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Thesis-Donghseng Zhao

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Hierarchical EMC Design

for Inverters
in Motor Drive Systems
Hierarchical EMC Design
for Inverters
in Motor Drive Systems


ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor

aan de Technische Universiteit Delft,
op gezag van de Rector Magnificus Prof. dr. ir. J.T. Fokkema,
voorzitter van het College voor Promoties,
in het openbaar te verdedigen op maandag 7 december 2009
om 15.00 uur

Dongsheng ZHAO

elektrotechnisch ingenieur
geboren te Yining City, China.
Dit proefschrift is goedgekeurd door de promotoren:
Prof. dr. J. A. Ferreira
Prof. dr. ir. F.B.J. Leferink

Samenstelling promotiecommissie:
Rector Magnificus Voorzitter, Technische Universiteit Delft
Prof. dr. J.A. Ferreira Technische Universiteit Delft, promotor
Prof. dr. ir. F.B.J. Leferink Universiteit Twente, promotor
Prof. dr. A.G. Tijhuis Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Prof. dr. A. Consoli University of Catania
Prof. ir. L. van der Sluis Technische Universiteit Delft
Prof. dr. T.D. Visser Technische Universiteit Delft
Prof. dr. M. Zeman Technische Universiteit Delft, reservelid

This research was supported financially by SenterNovem in the framework of

the ‘‘Innovatiegerichte Onderzoeks Programma ElektroMagnetische Vermogens

Copyright c 2009 by D. Zhao

All rights reserved. No part of the material protected by this copyright notice
may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage
and retrieval system, without the prior permission of the author.
ISBN 978-90-9024883-7

Author email:

To my parents and my family

AC Alternating Current
Av Average detector
BJT Bipolar Junction Transistor
CM Common Mode
CMC Common Mode Choke
CSR Current Source Rectifier
DC Direct Current
DM Differential Mode
EDM Electrical Discharge Machining
EMC ElectroMagnetic Compatibility
EMI ElectroMagnetic Interference
EUT Equipment Under Test
FEMIT Fast Emission Measurement In Time domain
FFT Fast Fourier Transform
IFBW Intermediate Frequency BandWidth
IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor
IT Information Technology
LISN Line Impedance Stabilization Network
MM Mixed Mode
MOSFET Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PFC Power Factor Corrector
Pk Peak detector
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
QP Quasi-Peak detector
SPWM Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation
STFFT Short Time Fast Fourier Transform
SVPWM Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation


TDEMI Time Domain EMI measurement

TDR Time Domain Reflectometry
TRIAC TRIode for Alternating Current
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
VSD Variable Speed Drive
VSI Voltage Source Inverter
VSR Voltage Source Rectifier
ZCS Zero Current Switching
ZVS Zero Voltage Switching

Owning a doctoral degree is a dream of my childhood, but the road has been
rather long. It has however been my good fortune to encounter many people
who have given me much of their professional and personal help. When writing
this acknowledgment, I realized that many individuals have lent me a hand. I
cannot even recall the names of some of them but without them I could not have
made all these things happen. I would like to convey my sincerest gratitude and
appreciation to them.
I would first of all like to thank my promotor, Professor Braham Ferreira who
gave me the opportunity to do this research at TU Delft. He supported and en-
couraged me all the time, not only in scientific matters, but also in coping with
my mental and work conditions. Professor Frank Leferink, was my primary su-
pervisor in my master study, and my promotor in my PhD study. His experience,
and unique knowledge and enthusiasm in the EMC field have always been my
Dr. Henk Polinder, was my daily supervisor in the first two years. He gave
me lectures to fill my gaps in the knowledge of machine and power electronics
and support me in the anxiety during the beginning stage of my research. He also
helped me to find a suitable apartment for my family which really saved me at
that time.
I would like to thank my doctoral examination committee for studying the
draft of the thesis and giving their valuable comments.
I would like to acknowledge the staff members in the EPP research group,
Rob Schoevaars, Bart Roodenburg, Sjoerd de Haan and Paul Bauer for their help
in the laboratory and their lectures.
I would like to thank the people who sit on the IOP-EMVT coaching com-
mittee. We had conferences twice a year and it was valuable to learn from your
comments and suggestions. Thank you, Jasper Goedbloed and Lex van Deursen.
Thank you to my ex-colleagues in NEDAP, who helped me to find the chance


to do the PhD research at TU Delft and sent me to the interview. These include
Randolph Browne, Ton Scharenborg, Richard Hogenkamp, Gerben Hoeksma,
Gerhard van Eerden and many people. I do not remember all their names but
thank you!
I would also like to thank Anne Roc’h, the fellow researcher with whom I have
spent three years. We had many times of discussion, went together on industry
investigations several times and co-operated in writing several papers.
Also, I want to thank many authors and specialists who I had communicated
with. Special thanks go to Jin Meng, David Gonzalez, Christoph Keller, Peter
van Duijsen and Norbert Hanigovszki. Furthermore, to the partners in industry,
Evert Raaijen from Exendis in Ede, Jan-Kees van der Ven from Imtech Marine
in Rotterdam and Jan Zinger from Eekels Elektrotechniek in Hoogezand for their
hospitality during my visits to their companies.
It has been a great pleasure to work with so many talented colleagues and ex-
colleagues in the EPP research group. I would especially like to thank Yi Zhou,
Xun Gong, Deok-Je Bang, Zhihui Yuan, Yi Wang, Ghanshyam Shrestha, Marcelo
Gutierrez-Alcaraz, Ivan Josifovic, Aleksandar Borisavljevic, Dalibor Cvoric, Jo-
han Wolmarans, Hung Vu Xuan, Sam Ani, Frank van der Pijl, Johan Morren,
Evandro Meurer, Milan Hajder, Jenela Popovic, Mark Gerber, Eric de Jong and
Martin Pavlovsky. We are roommates, co-workers and classmates that I have
worked, talked and lunched with over the years. I treasure the memories. I
would like to thank Leo Breebaart. The LATEX typesetting of this thesis is based
on his public code. I would like to thank Ralf, Neil and Jan for their help in
grammar check. A special word of gratitude goes to Tjerk Steenstra. Thank you
for translating my proposition and summary into Dutch.
Moving towards more personal acknowledgements, I would like to thank many
friends, especially Ankie, Erdogan, Bo Cui, Dazhao Xu, Ziye Han, Erwa Ke,
Qian Xu and Chen Liu. Last but not the least; I would like to thank Oma, Jan,
Edith, Jianguang, my parents and my brother, for their monumental, unwavering
support and encouragement on all fronts. Finally, and most importantly, I would
like to thank my wife, Ran, for her love, understanding, support and sacrifice
during all the stages of my PhD studies. Thanks to my lovely sons, Chengji and
Xingqi, who bring me the pride and happiness of being a father.

Dongsheng Zhao

Abbreviations i

Acknowledgements iii

1 Introduction 1
1.1 The growth of power electronic converters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 The EMC requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Problem description and research object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4 Research method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.5 Thesis layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2 Configurations of AC-AC converters 7

2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Topologies of AC-AC converters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2.1 Single-stage AC-AC converter topologies . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2.2 Two-stage AC-AC converter topologies . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2.3 Three-stage AC-AC converter topologies . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2.4 Four-stage AC-AC converter topologies . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.2.5 Five-stage AC-AC converter topologies . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.2.6 Selected topologies for case study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.3 The capacitive coupling mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.4 The inductive coupling mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.5 Rectifier configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.6 Grounding configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.6.1 Possible grounding methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.6.2 The impact on the noise propagation path . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.6.3 The impact on the generation of bearing current . . . . . . 27


2.7 DC-bus configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

2.8 Inverter configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.9 EMC modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.10 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

3 Hierarchical EMC design procedures 33

3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.2 Present EMI modeling methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.2.1 Time domain method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.2.2 Frequency domain method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.2.3 Demand of new approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.3 Approach to a hierarchical EMC design procedure . . . . . . . . . 38
3.4 Functional level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.4.1 PWM output voltage spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.4.2 Induction motor operating point determination . . . . . . . 45
3.4.3 PWM output current spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.4.4 Switching events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.5 Transient level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3.5.1 Basic noise cell model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3.5.2 Slope of the transients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.5.3 The impact of a noise source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3.6 Propagation level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
3.7 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

4 Suppression along the propagation path 63

4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
4.2 Decoupling the propagation path and the noise source . . . . . . . 64
4.3 Analysis of the propagation path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
4.4 The observation in the time domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
4.5 Passive filter for noise suppression and the influence of installation 76
4.5.1 CM equivalent model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.5.2 Extraction of parasitic parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
4.6 DC-bus filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
4.7 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

5 Noise source analysis 91

5.1 Noise source characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
5.1.1 Periodic noise source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
5.1.2 Aperiodic noise source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
5.2 An improved method to analyze noise sources . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
5.3 Compliance measurement correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

5.3.1 Detector correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

5.3.2 Signal spectrum reconstruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
5.4 Noise source of a resonant converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
5.5 Experimental verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
5.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

6 Suppression in the noise source 109

6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
6.2 Operation principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
6.3 The determination of the values of magnetic components . . . . . 114
6.3.1 Ideal coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
6.3.2 Nonideal coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
6.4 The control method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
6.5 The method to generate variable voltage transient slopes . . . . . . 118
6.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122

7 Conclusions and recommendations 123

7.1 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
7.2 Outlook towards future development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
7.2.1 Systematic EMC design tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
7.2.2 Statistical method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
7.2.3 Circuit realization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

References 127

List of publications 137

Summary 139

Samenvatting 141

Curriculum Vitae 143

Chapter 1

1.1 The growth of power electronic converters

After the continuous technological evolution of the last five decades, power elec-
tronics has become completely indispensable in our everyday lives. Power con-
verters are present wherever there is a need to modify form of the electrical energy
in every corner of industrial, commercial, residential environments [Bos00].
One of the principal advantages of power electronics is that it improves ef-
ficiency during the energy form conversion. Higher efficiency means that less
energy is lost during the conversion. Less energy is dissipated today in the con-
version compared to conventional methods. It has been estimated that roughly
15% - 20% of electricity consumption can be saved by the extensive application
of power electronics [Bos00].
Another advantage of using power electronics is that it makes many functions
or features possible. Examples of such improvements include the following:

• Flexibility

– a wider range of input voltage provided by a universal power adapter,

– a programmable output voltage of an uninterruptible power supply

• Controllability

– an accurate positioning capability provided by a servo system,

– a variable output frequency provided by a variable speed drive (VSD),

• Efficiency


– optimized operating points for the fluorescent lamp powered by an

electronic ballast,
– energy regenerated from a braking motor.

