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Thesis AmengCheng

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Design of a Readout Scheme for a MEMS


Ameng Cheng

Submitted to the Electrical Engineering,

Mathematics and Computer Science Department of
Delft University of Technology,
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of
Master of Science
in Electrical Engineering

TU Delft Supervisor:
Prof. Kofi A.A. Makinwa

NXP Supervisors:
Robert H.M. van Veldhoven
Twan van Lippen
Geert Langereis
This design mainly proposes a readout scheme for MEMS microphone with positive feedback
to decrease the parasitic capacitance. It is designed in CMOS014 technology with a supply
voltage of 3.3 V. The proposed architecture can increase the microphone’s sensitivity with a
comparatively low bias voltage. It enables the microphone to achieve high sensitivity even if
it is loaded by an amplifier with large input capacitance. In the mean time, the SNR and THD
are not affected much. The Spectre simulation shows that the system can achieve 61 dB SNR
(A-weighted), 0.5% THD (1Pa sound pressure) and 1 mW power consumption. Several
traditional readout schemes for MEMS microphone are also discussed and compared. The
scheme which is based on amplitude modulation is tested and measured on PCB level.

I would like to express my gratitude to all those who give me the opportunity to complete the
research. The achievement I have made through this project would not have been possible
without the enlightenment, support and encouragement from a lot of people.

I started the one-year research in NXP Semiconductors from September 1, 2008 as my

graduation project of Delft University of Technology. Thanks a lot to my professor Kofi A.A.
Makinwa from TUDelft, my supervisors Robert H.M. van Veldhoven, Twan van Lippen and
Geert Langereis from NXP Semiconductors. They provided me this opportunity to have a
close vision about MEMS world and the analog circuit design.

Special thanks are given to my daily supervisor Mr. Robert van Veldhoven, a talented and
professional engineer, who gave me a lot of important guidance in this research. He can point
out my mistakes in the very first time and in this way he helps me set up a strict attitude to
science which is beneficial to my future work. He gives me a free atmosphere to do the
research without too much pressure. His encouragements in the proper time help me go
through the darkest period of the project.

I also want to thank my professor Dr. Kofi Makinwa who has provided me with a large
number of important and stimulating suggestions which helps me to know the intrinsic nature
behind the problems. Not only he gave me directions in the project but he also gave me
instructions about how to be a good engineer.

In addition, I want to thank Mr. Twan van Lippen and Mr. Geert Langereis who always
provide me with the most detailed and professional answers to my questions. Their positive
attitude to my work gives me a lot of confidence. I also want to thank Mr. Carel Dijkmans for
his valuable and experienced suggestions on this project. In the mean time, I want to thank
Ms. Agnese Bargagli-Stoffi for her patience and friendly manners when dealing with my

Although I did not spend a lot of time with my friends and group members in TUDelft in the
past year, I still want to thank them for their help and valuable input to this project. Special
thanks are given to Rong Wu and Qinwen Fan who spend time to review my thesis and give
me important feedback. Thanks also go to my friends in Shanghai. Their caring between
whiles make me feel attached to each other.

Last but no least, I would like to thank my parents and my little sister. Their unconditional
love, support and encouragements enable me to finish this work. The thesis is dedicated to


CHAPTER 1.INTRODUCTION................................................................................ 1

1.1 What is a MEMS Microphone?..................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Characteristics of the Microphone from NXP ............................................................................................ 3

1.3 Sensitivity ........................................................................................................................................................ 5

1.4 VerilogA Model for Microphone from NXP ................................................................................................ 7

1.5 Specification to be Achieved .......................................................................................................................... 8

1.5.1 Sound Pressure Level................................................................................................................................ 9
1.5.2 A-weighted ............................................................................................................................................. 10

1.6 Motivation ..................................................................................................................................................... 10

1.7 Outline of the Thesis..................................................................................................................................... 11

CHAPTER 2.READOUT SCHEME ....................................................................... 12

2.1 Read-out schemes for Capacitive Microphone........................................................................................... 12

2.2 DC Biasing..................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.2.1 Signal Level ............................................................................................................................................ 15
2.2.2 Noise Calculation.................................................................................................................................... 16

2.3 Charge Amplifier.......................................................................................................................................... 17

2.3.1 Signal Level ............................................................................................................................................ 17
2.3.2 Noise Calculation.................................................................................................................................... 18

2.4 AC Biasing..................................................................................................................................................... 19
2.4.1 Signal Level ........................................................................................................................................... 21
2.4.2 Noise Calculation................................................................................................................................... 22

2.5 Practical Measurement ................................................................................................................................ 23

2.5.1 Amplitude Modulation............................................................................................................................ 23
2.5.2 AC Biasing Setup ................................................................................................................................... 26
2.5.3 Noise Analysis ........................................................................................................................................ 26
2.5.4 Check Functionality................................................................................................................................ 28
2.5.5 Conclusion .............................................................................................................................................. 32

2.6 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................................... 32


3.1 Miller Effect .................................................................................................................................................. 35

3.2 Miller Effect in DC Biasing.......................................................................................................................... 36

3.3 System Level Analysis .................................................................................................................................. 38

3.3.1 Define the Gain of the Preamplifier........................................................................................................ 38
3.3.2 Diode Connected MOSFET.................................................................................................................... 40

3.3.3 Stability ...................................................................................................................................................41

3.4 Specification for Preamplifier ......................................................................................................................42

3.5 Conclusion .....................................................................................................................................................43

CHAPTER 4.PREAMPLIFIER DESIGN ................................................................44

4.1 Amplifier Topology .......................................................................................................................................44

4.2 Noise Analysis in Folded-Cascode Amplifier..............................................................................................46

4.3 Reference Current Source ...........................................................................................................................49

4.4 Size of the Devices in the Preamplifier ........................................................................................................51

CHAPTER 5.SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION..........................................................54

5.1 Parasitic Capacitance....................................................................................................................................54

5.2 Stability Check by AC Simulation...............................................................................................................55

5.3 Programmable Cf ..........................................................................................................................................56

5.4 Conclusion .....................................................................................................................................................59

CHAPTER 6.SIMULATION RESULT ....................................................................60

6.1 Stability Check by Transient Simulation ....................................................................................................60

6.2 Signal-to-Noise Ratio ....................................................................................................................................62

6.3 Total Harmonic Distortion ...........................................................................................................................62

6.4 Sensitivity.......................................................................................................................................................63

6.5 Process Corners Simulation .........................................................................................................................64

6.5.1 Corner Simulation without Cf ..................................................................................................................64
6.5.2 Corner Simulation with Cf = 390 fF ........................................................................................................66

6.6 Monte-Carlo Simulation...............................................................................................................................66

6.7 Comparison ...................................................................................................................................................67

6.8 Conclusion .....................................................................................................................................................68

CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK................................................69

7.1 Conclusion .....................................................................................................................................................69

7.2 Future Work..................................................................................................................................................69

APPENDIX A............................................................................................................71

APPENDIX B ........................................................................................................... 72

APPENDIX C ........................................................................................................... 73

List of Figures

Figure 1. 1 The cross-sectional view of a typical MEMS capacitive microphone. ...........2

Figure 1. 2 Cross-sectional view of Bourouina et al.’s condenser microphone [9]...........2
Figure 1. 3 Spring supported membrane [11]. ...................................................................3
Figure 1. 4 Topview on the back electrode side. ...............................................................3
Figure 1. 5 Cross section of the microphone. ....................................................................3
Figure 1. 6 Force diagram of a microphone in equilibrium. ..............................................5
Figure 1. 7 Capacitance variance with different voltage ...................................................5
Figure 1. 8 Membrane’s deflection without bias voltage. ................................................6
Figure 1. 9 VrilogA Model for Microphone ......................................................................8
Figure 1. 10 A-weighting Curve ......................................................................................10

Figure 2. 1 Traditional readout scheme for ECM. ...........................................................12

Figure 2. 2 Typical voltage-readout scheme for MEMS capacitive microphone [20]. ...13
Figure 2. 3 Scheme of the integrated capacitive microphone with dc-dc voltage
converter and preamplifier [6]. ................................................................................13
Figure 2. 4 Schematic of the preamplifier used in [22]. ..................................................14
Figure 2. 5 Scheme of the integrated microphone by using frequency modulation [23].14
Figure 2. 6 DC biasing scheme. .......................................................................................15
Figure 2. 7 Noise sources in DC biasing scheme.............................................................16
Figure 2. 8 Charge Amplifier...........................................................................................17
Figure 2. 9 Vout’s amplitude versus radio frequency.......................................................18
Figure 2. 10 Noise Source in Charge Amplifier ..............................................................19
Figure 2. 11 AC biasing scheme. .....................................................................................20
Figure 2. 12 Spectrum of the amplitude modulated signal. .............................................20
Figure 2. 13 Mixer demodulation. ...................................................................................22
Figure 2. 14 (a) Scheme for realizing amplitude modulation. (b) Frequency response of
the transfer function. ................................................................................................24
Figure 2. 15 Amplitude-modulated signal’s spectrum.....................................................24
Figure 2. 16 Magnitude of the side band under different bias voltage. ...........................25
Figure 2. 17 Magnitude of the main tone under different bias voltage............................25
Figure 2. 18 AC biasing scheme realized on PCB..........................................................26
Figure 2. 19 The first stage for AC biasing. ....................................................................27
Figure 2. 20 Noise versus frequency for the first stage of AC biasing............................28
Figure 2. 21 Comparison of the noise measurement and calculation result for AC biasing.
Figure 2. 22 Response to oscillation frequency with different oscillation amplitude in
normal mode. ...........................................................................................................29
Figure 2. 23 Equivalent voltage’s waveform exerted on the microphone under two cases.
Figure 2. 24 Different average sensitivity in two cases. ..................................................30
Figure 2. 25 Demodulated signal in normal mode...........................................................31
Figure 2. 26 Comparison of frequency response between normal mode and collapse
Figure 2. 27 The nonlinear demodulated signal in collapse mode at 100KHz oscillation

Figure 2. 28 The demodulated signal in collapse mode at 120KHz oscillation frequency.
................................................................................................................................. 32

Figure 3. 1 Impedance connected from input to output of an amplifier.......................... 35

Figure 3. 2 Miller effect in DC biasing ........................................................................... 36
Figure 3. 3 Matlab simulation result of the DC biasing with positive feedback Cf. ....... 37
Figure 3. 4 A non-inverting amplifier with closed loop gain.......................................... 38
Figure 3. 5 A non-inverting amplifier with AC-coupled closed loop gain. .................... 39
Figure 3. 6 A non-inverting amplifier with voltage regulator......................................... 39
Figure 3. 7 DC biasing with positive feedback on system level. .................................... 40
Figure 3. 8 I-V characteristic of a diode.......................................................................... 40
Figure 3. 9 (a) Cross section of a diode-connect PMOS. (b) Equivalent schematic....... 41
Figure 3. 10 (a) Cross section of a diode-connect NMOS. (b) Equivalent schematic. ... 41
Figure 3. 11 Positive feedback system ........................................................................... 42

Figure 4. 1 Input common mode range for an NMOS input differential amplifier with (a)
a current mirror load (b) folded-cascode with current source load. ........................ 44
Figure 4. 2 A folded-cascode amplifier........................................................................... 45
Figure 4. 3 Simple amplifier with source degeneration at load. ..................................... 46
Figure 4. 4 The basic topology of the preamplifier......................................................... 48
Figure 4. 5 (a) Bootstrap current source. (b) I-V characteristic curves of R2 and M2. ... 50
Figure 4. 6 Equivalent model for bootstrap current source............................................. 50
Figure 4. 7 (a) Schematic of preamplifier. (b) Biasing schematic. ................................. 51

Figure 5. 1 The scheme to decide the input capacitance of the preamplifier.................. 54

Figure 5. 2 Scheme for loop gain simulation. ................................................................. 55
Figure 5. 3 AC simulation for Loop Gain with two different Cf..................................... 56
Figure 5. 4 Readout scheme with 4-bit DAC. ................................................................. 56
Figure 5. 5 Cross section of a Npoly-Nwell capacitor. ................................................... 57
Figure 5. 6 Transmission Gate ........................................................................................ 57
Figure 5. 7 (a) The scheme of unstable situation. (b) Oscillation waveform.................. 58
Figure 5. 8 4-bit DAC with switches to ground. ............................................................. 59

Figure 6. 1 Scheme for simulating impulse response...................................................... 60

Figure 6. 2 Impulse response........................................................................................... 60
Figure 6. 3 Transient simulation result with Cf = 390 fF. ............................................... 61
Figure 6. 4 SNR versus Cf (all available value of DAC)................................................. 62
Figure 6. 5 THD versus different Cf. (all available value of DAC) ................................ 63
Figure 6. 6 Signal Level versus different Cf.................................................................... 64
Figure 6. 7 Corner simulation for SNR when there is no Cf. .......................................... 65
Figure 6. 8 Corner simulation for THD when there is no Cf........................................... 65
Figure 6. 9 Corner simulation for SNR when Cf = 390 fF. ............................................. 66
Figure 6. 10 Corner simulation for THD when Cf = 390 fF............................................ 66
Figure 6. 11 Monte-Carlo simulation for SNR with Cf = 390 fF at 94dBSPL input. ..... 67
Figure 6. 12 Monte-Carlo simulation for SNR with Cf = 390 fF at 94dBSPL input....... 67

List of Tables
Table 1. 1 Notation used in the equation (1. 4) to (1. 7)....................................................7
Table 1. 2 Notation used in the equation (1. 8) and (1. 9) .................................................7
Table 1. 3 The specification of the MEMS microphone products on the market..............8
Table 1. 4 Relation between sound pressure level and sound pressure [16]....................10

Table 2. 1 Measurement in DC biasing with different bias voltage. ...............................30

Table 2. 2 Comparison between three schemes ...............................................................33
Table 2. 3 Advantages and disadvantages for the three schemes. ...................................33

Table 4. 1 Size of the devices. .........................................................................................52

Table 4. 2 Specifications for the preamplifier .................................................................53

Table 6. 1 Comparison between this design and the products on market........................68

Chapter 1.Introduction

A microphone is an acoustic-to-electric transducer or sensor that converts an acoustical signal

into an electrical signal. They are used in many applications such as telephones, hearing aids,
mobile phones and personal audio systems. Many transduction principles have been used,
leading to the development of transduction have been developed, including the piezoelectric,
the piezoresistive, the capacitive and the contact microphones. The first microphone
fabricated by silicon micromaching has been around for more than 20 years [ 1 ]. The
introduction of silicon technology allows high precision and batch fabrication of the devices
at low cost and with high reproducibility [2].

The most commonly used microphones are based on the capacitive principle for their low-
power and tolerance to high temperature [3]. They also have advantages of large bandwidth
and high sensitivity [4]. The capacitive microphone can be divided into two categories,
namely the electret condenser microphone (ECM) and the condenser microphone. An ECM
employs an electret, a component with a built-in charge-accumulating layer, which has the
function of accumulating charges in the absence of an applied bias voltage. The first ECM
which is based on silicon technology was presented by jHohm and Gerhard-Multhaupt in
1984 [5]. The charge on the electrets, however, was susceptible to temperature and suffered
from long-term drift, which affected the sensitivity of the microphone [6]. The authors of[7]
describe a promising teflon electret for use in a silicon microphone but the use of teflon in a
standard industrial production process gives rise to a lot of difficulties [8].

