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Konferencë Mbi Prezantimin E Strategjisë Ndërsektoriale Të Shkencës, Teknologjisë Dhe Inovacionit

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17 Qershor 2009


17 June 2009
Hotel Tirana International


17TH JUNE 2009


TIME: 09:00-13:30


9:30- 10:00 Registration

10:00 – 10:15 Introduction from DEBASKON

10:15- 10:35 Speech from Deputy Prime Minister Genc Pollo

10:35 – 10:50 Speech from BRESCE/UNESCO

10:50 -11:20 Presentation of the strategy from the expert

11:20 – 11:40 Speech Ministry of Education and Science

11:40 -12:00 Questions & Discussions

12:00 -12:20 Coffee break

12:20 – 13:30 Discussions from representatives of public and private

Universities, ministries and governmental agencies, industries
and academia, donor organisations and other stakeholders

National Strategy of Science,

Technology and Innovation


June 2009


Preface ………………………………………………………………………………3
Acronyms and abbreviations ……………………………………………………… 4
Preamble …………………………………………………………………………… 5

CHAPTER 1. Overview of the present situation………………………………… 6

1.1. Reform hitherto in the STI system
1.2. Science system and its component institutions
1.3. National STI system capacities and performance
1.4. Legal framework and decision- making process
1.5. Albanian international and European cooperation on STI

CHAPTER 2. Vision, priorities and strategic goals…………………………… 14

2.1. Vision
2.2. Research priorities
2.3. Goals and milestones

CHAPTER 3. Policies to be pursued ……………………………………………17

3.1. Structuring policy implementation

3.2. Strengthening policy- making capacity
3.3. Creating an appropriate capacity for programme management
3.4. Improving the legal and institutional framework for research
policy- making and research funding
3.5. Adopting an adequate budgetary framework

CHAPTER 4. Evaluation and monitoring ………………………………………26

4.1. Internal procedures and monitoring
A. Institutional evaluation
B. Programme evaluation
C. Organisational arrangements
4.2. International benchmarking instruments

ANNEX …………………………………………………………………………28
Action Plan ………………………………………………………………29


Dear Reader,

I have the pleasure to present the Crosscutting Strategy of Science, Technology and
Innovation (SSTI), the first document of this kind that will comprise the long-term
platform of development, research and innovation in our country for the period 2009–

The high rates of economic and social development required in the process of
Albania’s NATO membership and European Union accession necessitate the
strengthening of the role of science, technology and innovation in our society. This
role comprises fundamental factors of a knowledge-led economy which are essential
to face the great challenges that lie ahead in a global and ever competing world.

This strategy defines clearly the vision and the number of important objectives that
relate to the financial and human resources involved to meet them, being harmonized
with the objectives of the National Strategy for Development and Integration, with
those of the Higher Education Strategy and other sector strategies. It is a clear
indication of current government commitment to place research and science alongside
higher education in the focus of governmental priorities.

Together with its action plan SSTI comprises a valuable guideline for the work of
policymakers, universities, academics and Albanian researchers in order for them to
make their contribution to meeting the objectives and activities during implementation
of the Strategy.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank cordially all those who contributed in
drafting this Strategy, employees of the Ministry of Education and Science, the
Department of Strategy and Donor Coordination (DSDC), university staff, academics
and specialists of line ministries and other agencies, who enabled the collection of
information and gave valuable comments and suggestions.

Special thanks go to UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe
(BRESCE) experts who enabled the technical assistance and financial assistance to
produce these documents. Considering approval of this strategy as an important step,
we are aware of the great work that lies ahead for its implementation. Therefore, I
invite all stakeholders in this process to join their efforts to realize together our
common aims in this field, which is both beautiful and important, in order to
guarantee a rapid, stable and long-term development of Albanian society.

Deputy Prime Minister

Genc Pollo

Abbreviations and Acronyms

ACES Albanian Centres of Excellence in Science

ALPTO Albanian Directorate of Patents and Trademarks
ARA Albanian Research Agency
BIC Business Innovation Centre
CARDS Community Assistance to Reconstruction, Development and
CHES Council for Higher Education and Science
CIP Competitiveness and Innovation Programme
COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology
CSPTD Council for Science Policy and Technological Development
EEN Enterprise Europe Network
EPO European Patent Organisation
ERA European Research Area
EU European Union
EUREKA European network for market-oriented, industrial R&D
FP Framework Programme
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GERD Gross Expenditure on Research and Development
IPA Instrument for Pre-Accession
IRC Innovation Relay Centre
IPR Intellectual Property Rights
KALSH Higher Education and Science Council
MES Ministry of Education and Science
NSDI National Strategy for Development and Integration
OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
STI Science, Technology and Innovation
RI Research Institutes
R&D Research and Development
RTDI Research, Technological Development and Innovation
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Culture Organisation
UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organisation
UNDP United Nations Development Programme

Albania’s National Strategy on Science, Technology
and Innovation (STI), 2009–2015

Science, technology and innovation (STI) are clearly recognised as fundamental
factors in a knowledge-driven economy and are important at all stages of
development, albeit in different forms or modes. The capacities to undertake scientific
and applied industrial research, to transfer them, to adapt and assimilate new
technologies into economic structures and diffuse them into society, and to creatively
develop new products and services using technologies (product and service
innovation), as well as through marketing, design and organisational change (non-
technological innovation), are fundamental to national competitiveness. The European
Union (EU), which Albania aspires to join, has set clear objectives related to research
and innovation as part of its ‘Lisbon Strategy’: to make the EU the most competitive
economy in the world. Albania, like other Western Balkan candidate and associated
countries1 , has lagged behind such developments due to the need to focus on laying
the foundations for growth (through education, legal frameworks, alleviating poverty,
etc.). However, the time has come to invest more in creating, diffusing and applying
knowledge if Albania is to meet its long-term development goals.
The need for a STI strategy in Albania is recognised by a wide-group of stakeholders
and is now placed firmly on the policy- making agenda thanks to the process of
drafting this Strategy. Co-ordinated by the Ministry of Education and Science (MES),
assisted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Culture Organisation
(UNESCO) and its consultants, the Strategy is cross-sectoral in nature and based on
consultations and meetings with representatives of a broad panel of ministries and the
scientific community.
It is important that the ownership of the Strategy is as wide as possible and that the
need for an on-going investment in STI is accepted across society and the political
spectrum in parliament. Those countries with the most successful record in investing
in STI to boost economic competitiveness are all characterised by a well- grounded
cross-party consensus that ensures that the commitment to a knowledge-based
economy and society is a constant feature of government policy.
An Action Plan detailing the operational aspects of the proposed measures for the
period 2009–15 complements this Strategy along with a proposal for the
establishment of an Albanian research funding agency.
Moreover, in the framework of the EU’s IPA 2007 implementation, the drafting of a
‘Strategy of Innovation’ has been foreseen, including plans for a centre of innovation,
and this action will further complement the current Strategy.

See for instance, Milica Uvalic, Science, Technology and Economic Development in South Eastern
Europe, UNESCO-ROSTE Science Policy Series N°1, 2005

CHAPTER 1. Overview of the present situation

1.1. Reform hitherto in the STI system

Albania is a small country, both physically and in terms of population size, and has
relatively low levels of income, even after two decades of rapid growth. While
progress is visible in restructuring of the economy and productivity growth,
competitiveness is still low and based on factor (labour) costs rather than high value
added products or services. There are only about 750 medium and larger companies in
the country, and the sectoral composition is heavily skewed towards low technology
activities (agricultural employment remains relatively high), while exports are low in
both absolute and relative terms. To assist a structural adjustment towards more
knowledge intensive economic activities, an effective STI policy is necessary to
complement other measures supporting economic modernisation.
In 2006, the Albanian government undertook a deep reform of the scientific research
system. The prime minister no minated an expert group from the academic
community, which, based on a deep assessment of the research system, drafted a
platform for reform . The recommendations of the expert group were analyzed by the
Higher Education and Science Council (KALSH), and it was on this basis that
government took several decisions for reorganisation of Albania’s network of
scientific research institutions.
The main outcomes of this reform are summarized as follows:
a) the Academy of Sciences of Albania was re-organised according to the model of
many other European countries: it now operates through a selected community
of scientists organised in sections and no longer administrates research institutes
b) the research institutes of the Academy were detached from it and integrated into
the higher education system; some institutions are now affiliated to line
ministries, others to the universities
The institutions were established or re-affiliated as follows:
1) three inter-disciplinary research centres:
• Inter- university Centre of Albanologic Studies
• University Research Centre of Energy, Water and Environment in the
Polytechnic University of Tirana
• Geo-Science Centre in the Polytechnic University of Tirana
2) two new faculties:
• Faculty of Information Technology in the Polytechnic University of Tirana
• Faculty of Biotechnology and Food in the Agricultural University of
3) a new centre and new department (as part of the Faculty of Natural Science
of the University of Tirana)
• Applied and Nuclear Physics Centre
• Biotechnology Department
c) Research Institutes (RIs) belonging to line ministries were re-organised and
twelve Technology Transfer Centres and Agencies were created, having as their
main mission the transfer of technologies and knowledge with technical support

to policy- making in the relevant field.

