How The Voice Works Handout
How The Voice Works Handout
How The Voice Works Handout
At rest the diaphragm sits in the middle of the body like an upside down
soup bowl. When you breathe in, it contracts and flattens, and the soup
bowl becomes a plate. As it flattens, the diaphragm pulls the chest cavity
downward with it and air is sucked into the lungs. This movement pushes
the chest cavity down against the abdomen, causing the abdominal
organs to move slightly outward. You feel the middle of your body gently
expanding and contracting with your breathing. It feels as if the air is
flowing into your belly. It isn’t. The only place the air goes is into the lungs.
© Shelagh Davies, M.Sc, S-LP(C)
When it has finished its descent the diaphragm relaxes back up towards the
bottom of the lungs, pushes the air out and then the whole cycle begins again.
While the diaphragm may do most of the work when you breathe in, the muscles
between the ribs are also active. One set of these pulls the lower ribs up and out,
rather like handles on a bucket. This action helps expand the chest cavity and sucks
air into the lungs. You can feel this action if you put your hands over your lower ribs
and breathe for a while. The ribs lift and the air goes in; the ribs fall and the air goes out.
When you are not doing anything in particular, small movements of the diaphragm
and rib muscles are all you need to maintain your life’s breath. Your body is efficient.
It won’t work harder than it needs to.
From the inside, the larynx is definitely unfamiliar territory to most of us. There is
no way you can see inside your own larynx without special mirrors, a lot of practice,
and a very weak gag reflex.
Deep inside the larynx are the vocal folds – 2 strips of muscle covered with a white
mucosal membrane that flaps in the breeze when they vibrate. The vocal folds are
small – somewhere around 1 centimeter in women and up to 1 1/2 centimeters in
men – and positioned horizontally in the throat, parallel with the floor. The vocal
folds and the area between them would roughly fit inside a postage stamp. Quite
frankly, the vocal folds look like pretty insignificant, nondescript structures and it is
hard to imagine they are responsible for producing the beautiful sounds that some
people make.
The vocal folds are joined at the front and stretch back across the opening to the
windpipe. At the back, each fold attaches separately to a cartilage. These cartilages
tilt and swivel to change the length and position of the folds. When you are
breathing quietly, the folds are in a “V” shape that allows air to pass through them. If
you have just run up 4 flights of stairs and are gasping for air, they open a lot wider.
When you sing or speak, the vocal folds come together to meet in the midline, close
enough to be vibrated by the air from the lungs.
Hyoid Bone
Thyroid cartilage
Cricoid cartilage
Figure 4: Larynx
© Shelagh Davies, M.Sc, S-LP(C)
The pitch of the voice depends upon the number of times the vocal folds vibrate per
second - the faster the vibration, the higher the pitch. For a man’s voice in speaking
range, the vocal folds vibrate, on average, around 100 – 130 times per second; for a
woman’s voice it is in the range of 180 – 220 times per second. For guys, when you
are singing in falsetto, the vocal folds could be vibrating up to 500 or so times per
second, and when a classical soprano sings a high C, her vocal folds are vibrating at
over 1000 times per second!
Figure 6 : Vocal fold positions
Of course, in the human body, nothing is simple. This vocal fold vibration is very
complex - the folds meet from back to front, bottom to top, and the mucosal
membrane flows over each fold like a wave rippling on the seashore. Other things
affect the way vocal folds vibrate. The amount of air pressure from the lungs, how
tightly the folds are approximated, and the set of the muscles around the larynx all
can alter the way the folds meet and part.
You can imagine that a sound generator this complex produces an equally complex
sound wave, full of potential harmonics that add richness and character to the voice.
You can also see that there can be a huge amount of variation in how well the system
works. Even a small amount of extra tension around the vocal folds can affect the
way they vibrate. And because the folds vibrate SO MUCH, a small amount of
© Shelagh Davies, M.Sc, S-LP(C)
tightness can have a big effect. You can also begin to see how your vocal folds’ health
can be affected by things like:
• the larynx rises and the vocal folds shut firmly together.
• other muscles on top of the larynx shut tightly and seal off the entrance
to the windpipe.
The main biological function of the larynx is to act as a gatekeeper to the lungs: air
down the centre, lunch round the sides. The reason I am mentioning this is to let
you know that your throat has some pretty strongly wired biological functions and is
well equipped with muscles that act as a valve. They tighten, squeeze, and close.
© Shelagh Davies, M.Sc, S-LP(C)
Food / Drink
Figure 7: Swallowing
Tighten - squeeze - close … possibly familiar feelings when you sing? The swallowing
muscles are strong and used to acting on automatic pilot. When you are speaking
and singing you want them to stay uninvolved and neutral so the larynx can act as
a vibrator and not a valve. Training the throat muscles to allow vibration without
constriction is part of what good voice technique is all about.
The rich, complex sound wave produced in the larynx travels upward into the
cavities of the throat, mouth and nose. Here the sound behaves as it would in any
large, empty place: it resonates. It takes on the character of the space it is echoing
around in. Some frequencies are amplified, some are damped, and by the time the
sound wave hits your lips it has been profoundly altered. It has been turned into
your voice rather than someone else’s. Everyone’s voice is unique, just like everyone’s
fingerprints, and differences in the resonance system have a lot to do with this.
The resonance system also makes your voice louder without any added work on
your part. By simply passing through the relatively large cavities of the mouth and
throat the sound is automatically amplified. As a singer you can actually “tune” your
resonating system to give you a louder, richer sound – all without straining your voice!
When you do this, you get a big buzzy feeling in your face and your throat feels
open and relaxed. It feels great and it is very powerful.
© Shelagh Davies, M.Sc, S-LP(C)
So producing the voice and speech is one of those paradoxes. It is so simple we aren’t
conscious of doing it and so complex that - if we had to do it consciously - we would
never get it done at all.