The condenser microphone does not require an electret material. To accumulate charge, it
requires an applied bias voltage. It has moderate sensing sensitivity and low sensitivity to
temperature. They are usually fabricated as Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS)
because of this results in small size, low cost and batch fabrication. Reading out such
microphones is the main objective of this thesis and this topic will be explained in detail in
the next section.

Therefore, for simplicity, the term “MEMS microphone” quoted frequently in the following
text refers to a condenser microphone based on silicon.

1.1 What is a MEMS Microphone?

The MEMS condenser microphone is a design based on microminiaturized mechanical

structures which can be integrated with CMOS process and other audio electronics. It can be
viewed as a parallel plate capacitor that consists of a top membrane and a bottom back plate
separated by a small air gap acting as a dielectric material. The back chamber acts as a
reference chamber. Figure 1. 1 shows a cross-sectional view of a typical MEMS capacitive
microphone. The acoustic holes on the back plate are used to alleviate air damping. An
incident acoustic sound wave causes the membrane to deflect. As the membrane vibrates in
accordance with the frequency and amplitude of the sound wave, the capacitance between the
membrane and backplate changes accordingly due to the variable air gap. The aim of the
readout circuit is thus to transform the capacitance variations into electric signals.

Figure 1. 1 The cross-sectional view of a typical MEMS capacitive microphone.

In the past 20 years, many researchers have investigated the fabrication of MEMS
microphone with different structures or materials to improve their sensitivity and reduce their
noise level. In 1992, T. Bourouina et al. proposed a condenser microphone with a p+ silicon
membrane without acoustic holes that is shown schematically in Figure 1. 2 [9]. Because of
the absence of acoustic holes, the air gap is increased to 7.5um to alleviate the air damping
effect which results in a flat frequency response up to 10KHz.

Figure 1. 2 Cross-sectional view of Bourouina et al.’s condenser microphone [9].

Since the stress of the membrane defines the microphone’s sensitivity [1], the author in [10]
proposes a microphone with a sandwich structure membrane which combines layers of
compressive stress and tensile stress together to decrease the stress in the membrane. Another
option to increase the sensitivity is to adjust the connection between back plate and
membrane. The author in [11] reported that a spring type support rather than fully clamping
the membrane at the whole circumference will increase the sensitivity by a factor of two. The
picture of the spring-supported membrane is shown in Figure 1. 3.

Although there are still many ways to optimize the microphone’s sensitivity by choosing
different structures or materials, the design in this report will focus on the readout scheme
which is at the circuit level. Therefore, the following sections describe a readout circuit for a
MEMS microphone fabricated by NXP Semiconductors.

Figure 1. 3 Spring supported membrane [11].

1.2 Characteristics of the Microphone from NXP

The MEMS microphone in this design is manufactured by NXP Semiconductors. The

membrane and perforated back plate are round in shape as shown in Figure 1. 4. The two
electrodes are supported or connected by a silicon dioxide ring at the edge of the round plate.
Figure 1. 5 illustrates the cross section of the microphone.

Figure 1. 4 Topview on the back electrode side.

Figure 1. 5 Cross section of the microphone.

From the dimensions shown in Figure 1. 4 and Figure 1. 5, we can calculate the capacitance
of the microphone when the membrane is not deflected. It is given by:

ε 0 ε r1πR 2 1 * 8.85e −12 * 3.14 * (460e −6 )2

C mic = = ≈ 2.94 pF (1. 1)
d gap 2e −6

where ε 0 is vacuum permittivity, ε r1 is relative static permittivity of air, R is the radius of the
membrane and d gap is the quiescent air gap thickness.

In normal operation, the membrane and bulk are shorted together and biased at ground to
eliminate Cp2. Thus Cp1 shown in Figure 1. 5 is the main contribution for parasitic
capacitance. The value of Cp1 is given by:

⎛ φ1 2 φ 2 2 ⎞
ε 0 ε r 2π ⎜ ( ) −( ) ⎟
C p1 = ⎝ 2 2 ⎠
= 0.7 pF
(1. 2)
d gap

where ε r 2 is 4.5 which is the relative static permittivity of SiO2 , φ1 is the diameter of the
membrane and φ 2 is the effective diameter of the membrane.

A MEMS microphone needs a bias voltage across its two plates. During operation, there are
mainly four different types of forces exerted on the capacitor structure: the mechanical input
from the acoustical wave, the elastic (restoring) force generated in the vibrating membrane in
response to the deflection, the electrostatic force caused by the bias voltage on the two
electrodes, and the damping force generated by the air gap[12]. They are illustrated in Figure
1. 6 without the damping force since it can be neglected in equilibrium. And the electrostatic
force shown in Figure 1. 6 is given by:

ε 0 AV 2
Fes = (1. 3)
2(d gap − x) 2

where A is the area of the capacitor plate and x represents the displacement of the membrane.
Equation (1. 3) indicates that the electrostatic force varies quadratically with the distance
between the membrane and the back plate. This effect is the main reason for the
microphone’s nonlinearity.

Figure 1. 6 Force diagram of a microphone in equilibrium.

Therefore the force acting on the membrane is the sum of the external mechanical pressure,
the electrostatic force and the counterbalancing elastic force. When the electrostatic force
exceeds the mechanical restoring force, we call the corresponding critical bias voltage the
pull-in voltage. If the voltage is increased beyond this pull-in voltage, the membrane will
collapse onto the fixed back plate. Figure 1. 7 illustrates the capacitance of the microphone
with different voltages by finite-element simulation [ 13 ]. The pull-in voltage of the
microphone is around 8V by experiment and 8.8V by simulation which can also be derived
from Figure 1. 7.




C [pF]




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Vbias [V]

Figure 1. 7 Capacitance variance with different voltage

1.3 Sensitivity

When there is no bias voltage across the two electrodes, the deflection of the membrane with
an acoustical pressure, which is shown in Figure 1. 8, can be expressed as 14:

w(r , P) = (R2 − r 2 ) (1. 4)

Figure 1. 8 Membrane’s deflection without bias voltage.

Consequently, the capacitance between membrane and back plate is given:

ε 0 ⋅ 2πr ε0 A R2 1 ⎛ R2 ⎞ 2 (1. 5)
C ( P) = ∫ dr ≈ ⋅ (1 + ⋅ P+ ⎜ ⎟ P + ...) ⋅ [ F ]
d gap − w(r , P) d gap 2 4σhd gap 6 ⎜⎝ 4σhd gap ⎟

With = 2.38 ⋅ 10 −3 m 2 /N , the third term in the bracket on the right side of equation (1.
4σhd gap
5) can be neglected. Thus the sensitivity to acoustical pressure is:

∂C ( P ) ε A R2 ε 0π R 4
Sd = ≈ 0 ⋅ = ⋅ [ F / Pa ] (1. 6)
∂P d gap 8σ hd gap 8σ hd gap

If we substitute the value of into equation (1. 5), it gives the linear relation between
4σhd gap
the microphone’s capacitance and the acoustical pressure which is given by:

C mic ( P) ≈ ⋅ (1 + 0.00119 ⋅ P ) = C mic (1 + kP) ⋅ [ F ], for k = 0.00119 ⋅ [ Pa −1 ] (1. 7)
d gap

where Cmic is the quiescent capacitance of the microphone which is calculated in equation (1.
1). For convenience and clarity, 0.00119 is replaced with a symbol k.

From this chapter on, the frequently mentioned term CΔ represents the capacitance variance
in the time domain and it is equal to CmickP. If the acoustical pressure P can be represented as
Pˆ sin(ωt ) , where P̂ is the amplitude of the sound and ω is the frequency of the sound, then
the amplitude of the capacitance variance in the frequency domain is C mic kPˆ and it is
symbolized as Cv. Consequently, the rms value of the capacitance variance Cv,rms is Cv

Table 1. 1 shows the notation used in the above equations.

Symbol Explanation
w Deflection of the membrane [m]
R Radius of the membrane [m]
r Radial position [m]
σ Initial stress of membrane [Pa], 30MPa
h Thickness of membrane [m], 0.38e-6
P Acoustical Pressure [Pa]
dconst Quiescent air gap between membrane and back plate [m], 2e-6
ε0 Permittivity of free space [F/m], 8.854e-12
A Area of the membrane [m2]
Table 1. 1 Notation used in the equation (1. 4) to (1. 7)

When there is a bias voltage, the author in [15] gives the sensitivity under this condition
which is given by:

S elmech = K cell ⋅ [V / m] [15] (1. 8)
S elac = K cell S d ⋅ [V / Pa] [15] (1. 9)

Table 1. 2 shows the notations used in the above equations.

Since the movable membrane will be attracted to the fixed back plate when a bias voltage is
exerted, the air gap distance becomes smaller and results in a larger sensitivity. Consequently
a larger signal will be generated by the microphone with a larger bias voltage.

Symbol Explanation
S elmech Mechanical sensitivity in electrical domain
S elac Acoustical sensitivity in electrical domain
K cell Holes in the cell and the fringing fields at the edges
Vbias Voltage exerted on the microphone
Sd Acoustical sensitivity without bias voltage which is shown in equation(1. 6)
d Air gap between membrane and back plate
Table 1. 2 Notation used in the equation (1. 8) and (1. 9)

1.4 VerilogA Model for Microphone from NXP

Given the basic characteristics of the microphone, a behavioral model of the microphone is
essential for simulation. Ideally, this model should be accurate and include the non-idealities
of the sensor which limit the performance. But a simple model can speed up the simulation
process and reduce the design time. In this design, a proper functionality is the main objective
for the model. Therefore a very simple model is coded in Verilog-A which does not consider
the nonlinearity and electrostatic force limit of the microphone. The effect that sensitivity
increases with increasing bias voltage is not included as well. If specification can be achieved
with the lowest sensitivity, it will also be achieved with higher sensitivity.

The basic principle behind the model is regarding the microphone as a variable capacitance
and its capacitance variance is controlled by a voltage source which represents the acoustical
signal. The related code can be found in Appendix A.

Figure 1. 9 VrilogA Model for Microphone

1.5 Specification to be Achieved

In the current MEMS microphone products market, the major manufacturers are Knowles
Electronics, Analog Devices, Infineon, Akustica and Pulse MEMS. They produce both
analog microphones and digital microphones. With the datasheets of these products, the main
characteristics of those analog microphones are listed in Table 1. 3. There exists another
design which is based on the microphone from NXP Semiconductors already. It adopts
charge pump to move the bias voltage across microphone up to 5V. Its specifications are also
listed in Table 1. 3.

Specification SNR@1Pa Sensitivity Current Band- THD(%)

(dB)(A- @1Pa (uA) width
Product weighted) (dBV/Pa) (HZ)
SPM0204HE5 59 -42 100 14K 1%@100dBSPL
(Knowles (VDD=1.5~3.6V)
ADMP401-1 62 -37 200 12K 3%@105dBSPL
(ADI) (VDD=1.5~3.6V)

AKU1126 58 -42 150 N/A 5%@115dBSPL

(Akustica) (VDD=1.65~3.6V)

SMM310 59 -42 80 10K 0.1%@104dBSPL

(Infineon) (VDD=2.1V)

TC200A 61 -40 330 20K 10%@110dBSPL

(Pulse (VDD=1.64~2.86V)
Design 60 -46 450 20K 1%@100dBSPL

Table 1. 3 The specification of the MEMS microphone products on the market.

The table shows a general idea about the behavior of the current MEMS microphone products
on the market. It also indicates the most important specifications when designing the interface
circuit for MEMS microphone. The data in bold type states that it exceeds the behavior of
other products in this specification.

By comparing the data listed in Table 1. 3, we can have a rough idea about the specifications
which are going to be satisfied. SNR at 1Pa should not be lower than 58 dB. Sensitivity at 1
Pa should not be lower than -42 dB. The current consumption is supposed to be kept as small
as possible. The bandwidth which is mainly decided by the frequency response of the
microphone should be the same as the previous design. And the total harmonic distortion
(THD) is also expected not to exceed that of the previous design.

Since the previous design uses charge pump to increase the bias voltage across the sensor
which increases the complexity of the circuit, the aim of this design is thus trying to achieve
the same specification of the previous design with a lower bias voltage.

1.5.1 Sound Pressure Level

The “dBSPL” shown in the last column of Table 1. 3 is the unit of sound pressure level (SPL)
which is often denoted as sound level Lp. It is a logarithm decibel scale measurement of the
rms (Root Mean Square) sound pressure of a sound relative to a reference value[16]. From
this section on, if not explicitly mentioned, sound pressure will be expressed in terms of its
effective value (rms). The reference value is 20uPa which is the threshold of hearing (roughly
the sound of a mosquito flying 3 meters away). The relation between sound pressure and
sound pressure level is given by:

p rms p rms (1. 10)
L p = 10 log10 ( 2
) = 20 log10 ( )
p ref p ref

where prms is the rms value of the sound pressure being measured and pref is the reference
sound pressure.
Table 1. 4 shows a comparison of sound pressure level and corresponding sound pressure
which gives a general idea of the relation between the common sound source in human life
and the abstract sound pressure level.

Examples Sound Pressure Level Sound Pressure p (N/m2=Pa)

Jet aircraft, 50 m away 140 200
Threshold of pain 130 63.2
Disco, 1 m from speaker 100 2
Diesel truck, 10 m away 90 0.63
Kerbside of busy road, 5 m 80 0.2
Vacuum cleaner, distance 1 m 70 0.063
Conversational speech, 1 m 60 0.02
Quiet library 40 0.002
Quiet bedroom at night 30 0.00063
Background in TV studio 20 0.0002

Rustling leaf 10 0.000063
Threshold of hearing 0 0.00002
Table 1. 4 Relation between sound pressure level and sound pressure [16].

1.5.2 A-weighted
When SNR specifications are stated in Table 1. 3, the term A-weighted is used. Since the
human ear is most sensitive to sounds at frequencies between 1 KHz to 5 KHz, frequency-
weighting curves are often incorporated with sound pressure level meters to produce a result
which conforms to what we hear [17]. The weighting curves were originally different with
different sound level, but A-weighting, which was originally used for low level sounds, is
now often used for measuring environmental noise and the output of audio systems. The A-
frequency-weighting curve is shown in Figure 1. 10. The gain curve crosses 0dB at 1 KHz.
The function defining the A-weighting curve in terms of poles and zeros comes from IEC/CD
1672 (and ANSI S1.42-2001):

kA ⋅ s4 (1. 11)
G A ( s) =
( s + 129.4) 2 ( s + 676.7)( s + 4636)( s + 76655) 2

where kA≈7.39705*109

A-weighting Curve


Gain (dB)





10 100 1000 10000 100000
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 1. 10 A-weighting Curve

1.6 Motivation

As has been stated above, a large bias voltage exerted on the microphone can generate large
signal until the voltage exceeds the pull-in voltage. The fact that mainstream CMOS
technology cannot handle voltages greater than a few volts, however, indicates that realizing
a high bias voltage will bring more difficulties. Moreover, the signal generated from the
MEMS microphone needs to be readout by an interface circuit. For a specific microphone,
different interface circuits will drive the microphone to have different specifications.

Therefore, the main purpose of this project is to investigate the possible interface structures
and finally develop an interfacing principle which can drive a microphone biased with a low
bias voltage in such a way to achieve the specification.