1.2. Science system and its component institutions

The science system in Albania includes the higher education, scientific research,
development and knowledge and technology (innovation) institutions. As such it
includes not only the public and non-public institutions of higher education and basic
research, but also entrepreneurships acting in the field of research, development and
innovation. The reforms undertaken in the field of higher education and basic
research, first and foremost, are targeted at integrating these two systems, which so far
have been entirely separate from one another, and which should be innovative and
efficient for the conditions of a small country with limited financial resources.
a) The higher schools are academic research institutions, which, according to the
higher education strategy (2008) ensure tertiary education, scientific research,
development and transfer of knowledge and technology. The duration and level of
scientific research in the various universities varies. Currently, Albania has eleven
higher public schools and 17 private higher schools. The la tter are at a young age –
the first opening in Albania only six years ago. However, some of the se have shown
potential even in the field of research.
b) The national research centres are research-oriented academic institutions whose
mission is to carry out scientific research, to educate and deepen university education
in the second and tertiary circle of studies, to develop and transfer knowledge and
technology. The Albanologic Study Centre has been established based on the re-
organization of the Albanologic Institutes of the Academy of Sciences.
The higher schools and research institutions that mainly deal with scientific research
and have sufficient human capacities should build research–academic groups as basic
units for realising research operating within the respective department or faculty. The
new Law on Higher Education in the Republic of Albania provides the establishment
of such a structure.
In the public schools that have more limited capacities for research, it is more
important to support the establishment of Regional Development Centres, where
researchers of various faculties and departments cooperate through projects for
carrying out important studies for the region. According to the higher education
strategy, the establishment of these centres should be supported by an initial
promotional fund.
c) Public Centres/Agencies of development and technology transfer have the
mission of carrying out studies and development projects and of transferring
knowledge and technologies in the practice of product and service delivery. The
following centres/agencies operate in the relevant line ministries:
- six centres/agencies in the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Customer Protection
- one agency in the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Water Administration
- one centre in the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports
- two centres/agencies in the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy
- two centres in the Ministry of Public Works, Transports and Telecommunication.
d) Centres/Agencies/institutes and other private entrepreneurships dealing with
research, development, technology and knowledge transfer fields. This chain of the
system is still in its first steps of development in Albania, but the development trend is
very positive. Some similar, private units also exist in the form of institutes or NGOs
with a clear profile of competencies in this field, in particular in the field of analysis
of social and economic problems, serving as a basis for policy making. This segment
of the research and development system has provided good support for the policy-
making, executive and legislative bodies.
Meanwhile, private entrepreneurships in the field of knowledge and technology
transfer in the IT sphere ha ve also increased. However, initiatives in other important
fields for economic and social development of the country are scarce. For instance,
there is little private initiative for studies in the field of energy, agriculture, molecular
biology, biotechnology, natural resources and other related fields.
In addition, it should be highlighted that development of private entrepreneurship in
research, development, technology and knowledge transfer has, in all cases, been
speedier than that of public institutions, because of the absence of stimulating
financial mechanisms for researchers and genuine public institutional reform of the
science system.
The current science system structure in Albania is shown in Sche me 1.
Scheme 1. Science system in Albania, following the institutional reform of 2008

1.3. National STI system capacities and performance

The capacities and competence to manage both fundamental and applied research in
Albania are limited and, in general, far from the standards enabling co-operation and
integration into European or international programmes. Equally, the scientific
infrastructure is, by all accounts, outdated and inadequate to support quality research.
There is a need for a sustained programme of investment to bring scientific equipment
and facilities to a minimal level of quality for teaching purposes, across all scientific
fields, and to develop new and strengthen existing research specialisations with a
view to national and international co-operation. An initial investment of $4.9m has
been made with the support of the World Bank. However, the amounts invested
remain small and have been focused on teaching laboratories. From a cost-efficiency
point of view, there is a need to align a na tional scientific infrastructure investment
plan with investments being made at a regional (Western Balkans) level to permit
sharing of equipment and infrastructure.
At the present, it is difficult to make precise statements about the level of investment
in favour of STI2 the performance of the public, academic or business organisations
performing research or about the functioning of the ‘innovation’ system in general.
R&D and innovation statistics are not collected currently to international (OECD,
Eurostat or UNESCO) standards2 . However, a first questionnaire survey to public and
academic institutes has been launched, in the first semester of 2009, and a business
R&D and innovation survey will be launched by summer 2009, both with the support
Nevertheless, in terms of investment, the estimates, corroborated during discussions
held for the preparation of the strategy, suggest that the annual Gross Expenditure on
R&D (GERD) will be close to 15 million Euros in 2009, i.e. below 0.2 per cent of
GDP. This expenditure is almost exclusively funded by the public sector and by
foreign sources. Government is committed to increasing funding, and the 2009 budget
for higher education and scientific research is 2.2 times higher than that for 2005. For
the first time, the higher education budget reached $100 million in 2009, of which $6
million are for ‘institutional funding’ of scientific research (compared to $800,000 in
2005)3 .
At the present time, the only ‘research- funding’ programme is a small scale
competitive funding programme (currently 132 projects for a total budget of $5m,
implemented over 2–3 years) run by MES. As noted above, the World Bank has also
funded the equipping of teaching laboratories. Moreover, through the medium-term
plan (2008–2009) of the Brain Gain Programme (co- financed by UNDP), the
Albanian Government has for the first time mobilised funds from the State Budget
and opened 550 vacancies in higher education and scientific research institutions. To
date, 82 assistants and lecturers with a MA or PhD degree have been qualified and
appointed, on the basis of open competition, in the public and private universities. For
the first time, the Albanian government implemented in 2007 a programme for PhD
studies, ‘The Excellence Fund’, which supports the best PhD candidates to partially or
fully complete PhD studies abroad. A total of 45 PhD students were supported by this
fund during 2006–2007.
Government funding of research may also be carried out through a number of other
line ministries and public organisations, directly or indirectly involved in research and
innovation policies or activities, or both. These, in particular, include the following:
• The Ministry of Agriculture funds activities in the field of applied research and
technology trans fer, in specific areas, mainly in response to the needs of the
farming community. The activities are carried out by five Centres for
Transferring Agricultural Technologies (QTTB) dependent on the ministry. The
ministry has a consolidated extension programme implemented through co-

Enhancing Science Policy and Management in South Eastern Europe Science and Technology
Statistics and Indicators Systems, UNESCO-BRESCE Science Policy Series n°3, (2007)
Press Statement of the Advisor to the Prime Minister on Educational Matters, Prof. Myqerem Tafaj, 6
December 2008
operation with the QTTB and other research structures 4 .
• The Ministry of Defence envisages the intensification of R&D activities for
security and defence as part of a long-term plan for the Development of Military
Forces 2020. Moreover, NATO membership implies involvement in the Science
for Peace Programme 5 .
• The Ministry of Health has its own research agenda related to the improvement
of health services.
• The Ministry of Economy is planning to establish a Centre for Innovation that
would provide services to enterprises related to innovation and technology
Finally, limited data on scientific publications and patent indicators confirm the low
level of output of the research system. There are no data or studies available that
allow any estimate of the extent of innovation activity (innovation expenditure, etc.)
or outputs in the enterprise sector (e.g. sales from new products or services, etc.).
Innovation surveys in other ‘catching up’ countries tend to show a relatively high rate
of investment in information and communication technologies, innovation through
acquisition of embodied technology and organisational change rather than formal
A similar picture could be expected in Albania with most enterprises requiring first
and foremost advice on best-available technologies and related organisational change
in production process and training of staff. A limited number of medium-to- larger
firms, e.g. in the agro- food sector, potentially becoming actors in terms of investment
in product development R&D. Until the university sector develops the required
capacities and infrastructure to carry out more advanced research, there will be few
opportunities to develop high-tech spin-off/start- ups and investment in high-tech
incubators, etc.

