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Architecture and Society: Ismail Seragelclin

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Architecture and Society

Ismail Seragelclin


The Most Social of the Arts? There is no art form that is as completely intertwined
with a particular society as its architectural expression: for it is art that is physically
rooted in the geographic location of that society. For the members of that society —
and this is to no way deny that the society may be far from an integrated entity —
it reflects both their aspirations, their artistic sensibility, and their economic wealth;
the level of advancement of their technology; the elements of climate and topogra­
phy, and the structure of their social organisation. Not only does the architecture of
any people physically express all this, being the net result of all the contradictions
that society embodies, but is also helps shape the vision of the society of itself. It is
both a mirror of that society's activities and an instrument shaping its identity.
Within this context, however, it is not clear to what extent the architectural
profession, per se, is responsible for moulding taste, or merely for carrying it out. As
Allsopp has stated: "The failure of modem architecture in recent years is only partly the
fault of architects. The main burden of blame for inhumane architecture must rest upon
clients who have failed to educate themselves for the great responsibilities they undertake1
It is for this reason that the AKAA has consciously underlined the collective
responsibility of all involved in the proccess of creating a building which is deserv­
ing of recognition.
It is undeniable that the taste of the governing elite is likely to dominate the
pattern of buildings that give an area its easily identifiable character and that serve
as landmarks and as exemplars of what the state's dominant elite promotes. As Oleg
Grabar has noted, the form of the cities in the Muslim world was defined by the
middle class, while the monuments were defined by the elite. 2 This is not to say that
artistic expression is totally constrained by societal reality. Without question artists
— be they architects, painters or sculptors — play a role in defining, articulating and
improving society's perception of itself and its perception of its aesthetic reality. As
Hamilton once put it: "The artist, whether his medium is verbal, pictorial, plastic, or
musical, is the man equipped with radar to penetrate the cultural fogs of the age."3
However, architects are more constrained than other artists. They have to
contend with clients and financing, and they have to contend with the need for
their creations to function properly and to meet a rigorous set of codes and restric­
tions. They interact with society much more than other artists, and they cannot
function in isolation. Hence, architecture is by far the most closely linked of the arts
View of Amran, Yemen. Architecture, to the reality of society in its multiplicity of dimensions, be they economic, social,
whether done by the medium of architects or cultural, political, institutional or religious.
only builders, is by necessity a physical mirror
of a society's social, economic, cultural, legal Architecture and the "Image of Progress". In the context of the architecture of the
and technological realities as well as an Muslim world, I would like to emphasise that a central part of the problem which we
adaptation to the physical environment. confront in our Muslim culture today is that most of the ruling elites of our societies

* Extract from Proceedings of Architectural Education in the Islamic World, Seminar Ten in the series -
Architectural Transformations in the Islamic World, Granada, Spain, April 21-25, 1986. Published
by Concept Media for the Aga Khan Award for Architecture, Singapore, 1986, pp. 75-88.
have gone through a process of disassociation from their cultural roots. This has led
to the dichotomisation of cultural perception, where the historic heritage — cultural,
religious, spiritual — is identified with the past, backwardness and poverty, while
the image of "progress" is borrowed from elsewhere, namely the West.
Unless and until architects and intellectuals generally succeed in providing the
ruling elites of Muslim societies with an alternative image of progress, they will
continue to pay lip service to the need for cultural authenticity while their actions
will speak more loudly than their words as they hurry to adopt the most superficial
aspects of Western culture.

Architecture and Changing Cultural Identity. As we have seen, the architect is

responsible, by the variety of activities that he or she undertakes, for the definition
or "image of progress" that a society, or at least its elite, holds of itself. The physical
expression of that society today in most Third World countries is closely identified
with the Manhattan skyline, and leaves little room for a more articulated and
sensitive response that is more respectful of cultural continuity and more responsive
to climatic and site requirements. Unless architects can successfully convince the
elites of their societies to replace their imported image of progress with a more
coherent and effective one, there is going to be little chance to reverse that
widespread degradation of the urbanistic character and architectural expression that
Set of Metropolis. A particular architectural is so prevalent throughout the Muslim world and more generally the Third World.
vision is associated with the "image of The task of defining such an alternative reality for a contemporary image of
progress". In this century it has mostly been progress in the Third World, of which the Muslim world is a part, is not an easy one.
technology and skyscrapers that have captured The designers who will cope with that task have to convince the "disassociated" de-
the collective imagination. cision-makers and the commercial elite of their societies of the superiority of the al­
ternative that they present, to the imported model.
Only if this task can be done will the secondary effects of this new indigenous
alternative reality be achieved. Namely, that the architectural expression of the
whole society will be gradually affected. The lower middle classes aspire to have
residences and to work in places that are comparable to those of the upper middle
classes, and the upper middle classes to have residences and to work in places that
are comparable to those of the prevailing elite. By changing the architecture of the
elite, architects can indeed change the perception of large segments of society as to
what is desirable as an expression of modernity and of social status.
It is unlikely that architects will be able to do this alone. A wide variety of
disciplines have to interact in order to ensure that the visionary efforts of imagina­
tive, sensitive architects are not left in isolation, but that the intellectual underpin­
nings that deal with abstractions and ideas, as well as with the social, economic and
institutional realities of any societal system, are coherent and pull in the same
direction. Without that, inherent tension is likely to continue and ruptures of a
cultural and intellectual kind, at the very least, are bound to continue. 4 Architec­
ture and urban planning will suffer in their inability to fulfill their assigned and
noble mission of being the agents of progress rather than the servants of an elite.


