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(a) As a result of the abolition of intermediaries, about 2 crore tenants are estimated

to have come into direct contact with the State making them owners of land.

(b) The abolition of intermediaries has led to the end of a parasite class. More lands

have been brought to government possession for distribution to landless farmers.

(c) A considerable area of cultivable waste land and private forests belonging to the
intermediaries has been vested in the State.

1. abolished exploitative the land tenure systems prevalent in agrarian society

2. Distributed the surplus land among the landless and the weaker sections of
the society.
3. Provided security of tenure i.e. the tenants are assured that they can cultivate
the land for long time period.
4. In some cases tenants even given ownership rights.
5. fixed rent in the range of 25-33%
6. Without use of violence.
7. The cumulative effect of abolition of zamindari, tenancy legislation and ceiling
legislation= motivated the cultivators to invest and improve agricultural
8. Even though these land reforms were met with limited success, they made a
significant positive impact on poverty removal.
9. Land reforms+ Sanskritization + democratization + Panchayati Raj= lower
castes have become more organized and assertive about their rights.
10. In areas where land reform has not been implemented, the inequalities have
persisted, caste oppression is most acute and have generally experienced low
socio-economic development. (In other words where Land reforms were properly
implemented- inequality is less, caste oppression is less and socio-economic
Development is better).
11. Historically unique effort at transformation of agrarian relations within a
democratic framework.
12. Brought fundamental changes in the agrarian economy, rural social structure,
and rural power structure. Moved India society towards the egalitarian
13. Increased democratization of Indian polity and reduction in influence of the
dominant sections of the society. Counter-argument: Impact was not so
significant like China/USSR.

To sum up, Land reforms are a major instruments of social transformation in a

backward economy based on feudal and semi-feudal productive relationships. But in
India, they met with limited success mainly because of the political and bureaucratic
 Increased agricultural growth and productivity and thus enhanced
farmers’ income due to land reforms is directly related to rural poverty reduction.
 Increased access to land for the poor landless masses by the redistribution
of land ensures them an income guarantee.
 Land reform leads to increased rural agricultural wages that help in
ensuring more income to the rural landless labourers and thus crucial to rural poverty
 Regulation of rents gives some security to the tenants.
 Abolition of intermediaries strengthenes the position of the actual landholders
and cultivators that help them to enhance their social and economic stature.

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