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Presentation EU Funding

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EU funds in Croatia past, present, future Hrvoje Dolenec

Central state office for development strategy and coordination of EU funds (CODEF) Zagreb, December 3, 2010

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EU funds in Croatia today?

Future cohesion policy, common agricultural policy?

Cohesion and common agricultural policy in Croatia

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EU funds in Croatia today?

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EU funds in perspective of EU-Croatia relations

10/2001 Stability and Accession Agreement OBNOVA (1996-2000) CARDS (2000-2004/2006) 04/2004 European Partnership with Croatia Croatia becomes a candidate country Accession strategy for Croatia Opening of the Accession Negotiations Accession partnership Negotiations blocked PHARE/ISPA/SAPARD (2005/2006) IPA (since 2007) EU STRUCTURAL FUNDS & COHESION FUND FP 2007-2013 + Community Programmes (Union Programmes)

FP 2000-2006

06/2004 10/2004 10/2005 02/2006 11/2008 09/2009

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EU funds chronology in Croatia

2000-2004/6 CARDS





2007 Transition assistance and institution building Crossborder cooperation

IPA Regional developmen t Human resources developmen t Agriculture/ Rural developmen t/Fishery

European European fund European Postfund for for regional accession social fund regional development/ developmen Cohesion fund t Sredinji dravni ured za razvojnu strategiju i koordinaciju fondova EU

European social fund

European agricultural fund for rural development/ European fisheries fund

Financial allocation of EU funds

2001: 60 millions 2002: 59 millions 2003: 62 millions 2004: 81 millions 2005: 77 millions 2006: 69 millions 2005: 25 millions 2006: 34 millions 2006: 25 millions 2007: 141 millions 2008: 146 millions 2009: 151 millions 2010: 154 millions 2011: 157 millions

Total: 262 millions


Total : 146 millions


Total : 59 millions

4 5


Total : 749 millions

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IPA new generation of preaccession assistance

Support for the candidate countries (Croatia, FYROM, Turkey) and potential candidates countries (Albania, B. and H., Montenegro, Serbia) to prepare for: accession to EU (alignment with and implementation of aquis communitaire) absorbtion of cohesion/agricultural instruments Multiannual planning (Operational programmes) Interservice coordination Partnership Co-financing Implementation monitoring Evaluation Decentralised management more responsibility for line ministries Time frame(n + 3 rule)


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IPA new generation of preaccession assistance

TO BE MORE EFFECTIVE IN FULFILING OBJECTIVES divided into five components For all beneficiaries countries: I. Transition assistance and institution building II. Cross-border cooperation For candidate countries: + III. Regional development IV. Human resources development V. Rural development

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IPA new generation of preaccession assistance

Component I Transition assistance and institution building Political criteria Economic criteria ability to assume the obligations of membership Development of civil society dialogue Supporting programmes Component II Crossborder cooperation Participation in crossborder operational programmes with member countries (Hungary, Slovenia, Adriatic) Participation in crossborder operational programmes with IPA countries (B. and H., Montenegro, Serbia) Participation in transnational operational programmes (SEE, Mediteran)
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IPA new generation of preaccession assistance

Component III Regional development IIIA transport support infrastructure projects in railways and inland waterways IIIB environment support infrastructure projects in solid waste and water management IIIC regional competitivness support competitivness initiatives and regional development initiatives Potential beneficiaries are public administration bodies, public and scientific institutions and busines community (SMEs) Component IV Human resources development suppotrs measures for employment incentives, education and social inclusion. Potential beneficiaries are public administration bodies, public institutions, social partners and NGOs. Component V Rural development continuation of SAPARD programme.
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IPA allocations 2007- 2011 ( mn)

1 Transition assistance and inst. building Crossborder cooperation Regional development Human resources development Rural development

2008 45.40 14.70 47.60 12.70 25.60 146.00

2009 45.60 15.90 49.70 14.20 25.80 151.20

2010 39.50 16.20 56.80 15.70 26.00 154.20

2011 39.96 16.54 58.20 16.00 26.50 157.20


49.60 9.70 45.05 11.38 25.50 141.23

220.06 73.04 257.35 69.98 129.40

2 3 4 5


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Institutional structure for IPA management in Croatia

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Future cohesion policy, common agricultural policy?

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BDP pc in EU, 2008 (%, PPS, of EU 27 average)

Legend < 50 50 75 75 100 100 125 >125 n.a.

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BDP pc in EU, 2006 (%, PPS, of EU 27 average)

Legend < 50 50 75 75 100 100 125 >125 n.a.