Because of these outstanding benefits, the market of power electronics keeps

growing and extending to many new application fields. The market penetration
is surprisingly unbalanced in different application fields. Almost 100% of AC-DC
power supplies for information technology (IT) equipment use power electronics.
In contrast, approximately 5% of motors are controlled by VSD [Onl05]. Hence,
there is still a large potential market for power electronics.

1.2 The EMC requirements

The benefits gained are due to developments in the field of solid state devices.
Power electronic applications are working at a high switching frequency to trans-
fer the input energy to its output by bursts. The size of many passive components
can be reduced because the intermediate stored energy becomes less or not neces-
sary. Some side effects appear, for instance, the switching loss increases with the
switching frequency. To limit the total switching losses per unit time, the switch-
ing losses during each switching transient must be reduced. To achieve this goal,
the switching transient time needs to be very short. The insulated gate bipolar
transistors (IGBTs) can switch much faster than conventional bipolar junction
transistor (BJTs). Reducing dissipation has many advantages, including higher
reliability and smaller heat sink. But, many side effects emerge with the high
switching frequency and the short switching transient time. The high switch-
ing frequency lifts the level of electromagnetic interference (EMI) and the short
switching transient time extends the EMI to a high frequency range.
EMI may cause degradation of performance of the converter or other de-
vices [Ott88]. It is a critical design aspect today. Designers must do more things
than just make their products workable. The converter needs to be functionally
compatible with other electronic systems in the same electromagnetic environ-
ment, and must avoid any interference effects. This work is called electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC) design.
It is mentioned above that converters are becoming a main EMI source. This
is the main reason for controlling the EMI of converters. There are more reasons
to apply stringent standards to control EMI. For instance, the modern electronic
circuits around the power electronics have become more and more sensitive since
the general working voltage of the embedded logical devices is reducing from 5V
to about 0.9 V - 3.3 V. Another reason is that the noise can be coupled more
easily from the noisy power electronics circuit to the electronics circuit around it
since these circuits are being crowded into smaller spaces.
Many regulations or standards are imposed by authorized departments to limit
EMI levels. The requirements on EMC are not endless, actually, consideration

must be given to many other aspects, including functionality, volume and thermal
performance. Otherwise, the cost may exceed the benefit obtained.
At the end of 2004, the Delft University of Technology and the University
of Twente, both of them in the Netherlands, began a joint research project en-
titled ‘‘Multi-domain Optimization of Power Electronics (MOPE)’’. This project
is funded by the IOP-EMVT which supports research and collaboration among
academia and industry. The study is dedicated to the multi-domain design of
power electronics, taking into account the major constraints of EMI, and consid-
ering also the thermal and spatial issues, using state of the art technologies.

1.3 Problem description and research object

The first problem is that there is no systematic approach to designing for EMC,
especially in a complex power electronic system. Most EMC engineers may have
experienced situations whereby a solution may suppress the noise in some fre-
quency ranges but lift the noise level in other frequency ranges. The trial-and-
error method is very time-consuming for this kind of application.
Because it is so easy to access advanced computing capability, there is a trend
towards solving the problem using numerical methods. For a complex EMC issue,
many factors come together simultaneously to determine the final EMI level. It
is not an easy task to figure out a solution without logical thinking.
Circuit simulation is used widely to predict the EMI of a converter [Won01;
Gra04]. Before the simulation, an accurate model must be built including all
the components inside a converter. These models are entered into the simulation
program and then the simulation runs in the time domain. The simulation may
take several minutes before the final result is available. The result is unknown
until the simulation is finished and then it is transformed to the frequency domain.
A troublesome thing is that the simulation has to be run again from the beginning
if any component inside the system changes its value.
Therefore, attempts are also made in the frequency domain, for instance, the
work in [Ran98]. The noise source is translated to the frequency domain first by
including the finite switching time, and then the equivalent circuits for the com-
mon mode (CM) and differential mode (DM) are introduced individually. Spectra
of the noise received by the line impedance stabilization network (LISN) can be
calculated in the frequency domain. It is mentioned in [Ran98] that a very large
error is possible if the pulse rise times are not taken into account. In [Gon03],
the impedance matrix is used to calculate the disturbance. An unavoidable pre-
requisite using this method is that the whole equivalent circuit must be time
Because of the shortcomings listed above, the present methods for EMC design
need improvement. This is the first objective of this project.
The second problem is that the remedies for EMC suppression are limited.
Literatual study shows that there are at least 14 kinds of remedies are proposed

by acadamy, but only passive filter approach becomes the most widely adpated
solution. For the rest solutions, the benefits achived are not attractive enough
for industry to compensate the costs.
The second objective of this project is clarified as: finding innovative EMI
suppression methods which are:

• effective in improving EMC performance,

• easy to implement,

• able to reduce the volume and weight of the power conversion systems,

• not having significant impact on functional and thermal issues.

1.4 Research method

To achieve the goal, the hierarchical procedures are first established to replace
the trial-and-error method. These are utilized to analyze the motor drive system.
Possible solutions are then proposed and discussed.
The methodology used in this thesis is a hierarchical method. It divides the
whole problem into three levels. For each level, models are built in different ways
to reach a compromise between the accuracy and speed.
The first level is the functional level. On this level, parasitic parameters are
omitted. The circuit can be modeled by switch function and all switches are
idealized. Power electronics engineers are quite familiar with this level. The
voltage and current waveforms are calculated by the fastest method. On this
level, the computation speed needs to be as fast as possible to support a relatively
long period of simulation. We want the ‘‘worst-case scenario’’ can be included in
the simulation.
The second level is the transient level. Detailed behavior models of switches
are utilized to get the voltage and current waveform of the very fast transient.
The calculation is based on the information of operating points obtained on the
functional level. On this level, only the parasitic inductors and capacitors around
the switch are taken into account because they have an impact on the behavior
of the switch. The analysis on the transients level obtains the details around the
transient. The spectrum of the noise source is known using the analysis based on
the functional level and the transient level.
The third level is the propagation level. All parasitic components are part of
the propagation path. The ratio between the noise source and the measurement
result is defined as a transfer ratio. The transfer ratio considers all possible
topologies of different switching patterns.
With this method, much intermediate data is generated. This helps us to
find the deviation in the middle way by comparing the intermediate data with
additional measurements. The improvement of the EMC design is also traceable.

Although the functional, spatial and thermal issues are mentioned in this
objective, the functional issue is considered the most closely related to the EMC
issue. The design interdependency will be studied in this thesis. The volume and
weight requirements are only analyzed qualitatively. This means a traditional
suppression method with bulky filters cannot be applied and an innovative method
is necessary. Thermal issues are not defined in this research.
In this research, VSDs are chosen for investigation. The first reason is that
in industrial applications, a large part of energy is consumed in this form. It is
estimated that 60% - 65% of generated electricity in the United States is consumed
in motor drives, and of those motors, 60% operate pumps and fans [Bos00]. For
such kind of applications, optimizing motor speed can benefit the most. With
VSD, the motor would not run at full speed all the time. There is a great potential
to utilize power electronics to upgrade these motor drives to variable speed motor
drives since the market penetration of VSD is only 5% at present. That is, the
research is practical. Another consideration is that the high rated power and the
fast switching transient make the EMC issue unavoidable.
In this research, the focus is narrowed down to control the conducted EMI of
inverters in motor drive systems, within a frequency range of interest from 9 kHz
to 30 MHz.

1.5 Thesis layout

Chapter 2 considers the configurations of the AC-AC converter. The mechanisms
of noise sources are identified and analyzed. Chapter 3 begins the main contribu-
tion of the thesis. The hierarchical EMC design procedure is established and it is
used for the modeling of an existing motor drive. The motivation and procedure
to implement this approach are presented. Chapter 4 presents the observations
in the time domain. After understanding how noise is propagated, a DC-bus filter
is proposed to suppress the noise along the propagation path. The design pro-
cedures and benefits of this remedy are presented. Chapter 5 clarifies the EMC
noise sources. A relationship is established between calculated results and com-
pliance measurement results. Chapter 6 reviews firstly various EMC remedies
which are implemented on the noise source side. A new active filter approach
called ‘‘fourth leg compensator’’ is proposed. Its principle and simulation results
are presented. Finally, Chapter 7 gives the conclusions and recommendations for
future development.
Chapter 4 has been partly published in the IEEE Transaction on Power Elec-
tronics [Zha09] and at the EPE Aalburg conference in 2007 [Zha07]. Chapter 3
and 5 have been partly presented at PESC 2008 Greece conference [Zha08a].
Chapter 6 has been partly presented at EMC Europe 2008 Hamburg confer-
ence [Zha08b].
Chapter 2
Configurations of AC-AC converters

2.1 Introduction
In many industrial or commercial applications, the loads need provision of AC
power. The loads include motors, sodium vapor lamps, induction heating coils,
and many other miscellaneous components. The power requirements are all in AC
form but with different amplitudes, frequencies or phases. Normally, these values
are variable during operation of the load. Also, the power distribution network
has different standards around the world. AC-AC conversion is necessary when
the requirements of the load are not compatible with the electric power provided
by the public power grid. One good example is when a yacht is moored in a
harbor. To use the local power network, the functions of the converter in the
yacht should include voltage scaling, frequency conversion and galvanic isolation.
The galvanic isolation is required especially for safety reasons and to prevent
corrosion of the ship’s hull.
Even though AC-AC converters are built for the same purpose, this is to
bridge the different AC forms of the electric utility source and the load, many
configurations exist due to various design specifications and requirements of the
source and the load. The differences in the configurations have many aspects,
including topology, rectifier, grounding, DC-bus, inverter and load type.
In this chapter, we first discuss the possible AC-AC converter topologies.
They are ordered from the simplest to the most complicated. There can be one
to five conversion stages. The bus types used in the power conversion process are
illustrated with diagrams. Three topologies are selected for case study. After that,
the noise source generation mechanisms are identified and the noise propagation
paths are pointed out.
The influences of diverse configurations are discussed from the EMC point
of view. The impact on EMC of different rectifiers, ground configurations, DC-


bus and inverters are discussed. These configurations are specially defined for
functional, safety and other requirements. At the same time, they have significant
impact on the modes of noise propagation and the EMI level.
The discussion ends with the requirement of a new approach to analyze the
EMC performance for AC-AC converters.