1.4. Legal framework and decision-making process

The legal framework governing STI issues has evolved in the last few years, notably
through the adoption of the 2007 Law on Higher Education and the revisions to the
law on the Academy of Sciences. A 1994 Law on Science and Technological
Development remains in force as well.
The 1994 Law created a Council for Science Policy and Technological Development
(CSPTD) as the body that defines and proposes a Science and Technological
Development Policy to be approved by the Council of Ministers, reviews it, and takes
decisions on the National Programmes. By law, CSPTD is chaired by the prime
minister and has up to 15 members from the scientific community and governmental
institutions. However, this Council has never functioned effectively or been given the
resources (e.g. a staffed secretariat) to fulfil its mandate, as noted in several reports
and in discussions for the preparation of the strategy. The 1994 Law should be
repealed or revised to bring it in line with international standards, notably taking into
account opening of national programmes in line with EU priorities, State aid rules for

QTTB are new structures, under the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection,
established as the result of restructuring of the former research institutes of the ministry (Decision of
the Council of Ministers No. 515, 19.07.2006)
R&D and innovation funding, researchers mobility, etc.
The 2007 Law on Higher Education introduced greater flexibility and objectivity in
the funding of universities, while the Higher Education Strategy sets out a number of
ambitious goals to improve the functioning of the university sector. The primary focus
of the HE Strategy is on improving the quality of teaching at undergraduate and
masters levels, but it also formulates a number of orientations concerning academic
research, including doctoral and post-graduate studies. For instance, the HE Strategy
highlights the very low level of numbers of students in programmes of science,
mathematics and engineering (6% compared with close to 25% in many countries in
the region), or the need to bring the standards of PhDs into line with those of the
European Higher Education Area. Such issues are clearly fundamental for the future
potential of the Albanian research system to carry out high quality research to
international standards. Hence, the development of research potential in more
fundamental and academic research will need to adopt a phased approach, carefully
considering investments in infrastructure or research programmes against not only
‘good plans’ (e.g. research fitting with national strategic priorities) but also realistic
capacit ies to carry out the research (e.g. availability of qualified human resources).
The Council for Higher Education and Science (CHES) was created by a 2006
amendment to the 1999 Law on Higher Education. CHES was set up as an advisory
body to MES and to the Council of Ministers. Its main role is to advise on strategies,
policies and priorities (e.g. each university’s proposed five-year strategic plan to
assess its compatibility with this Strategy). The HE Strategy proposed to establish a
small, high level (and permanent) Research Strategy Group (RSG), under CHES,
responsible for developing a research strategy and for keeping it under review. The
extent to which CHES-RSG duplicates the role of CSPTD needs to be considered,
though at the present neither body is actually providing advice on STI priorities to
As noted above, a major change in the research system occurred through the
amendment of the Law on the Academy of Sciences 6 resulting in the integration of the
former institutes of the Academy of Sciences into the major public universities since
2007. As in other European countries, the role of the Academy is now limited to a
representative and advisory role concerning science and no longer the carrying out of
research per se. Aside from advisory functions, the role of the Academy continues to
include management of scientific publications, and hence bibliometrics on Albanian
language journals, as well as the promotion of science through conferences or
awarding of prizes.
The integration of the former Academy of Sciences research institutes into the
university sector and the development of a research strategy within each institution
will clearly take time. During consultations for the drafting of this strategy, it was
clear that the rectors, vice-rectors, deans and heads of departments in the three main
universities are only now beginning to deve lop the foundations for the development of
a strategic management of research. To be successful, this process will require
technical support, ‘coaching’ and resources if the academic research base is to be
structured to become effective in terms of research and financially sustainable through
a mix of national public funds, international donors (including charitable foundations
supporting research) and, in the medium term, with revenue from contract research
and other services provided to enterprises.

La w N° 9655 of 11.12.2006 as amended on 27.12.2007 and 07.07.2008

At the present time, ‘research policy’ is administered through the Directorate of
Science at MES. The financing of R&D activity is conducted through institutional
funding by the government, programme financing through MES, programme
financing on the framework of bilateral programmes, and international collaboration.
The latter has been introduced recently and is largely financed by donor funding, is
thinly spread and may still be regarded as at a pilot stage. While there have been
visible efforts to concentrate resources and introduce competitive criteria this policy
has not been generalised yet.
Currently, MES is not equipped either to fulfil a policy- making and scrutiny role or to
implement the current, and certainly not, the future funding programmes foreseen by
this strategy. The policy- making capacities of MES in the field of research are
insufficient, even if some staff have been involved in Western Balkan research policy
co-operation initiatives. Moreover, the Directorate of Science has been without a head
and the four to five staff members struggle to deliver the current limited programme
of funding to applicants (delays in selection and annual disbursement rounds make the
process unsatisfactory for all concerned).

1.5. Albanian international and European cooperation on STI

The international dimension is crucial in order to rapidly integrate into the national
research system the principles of excellence and competence in STI that enable access
to international co-operation and funding in this field. Albania has already experience
in international cooperation in the broader fields of socio-economic development and
higher education, through, e.g., EU CARDS, Tempus Higher Education, World Bank
support for Higher Education, an education development loan via the European
Investment Bank’s Innovation 2010 initiative, and multilateral cooperation with the
United Nations (UN) family agencies (UNECE, UNESCO, UNIDO, UNDP). Co-
operation in the specific field of STI is as yet more limited, though a number of
bilateral research co-operation agreements are important symbolically if not
financially in creating the basis for exchange and partnerships. Full participation in
the EU’s 7th Research Framework Programmes for R&D (since 2008) is a first step in
the gradual integration into the European Research Area (ERA) and opens up the
prospect of additional funding flowing into the research system in the medium term.
Moreover, some other international organisations, such as UNESCO (support for
R&D statistics and science policy expertise) and the World Bank, currently though
it’s Higher Education Loan, are also providing support. The potential for sourcing
future support for implementing the strategy through the EU’s Instrument for Pre-
Accession (IPA) will be examined and optimised. This strategy seeks to provide a
framework through which the multilateral donors forum and bilateral cooperation can
contribute in a structured manner to the strengthening of Albania’s R&D capacities.
A high priority in terms of internationalisation is the gradual adoption of a process
similar to that of the EU Member States ‘national reform plans’, whereby the
Albanian Government would make a commitment on long-term priorities in the areas
of research and innovation policies. This includes a quantitative estimate of
GERD/GDP but also the identification of challenges and policies and to address these
in the short and medium term.
Countries including Estonia, Ireland and Slovenia can be used as benchmarks for
Albania: on the one hand they are of comparable size and on the other they have
progressed very fast both in economic and research terms. Ireland, in particular, once
the poorest and technologically most underdeveloped EU15 member state, evolved
rapidly into one of the richest with considerably more internationally competitive

research capabilities.
At the same time, if Albania relies primarily on foreign funding sources alone, and in
particular the very competitive structure of the EU’s 7th Research Framework
Programme (FP7), this will lead to considerable disappointment as funding decisions
are difficult to anticipate. On the other hand, relying exclusively on national funding
and expertise is unlikely to lead to new frontier research, as the size of the national
scientific community is too limited to provide for the whole spectrum of skills and
experience needed. The virtuous circle – reinforcing competitive advantages in
scientific research and creating the competence to access funding from FP7 – will
help to reinforce national excellence.

