturing facility minimum of 400 times before it needs
to be recycled once again operative
Delivery service Aim : cleaned more efficiently The container is delivered
Seperation Process cleaning service and sustainably at an
industrial cleaning facility to the customer

Cleaning and recycling

facility STAKEHOLDER: Consumer

STAKEHOLDER: Delivery Service (UPS) collected in second container storage

If the container is lost there is a fee that is water in
Aim : 1 Delivery every 3
transportation needed to be payed in order to remain on the
Aim : only one glass of tap water is subscription.
months. 0.71 MJ delivered and
collected on a round trip. Transportation is only from necessary. Before collection it is water consumption is kept the same
the UK factory there and recommended to let the damp cloths
dry and stack neatly due to recycling
back process. There is a second container Old cloth put into dirty preparation
Dirty cloths are placed in to collect waste cloths. In order to cloth container.
Dynamic Shipping stop customers disposing directly.
the van The user adds 2 cups of
water to the box.
All Postage for the wet cloth
container is completed through a
dynamic QR delivery and tracking
system. This reduces the need for collection and
printing new shipping labels, as we redelivery service return dirty cloth use: floor cleaned with mop
can use the dynamic QR code for all
deliveries or collections. Collection can be arranged at the uses app to arrange drop off and powder finishes
same time as the new product collection for dirty container

Dyson School of
Design Engineering 4
A number of Design changes have been made to the product and it’s packaging in
order to achieve the improvements in recyclablilty as well as keep the FOCUS ON THE PACKAGING:
functionality so that it retains its popularity as a cleaning product.

Dynamic postage label (QR CODE)

This will be stuck to the lid and only replaced when worn. Dynamic
FOCUS ON THE CLOTHS: labels can be used multiple times, governed by the system which
controls the shipment.
This is done to reduce wasted plastics in labels.
The dehydrated powder mix of cleaning solution, perfume and
preservative is added in the container. Giving it a shake mixes it, this will
dissolve when water is added at home. The lid is made from injection moulded PET. It has Tupperware style
securing tabs which are easily opened by the user or a machine when
it returns to the factory.
3 strips of white virgin Polypropylene.
This is important so that the user can still see when
the pad is dirty. A silicone seal is placed between the lid and the box.
There are all made from
Low density, absorbent Polypropylene middle the same material. This helps to keep any remaining moisture in the box during
Laminated together. storage after use when it is returned.
layer. This absorbs the water.
No need for separation at
end of life. A security seal is placed around the box when being shipped.
High density Polypropylene scrubbing strip
This tells the user that the box hasn’t been tampered with during
(same as original design).
postage, it also shows that it is a genuine PNG product.
This seal also helps to keep the boxes and lids together when they
are first shipped.
As all of the components (apart from the virgin strips) are from
recycled material, they will appear a brown / grey color.
The box is made from hard-wearing injection moulded PET. This is
designed and expected to survive 400 cycles [5] (based on Cauli Box).
The box is solid enough to be posted without extra packaging.
The cloths remain the same size and shape as the origional. This is to
retain the erganomic and functional design that has made this When the boxes are initially ordered, the customer receives 2 boxes;
product so popular.
One full, and one to be filled with dirty wipes. The security seal helps
to keep them together in the post.

As we are not introducing anything new, we believe our solution is feasible in the current market. There are existing systems such as “CauliBox” which use a reusable box scheme similar to what we have
proposed. Using a powder and having the consumer add liquid is also feasible as there are many powder based floor cleaning products already available. The only aspect that may be less feasible is the sole
use of Polypropylene in the cloths as we would have to prototype and test this to determine its effectiveness.

This chart shows the embodied energy and carbon footprint to

Materials Manufacture produce the initial box, two of these are shipped with the first
use of the product, but as it is sent back to P&G, it is cleaned
and reused for sending out fresh cloths. This significantly
B reduces the energy used over multiple replacements for the
O Energy: Energy: user.

X 20MJ - 72.4% 7.03MJ - 25.4% The second part shows the breakdown of the embodied energy
CO2: CO2: and carbon footprint for the cloth refills, it assumes that a
returned box will be used (one that has already been
0.849kg - 59.5% 0.532kg - 37.3%
manufactured). The total initial energy for the new system with
two boxes is 59.9 MJ, but is significantly lower at 5.14MJ for
each refill.