2.2 Topologies of AC-AC converters

In AC-AC converters, the alternating currents and alternating voltages appear
both on the source side and on the load side. The converters change amplitude,
frequency and phase of the AC current and voltage waveforms between the source
and the load. The conversion is normally controlled to reach the optimal operating
points of the load. For an ideal AC-AC converter, the input voltage and the input
current are in phase on the source side, and the relationship between the output
voltage and the output current is according to the property of the load. The
converter with sinusoidal waveforms is illustrated in Figure 2.1.

ac-ac converter
vi vo
ii t io t

Figure 2.1: Voltage and current waveforms in an AC-AC converter

However, the voltage and current waveforms are not limited to be sinusoidal.
The waveforms can be arbitrary provided they contain essential fundamental
component. This gives much more freedom as long as the following conditions
are satisfied for different applications:

• emissions stay below the limits for harmonics and EMI,

• the input power factor satisfies standards,

• efficiency requirements are met,

• specific requirements, for instance, the galvanic isolation can be provided.

Many topologies are available for AC-AC converters. Each of them has ad-
vantages and disadvantages, and is suitable for a particular range of applications.

2.2.1 Single-stage AC-AC converter topologies

A conventional 50 Hz transformer is probably the simplest device that performs
the AC-AC voltage scaling function. It is irreplaceable in the voltage scaling appli-
cation due to its high efficiency and reliability, but strictly speaking, a transformer
is not a converter.
The conventional AC-AC transformer cannot be used for frequency conversion
since the variable voltage scaling depends on movable mechanical contacts and its
limitations are evident. Therefore, power electronics devices are used in AC-AC
conversion, which is called AC-AC converters.
AC phase-controlled voltage controllers use TRIACs (TRIode for Alternating
Current) or thyristors to conduct the load. The conducting angle depends on
the firing angle and the load angle because a half-controlled switch can only turn
off when the current returns to zero. Figure 2.2 shows the converter in block
diagram form. The main drawback of this controller is that it draws distorted
current from the supply line, and the input power factor is poor.

phase- vo
controller load

(a) (b)

Figure 2.2: AC phase-controlled voltage controller; (a) diagram, (b) output volt-
age and current waveforms

The AC-AC chopper, illustrated in Figure 2.3 allows for controlling the output
voltage. The variable output voltage scaling can be achieved by changing the duty
cycle of the chopper circuit. For the AC-AC chopper, fully-controlled bidirectional
power switches are necessary to turn off the current at an arbitrary moment.
The output frequency stays the same as the input frequency. Low-pass filters are
connected to both the input and output side of the AC chopper circuit in order
to remove the switching ripples and harmonics. The ripples can also be filtered
by load inductance itself.
Cycloconverters can convert an AC source to another AC waveform of a lower
frequency. They are normally used in a fixed input frequency and amplitude
application with very high power rating. Both the amplitude and the frequency
of the output voltage can be variable. The diagram and output voltage waveform
are shown in Figure 2.4. The turn-off is normally by natural commutation. The
limitation of the output frequency range exists.

ac chopper load


(a) (b)

Figure 2.3: AC-AC chopper; (a) diagram, (b) output voltage and current wave-

cycloconverter load


(a) (b)

Figure 2.4: Cycloconverter; (a) diagram, (b) output voltage waveforms


By replacing the natural commutation components with full controllable bi-

direction switches, the cycloconverter evolves into a matrix converter. The dia-
gram is shown in Figure 2.5.

matrix vo
converter load

io t

(a) (b)

Figure 2.5: Matrix converter; (a) diagram, (b) output voltage and current wave-

A single-stage AC-AC converter does not use energy storage components. It

is a type of direct converter. The concept is simple and elegant. However, a main
intrinsic drawback is that the output voltage is limited to 87% of the input voltage.
Also it cannot ride through a voltage sag and the conduction losses are inherently
high. The unavailability of fully controllable bidirectional semiconductor switches
is the main limit of this topology.

2.2.2 Two-stage AC-AC converter topologies

Another class of AC-AC converters is the compound converter. A voltage or
current link is used for energy storage. The converter changes input AC to an
intermediate form of voltage or current and then converts the intermediate form
to output AC with variable amplitude and frequency. The intermediate link
decouples these two conversion stages, therefore, two conversions need not to be
extractly synchronized and the control is simplified. Although the average energy
flow is equal between input and output, the instantaneous input power does not
need to be equal to the instantaneous output power. The difference between
the instantaneous input and output power can be absorbed or delivered by the
energy storage element in the intermediate link. The energy storage element can
be either a capacitor or an inductor according to the control scheme.
Figure 2.6 shows the diagram of an AC-AC converter with DC voltage as the
intermediate link. A capacitor is used as the energy storage element.

2.2.3 Three-stage AC-AC converter topologies

To realize galvanic isolation function, the most common solution is using a trans-
former. Because the DC components cannot pass through the transformer, the

rectifier inverter load

Figure 2.6: Block diagram of voltage source DC-bus converter

previous topologies are not feasible to provide galvanic isolation function.

One possibility is converting the DC intermediate form to an AC high fre-
quency square wave. Then, the square wave passes through the high frequency
transformer to achieve galvanic isolation. The high frequency AC square wave is
available at the transformer secondary side and is synthesized to low frequency
AC using a cycloconverter [Wik07; Kre02]. The topology is shown in Figure 2.7.

rectifier inverter cycloconverter load

Figure 2.7: Block diagram of three-stage AC-AC converter with galvanic isolation

2.2.4 Four-stage AC-AC converter topologies

If a cycloconverter is not used in the previous topology, the AC square wave is
rectified to DC voltage firstly, then a pulse width modulation (PWM) inverter is
used to generate the fundamental component of the AC waveform. The topology
is shown in Figure 2.8.

rectifier inverter rectifier inverter load

Figure 2.8: Block diagram of four-stage AC-AC converter with galvanic isolation

2.2.5 Five-stage AC-AC converter topologies

In some applications, a unity power factor input is required. This is realized by
adding a boost DC-DC converter behind the diode rectifier. The boost converter
is used to step up the DC-bus voltage, so that the DC-bus current is reduced. The
topology of this popular configuration in AC-AC converters is shown in Figure 2.9.
rectifier converter inverter rectifier inverter load

Figure 2.9: Block diagram of five-stage AC-AC converter with galvanic isolation
and a unity power factor

When using an active rectifier to replace a diode rectifier, one can achieve the
same functions. An additional benefit is that it supports bidirectional power flow,
but it needs more active components.

2.2.6 Selected topologies for case study

In this project, three representative topologies are selected as study objects. The
three selected objects have different numbers of conversion stages.
A voltage source inverter with a DC-bus capacitor and a diode rectifier front
end is the most popular AC-AC converter used for motor drives. Its complete
diagram is shown in Figure 2.10.
Tu+ Du+ Tu+ Du+Tw+ Dw+
CL1 Ch1
Da+ Db+ Dc+
LU e
eAN A a u U Un
N LV eVn
eBN B b O v V n
LW e
eCN C c w W Wn shaft
CL2 Ch2 Tu- Du- Tu- Du- Tw- Dw-
Da- Db- Dc- Frame
H Heat sink
G Protect Earth F Converter Frame

ac Line Motor
Diode Rectifier DC link PWM Inverter Motor
source Cable Cable

Figure 2.10: Block diagram of DC-bus voltage source inverter

A resonant pole inverter is shown in Figure 2.11. This inverter is working by


zero voltage switching (ZVS) at variable switching frequency. It is also used as a

study object.
The third topology used in investigation is a four-stage AC-AC converter with
galvanic isolation. It is used as a power interface between a public power grid and
an offshore application. Because sinusoidal input currents with a unity power fac-
tor and bidirectional power flow are required, a three-phase PWM boost rectifier
is included. In addition, it also includes DC capacitor banks on the primary and
secondary side, a three-phase inverter system that is able to generate variable
frequency and variable voltage, a DC-DC converter with isolation transformer,
sinusoidal and EMC filters, a DC power supply, control circuits and sensors,
protection circuits, a cooling system and a start up circuit to limit the current
charging the DC-bus capacitor. The diagram is shown in Figure 2.12.

2.3 The capacitive coupling mechanism

Capacitive coupling is caused by a varying voltage source. It occurs between
adjacent conductors or circuits. Since the dimensions of most components inside
the drive system are substantially smaller than one wavelength at 30 MHz, the
capacitive coupling mechanism can be modeled by lumped components when we
consider the conduction emission issues of AC-AC converter systems.
The varying voltage source is called a capacitive coupling point if it has a fast
transient voltage, and it has parasitic capacitances with surrounding circuits. A
fast transient implies the presence of many high frequency components. In the
high frequency range, parasitic capacitances form low impedance paths for the
Inside a converter system, there are numerous capacitive coupling points. The
switches are components that form such points which generate the noise current
by the capacitive coupling mechanism. Inevitable parasitic capacitances normally
exist between these points and ground. The reason for using ground as reference
is because we are investigating the noise current that flows between the phase
lines and the ground.
Figure 2.13 illustrates how current is generated by the capacitive mechanism
in a drive system.
The noise current depends not only on the voltage transient, but also on
the impedance of the current loop. The loop impedance includes the coupling
impedance and the return impedance from ground back to the coupling point.
The return impedance includes the impedances of ground, the power source and
the input stage of the converter. Ground in the current loop may be the safety
ground cable or the ground plane. In [Nav91], they are named as CM type I and
CM type II. The impedance value can influence the noise current significantly.
For instance, for the coupling points of the output terminals of the transistor,
coupling impedances exist between the die of the transistors and ground. The
transistors are normally mounted on a heat sink. Because the cooling fin of the
Tu+ Du+ Tu+ Du+ Tw+ Dw+
Da+ Db+ Dc+ CL1 Cu+ Cv+ Cw+
CDa+ CDb+ CDc+
N Lv LV eVn
eBNB b
v V
Lw LW eWn n


eCNC c w W shaft
CL2Tu- Du- Tu- Du- Tw- Dw-
CYA CYB CYC Da- Db- Dc- Cu- Cv- Cw- CYu CYv CYw Motor
CYa CDa- CDb- CDc- Frame

H Heat sink
G Protect Earth F Converter Frame

ac DC Motor
Line Cable & EMC filters Diode Rectifier CM choke PWM Inverter Sinusoidal filter EMC fitler Motor
source link cable

Figure 2.11: Block diagram of resonant pole inverter


PBus PBus’
Ta+ Da+ Tb+ Db Tc+ Dc+ Td+ Dd+ Te+ De+ Tp+ Dp+ Tq+ Dq+ Tu+ Du+ Tu+ Du+ Tw+ Dw+ Tx+ Dx+
+ CL1 CL3
LCM1 La u
eAN A a d q Lv
Lb v
N eBN B b O O’ Lw
Lc w
eCNC c Lx
e p x
Ta- Da- Tb- Db-Tc- Dc- CL2 Td- Dd- Te- De- Tp- Dp- Tq- Dq- CL4 Tu- Du- Tu- Du- Tw- Dw- Tx- Dx-