CHAPTER 2. Vision, priorities and strategic goals

2.1. Vision
International experience suggests that it is important that there exists broad cross-
party parliamentary consensus on where Albanian science should and could
realistically be in 8–10 years time (some countries also use 20-year horizons and
systematic foresight exercises) and to what broader socio-economic ends an additional
appropriation of public funds for science will contribute.
The vision of science, technology and innovation is anchored on the single most
important resource for a knowledge economy: people. By 2015, the government will
seek to ensure that, in a selected number of fields, Albanian scientists will be
recognised as undertaking and producing international quality research.
Achieving such a vision requires the following:
• improvement of research infrastructure (including for university education at BSc,
MSc, PhD levels)
• creation of scientific excellence in selected research fields
• education and retaining of, or attracting, qualified people into the Albanian
research system
• increased public understanding of science and an improved awareness of the role
of innovation and new technologies for society and economy.
This can only happened through increased and targeted funding, appropriate and
modern policy management and gradual integration of the research system into the
European Research Area (ERA).
In line with the National Strategy for Development and Integration (NSDI), which
adopted a limited number of priority sectors (tourism, agriculture and agro-processing
industry and exports), the STI Strategy will focus on a few priority fields enabling
concentration of the scarce resources available for core groups of researchers able to
attain a level of international recognition and excellence. This will not exclude other
fields, since a minimum capability in basic or applied research is needed to keep
tertiary education teaching up-to-date or to provide services to enterprises or to
respond to social needs. However, concentration is a prerequisite for excellence, as is
recognised at the European level.
Internationalisation and integration into ERA and the building of national
competences are mutually reinforcing. Albania is committed to playing as full a part
as possible in European level research programmes and initiatives, in line with its
financial means and strategic interests, and promoting participation of Albanian
researchers in the EU’s Research Framework Programme and integration into other
European research initiatives (COST, EUREKA, etc.).
In addition, the business sector will need to be encouraged to modernise and improve
its capacity to co-operate with and commercialise the results of research carried out
nationally, as well as bringing technologies up to international standards through
purchase of advanced machinery, etc., including related organisational change and
training. Complementary measures to support Albanian companies in this process will
be required, including support to innovation management and strategies in enterprises
and manufacturing advisory services and technology transfer. In this respect, EU IPA
funding will be mobilised wherever possible and access for Albania to the
Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP), including Enterprise Europe
Network funding, will be pursued to strengthen know-how and capabilities to support
innovation in enterprises.
In order to gradually increase co-operation amongst the various elements of the
‘Innovation system’, it will be important to work with organisations representing
specific sectors of the economy to enable them to motivate and raise awareness of
their member firms about innovation. Similarly, training needs to be associated to the
STI Strategy, in particular by building relevant basic skills and encouraging those
enterprises with technological know- how or R&D capacity to work with higher
education institutes on defining undergraduate curricula and at a later stage post-
graduate industrially relevant research.
As a consequence, the vision of the Albanian STI system adopted by this Strategy is:
“reaching of a critical level of research to support university education in
its three levels (BSc, MSc and PhD) as well as achieving excellence in a
small number of priority areas by 2015, through the concentration of
national and international resources and in close cooperation with Europe,
as well as through the provision of systematic support for innovation and
technology transfer to cater for the needs of the productive sector”.

2.2. Research priorities

Selecting priority fields of science is a very challenging task since the process implies
designating a few key priorities on which financial resources are focused, while there
is a natural pressure from actors outside those assigned priorities to redesign measures
and include more areas into the priority budget. International experience indicates that
the best approach when assigning priorities is to proceed with a combination of a
bottom up and a top down priority setting.
Orientation of research is normally done through a number of national research
programmes that target fields selected as a priority due to their socio-economic
relevance. Albania’s NSDI underlines the importance of modernising economic
sectors such the agro-food industry and tourism, as well as the strategic importance of
energy, environmental and water resource management.
In parallel, proposals for prioritisation in fields of research have been made by the
stakeholders of the research system in areas such as agriculture and food, information
and communication technologies, public health, Albanology and humanities, natural
resources, biotechnology, biodiversity, defence and security.
Strategic governance of the research system and informed and objective selection of
national priorities will require the development of capacities to carry out forward-
looking studies (foresight, technology road- mapping, technology assessment) by or at
the request of the consultative bodies advising the government and parliamentary
Equally, it is important not to stick to only top down pre-selected topics, nor overly
broaden them, unless additional funding can be assured. A structuring of research
potential through competitive calls for proposals that incite researchers to work
together in inter- institutional and inter-disciplinary modes can allow for ‘own-
initiative’ proposals to emerge from the research community.
A principal criterion for selecting research themes will be the demonstrated ability
and potential to create a critical mass of excellence in the form of groups of
researchers working together on an agreed medium-term (five–seven year) research
‘road- map’. Based on international experience, the size and budgetary constraints of

the Albanian research system allow for the creation of four or five centres of
excellence, initially over a five-year period but realistically the process could take up
to a decade for the centres to reach maturity. The development of such centres of
excellence will be critical for improving the credibility and visibility of Albanian
research within the ERA, and thereby maximise the inflow of funds from EU research
programmes (FP7, COST, EUREKA, etc.). The procedure for the development of
such centres of excellence is set out below.

2.3. Goals and milestones

The above- mentioned vision and priorities need to be translated into concrete goals
and milestones in order to allow for a systematic monitoring of progress and to help
achieve the targets of the programme. The small share of R&D in the higher
education sector is mainly due to the lack of direct financing and human capital
available today. It is unlikely that the private sector will begin to invest in formal
R&D in any significant way (in top performing countries the private sector
contributes 2/3 of the R&D finance) but it will be a goal to develop structured product
development and innovation activities in a minimum number of firms.
The strategic goals can be summarised or quantified, or both, as follows:
1. Increase public spending on research to 0.6% of GDP by 2015. A number of
observers consider this target to be too modest. However, it would represent a
significant increase compared to the current situation. Equally, it would be a
higher relative share than a number of the less developed EU countries, other
countries in the Western Balkans, and many emerging economies 7 .
2. Increase the share of gross expenditure on R&D from foreign sources notably
from the EU (FP, etc.) and international donors to cover 40 per cent of all research
spending in the years 2010–2015.
3. Create four or five Albanian Centres of Excellence in Science (ACES) including
dedicated laboratory equipment or workspaces that could be used for new
technology based firms (pre- incubation, testing, certification, etc.).
4. Double the number of researchers, through ‘brain gain’ incentives and training of
new researchers (establishment of graduate schools; train 500 PhDs). This will
involve the creation, in synergy with the Higher Education Strategy action plan, of
up to three new ‘graduate schools’ (or doctoral programmes) in Albanian
universities. These graduate schools should be in the priority areas selected by
government in consultation with the national STI council or be linked to the
selected centres of excellence, or both.
5. Increase innovation activity in 100 companies (this figure may be revised once
the results from the first business RTDI survey are published) through investment
in R&D through own laboratories, or via consortia with the academic RIs or in
partnership with foreign partners.

See for instance Figure 4 in UNESCO’s Fact Sheet (2007) for a comparative perspective: or the Global
Innovation Scoreboard 2008:http://www.proinno-
CHAPTER 3. Policies to be pursued

3.1. Structuring policy implementation

It is proposed to structure the policy intervention to be developed over the six year
period from 2010 to 2015 around five main programmes, in addition to the existing
baseline funding, on which efficiency savings may be made, as follows:
A. Research Infrastructure Fund with the objective of improving the equipment and
facilities available in the public and university research institutes to a level permitting
research projects to be executed to international standards. This programme will be
open to bids submitted by either individual research institutes or by a university as
o Examples include Croatian Research Equipment, Estonian R&D Infrastructure
programmes, and, on a different financial scale, the Irish Programme for
Research in Third- level Institutes and Polish support to joint research
infrastructures programmes.
B. Creation and Development of Albanian Centres of Excellence in Science
(ACES) with the objective of developing four or five centres of excellence bringing
together a minimum of 20 researchers (principal researchers, post-graduate
researchers and PhD candidates) from at least two separately affiliated research
o Estonian Science Excellence Centres and the Slovenian Research Group
Financing programmes may serve as models.
C. Research Eagles Grants Programme aimed at increasing the number of Masters
and Doctoral graduates in science and engineering fields as a priority, carrying out
post-graduate research or projects in Albania. This measure sho uld be linked to the
development of doctoral studies (schools) under the HE Strategy. The programme will
fund both young researchers to undertake PhDs in Albania (as soon as doctoral
programmes reach internatio nal standards) and mobility to pursue PhD training in the
EU27, as well grants for returning researchers from any foreign country (including
stipend and relocation support).
o Lessons should be drawn from the pilot experience of the ‘Brain Gain’
programme, and a range of schemes in EU can be used as models, e.g. the
Croatian Brain Gain, the Hungarian Eötvös Scholarship, Slovenian Young
Researchers or the Flemish Odysseus programmes.
D. National Technology Programme aimed at bringing together consortia of
academic research institutes with the private sector or other public sector
organisations (e.g. water or energy utilities) in order to develop a medium-term
programme of applied research with a social or economic impact. The aim would be
to launch at least one such programme in the period 2010–2015 and two or three more
by 2020. For this reason it is important that government set up a special fund in order
to stimulate companies in the fields of research and innovation.
o Experience of the Austrian technology programmes could be adapted to the
specific context of Albania.
E. Science Promotion and Education Programme aimed at promotion of science
towards young people and funding of a limited number of graduate schools to boost
PhD numbers. Various science mentoring and ambassador schemes or ‘innovation
awareness’ initiatives in the EU27 could serve as models. The Albanian Academy of
Sciences, according to its new mandate, should be involved in this programme.
All of the above programmes will be administered on the basis of competitive calls
for projects or applicants (in the case of individual grants for researchers mobility).
For example, the centres of excellence programme will adopt the following
1. launch a call for cooperation among research teams in the country (inter-
institutional), who will present first an outline proposal indicating mainly the
research theme. The proposals will be evaluated based on a) the potential
strategic relevance of the research for Albania, and b) the critical mass of
researchers being brought together from at least two research
2. select preliminary proposals to receive a grant to carry out a feasibility study
and submit a full proposal for funding. A group of researchers and a strategic
research plan for cooperation and targeted scientific achievements will be
3. select full proposals based on the quality of the strategic research plan and a
number of specific selection criteria (publication record, relevance for national
productive capabilities, international prestige, e.g. partners in EU countries,
number of teams participating, milestones for attraction of international
funding, links with graduate training, etc.)
4. use an international panel of experts for selection
5. assure funding for six years for labour costs (including overheads),
infrastructure (buildings ), equipment, training (including study trips) related to
the strategic research programme of the centre
6. be subject to an international peer review after three years and a full
evaluation at the end of six years.
Moreover, the design and implementation of these programmes will require a
considerable strengthening of policy- making and programme management capacity.
There is a need to mobilise funding, including support of the EU or other donors, for
the establishment and operation of a research programme management organisation
(see section 3.2. below). The research programme management tasks will include
administering the calls for proposals and project funding for scientific and applied
(industrial) research and evaluating and certifying research institutes eligible for
participation in the programmes.
The above set of programmes will not specifically target knowledge diffusion
(technology transfer) or research commercialisation activities except as an expected
impact of the research (e.g. the centres of excellence or technology programmes will
ultimately contribute to developing or adapting new technologies). This is intentional.
Evidence suggests that most Albanian enterprises are not in a position to begin co-
investing into applied research and development or contracting of advanced services.
At the same time, the primary need is to build up a science base able to develop
research excellence that may lead to results worthy of proof of concept (prototyping,
etc.) investments. However, this is unlikely to occur within the initial five-year period.
Technology diffusion and transfer activities are, however, crucial in a transition
economy such as that of Albania. Evidence from past reports and discussions held for
preparing this strategy suggest that many of the researchers in both the former
Academy RI system and the universities are actively involved in ‘applied research’ or
service provision related to specific economic or societal needs. There remains a need