Transport End of Life The graph shows a the total energy consumption associated with the use of the
C Materials Manufacture original Flash wipes system compared to the reusable box design and recyclable
(Round Trip) Potential
wipes from our new system, including the increased transport.
O The introduction of a reusable box in the new system results in a higher initial
Energy: Energy: Energy: Energy: energy requirement. This increase is attributable to the additional energy
T invested in producing a more durable, reusable container, as opposed to a single-
H 3.66MJ - 71.1% 0.697MJ - 13.6% 0.71MJ - 13.8% 1 MJ - 19.5% use packaging solution.
CO2: CO2: CO2: CO2: The crossover point occurs before three replacements. This indicates that while
S the new system (with the reusable box) starts with a higher energy footprint, it
0.152kg - 58.3% 0.052kg - 20% 0.0511kg - 19.6% 0.043kg - 16.4% becomes more energy-efficient than the old system after the third
As the number of replacements increases, the total energy consumption for the
new system remains consistently lower than that of the old system. This trend
underscores the long-term energy reduction achieved through the reusable
A notable improvement was the reduction in weight, this was Another improvement made was to manufacture the cloths with New Cloths with
New System Transport
achieved by shipping the product with a powdered cleaning With Round Trip: 80% recycled material, by limiting the material to Polypropylene, recycled content:
solution rather than a liquid reducing the weight by 1.2kg. we aim to recycle the returned cloths and turn them back into 5.14MJ
The energy and CO2 for transport required for the new Old System Transport
fresh cloths. The new cloths have an embodied energy and carbon Old Cloths with
system (with the round trip) is 0.71MJ & 0.051kg compared to With One Way Trip: footprint of 5.14MJ & 0.257kg compared to 12.8MJ & 0.614kg virgin content:
1.06MJ & 0.076kg for the old system (no collection). This uses for the old cloths. Using the recycled material has significantly
1.06MJ 12.8MJ
less energy despite double the transport distance. reduced energy consumption and carbon footprint.

Dyson School of
Design Engineering 6
Analysing sustainable courier companies (key stakeholder into the future) Josh Williams
INFRASTRUCTURE - SUPPLY CHAINS The return and deliver scheme creates a large number of road miles throughout the life-cycle. This makes it very
important to analyse the sustainability of different couriers to minimise the impact looking into the future.
Stakeholders involved with infrastructure
Royal mail was crowned most sustainable In 2020 UPS placed an order of
The Customer The Polymer Pellet Supplier carrier service in the UK (Dirty Deliveries 10000 brand new electric vans
2021). This is due to their huge number of from a UK start-up Arrival. [7]
For example Dow Inc, a company who walking workers. [5]
The customer / consumer plays a vital role
provides a wide range if polymes to
in making this a circular system. They must interact companies such as CocaCola. Royal mail wouldn’t be suitable for
successfully with the App or drop-off points to This number is substantially larger than any other company
the proposed system as they
make sure that used cloths are recycled. and if they land on the streets in the next few years it will
This is the supplier in the chain. They will most normally handle light goods and
Information from the customer will also inform the put them at the top of the EV count.
lightly provide the raw polymer pellet which will letters. A large volume of boxes of
demand for new cloth and raw material at the start This shows the environmental commitment that UPS have
of the supply chain. make up 20% of the recycled cloths. cloths would overwhelm the
made and thus places them as the best option for a partner
when setting up the delivery and return scheme.

The used cloths are returned in DPD have produced over 3.6 Million kWh of
the box via courier to the factory.
electricity (YTD) from solar panels on their There are however some
warehouses. [6] problems with Arrivals
manufacture and cash-flow,
They also currently have 3,641 which have been delaying the
Electric vehicles on the streets of order.
the UK. This isn’t however as These vans will hopefully soon
many as UPS has placed an order be a recognisable sight.

D2C cycle
Infrastructure within the P&G factory
A number of new machines, processes and production lines would need to be developed within the factory.
The customer receives new
cloths either direct from the Prosess Requirement Solutions
factory or from a supermarket. Simple scales when each box arrives to see
Weigh boxes as they arrive To ensure customers return full
boxes if the box is within a range.
The optional retailer - Supermarkets The manufacturer and Recycler Relay the information to the system.

