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The Process of Redefining Cultural Identity in

Societies in Transition
Case Study: Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Nina Ugljen-Ademović
Professor, Department of Architectural Design
University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Architecture, UNSA, AFS
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Elsa Turkusić
Senior Teaching Assistant, Department of Architectural Design
University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Architecture, UNSA, AFS
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Senka Ibrišimbegović
Teaching Assistant, Department of Architectural Design
University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Architecture, UNSA, AFS
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Abstract—The paper is based on the research how variable local the place in the terms of the symbolic identification with the
sociopolitical constellations make almost daily changes of the territorial and memory significance.
appearance of the urban context, thus integrating its concrete
intentions into emerging architecture which has long-term influence After several decades, repeatedly revised Frampton's
on creation of a (specific) cultural identity. Premise of this paper is “critical regionalism” still seems to be vital although
that the process of construction of cultural identity is
contemporary social concepts also have significant influence.
multidimensional and complex.
In this context, analytical model is constructed for the purpose of Today it is clearly difficult to pursue with the original idea of
answering burning questions - in which way architecture and urban Critical Regionalism. Contemporary urban areas are visually
forms influence shaping of cultural identities of societies in ambivalent and hardly coincide with determined cultural
transition and how this cultural identity becomes locally and patterns. In this manner we witness frequent reinterpretations
globally sustainable. The focus of the paper is society of Bosnia and of the term 'place', different views and re-questioning within
Herzegovina and three existing tendencies, of unequal intensity and divergent modes of intervention in space, as well as presence
influence, in redefining this cultural identity. Historical Museum of of the continuously changeable concepts of modernization in
Bosnia and Herzegovina is an living example of those tendencies, of its widest sense. Supporting the positions promoting the
the positive, but the least present, one.
significance of the cultural identity and the role of
architecture and opposing the negative trends within the
Keywords- architecture, urban context, identity of a place, global tendencies that can be perceived as a threat, in this
cultural identity, local, global occasion, rather different perspective on this issue is
presented. This perspective opposes seeing only processes of
I. INTRODUCTION globalization as responsible for the lack of visual recognition
and vitality of cultural identity in the architecture.
Contemporary theoretical concepts in architecture are almost
unimaginable without new perceptions of the importance of Namely, varying local sociopolitical constellations
cultural identity. Cultural identity of certain specific regions almost on a daily basis cause change in the appearance of the
has implications on its architecture. In this way it represents urban context thus integrating its concrete intentions into
inevitable and continuous process of the permanent labeling of
emerging architecture which further has long-term influence After its fragmentary occurrence, it got quickly
on creation of specific cultural identity transformed into a phenomenon demanding critical
redefinition of the architectural processes and, thus,
Today, this very sensitive question deserves careful redefinition of the cultural identity.
attention, especially in small countries in which
transitional processes are still very much present. III. THE ROLE OF ARCHITECTURE IN
The problem persists when present contexts are not able to UNDERSTANDING AND REDEFINING CULTURAL
generate new architecture. IDENTITY
We perceive cultural identity of Bosnia and Herzegovina
In this ambience it is necessary to find answers for the actual through a reflection on its historical and geographical
questions – how to determine the identity of certain space and position.
in which way architecture and urban forms influence the
shaping the cultural identity and, finally, how specific cultural Situated between the civilizations of the Occident and
identity becomes locally and globally sustainable. the Orient, and the culture of continental Europe and the
Mediterranean, the country is being subjected to a radical
transformation of its socio-political organization and
II. CULTURAL IDENTITY AS A PROCESS frequent new rapidly established influences.