to professionalise and struc ture this flow of services towards enterprises and
formalise, over time, the revenue stream such services can generate for the research
Equally, there is a need to ensure that Albanian enterprises are purchasing the best
available technologies as part of their upgrading plans and to train workers in such
technologies. Indeed, the need is clearly present for the creation of a specific
government funding measure to stimulate the companies in the field of innovation and
transfer of new technologies. In this context, international experience shows that it is
most effective to twin such financial support for technological upgrading with
advisory services (the UK Manufacturing Advisory Service is a good example). The
Ministry of Economy’s proposal to develop a National Centre of Innovation and
Technology Transfer is hence clearly complementary to the proposed programmes of
the STI strategy. Ideally, this could follow good practice examples from the network
Business and Innovation Centres (BIC) and Innovation Relay Centres (IRC)
developed in the EU over the last decade. The BICs and IRCs are now combined in
the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), funded under the EU Competitiveness and
Innovation Programme; the Albanian Centre of Innovation should seek early
admission and support from the EEN programme.

3.2. Strengthening policy-making capacity

Strategic governance of research policies requires a range of skills, capabilities and
organisations. At a minimum, the research policy and funding system need to be able
to do the following:
• recognise the strengths and weaknesses of the system (policy intelligence)
• define the focus and topic of political action (agenda setting)
• ensure co-ordination of activities beyond the research policy field (horizontal
linkages to other policy fields)
• implement policies cost-effectively
• learn from past experience (evaluation) or good practice elsewhere
• make adjustments to the whole policy cycle.
Clearly the current system in Albania is far from being able to meet these minimum
conditions. There is a need for profound re-organisation and a clearer attribution of
tasks. The Albanian Government is committed to improving the capacities and skills
required to ensure the management of the detailed design and implementation of the
STI strategy. The required skills can be broadly classed as follows:
• strategic and operational management of research and technological
development (RTD) programmes
• systems and methods for carrying out the selection, monitoring and evaluation
of such programmes and of projects funded
• techniques for appraising and accrediting of management and activities carried
out by research and technology organisations (public, academic and
potentially private), which are the direct beneficiaries of the programmes.
In terms of priority setting and overseeing and adjusting the research policy cycle,
there is a need for a politically credible, National Science and Innovation Council that
should be chaired by the prime minister and be composed of a well-balanced group of
stakeholders: one third each from government, academic research and the business
community and society. The present Strategy therefore proposes that a single
National Science and Innovation Council be established and that a dedicated
secretariat of at least two experts should be created to support its work, with a budget
for commissioning studies or policy learning (study trips, etc.).
Secondly, the functions of research policy intelligence (analysis and R&D statistics,
etc.), policy making, ensuring horizontal linkages to other policy fields and evaluation
of research policy need to be brought together in a department of government with a
clear mandate and sufficient resources. A revamped Department of Science within
MES could play this role and be staffed by four to six qualified graduates supported
by a programme of training and technical assistance.
The diagram below sets out a simplified overview of the Albanian research system
based on the assumption that the option of creating an Albanian Research Agency
(ARA) is pursued. The funding flows assume that MES will delegate management of
competitive funding programmes to ARA and foresees that other ministries could do
the same (e.g. for a national technology programme for the agro- food sector, the
Ministries of Education and Science, Economy and Agriculture could all contribute
funds via ARA). If the agency integrates activities of the Ministry of Economy related
to innovation (e.g. the proposed Centre for Innovation) then the name could reflect
this scope and be the Albanian Research, Technology and Innovation Agency.

The proposed NCSI (replacing CSPD) would be chaired by the prime minister, and
could work through the option (as in Estonia) of two sub-committees, one for business
innovation advising the Minister of Economy and the other, the Council for Higher
Education and Science, advising the Minister of Education and Science. The diagram
also includes a proposal for the Albanian Parliament to have a Committee on Science,
Innovation and Technology Assessment. Most European parliaments have created a
capacity in technology assessment to assist them in decision- making where there is a
scientific or technological issue. The advisory role of the Academy of Sciences is
reflected in the diagram. The Academy could also be a recipient of funding from the
ministries or ARA for specific tasks related to scientific publishing, promoting public
understanding of science, promoting scientific careers, library functions, etc. Such
funding lines are not drawn for the sake of visual simplicity.

3.3. Creating an appropriate capacity for programme management

The process of implementation of the STI strategy is conceived as a chain of
performance contracts, which will link the progress and results of the individual
projects (funding awarded to research institutes, individual researchers, enterprises,
etc.) up through the programmes management and back to the policy- level in the
ministries and government. Ultimately, the effectiveness of the STI policy will be
scrutinised by parliament (and hence the electorate). For the whole chain of
performance contracts to work well, high quality is needed not only in the work done
at each level but also in the agreements that link levels together.
Programme managers look after and allocate the programme’s resources to a range of
projects. This involves undertaking the following:
• appraising project proposals
• selecting projects to fund
• monitoring projects to ensure the progress planned is made and the desired
results achieved
• evaluating the quality of the project implementation.
In order to keep the policy customers satisfied, programme managers need to report
progress and results.
In the same way that programme objectives represent an agreement between
policymakers and programme managers, so project goals and plans form the basis of
agreements – often literally in the form of contracts – between programme managers
and project leaders. The project level then has the detailed responsibility for project
execution and for reporting results.
Exhibit 1. Programme management as a hierarchy

¥ Decide portfolio of policies and allocate resources

Policy ¥ Define programme rationale
¥ Receive reports on programme progress and performance

¥ Agree programme objectives

¥ Manage and allocate programme resources

Programme ¥ Assess projects: appraise; monitor; evaluate
¥ Report progress and results

¥ Agree project goals and plans

¥ Manage projects and project resources

Projects ¥ Report progress and results

Evidence of programme management and evaluation from other European countries
allows us to decompose the process model shown in Exhibit 1 into a large number of
individual tasks. For example, the process of ‘acquiring projects’ can be decomposed
as follows:
• communicating about the programme to potential participants
• acquiring high-quality proposals
• appraising proposals
• taking funding decisions
• establishing performance contracts with project leaders.
Each of these individual tasks is then further decomposed into a set of qualitative and
quantitative benchmarking indicators , against which data are gathered on a
programme-by-programme basis.
This logic of performance contracts raises the question of the organisation that should
ensure programme implementation and the day-to-day management of research
funding programmes in Albania. There is no single model that can be applied based
on the European experience: different countries choose to deliver programmes
through either the same government ministry that designs the policy (e.g. the cases of
Italy or Greece 8 ) or via specialised implementation agencies (e.g. the cases of Estonia,
Hungary or Slovenia 9 ).
A number of recent expert groups and working papers from Albanian experts 10 have
suggested the need to create an ‘implementing agency’ for research funding, notably
competitive funding programmes, and as a counter-part for international and bilateral
co-operation with similar research funding agencies elsewhere in Europe. There is,
indeed, a trend present in the countries selected as ‘peers’ (Estonia, Slovenia ), or more
advanced examples including Austria, Flanders and Finland, to separate the policy-
making function from policy implementation. Equally, the advantages of a more
flexible agency structure able to act as a ‘contact point’ and relay for participation in
the various EU support initiatives to R&D and innovation co-operation should be
Given the cross-cutting nature of the research strategy and the aim to develop over
time a series of national technology programmes allied to the need to create a
structure with the potential to promote Albanian science and research capacity in EU
programmes, the option of an agency is reasonable. However, there should be a clear
demarcation of activities and the agency should not lead to a further weakening of
capacity to develop and scrutinise policy within MES.