1.7 Outline of the Thesis

The thesis is composed of seven chapters presenting different aspects of the investigation.
Following this introduction chapter, Chapter 2 describes the investigations of several possible
readout schemes for a capacitive MEMS microphone sensor. These comparisons mainly
focus on the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), linearity and sensitivity. Chapter 3 proposes a new
readout scheme which can increase the sensitivity of the microphone by the use of positive
feedback capacitor. It mainly deals with the principle behind this scheme. The specification
of the preamplifier will also be given. Chapter 4 describes the process of designing a low-
noise operation amplifier (opamp) on transistor level. The design of the current source used
in the biasing circuit is included as well. In Chapter 5, the opamp will be simulated with the
microphone model in the whole scheme. The practical implementation issues of the system
are discussed. The simulation results and the analysis of them are both presented in Chapter 6.
Finally, in Chapter 7, the conclusion of the project and recommendations for future
improvement are given.

Chapter 2.Readout Scheme

This section mainly analyzes the possible readout schemes for MEMS microphone. It starts
with the background of some common readout schemes in literature (section 2.1). Then three
different schemes will be analyzed (section 2.2~2.4). Both the advantage and disadvantage of
these schemes will be explained in detail. The chapter ends with a comparison among the
three schemes (section 2.5).

2.1 Read-out schemes for Capacitive Microphone

A typical MEMS microphone front-end interface has to transfer the capacitive changes in the
sensor to voltage or current variations. It has relatively fixed specification driven by the
characteristic of the microphone. The interface circuit also has to minimize the most critical
non-idealities of the sensor (e.g. parasitic capacitance) to maximize its sensitivity [18].

In traditional design, a Junction-Field-Effect-Transistor (JFET) in the source-follower

configuration is used to buffer the signal from the electret microphone which is shown in
Figure 2. 1 [ 19 ]. The voltage source Vmic represents the input sound which is also
proportional to the sound pressure. The value of Rbias needs to be very large to move the
kBT/C noise corner generated by the microphone and Rbias to low frequency where it is of no

Figure 2. 1 Traditional readout scheme for ECM.

The microphone in Figure 2. 1 is an electret microphone which has long-term drift problems
as mentioned in Chapter 1. For a MEMS capacitive microphone, i.e. without an electret, a
typical voltage-readout scheme is shown in Figure 2. 2 [20]. The microphone is biased with a
dc voltage through a large resistor. The resulting large RC time constant can guarantee that
the microphone works under constant charge condition. However, the bias resistor needs to
be very large (depending on the microphone’s capacitance and bandwidth) which is not easy
to implement in a standard CMOS technology. The sensitivity is limited by the parasitic
capacitances both of the sensor itself and of the preamplifier

Figure 2. 2 Typical voltage-readout scheme for MEMS capacitive microphone [20].

The MEMS microphone can achieve high sensitivity with high bias voltage. Thus the author
in [6] proposed a scheme which is shown in Figure 2. 3. A MEMS microphone without an
electret is biased by a dc-dc converter. The Dickson type dc-dc converter behaves like a
charge pump and it builds up charge at the output by the two anti-phase oscillation clocks
[21].What makes this design novel is that the dc-dc converter enables the microphone to
achieve high sensitivity at a low supply voltage. The main disadvantage of this design is the
linearity. It has 10.1% distortion under 20 Pa sound pressures.

Figure 2. 3 Scheme of the integrated capacitive microphone with dc-dc voltage converter and
preamplifier [6].

Recently the authors in [22] propose a solution which implements two microphones biased by
voltages having opposite polarities. The SNR is thus increased by 3 dB. The bias voltage for
the microphone is ± 10V which is generated from a charge pump. A 6V PMOS differential
pair forms the basic gain stage. Another novel point of this design is the feedback amplifier
(FA). It not only speeds up the start up transient time but also increases the insensitivity to
the supply-induced noise and electro-magnetic interference (EMI). The schematic of the
preamplifier used in this design is shown in Figure 2. 4. One distinct disadvantage of the
design is the cost since two microphones are used.

Figure 2. 4 Schematic of the preamplifier used in [22].

Another option for readout capacitive microphone adopted a different detecting principle,
frequency modulation. The scheme is shown in Figure 2. 5. Cm represents the capacitive
microphone and it plays the role of timing capacitance in the ring oscillator due to its variable
capacitance. In this design, the microphone does not need extra dc bias. Therefore the
microphone behaves more linearly to the acoustic pressure due to the small electrostatic force
between the membrane and back plate. Moreover, the frequency modulated output is
convenient for further digital signal processing. However, the major disadvantage of the
design is its low SNR (about 60 dB SNR under 20 Pa) and high power consumption (1.96
mW) [23].

Figure 2. 5 Scheme of the integrated microphone by using frequency modulation [23].

From the above literature study, it can be seen that there are two designs use charge pump to
bias the microphone. Since a charge pump is not easy to implement and the distortion
increases sharply as bias voltage approaches the pull-in voltage [24], the aim of the design is
thus to find out a suitable readout scheme which will get rid of the charge pump and
maximize the sensitivity of the microphone under a low supply voltage. It starts with the most
traditional and typical scheme and then moves on to a new scheme by reducing the
drawbacks of the old design.

2.2 DC Biasing

In DC biasing, which is shown in Figure 2. 6, there is a very large resistor Rb (in the order of
Giga-Ohms) connected between the microphone and a dc voltage source which is indicated
as Vref. The name “dc biasing” comes from the electrical characteristics of the reference
source Vref. The charge accumulated on the microphone does not change by much because of
the large RC time constant. The charging current is given by:

V ref −
(2. 1)
I= e Rb C mic

If Rb is infinite, I = ∂Q =
≈ 0 which means Q can be regarded as constant. The following
∂t Rb
equation is based on constant charge assumption which is given by:

Qmic Qmic (2. 2)

Vo = = d [V ]
C mic Aε

where Qmic the total charge accumulated on the sensor, Cmic is the static capacitance of the
sensor, A is the area of the effective membrane, ε is the permittivity of the medium between
the membrane and the back plate and d is the distance between the membrane and the



Cmic±C∆ Cp

Figure 2. 6 DC biasing scheme.

2.2.1 Signal Level

Based on constant charge assumption, we can derive that:

Qconst = (C mic + C p ) *Vref = (C mic + C p ± C Δ )(Vref m ΔV ) [ F ⋅ V ] (2. 3)

where CΔ is C mic kP which comes from equation (1. 7) and the value of Cmic is denoted in
equation (1. 1). From this section on, Cp not only represents Cp1 which is mentioned in
section (1.3) but also includes the parasitic capacitance from the preamplifier.

(Since it is impossible to have a resistor with infinite large resistance, the calculation of the
output signal without the constant charge assumption is included in Appendix B.)

As a result, the signal generated on the microphone in the time domain is:

(Cmic + C p ) * Vref CΔ * Vref

ΔV = − Vref = [V ] (2. 4)
Cmic + C p − CΔ Cmic + C p − CΔ

2.2.2 Noise Calculation

There are mainly two noise sources in DC biasing scheme which are shown in Figure 2. 7.
One is the thermal noise from the bias resistor which is represented by noise power spectrum
density vnoise , Rb . It is filtered by the microphone and the parasitic capacitance. The other one is
the input-referred noise density of the preamplifier which is represented by vnoise ,in . Although

the voltage source Vref also contributes noise, its noise is filtered by the Rb and microphone as
well. Even though, a clean bias voltage is also demanded in DC biasing scheme. For
simplicity, the following calculation is based on the assumption that the bias voltage is noise
free. Therefore the total input-referred noise at the input of the preamplifier is given by:

v noise = v
2 2
* + v noise
2 2
, in [V / Hz ] (2. 5)
1 + j * ωRb * (C mic + C p )
noise , Rb

Referring the noise voltage power spectrum to a capacitive noise power spectrum by using
the voltage-to-capacitance transfer function (assuming CΔ is much smaller than Cmic+Cp)

2 2 2
⎛ C mic + C p ⎞ 2 1 ⎛ C mic + C p ⎞ 2
C noise =⎜ ⎟ vnoise , R +⎜ ⎟ vnoise,in [ F 2 / Hz ] (2. 6)
⎜ V ⎟ b
1 + j * ωRb * (C mic + C p ) ⎜ V ⎟
⎝ ref ⎠ ⎝ ref ⎠

v noise,Rb


Figure 2. 7 Noise sources in DC biasing scheme.

Equation (2. 6) indicates that for a certain capacitance variance Cv, large value of Vref and Rb
will yield large SNR.
Although the DC biasing scheme is simple, its dominant disadvantage is that the large
resistor is difficult to implement in IC technology. Moreover, in the audio bandwidth which

is from 20 Hz to 20 KHz the 1/f noise of the opamp dominates which is not beneficial to
achieve a good SNR. Equation (2. 4) also shows that the electrical sensitivity of the
microphone is inversely proportional to the quiescent capacitance (Cmic+Cp) of the
microphone. If the preamplifier connected afterwards has large input parasitic capacitance
(for low noise or coupling reason), the sensitivity of the microphone is deteriorated even
more. As a result, the input-referred noise of the preamplifier has to be reduced to
compensate for the sensitivity reduction. Another drawback of this scheme is the nonlinearity.
Rewriting equation (2. 4) into:

CΔ * Vref
ΔV = [V ]
⎛ CΔ ⎞ (2. 7)
(Cmic + C p )⎜1 − ⎟
⎜ C +C ⎟
⎝ mic p ⎠

In the ideal case, the signal should be linearly proportional to the capacitance variance of the

microphone. The factor in the denominator of equation (2. 7), however, affects the
Cmic + C p
linearity. This factor is supposed to be small which implies that Cmic+Cp should be large. A
large value of Cmic+Cp, however, will kill the signal level which is indicated from equation (2.
4). Therefore, there exists a trade off between the signal level and linearity when the DC
biasing scheme is used.

2.3 Charge Amplifier

In order to avoid the impact of parasitic capacitance, another interfacing scheme was
investigated. This is shown in Figure 2. 8. Because of feedback, the voltages on the two
inputs of the amplifier will follow each other and so the bias voltage across the microphone
will be stable. The voltage across the parasitic capacitor will also be stable. Consequently, Cp
can be neglected in the calculation of AC transfer function which is shown below

Figure 2. 8 Charge Amplifier.

2.3.1 Signal Level

When there is an acoustical signal exerted on the microphone, the time-varying capacitance
will generate time-varying current which turns out to be time-varying voltage at the output
because of the feedback network. The time-varying current is expressed as:

d (Cmic + CΔ ) ε A dP(t )
imic (t ) = Vref = 0 kVref (2. 8)
dt d gap dt

The frequency-varying current is then given by:

ε0 A ˆ
imic (ω ) = kPVref ω (2. 9)
d gap

Therefore, the voltage on the output in the frequency domain is given by:

ε0 A ˆ ωR f ωR f
Vout (ω ) = kPVref ( ) = Cv ⋅ Vref ( ) (2. 10)
d gap 1 + jωR f C f 1 + jωR f C f

The above calculations are all based on the assumption that the input acoustic signal is a pure
sine wave and can be expressed as Pˆ sin(ωt ) , where P̂ is amplitude of this sine wave signal.
This assumption will also be used in the following parts.

Figure 2. 9 shows the amplitude of Vout versus frequency. Since the audio frequency that
human being can hear is from 20Hz to 20KHz, the pole which is decided by should
2πR f C f
be much lower than 20Hz to avoid attenuation on the signal. Thus the amplitude of the output
Cv ⋅ Vref
signal in the audio band is , assuming that this pole is much lower than 20Hz. Since
Cf should be kept small in order not to attenuate the signal, the only way to move the pole
downwards is to increase Rf. Assuming Cf is 1 pF, Rf should be about 8 GΩ to make the pole
locate at 20Hz. And for noise consideration, the pole should be moved to even lower
frequencies to minimize the thermal noise from Rf. Therefore DC biasing with virtual ground
still can not avoid the implementation and noise issues associated with a huge resistor.

Cv ⋅ Vref

Rf Cf
Figure 2. 9 Vout’s amplitude versus radio frequency.

2.3.2 Noise Calculation

Compared to DC biasing, this scheme can achieve high signal level at the output of the
amplifier if Cf is smaller than Cmic. While for noise consideration, both of these two schemes

can not avoid the filtered huge resistance’s noise, the 1/f noise from the preamplifier and the
noise from the reference voltage or bias voltage. For simplicity, the following noise
derivation will not take the reference voltage noise into consideration. If we denote the input
referred noise of the amplifier as vnoise,in which is shown in Figure 2. 10 , the total noise at
the output can be expressed as:

2 2
⎛ 1 + jωR f (C mic + C p + C f ) ⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎞ (2. 11)
v noise ,out = v noise ,in ⎜
2 ⎟ +v2 ⎜ ⎟ [V 2 / Hz ]
⎜ 1 + jωR f C f ⎟ noise , R f ⎜ 1 + jωR C ⎟
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ f f ⎠

Referring the noise voltage power in equation (2. 11) back to a capacitive noise power at
input by using the transfer function in equation (2. 10) yields:

2 2
1 ⎛ 1 + jωR f (C mic + C p + C f ) ⎞ 1 ⎛ 1 ⎞ (2. 12)
C 2
= v noise , in
2 ⎜ ⎟ +v2 ⎜ ⎟ [ F 2 / Hz ]
V ref2 ⎜ ωR f ⎟ noise , R f
Vref2 ⎜ ωR ⎟
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ f ⎠
v noise ,Rf

v noise ,in

Figure 2. 10 Noise Source in Charge Amplifier

Equation (2. 11) shows that the input-referred noise of amplifier is amplified by the factor
C mic + C p + C f 1
in audio bandwidth (assume is much smaller than 20Hz ). To get
Cf 2πR f C f
higher signal level we need small Cf while the noise of the amplifier is amplified even more.
Moreover, the 1/f noise of the amplifier still dominates.

2.4 AC Biasing

The problem with the charge amplifier scheme is mainly caused by input-referred noise of the
amplifier. Normally, the 1/f noise of the amplifier will be dominant in the audio bandwidth. If
we want to avoid the 1/f noise of the amplifier, one option is to modulate the signal to higher
frequencies. That’s why we introduce AC biasing to excite the microphone in order to realize
amplitude modulation (AM). It is also expected that the noise level at high frequency is small
and it will benefit the SNR result. The name “AC biasing” is derived from the property of the
excitation source.

The AC biasing scheme is shown in Figure 2. 11. The large resistor is not necessary any more
since the signal is moved to much higher frequency band and 1/f noise does not dominate as
well. Moreover, this scheme is not sensitive to the parasitic capacitor since the voltage
applied to the parasitic capacitor is constant due to the virtual ground.

Figure 2. 11 AC biasing scheme.

The principle behind the AC biasing is mainly about amplitude modulation and demodulation.
The microphone’s capacitance varies with the sound signal. Meanwhile, the capacitor is
excited by the AC source. Therefore, amplitude modulated current is generated. And with the
feedback RC network, the modulated current generates a voltage at the output of the
amplifier. The spectrum of the voltage here is composed of three components. One is carrier
signal which is at the frequency of AC source. The other two are modulated signal at both
sides of the carrier signal. The distance between the sidebands and carrier signal is exactly
equal to the frequency of the sound. Figure 2. 12 illustrates the spectrum of the amplitude
modulated signal with a square wave carrier.

Figure 2. 12 Spectrum of the amplitude modulated signal.