This research we begin with Charles Correa's deffinition In specific complexity of its always peripheral location
according to which identity is not a self-concious act but against major cultural and political centers, the cultural
process, thus spontaneously developing and lasting. This identity of Bosnia and Herzegovina was created out of its
deffinition could be supplemented with that, within recent sources and opens to the various influences as well as
social movements, cultural identity is not longer perceived reshapes, embodying social awareness. The specificity of
in singularity. Today it is indeed the unity of different such a cultural context emerges with quality architecture,
dynamically changeable identities. Also, this process could within which "modern heritage" represents an intriguing
be interpreted as an aiming to label a certain place and area of research and evaluation.
moment – here and now.
We start from the understanding that changing processes
Importance of the architecture in this process is of modernization and architecture that followed them until
invaluable. Architecture visualize values of a culture by its the early 1990s, are an inseparable part of our cultural
formal sensations. Hence, it is important to understand the heritage, rich with positive experiences, and are today
architecture as a powerful tool in determining the historical unjustly neglected. At this point, the process of forming
place of the individuals or community transferring ideas cultural identity loses the aforementioned characteristics, and
and setting the criteria. becomes a medium of certain scheduled interests. Duality of
returning to national-oriented society and unselective
That characteristic guides us to perceive developement dictatorship of the capital almost excludes the values
and upgrade of the cultural identity from two positions – achieved by the architectural modernization processes. In this
through both the implications of place and time. Today, manner, post-socialist modern society tends to erase valuable
situation is globally clear. It is evident that developement historical architectural examples, but the consequences are
of the cultural identity is strongly marked with far more complex – the links in the continuity of our cultural
developement of post-national societies, and cultural identity may disappear.
pluralism becomes res facti. That is why our attitudes have
to become more tolerant and allow architecture its This study has the aim to try to provide answers for the
elementary right to reflect the time, i.e. presence. questions raised in the Introduction, but represent a peculiar
appeal for awakening the conscience on significance of
New global culture is then perceived as paradigm of architecture of our past, on local level and further.
technological and generally scientific achievements,
which, in terms of identity and meaning, contribute to Redefining the attitudes towards this kind of architectural
existence of Auge's 'anthropological place' as a legacy will gradually lead to redefining the term of the
consequence of a cultural process rich in history, identity cultural identity what will be presented in the other part of
and interaction. However, we also witness that local issues this study.
show its other side. The aforementioned transition present
in Bosnia and Herzegovina has marked transition from Finally, considering the issue of cultural identity and its
social to private ownership in all segments of life and also timeless role of architecture, we cite Louis Sullivan:
marked the space and its architectural articulation. „Nothing more clearly reflects the status and the tendencies
of a people than the character of its buildings. They are
emanations of the people; they visualize for us the soul of our
people. They are as an open book. And by this sign the
tendency today is disquieting. It cannot logically accept
responsibility for one class of acts and deny responsibility for
others; for a people is an aggregated individual, to be held in
the balance of fate morally and responsibly for all his acts.“1

Creation of such socially responsible architecture would

contribute to necessary redefining of the architectural
processes if we aim to build buildings, which respect the past
and open new visions of the space for the future.



According to Manuel Castells collective identity is

constructed through a process with the participation of (some)
Figure 1. International University Sarajevo, Sarajevo
actors compelled by various reasons which are rooted in social
reality. Thus, the structure of construction of each identity
consists of the following questions: WHO, HOW, WHAT and
WHY does it create? Since the architecture reflects the social
situation, it often becomes subject of the political and
ideological influences, but on the other hand it certainly does
not have the power to change society (which is especially
shown during the twentieth century). It is certain that
architecture and society build a complex dialectic relationship,
in which architecture takes socially responsible role.

Within the society of Bosnia and Herzegovina we can

single out three current tendencies in the construction of
redefining cultural identity, unequal by their intensity and
impact. ”Fig.1”

The first is political-ideological oriented and starts from

primordial notions of identity construction- while rejecting
modern heritage or valorization of the socialist period
architecture. The aim is to create a homogeneous cultural
identity as an element of social stability and a sense of Figure 2. Hotel Termag, Jahorina mountain
belonging in the transition process. ”Fig.2” So constructed
cultural identity does not really happen to be neither Second tendency is based on a market-oriented
evolutionary nor conservative but fake, artificial and passive. relationship of architecture and society, which unfortunately
does not attempt any innovative or even neutral architectural
forms that could contribute to the cultural context. ”Fig.3” On
the contrary, visually dominant and spectacular aesthetics of
the architectural expression characterize this tendency. In the
short term it creates a whole new identity, according to the
recipe of generic architecture that ignores the existing cultural
values. While on the long term, if there is no rejection of such
an identity as an old and already seen, it becomes a nuisance
and intrigue. ”Fig.4”

L. Sullivan: "Kindergarten Chats", Interstate Architect and Builder, 1901.
Figure 3. Avaz Twist Tower, Sarajevo Figure 4. Sarajevo City Centre at Marijin Dvor, Sarajevo

