Lecture 28: Voice 1 Anatomy of The Voice
Lecture 28: Voice 1 Anatomy of The Voice
Lecture 28: Voice 1 Anatomy of The Voice
The voice is the oldest and in many ways most complicated of the musical instruments. We
will discuss it in a series of lectures which will all be covered in this set of notes. They
are broken up into a discussion of the anatomy of the vocal system, a discussion of vowel
production, and a discussion of consonant production.
The vocal system is the upper part of the respiratory system. It has many parts, some
completely familiar to everyone and some a little less so; we will spend more time describing
the less familiar but important components.
The vocal tract is shown in figure 1. It begins at two openings to the outside, the nose
and the lips. The nose leads into the nasal cavity, the mouth into the oral cavity. These
meet at the back of the mouth and join into a single tube or cavity called the pharynx,
which in turn divides into two tubes, the esophagus, which goes to the stomach, and the
trachea, which goes to the lungs. The top of the trachea is a formation called the larynx
or voice-box.
It should be emphasized that all of these anatomical features serve several roles, some of
them more important than speech. As you know, the most important roles for the vocal tract
are in breathing and in eating. The fact that the same features which are needed for these
jobs (such as lips, teeth, and tongue, all essential in eating) can also be used so elegantly in
sound production. Keep this in mind when we look at the form and function of each piece.
The nasal cavity runs as far back into the head as the oral cavity, and is quite complicated.
It contains a series of bony plates with soft tissue on them, the olfactory organ, responsible
for the sense of smell. It also connects to a number of air cavities further up into the head,
called sinuses, which regulate the pressure in the brain cavity. Its role in speech is minor but
not irrelevant. (You can see how big by pinching your nose closed and then talking. Most of
the sounds are unchanged; a few, particularly n, m, and ng, are ruined.) The cavity
has no flexibility so there is no way to control its shape, which means that its role in speech
is passive.
The oral cavity has a number of features everyone is familiar with, and some people
are less familiar with. At the opening are the lips, then the teeth, which are held in by
bones: the mandible below and the maxillary bones above. The maxillary bones also form
the front half of the roof of the mouth, the hard palate, which is inflexible. The underside
of the oral cavity is mostly taken up by the tongue, which (as you know) is a very flexible
organ composed mostly of muscles. Motion of the tongue and lower jaw allows tremendous
variability in the size and shape of the air cavity in the mouth; motion of the jaw and lips
allow great control of the size and shape of its opening. The muscles of the jaw go up the
Figure 2: Vocal folds. Left: front view. Right: top view (actual photographs) of how they
open and close.
the top of the larynx. Depending on whether it is raised or lowered, it either opens or closes
the opening of the larynx. When you swallow you reflexively lower the epiglottis to close the
larynx and trachea. This occasionally fails, usually when you are suddenly distracted. Your
choking reflex is to use a burst of air to clear out anything which accidentally gets past the
What about the larynx, or voice box? It is a cartilage-cased box made up of cartilages, ligaments and tendons, muscles, and membranes. The airway goes through the larynx
as a roughly tube shaped passage through its middle, but the walls of the tube have a number
of pieces and processes which make it far from an even, straight tube. Only two will be of
real interest to us. The first is the epiglottis, which we already described. The second are the
vocal folds. These are two pieces of tissue, roughly semi-circular, one on either side of the
trachea. They extend from the walls towards each other, mostly closing off the airway, see
figure 2. They are made of membrane, tendon, and muscle. At the back, they are attached
to two cartilages called the arytenoids; at the front they attach to a cartilage called the
thyroid cartilage. In men the larynx is larger and the thyroid cartilage sticks out in the
front of the throat, forming the Adams apple. A number of muscles attach to their edges
and to the arytenoids, and a few muscles actually pass through the vocal folds themselves.
The vocal folds can be opened or closed by using the muscles attached to the arytenoids.
One muscular action brings the arytenoids together; the vocal folds then meet in the middle
and close off the airway entirely. Relaxing these muscles or using other muscles draws the
Figure 3: Time series of how the vocal folds move as air is forced through them during sound
arytenoids apart, so a space opens between the vocal folds. This gap, through which you
breathe, is called the glottis (epiglottis means above the glottis).
The vocal folds are not cords. They extend from the walls of the air passage almost or
completely to the middle (depending on how you pull the muscles).
When you close the vocal folds and then force air up through them, they make sound. Let
us see why. The muscles of the chest compress the lungs and raise the pressure of the air in
the lungs and larynx up to the focal folds. This causes a situation rather like blowing out
through your pursed lips. The pressure of the air underneath the vocal folds forces them up
and open. A burst of air escapes. The vocal folds are not soft and flabby, though; they are
elastic membranes, which spring back towards their natural position. They have a resonant
frequency, set by their size, thickness, and stiffness (tension), and they will resonate at about
this frequency, emitting a burst of air each period of the resonance. See figure 3. Each burst
of air temporarily lowers the pressure just below the folds, so there is less upward force as
they fall shut than as they open. Therefore the act of blowing through them increases the
energy in the resonance, which is what keeps it going. Turning the air stream into a series of
puffs generates sound, because it means the pressure and air speed above the vocal folds will
vary with time. The sound will be periodic, with a frequency set by the resonant frequency
sound is being produced at the bottom of a tube, running from the vocal folds to the lips,
the nose, or both (depending on the position of the soft palate). The tube has resonances
and the frequencies produced by the vocal folds which lie close to a resonance are enhanced.