There will still be an option to buy and return boxes P&G, the original design company and
from the supermarkets. This is for users who don’t Make sure the box only To avoid contamination with AI sensors and cameras will analyse the
manufacture will be given responsibility to
want to / cannot use the app. contains used cloths other materials contents and will remove the box from the
proses used mops which will have been system if other materials are found.
Drop off points will be located at the entrances to
returned from the customer and turn them
into new wipes.
The benefit from this is that there is Wash the reusable boxes To remove dirt before being Send through an industrial dishwasher
complete transparency through the proses ready to be re-filled refilled.
Hole in the lid to
deposit boxes and the
used material is turned back into what it Join the layers of raw PP to To reform the new cloth along Industrial lamination. Uses heat and
was originally. Unlike with Terracycle where the recycled PP. with the white strips. pressure to bond the layers of non-
is is heavily down-cycled. woven fabric.
QR code to
check-in a
To stop the micro plastics Regularly change and service micro
deposited box Remove micro plastics produced in the dirty cloth plastic filters at multiple stages in the
from the washing outlet. washing entering water systems. washing outlet proses.

Dyson School of 7
Design Engineering
Prosess happening within the home: Josh Williams
The whole system will be controlled and monitored through an online system.
The system will communicate with users, delivery operators and the factories to create a continuous flow of the
box and the material which is optimised through data and forward planning.

How does this data feed the supply chain?

Getting Low? This will promt a new box to be
The main interface of the app will allow the
Order new Cloths user to order a new box of mops when they prepared for delivery from the BOX 1 then becomes BOX 2
are getting low on their current box. storage in the factory.
The app will then keep the user updated on It also tells the factory that there is
I’ve got some left (filled with clean wipes) (becomes filled with
when the new box will be delivered. material on its way which
dirty wipes)
is ready to be prosessed and recycled.
You last received a box 9
days ago.
Based on trends you should be
needing a new one in the next 2-3

The user receives a discount for their next box What about users who don’t want to use the app system?
Profile when they successfully return a full box.
There are some users who won’t want
They can choose to build up credit to be spent to use an online app based system. For
anytime, or to automatically discount their next example elderly users who don’t have a
box. phone, or students who would rather
just do one weekly supermarket shop
Dylan Jones
and dont have time for the app.

You have £3 to spend However if the box is lost they wont be able to
order a new one without paying a penalty. It is also arguably more sustainable for users to pick-up and drop-off at
Customers need to learn the system and put the the supermarket as these are short-distance trips that users make
effort in to keeping the boxes safe. anyway. It reduces the transport miles through delivery courier.
To accommodate for this, drop off points will be located at all major

How does this data feed the supply chain?

Eco-Score Users can either simply leave their box,
which will be checked in when the drop
Last Box When the box arrives at the factory, it is This is important as any non- of point is collected (roughly once a
Not Full!
checked in using the QR code and checked polypropylene material will effect the week).
We weighed the box that you returned for quality. recycle prosess. Or they can use the app to scan the drop
on the 16th October.
We noticed that it was only half the If it is noted that the box hasn’t off point and the box. This means they
weight of a full box.
To contunie to receive discounts in the
been filled up with all 24 cloths, or It helps to gauge the amount of raw can instantly receive the discount and it
future, please return full boxes.

miscellaneous items have been added, the material that will be required to produce gives P&G a more up-to-date idea of
user will be notified and the discount will new cloths if not 100% of them are how many boxes are due to arrive back
19th October
Box Revieved
be removed if this happens more than returned. in the factory, allowing for supply chain
once. optimisation.
This will also help to shape consumers
into the correct habits.

Dyson School of
Design Engineering 2
Tamara Carpar
Below is a stakeholder journey map for the flash wet cloth system, providing a detailed exploration of the incentives, efforts, and
STAKEHOLDERS challenges encountered by various actors within the system as they contribute to sustainability, innovation and efficiency. All
stakeholders are from a UK based systems.
KEY: Effort - actions the Incentives - encouraging Challenges - obstacles that are to
stakeholders need to take stakeholder to complete an action be overcome by the stakeholds

Cloth Manufacturer Distributor, Delivery & Collection Service

Incentives: Challenge: Incentive:
Effort :
By using predominantly recycled PP for the UPS, the chosen courier service, faces the Increased demand for courier service with
The manufacturer needs to make sure that the
cloths and recycled PET for the container challenge of maintaining reliability in every subscription purchase, as it is a
recycled PET of the container does not hinder
decreases the CO2 footprint. The PP and PET simultaneous delivery and collection services. subscription customers are likely to be
the durability of the container. The
are kept in a closed loop where the Anticipated demand might surge during the returning customers. Dynamic QR label system
manufacturer needs to make sure the recycled
container will continually recycle into new initial launch, followed by a decrease, yet as allows for easy tracking delivery and tracking.
PP for the cloth is still suitable for purpose.
containers and the cloths into new cloths, product usage grows, demand will likely rise The cloths are now no longer wet so the
Material inventories need to be modified for the
reducing the cost and production scale. Less again. Therefore, sustained profitability is added weight from the delivery has
new container and adapted for the new cloth
containers need to be made as the durable dependent on the success and continuous decreased drastically reducing consumption
manufacturing. Adapting to ensure automation
container is projected to last for 400 uses. demand for the cloths. of fuel during transport.
of packing process