Both tendencies are aimed at creating a new identity, first This engages also socially responsible role of architects. In this
by uncritically and selectively creating architectural collage transitional moment, where the first two tendencies are
that is a carrier of eligible cultural values, and the other dominant, such a role can be realized through an educational
uncritically and indiscriminately appropriates global trends in process that starts with research. This process is certainly the
architecture. At a first glance, it does not seem to appear as noblest and most time-consuming one.
such, but in the long run, the first tendency also ignores the
promotion of cultural diversity because it offers no basis for
their evolutionary development, and so can easily lead to a For the case study in this paper we will take the building
process of social and cultural homogenization. of the Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina
(formerly the Museum of the Revolution), built in 1963. The
The third tendency, starting from the value of the truth aim is to show how the process of architectural
that is found continuously, in regenerating role of culture materialisation, and analysis of architectural materialisation
through the recognition and preservation of the evolutionary from a certain time distance, can not be one-dimensional, if
basis for the promotion of cultural diversity, is at least present. we, as individuals and architects want to take part in the
One reason for this situation is the fact that this tendency is the process of reification of cultural identity.
most difficult one. It requires questioning and analysis within
the "process by which social actors build their own meaning
according to cultural attributes"2.
M. Castells: “The Power of Identity: The Information Age: Economy,
Society, and Culture”, Volume II, Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
V. CASE STUDY: HISTORICAL MUSEUM OF floating volume, which is achieved by its separation from the
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA pedestal by modular grid of glass surfaces, which at the
entrance level very subtly connects visitors with the
environment. In such a way, its immediate environment
gained a clear entrance sequence, as an attractive part of the
public space and the opposite side of one intimate space of the
garden, which brings the museum activities in an active
relationship with nature. The inner atrium of the main corpus
of the building on the second floor forms the ideal "white
box", a dream of every curator for flexible display of works of
art of that period and the museum’s topics.

Synthesizing the main characteristics of the modern

Figure 5: Historical Museum entrance away from street
tendencies of the time, architects "silently" entered into the
existing urban context, illustrating the need for a redefinition
The architectural heritage of modernism in Bosnia and of cultural identity spontaneously, by a new time, whilst not
Herzegovina is valuable in many different ways. It shows a destroying it at the same time.
strong mark of the tendencies of its era, but also of signature
styles of renowned regional, European and even world-known Without insisting on the interior design, as Magaš said, they
architects. Mostly, these are buildings whose visual identity is made a memorial, one sign of the times, and "if we're lucky, it
often even ahead of its time. Leaning on urban and will remain a monument to a time and to the people to whom
architectural experience of the last periods (the Ottoman and it is dedicated." 4 Author believes that if we create an
Austro-Hungarian architecture), architectural modernism, architecture that does not match either our time or function, or
although autonomous and functions beyond spatial and the characterization of the construction site, it then gets out of
temporal realities, is the true bearer of cultural memory and the domain of truth. It takes an effort to realize
constructive creator of Bosnian national and cultural identity. characterization of space, form and given time, which tells the
truth of human creative works by using the clearest language
The specific combination of transcendentalism of build, transcending into a formative component.
modern architecture, and sensitivity towards history and
cultural heritage, is reflected in the building of Historical
Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina that is located within the
historic sensitive urban fabric of Sarajevo’s city center, the
Marijin Dvor area. ”Fig.5” Characteristic of Marijin Dvor is
its specific position within the city's linear structure, where it
works as a joint, a natural link between the historic center and
the modern city zone, between the old and the new.

”Fig.6” Architectural design of the Museum, designed by

the then young Croatian architects (B. Magaš, E. Šmidihen
and S. Horvat) in the beginning of their creative careers, was
based on a disciplined adoption of modernist practices not
only in the field of architecture, but also from the culture in
general. Architect Magaš stresses3 noticeable impact of the
Mondrian genius, whose two-dimensional geometric forms,
with clearly articulated colors in the composition was, and
even today are, an inspiration to many artists.