The mouth is about 9 cm from front to back and the pharynx is about 8 cm from the
back of the mouth to the top of the vocal folds. These numbers are approximate; they vary
between individuals and they change slightly because the shape and length of the pharynx
can be slightly adjusted by muscular action. If the mouth and pharynx formed a tube of
uniform width, then since it is (almost) closed at the vocal folds and open at the mouth, the
resonant frequencies would be at approximately,
fres =
1, 3, 5 = 500 , 1500 , 2500 , . . . Hz
Note that all of these frequencies are substantially higher than the normal speaking range
of frequencies. Therefore, unlike most musical instruments, the human voice is not played
at a resonant frequency of the air cavity1 . The frequency is determined by the tension
and thickness of the vocal folds, which are heavy enough that their resonation is almost
unaffected by the resonances in the air cavity above them. The role of the resonances of
the vocal tract is entirely in strengthening certain harmonics of the voice and not others;
namely, the harmonics which come close to coinciding with a resonant frequency of the vocal
tract are enhanced. Because of this role in forming the timbre of the voice, the resonant
frequencies of the vocal tract are called formants. They are numbered, from the lowest to
higher frequencies, that is, they are called the first formant F1 , the second formant F2 ,
the third formant F3 , and so forth.
The resonant frequencies of the vocal system are not particularly high Q. This is mostly
because the vocal folds are not completely closed for the full cycle. When they are partly
open, they reflect most of the sound wave but let a part through, down the trachea to the
lungs. The lungs are soft spongy tissues which almost perfectly absorb sound. This energy
loss mechanism limits the Q. Recall that a resonance enhances any frequency which is close
to the resonant frequency. Therefore the formants modify the tone color whether or not a
harmonic of the sung frequency happens to coincide exactly with a formant frequency. The
timbre of the voice is also affected by the efficiency of radiation from the mouth opening;
like the wind instruments we have already discussed, a larger fraction of high frequencies
escape an opening than for low frequencies, enhancing the harmonics by about 6 dB per
octave. The influence of the formants and radiation efficiency on the spectrum of the voice
is illustrated in figure 4.
There is one notable exception: sopranos singing high in their register are singing as high as the lowest
resonant frequency. Well trained operatic sopranos actually adjust their throat and mouth with the note
they sing to shift the resonance to match the note they are singing, greatly enhancing loudness. This is why
operatic sopranos are so famous (infamous) for their loudness.
Figure 4: The effect of radiation and formants on sound. Since the voice is periodic, the
frequency spectrum is a series of lines at the harmonic frequencies of the vocal frequency.
The curve which shows how high these lines go is called the envelope. If the vocal folds
were open directly to the air, the sound production would be like the red lines and envelope.
Adding in the 6 dB per octave of enhancement for high frequencies to radiate out from
the mouth opening gives the blue. The resonant enhancements near the formants gives the
The key to producing all the different vowel sounds is, that the shape of the vocal tract
can be modified very widely and with great precision by adjusting the tongue, lips, and jaw
(and to a lesser extent, the throat and soft palate). What this does is to change the resonant
frequencies, modifying which harmonics of the voice are enhanced and which are not. For
instance, in the letter long e, (and even more in the German
u), the mouth and lips
are narrowed. The pharynx is a wider tube and the mouth a narrower tube. This is a little
like the wine bottle (Helmholtz resonator) we encountered in an earlier lecture. The bottom
frequency F1 is lowered, and the two next frequencies F2 and F3 move towards each other
at around 2000 Hertz. This leads to an enhancement of low frequencies and of a range of
frequencies around 2000 Hertz, but nothing in between. (Remember that the appearance
of ee was close to a sine wave or sine plus sine with twice the frequency, with prominent,
much higher frequency ripple. The low frequencies were from F1 , the prominent wiggles were
from F2 and F3 being at close to the same frequency.) On the other hand, if you open the
mouth and lips wide, aah, then the tube is a narrower tube (pharynx) opening to a wider
tube (mouth) opening to the world. The resonances are roughly the resonance of each tube,
f = vsound /4(L/2); so F1 and F2 move together around 1000 Hertz, F3 moves up in frequency
around 3000 Hertz. All of the other vowels are other ways of holding the mouth which cause
This does not begin to exhaust the list of tricks the vocal tract has for making sounds. The
other tricks are grouped together as consonants. Most consonants involve the narrowing
or closing of the airway to produce or modify a sound. However, the definition of what is
a consonant and what is a vowel is made partly on usage (linguistics) rather than on the
method of sound production. Some consonants involve the vocal folds; others do not. Some
can be sustained; others have to be short.