Existing Competitors Consumers

Challenge: Opportunities: Effort : Incentive:
Customers have access to competitors The dehydrated Flash wet cloth holds a The consumer must remember to Convenience from the cloth with
offering competitive retail pricing and unique market position as the sole single- stack and store the dirty cloths in the app giving reminders at
environmentally sustainable alternatives. use version among mopping products. the second container. Consumer regular intervals. The customer
Some competitors utilise reusable Leveraging the convenience factor may forget to re-book a re- will lose the deposit on the
materials for mop cloths, employing a associated with these wet cloths can be a delivery. Customer may lose container and miss out on a
model where cloths are washed and key selling point, distinguishing the product container. reward which is incurred after
reused, aligning with eco-friendly from reusable or multi-use alternatives in every container exchange.
practices. the market.

cleaning and recycling Policy Makers

Challenge: Effort : Incentive:
Cleaning PP cloths poses a risk of debris Incentive: Introducing recycling schemes aligns with the UK
Governments could significantly impact
accumulation, potentially leading to inefficient Thorough rinsing of containers the cleaning industry by increasing government's drive towards a circular economy,
recycling processes. Additionally, the nature of enables multiple uses without investments in research and development emphasizing resource efficiency and decreasing
PP material might cause a color change from requiring remanufacturing. An (R&D) focused on recycling technologies, dependence on new materials. This initiative
white to a darker shade after being recycled automated disassembly process directly supports the UK’s environmental
particularly those facilitating closed-loop
several times. Ensuring thorough rinsing of PET ensures higher efficiency, thanks systems. This investment can drive objectives, aiming to diminish waste, preserve
containers is crucial, yet challenges arise due to to a standardised design, innovation, efficiency, and sustainability resources, and diminish the necessity for
the reliance on automated industrial washing streamlining operations and within the industry while advancing landfills, thereby advancing its waste reduction
machines for this process. enhancing overall productivity and circular economy strategies
circular economy practices

Dyson School of
Design Engineering 9
Tamara Carpar
CLAIMS & PD Instructions:
Initial Purchase (small fee) 2 containers come with the
dehydrated wet cloth container
2 cups of tap water is added to re hydrate the cloths
400 1st container is for new unused cloths
2nd container used to collect dirty cloths stacked neatly
Once container 2 is full a new container is ordered and a
100% Recyclable Minimum of 400 uses Discount when box is
purchased Drop off and collection time is set.
container Old container is exchanged for new container of cloths by
courier using dynamic scanning system.
An automatic discount is applied .
RESCOURCE INFO The cycle continues.

Original Our Version How to exchange your old cloth box for a new one?
Customers will return the dirty wet cloths collected inside the dirty cloth
container to the courier which will be exchanged for new cloths.

The graph shows that Generation Z and Millennials, particularly

Product Container made by Container remains as 75% rPET
and not 100% to keep the individuals aged 18-40, show a higher propensity to invest in
75% rPET container durable. sustainable products. Our subscription service for the flash wet
cloths caters to this demographic, specifically targeting individuals
with busy lives e.g students to full time workers. The product is
Collect dirty
The cloth is made entirely out of
tailored to emphasize convenience, offering single-use cloths as a New box cloth Visual Instructions
Cloths made by raw materials
PP 80% rPP. 20% remains raw as
primary feature, aligning well with the preferences and lifestyle of
39% cellulose 61%Polyester (2) our intended audience.
inner and outer as 100% PP the cloth needs to show the dirt
on the floor. NEW
New Tupperware style container
What and how do we use the data collected from
the customers?
BOX 1. Sign up 2. Receive
Flimsy PET container leaks keeps initial ergonomic design
and dries up in storage however it is leak proof and more
durable. Customers demographics including name, age etc. to
create a user profile and identify target audiences.
We decided to dehydrate the
Product is very heavy as there solution turning it into powder form Book Exchange
is 500g of liquid in the box 3. Add water 4. Shake
therefore it is easier to transport. Dynamic QR system which is updated on the application
Only tap water is added. collects the data on how often re delivery is necessary,
this way users can be reminded on when to book a
Data on frequency of usage as well as study of SUMMARY 5. Mop 6. Collect dirty
customer behaviour of disposal. Are all the pads cloth
To create our solution for the flash wet
Bibliography being collected, how many times has the container
recirculated the loop. cloths to make them more ecofriendly as
(1) well as sustainable interms of energy
IMPACT DATA consumption. The target audience are busy
8KnjMMpk6jXj5rZMQXtGXpayoLmYGW9K36iVFMnUEQJsSWcqzDgukq6CfjFcy3WhJo-BNMFhO8FPaCQmU- people who do not have the time to carry a 7. Book 8. Exchange
JWI6VB2nwQo7qxwJ2ALQmv9ocp7LH4k&utm_content=81840717&utm_source=hs_automation. By collecting and reusing the new wet cloth pads the company can
calculate how much is being recycled instead of being thrown into heavy mop. The pre moistened and
(2) bin and sent to landfill. disposable wipes make it a convenient way
for consumers to use.