3.4. Improving the legal and institutional framework for research policy-
making and research funding
The legal framework in Albania has been set out above along with the need for
overhaul of the laws relating to research, technological development and innovation.

Ministry of University and Research, Italy, or General Secretariat for Research and Technology,
Ministry of Development, Greece
Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS), Archimedes Foundation (Estonia) and Hungarian National
Office for Research and Technology (NKTH)
For example, Reform of the Scientific Research System, Report of the Group of Experts, headed by
Prof. Tafaj, January 2006
Redesign of the overall legal framework is part of the process of Albania’s integration
into ERA and should include aspects related to the legal alignments required for
European Partnership for Researchers (improving researchers’ careers and mobility),
joint programming, etc., as well as adjustment of Albanian laws to the EU’s State Aid
rules on R&D and innovation. The EU’s IPA is clearly a prime candidate for
providing technical assistance to MES and also to intervening to strengthen capacity
in the national science and innovation council and other ministries with research
funding activities.
The most appropriate legal framework of the proposed research funding agency has
been a subject of discussion in recent years, as well as during preparation of the
Ultimately, this is a political decision. Nevertheless, the advantages and disadvantages
of the possible options can be summed up as follows:
• reinforcing the Department for Science within MES to carry out both policy-
making and policy implementation
o On paper, this option is the least costly and could be supported with a
technical assistance project to train and upgrade staff know-how.
o The main disadvantages appear to lie in the difficulty to attract and
retain qualified personnel within the public administration. Giving
higher priority to the creation of a small but well qualified policy unit
within the Ministry is a more credible goal than the development of a
professional cadre of programme managers with appropriate
administrative and technical skills.
• creation of an autonomous agency, the Albanian Research Agency (ARA),
which will be responsible for the implementation of the strategy of science,
technology and innovation, set up by a special law. This option is clearly the
most ambitious and would require a feasibility study and ‘business plan’ for a
minimum of five years operation. The Agency would operate based on a
separate budget line and report to a governing board, and ideally should be
representative of stakeholders (government, research system and at least one
or two business and societal representatives).
The majority of Albanian stakeholders consulted and involved in the drafting of the
strategy preferred the option of ARA. This, however, will require a full feasibility
study and operational plan to be drafted prior to a governmental decision. The Action
Plan for this strategy sets out an initial outline plan for ARA. It is important to create
the capacity to manage at least the centres of excellence and research infrastructure
programmes by the first semester of 2010 if these two basic ‘foundation’ initiatives of
the re-development of the Albanian research system are to be launched in a timely
manner. There is a need to mobilise bilateral co-operation funds, such as EU support
through an IPA project or ‘twinning’ with an existing EU Research Agency, or both,
to ensure optimal design and launch of ARA.
In terms of Intellectual Property Rights, Albania is not yet a member of the European
Patent Organisation (EPO) and one of the few European countries not yet to have
acceded to the European Patent Convention, though it has been invited to do so.
Administration of industrial property is instead carried out by the Directorate of
Patents and Trademarks (ALPTO) under the authority of the Ministry of Economy,
Trade and Energy (since May 2006). Accession to EPC and membership of EPO
should be pursued as one of the objectives of this strategy. In parallel, there will be a
need to amend Albanian laws and procedures and to develop support services to
academic researchers and industrial enterprises related to both patents and other forms
of IP right protection and mana gement practices. ARA and the Centre for Innovation
(proposed by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy) should support improved
know-how and management of IPR, respectively, for the public and academic
institutes and the enterprise sector.
The integration of Albania into other European organisations also needs to be
pursued, such as (full) participation in the Competitiveness and Innovation
Programme (CIP), COST and EUREKA. An IPA- funded technical assistance project
could develop a ‘one-stop-shop’ service within ARA acting as a National Contact
Point for FP7, CIP and programmes such as COST and Eureka. This implies that the
staff of the Agency should include technology specialists, financial advisors, IP
experts, etc., as well as administrative staff managing funding applications.

3.5. Adopting an adequate budgetary framework

The budgetary framework for implementation of the STI strategy is set out for the
period 2009–2015. All figures for future years should be considered as a working
hypothesis at this stage. There is an assumption that actions in 2009 and first semester
2010 will be essentially confined to preparation of detailed programmes and creation
of the management capacity in the form of ARA (assuming this is the preferred
Funding (€ million) 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total
Baseline funding for HEI research institutes* 7.5 8.25 9.00 9.90 10.50 11.55 12.75 69.45
Research project funding (MES)** 6.5 6.5 8 9 30.00
World Bank Research Infrastructure funding 3.3 3.30
Research infrastructure Fund 0.15 4 4 4 5 5 5 27.15
Albanian Centres of Excellence in Science (ACES) 0.15 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 9.15
Research Eagles Grants 0.15 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.25 0.25 0.25 1.50
National Technology Programme(s) 0.15 2 2 2 2 8.15
Albanian Research Funding Agency 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 3.25
TOTAL funds 18 14.45 21.85 18.1 27.75 20.8 31 151.95
*Based on press release of 6/12/08, this baseline funding from the education budget is US$6m in 2009
**Based on information from MES concerning the current 132 projects being funded for a budget of
$5m over 2–3 years

A basic assumption is made that the Albanian Government will progressively increase
national public funding for both the existing baseline funding provided under the
higher education budget and the ‘small’ research projects currently managed by MES,
but which could be transferred to the proposed ARA upon its creation. If the target of
0.6 per cent of GDP is to be reached this increase will need to be sustained and
The current World Bank support for teaching laboratories under the Higher Education
Loan facility is included for completeness (approximately $2.6m in 2009).
The figures in the budgetary table assume that bilateral or multilateral donors
complement the available national public budget funds. Preliminary discussions with
the World Bank give grounds for some optimism about the possibility of allocating
funds through future loans related to higher education reform for research. Equally,
given the EU’s strategic goals related to research and innovation, the future annual
programmes of the EU’s IPA could be expected to support the implementation of the
research strategy. Funding for research infrastructure could be supported through
regional programmes as well as potentially by the EIB.
The above figures do not include potential research funding secured via the
participation of Albanian researchers or institutes in the EU’s FP7 or other EU level
research funding programmes.

CHAPTER 4. Evaluation and monitoring

4.1. Internal procedures and responsibilities

Policy- making needs to be evidence based. The first step to build up evidence is
through evaluation that will feed into the revision and adaptation of priorities and
policy implementation. Evaluation is both a culture and a demanding exercise.
Countries that have decided to build an evaluation culture rapidly have done so by
adopting the necessary legislation and making the budgetary provisions that allowed
them to evaluate all major organisations and measures supporting research.
While there are many models to be discussed once a system is mature, it is important
to start from the very beginning with some basic steps. These are outlined below.
A. Institutional evaluation
All organisations need to be periodically evaluated. Currently, universities are
expected to be introducing evaluations in the context of the adoption of the Bologna
process. Since this is going to happen, it is recommended to build into this evaluation
several important questions that will help get a better overview of research
performance in universities.
At a first stage, all universities and institutes should be asked to make an assessment
of their own research infrastructure. The timing and exact process needs to be agreed
in the context of the advancement of the Bologna process. The role of the proposed
Albanian Research Agency in the evaluation of research capacities of the scientific
community needs to be specified carefully to complement the work done by the
National Accreditation Agency on the teaching quality in higher education.
Non-university research centres will also need to be evaluated. It is suggested to use
international templates for this but postpone the evaluation to a later stage, as other
evaluations need to be given priority.
The selected centres of excellence mentioned above will be carefully monitored
throughout the period they receive preferential support with performance indicators
used in the top performing European countries.
B. Programme evaluation
All future programmes with a budget larger than 1,000,000 Euros should include a
provision for evaluation, normally one to three per cent of the programme budget. It is
proposed to provide for a mid-term review and a final evaluation of the five proposed
programmes. These evaluations should be commissioned by MES, or other line
ministries funding the programmes, and will be based on the monitoring data and on-
going review of projects to be managed by ARA. The mid-term reviews could involve
a report by ARA on project implementation and progress to NCSI, complemented by
peer review of the scientific progress. However, an external Expert Team should be
commissioned to carry out the final programme evaluation by MES with a Steering
Committee of representatives of other Ministries, etc., to ensure independence of
reporting and provide a basis for revision of programmes in the post 2015 period.
Moreover, at the end of the current strategy period, it is foreseen that a full review of
the strategy will be carried out; this should be commissioned by the deputy prime
minister, on behalf of NCSI that will act as a sounding board for the strategy review.