Usually the carrier signal is much higher than the sidebands. The large amplitude of the
carrier signal may cause saturation problem in the amplifier. Since it does not contain the
sound’s information, it can be reduced by a capacitor connected in parallel with the

microphone. The added capacitor has the same capacitance as Cmic and it is driven by the
oscillation source which is 180 degrees out of phase with the source connected to the
microphone. Thereby the signal at the output of the amplifier contains only the sidebands
which have the information we want.

In order to demodulate sound from the signal, a synchronized mixer is added afterwards. The
mixer is driven by the same frequency as the excitation source. Therefore, the two modulated
sidebands are moved back and mixed together at the sound’s frequency.

In ideal situation, the excitation source should generate a pure sinusoidal wave as carrier
because it contains only one frequency component which is good for linearity of the sensor
and filtering after demodulation. In IC design, however, it is much more difficult to
implement a sinusoidal wave than generating a square wave. Therefore a square wave is
chosen as excitation source. The spectrum of a square wave, however, contains odd
harmonics of the base frequency. As a result, the demodulated signal is composed of several
sidebands of the odd harmonics at sound’s frequency and other higher frequency components
which is shown in Figure 2. 12.

Therefore a low pass filter (LPF) is necessary to filter out the higher frequency components
to limit the demodulated signal as pure as possible in the audio bandwidth.

2.4.1 Signal Level

To make the idea more distinct, a mathematical derivation of the principle is given below.
Assume the excitation source is a square wave with amplitude Vosc and frequency fosc, the
Fourier Transform of the square wave is shown below:

Vosc 2Vosc 1 1
F (t ) = + [cos(ωosc t ) − cos(3ωosc t ) + cos(5ωosc t ) − ...], for ωosc = 2πf osc (2. 13)
2 π 3 5
Since the higher odd harmonics have decreasing amplitude and they will be filtered out in the
end, the following derivation will only consider the base frequency component which is
cos(ω osc t ) .
Then the current through the microphone and the parallel capacitor is given by:

Vosc (t ) − Vosc (t )
I (t ) = +
Z mic Z Co
(2. 14)
2Vosc 1
= jw osc C v * [sin(( wosc + w )t ) − sin(( w osc − w )t )], for C v = C mic k Pˆ
π 2

Consequently, the amplitude of the sidebands at the output of the first amplifier can be
expressed as: (A1 and A2 are shown in Figure 2. 12.)

Rf Vosc wosc R f
A1 = A2 = I (t ) * = Cv [V ] (2. 15)
1 + jω osc R f C f π 1 + (ω osc R f C f ) 2

If is much lower than the oscillation frequency fosc, the amplitude of A1 and A2 can
2πR f C f
Vosc Cv
be expressed as which is about 10 dB ( 20 log10 π ) lower than the signal level of the
π Cf
charge amplifier scheme.

When the mixer is added, the sidebands of all harmonics are moved back and mixed together
at the base frequency. (So does the noise.) The mixer can be regarded as the input multiplied
with a symmetric square wave which is indicates in Figure 2. 13[25]. The Fourier transform
of the symmetric square wave is given by:

4 1 1
F (m(t )) = [cos(ωosct ) + cos(3ωosc t ) + cos(5ωosct ) + ...] (2. 16)
π 3 5

Then the demodulated signal at the output of the LPF is given by:

⎡ 4 1 4 1 4 ⎤
A2 ' = 2 * ⎢ A2 * + ( ) 2 * A2 * + ( ) 2 * A2 * + ... ⎥
⎣ π 3 π 5 π ⎦
w osc R f (2. 17)
≈ 3 . 1432 * C v osc ⋅ [V ]
π 1 + (ω osc R f C f ) 2

Figure 2. 13 Mixer demodulation.

2.4.2 Noise Calculation

The noise calculation of AC biasing before adding the synchronized mixer is almost the same
as that of the charge amplifier scheme which is given by:

⎛ 1 + jωR f (2 * C mic + C p + C f )⎞
⎛ ⎞
= v noise ,in ⎜ ⎟ +v2 ⎜ ⎟
2 2
v noise ,out [V 2 / Hz ] 18)
⎜ 1 + j ωR f C f ⎟ noise , R f ⎜ 1 + j ωR C ⎟
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ f f ⎠

(Although the excitation source has phase noise, the noise calculation above is based on the
assumption that the excitation source is noise free.)

Refer the output noise voltage power back to the capacitive noise power at input yields:
2 2
π ⎛ 1 + jωR f (2 * C mic + C p + C f ) ⎞ π 2 ⎛⎜ 1 ⎞ (2. 19)
C 2
= v noise , in (
) ⎜
2 ⎟ +v2 ( ) ⎟ [ F 2 / Hz ]
Vosc ⎜⎝ ωR f ⎟ Vosc ⎜⎝ ωR f ⎟
noise noise , R
⎠ ⎠

Equation (2. 19) is similar to equation (2. 12).The difference is that the input referred noise of
the amplifier in AC biasing is mainly thermal noise rather than 1/f noise and it is amplified by
2 * C mic + C p + C f
around the oscillation frequency since a compensation capacitor is added
to decrease the carrier signal.

The noise calculation in equation (2. 18), however, does not consider the 1/f noise coming
from the oscillator. Since the bias voltage across the sensor is of square wave type and swings
from ground to supply voltage, the electrostatic force between the membrane and the back
plate is changing from now and then which will introduce nonlinearity problem.

2.5 Practical Measurement

Since we have the MEMS microphone in hand, it is interesting to test how it behaves with
electronics. Thus a PCB (Printed Circuit Board) level investigation is made mainly for the
AC biasing scheme.

2.5.1 Amplitude Modulation

As has been explained in section 2.4, the principle behind the AC biasing scheme is based on
amplitude modulation. It is also indicated in section 2.4 that the oscillation source used to
drive the microphone should be of square wave type for considering a sine wave is more
difficult to be implemented on transistor level. Since the measurement is at PCB level, a pure
sine wave can be generated from an outside signal generator to drive the microphone.
Consider the scheme in Figure 2. 14 (a), the signal generator which is connected to the
microphone generates a pure sine wave with 0.5 voltage amplitude. The amplifier labeled as
A1 is opamp NE5512 coming from the NXP Semiconductors. The sound is generated by
PM5138A function generator through a speaker. It generates a sine wave with 10 V peak to
peak amplitude and 1 KHz frequency. Due to the lack of a reference microphone, it is
difficult to measure the actual sound pressure exerted on the membrane. The measurement is
undertaken by setting Vref with different voltages to prove that the sensitivity of the
microphone is increased by increasing the equivalent bias voltage exerted on it. The transfer
function from the input to output of A1 behaves like a band-pass filter which is shown in
Figure 2. 14 (b). The lower limit of the frequency is decided by 1 which is about 14
2πR f C f
KHz. And the higher limit of the frequency is decided by the bandwidth of the NE5512
which is about 3 MHz.

Rf (110 KΩ)

Cf (100 pF)
Cmic + CΔ
1+ Amplifier’s
Cmic Cf bandwidth
fosc A1 Rf Cf
Vref Vout
Vp-p = 1V

(a) (b)

Figure 2. 14 (a) Scheme for realizing amplitude modulation. (b) Frequency response of the transfer

Due to the amplitude modulation, the signal at the output of A1 is composed of a main tone at
the oscillation frequency with two relatively small sidebands which can be noticed on the
spectrum analyzer. It is illustrated in Figure 2. 15 where fosc represents the oscillation
frequency; fsound means the frequency of the input sound, Am represents the magnitude of the
main tone and As means the magnitude of the sidebands. If the pure oscillation sine wave can
be represented by Vosc*sin(2πfosct) with Vosc as its amplitude, Am and As in the flat band are
given by:

C micVosc
Am = [V ] (2. 20)


1 CmicVosc kPˆ
As = [V ] (2. 21)
2 Cf

where Cf is the feedback capacitor, k has been mentioned in equation (1. 7) and P is the rms
sound pressure exerted on the membrane. From equation (2. 21), it can be seen that the output
signal is proportional to the amplitude of the oscillation source.

Figure 2. 15 Amplitude-modulated signal’s spectrum.

Figure 2. 16 shows the magnitude of the side band versus oscillation frequency under
different bias voltages. The trend of these curves roughly performs like a band-pass filter as
has been mentioned before. These curves in the band (14 KHz - 3 MHz) are not uniform as it
is supposed to be. The peak sensitivity appears at 1 MHz.





-58 Vref=3



1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000 100000000
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 2. 16 Magnitude of the side band under different bias voltage.

This effect may caused by the sensor itself. For a normal MEMS microphone, the curve of
the sensitivity versus acoustical frequency is supposed to be flat at least in the audio band
which is from 20 Hz to 20 KHz. The microphone used in the measurement can guarantee a
flat frequency response up to 100 KHz acoustic frequency. When an oscillation source is
exerted, the membrane of the microphone also vibrates with the oscillation frequency. Since
the 3 MHz oscillation frequency has exceeded the flat frequency response band, there is
possibility that the microphone dose not perform normally.

Figure 2. 16 not only proves that the sensitivity increases with increasing bias voltage but
also provides a rough idea about the performance of the microphone driven by a sine wave
oscillation source of different oscillation frequency.

The magnitude of the main tones versus oscillation frequency with different bias voltage is
shown in Figure 2. 17. The trends of these three curves are almost the same with the side
band in Figure 2. 16.




2 Vref=3



1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000 100000000

Figure 2. 17 Magnitude of the main tone under different bias voltage.

Comparing the magnitude in Figure 2. 16 and Figure 2. 17, we can see that the magnitude of
the main tone is almost 60 dB higher than that of the side band. Therefore, it is necessary to
reduce the main tone otherwise it may cause saturation problem of the preamplifier.

2.5.2 AC Biasing Setup

Figure 2. 18 shows the AC biasing scheme implemented at PCB level. The chain composed
of NANDs and inverters is used to setup a two-phase non overlapping clock by decreasing
the duty cycle of the square wave generated from an external signal generator. Since the
supply voltage of all the NANDs and inverters on the board are 14V, clock signal Φ1 and Φ2
swings from 0 to 14V consequently. Therefore a resistive voltage divider is added to decrease
the swing to a lower value. The potentiometer Rp1 and Rp2 are for the purpose of making the
swing of Φ1 and Φ2 more tunable.

The opamps which are labeled as A1, A2 and A3 are opamp NE5512 coming from the NXP
Semiconductors which has 30 nV / Hz as input referred noise and 3 MHz as small signal
unity gain bandwidth. The STM-3 Microphone Preamplifier is for the purpose of amplifying
the demodulated signal more easily by only tuning the mounted potentiometer.



Figure 2. 18 AC biasing scheme realized on PCB.

The supply voltage is affected by the clock due to the fact that all the devices on the board
share the same supply voltage. Thus, the system generates more harmonics than we expected.
The RC network (R1&C1, R3&C3 in Figure 2. 18) which provides 20 KHz first-order cut-off
frequency is not enough to reduce the harmonics. Therefore a 4th-order LPF with 10 KHz cut-
off frequency is placed after to filter out the unexpected interferences from the clock and the
higher harmonics.

2.5.3 Noise Analysis

We are interested in the noise behavior on the first stage of AC biasing which is shown in
Figure 2. 19. The reason is that the first stage mainly decides the sensitivity of the scheme
and the noise calculation is comparatively less complicated which will reduce the difference
between the theoretical calculation and measurement.

Rf (1.5MΩ)

Cmic Cf (2.2 pF)



Rp2(10KΩ) C0(1.2pF)
Figure 2. 19 The first stage for AC biasing.

The total noise at the output is given by:

⎛ Ra R p1 ⎞ jω R f C mic 2
V ntot ( f ) = 2 * ⎜ 4 k BTR p1 * ( ) 2 + 4 k BTR a * ( )2 ⎟ ⋅ ( )
⎜ Ra + R p 1 ⎟
Ra + R p 1 ⎠ 1 + j ω R f C f

1 + jω R f (C f + C mic + C mic ) 2
+ V n2,opamp ,in ⋅ ( ) (2. 22)
1 + jω R f C f
+ 4 k BTR f ⋅ ( ) 2 [V 2 / Hz ]
1 + jω R f C f

where Rp1=Rp2=1950 Ω (to decrease swing of the excitation voltage exerted on the
microphone to 1 V), Ra=Rb and V n2,opamp ,in is the input referred noise of the amplifier labeled as

Equation (2. 22) was used to write a MATLAB script which yields Figure 2. 20. It shows the
noise spectral density at the output of A1. It gives a general idea about the noise distribution
at different frequencies. The plot shows that the noise level is low at high frequencies. Thus
the amplitude modulation is expected to operate at high frequencies to get better signal-to-
noise ratio.

Figure 2. 20 Noise versus frequency for the first stage of AC biasing.

The noise at the output of A1 is also measured to check if the calculation in equation (2. 22)
is correct. The noise measurement is undertaken by shorting the oscillation source to the
ground. The result is shown in Figure 2. 21. The two curves agree to each other.

We can also predict the input-referred thermal noise level of the preamplifier by using
equation (2. 15) and equation (2. 22). Assuming the amplitude of the oscillation source is 3.3
V and the feedback capacitor is 200 fF, the thermal noise level of the preamplifier is
approximately 7 nV / Hz to achieve 60 dB SNR on the first stage without considering the
thermal noise generated from the feedback resistor. It is not easy to realize such an amplifier
on transistor level.

Measured Result
170 Calculated Result







1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 1.00E+06

Figure 2. 21 Comparison of the noise measurement and calculation result for AC biasing.

2.5.4 Check Functionality

According to equation (1. 8) and (1. 9), the sensitivity of a microphone is proportional to the
bias voltage exerted on it. And as has been mentioned in section 1.2, the pull-in voltage of the
microphone is around 8V by experiment. Thus it is interesting to test the behavior of the
microphone with different bias voltage and especially with pull-in voltage. Therefore, two
modes are tested. One is the normal mode which means that the equivalent bias voltage does
not exceed the pull-in voltage. The other one is the collapse mode which means equivalent
bias voltage exerted on the microphone is close or equal to the pull-in voltage. The collapse
mode is expected to have high sensitivity because of the high bias voltage.

Normal Mode

Figure 2. 22 illustrates the signal level to oscillation frequency response with two different
biasing setups. The lower curve is tested with Vref =3 V and Vosc =1 V. The higher curve is
tested with Vref = 5V and Vosc = 5V. Vosc is the amplitude of the oscillation source exerted on
the microphone. Since the DC value of a square wave is half of its peak to peak amplitude,
the equivalent DC voltage exerted across the microphone are both 2.5 V under two cases. It is
illustrated in Figure 2. 23. The aim is trying to keep the sensitivity of the microphone same
under these two cases.
Oscillation Frequency Response


RMS Signal Level (dB)






10000 100000 1000000

Vosc=1,Vref=3 Vosc=5,Vref=5

Figure 2. 22 Response to oscillation frequency with different oscillation amplitude in normal mode.

Figure 2. 23 Equivalent voltage’s waveform exerted on the microphone under two cases.