The consonants in English are grouped into 5 types according to how the sound is produced:
Fricatives: The fricatives are hissing sounds made then air is forced through a very
narrow passage. This sound production is similar to how sound is produced by a flute,
only without the flute. It relies on the physics of turbulence, which we will not try to
understand in this course. The thing to know is, that when air passes rapidly through
a short, narrow opening, it oscillates erratically as it emerges. If you are blowing
through a horizontal slit, the air will alternately go somewhat upwards and downwards
as it emerges. The time scale for this alternation is about twice the time it takes a
bit of air to rush through the narrow spot (just as the ideal rate to blow across a flute
is so the air takes about half a period to cross). For instance, if the air is going 50
meters/second and the slit is 5 mm across, the air needs .005/50 = .0001 seconds to
get through, and the airstream will oscillate at around 5000 Hertz. It is not a periodic
oscillation. It is noise made of frequencies in a range around this central value.
The fricatives are the consonants made by forming a narrow spot in the airstream and
forcing air through it. If the vocal folds are also vibrated, the fricative is voiced; if
they are not, it is unvoiced. The location of the narrowing and resulting consonants
lip and teeth: f (unvoiced) and v (voiced)
tongue tip and upper teeth: s (unvoiced) and z (voiced)
tongue and both sets of teeth: th as in thistle (unvoiced) and th as in
this (voiced)
y. The distinction between a semivowel and a vowel is made mostly on its linguistic
use rather than on the sound production mechanism; both semi-vowels are used as
parts of diphthong vowels in English, as well as their use as consonants.
To clarify, the above discussion does not exhaust the list of sounds the vocal system
can make, it only lists the consonants commonly used in English (and a few which are
not). The full set of sounds the vocal system can make is vast, and no language uses all
of them. Different languages use different ones, and make finer distinctions between some
sounds which other languages consider equivalent. This is all learned and cultural. Your
vocal system is capable of making any sound used in any language. The difficulty is that
your brain has not trained to use the sounds you do not need in the language(s) you speak,
and your ear has not trained to recognize the important differences between sounds needed
for some other languages. The vocal training needed is really nontrivial, because in normal
speech you make 10 to 20 different vowel and consonant sounds per second, which means
that the muscular motions have to be memorized. Training the vocal system becomes more
difficult with age, which is why people who learn languages after the age of about 12 typically
retain an accent.
The other aspect of speech is prosodic features. This is the rising and falling of the
voice frequency, changes in loudness (accents and emphasis), and changes in speed or silent
gaps. These convey additional meaning, such as urgency, sarcasm, emphasis, the distinction
between a question and an answer, and so forth. In Indo-European languages their use is
analogous to punctuation in written language. In tonal languages, they are varied syllable by
syllable, and depending on how the pitch rises or falls, the syllable has a different meaning
(is a different word). Mandarin, Cantonese, and Thai are examples of tonal languages.
The main thing which makes singing singing rather than speech is the way the pitch and
timing of the voice are modified. Typically, each syllable is made the length of a note and
is pitched to be steady on a note of the scale, rather than hopping up and down to convey
prosodic information. This is the first reason that it is harder to understand song than
speech. The other reason is that there are typically some modifications of the way the vocal
tract is used, to increase the power of the voice at the expense of intelligibility.
Singers, especially trained choral or operatic singers, typically widen the jaw opening and
change the mouth and lip configuration to increase sound radiation and power (think of your
choral director yelling over and over to open your mouths wider). There is also a lowering
of the larynx and a widening of the pharynx (increasing the size of the pharynx). This often
leads to a resonance of the pharynx cavity, called the singers formant, at approximately
3000 Hertz. This happens to be the most sensitive range of human hearing, and is also above
the dominant frequency region of most musical instruments. This is what allows a tenor to
compete with an orchestra and still be heard.
What allows a soprano to compete with an orchestra and still be heard, especially in
their upper register, is formant tuning. They are singing at a high enough frequency that
a vocal formant can lie within the range of the fundamental of their voice. By adjusting
the shape of the vocal tract, they can match a formant frequency of the vocal tract to the
note they are singing. This causes a dramatic resonant enhancement of the loudness of the
fundamental frequency. It is hard to do, because the vocal tract must be held differently
for each note. This is particularly challenging on very fast passages. Therefore it is only
highly trained operatic sopranos who can apply this technique. It also means that the note
cannot be formed into any specific vowel sound. However, in this range of frequency (500 to
1000 Hertz), you could not tell apart different vowels anyway, because the harmonics of the
voice are so far apart that they are not sampling the locations of the formants enough for
you to tell where the formants lie. Therefore operatic writers only put words intended to be
intelligible in the lower part of a sopranos range. It is the combination of sound power and
the very large fraction of the sound power in the fundamental which allows opera singers
to shatter wine glasses (if they are made of high quality crystal, so the vibration of the
glass has a very high Q, and the singer tunes their sung frequency to coincide exactly with
the vibration frequency of the glass, then the vibration of the glass grows so large that it