C. Organisational arrangements
As in the initial phase evaluations can be launched individually it may be of interest to
study the Austrian ‘Platform Evaluation’ scheme and foresee a similar forum for
Albania. When more programmes will be operational an independent organisation
might be necessary to coordinate evaluations (e.g. the planned Agency). However, in
order to maximise the benefits and help train people it will be important to assure full
transparency of evaluations and introduce the idea of discussing them and exchanging
methodologies in an organised forum. The programme of evaluation of function and
capacities is one that is normally located in the ministry or ministries funding the
programmes and should be independent of the agency implementing the m.

4.2. International benchmarking instruments

There are three major surveys that are used to create R&D and innovation indicators.
These surveys lead to a set of indicators mandatory for European member states but
which are also collected internationally (on a voluntary basis) by UNESCO’s Institute
of Statistics. They include:
1. R&D survey, based on the ‘Frascati Manual’, which gives an overview of the
research inputs and selected outputs in a country. The first R&D survey is
expected to run under the current UNESCO agreement. It is, however, crucial
to ensure that it will be repeated at regular intervals to produce time series that
demonstrate both national trends and comparisons with Europe and the Balkan
2. Innovation Survey, based on the ‘Oslo Manual’, is addressed to companies
only and, for European member States, has a standard questionnaire and
processing software. The first Albanian survey is also planned for this year, in
combination with the R&D survey. While it was implemented every fourth
year in the past it is now repeated every second year in Europe and it is
recommended to follow this guideline for Albania as well. In particular
because Innovation Surveys have a different approach from R&D surveys it is
strongly recommended to run an independent R&D survey and Innovation
Survey in 2012.
3. PhD holders’ survey, which is crucial for human resources, is new for both
UNESCO and Europe and the first results are only now appearing. As this
survey envisages obtaining information on human resources and migration,
which is one of the major topics in the Albanian vision, it is important to
foresee a similar survey in the near future. Getting data about the Albanian
diaspora from OECD country surveys may also be a very useful input for the
national policy.
The initial work on developing statistics funded by UNESCO needs to be pursued.
This should involve the creation of the capacity and know-how in the Albanian
Statistics Institute to carry out such surveys and report to international statistical
bodies, allied to the development of capacity within MES to analyse and use statistical
data in developing policy.



Action Plan for implementation of the National Strategy of Science, Technology and Innovation of Albania, 2009–15

Nr. Activity Description Monitoring indicators Timeframe

1. Defining National research priorities

Analysis of existing The objective of this activity will be to assess the existing
− independent assessment report on capacity and
capacity within public capacity within MES to initiate and administer forward
training needs to administer forward studies that is
administration and studies. Based on the results emerging from that
prepared, submitted and accepted by contracting
development of new skills assessment, tailored technical assistance will be provided
1 MES authority Sept. 09–Sept. 10
necessary to carry forward to ensure that the Department of Science of MES is well
− technical assistance and training delivered
studies (foresight, prepared to effectively and efficiently manage the process
including quality assessment of provided services
technology road-mapping, of design and implementation of such studies in the
by the beneficiaries
technology assessment) future.
The aim of this activity is to select strategic sectors, from
those identified in the National Strategy for Development
and Integration and during the preparation of the National governmental
− consultation process is completed and analysed
selection of sectors for Strategy of Science, Technology and Innovation (2009– decision / MES
− decision is made, taking into account the results of
2 which detailed studies will 2015), which will be subject to more detailed analysis. In (leading Sept. 09–Sept. 10
consultation the consultation process, on the sectors for which
be conducted the light of importance of bottom up approach in research
detailed assessment will be prepared
priority setting, a decision about selection of sectors for process)
in-depth reviews will be taken following the consultation
Procurement contracts to define concrete fields of MES (in
assessment of R&D specialisation within the strategic sectors e.g. agro-food, partnership − detailed assessment setting out ‘technology road
potential and setting of energy or biotechnology, for which there is reason to with other maps’ for sectors under review are prepared,
3 believe that Albania has the appropriate scientific June 10–June 11
priorities for strategic ministries on submitted and approved by the contracting
research sectors potential, as a precondition for concentrating research case-by-case authority
funding and building a specialised infrastructure. basis)

Nr. Activity Description Monitoring indicators Timeframe

2. Structuring STI Policy Implementation

Inventory of existing research infrastructure and expert

− study report setting out an estimate of the overall
appraisal report. An expert appraisal will be carried out
required investment per scientific field/institute
involving 1–3 international experts in research MES (ARA) Sept. 09–Dec. 09
− financing decision taken to cover programme’s
infrastructure strategies. This will serve as a baseline
needs (government and identified donors)
study for the programme .
Pre-identification projects: a call for expression of − pre-selection of projects for full proposal phase by
interests in the form of 3–4 page preliminary applications a committee involving at least 1–2 foreign experts
in a structured form, launched annually from 2010. Pre - ARA plus Albanian scientific specialists Jan. 10–June 10
selected projects will be awarded a grant for project − small grant to cover detailed project design
preparation to prepare a full proposal. awarded by MES/ARA
Research Infrastructure
4 Full proposals: submission of full proposals to confirm
Fund − launch of call for proposals and management of
the relevance and feasibility of the research infrastructure
tender procedure
investment project, including detailed project design, ARA July 10–Oct. 10
− full proposals will be selected by expert committee
management and coordination arrangements, financing
composed of at least 50% foreign experts
plan, monitoring and audit arrangements.
− publication of procurement notice and calls for
Project implementation and monitoring: the purpose of
tenders by recipient research institutes/universities Nov. 10–June 12
this stage is to procure and install the equipment/renovate project
the buildings and attain the expected results (utilisation coordinators, − specific projects up and running and well managed (repeated annually
(interim and final progress reports) until funds
rate of equipment, etc.), manage the available resources ARA
cost-efficiently and monitor and report on progress. − annual report on programme implementation exhausted)
submitted to board of ARA
Programme set up: expert advice and study of similar
creation and development
schemes in other countries to establish programme − programme documents approved by board of ARA
of Albanian Centres of
5 procedures and criteria to Albanian context. Study to be MES (ARA) − financing decision taken to cover programme’s Sept. 09–Dec. 09
Excellence in Science
commissioned with involvement of international needs (government and identified donors)

Nr. Activity Description Monitoring indicators Timeframe
Pre-identification projects: a call for expression of − pre-selection of projects for full proposal phase by
interests in the form o f 3–4 page preliminary applications a committee involving at least 1–2 foreign experts
in a structured form, launched annually from 2010. Pre - ARA plus Albanian scientific specialists Jan. 10–June 10
selected projects will be awarded a grant for project − number of grants to cover detailed project design
preparation to prepare a full proposal. awarded by MES/ARA
Full proposals: submission of full proposals covering
aspects such as centre management and legal structure, − launch of call for proposals and management of
partnership arrangements, detailed description of research tender procedure
ARA July 10–Oct. 10
programme to be pursued and objectives to be met (PhDs, − full proposals selected by expert committee
research results, etc.), financing plan, monitoring and composed of at least 75% foreign experts
audit arrangements.
− specific projects are up and running and well
Project implementation and monitoring: implementation
managed (annual and final progress reports)
of the research projects, purchase of small-scale project Jan. 11–Dec 17
equipment or materials required for research projects, coordinators, − mid-term review reports (stop-go decision on (mid-term review
training and management activities, including reporting to further funding) by international peer review
ARA in spring 2013)
ARA. − annual report on programme implementation
submitted to board of ARA
Review of the outcomes of the current Brain Gain
initiative and detailed design of new programme taking − programme documents approved by board of ARA
Research Eagles Grants
into account international good practice. Study to be MES (ARA) − financing decision taken to cover programme’s Sept. 09–Dec. 09
commissioned with involvement of international needs (government and identified donors)