Such procedures are prominent in shaping the museum

space on the principles of reducing the expressive language of
the architectural and of autonomy of artistic form in respect to
the content. White, stone-lined cube, erected on a pedestal,
which also highlights the monumentality of the building, is
part of the universal formative vocabulary, which will later
appear in other centers of modernism. Such elevated main
exhibition space is also emphasized by the appearance of

3 4
Boris Magaš, from an interview in the “Svjetlo Riječi” magazine, May 2011 Boris Magaš, from an interview in the “Svjetlo Riječi” magazine, May 2011.
Figure 6: Historical Museum, View of exterior garden near entrance Figure 7: Historical Museum, View from courtyard towards the street

Today the museum is completely neglected and even ignored contemporary local cultural identity. Because, as Mrduljaš
as an architectural monument and as cultural and educational says, "deleting the tradition of modern architecture and the
institutions. Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina ideas behind them will mean giving up the active and genuine
today obviously exists in very poor physical condition, which contribution to the global culture and leaving a provincial and
is a result of the lack of political decisiveness regarding completely marginalized situation where local or universal
maintenance of the heritage of modernist architecture. mean nothing."5 (Main lecturers, Vladimir Kulic, Cres / Fort
However, the management of the institution is trying to use Lauderdale, May 2013).
spatial resources for a variety of cultural activities
(exhibitions, educational workshops for children and adults, This "non-significance" raises a big question mark on the
bazaars, scientific research panel discussions and lectures), creative process of creating a space today. Only by adequate
which confirms that the area is able to house activities that are training and encouraging young creators to critically reflect on
complementary to its original purpose - affirmation of the the current time and space, it will be possible to contribute to
progressive tendencies that are contained in the program of the redefining cultural identity through the art of building.
museum but also in its architecture. Example of Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina in
Sarajevo shows that "architecture, the most physically rooted
In order not to leave this pearl of Modernism in Sarajevo of the arts, bears the capacity to draw even sea potent
to luck, it is necessary to acknowledge the needs of of policy inspiration from its place."6
management and maintenance of the heritage of modernist
architecture and ways of their continuous and rational Therefore, this homage to the "modern heritage" should
adjustment to current needs. In this way, it will also gain a be properly evaluated, and its potential in the formal and
possibility to show its potential and role in the formation of functional terms maximally exploited.

Maroje Mrduljaš, Vladimir Kulić: „Unfinished modernisation“, Cres/Fort
Lauderale, May 2013.
L. Speck: “Regionalism and Invention”, Center, Vol. 3, 1987.
Let us remember that the architecture is a testimony on (spatial and social, the place and time), it is evident that the
creativity of humans in the field of construction and every building of the museum in the architectural and cultural terms
moment that leads to its manifestation must be true. The truth thought through locally, but at the same time it remains
is what was, what is valuable, what we found, which creates consistent with universal principles of the architectural
our memory, culture, identity and wealth. Without that there is profession. The architects were able to take part in redefining
no truth, otherwise there is no identity, no culture, no space, cultural identity while allowing it the continuity of the
form, history, tradition, that tells the truth of human creative attributes of flexibility and multiplicity, relying on their own
works. sensibility and freedom in the aesthetic and conceptual
And without that truth there is no need for positive, for r- approach.
evolutionary, that each local community progressively leads to It can be concluded that only those processes of
the progress. redefining cultural identity that are created within the third
tendency can enable exiting general social transition. But at
VI. CONCLUSION the same time they represent a creative challenge to the
Using the example of the museum building many issues architects as socially responsible artists-creators.
that relate directly to the needs and ways of redefining cultural
identity intertwine, as well as the role of architecture in this
complex process.

Historical Museum by the period of its creation, in the REFERENCES

context of the historical development of Bosnian society,
belongs to the period of social transition-when the society, [1] M. Auge: “Non-Places: An Introduction to Supermodernity, Verso,
after the World War II, the capitalist system of monarchy 2009.
exceeded into the system of socialist workers' self-government [2] L. Sullivan in "Kindergarten Chats", Interstate Architect and Builder,
within the former Yugoslavia. From the architectural point of 1901.
doctrine, it is a period in which the creative forces of [3] M. Castells: “The Power of Identity: The Information Age: Economy,
modernism were already weakened by the functionalist dogma Society, and Culture”, Volume II, Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
of the (post)industrial society. Observed within the narrow [4] B. Magaš, from an interview in the “Svjetlo Riječi” magazine, May
context of heterogeneous Marijin Dvor site where it is located,
[5] M. Mrduljaš, V. Kulić: „Unfinished modernisation“, Cres/Fort
the building is very delicately interpolated into the existing Lauderale, May 2013.
urban structure, not creating discontinuation but rather [6] L. Speck, Regionalism and Invention, Center, Vol. 3, 1987.
conditions for further logical development of urban structures.
Within the presented analytical and comparative model where
the museum is observed through contextual multiplicity

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