Recycling process is an automated process, no hygiene concerns.

Dyson School of
Design Engineering 10
Danyaal Hussain
This section aims to detail resource flow and actors, map the value network and identify risks
and opportunities. Please see the system resource flow diagram (below) and Circular
Ecosystem Business Model Canvas (right). The risks and opportunities are identified on the
next page.

Danyaal Hussain

Revenue benefits: Costs: Cost mitigation:

What are the positive impacts of the What are the negative impacts of the How can the negative impacts be
system? system? mitigated?

Proctor & Gamble gains revenue from the sales of the

Proctor & Gamble can optimize manufacturing processes
reusable floor cleaning product to retailers like Tesco. Proctor & Gamble faces higher initial production costs for
to reduce costs over time.
Tesco earns from selling these innovative products to eco- durable, reusable boxes.
Tesco could employ marketing strategies emphasizing the
conscious consumers, possibly at a premium due to their Tesco might incur additional costs for allocating more
Financial sustainable nature. shelf space to these products.
long-term savings and environmental benefits to
UPS benefits from regular deliveries, potentially seeing UPS may deal with increased logistics expenses due to
UPS can streamline delivery routes and packaging to
increased business from frequent shipments of refill handling potentially bulkier packages.
manage logistics costs effectively.

All three companies contribute to reducing environmental

Initial higher energy consumption for producing reusable Investing in renewable energy and more efficient logistics
impact through reduced waste and energy consumption.
boxes. can offset initial higher energy consumption.
Ecological The circular design of the product aligns with global
Potential increase in carbon emissions due to changes in Encouraging recycling and proper disposal minimizes long-
sustainability goals, enhancing the ecological reputation of
transportation logistics. term ecological impacts.
Proctor & Gamble, Tesco, and UPS.

Implementing community outreach and education

Higher product cost may limit access for lower-income
Society benefits from the availability of a product that programs can raise awareness about the benefits of
supports sustainable living. sustainable products.
Societal Enhanced brand image for the companies involved can
Risk of the reusable box going missing, which could lead to
Developing strategies to ensure the safekeeping and return
increased waste and replacement costs, negatively
lead to greater customer loyalty. of reusable boxes can minimize the risk of them going
impacting the system's sustainability goals.
missing, such as deposit systems or tracking mechanisms.


[0] Future Market Insights. (n.d.). Household care wipes market. Future Market
Insights. household-care-

[1] UK statistics on waste. (2023, June 22). GOV.UK.

[2] Recycled products. (n.d.). TerraCycle.



[3] Cuthrell, S. (2023, July 20). Study reveals how drone efficiency compares to EVs,
diesel trucks. Market Insights.
Old System Eco Audit New system Eco Audit - Single Box New system Eco Audit - Dual Box trucks/#:~:text=The%20study%2C%20published%20in%20the,less%20energy%20

[4] CauliBox | Reusable Food & Drink Packaging | Smart Circular Economy.
(n.d.-b). CauliBox.

[5] Cameron, I. (2021, December 2). Royal Mail crowned the most climate-
friendly UK carrier - Latest Retail Technology News From Across The. Charged

[6] Green website. (n.d.).

[7] Arrival. (2020, April 24). Arrival | Integrated Transport Ecosystem | Discover
Bus and van. Arrival | Electric Vehicles.

Single Use Box Eco Audit Reusable Box Eco Audit New system Eco Audit - No Box

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