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Agenda - Bucharest Workshop - V2

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Multicountry Workshop on State

aid Maps in the Transport Sector
organised in co-operation with
The Romanian Competition Council (Romania)

30-31 October 2018

Romanian Competition Council Headquarters
1st Presei Libere Square, D1 Building, 2nd floor Conference room, sector 1, Bucharest

The Romanian Competition Council (Romania)

REGIO 67611

Organised and funded by the

Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Instrument
of the European Commission

Aim of the Workshop:

The aim of the workshop is twofold:
 on the one hand, to be a forum for a fruitful discussion on the application of
State aid rules in the Transport sector (Air, Aviation, Rail, Road).
 on the other hand, the objective is to update and improve as well as amend
the State aid maps in Transport, co-constructed in November 2017 in the
frame of the REGIO Communities of Practitioners

From Romania:
 Horatiu Pasca - Competition Council
 Sorina Palan - Competition Council
 Alis Barbulescu - Competition Council
 Raluca Parlog - Competition Council
 Marilena Buna-ziua - Competition Council
 Angelica Haliciu - Competition Council
 Catalin Costache – Ministry of Transport
 Claudiu Staicu - Ministry of Transport
 Roxana Ilie - Ministry of Transport
 Ioana Sarsama - Ministry of Transport
 Ionut Marcu - Ministry of Transport
 Florin Stoica - Ministry of Transport
 Elena Crangasu - Ministry for Regional Development and Public
 Sava Chiser - Ministry for Regional Development and Public Administration
 Amalia Tiplic - Ministry for Regional Development and Public Administration
 Laurentiu Caprian - Ministry for Regional Development and Public
 Adina Florea - Ministry for Regional Development and Public Administration
 Mariana Svestun – Ministry of European Funds
 Adrian Margarit - Ministry of European Funds
 Victor Patrulescu - Ministry of European Funds
From abroad:
 Udo Woll (DE) Deutsche Bahn AG
 Adél Schropefer (DE) DLR – German Aerospace Center, Institute of Air
Transport and Airport Research
 Stefan Jarecki (PL) Ministry of Economic Development
 Roman Gąszczyk (PL) Ministry of Economic Development
 Valentin Ignatov (BG) Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and
 Nikolay Dechev (BG) Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and
 Antanas Sabanas, Joint Secretariat | Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014 –
 Jenny Billowie, Joint Secretariat | Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014 –
 Jovita Ramanauskaitė (LT) Central Project Management Agency
 Inga MACIJAUSKIENE (LT) Central Project Management Agency
 Aleksejs Čekalovs (LV) Latvian Ministry of Finance
 Jana Rudolf Mesaric (SI) Ministry of finance
 CsillaBartos (HU) Ministry of Innovation and Technology
Moderated by:
 Marcelline Bonneau
Regio Communities of Practitioners’ Manager
Day 0: Monday 29 October 2018
Venue: TBC
19.30 Informal dinner

Day 1: Tuesday 30 October 2018

Venue: Piata Presei Libere, no. 1, corp D1, Sector 1, 013701, Bucharest.
8:30 – 9:00 Registration of participants

09:00 – 09:10 Official welcome, xxx

09:10 – 09:20 Presentation of the aim of this workshop, agenda for the next two days, Horatiu
Pasca and Sorina Palan
09:20 – 09:30 Introduction to the workshop within the frame of the DG REGIO Communities of
Practitioners, Marcelline Bonneau
09:30 – 10:00 Tour de table and exectations from participants, Marcelline Bonneau
10:00 – 11:00 State Aid and Transport Sector: Exchange on the issues faced by the participants
to the workshop, Romania and other partners. Presentations followed by Q&A

Transversal presentations: State Aid in Transport…

 Aleksejs Cekalovs : Methodological questions arising when we are
auditing project under Regulation 1370/2007.
Topic #1: State aid the Road sector
 Horatiu Pasca, Raluca Parlog, Marilena Buna-ziua (RO): Public
service contracts (based on the draft contract at national level)
 …
Topic #2: State aid the Rail sector
 Udo Woll : Commission decisions and European Courts´ judgments
on State aid in the Railway Sector
 …
11:00 – 11:15 Coffee break
11:15 – 13:00 Topic #3: State aid the Maritime sector
 Antanas Sabanas: presentation about State Aid to maritime ports
(based on case study of SB Programme).

Topic #4: State aid the Aviation sector

 Marilena Buna-ziua, Angelica Haliciu (RO): Good Practice of a
individual SGEI notified aid
 Adél Schroepfer: possibilities for state aid to regional airports.

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch break

14:00 – 16:00 Improving the maps: Identifying cases addressing your two questions: Does the
measure include State Aid? – Yes; - No; How to make State Aid compatible? –
Regulation 1370/2007; GBER, Regional aid guidance, etc.
o Based on the morning’s presentations
o Based open cases collected upfront from all the participants (following
the maps I will have updated from your inputs of the past few months…)
16:00 – 17:45 Identifying best practices to avoid SA (Jana Rudolf-Meyer’s proposal)
17:45 – 18:00 Recapping on the day: important issues and what to take further, moderated
by Marcelline Bonneau
18:00 – 20:00 Break
20:00 Informal dinner
Day 2: Wednesday 31 October 2018
Venue: Piata Presei Libere, no. 1, corp D1, Sector 1, 013701, Bucharest.
08:30 – 09:00 Welcome and coffee

09:00 – 09:10 Presentation of the work of the second day, Horatiu Pasca
09:10 – 09:20 Feedback from the first day, Marcelline Bonneau
09:20 – 09:40 Tour de table on participants’ feedbacks and expectation for the second day
Moderated by Marcelline Bonneau
09:40 – 12:30 Co-creating a checklist for projects under 1370/2007 (Aleksejs Cekalovs’s
proposal) moderated by Marcelline Bonneau
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch Break
13:30 – 15:30 Peer coaching: identifying remaining questions from the participants and
addressing them (Horatiu Pasca’s and Sorina Palan’s proposal)
15:30 – 16:00 Finalisation of the Map and next steps, moderated by Marcelline Bonneau
More information on TAIEX:

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