Nr. Activity Description Monitoring indicators Timeframe
Management of database of open vacancies for
researchers related to new research infrastructure, centres − number of research posts opened and published
of excellence or other posts in the framework of ARA Jan. 10–Dec. 15
− % of posts advertised filled and grants awarded
university or research centre research strategies. Award of
Young and Returning Researchers grant scheme.
− number of scholarships awarded
annual call from
Management of annual call for scholarships for PhDs and
ARA − number of Masters degrees and PhDs obtained
academic year
Masters training abroad for young researchers. − % of students returning to Albania after study 2010–11 onwards
− number of Masters degrees and PhDs obtained
− % of students returning to Albania after study
Monitoring of programme progress and preparation of
annual report.
MES (ARA) − returning researchers staying in Albania after end 2010–2015
of grant period
− annual report on programme implementation
submitted to board of ARA
Programme set up: expert advice and study of similar − approval of priority field for 2–3 national
schemes in other countries to establish programme ARA and technology programmes by NCSI
National Technology
7 procedures and criteria to Albanian context. Study to be respective − programme documents approved by board of ARA Jan. – July 11
commissioned with involvement of international ministries − financing decision taken to cover programme’s
expert(s). needs (government and identified donors)

Nr. Activity Description Monitoring indicators Timeframe
Launch of call for proposals for first national technology
ARA and − number of projects selected for funding
programme and selection of projects proposed by
respective − number of projects involving business sector 2012–2013
consortium of research institutes and enterprises
ministries partners and/or foreign partners
(including where applicable foreign organisations).
ARA and
Launch of a call for proposals for 1–2 more programmes
based on the results of the first programme experience.
respective − idem 2014–2015
Project implementation and monitoring: implementation
− number of projects completing research activities
of the research projects, purchase of small-scale ARA and
− number of research results exploited commercially,
equipment or materials required for research projects, respective 2012–2015
IPR protected or used as a basis for further
training and management activities, including report to ministries
academic or applied research projects
Programme set up: expert advice and study of similar
schemes in other countries to establish programme − programme documents approved by board of ARA
procedures and criteria to Albanian context. Study to be MES (ARA) − financing decision taken to cover programme’s tbc
commissioned with involvement of international needs (government and identified donors)

science, technology and

8 innovation awareness and
promotion activities

Procurement or call for projects for activities to foster an
interest in and an improved understanding of importance
of STI for the Albanian economy and society. Call for
− projects selected and funded supporting promotion
projects to be open to media companies, NGOs, schools. ARA tbc
of STI towards young persons, business sector, etc.
Specific activities of Albanian Academy of Sciences to
promote improved quality of scientific publications or
promotion of Albanian research results may be foreseen.
Project implementation and monitoring: implementation ARA
of media projects, purchase of small-scale equipment or (Albanian − number of participants to events, number of
materials required for research projects, training and Academy of subscribers to publications, web-page traffic, etc.
management activities, including report to ARA. Sciences)

Nr. Activity Description Monitoring indicators Timeframe

3. Strengthening polic y-making capacity

− Council established and operational; notably has

Creation of a secretariat for NCSI and adoption of dedicated secretariat of at least two experts and
establishment of the decision,
government decision creating the council, including a budget for fulfilling responsibilities
9 National Council for Office of 2010–2015
Science and Innovation
budget allocation for running costs covering the period to − annual report of NCSI presented to government and
Deputy Prime
2015. parliament: ‘The State of Research and Innovation
in Albania – annual progress report’
The objective of this assistance is to strengthen the
capacity of Department of Science to ensure that staff are
delivery of a programme well prepared and trained to fulfil day-to-day
MES / Office − technical assistance delivered and quality assessed
of training and technical responsibilities in terms of research policy intelligence,
10 of Deputy e x-post by beneficiaries, i.e. staff of the 2010
assistance to Department policy-making, linkages to other horizontal policy fields
Prime Minister Department of Science, NSCI Secretariat
of Science within MES and evaluation of research policy. Support through a
technical assistance programme will also cover the new
staff of the secretariat of the NSCI.

4. Creating an appropriate capacity for programme management

Drafting of the full business plan 2010–2015 of ARA Office of the
based on the ‘Concept Paper’, approval by government Deputy Prime Sept. 09–May 10
− business plan 2010–15 drafted and adopted by
and recruitment of management committee. Minister
supervisory board
Initial start up phase of ARA involving recruitment and − ARA established by government decision
creation and operation of training of staff, design and launch of initial programmes.
ARA − programme funding disbursed June 10–Dec. 11
11 Albanian Research Start-up phase support by technical assistance project (to
− annual work-programmes approved by ARA
Agency (ARA) be confirmed, EU support to be requested).
supervisory board
ARA fully operational. Annual process of approval of − annual reports approved by ARA supervisory board
work-programme by supervisory board and of previous
ARA − positive mid-term evaluation (2013) 2012–2015
year’s annual report. Independent mid-term evaluation to
be scheduled in 2013.

Nr. Activity Description Monitoring indicators Timeframe

5. Improving the legal and institutional framework for research policy-making and research funding

Review of existing laws concerning science, technology − technical assistance and legislative drafts delivered
and innovation, including State Aid, researcher mobility, on the legislative review
alignment of legal intellectual property rights, etc. The review will be carried
decisions, − government decisions and/or parliamentary
framework for STI with out by a team of experts who will report to NCSI. The approval of legislative change
12 Office o f Sept. 09–Sept. 10
European Union acquis required revisions to existing laws or regulations or
Deputy Prime − report on effective implementation or enforcement
and practice drafting of new legislative proposals will be undertaken of new legal framework by competent ministries or
by competent ministries or parliamentary committee, with other authorities (2 years after adoption of new
technical assistance from expert team. legislative framework)
Review of capacities, procedures and internal regulation − number of research performing organisations
improvement of influencing researchers activities (internal career and supported by technical assistance experts
institutional and incentive systems) and management of research outputs − number of organisations adopting a strategic
universities and
13 management procedures (IPR) in universities and other research establishments. medium-term R&D plan on-going
other research
of research performing Technical assistance for development of strategic R&D
institutes − effective implementation of changes to institutional
organisations plans of universities/centres and for alignment of rules, career incentives for researchers, IPR
institutional frameworks. management practices, etc.

6. Adopting an adequate budgetary framework

− commitment of Albanian Government to multi-

mobilisation of Office of annual budgetary framework for implementation of
Organisation of a donors conference dedicated to
14 international donors in Deputy Prime STI strategy by Dec. 09
implementation of the STI Strategy.
support of STI strategy Minister − funds pledged by donors as co-financing of specific
elements of STI strategy
− number of participations to networks or projects
integration of Albania Participation of experts from Albanian authorities and
co-funded by European Commission related to
into, and funding received agencies in EU-funded networks with a view to securing
European Research Area and specifically Western
15 via, EU-funded Western additional funds for development of STI policy, joint MES , ARA 2010–2015
Balkans or ERA-NET, etc. research infrastructure developments, improvement in STI
type initiatives statistics, etc. − funds secured for Albanian organisations/experts
participating in such projects

Nr. Activity Description Monitoring indicators Timeframe

7. Installing Monitoring and Evaluation Procedures and mechanisms

The objective is to set out the baseline for evaluation of

establishment of baseline
research performance within public research institutions − special survey is disseminated among public
of research performance of MES (ARA) Sept. 09–June 10
16 including Higher Education Institutions, towards which research entities, responses collected and analysed
public research entities
progress should be measured.
development and
Technical assistance is required to build the capacity and − monitoring and evaluation methodology developed,
implementation of
capability in MES for preparation and monitoring and presented and accepted
proposed methodology for
evaluation of implementation of the national strategy for − workshop, objective of which is to consult relevant
monitoring and MES Sept. 09–Dec. 10
17 STI. Albanian Government needs to commit required stakeholders on proposed methodology for
resources to ensure that Division for Science in the conducting monitoring and evaluation, is organised
technical assistance
Ministry has full complement of staff. and quality assessed by participants

Based on results of the initial UNESCO-supported pilot
surveys in 2009, the Albanian Statistical office, MES and
other concerned ministries will continue to develop the − production and publication of principal STI
MES , Albanian
improvement of STI minimum baseline statistics allowing integration of statistics to standards allowing their inclusion into
Statistical 2010–2015
18 statistics Albania in the main European and international statistical the main international and European statistical
databases for STI. Further support from UNESCO or EU databases
funded projects will be required to implement this


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