DC Power NBus NBus’

CZ H Heatsink
Unit CY2
CY1 F Converter Frame

G Sea

ac Trans- DC CM
CM Choke Filter PWM Rectifier DC link Inverter Rectifier PWM Inverter Filter
source former link Choke

Figure 2.12: Block diagram of four-stage AC-AC converter with galvanic isolation


u' u
o v' v n

w' w


Figure 2.13: Capacitive coupling in a motor drive system

heat sink is exposed to the outside, it is commonly grounded for safety reasons.
With the grounding of the heat sink, the coupling impedance has two parts. The
first part is the impedance of the capacitor formed by the die of the transistors
and the heat sink which are separated by a high thermal conductivity insulating
film. The second part is the impedance of the wire connecting the heat sink to
For motor drive applications, the capacitive coupling points also include the
motor cable and the motor windings. This is because of the parasitic capacitances
between the cable wire and ground. Also, there exists a capacitive coupling
between the motor winding and the motor frame.
The fast voltage transients are generated by the switching of the transistors.
In most cases, the transistors are not switched at the same time, otherwise the
converter has no purpose because no load currents are built up with synchro-
nized switching of transistors. In other words, the voltage transients at different
capacitive coupling points have different waveforms.
If the coupling impedances are the same in three phases of the circuit and
the circuit are exactly symmetrical, one approach to simplify the analysis is to
decompose the voltage sources into CM and DM components. Assuming we have
voltage source v1 , v2 and v3 for three switches. The symbols vDM(1,2,3) and
vCM(1,2,3) are used to represent the DM and the CM voltage sources. Ideally, we

v1 + v 2 + v3
vCM1 = vCM2 = vCM3 = (2.1)

vDM(i) = v(i) − vCM(i) , i = 1, 2, 3 (2.2)


vDM1 + vDM2 + vDM3 = 0 (2.3)

The DM components would not make any contribution to the flow of current
through the ground. They produce the DM current flowing between phase lines.
The CM components drive the current flowing through ground, and the currents
flowing through the phase lines are evenly distributed. By combining CM and
DM components, we find that the currents flow unevenly through the phase lines
even for this capacitive coupling mechanism. For the DM component, it is called
a mixed mode (MM) component in literature since it is a capacitive coupling
mechanism and represents a differential format [Men04a; Men04b].
An easy approach to validate the existence of the MM component is to compare
the DM components with and without the grounding strap of the LISN. The MM
component should disappear when the CM current loop is broken. However, the
DM component which is caused by functional switching should stay at the same
level even if the grounding configuration changes.
The decomposition approach is based on an assumption that the values of
the parasitic components in each phase are the same and fixed. If the symmetry
condition does not exist, then the decomposition approach is not valid. Consid-
ering that the parasitic values of the components change with operating point,
the coupling impedances are time-variant. The decomposition approach is lim-
ited to giving an intuitive explanation for qualitative analysis. To get a precise
prediction, the decomposition approach is not enough.

2.4 The inductive coupling mechanism

Together with the capacitive coupling mechanism, the inductive coupling is an-
other main mechanism. A source current loop with a fast transient current can
couple noise through the mutual inductance to a victim loop. The induced noise
sources can be modeled as controlled voltage sources according to Faraday’s law
of induction.
Inductive coupling is introduced by a varying current source. It can be mod-
eled by mutual inductance between two inductor when the distance between two
adjacent loops is shorter than one wavelength at 30 MHz. An inductive coupling
mechanism is a major mechanism of noise generation for drive system since cur-
rent abruptly changing is quite normal due to the operation principle of power
In an AC-AC converter investigated in [Roc07], a current loop is formed by
bypass capacitors connecting the output neutral wire to the input neutral wire.
Noise current with the same resonance frequency is found at the entrance of the
AC-DC converter which provides power for controller and sensors. It can be
explained through the inductive coupling mechanism. Figure 2.14 illustrates the
inductive coupling in this AC-AC converter.

sources +

AC / DC Heatsink


PE Sea Ship Frame

Figure 2.14: Inductive coupling in an AC-AC converter

Two aspects determine the effectiveness of the coupling. One is the value of
the mutual inductance. We use the mutual inductance equation of a pair of loops
to show what factors have an influence on the coupling efficiency:

µ0 N1 N2 (πr12 )(πr22 ) cos θ

M= (2.4)
Here N1 is the number of turns of the source loop, N2 is the number of turns
of the victim loop, r1 is the radius of the source loop, r2 is the radius of the victim
loop, h is the distance between the centers of two loops, θ is the angle that the
axis of the source loop makes with the axis of the victim loop.
The source loop or the victim loop can be a component, for instance, an induc-
tor, the parasitic inductance of a capacitor [Che06], a CM choke [He05]. The loop
can also be a printed circuit board (PCB) trace loop, a motor winding [Mue04],
or ground loop. The induced voltages become the source of DM noise [He05]. If
the victim loop includes ground, then CM noise is also generated [Poo03; Men08].
According to the equation above, the coupling effect can be significant when
there are many turns in the source or the victim loop. This is the reason that
placing a component has significant influence on the EMC performance [Che06].
In [Wan05], inductive coupling is used to cancel the parasitic inductance of a
The second aspect that determines the effectiveness of the coupling includes
the geometry and relative position of these two loops. With large areas and a small
angle between the source and the victim, the coupling can also be aggravated.
This extreme situation arises when two loops are placed concentrically.
To reduce stray inductance, the loop area can be minimized or be twisted in
a clever way [Ros00]. While in some cases, hidden noise sources cannot be easily
deduced. Some noise sources with subtle coupling paths can present a major
source of EMI. For instance, a snubber circuit which is helpful in functional
improvements can be a harmful EMI noise since the loop that is formed by the
snubber and the transistor is accompanied by fast current transients [Poo03].

2.5 Rectifier configurations

There are two types of rectifier circuits that convert an AC supply into a DC
voltage, namely, line-commutated rectifiers and self-commutated rectifiers. The
main difference is in the commutation cells, which work under uncontrolled and
controlled modes, respectively.
The rectifier with a diode front-end is line-commutated. Ideally, the diodes
can be regarded as switches operating in neutral switching mode [Onl07]. That
is, the diode is turned on when the voltage across the diode reaches the turn-on
voltage and is turned off when the switch current is zero. Its commutation process
depends on other components.
The diodes are often simplified as ideal switches, i.e., they have zero forward
voltage drop and zero reverse bias current. From the EMC point of view, the
transient phenomena and high frequency characteristics have significant impacts.
The components cannot be idealized in EMC analysis. The typical turn-on and
turn-off waveforms of a diode are presented in Figure 2.15.





t1 t2 t3 t4 t5

Figure 2.15: Voltage and current waveforms for a power diode during turn-on
and turn-off

For a diode-bridge three-phase rectifier with a filter capacitor connected on the

output side, the commutations of diodes need to be calculated in steps. Firstly,
the waveforms of the currents flowing through diodes are calculated numeri-

cally [Moh03]. With large capacitor or light load, the output current of the
rectifier can be discontinuous. In this case, the currents through the diodes be-
come zero prior to each commutation. Because no reverse recovery occurs, the
EMI generated by a diode is quite low. In a continuous output current operation
condition, the diodes need to commutate from one to another every 60 degrees.
The diode now becomes a main high frequency noise source due to the reverse
recovery current. The transient waveform is determined by the amplitude of the
flowing current before the commutation and also the AC-side inductance and
When an extra finite inductor is used to improve the current waveforms and
the ripple in the DC voltage output, the commutation can be much smoother. An-
other solution is using paralleled small capacitors with the diodes. In Figure 2.11,
this strategy is used in the rectifier.
The diode bridge rectifier also brings voltage fluctuation of the DC-bus as
referred to the neutral point of the AC-source. The voltage ripple is a triangular
voltage with a frequency of 150 Hz. The amplitude is around 20% of the DC-bus
voltage. This voltage increases the possibility of breakdown of the bearing lubri-
cation when the motor is used as load. This mechanism generates the electrical
discharge machining (EDM) bearing current. For the capacitive bearing current
and ground leakage current, the influence of the diode rectifier can be ignored
due to its very low frequency.
To achieve the capability of delivering sinusoidal input currents, the power
factor corrector (PFC) rectifier uses a PWM mode. There is a tendency towards
more and more PWM rectifier converters being used in power supply systems.
They can be classified as voltage source rectifier (VSR) and current source rectifier
(CSR) according to their energy-storage components. Compared to the diode
rectifiers, PWM rectifiers have much faster transients. Also, these transients
repeat more frequently than the diode rectifier. This makes the PWM rectifier a
main noise source for EMI.
Figure 2.16 shows the PWM inverter with boost PWM rectifier. The three-
phase AC input source is star connected. The neutral point of the AC-source
(point ‘‘N’’ in Figure 2.16) is connected to ground (point ‘‘G’’ in Figure 2.16).
The voltage difference between the rectifier input terminals and ‘‘N’’ is described

 vaN = vaA + eAN = ia sLa + eAN
vbN = vbB + eBN = ib sLb + eBN (2.5)
vcN = vcC + eCN = ic sLc + eCN

The switching functions of the boost rectifier and inverter are defined using
si (i = a, b, c, u, v, w), where si =1 when the upper switch is turned on and the
lower switch is turned off, and si =0 when the upper switch is turned off and the
lower switch is turned on. The voltage difference between the DC-bus midpoint
(point ‘‘O’’ in Figure 2.16) and the rectifier input terminals can be expressed by

Ta+ Da+Tb+ Db+Tc+ Dc+ Tu+ Du+ Tu+ Du+ Tw+ Dw+ Motor
CL1 Ch1 Frame

La LU eUn
eANA a
u U
Lb LV eVn
N eBNB v V
Lc b O LW eWn n
eCNC w W

c shaft
Ta- Da-Tb- Db-Tc- Dc- CL2 Ch2 Tu- Du- Tu- Du- Tw- Dw-

H Heat sink
G Protect Earth F Converter Frame

ac Line Motor
PWM Rectifier DC link PWM Inverter Motor
source Cable Cable

Figure 2.16: Block diagram of PWM inverter with boost PWM rectifier

= ( 12 − sa )Vdc

 vOa
vOb = ( 12 − sb )Vdc (2.6)
vOc = ( 12 − sc )Vdc

From Equation (2.5), (2.6) and the assumption that the three-phase source is
balanced, vON can be expressed as

vON = 31 (vaG + vbG + vcG ) + 31 (vOa + vOb + vOc )

= 13 (ia sLa + ib sLb + ic sLc ) + ( 12 − ( sa +s3b +sc ))Vdc
Normally, the boost inductors have the same value. The first term of Equa-
tion (2.7) is the voltage drop across the boost inductors when conducting CM
current. The second term is caused by switching on and off of the transistors in
the PWM rectifier.
Using the same procedure to model the inverter part of this PWM inverter, the
voltage difference between the neutral point of the load (point ‘‘n’’ in Figure 2.16)
and the DC-bus midpoint (point ‘‘O’’ in Figure 2.16) can be expressed as

vnO = 13 (iu sLu + iv sLv + iw sLw ) + (( su +s3v +sw ) − 21 )Vdc (2.8)

A simplified high frequency equivalent circuit of this kind of rectifier can be
drawn in Figure 2.17, here,

ZOG is the impedance between the DC-bus and ground,

ZnG is the impedance between the load (the motor in this case) and ground,
Lu is the winding inductance of the motor.