The two curves are flat when the oscillation frequency is lower than 200 KHz. They drop
suddenly at 400 KHz and 600 KHz respectively. It may caused by the characteristic of the
microphone itself. With oscillation source connected to the fixed back plate, the membrane
will vibrate at the oscillation frequency without any acoustical signal input. It will cause
nonlinearity and resonant issues. The microphone might behave badly under certain
oscillation frequency. The two curves also imply that the maximum oscillation frequency of a

square wave type excitation source that the microphone can handle is approximately 200

Equation (2. 15) indicates that the amplitude of the modulated signal which contains the
sound’s information is linear with the oscillator’s amplitude. Therefore, the signal of the case
with Vosc = 5 V should be 14 dB ( 20 log ) larger than that of the case with Vosc = 1 V.
Figure 2. 22, however, shows that the upper curve is only about 10dB higher than the lower
curve. If we look into the equivalent voltage exerted on the microphone in two cases, it can
be seen that in one case the voltage swings from 0V to 5V and in another case the voltage
swings from 2V to 3V. It is illustrated in Figure 2. 23.

Figure 1. 7 indicates that the microphone has different sensitivity with different bias voltage.
That is, in one cycle of the clock, the microphone has two different sensitivities. Therefore
the 4 dB difference may come from the different average sensitivity under the two cases.
Figure 2. 24 illustrates the effect. To test this, we can simply do the following test.

The DC biasing scheme is the most direct way to test the different sensitivity with different
bias voltage. Therefore, measure the output signal level with bias voltage of 0.1V (with 0V
bias voltage, there will not be a signal come from the microphone), 2V, 3V and 5V
respectively in DC biasing setup. The results are listed in Table 2. 1. During this
measurement, the distance between the speaker and the microphone is kept constant.


Sensitivity [pF/Pa]




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Vbias [V]

Figure 2. 24 Different average sensitivity in two cases.

DC Voltage(V) RMS Signal Level (dB) Average (dB)

0.1 -54
5 -23
2 -37
3 -33
Table 2. 1 Measurement in DC biasing with different bias voltage.

Table 2. 1 implies that with the same sound pressure level input, the microphone generates
different signal with different bias voltage. The difference between the average signal levels
of the two cases explains the 4 dB difference between measurement and equation (2.12)
because equation (2. 15) does not take different sensitivity into consideration

Figure 2. 25 shows the waveform displayed on the oscilloscope with Vref = 5 V and Vosc = 5
V. The demodulated signal on the oscilloscope in this case is very stable and clear.

Figure 2. 25 Demodulated signal in normal mode

Collapse Mode

The response to oscillation frequency in collapse mode is shown in Figure 2. 26. The figure
also includes the response in normal mode to compare with. Around 100 KHz, the collapse
mode generates about 10 dB larger signal than the normal mode. However, the response has
some resonant behaviors.

Oscillation Frequency Response



RMS Signal Level (dB)






10000 100000 1000000

Vosc=1,Vref=3 Vosc=1,Vref=8.5

Figure 2. 26 Comparison of frequency response between normal mode and collapse mode.

The demodulated waveform at the highest peak appeared in Figure 2. 26, however, is highly
distorted which is shown in Figure 2. 27.

Figure 2. 27 The nonlinear demodulated signal in collapse mode at 100KHz oscillation frequency.

The collapse mode can also behave normally at certain oscillation frequency. Figure 2. 28
shows the result with 120 KHz oscillation frequency. But the amplitude is lower than that in
Figure 2. 25 and Figure 2. 27 which means that the collapse mode does not have better
performance than the normal mode.

Figure 2. 28 The demodulated signal in collapse mode at 120KHz oscillation frequency.

2.5.5 Conclusion
This part investigates the AC biasing on PCB level. And the normal mode and collapse mode
of AC biasing is investigated further. The aim for biasing the microphone in collapse mode is
intended to make the microphone generate large signal. The results, however, show that the
behavior of the collapse mode does not exceed the normal mode as much as we expected.
And the non-linearity and instability of collapse mode counteracts its advantages.

2.6 Conclusion

Table 2. 2 shows a comparison between the three different readout schemes in signal and

Signal @ Input (F) Noise @ Input ( F / Hz )
2 2
DC ⎛ Cmic + C p ⎞ 2 ⎛ Cmic + C p ⎞ 2
Cv ,rms ⎜ ⎟ v +⎜ ⎟ v
Biasing ⎜ V ⎟ noise , R ⎜ V ⎟ noise ,in ,1/ f
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠
ref ref
2 2
Charge 1 ⎛ 1 + jωR f (C mic + C p + C f ) ⎞ 1 ⎛ 1 ⎞
Cv ,rms 2
v noise ,in ⎜ ⎟ + v2 ⎜ ⎟
Amplifier Vref2 ⎜ ω R ⎟ noise , R f
V 2 ⎜ ωR ⎟
⎝ f ⎠ ref ⎝ f ⎠
2 2
AC Cv ,rms 2
v noise (
π ⎛ 1 + jωR f ( 2 * Cmic + C p + C f ) ⎞
)2 ⎜ ⎟ + v2 (
π 2 ⎛⎜ 1

Biasing , in
Vosc ⎜⎝ ωR f ⎟

noise , R f
⎜ ωR
⎝ f

Table 2. 2 Comparison between three schemes
2 2
⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎞
v noise , Rb = 4k BTRb ⎜
2 ⎟ , v2 = 4k BTR f ⎜ ⎟ , v2 stands for
⎜ 1 + jωR (C + C ) ⎟ noise , Rf ⎜ 1 + jωR C ⎟ noise , in ,1 / f
⎝ b mic p ⎠ ⎝ f f ⎠
the 1/f noise dominated input referred noise of an amplifier and v noise , in , thermal
stands for the
thermal noise dominated input referred noise of an amplifier. kB is Boltzmann constant which
is equal to 1.38*10-23 J/K. T is temperature (K).

From the above table and the explanation in section 2.2 to 2.4, we can not draw a conclusion
that a certain scheme will definitely exceed the other two schemes in certain specification.
They all have advantages and disadvantages. To summarize, the pros and cons of different
schemes are listed in Table 2. 3. For instance, the charge amplifier scheme has a higher
sensitivity with a small feedback capacitor while the noise of amplifier is amplified by a large
factor at the same time. The AC biasing scheme seems to avoid the 1/f noise of the amplifier
but the amplitude modulation decreases the signal level and AC excitation source exerted on
the microphone generates nonlinearity problems.

Advantages Disadvantages
• Large resistor is needed for low noise and
DC Simple topology small leakage current.
Biasing • Moderate sensitivity because of parasitics.
• 1/f noise.
Insensitive to the
parasitic capacitance • Large feedback resistor is needed for low
and have high signal noise and small leakage current.
level. • 1/f noise.

Get rid of 1/f Noise,

• Oscillator has phase noise.
insensitive to the
AC • Changing Electrostatic force between the two
parasitic capacitance
Biasing plates may cause nonlinearity issues.
and large feedback
resistor is unnecessary. • Low side band level.
Table 2. 3 Advantages and disadvantages for the three schemes.

The main difference between the DC biasing and the use of a charge amplifier is the effect of
parasitic capacitances. The virtual ground established by a charge amplifier neutralizes the
effect of parasitic capacitances. With DC biasing, however, another method can be used to

reduce the effect of parasitic capacitance. This method will be explained in detail in the
following chapters.

Chapter 3.New Readout Scheme with Positive Feedback

This chapter will introduce a new readout scheme with which the parasitic capacitances of a
DC biased microphone can be reduced. First, the basic principle behind the scheme will be
explained (section 3.1), followed by theoretical analysis of the output signal level and the
noise of the new scheme (section 3.2). The system level analysis described in section 3.3
decides the final scheme to be implemented. Specifications for amplifier in the interface
circuit are proposed consequently (section 3.4).

3.1 Miller Effect

The Miller effect is a common phenomenon that occurs in many analog circuits. It is first
described by John M. Miller in [26].

The Miller effect refers to the fact that the impedance seen at the input of an amplifier
depends on the impedance connected between input and output of the amplifier. Consider an
ideal amplifier of gain -H with impedance connected from input to output which is shown in
Figure 3. 1

Figure 3. 1 Impedance connected from input to output of an amplifier

The input current Ii is calculated as:

Vi − Vo (1 + H )Vi (3. 1)
Ii = =

Then the equivalent impedance at the input of the amplifier is:

Vi Z (3. 2)
Z in = =
Ii 1 + H

Applying the same calculation, the equivalent impedance at the output of the amplifier is:

Z out =
1 (3. 3)

Since most amplifiers have negative gain, the presence of the Miller effect means that their
effective input impedance is (1+H) times smaller if the impedance is resistive or inductive.
And if the impedance is capacitive, the effective input capacitance is (1+H) times larger.

For non-inverting amplifiers, the Miller effect results in a negative capacitive impedance at
the input. Therefore, we can use the Miller effect of a non-inverting amplifier to reduce the
parasitic capacitance associated with DC biasing.

3.2 Miller Effect in DC Biasing

A capacitor Cf is connected from input to output of the preamplifier in DC biasing which is

shown in Figure 3. 2 (a):

Figure 3. 2 Miller effect in DC biasing

Figure 3. 2 (b) shows the Miller effect of Cf. From Miller theory, we know that Cf1 is equal to
(1-H)Cf and Cf2 is (1-1/H)Cf. If H is larger than 1, Cf1 is negative. With this negative
capacitive impedance, the static capacitance of the sensor Cmic and the parasitic capacitance
of the preamplifier and the sensor Cp can be reduced.

Based on the constant charge theory, the rms signal at the output is given by:

Cv , rms * Vref
ΔVrms = H ⋅ [V ] (3. 4)
Cmic + C p + (1 − H )C f − Cv , rms

In this way, a proper combination of H and Cf can make the denominator of the fraction in
equation (3. 4) extremely small which results in a large signal.

Although the signal is boosted with the positive feedback capacitor Cf, the noise is increased
at the same time. The noise at the output of the preamplifier is given by:

2 H
vnoise,tot = 4k BTRb * +
1 + jωRb [Cmic + C p + (1 − H )C f ]
(3. 5)
2 H [1 + jωRb (C f + Cmic + C p )]
vnoise,in *
1 + jωRb [Cmic + C p + (1 − H )C f ]

where Vnoise,in2 is the input referred noise of the preamplifier.

Equation (3. 4) and (3. 5) were used to write a MATLAB script with Cmic + Cp = 5 pF and H
= 11. The resulting signal level, noise integrated in the audio bandwidth and the signal-to-
noise ratio is shown in Figure 3. 3 by sweeping Cf from 0 to 0.5 pF with 0.01pF step size.
More details of the scripts can be found in Appendix C.

Figure 3. 3 Matlab simulation result of the DC biasing with positive feedback Cf.

Figure 3. 3 shows that the signal and rms noise increases with Cf almost at the same rate. But
the SNR curve indicates that SNR drops dramatically when (1-H)Cf is equal to the value Cmic
+ Cp. The reason for the big drop is that the pole in the fraction of equation (3. 5) becomes
infinite when (1-H)Cf = Cmic + Cp. At this point, the large thermal noise from the huge
resistor Rb is not filtered any more. And the transfer function of the preamplifier will amplify
the input referred noise to infinity at high frequencies. This will make the integrated noise
incredibly large.

But in the range where SNR can be regarded as constant, the sensitivity of the sensor is
increased about 20 dB compared to DC biasing which is a promising advantage. Although the
signal at the output can be increased by increasing the gain of the preamplifier, it gives rise to
some problems such as the nonlinearity, GBW and power consumption of the amplifier.

3.3 System Level Analysis

If we want to implement the DC biasing scheme with positive feedback at the transistor level,
the first question that arises is how to make a non-inverting amplifier with a specific gain.

3.3.1 Define the Gain of the Preamplifier

The most common method is using a negative resistive feedback network with a high-gain
amplifier to accurately define the closed-loop gain which is shown in Figure 3. 4. The gain is
decided by the factor 1 + R1 if the open loop gain of the preamplifier is quite large. This
resistive negative feedback network, however, will amplify the DC voltage at input by the
same ratio as well which will cause problems on the common-mode voltage at the output.

Figure 3. 4 A non-inverting amplifier with closed loop gain.

One solution is to add AC coupling capacitor C2 in series with R2 to block the DC signal
which is shown in Figure 3. 5. The transfer function from input to output is becoming:

Vout (ω ) 1 + jω ( R1 + R2 )C 2
= (3. 6)
Vin (ω ) 1 + jωR2 C 2

The transfer function indicates that the pole which is decided by should be lower than
2πR2 C 2
20 Hz to allow the signal in the audio band to go through without substantial attenuation. For
noise consideration, R2 should be kept small since its thermal noise will be amplified by the
closed loop gain. For R2=10KΩ, C2 should be larger than 0.8 μF to move the pole below 20
Hz. 0.8 μF, however, is too large to be realized in CMOS technology.

Figure 3. 5 A non-inverting amplifier with AC-coupled closed loop gain.

Another solution is to regulate the common-mode voltage at the output with the same voltage
as Vref by an extra voltage source connected to R2. The scheme is shown in Figure 3. 6. In
this way, the DC level on the two inputs and the output are all regulated to Vref. But the 1/f
noise from the voltage regulator will create a new problem, since its noise will also be
amplified by the factor1 + R1 . A low-noise voltage regulator adds extra complications to the
design which is not so promising.

Figure 3. 6 A non-inverting amplifier with voltage regulator.

The microphone is preferably biased by the supply voltage to get the highest possible
sensitivity. In most closed-loop amplifiers, however, the common-mode voltage at the output
and input are usually located at mid-rail to maximize the swing at the output. Therefore, the
bias voltage of the microphone in a closed loop amplifier is limited. Although a source
follower is able to shift the input DC level, the additional noise and large area of it brings
about another problem.

From the above analysis, it seems that an amplifier with a resistive feedback which forms a
well-defined closed loop gain is not a good choice for noise consideration. Therefore an
amplifier whose gain is not defined by a close loop will be used. The scheme is shown in

Figure 3. 7. The buffer connected after the preamplifier is for testability concern since the
parasitic capacitance of the contact of a common measurement device is about 50 pF.

Figure 3. 7 DC biasing with positive feedback on system level.

3.3.2 Diode Connected MOSFET

In Figure 3. 7, the large resistance which is used to bias the microphone is realized by a diode
connected PMOS with the aspect ratio of 0.768/50. The source and body of the PMOS are
connected together which are not shown in this figure.

The I-V characteristics of a gate-drain connected MOS transistor which is illustrated in

Figure 3. 8 are qualitatively similar to a pn-junction diode. When the forward bias voltage
across the diode exceeds Von, the diode starts conducting. When the current is small which
can be regarded as leakage current, the diode can have very high impedance. In this design,
the diode-connected PMOS are connected to a capacitive microphone which indicates that the
DC current in the PMOS is almost zero. It implies that the diode-connected PMOS are
working in the region where V is much smaller than Von. In this region, since the slope of I
over V is almost zero, the impedance of the diode-connected PMOS is quite high.

Figure 3. 8 I-V characteristic of a diode.

Consider the cross section of a diode-connected PMOS which is shown in Figure 3. 9 (a), the
drain to n-well pn junction forms an anti-parallel diode D1 to the PMOS itself. The
equivalent scheme can be seen in Figure 3. 9(b). Both D1 and D2 will not affect the leakage
current much. (D2 is formed by n-well and p-substrate junction.) The source to n-well pn
junction is not shown here since it is shorted.

Figure 3. 9 (a) Cross section of a diode-connect PMOS. (b) Equivalent schematic.