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Employment rate, 2008 (% of population 15-64 years)

Legend < 50 50 55 55 60 60 70 >70 n.a.

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Employment rate, 2007 (% of population 15-64 years)

Legend < 50 50 55 55 60 60 70 >70 n.a.

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Main goal of cohesion policy

Main objective of cohesion policy: decreasing differences in development levels among European regions and balanced strengthening of economic and social cohesion development within EU

Improving global competitivness of European economy supporting implementation of Lisbon strategy (replaced by EU 2020 strategy)

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Main goal of common agricultural policy

Main objective of common agricultural policy:
increase competitiveness of European agriculture and marketresponsiveness adress the needs of rural areas reflect growing concern about environmental issues

Most of CAP spending goes to direct aids to farmers, rural development measures to give farmers a safety net, promote good food, look after the countryside and environment, invigorate rural economies

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EU budget, 2007-2013

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Sources of financing of Cohesion policy

Structural funds: European social fund, ESF European regional development fund , ERDF Cohesion fund, CF European investment bank, EIB

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Cohesion policy logic of interventions

Objective Convergence: NUTS II regions with GDP p/c in
PPS below 75% EU average in defined multiannual period


FINANCIAL ALLOCATIONS 81.5% of which 23.2 % for CF


Countries with GNI p/c in PPS below 90% EU average in defined multiannual period Regional competitivenes and employment all regions (NUTS I and NUTS II) not covered by Convergence objective European teritorial cooperation NUTS III region along borders among EU memebrs and outside borders TOTAL 2007-2013





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Cohesion fund
18% of Cohesion policy allocations Preferred projects above 50 mn EU cofinancing level 80-85% Condition for eligibility of country: GNI < 90% EU average Criteria for country allocations: area and number of inhabitants Purpose: environmental and transport infrastructure
- Transeuropean transport network(TEN-T) and Paneuropean

corridors - Environmentaly sustainable development in energy and transport sector

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Examples of possible interventions in structural instruments - ERDF

Investments in production Direct grants to SMEs Infrastructure Environmental, transport, energy, touristic,

health, educational, scientific

Strengthening of economic potentials Strengthening of

touristic services, increasin investment attractiveness, information society (availability of high speed internet, on line services), competitiveness (R&D, clusters, business incubators, innovation initiatives,)
From 2007 emphasis on R&D, sustainable growth, prevention of natural and technological risks

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Examples of possible interventions in structural instruments - ESF

Support for investmens in human resources: life long learning, innovation and enterpreneurship, ICT and management skills Adaptability to economic changes: more productive work organisation, improvement of skills and knowledge, employment and training (restructuring) Labour market : modernisation and institution strengthening, active measures for employment (selfemployment), inclusion of women and migrants, marginalized groups Social inclusion (especially sensitive groups): antidiscrimination policy, empoyment, support and services

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Agriculture/Rural Development / Fisheries

Sources of financing : European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) European Agricultural Garantee Fund (EAGF) European Fisheries Fund (EFF)

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Rural development funds (Common agricultural policy)

European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)
Investments in agricultural properties (competitivness, ecological sustainability), modernisation of processing industry and markets Education of young agricultural enterpreneurs and workers (consulting, training) Support for eco-production, forestry, renewable energy incentives Diversification of activities: crafts, tourism Basic rural infrastructure, preserving of rural areas

European Fisheries Fund (EFF)

Reconstruction and modernisation of fisheries fleets, fishery ports Balanced fishinf, support for fishing constraint, support for aquaculture projects Improvements inprocessing, markets and marketing

European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF)

Direct payments to farmers and measures to regulate agricultural markets (e.g. intervention and expoert refunds)

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Cohesion and common agricultural policy in Croatia

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Cofinancing with structural instruments

Max 85% of total eligible expenditures Lower cofinancing rates for revenue generating beneficiaries and projects Additional value effect additional development stimulus

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Expecting full EU membership

Specific issues for Croatia representing consultation framework :

Entering current financial perspective in the 2 remaining years Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund support continuity of IPA approach importance of absorption concentration on limited number of areas with well prepared, matured projects

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Preconditions for the usage of EU funds

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SDU za razvojnu strategiju i koordinaciju fondova Europske Unije EU COHESION POLICY EU COHESION POLICY












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Central Office for Development Strategy and Coordination of EU Funds


Increase growth and promote sustainable development in order to Increase growth and promote sustainable development in order to achieve real convergence achieve real convergence