La vrec vinv Lu
N O n


G Protect Earth

Figure 2.17: Equivalent circuit of PWM inverter system with PWM boost rectifier

Because the CM current is determined by the difference between CM voltages

vrec and vinv , a strategy is proposed in [Lee00; Lee01] to reduce the CM current,
by synchronizing the control signals of the rectifier and the inverter.

From the EMC point of view, the CM EMI produced by a rectifier will over-
whelm that produced by the inverter due to the shorter distance to the mains
power. The DC-bus midpoint potential fluctuation range is very large with a
PWM front end. The CM voltage in the inverter output imposes on the DC-bus
midpoint potential fluctuation, which doubles the amplitude of the CM voltage in
the load. The increasing CM voltage drastically increases the possibility of bear-
ing deterioration if the motor is used as the load. Also, these transients have very
high dv/dt and di/dt, causing interference sources with a very wide spectrum.

2.6 Grounding configurations

There are many grounding methods in drive systems. They are chosen to ensure
various requirements, for instance, meeting safety standards, limiting the tran-
sient overvoltage to ground, or riding through interrupted processes. In addition,
one important aspect of grounding method consideration is its impact on EMC
As explained above, the voltage and current noise sources are affected by
the configuration of the rectifier and the inverter. The following discussions are
based on the general and idealized grounding method. Changing the grounding
configuration will not significantly change the characteristics of the noise sources.
Actually, the grounding configuration has impact on the EMC performance by
changing the path for high frequency current circulation.

2.6.1 Possible grounding methods

In Figure 2.18, the impedance between the neutral point of AC-source and ground
is designated by ZN G . Also, the impedance between the converter frame and
ground and the impedance between the motor frame and ground are notated as
ZF G and ZM G . Different choices of these impedances give different grounding
Reference [Das98] discusses the various possibilities of grounding methods for
low-voltage and medium-voltage drive systems. Four grounding methods are
discussed according to ZN G . They are solidly grounding, low-resistance ground-
ing, high-resistance grounding, and ungrounded systems. Generally, the solidly
grounding method is adopted, because of its simplistic structure. The ungrounded
system is not a standard due to its uncertain capacitance between phase lines
and ground. It is advised in [Das98; Nel99] that a properly implemented high-
resistance grounding system should become an industry standard.
In most cases, the motor frame is grounded. Inserting a damping resistor
between the motor frame and ground is also an option for ZM G [Mut02].
The grounding configurations mainly influence the current flowing through
ground. Therefore, the CM noise is of the most concern. The simplified CM


N B O n
Rectifier Rectifier
Heat sink
Converter Frame

Figure 2.18: Diagram of possible grounding methods

equivalent circuit in Figure 2.19 can be achieved. For this figure, the symbols
and relative components are explained in Table 2.1.

LLISN Lcable1 La vrec vinv Lcable2

N a O u U


n M

Figure 2.19: CM equivalent circuit used including grounding configuration pa-


2.6.2 The impact on the noise propagation path

EMI is a high frequency noise, and the measurement is normally done with LISN
inserted between the mains and the equipment under test (EUT). According to
the suggestion in the measurement standard [CIS99b], the earth of the LISNs
needs to be tightly connected to the ground plane. The high frequency noise
generated by the EUT is bypassed through the LISN, therefore, the ZN G has no
influence on the noise propagation path.

Table 2.1: Explanation of the symbols in the CM equivalent circuit

Symbols Modeled components

LLISN High frequency blocking inductor in the LISN
ZLISN Constant measuring impedance in the LISN
CLISN Bypassing capacitor in the LISN
Lcable1 Inductance of the mains cable of converter
Lcable2 Inductance of the motor cable of converter
La Boost inductance of the rectifier
LU n Winding inductance of the motor
CaH Capacitance between the rectifier input terminals and the heat sink
COH Capacitance between the DC-bus and the heat sink
CuH Capacitance between the inverter output terminals and the heat sink
CU M Capacitance between the motor winding and the motor frame
ZF G Impedance between the converter frame and ground
ZHF Impedance between the heat sink and the converter frame
ZN G Impedance between the system neutral and ground
ZM G Impedance between the motor frame and ground
Zfilter Impedance of the output filter of converter
Rfilter Resistor between the motor neutral point and the mid-point of DC-bus

On the contrary, ZF G and ZM G have significant impacts on the noise propa-

gation path. When a solid connection is used between the motor frame and the
ground, the high frequency current flows through the motor winding to the motor
frame and then to ground efficiently. One approach to suppressing the CM cur-
rent flowing on the motor side is adding the damping impedance in ZM G [Mut02].
Adding damping impedance in ZF G is also helpful when a PWM rectifier is used
instead of a diode rectifier. The noise generated by voltage source vrec can be
mainly damped by ZF G , while compromises are expected when choosing the right
value of ZF G and ZM G since a large ZF G degrades the effect of the Y capaci-
tor installed inside the converter and the value of ZM G is limited by the safety
standards of industry.

2.6.3 The impact on the generation of bearing current

The grounding method has impact on the generation of the bearing current. There
are several mechanisms which take effect simultaneously in the generation of bear-
ing current. One is called circulating bearing current which is caused by capacitive
and magnetic coupling effects [Mue04]. For this parasitic coupling phenomenon, it
can be modeled as an equivalent lumped parameter network [Che96]. The ground-
ing method affects this kind of bearing current by changing the component values
in the noise propagation path.
The equivalent circuit of the generation of shaft voltage is shown in Fig-
ure 2.20. The shaft voltage can be derived easily from the figure,
vSM = vU M = KvU M (2.9)

vrec vinv Lcable

a Zfilter
N O u U



Figure 2.20: The impact of grounding method to circulating bearing current

The coefficient K is a constant according to the motor size and geometry.

The voltage vU M is rather dependent on the grounding method. Taken together,
the grounding method determines the ratio between the shaft voltage and the

CM voltage of the inverter. With large ZM G , the the circulating bearing current
becomes much smaller.
Contrary to circulating bearing current which is caused directly by the high
frequency component of CM voltage, the EDM bearing current has another mech-
anism. It is produced when the amplitude of the CM voltage drop over the motor
bearing exceeds the breakdown voltage of the bearing lubricant.
With large ZN G and ZM G , the vU M becomes much smaller, and so does the
shaft voltage. This decreases the possibility of the occurrence of an EDM bearing
current. It is noted that the impedance of LISN is not included in the equivalent
circuit when considering the EDM bearing current. This is because the LISN is
equivalent to open circuit in the low frequency range. On the contrary, the LISN
impedance conceals the influence of ZN G when considering the circulating bearing

2.7 DC-bus configurations

The DC-bus exists in multi-stage AC-AC converters. It can be galvanically con-
nected by filter capacitor or filter inductor. To provide galvanic isolation between
the input and the output, a high frequency transformer is sometimes used in the
In a DC-bus with capacitor, the potentials of the two rails of the DC-bus
change simultaneously, and so does the midpoint of the DC-bus. The voltage
differences between them are fixed as the DC voltage dropped on filter capacitors.
Therefore, the DC-bus rails and the midpoint are modeled as the point ‘‘O’’ in
Figure 2.19.
DC-bus configuration has influence on bearing current by changing the pre-
condition of the generation of the second level effects, for instance, the EDM
bearing current. The point ‘‘O’’ can be used for suppressing EMI noise. By
adding a low impedance Rfilter between the point ‘‘O’’ and the point ‘‘n’’, the
vU M is much smaller because most of vinv appears across Zfilter . This approach is
followed by [Aka04a; Aka04b]. Most of the CM noise generated by the inverter
can be suppressed. A main drawback as the author mentioned is that the point
‘‘n’’ in the motor is not always accessible. For the rectifier, the same idea can be
applied. For a diode rectifier, it is not a problem because the noise generated by
a diode has a much lower level. For the PWM rectifier, by connecting point ‘‘N’’
and ‘‘n’’ with a low impedance path, the same goal can be achieved. The point
‘‘N’’ is accessible by the star point of the input filter.
When a high frequency transformer is used on the DC-bus, one more inverter
and one more rectifier are used. The noise sources created by them are named
vpri and vsec . The high frequency model of the DC-DC converter part is shown
in Figure 2.21. Lσ1 and Lσ2 are the primary and secondary leakage inductance.
The coupling capacitor Cpri-sec plays a very important role in the noise current.
The noise current may flow through this coupling capacitor between the primary

side and the secondary side of the transformer. As a remedy, a metallic shield
winding may be used to reduce the coupling. This arrangement creates the ca-
pacitance Cpri-sh between the primary winding and the shield winding, and also
the capacitance Csec-sh between the secondary winding and shield winding. This
remedy is helpful if the shield is grounded on the mains side by guiding the noise
currents directly to ground [Pau06]. Therefore, less vsec and vinv are transferred
to the mains side.

vrec vpri Lσ1 Lσ2 vsec vinv

a O p s O’ u

Cpri-sec COH1 CpH1 CsH2 CO’H2

(a) (b)

Cpri-sh Csec-sh
vrec vpri Lσ1 Lσ2 vsec vinv
a O p s O’ u

Cpri-sh Csec-sh COH1 CpH1 CsH2 CO’H2

(c) (d)

Figure 2.21: The diagram of the model of HF transformer in the DC-

bus: (a) without shield winding; (b) model of the transformer without shielding
winding; (c) with shield winding; (d) model of the transformer with shielding

2.8 Inverter configurations

In all PWM DC-DC and DC-AC converters listed in Section 2.2, the switches
are operated in different modes to turn on and turn off. Hard switching can
produce a much higher EMI level than ZVS and zero-current switching (ZCS).
The configuration of the converter has an impact on the EMC performance in the
noise source.
In hard switching operation mode, the di/dt and dv/dt is largely due to the
factor that the switches are turned on when the switch voltage is not zero and
turned off when the switch current is not zero. Overvoltage and reverse recovery
current of diodes are also causes of EMI.
The ZVS and ZCS conditions can be created by adding resonant components

or snubber circuits. The former is letting the switch load be a resonant circuit,
and the latter is shifting stress voltage or current to snubber circuits.
In [Jon90], a new switch control method is proposed by adding a LC-filter
between the bridge and the load. The filter lets the transistor current fall back
to zero in every switch cycle, so that the ZVS condition is satisfied.
In Figure 2.22, an inverter leg of the ZVS inverter is shown. Initially, io is
assumed to be flowing through T+ and Lf , and vu = vP Bus . The current io is
increasing according to

dio vP Bus − vu′

dt Lf

When io exceeds a preset value (when the preset value is positive), T+ is

turned off. The current flowing through the freewheel diode DT − decreases,
and vu = vN Bus . As long as the current falls back to zero, T− is turned on at
zero voltage (ZVS condition), and the diode DT − is turned off at zero current.
Therefore, the reverse recovery current is minimized. The benefit of the LC-filter
here not only provides ZVS conditions but also filters the pulsating voltage to
become a sinusoidal waveform.