Preservation of the Heritage: What, Why, Ho<w, and for Whom? The preservation of
tradition works at different levels, reflects if anything, differing contemporary func­
tions and ideological needs (e.g. the need for legitimacy) by ascendant elites or their
rivals. On one level, there is the effort to preserve the best examples of traditional
buildings as exemplars, sources of contemporary inspiration and/or custodians of
part of what its bearer regard as their contemporary cultural identity.
On a different level, the preservation and reuse of individual buildings in con­
temporary society raises serious functional and ideological problems. Yet, such adap­
tive reuse appears to be the only possibility of maintaining vitality for the buildings
and avoiding the museum approach to important elements of an organic living city.
Elsewhere, this author has analysed the approach and economics of dealing with
adaptive reuse. 5 Whole seminars have been devoted to the subject 6 and many
learned treatises have dealt with its different aspects and, indeed, one is struck by
the vast number of little noticed examples of such successful renovation and reuse
found in any single country. 8
The preservation of a single building, whether reused or not, is different from the
preservation of the character of an area and, here, different criteria come into play.
Of these, the sense of urban space is a fundamental one, as is the question of scale,
proportions, street alignments, fenestration, articulation of volumes, relations be­
tween solids and voids, and, most of all, activities permitted in the public space and
inter-relationship between the public and private domains.
This level of dealing with the historic past, underlines the types of skills that a
practising architect should aquire to work in the Muslim world today, where ferment
and change are important. In such situations of change and ferment society at large
seeks to anchor its headlong rush into the future in its past and the assertion of its
own individualism, i.e., its identity as witnessed by the greatness of its exemplars.

Decoding the Symbols of the Past. Architects must acquire the sophistication to read
the symbolic content of this heritage in a manner that enriches their ability to
produce relevant buildings for today and tomorrow, and to guide the "authentifica-
tion" efforts between the twin shoals of Kitsch and alien inappropriateness.
This sophistication can only come through a strengthened educational process
which engenders in future architects the critical sense required to decode the
symbolic content of the past in a realistic, as opposed to an ideologically mystifying,
fashion. This, of course, necessitates a broad knowledge of the methodology as well
as the content of historical studies, a sense of the growth of societies as a process of
successive attempts at totalisation and above all an ability to see the built environ­
ment of the past as it was perceived by contemporaries.


Societies in Transition. The societies of the Muslim world are inescapably societies
in transition, however much some members of those societies may try to avoid this
basic process by denying it, or by absolutising a past which exists only in their own
minds as a counterweight to the present reality they deny and the future which they
fear. The demographic, technical, economic, cultural, political and ideological
components of this transition process are well known. Drowning in a flood of
Western technology and cultural imports that are frequently ill-matched to local
conditions and insensitive to cultural traditions, Muslim societies are today strug­
gling to create a cultural environment that provides them with a viable sense of self-
identity and which is suited to regional and national conditions. Authenticity for an
Indonesian will not be the same as authenticity for a Moroccan. Yet there is this fine
thread of commonality of the nature of the search with variability of the conditions
under which it is undertaken. This is part of the creative genius of the Muslim
culture, whose hallmarks have always been unity with diversity. Contemporary
"regionalism" must express itself in new and contemporary ways. This truism must
be restated frequently in the face of a strong current that seeks refuge in perpetuating
the myth that traditional vernacular architecture is enough. This "escape into the
past" must be forced to recognise the scale and technology that increasingly link and
undergird the urban built environment. Slavish copying of the past is not the
answer. For those who would try, the dimensions of modern technology and its
related infrastructural requirements will quickly remind them that the path of
excellence requires creativity.


A Timeless Continuity: Reading the Signs. Architects must be masters of a wide

range of skills and their deployment — a range far greater than architectural
258 education currently prepares them for. First, architects must be able to decode the
past so they can understand how their predecessors viewed their past, present, and
future. Armed with this comparative knowledge, they must secondly attempt to read
the signs and trends of the present. This is particularly tricky as, while buildings last
a long time, current trends may prove ephemeral, and become so within the space
of a few years. Third, architects must not only think of their single building, but of
its relationship to the wider community. Fourth, and most significantly, they must
pull all of this analysis together and design and implement a product which, over its
lifetime, can justly win a place in the timeless continuity of world architecture, as
have the great buildings of the past which, speak of excellence, not of an age, but
for all time!