If we replace the PMOS with a diode-connected NMOS, however, the leakage current will
increase and the constant charge assumption will not be true anymore. Look into the cross
section of a diode-connected NMOS shown in Figure 3. 10(a), the parasitic diode D2 formed
by the source and substrate pn junction introduces a leakage path directly from the source of
the NMOS to ground.

Figure 3. 10 (a) Cross section of a diode-connect NMOS. (b) Equivalent schematic.

To achieve 60dB SNR (A-weighted), and if the noise of the diode-connected PMOS can be
regarded as thermal noise of its impedance, the impedance should be at least about 103 GΩ
by considering the preamplifier is ideal (no noise and no parasitic capacitance). In Cadence
simulation, the equivalent impedance of a diode-connect PMOS with 0.768/50 aspect ratio is
about 7.65 TΩ under 27◦C. With this value, the SNR on the microphone without preamplifier
is about 79 dB which gives 19 dB noise margin for the preamplifier. (Not consider the
parasitic capacitance of the preamplifier)

3.3.3 Stability
Consider a positive feedback system which is shown in Figure 3. 11(a), the feedback factor
β(s) is defined by Xf(s)/Y(s). Therefore the β(s) in Figure 3. 11(b) is given by:

Z in
β (s) = (3. 7)
Z in + Z f

Thus the loop gain is given by:

Z in
β (s) H (s) = H (s) (3. 8)
Z in + Z f

When the system is stable, the loop gain should be smaller than 0 dB. Assume the impedance
of the diode-connected PMOS is much larger than that of the microphone, then Zin is about
1 1 C mic + C p
and Zf is . Thus the stable condition is Cf< by making the
jω (C mic + C p ) j ωC f H −1
absolute value of equation (3. 8) smaller than 1.

Figure 3. 11 Positive feedback system

3.4 Specification for Preamplifier

The preamplifier is the main core for an interface circuit. The specification for the
preamplifier has to be decided before implementing it into transistor level. In this design, the
gain, bandwidth and noise are the most important specifications. These must be chosen after
considering the performance of the microphone.

The whole design is based on CMOS014 technology from NXP Semiconductors. Its supply
voltage is 3.3 V. As a result, the microphone is biased with 3.3 V to achieve the highest
possible sensitivity. With 1 Pa (rms) input, the rms value of the signal generated on the
microphone is about 3.2 mV without considering the parasitic capacitance from the
preamplifier. To achieve 60dB SNR (not A-weighted), the noise of the preamplifier
integrated from 20 Hz to 20 KHz should be no larger than 3.2 μV since the noise from the
huge bias resistor has not been considered yet. The value provides a basic guideline when
dealing with the noise issue.

With 20 Pa (rms) input, the signal (rms) generated on the microphone is about 64 mV without
considering the parasitic capacitance from the preamplifier. If the preamplifier has a rail-to-
rail swing, the maximum gain of the preamplifier is about 18X. Due to the fact that the
sensitivity on the input will be increased by the feedback capacitor and a rail-to-rail swing is
an ideal case, the open loop gain of the preamplifier can only be decided in the design process
since it is also related to the input capacitance and the output swing of the preamplifier. With

the chosen value of the gain, the size of the feedback capacitor Cf will not consume too much
area as well.

Since the whole system is aiming at audio implementation, the bandwidth of the preamplifier
should be larger than 20 KHz. The first pole of the transfer function should be located over
20 KHz since the open loop gain of the preamplifier is used.

3.5 Conclusion

The positive feedback capacitor in DC biasing increases the sensitivity with low bias voltage
(compared to the previous design) while the SNR is slightly deteriorated. This principle has
the potential to be used to increase the sensitivity of a microphone with large static
capacitance or a microphone which is connected to an amplifier with high input parasitic
capacitances. In the next chapter the details of this concept will be examined.

Chapter 4.Preamplifier Design

This chapter is about the preamplifier design on transistor level for the DC biasing with
positive feedback readout scheme. It includes choosing the topology (section 4.1) and
realizing the specifications (section 4.2) which are proposed in chapter 3. After that, the
design process of the reference current source used in the biasing circuit is presented (section
4.3). The chapter ends with the detail of the amplifier including size and behavior (section

4.1 Amplifier Topology

As has been discussed before the microphone will be biased with the supply voltage, thus we
have to find a topology which can sense the positive rail.

Compared to an NMOS input differential amplifier with a current mirror load, the folded-
cascode structure has better input common-mode range. Consider the two amplifiers in
Figure 4. 1. It shows that the folded-cascode amplifier in Figure 4. 1(b) has a higher input
common-mode range. In fact, if VSD4 is less than VTH, the positive input common-mode
voltage can exceed VDD [27]. Therefore, with an input common-mode level at supply
voltage, folded-cascode structure is a good choice.

Figure 4. 1 Input common mode range for an NMOS input differential amplifier with (a) a current
mirror load (b) folded-cascode with current source load.

In order to get an amplifier with a defined open loop gain, consider the amplifier shown in
Figure 4. 2. The inverting input is connected directly to VDD since the common-mode
voltage on the non-inverting input is at supply voltage. The input stage is a common source
stage with source degeneration resistors. Therefore the equivalent transconductance Gm of the
circuit is:

1 g m1
Gm ≈ ⋅ (4. 1)
2 1 + g m1 R1

where gm1 is the transconductance of M1.

Figure 4. 2 A folded-cascode amplifier.

The equivalent output resistance Rout is:

Rout = R2 || ro 6 (1 + g m 6 R4 ) || ro 4 (1 + g m 4 [(ro8 + r08 g m8 R3 ) || (ro 2 + ro 2 g m 2 R1 )]) (4. 2)

where ro6, ro4, ro8 and ro2 are the small signal output resistance of M6, M4, M8 and M2
respectively. gm4 is the transconductance of M4. If R2 is much smaller
than ro 6 (1 + g m 6 R4 ) and ro 4 (1 + g m 4 [(ro8 + r08 g m8 R3 ) || (ro 2 + ro 2 g m 2 R1 )]) , Rout can be simplified as
R2. Therefore, the open loop gain of the circuit is given by:

Vout 1 g m1 R2
H= = Gm Rout ≈ ⋅ ⋅ R2 =
Vin 2 1 + g m1 R1 1 (4. 3)
2( + R1 )
g m1

Equation (4. 3) implies that as R1 increases, H becomes a weaker function of gm1. The open
loop gain is therefore defined by the ratio of R2 and R1 and the circuit becomes more linear.
The linearization obtained from source degeneration resistor R1, however, is not good for
noise performance because the source degeneration happens at the input device. There are
resistors R3 and R4 connected to the source of M6~M9 as well. But these resistors help
decreasing the 1/f noise since they are connected to the load devices. The reason is explained

The source degeneration at load rather than the input helps improving the noise performance
[28]. Consider the circuit in Figure 4. 3.Sum the noise current at the output:

⎛ ⎞
2 ⎜ ⎟
⎛ g m2 ⎞
vn , g 2 + ⎜ ⎟ i 2
iout = g m1 vn , g1 + ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
2 2 2 2
⎜ 1 ⎟ R
(4. 4)
⎝ 1 + g m2 R ⎠
⎜R+ g ⎟
⎝ m2 ⎠

Refer back to the input, yields:

⎛ g m2 ⎞ ⎛ vn , g 2 2 4k BTR ⎞⎟
= = v
+ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎜ + (4. 5)
g m1
2 n , g 1
⎝ m1 ⎠
g ⎜ (1 + g R )2 (1 + g R )2 ⎟
⎝ m2 m2 ⎠

Equation (4. 5) indicates that the source degeneration at load decreases the input referred
noise from M2 and R by the factor (1 + g m 2 R ) . Although the thermal noise from R is added, it

is decreased by the factor (1 + g m 2 R ) as well.


vn ,g1

vn ,g 2


Figure 4. 3 Simple amplifier with source degeneration at load.

Since the source degeneration resistor also contributes thermal noise, the source degeneration
at load technique is mainly used for decreasing the 1/f noise.

4.2 Noise Analysis in Folded-Cascode Amplifier

The basic amplifier topology is shown in Figure 4. 4 which utilize the principle about source
degeneration explained in section 4.1.2. R1 aims to improve the linearity while R3 and R4 are
for the purpose of decreasing 1/f noise.

The basic rules in noise analysis in amplifiers are [28]:

• Devices in the signal path are important.
• The noise in the tail current source of the differential input pair can be neglected by
symmetry and matching.
• Sum the noise current at the output.

Although the input stage is not differential which means the tail current source will contribute
noise, it is not included in the following calculations for simplicity consideration. Sum the
noise current at output:

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
io = Gm1 vn , g1 + Gm 2 vn , g 2 + Gm8 vn, g 8 + Gm9 vn, g 9 + Gm 4 vn, g 4 + Gm5 vn, g 5
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
(4. 6)
+ Gm 6 vn, g 6 + Gm 7 vn , g 7 + 2 K 4 iR4 + 2 K 3 iR3 + 2 K1 iR1

g m1 g m8 g m6
Gm1 = Gm 2 = ; Gm8 = Gm9 = ; Gm 6 = Gm 7 = ;
1 + g m1 R1 1 + g m8 R3 1 + g m 6 R4
Gm 4 = Gm5 = ;
1 + g m 4 ro 4 (ro 2 (1 + g m 2 R1 ) || ro8 (1 + g m8 R3 ) )
R3 R4 R1
K4 = ; K3 = ; K1 = ;
1 1 1
R3 + R4 + R1 +
g m8 g m6 g m1

Considering matching and symmetry,

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
io = 2 * (Gm1 vn, g1 + Gm8 vn,g 8 + Gm4 vn, g 4 + Gm6 vn, g 6 + K 4 iR 4 + K1 iR1 + K3 iR3 ) (4. 7)

Since the denominator of Gm4 and Gm5 usually have 6 orders of magnitude, the noise from
cascode transistor M4 and M5 can be neglected. Then refer the output noise current back to
the input, we get:

2 2 2 2 2 2
2 io 2 G 2 G 2 K 2 K 2 K 2
vn ,in = 2
= 2 * (vn , g1 + m82 vn , g 8 + m 62 vn , g 6 + 4 2 iR 4 + 1 2 iR1 + 3 2 iR 3 ) (4. 8)
Gm1 Gm1 Gm1 Gm1 Gm1 Gm1

Since the source degeneration resistors are aiming to decrease the 1/f noise, the following
noise analysis will only concentrate on the flicker noise.

The flicker noise voltage referred to the gate of a MOSFET is [27]:

2 KF
vn , g = (4. 9)
2 μCox WLf

where KF is the flicker noise coefficient and Cox is the capacitance per unit area of the gate
Substitute equation (4. 9) into (4. 8), we get:

KFn ⎡ ⎛ 1 + g R ⎞ 2 2 KFp 2
⎛ L1 ⎞ ⎛ 1 + g m1 R1 ⎞
⎛ L1 ⎞

vn ,in
(1 / f ) = ⎢1 + ⎜⎜ m1 1
⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎥ (4. 10)
μ n Cox 2W1 L1 f ⎢⎣ ⎝ 1 + g m8 R3 ⎠ KFn ⎝ L8 ⎠ ⎝ 1 + g m 6 R4 ⎠ ⎝ L6 ⎠ ⎥⎦

Equation (4. 10) implies the rules for good 1/f design in folded-cascode amplifiers:

• Make L8 and L6 larger than L1.
• Increase W1 , L8 or L6 will decrease 1/f noise.


R3 R3

M9 M8

M5 M4

Vin M1 M2
R1 R1
Vb1 M3

M7 M6

R4 R4

Figure 4. 4 The basic topology of the preamplifier.

gm8R3 and gm6R4 are not necessarily larger than gm1R1 because the existence of these factors
has already decreased the 1/f noise. But it is beneficial to make them large for decreasing the
noise more. So these two factors have to be maximized. If M8 is in saturation region, gm8R3 is
given by:

g m8 R3 = μ p C ox (VDD − I 8 R3 − Vb 2 − VTH ) R3 (4. 11)

The equation shows that if W8/L8 and I8 are fixed, the product of gm8 and R3 is a quadratic
function of R3. Therefore, R3 can be optimized to get better noise performance. Write
equation (4. 11) into a standard form of a quadratic function yields:

W (VDD − Vb 2 − VTH )
2 2
W ⎛ VDD − Vb 2 − VTH ⎞
g m8 R3 = μ p C ox 8 ⎜⎜ R3 − ⎟⎟ + μ p C ox 8 2
(4. 12)
L8 ⎝ 2I 8 ⎠ L8 4I 8

W (VDD − Vb 2 − VTH )

Thus the maximum value of gm8R3 is μ p C ox 8 when R3 is equal

L8 4I 8
VDD − Vb 2 − VTH
to . The same principle can be applied to the product of gm6 and R4 which
2I 8
W6 (Vout − VTH )
yields the maximum value of gm6R4 is μ n C ox when R4 is out . Attention
L6 8I 8 2I 8
has to be taken when choosing the value of R3 since it is possible to drive M8 out of the
saturation region and equation (4. 11) is not true any more.

The noise analysis in this section provides a basic guideline about choosing the size of the
transistors and resistors. The next section will explain the principle of the reference current
source used in the biasing circuit for the amplifier.

4.3 Reference Current Source

In a normal biasing circuit, a current source is required. Consider the circuit in Figure 4. 5(a).
It is based on the technique called bootstrap reference. “If the voltage across the active device
is used to create a current and this current is somehow used to provide the original current
through the device, then a current or voltage will be obtained that is for all practical purposes
independent of VDD. This technique is called as a bootstrap reference.”[27]

M1, M3 and M6 causes the current I1, I2 and I5 to be equal. I2 flowing through M2 generates
VGS2 which is equal to the voltage created by I1 flowing though R2. Since VGS2 is equal to
I1*R2, an equilibrium is set up which is illustrated Figure 4. 5(b). I2 and VGS2 are decided by
the I-V characteristic of M2 under different temperature to find a temperature-independent
VGS and drain current ID which is indicated as VQ and IQ in Figure 4. 5(b). Then R2 is derived
by VQ/IQ to make the two I-V characteristic curves cross at the temperature independent point
Q. The equilibrium point is given as:

2 I1
I1 R2 = VGS 2 = VTH + (4. 13)

where β1 is μCox . The equation can be solved for I1=I2=IQ, giving:

VTH 1 1 2VTH 1
IQ = I 2 = + + + 2 2 (4. 14)
R2 β1 R2 2
R2 β1 R2 β1 R2

Equation (4. 14) indicates that I1 and I2 can be regarded as insensitive to VDD in first order.
And since the equilibrium point is also temperature independent, I1 and I2 can be regarded as
insensitive to temperature as well.

Figure 4. 5(b) shows that there are two equilibrium points. One is at Q and the other is at the
origin. Therefore a start up circuit is necessary to avoid the circuit being biased in the wrong
equilibrium point. The circuit within the dotted box in Figure 4. 5(a) functions as a start up
circuit. If the circuit works at the undesired point, there will be no current flowing through R2
and M2. The gate of the M5 and M8 are pulled down to zero. Consequently, the drain of M8
is pulled up and inverted at the gate of PMOS M7. Thus M7 is turned on and leaks current
into M2 and charge the gate of M5 and M8. This causes the current to snap to the desired
state. At the same time, the drain of M8 is pulled down and the gate voltage of M7 is
increased to VDD by the inverter. Then M7 is turned off and the whole circuit starts to work
in the desired equilibrium point.