Pbus PBus

T+ DT+ T+ DT+
CL1 CL1 Cf+


u u u'


T- DT- DT-
CL2 CL2 T-

NBus NBus

a  b 
Figure 2.22: Diagram of an inverter leg of: (a) a hard switch inverter; (b) a ZVS
switch inverter.

2.9 EMC modeling

From the discussion above, we conclude that the influence of changing the con-
figurations has two effects. One is the impact on the noise source, and the other
is on the modification of the propagation path. The noise sources change their
amplitude and repetition cycles according to the control scheme and the oper-
ating point. Any parasitic components formed by particular configurations can
produce essential coupling paths even though the values are small.
The configurations have a significant influence on the final result. Choos-
ing the most suitable EMC design is not an easy task. Previous methods need
complete models including the full circuit before achieving EMC prediction. Any
evaluations of changes to the configurations requires the calculation to be run
from the beginning to end. The interactions between the configurations and the
final result are not direct and easy to understand. Therefore, a hierarchical ap-
proach is required for an EMC analysis of such complicated, mutable AC-AC
converter systems.

2.10 Summary
In this chapter, various configurations of AC-AC converters are considered. The
purpose of using AC-AC converters are introduced in Section 2.1. The classifica-
tion is based on the number of cascaded stages. These are described in Section 2.2
and can be summarized as:

1. Single-stage AC-AC converter topologies (AC-AC)

2. Two-stage AC-AC converter topologies (AC-DC-AC)

3. Three-stage AC-AC converter topologies (AC-DC-AC-AC)

4. Four-stage AC-AC converter topologies (AC-DC-AC-DC-AC)

5. Five-stage AC-AC converter topologies (AC-DC-DC-AC-DC-AC)

The transformation of the voltage forms are indicated between parentheses.

The basic conversions of AC-DC and DC-AC are done by a rectifier and an
inverter. The DC-DC conversions are inserted in the chain of conversion to
change the DC-bus voltage. The AC-AC conversion is adopted in a three stage
AC-AC converter to reduce the high frequency to output frequency only. For
AC-AC conversion in a single stage AC-AC converter, not only the frequency,
but also the amplitude and phases are controlled. The conversion is done by
switching and keeps the fundamental components required.
Two mechanisms of coupling are introduced in Section 2.3 and Section 2.4. For
analysis of EMI, these subtle coupling paths present the main mechanisms beside
the tracks and components shown up explicitly in the circuit. The mechanisms are

explained so that the equivalent circuits and models can be built in the following
Various configurations of rectifier are used to achieve the same purpose of
converting AC to dc. The impact on EMI is considered in Section 2.5. In Sec-
tion 2.6, the possible grounding methods and their influence on EMI are discussed.
There are two DC-bus configurations, with and without a high frequency trans-
former which change the noise source and propagation path. These are discussed
in Section 2.7. The different types of inverters are considered in Section 2.8.
In Section 2.9, the necessity of using a hierarchical approach for EMC analysis
is briefly discussed. This is because of the variable and complex interaction char-
acteristics of the AC-AC converter system. The hierarchical approach is proposed
in detail and implemented in Chapter 3.
Chapter 3
Hierarchical EMC design

3.1 Introduction

The topologies of various AC-AC converters are described in Chapter 2. Emphasis

is placed on how these topologies relate to EMC issues and the mechanisms of
noise generation inside AC-AC converters. Available suppression remedies are
In this chapter, a hierarchical approach for better EMI modeling in AC-AC
converters is presented. The approach is based on dividing the causal chain into
segments, in order to avoid the bi-directional interaction between cause and result.
Therefore, straightforward calculation becomes possible and it gives more insight
into how the noise level can be suppressed. It is not necessary to start from the
beginning to calculate the EMI level after some parameters have been modified.
This helps us to compare several setups within a reasonable time-frame.
In Section 3.2, the difficulties of EMI modeling of the AC-AC converters due to
the special characteristics of the applications are pointed out. Present methods of
EMC design are reviewed next, and advantages and disadvantages are compared.
The feasibility of the proposed hierarchical approach is discussed in Sec-
tion 3.3. The assumptions of using the approach are figured out and proven
to be acceptable. The steps to applying this approach are also laid out in this
The concrete steps are described from Section 3.4 till Section 3.6. The chapter
is summarized in Section 3.7.


3.2 Present EMI modeling methods

In an AC-AC converter, several timescales exist.
In the filtered output voltage and load current, the concerned time constants
are in the range as long as 20 ms and as short as 500 µs. In the frequency
domain, it corresponds with the range between 50 Hz and 2 kHz (40th harmonic
of fundamental frequency). This timescale is important to determine the overall
mission of the system, for instance, the working frequency and amplitude of the
power supply for load. It is concerned by specifications, for instance, the harmonic
requirements of EMC and the power factor requirement. The time constant
on this level can last even longer than several seconds or hours if we consider
long term effects, such as acceleration process or the temperature rising before
Inside the converter, the time constant ranges from the sampling time to
generate the switching waveform to the switching period. The value is in the
range as long as 500 µs and as short as 2 µs (depending on PWM frequency) and
corresponds to a frequency range between 2 kHz and 500 kHz. This timescale is
important for the duty cycle calculation and switching waveform generation. It
concerns the low frequency range part of the EMC requirement.
In this thesis, these two timescales are named ‘‘functional level’’ because they
relate to the function realization of a converter.
For components of the converter, the time constant ranges from 2 µs to 10ns
for normal applications of AC-AC converters. The corresponding characteristic
frequency ranges from 500 kHz to 100 MHz. In this range, the phenomena of
interest include turn-on and turn-off transients and ringing. It concerns the high
frequency range part of the EMC requirement.
The level using this timescale is called transient level because transient is most
In power electronic applications, we are facing the difficult task of EMI mod-
eling in the presence of large differences between the time constants which span
several orders of magnitude.
The present methods used in EMI modeling can be classified into two kinds
according to the working domain: time domain method and frequency domain
method. The time domain method is based on a switch model and the frequency
domain method is based on a noise source model.

3.2.1 Time domain method

In a time domain method, the switching devices are modeled by ideal switches
and other components to simulate the behavior of the switches.
This method is applied to the EMC analysis of DC-DC converters [Lab96;
Lee99; Xu91; Swa95] and seldom used in AC-AC converters. This is due to the
long time constants on the functional level of an AC-AC converter compared to a
DC-DC converter. The time constant of an AC-AC converter is normally several

milliseconds, which means that the simulation must run for a long time to avoid
missing the ‘‘worst’’ situation of interference.
The large difference between the time constants implies that we need to take
very small time steps to get a sufficiently accurate EMI model at high frequencies.
Assuming the calculation lasts for 5 periods, which is 100 ms for 50 Hz working
frequency, at least 100 ms/10 ns= 1 × 107 points are needed to calculate the
final result. This requires huge amounts of space for data storage and a long
computation time to process the data. This makes it almost impossible to evaluate
the impact of EMC performance if there is a slight change in component values,
because the calculation has to then be done from the beginning which makes the
optimization of components values very difficult.
In reference [Won01], the switch model is used for a three-phase motor drive.
This simulation was repeated on a generally configured desktop computer and it
took 53 minutes to get a set of simulation results that include a detailed spectrum
in the full conducted emission frequency range.
One extreme approach is to assume that the transient time is instantaneous
and the switches are idealized. An ideal switch in ‘‘on’’ state is an ideal conductor
and in ‘‘off’’ state it is an ideal isolator. This property can be described as:

0 on
RSW = (3.1)
∞ off

Actually, the idealized diode and transistor do not exist in the real world.
The idealization makes the analysis much simpler. Unfortunately, it distorts the
waveform of voltage and current in the commutation period. What is missing is
a very important part for EMC analysis and prediction.
Therefore, some papers propose an updated switch model by adding a few
passive elements around the ideal switch [Mug01]. A comparison between the
idealized switch model and enhanced switch model are shown in Figure 3.1.


(a) Idealized switch (b) Enhanced switch model

Figure 3.1: Switch model of EMI modeling time domain methods

The benefit is that the state-variable method can still be applied for analysis.
The disadvantage is that the shape of the waveforms of the voltage and current
during the transient time are not exactly the same as that in measurement. For
instance, in an inverter leg such as the one illustrated in Figure 3.2, the voltage

waveform vds and current waveform id change exponentially, which is not real-
istic. Also, many details, for instance, the reverse recovery current, are missing
using this approach, as shown in Figure 3.3.



- -

Figure 3.2: An inverter leg of voltage-source inverter

vds id vds id

vds id vds id

t t

(a) Using switch model (b) In measurement

Figure 3.3: Comparison between typical current and voltage waveforms during

Therefore, to achieve an accurate simulation, complex behavior models not

only for switches but also for all components inside the inverter are needed. This
needs to be done in an analytical or numerical way [Han05; Che03]. It requires
quite a time-consuming time-domain analysis with tiny steps. The noise spectrum
is calculated with a fast Fourier transform (FFT). The time domain simulation
needs to run for a long time to reach a steady state first. As we know, in circuit
simulation, the network equation contains an increasing amount of variables as
the number of the circuit elements increases. Therefore, a pure time domain
approach has an unavoidable disadvantage.