Higher economic growth Higher economic growth based on market integration based on market integration and institutional reforms and institutional reforms

Higher employment Higher employment higher rate of job creation higher rate of job creation

Promotion of sustainable Promotion of sustainable development development

Development of modern transport networks and increased accessibility of regions Development of modern transport networks and increased accessibility of regions Investments in environment and energy infrastructure Investments in environment and energy infrastructure


Stenghthening of competitivenes of Croatian economy Stenghthening of competitivenes of Croatian economy Employment and human capital development Employment and human capital development Administratve capacities development Administratve capacities development Balance regional development as horizontal priority Balance regional development as horizontal priority

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Central Office for Development Strategy and Coordination of EU Funds

Expected EU membership effects: GDP p.c. in PPP as % of EU average
WorldScan General Equilibrium Model HERMIN MODEL

No membership Membership

2012 63 63

2015 67.3 68.9

2020 73.1 77.0

2025 79.4 86.1

No membership Memberhip

2012 63 63

2015 67.3 69.6

2020 73.1 78.9

2025 79.4 89.4

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National Strategic Reference Framework 2012 -2013

Umbrella strategic document for absorbtion of funds which Croatia will have at disposal from structural funds and Cohesion fund as an EU member state Document which links development goals of the Republic of Croatia to the goals of Cohesion policy Draft prepared by Central State Office for Development Strategy and Coordination of EU funds in cooperation with other bodies of state administration and the European Commission A detailed elaboration of areas of interventions and of potential beneficiaries through operative programmes
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National Strategic Reference Framework 2012-2013

OP Transport

Priority axis 1: Integration and modernisation of Croatian infrastructures in connection with TEN-T corridors Priority axis 2: Developoment and modernisation of regional transport infrastructure

OP Environment and Energy OP Regional Competitivness

Priority axis 1: Interventions in waste, air quality, nature protection and energy sectors Priority axis 2: Interventions in water management sector Priority axis 1: Enhancing the competitiveness of the Croatian economy Priority axis 2: Increasing the development potential of Croatian regions Priority axis 1: Support to access to sustainable employment and adaptability of the workforce

OP Human Resources Development

Priority axis 2: Reinforcing social inclusion of disadvantaged groups and people with special needs Priority axis 3: Enhancing human capital in education and in research and development Priority axis 4: Strengthening the role of civil society for better governance Priority axis 1: Enhancement of the Efficiency of the Public Administration and Judiciary Prioritetna os 2: Priority axis 2: Development of human resources in the judiciary

OP Administrative Capacities Development

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National Strategic Reference Framework 2012-2013

IMPLEMENTATION: Agency for Audit of Implementation System for EU programmes Ministry of Finance, National Fund Ministry of Sea, Transport and Infrastructure Ministry of Environment Protection, Physical Planning and Construction Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepeneurship Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepeneurship Ministry of Public Administration CODEF

Audit Financial management

OP Transport OP Environment and Energy OP Regional Competitiveness OP Human Resources Development OP Administrative Capacities Development

NSRF monitoring
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Beneficiaries / institutions submitting project proposals: State Administration Bodies, Bodies of local and regional self-governance and their associations. Schools, Universities, Institutes, entrepreneur centers, public companies and agencies which are legal entities with public jurisdiction, entrepreneurs and others.

Works/Service providers , equipment suplliers = fund consumers: construction companies, educational institutes, consultancies, equipment producers and others. Target groups: unemployed, students, entrepreneurs, employees, civil servants and others.

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Agriculture/Rural Development / Fisheries

Sources of financing : European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) European Agricultural Garantee Fund (EAGF) European Fisheries Fund (EFF) Programming documents : National Strategic Plans Operational programes (for rural development and fisheries) Body responsible for the preparation is Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development
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Financial envelope for Croatia - proposal

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For additional information: Manual European Funds for Croatian Projects

Karakteristike prirunika: 216 stranica. ukljuujui anekse te liste CARDS i PHARE projekata; 55 tabela. 30 prikaza. 10 mapa. te 30-ak primjera razliitih projekata u Hrvatskoj.

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Europan Funds for Croatian Projects How to qualify for EU funds? 150 questions and answers for businessmen

Glossary of the Eruopean Union Funds

These brochures and many others you can find at

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Hvala na pozornosti ! Thank you for your attention !

Central Office for Development Strategy and co-ordination of EU Funds

Radnika cesta 80 Tel. +385 1 4569 205, 4569 194 Fax. +385 1 4569 150
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