M3 M6 M10
R3 I
1 W
I1 I2 M9 I2 = μ 0Cox (VQ − VT ) 2
2 L
C1 I5 T1 T2 T3

M2 I1=VQ/R2
M5 M8

(a) (b)
Figure 4. 5 (a) Bootstrap current source. (b) I-V characteristic curves of R2 and M2.

Power and noise are the two basic considerations of this current source design. The following
guidelines are used to save power and reduce noise. The current flowing in I1, I2 and I5
branches are summed up and then provide part of the tail current of the differential input pair
without wasting them. Thus the sources of M1, M3 and M6 will not be connected to VDD
anymore. Current mirror is very often used in biasing circuit. The aspect ratio of the
MOSFET in current mirror decides the ratio of the current amplification. If we want to supply
current to M8 and M9 in Figure 4. 4 by PMOS current mirror, the ratio of the current
amplification needs to be optimized because large amplification ratio will introduce more
noise while small amplification ratio will waste power in the biasing circuit.

Stability is another concern in the current source. The current mirror forms a positive
feedback and a negative feedback at the same time which is shown in Figure 4. 6. The
inverting amplifier which is labeled as 1 is composed of M5 and M6 in common-source
structure with M5 as input and M6 as load. M1 and R2 forms amplifier 2 with M1 as input
and R2 as load. M2 and M3 makes up the third amplifier with M2 as input and M3 as load.
And amplifier 4 is composed of M2 and M3 as well but with M3 as input and M2 as load.
Therefore, amplifier 1 and amplifier 4 form a positive feedback and amplifier 1, 2 and 3 form
a negative feedback. R1 and C1 therefore are for the purpose of compensation in a two-stage
amplifier. R3 and M4 forms a RC filter to attenuate the positive feedback. They are all aiming
to stabilize the circuit.

Figure 4. 6 Equivalent model for bootstrap current source.

4.4 Size of the Devices in the Preamplifier

The CMOS technology which will be used in this design is CMOS014 from NXP
Semiconductors. The minimum width and length of first priority level is 0.768 and 0.16
respectively. The preamplifier and its biasing scheme are shown in Figure 4. 7. The size of
the devices is listed in Table 4. 1.

Figure 4. 7 (a) Schematic of preamplifier. (b) Biasing schematic.

Transistor W(μm)/L(μm) ID(μA) gm(μS) rout (Ω)
M1, M2 1000/0.48 50 1569 85.9 K
M3, M4, 600/5 100 973 107K
M5, M6 500/0.32 50 1222 241 K
M7 150/12 50 499 3.242 M
M8, M9 150/12 50 492 3.3 M
M10 1000/1 10 308 1.9 M
M11 600/5 100 982 1.11 M
M12, M13, M15 60/10 10 72 26.5 M
M14, M16, M19 10/9 10 67 17 M
M17 70/9 70 472 2.54 M
M18 100/9 100 675 1.77 M
M20 10/9 6 29 20.9 K
M21 ~ M25 10/1 6 69 5.5 M
M26 ~ M31 10/1 2 30 17 M
M32 40/20 0 N/A N/A
M33 ~ M35 20/0.16 N/A N/A N/A
M36 10/0.18 N/A N/A N/A
Resistor Resistance (Ω)
R1, R3 1K
R2 40 K
R4 ~ R6 4K
R7, R8 500
R9 ~ R12 39 K
R13 20 K
R14 100 K
Capacitor Capacitance (F)
C1 12 p
Table 4. 1 Size of the devices.

The values listed in the above table agree with the noise design guideline derived from
section 4.2. For instance, the length of M3, M4 and M7~M9 are all larger than that of the
input pair. The product of gm4 and R6 is larger than gm1R1.

There are several notes about the circuit as follows:

• A source follower buffer is connected after the preamplifier for the ability of loading
large capacitor.
• M7 is aiming to increase the common mode voltage at the output of the folded-
cascode amplifier.
• M3, M4 are with the same size as M11. Otherwise, the noise from current source will
be amplified if the aspect ratio of M3 and M4 are several times larger than that of
• The bias voltage Vcas for M5 and M6 are generated from a series of PMOS diodes.
• The NMOS switch M33 ~ M35 are for the purpose of making the current source

Table 4. 2 lists some specifications of the preamplifier:

Specification Value Unit

Unity Gain Bandwidth 4.622 MHz
Current Consumption 320 uA
Phase Shift @ 20KHz 1.33 degree
Common-mode Voltage @ Folded-Cascode 1.53 V
Common-mode Voltage @ Buffer Output 0.9 V
Maximum Swing @ Output 1.7 V (peak-to-peak)
Corner Frequency 7 KHz
Table 4. 2 Specifications for the preamplifier

Next chapter will move to the discussion on applying this preamplifier to the DC biasing
readout with positive feedback.

Chapter 5.System Implementation

With the preamplifier in hand, we can apply it to the readout scheme of DC biasing with
positive feedback to check its performance. The parasitic capacitance of the preamplifier is
found out in section 5.1. It decides the size of the feedback capacitor. After that, the stability
is checked by AC simulation due to the fact that positive feedback may introduce oscillation
(section 5.2). Finally, the chosen capacitor is designed to be programmable and the resulting
problems are explained and solved afterwards (section 5.3).

5.1 Parasitic Capacitance

Figure 3. 3 implies that if the negative capacitance introduced from the Miller effect of Cf is
quite close to the value of Cmic+Cp, the SNR will drop abruptly. Therefore the optimal value
of Cf can only be decided after knowing the value of Cmic+Cp. Since Cmic has been defined in
equation (1. 1) which yields 2.94 pF and the parasitic capacitance Cp1 of the microphone
itself is about 0.7 pF, the only value which has to be found out is the input parasitic
capacitance of the preamplifier.

The input capacitance in found by putting an AC current source at the input which is shown
in Figure 5. 1.

Rb=10 TΩ


Cmic=2.94 pF CL


Figure 5. 1 The scheme to decide the input capacitance of the preamplifier

Therefore, the magnitude of the AC voltage VAC at the input of the preamplifier is
iAC*(Rb|| ). If the magnitude of iAC is 1, the input capacitance Cpin of the
jω (C mic + C p1 + C pin )
preamplifier is:

1 ⎛ Rb ⎞ (5. 1)
C pin = ⎜⎜ − 1⎟⎟ − C mic − C p1
jωRb ⎝ V AC ⎠

The AC simulation shows that VAC is 1.729 MV at 20 KHz. Therefore, the Cpin can be
calculated as 0.96 pF. Thus the total parasitic capacitance at the input is Cmic+Cp1+Cpin = 4.6

Given the total parasitic capacitance at the input, the amplitude of the signal generated on the
microphone under 20 Pa (rms) can be calculated as 72.7 mV. Since the swing at the output of
the preamplifier is 1.7 V, the open loop gain of the preamplifier is thus defined as 11X. In
this case, the signal at the output of the preamplifier will not be clipped with 20 Pa (rms)
sound pressures. When the positive feedback theory is adopted, the signal at the output will
start to clip. Since a sound pressure of 20 Pa can cause hearing damage, using positive
feedback theory under 20 Pa sound is not considered.

5.2 Stability Check by AC Simulation

Figure 5. 2 is the AC simulation for testing stability. The huge inductor (1 TH) here is to keep
DC signal go through and block AC signal. The huge capacitor (1 F) here is to block DC and
make AC signal go through easily. The capacitor which is connected to the diode-connected
PMOS not only includes the static and parasitic capacitance of the sensor but also includes
the input capacitance of the preamplifier for the reason that impedance at point P should be
kept the same as the situation when the loop is not broken by the LC network.

Figure 5. 2 Scheme for loop gain simulation.

C mic + C p
Section 3.3.3 indicates that the stable condition is Cf< . Since the value of the total
H −1
parasitic capacitance is given in section 5.2, an AC simulation is presented to prove the
condition. Figure 5. 3 shows that when Cf is larger than 450 fF, the loop gain is larger than 0
dB. In this situation, the positive feedback will be positively added to the input signal,
amplified afterwards and added to the input again. This will finally cause the system into
oscillation. Therefore, for stability concern, the maximum value of Cf should be kept under
450 fF. The result agrees to the stable condition revealed in section 3.3.3. Figure 5. 3 shows
the loop gain with Cf = 450fF and Cf = 600 fF.

Loop Gain


Loop Gain (dB)






1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000 1E+08 1E+09 1E+10
Frequency (Hz)

Cf = 600 fF Cf = 450fF

Figure 5. 3 AC simulation for Loop Gain with two different Cf.

With Cf = 450 fF, the loop gain crosses the 0 dB at high frequency. It might be caused by the
inaccuracy of the calculation of the input parasitic capacitance of the preamplifier. Therefore
a transient simulation has to be done to make sure the stability of the system with 450 fF Cf.
It will be described later.

5.3 Programmable Cf

Since we are aiming at making a test chip, it is interesting to know how the circuit performs
with different Cf. Section 5.2 indicates that Cf should be smaller than 450 fF to keep the
circuit stable. Therefore the 450 fF Cf can be divided into a 4-bit DAC (Digital-to-Analog
Converter) to be programmable. It results in LSB (Least Significant Bit) as 30 fF. Since the
sensitivity of the microphone is increased less than 1 dB with 30 fF Cf, it is not necessary to
divided Cf into more bits. The readout scheme with 4-bit DAC is shown in Figure 5. 4.

Figure 5. 4 Readout scheme with 4-bit DAC.

The type of the capacitor used in the DAC is of Nploy-Nwell type. Its cross section is shown
in Figure 5. 5(a).
Capacitance versus Voltage



Capacitance (pF)



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5

Figure 5. 5 Cross section of a Npoly-Nwell capacitor.

The capacitance of an Nwell-Npoly type capacitor is close to its nominal value when the
voltage between the poly and Nwell is large. A plot of the capacitance of a 3.342 pF capacitor
with different voltage exerted on its two terminals is shown in Figure 5. 5(b). In this design,
the input common-mode voltage is 3.3 V and the common-mode voltage at the output is 1.53
V which yields a 1.77 voltage difference. With this voltage, the actual value of the capacitor
is close to its nominal value.

The common mode voltage at the output is close to the middle of the rail, thus a transmission
gate type switch is suitable. And the switches can only be put at the output side of the circuit;
otherwise the diffusion diodes of these switches will cause problem on microphone biasing.
The current will leak through these diodes and the charge accumulated on microphone can
not be considered as constant.

The switches labeled as Φ1, Φ2, Φ3 and Φ4 are composed of the smallest size PMOS and
NMOS in parallel to achieve high OFF resistance. Figure 5. 6 shows the schematic of the
switch. Therefore, when the drive voltage is at supply, the switch is on and when the drive
voltage is at ground, the switch is off. When the switches are off, the thermal noise of their
huge OFF resistance will be filtered by the capacitor in the DAC and contribute noise at the
same time. As a result, the OFF resistance should be large. Moreover, the finite OFF
resistance of these switches gives rise to oscillation problems as well.

Figure 5. 6 Transmission Gate

Consider the circuit in Figure 5. 7(a). An extra Cf of value 420 fF capacitor is connected in
parallel with the DAC. The switches labeled with Φ1, Φ2, Φ3 and Φ4 are off and Φ5 is on. In

this case, the equivalent feedback capacitor is 420 fF which is supposed to be in the stable
region (It has been tested with a single 420 fF Cf connected from input to output of the
preamplifier). The transient simulation result, however, shows that the circuit begins to
oscillate at a slow frequency (about 2.2 Hz) which is shown in Figure 5. 7(b).

Figure 5. 7 (a) The scheme of unstable situation. (b) Oscillation waveform.

The finite OFF resistance of the switch causes the problem. The system is more stable with a
smaller absolute value of the feedback transfer function β(s) which is given in equation (3.
7) .With a given Zin, the system is more stable with a larger Zf. When the switch in the DAC
is off, the equivalent feedback impedance is Roff + (Roff is the OFF resistance of the
jωC f
switch). Since there are 4 paths in the DAC which have been switched off in Figure 5. 7(a),
the equivalent impedance of the Zf is approximately a quarter of Roff + in parallel with
jωC f
the 420fF Cf. The exact impedance of Zf is smaller than we expected which indicates the
feedback factor is larger than what it should be. Since 420 fF is close to the edge of
oscillation, with the effect mentioned above, it has possibility to drive the circuit into unstable

For this reason, the finite OFF resistance of the switches are not supposed to affect the
equivalent impedance of Zf. The solution is adding extra switches to ground which are
labeled as Φ1’, Φ2’, Φ3’ and Φ4’ in Figure 5. 8. The drive signals on the added switches are
coming from the AND gate with ‘ctrl’ and the inversion of Φ1, Φ2, Φ3 and Φ4 as inputs. The
‘ctrl’ signal is for the purpose of testing the function of the final chip when the switches to
ground are not there. In this way, when Φi ( i is integers from 1 to 4) is off its off resistance is
not in the feedback path which will not affect the impedance of the feedback.

Figure 5. 8 4-bit DAC with switches to ground.

5.4 Conclusion

During the process of applying a programmable Cf into the DC biasing with positive
feedback scheme, we found the hidden dangerous of oscillation. It is solved by using extra
switches to ground. Next chapter is about the simulation results of the system to check if it
meets the specifications.

Chapter 6.Simulation Result

In this chapter, the simulation results are given to check whether the system has met the
specifications or not. It starts with a transient simulation to prove the stability with the
maximum capacitor (section 6.1). After that the SNR and THD results with different value of
Cf are presented in section 6.2 and 6.3 respectively. Section 6.4 proves the result of
sensitivity increase. Before putting the circuit into CMOS fabrication, the performance of the
system with different temperature and different process variances has to be checked (section
6.5 and 6.6). This chapter ends with the comparison between this design and the other designs.

6.1 Stability Check by Transient Simulation

The AC simulation in Figure 5. 3 shows that the loop gain curve crosses 0 dB with Cf = 450
fF at high frequencies. To make sure that this value is still in the stable region, a transient
simulation can be made to check if it oscillates or not. The setup for simulating impulse
response is shown in Figure 6. 1. A current pulse with 1us width and 5 uA amplitude is put at
the input.

Figure 6. 1 Scheme for simulating impulse response

Impulse Response




Voltage (V)





0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Time (S)

Figure 6. 2 Impulse response.

The impulse response at the output of the folded-cascode amplifier is shown in Figure 6. 2
without the input of a sound signal. The plot shows that the common-mode voltage at the
output needs about 1.3 second to settle down which proves that the system with 450 fF
feedback is still in the stable region.

With 390fF feedback capacitor and 1Pa, 1 KHz input, the signal at the output of the buffer is
shown in Figure 6. 3. The small ramp up in the beginning is coming from circuit settling. The
zoom-in figure shows that most nonlinearities of the signal come from second-order
harmonics since the upper half wave’s amplitude is larger than that of the lower half. The
reason is that the preamplifier is not differential since normally a differential amplifier can
reduce the even-order harmonics.

Figure 6. 3 Transient simulation result with Cf = 390 fF.

6.2 Signal-to-Noise Ratio

The SNR at the output of the buffer with different Cf is shown in Figure 6. 4. The rms value
of the noise is achieved by multiplying the noise power spectrum with A-weighting transfer
function (equation (1. 11)) and then integrates it from 20 Hz to 20 KHz. It is simulated under
room temperature 27◦C. The curve shows that SNR is decreased slightly with increasing Cf.
When Cf is 420 fF, SNR is 0.6 dB less than the case without Cf. But this value (60.47 dB)
still meets the specification.