3.2.2 Frequency domain method

Due to the limitation of the time domain method, the trend of EMI modeling is
work in the frequency domain. In [Nav91], the frequency domain method is used
for a DC-DC converter. The CM noise is modeled as a voltage source and the
DM noise is modeled as a current source. The model is quite simple and many
parasitic parameters are not considered. In [Ran98], the frequency domain model
is used for the first time in a motor drive. The voltage source is used as the source
of DM noise instead of the current source. The voltage source must include the
source impedance according to the mechanism of DM generation. In [Hua04], the
frequency domain EMI prediction method is introduced considering all parasitic
parameters. It is a pity that the motor drive is connected to a DC power sup-
ply in the model and validation measurement, which is different from the real
installation situation. In the extended work done by [Liu05], the same setup as
in [Hua04] is used. To make the analysis simpler, the connection to an AC-grid
is avoided. It shows the limitations of the present method, that is, only the worst
case is considered.
The components other than the noise source can be modeled by an experimen-
tal approach, which uses the network analyzer to provide the signal propagation
property. Therefore, the EMI modeling process skips the analysis of noise prop-
agation, and only the noise source is left for EMI modeling. The problem with
this method is that it is only feasible after that a prototype is built. This method
was first introduced in [Che98] and [Che00]. In [Gon03] and [Liu05], the noise
source and the propagation paths are modeled in the frequency domain. The
propagation paths are expressed by an impedance matrix. This method is named
‘‘modular-terminal-behavioral (MTB) equivalent EMI noise source’’.
A shortcoming of the frequency domain method is that the noise source is
always modeled as a trapezoidal periodic waveform which is just an approxima-
tion. The turn-on and turn-off are idealized. In reality, the turn-on and turn-off
dynamics are a nonlinear transient consisting of several stages [Men06], and the
di/dt and dv/dt are not constant, but change with the load situation.
In Figure 3.4, the voltage waveform during a commutation of a PWM VSI is
measured. The trigger is set to different current levels. It can be easily observed
that dv/dt changes significantly with the load current. In Figure 3.4(a), the
transient consists of a fast slope and a slow slope. The slow slope transient occurs
when a transistor is turned off with a low load current. This results in a transient
that is even longer than the deadtime. This causes the terminal voltage to be
rapidly driven to the bus voltage by the turn-on of complementary transistor at
the end of the dead time. In this case, the fast slope determines the EMI level.
Simplified noise source would not give accurate results.
Another limit on using the pure frequency domain method is that the propa-
gation path is fixed. In reality, the propagation path changes with the operating
point [Men04b].
A new topology of ZVS PWM converter has been introduced in motor drives [Jon90].

(a) load current is 0.5A (b) load current is 6.6A

Figure 3.4: Variation of the voltage transient waveforms

The switching frequency is not a fixed value for this topology. A quantitative in-
vestigation has never been done on the EMC performance of such motor drives
because the noise source is no longer periodic. The design of a proper filter is
a challenge for such variable frequency converters. The pure frequency domain
method has its limitations for such applications.

3.2.3 Demand of new approach

In a word, the time domain method assumes that the system is linear between
two switching events, while the frequency domain method assumes the system
is invariable all the time. The frequency domain method cannot be used for
modeling on the functional level. Comparing the time domain method with the
frequency domain method, the frequency method has a shorter computation dura-
tion while time domain method is more accurate with a small time step. Finally,
the frequency domain method is much easier to be verified by measurement.
We would like to build a hierarchical method for analyzing the EMC problem
of AC-AC converters in this thesis. This method is a combination of the time
domain method and frequency domain method. The purpose is to achieve accurate
EMI modeling and prediction for wider AC-AC converter applications by applying
the most suitable methods under different conditions.

3.3 Approach to a hierarchical EMC design procedure

There are several reasons for using the hierarchical method to analyze EMC issues
in AC-AC converters. This is because of the following properties of AC-AC

• The voltage and current waveforms over a large timescale can be approxi-
mated by straight line segments.

• In a small timescale, the edges of the voltage and current waveforms have
variable rise and fall times. They consist of several straight line segments
with different slopes. The transient times of these edges are much shorter
compared to the switching periods.

• Most of the transient waveforms are accompanied by a ringing phenomenon.

• The ringing signal lasts much shorter than the switching period or funda-
mental period. Mostly, the ringing signal decays to zero before the next
transient event.

• The ringing signal generated by parasitic elements has much smaller ampli-
tude than the working voltage or current. The working voltage or current
are in the order of 100 V and 10 A, and the ringing signals are in the order
of 10 V and 0.1 A [Cos94].

Therefore, we do not need to consider the ringing phenomenon when we cal-

culate the transient. The transient is the noise source that generates the ringing
signal, but the ring signal has a negligible influence on the transient. The shape
and amplitude of the transient are determined on the functional level. One ex-
ception occurs when the next transient comes so early that the previous transient
has not decayed completely. Under this situation, the parasitic signals are over-
lapping. This gives us a criterion to simplify the circuit when we calculate the
transient, that is, the components with a much shorter time constant than the
switching period can be ignored. The models of the transistors can be entirely
simplified on the functional level. The result obtained by a simplified model
should be the same as the result obtained by complicated models.
On the functional level, the state of transistors and their operating points
can be determined. The transients on the functional level are idealized with a
zero transient time. On the transient level, the slopes during the transients can
be calculated based on the information obtained on the functional level. The
shapes and slopes of the transients have impacts on the final EMC result. It can
enhance or decrease the EMI level at certain frequencies. The transient waveform
can be expressed by the convolution of two waveforms in the time domain. The
first one is the piecewise linear waveform obtained on the functional level. The
second one is the normalized derivative of the transient. The spectrum of the first
waveform can be efficiently obtained by using an analytical approach. Due to its
aperiodic nature, the spectrum of the second term is obtained by using the Laplace
transform. The convolution in the time domain brings about a multiplication in
the frequency domain. The multiplication can be simplified to an addition because
a logarithmic scale is used on the noise level axis. The determination of the shapes
and slopes of the transients is a task on the transient level.

Figure 3.5 illustrates general current and voltage waveforms of a switch in

an inverter leg. As indicated, the time axis is divided into three kinds of zones:
edge, ringing and steady state. One thing to keep in mind is that the time axis
is truncated in the figure during the steady zone due to its long duration. The
value of the voltage or current during the steady zone is not necessarily constant,
but compared to the edge, the amplitude changes really slowly. Therefore, it can
be regarded as unchanged.

vds id


steady edge ring steady edge ring steady

Figure 3.5: General current and voltage waveforms in one inverter leg of a three-
phase inverter

On the propagation level, the noise measured at the LISN and at the noise
source are related closely in the frequency domain. For multi-phase applications,
the time is divided into shorter time intervals by taking the transients in each
phase into account. The inverter legs provide a noise propagation path for the
noise source. The propagation path is the time-invariant linear network between
two adjacent switching events. On the other hand, the path changes at each
switching event due to the state changing of the switches in the inverter legs. In
Figure 3.6, it is illustrated how inverter legs take part in noise propagation. The
switch event occurs at one inverter leg at a given moment. It spreads out through
the propagation path inside the inverter system. Therefore, waveforms with sim-
ilar shape appear in other two inverter legs. The influence of this switching event
decays and then the next switching event occurs in another inverter leg.
We have the following reasons to develop a new approach:

• The topology changes with the transients when the switch turns on or turns
off. This changes the propagation path. If diodes are included in the prop-
agation path, the topology is also changed by the conduction of the diodes.
The variable topology causes great difficulty for a pure frequency domain

• The parameters of components are not fixed. The voltage and current
amplitudes are not constant for AC-AC application. Many parasitic pa-

vds id

Phase u Vdc

Phase v

Phase w Vdc

Event Event Event Event

Figure 3.6: General current and voltage waveforms in each inverter leg of a three-
phase inverter

rameters are affected by the values of voltage and current. This can have a
significant impact on the noise propagation path.

Therefore, the frequency spectrum can be obtained in each time interval be-
tween switching events. In previous work [Ran98], to simplify the analysis, con-
duction patterns are identified, and one worst-case scenario is used to predict
the EMI level. The result of using a peak (Pk) detector can be obtained using
this ‘‘worst-case scenario’’ approach with overestimation, but the EMI receiver
with average (Av) and quasi-peak (QP) detectors, which are also used as a stan-
dard measurement setup cannot be simulated. Using the hierarchical method, the
results of the Av and QP detectors can also be provided.
The procedures of hierarchical EMC analysis approach are summaried in Fig-
ure 3.7 shown below. In the following sections, the hierarchical EMC analysis
approach is explained in detail. This approach is applied to predict the EMI level
of a variable speed motor drive system.

Functional Level

noise source
spectrum with
ideal transient

Switching events
# Il Vds
1 3 rising
2 3.2 falling
... ... ...
101 -2 rising
102 -2.4 falling

Power devices and circuit parameters

vg+,vg-,Vth,Rg,gm,Cies,Ls,Vdc …...

Edge waveform
# type active siwtch determine Correction
1 turn-on upper t1,t2,t3,t4 Variable
factor of Complete
2 turn-off upper t5,t6 propagation
... ... ... noise spectrum
101 turn-off lower t5,t6 source
102 turn-on lower t1,t2,t3,t4
Transient Level Propagation Level

Figure 3.7: Flow chart of hierarchical EMC design procedures


3.4 Functional level

On this level, the main purpose is to obtain the operation condition of the steady
period. It also gives the frequency spectrum of the lower frequency part.
Here, it is proved that replacing the edge with an infinite slope will not change
the spectrum in the low frequency part. The boundary of a low frequency part is
also derived.
As we know, any signal can be treated as the convolution of a step signal
and the normalized derivative of the signal itself, as shown in Figure 3.8. The
narrow pulses in the derivative signal f1′ (t) can be approximated by the impulses
f2′ (t) at the bottom of Figure 3.8(b). This approximation is valid for a given
frequency range when the maximum width τmax of these replaced pulses satisfies
the following criterion:

πf τmax < 1 (3.2)

f1(t) f2(t)

t t
u(t) u(t)

t t
f1’(t) f2’(t)

t t

(a) (b)

Figure 3.8: A typical waveform treated by the convolution of two waveforms

Two wider pulses are not replaced by impulses. Otherwise τmax will be much
larger. The waveform is convoluted again with the step signal and we obtain the
signal f2 (t). That means that the transient can be replaced by an ideal edge with
an infinite slope rate. This approximation is valid in the frequency range up to
fmax . By rewriting Equation (3.2) to Equation (3.3), we get:

fmax < (3.3)

In the low frequency range, when Equation (3.3) is satisfied, the signal can be
approximated by an infinite slope edge. The calculation of the spectrum in the
low frequency range can be simplified and be calculated separately.
On the functional level, we need to obtain the information by the fastest
approach since the timescale is the longest. Several approaches are available for
this purpose. The first approach is the switching function method. The switches
are modeled as switching functions. These switching functions are used as inputs
to calculate the load current and voltage. As shown in Figure 3.9, this method is
valid only for an open loop controlled inverter.