It flows from the above that the role of the architect in societies in transition such
as the Muslim world is currently undergoing is indeed a pivotal one, both in defining
the society's sense of its own reality, as well as in refining its perceptions of its taste
and its authentic cultural expression.
There is much to learn from folk architecture but under no circumstance should
we delude ourselves into trying to maintain and copy previous solutions that may
have been perfectly rational and functional for social and economic circumstances
that prevailed in society at a certain point in time. We must acknowledge the need
for important changes in architectural forms as facets of the physical expression of
the changes wrought by economic and social development. 9

Architects, Builders and Planners. The architect, in my judgement, is the sole

person capable of creating those unique structures that become landmarks in an
environment and help identify and shape the collective image a society has of itself.
Only the architect sets the tone for a new generation of buildings, and successfully
reshapes a society's image of itself. The breakthrough innovative buildings are not
produced without architects, they are produced as a result of the creative genius of
a collectivity of individuals whose vocation is destined to become architecture.
At the same time, it is important to recognise that when architects have tried to
build large numbers of houses, addressing those sets of buildings that constitute
about 70 per cent of an average modern city's buildings, they have failed miserably.
The blowing up of Pruitt-Igoe in the early 1970's, a celebrated symbol of urban
failure, was, however, the condemnation of a social policy towards housing, of which
the specific design of this public project was but a part. Given such a context, there
is much to learn in the important warning of Fathy 10 that architects should limit
themselves to working for individual clients and should try to uphold client-specific
solutions in their designs."
Planners are those who design the skeleton that helps shape a city; whether it be
Mohammed 'Ali Mosque, Cairo, Egypt. in terms of its transportation networks or its basic infrastructure or setting the
building codes, subdivision regulations, and zoning ordinances that make an urban
environment what it is. Planners help shape the overall structure of the city, but
they seldom have a major impact on the individual building except in very special
cases. They bring all the overall concerns of topography, economic base, social
structure, levels of service, financial health and viability of a municipality, to bear
on the problem of the physical environment. Beyond that, their role is, and should
be, limited. It has long been the view of this writer that only a public-private
partnership can make for a viable attack on the problems of the urban environment
and the planner's domain, the public one, is to be limited to those aspects of the
overall problems that cannot and should not be handled by private initiative. 12
Most of the remaining cityscape is filled in by anonymous architecture 1 ' that -
although individually not distinguished — collectively provides the flesh over the
planner's skeleton. It is the architect who provides the distinguished and distin­
guishing features. It is the architect who caps this collaboration between planners
and non-architects by providing those buildings and those features that ultimately
give an urban environment its landmarks and articulates its character. It is the
architect who helps mould the major complexes in well designed urban planning
schemes and who keeps rejuvenating cityscapes with new generations of buildings
and structures that modify and improve as well as enrich, enhance and re-enforce
the cultural identity of that environment.
National Commercial Bank in the context of
the Jeddah skyline. Only architects can create A Dual Function. The architect, therefore, must act on the one hand, as an instru­
landmark buildings that identify the image of a ment of change and a forward looking agent of the transformation of cultural
society and a period. identity, on the other hand as the keeper of existing identity, a preserver and
extender of a heritage, and the molder and reinforcer of cultural authenticity. Just as
architecture is inextricably entwined with society, so is the individual architect
placed in a pivotal role in the society of which he or she is a member.

Given the crucial dual function I

Certification, Registration and Professionalisation.
have just mentioned, the reality of the role of the architect in today's society,
limited as it becomes in relation to that of the many anonymous and the few well
known builders, and circumscribed as it is by the work of the planners, is still
sufficiently important in the broader context I have suggested to raise serious
questions about qualifications and professionalism as they now exist.
Professional associations have consistently sought to seek broad acceptance of
the "professional" status of the occupations or practices they represent.
In most of the Muslim world today, the problems of the architectural profession
are somewhat different. They tend to fall into one or more of the following:
Firstly, architects impact on a very small part of the built environment. Charles
Correa 14 estimates that architects interact with only one per cent or less of the
society at large. Secondly, architects (and urban planners) tend to be subsumed
under the broader professional grouping of engineering professions (e.g. Egypt, Saudi
Arabia) where their concerns are seldom adequately reflected in the activities of the
association. Finally, the views of architects and urban planners are frequently
considered to be matters of "taste", i.e. much more discardable than, say, the views
of structural engineers. This leads to a demobilisation of the professionals and a
reduction of the professionalism in the practice of architecture and planning.
With few exceptions, the relationship between Muslim societies and their archi­
tects (and planners) needs to be upgraded. A deeper respect for the real contribu­
tions of the profession(s) will be achieved only if we upgrade the quality of the
performance of the professionals. This means that in addition to the "certification"
function of architecture schools, there must be a genuine nurturing of real talent, to
produce the type of notable performance that can properly address the awesome
challenge of building in the Muslim world today.

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