SNR @ 1Pa (rms), A-weighted






SNR (dB) 59





0 100 200 300 400 500
Cf (fF)

Figure 6. 4 SNR versus Cf (all available value of DAC)

6.3 Total Harmonic Distortion

“Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) is quantified by summing the power of all of the
harmonics (except that of the fundamental) and normalizing the result to the power of the
fundamental” [29]. With an input signal of frequency ω, the signal y(t) at the output of a
nonlinear system can be approximated by Taylor expansion:

y (t ) = A1 cos ωt + A2 cos(2ωt ) + A3 cos(3ωt ) + ... (6. 1)

For up to third-order harmonics nonlinearity, the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) is:

2 2
A2 + A3 (6. 2)
THD = ⋅ 100%

The calculation of THD in this design includes up to 12th-order harmonics. It is based on a
94dBSPL input signal with 1 KHz frequency. Figure 6. 5 shows the THD at the output of the
buffer with different Cf. THD specification at 94dBSPL is 0.5%. From this curve, it can be
seen that THD still meets the specification when Cf is equal to 390 fF.

THD v.s. Cf @ 94dBSPL



THD (%) 6 1Pa(rms)_SPEC=0.5%

0 100 200 300 400 500
Cf (fF)

Figure 6. 5 THD versus different Cf. (all available value of DAC)

It is noteworthy to find that the linearity is quite bad when feedback capacitor Cf almost
cancels all the parasitic capacitance at the input (450fF). The reason has been mentioned in
section 2.2 already. Applying the same theory yields:

C Δ ⋅ Vref
ΔV = H ⋅ [V ]
⎛ ⎞ (6. 3)
(C mic + C p + (1 − H )C f ) ⋅ ⎜1 −

⎜ C + C + (1 − H )C

⎝ mic p f ⎠

In this case, the nonlinear factor in the denominator of equation (6. 3)
Cmic + C p + (1 − H )C f
increases with increasing Cf. Thus the linearity is worsened. And the preamplifier connected
afterwards also contributes some nonlinearity.

6.4 Sensitivity

Since the purpose of this design is to increase the sensitivity of the microphone, it is
interesting to know how much sensitivity the positive feedback capacitor Cf has increased.
Figure 6. 6 shows the signal level (dB) at the input of the preamplifier by sweeping Cf in
DAC. It indicates that the sensitivity can be increased by 17 dB when Cf is 390 fF(The
system still meets the SNR and THD specification with this value of Cf which are shown in
Figure 6. 4and Figure 6. 5).

Signal Level @ 1Pa (rms) : input



Signal Level (dB)





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Cf (fF)

Figure 6. 6 Signal Level versus different Cf.

From the simulation results in section 6.2 to 6.4, the maximum Cf which can be used in DC
biasing with positive feedback is about 390 fF because the system still meets the specification
with this value of Cf. This value, however, has to be checked with process and mismatch
variations to guarantee a chip with high yield.

6.5 Process Corners Simulation

Process corner simulation is the base of the yield because the characteristic of MOSFETs’
variance with different chip and batches are usually big [29].The process corners include
“Fast NMOS and Fast PMOS(fnfp)”, “Fast NMOS and Slow PMOS (fnsp)”, “Slow NMOS
and Slow PMOS (snsp)” and “Slow NMOS and Fast MOS (snfp)”. The following simulation
will only consider the “nominal”, “fnfp” and “snsp” corners.

6.5.1 Corner Simulation without Cf

Figure 6. 7 shows the corner simulation when there is no Cf. Only three temperature
conditions are simulated with 3.3 V supply voltage. They are -40◦C, 27◦C and 120◦C. It is
evident that the circuit does not behave well at high temperatures. The reduction of SNR at
high temperature comes from the diode-connected PMOS which is mentioned in section 5.1.
The impedance of the diode drops from 7.8 TΩ at 27◦C to 63 GΩ at 120◦C. Another reason
for the SNR reduction is that the thermal noise voltage is proportional to the square root of

Figure 6. 7 also indicates that “fnfp” corner behaves the worst compared to the other two
corners. Since “fnfp” corner usually has higher transconductance than the “nominal” corner,
the equivalent impedance of the diode-connected PMOS is lower. As a result, SNR is
deteriorated. If we sweep the temperature from 30◦C to 70◦C with “fnfp” corner, the SNR
meets the specification when the temperature is lower than 55◦C.

SNR(A-Weighted) without Cf




SNR (dB)
56 fnfp



-50 0 50 100 150
Temperature (degree)

Figure 6. 7 Corner simulation for SNR when there is no Cf.

Figure 6. 8 shows the corner simulation of THD without Cf. Although the THD of “fnfp”
corner at high temperature exceeds the other two corners, they all meet the THD specification
which is 0.5% at 94dBSPL input.

THD@94dBSPL without Cf





THD (%)

0.25 snsp




-50 0 50 100 150
Temperature (degree)

Figure 6. 8 Corner simulation for THD when there is no Cf.

6.5.2 Corner Simulation with Cf = 390 fF
The corner simulation with Cf = 390 fF is shown in Figure 6. 9. These curves have the same
trend as that in Figure 6. 7. At 120◦C, SNR is several dB lower than the specification. By
sweeping temperature with “fnfp” corner, the highest temperature limit is 50◦C.

SNR (A-Weighted) with Cf = 390 fF




SNR (dB)

56 fnfp



-50 0 50 100 150
Temperature (degree)

Figure 6. 9 Corner simulation for SNR when Cf = 390 fF.

Figure 6. 10 shows the THD simulation result. The “fnfp” corner still behaves the worst. And
from about 60◦C above, the “nominal” corner exceeds the THD specification.

THD@94dBSPL with Cf = 390 fF



THD (%)

2 fnfp



-50 0 50 100 150
Temperature (degree)

Figure 6. 10 Corner simulation for THD when Cf = 390 fF.

Figure 6. 10 indicates that for THD consideration, the 390 fF Cf is not a good value for high
yield since the “fnfp” corner does not behave well. The curves of “nominal” and “snsp”
corners, however, can be regarded as being confined in the THD specification.

6.6 Monte-Carlo Simulation

Monto-Carlo Simulation in Cadence is aiming at checking the effect of process and mismatch
spread of CMOS technology. Figure 6. 11 is the Monte-Carlo simulation for SNR with Cf =
390 fF. The simulation runs for 400 combinations of process and mismatch spread. The mean
of the SNR is 60.85 dB and the variance is 138.903 mdB which can be regarded as a good

Figure 6. 11 Monte-Carlo simulation for SNR with Cf = 390 fF at 94dBSPL input.

Figure 6. 12 is the Monte-Carlo simulation for THD with Cf = 390 fF. The mean of the 400
runs is 0.42% and the variance is 0.144%.

Figure 6. 12 Monte-Carlo simulation for SNR with Cf = 390 fF at 94dBSPL input.

6.7 Comparison

Table 6. 1 lists the specification of this design and the products on the market. This design
exceeds in the SNR, sensitivity and bandwidth specification with comparably large power

Specification SNR@1Pa Sensitivity Current Band- THD(%)

(dB)(A- @1Pa (uA) width
Product weighted) (dBV/Pa) (HZ)
SPM0204HE5 59 -42 100 14K 1%@100dBSPL
(Knowles (VDD=1.5~3.6V)
ADMP401-1 62 -37 200 12K 3%@105dBSPL
(ADI) (VDD=1.5~3.6V)

AKU1126 58 -42 150 N/A 5%@115dBSPL

(Akustica) (VDD=1.65~3.6V)

SMM310 59 -42 80 10K 0.1%@104dBSPL

(Infineon) (VDD=2.1V)

TC200A 61 -40 330 20K 10%@110dBSPL

(Pulse (VDD=1.64~2.86V)
Previous 60 -45 450 20K 0.5% @ 94dBSPL
Design (VDD=2.5V)

This Design 61 -36 320 20K 0.37% @ 94dBSPL

0.51% @ 100dBSPL
(VDD=3.3V) 1.49% @ 105dBSPL
4.22% @ 110dBSPL
4.28% @ 115dBSPL
Table 6. 1 Comparison between this design and the products on market.

6.8 Conclusion

The corners simulations and Monte-Carlo simulations present a rough idea about the
performance of the circuit after they are fabricated in CMOS technology. The results of these
simulation implies that the circuit can achieve and even exceed the specification at low
temperature and normal temperature (-40◦C ~50◦C). While at high temperature, its behavior
especially the SNR drops quickly. Moreover, the effect of process variance on THD
specification has to be improved.

Chapter 7 Conclusion and Future Work

7.1 Conclusion

The purpose of this work is to propose a readout scheme for a MEMS microphone with a
comparatively low bias voltage due to the fact that the previous design uses a charge pump to
bias the microphone which increase the circuit’s complexity. The comparison between the
different readout schemes indicates that every scheme has a trade-off among the
specifications. For DC biasing scheme, the main disadvantage is that the existence of
parasitic capacitance kills the sensitivity. This design thus takes advantage of Miller effect to
decrease the parasitic capacitance. In this way the sensitivity on the microphone is increased
by 9 dB compared to the previous design with only 3.3 volt bias voltage.

The Miller effect is realized by adding a positive feedback capacitor Cf from the
preamplifier’s output to input. In order to find an acceptable value of the positive feedback
capacitor, Cf is replaced by a 4-bit DAC. For stability consideration, switches connected to
ground are added.

The preamplifier employs folded-cascoded structure to be able to sense the positive rail. The
aspect ratio of the transistors is chosen to minimize the noise level. The unity gain bandwidth
of the amplifier is 4.6 MHz and it consumes 320 uA current.

With the maximum acceptable Cf (390 fF), the sensitivity on the microphone under 3.3 V
bias voltage is increased by 9 dB compared to previous design which is with 5 V bias voltage.
The specification of SNR and THD, however, is deteriorated slightly compared to the case
when there is no feedback capacitor. The SNR is decreased less than 0.4 dB and the THD is
increased by 0.16% with 1 Pa input sound pressure. Even though, SNR and THD still meet
the specifications.

7.2 Future Work

The ultimate aim of the research is to produce outstanding products on the market. Although
the current design has met the specification, it still needs further improvements.

Nowadays most of the current electronic products are based on battery supply, thus the power
consumption is supposed to be kept small. Since this design has not optimized the current to
achieve low noise, there exists possibility to decrease the power consumption even further
while still keep the same SNR.

In this design, the preamplifier is not differential. Therefore, the noise from the current source
in the bias scheme can not be neglected and the even-order harmonics can not be reduced. In
order to avoid the effect, a fully differential amplifier is needed. This method, however,
requires another low-noise differential-to-single-ended buffer which might compensate the
noise reduced by the previous differential stage and consume more power.

The gain of the preamplifier is not accurately defined because the source degeneration
resistor is not much higher than the transconductance of the input pair and thus the linearity
of preamplifier is not maximized as well. Since the source degeneration resistors increase the
noise in the same time, their value is limited by the SNR specification. Therefore, other
linearization techniques and accurately defined gain structures are required to be investigated
to make the system achieve better performance.

Another drawback of the current design is its bad performance at high temperature. The
temperature dependent impedance of the diode-connected PMOS is the main reason. Thereby
a bias device with high impedance and low temperature variance is highly demanded. When
referring to high impedance device, switched-capacitor resistor is an option. But the transient
noise of it is another concern.

Further investigations can also be directed to find another promising scheme which is based
on a different readout theory. High sensitivity, low noise and good linearity are the thumbs of
rules to follow when doing future research.

Appendix A
Verilog-A Model for Microphone
The Verilog-A scripts for the microphone are listed here. Figure A. 1 explains the basic
principle behind the model. The model includes the parasitic capacitance between back plate
and bulk as well. In this model, a simple voltage source can represent an acoustic signal. For
instance, a sinusoidal voltage source with 1 V amplitude and 1 KHz frequency is equivalent
to a sound wave with 1 Pa amplitude and 1 KHz frequency.

Figure A. 1 Verilog-A Model for microphone

// VerilogA for veriloga, Fa, veriloga // VerilogA for veriloga, Cmic, veriloga

`include "constants.vams" `include "constants.vams"

`include "disciplines.vams" `include "disciplines.vams"

module Fa(in, dc); module Cmic(mem, bp, bulk, Fa);

input in; input mem, bp, bulk;
output dc; //dc stands for capacitance variance; input Fa;
electrical dc, in; electrical Fa, bp, mem, bulk; //Fa stands for acoustical
parameter real k = 0.00119; //derived from
equation (1. 7); parameter real Co = 2.94e-12;
parameter real Cp1 = 0.7e-12;
analog begin parameter real Cp2 = 3.2e-12;
V(dc) <+ V(in)*k; real v1,v2,dvar,c;
analog begin
endmodule v1 = V(mem,bp);
v2 = V(bp,bulk);
dvar = V(Fa);
I(mem,bp) <+ ddt(v1*c);
I(bp,bulk) <+ ddt(v2*Cp2);


The behavior of the model is tested in Cadence with 1 Pa (rms) input in DC biasing scheme,
the signal generated from this model meets the characteristic of the microphone.

Appendix B

Mathematic Derivation without Constant Charge Assumption

Assuming the voltage on the microphone is Vref + VΔ when the capacitance variation of the
microphone is CΔ , we can derive the following equation:

i=− (B. 1)

And the varying current generated from the capacitor is:

dQ d (C ⋅V ) d (VΔ ) d (C Δ )
i= = = (C mic + C Δ ) + (V ref + V Δ ) (B. 2)
dt dt dt dt

Equalizing equation (B. 1) and (B. 2) and replacing C Δ with kC mic Pˆ sin(ωt ) yields:

(C mic )
+ kC mic Pˆ sin(ωt )
d (VΔ ) ⎛
+ ⎜⎜ kC mic Pˆ ω cos(ωt ) +
1 ⎞
⎟⎟ ⋅V Δ + Vref kC mic Pˆ ω cos(ωt ) = 0 (B. 3)
dt ⎝ Rb ⎠

Equation (B. 3) is a typical first-Order non-homogeneous linear differential equation. Given

the initial condition that V Δ (t = 0 ) = 0 , the solution is:

(B. 4)

Appendix C

Matlab Scripts Used in DC Biasing with Positive Feedback

clear all; close all;clc;

for n=1:length(Cf)
vzbtf=abs(Av*Zf*Zb/(Zf+(1-Av)*Zb)); % noise transfer function of from Rb to out
vnRb=4*k*T/Rb*vzbtf^2; %noise from bias resistor;

vamptf=abs(Av*(Zf+Zb)/(Zb*(Av-1)-Zf)); % noise transfer function of from in to out

vnamp=nop*vamptf^2; %noise from opamp;
vntot(n)=vnRb+vnamp; %total noise;

syms f
vnrms(n)= double(sqrt(int(vntot(n),f,20,20000))); %rms noise;
vs(n)=Av*vref*deltac/(deltac+Cp+(1-Av)*Cf(n)); %rms signal;
snr(n)= 20*log10(vs(n)/vnrms(n));


xlabel('Cf(F)'); ylabel('Signal(dB)');axis([0 570e-15 -40 40]);

xlabel('Cf(F)'); ylabel('20*Log NoiseRMS (V)');axis([0 570e-15 -100 0]);

xlabel('Cf(F)'); ylabel('SNR(dB)');axis([0 570e-15 10 70]);

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