Out1 In1 Out1
Out2 In2
Out2 In2 Out2
Out3 Out4 Out3
SWPM Block In3 In4
Out3 In3 Out3
Out6 In4
Switching Function Block
Inverter Block Load Current Block
Pure Switch and
Diode Currents Block



Figure 3.9: The switching function method on the functional level

The second approach is the idealized switch model, which was introduced in
Subsection 3.2.1 as the time domain method.
These two methods achieve the result in the time domain and then transfer the
result to frequency domain. In the next section, analytical and FFT approaches
are also introduced.

3.4.1 PWM output voltage spectrum

The procedure to calculate the harmonic components of the PWM output voltage
in an analytical way can be found in much research literature, like [Hol03; Gon03].
The benefit is that the amplitude of harmonic components can be expressed by
closed-form equations.
Observing the PWM switched waveform f (x, y), it is a time-varying waveform
that contains two time variables, x(t) = ωc t + θc and y(t) = ω0 t + θ0 , here

ωc is the carrier angular frequency,

ω0 is the fundamental angular frequency,

θc is the phase offset angle for carrier waveform,

θ0 is the phase offset angle for fundamental waveform.

For a double time-variable periodic signal, the double Fourier integral ap-
proach is used to calculate the harmonic components. The PWM switched wave-
form can be expressed by an infinite series of two-dimensional sinusoidal harmon-

f (x, y) = A00
P+ n=1 [A0n cos(ny) + B0n sin(ny)]

+ Pm=1 [A
Pm0 cos(mx) + Bm0 sin(mx)]
∞ ∞
+ m=1 n=−∞,n6=0 [Amn cos(mx + ny) + Bmn sin(mx + ny)]
π π
Amn = f (x, y) cos(mx + ny)dxdy (3.5)
2π 2 −π −π
π π
Bmn = f (x, y) sin(mx + ny)dxdy (3.6)
2π 2 −π −π

The integral can be solved using the Jacobi-Anger expansion and expressed
by the first kind of Bessel function.
In PWM schemes, instead of a sinusoidal reference signal, zero sequence sig-
nals of the third harmonic frequency are added to the reference signals to reduce
current ripple and increase the amount of line-to-line voltage. For such contin-
uous and discontinuous modulation, the integration must be done in segments.
Normally, the inner interval [−π, π] is replaced by a function of y(t) according to
different modulation schemes. The harmonic coefficients calculated by (3.5) and
(3.6) change from one PWM strategy to another. The derivation procedures are
quite complex. It aggravates the complexity of the closed-form expression.
An alternative approach uses the FFT method, which has been proven to
be faster and more efficient. The waveform can be calculated according to the
particular PWM scheme. Then, the waveform is converted to frequency domain
using FFT. The FFT module is very efficient because the algorithm has already
been optimized to support large problem calculations.

3.4.2 Induction motor operating point determination

When an induction motor is used as a load, the equivalent circuit in the funda-
mental frequency is shown in Figure 3.10, here

X1 is the stator leakage reactance,

X2 is the rotor leakage reactance referred to the stator,

R1 is the stator effective resistance,

R2 is the rotor resistance referred to the stator,
Rc is the core-loss resistance,
Xm is the magnetizing reactance,
s is the fractional slip.

I1 R1 X1 X2 R2

Vin,1 Rc Xm R2(1/s-1)

Figure 3.10: Per-phase equivalent circuit of the fundamental voltage

The values of the parameters of the induction model can be extracted using
an experimental method. A standard test procedure for this measurement is
suggested by [IEE04].
The torque-slip relationship can be expressed by [Fit02],
" #
1 nph V1,eq (R2 /s)
Tmech = (3.7)
ωs (R1,eq + (R2 /s))2 + (X1,eq + X2 )2


Tmech is the electromechanical torque,

nph is the number of stator phases,
V1,eq is the Thévenin-equivalent source voltage,
R1,eq is the resistance part of Thévenin-equivalent stator impedance,
X1,eq is the reactance part of Thévenin-equivalent stator impedance,
ωs is the synchronous mechanical angular velocity.

In the equation, V1,eq , R1,eq and X1,eq are calculated by

V1,eq = Vin,1 (3.8)
R1 + j(X1 + Xm )

Vin,1 is the fundamental component of source voltage.


jXm (R1 + jX1 )
R1,eq = Re (3.9)
R1 + j(X1 + Xm )
jXm (R1 + jX1 )
X1,eq = Im (3.10)
R1 + j(X1 + Xm )

The curve is drawn with load characteristic in Figure 3.11.





0 500 1000 1500 2000

Figure 3.11: Torque-speed characteristics of the induction motor and the load

The cross point is the operating point when steady-state is reached. Since
the asynchronous mechanical angular velocity ωm is given, then s can be derived.
This completes the model for the fundamental frequency.

3.4.3 PWM output current spectrum

The fundamental component of PWM output current is derived. For each har-
monic component, the PWM output current can be calculated using the equiva-
lent circuits of the motor in harmonic frequencies shown in Figure 3.12.
At harmonic frequencies, the magnetizing components can be neglected. the
rotor slip relative to the synchronous speed at harmonic frequency is

h − (1 − s) h−1
sh = ≈ ≈1 (3.11)
h h
Ih = (3.12)
R1 + hX1 + hX2 + R2
Here the motor leakage reactances X1 and X2 are assumed to be invariant
with the frequency [Moh03].

Ih R1 hX1 hX2

Vin,h R2/sh

Figure 3.12: Per-phase equivalent circuit of h-th harmonic frequencies

With the frequency spectrum and phase information of the output current,
the waveform of the output current can be reconstructed by summing up all

i(t) = Ih ejhωt (3.13)

The output current can also be reconstructed by inverse FFT. The speed of
these two approaches is compared below. It is based on a PWM inverter working
at f0 =50 Hz and the frequency modulation ratio mf is 99. The sampling time
interval Ts is set to 1/20 of the switching period, that is 1.0101 µs. The harmonics
are assembled at the end and compared with the original signal.

Table 3.1: Time cost comparison for calculating the output current waveform
Steps Analytical FFT
Approach Approach
Step1: Preparing data (s) 0.03 0.64
Step2: Calculating spectrum (s) 1.78 0.13
Step3: Reassembling signal (s) 48.03 0.31

We notice from the table that the analytical approach uses much more time
than the FFT approach to reassemble all harmonics of the output current wave-
form. The cost of the FFT approach is using a bit more time in preparing the
original data. Of course, the analytical approach can be speeded up by increasing
the coding efficiency.

3.4.4 Switching events

We obtain the current and voltage waveforms. In the voltage source inverter, the
switching events occur at each voltage transient. The information of operating
points is recorded for each switching event.

A partial example of a switching events file is given in Table 3.2. The current
and voltage at the moments when transients occur are recorded.

Table 3.2: An example of switching events list

Event iload va vb vc Type vu vv vw
10 -22.0 24.8 -281.0 256.2 turn-on -253.8 253.8 253.8
11 8.1 29.7 -283.1 253.4 turn-off -253.8 -253.8 253.8
12 22.8 33.0 -284.4 251.4 turn-off -253.8 -253.8 -253.8
13 18.5 35.1 -285.3 250.2 turn-on 253.8 -253.8 -253.8
14 -4.0 38.2 -286.5 248.2 turn-off 253.8 -253.8 253.8
15 -24.7 43.3 -288.5 245.2 turn-off 253.8 253.8 253.8

3.5 Transient level

In literature, the modeling of a converter is normally done in two steps. The first
step is to build the model including all parasitic elements, ensuring the model is
accurate. The second step is to simplify the detailed model. The purpose of the
simplification is to find the ‘‘worst-case scenario’’ for the whole circuit and also to
reduce the computation tiime. A good understanding of the mechanism of noise
generation and propagation is necessary for the first step. In addition, a lot of
experience is needed to know which elements can be omitted, and which elements
are crucial to get an acceptable result.
To simplify the analysis, conventional approaches use a voltage source to
derive the CM equivalent circuit and a current source to derive the DM equivalent
circuit. This is a realistic approximation. In [Zha98; Men04a], it is shown that
the voltage source can also generate DM noise, which is named MM noise. Also,
the current source can generate CM current flowing through ground [Hua04].
These cross conversions are understandable since the propagation path is not
symmetric. This factor is very common in an AC-AC converter application.
Actually, simplification is not necessary if the noise conversion can be calculated
efficiently. We do not need to treat the noise mode into CM and DM respectively.
Here the basic noise cell is proposed for this purpose.

3.5.1 Basic noise cell model

An inverter leg is used to illustrate the basic noise cell model. The basic noise
cell is shown in Figure 3.13. The model is described here,
• The switching active components are the noise sources. The high di/dt and
dv/dt associated with the switching actions are the main cause of emissions.
They are modeled as voltage and current sources corresponding to the fast
transients of voltage and current.

• The freewheel diodes connected to the active components are modeled as

controlled sources.

• All parasitic components are included.

• For each basic noise cell, the operating points when the switching occurs
are applied for transient analysis of the noise.

Lbus1 Lbus1 Lbus1

Lc1 Lc1 Lc1
T+ IT+ VT+

Le1 ZS+
Le1 Le1

Lc2 Lc2 Lc2

T- DT- IT-=IT+ VT-= -VT+ ZS-

Le2 Le2 Le2

Lbus2 Lbus2 Lbus2
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 3.13: Noise cell model; (a) diagram of inverter leg, (b) current noise source
model, (c) voltage noise source model

The reason for modeling the freewheel diode as a current controlled current
source as shown in Figure 3.13 is because of the following equation:

iT − = iT + + iload (3.14)

iT − and iT + have the same polarity of variation. Therefore, the coefficient of the
control source is 1.
The coefficient -1 in the voltage controlled voltage source of the freewheel
diode is because the voltage dropping on the upper switch satisfies the follow
vT − = Vdc − vT + (3.15)

vT − and vT + have the reverse polarity of variation.


3.5.2 Slope of the transients

We know the current and voltage waveforms from the analysis on the functional
level. The switching devices are then replaced by voltage and current sources.
Traditionally, the switching transients are modeled as voltage and current sources
with fixed dv/dt and di/dt slopes. Actually, these switching transients are a
superposition of several transients with different slopes [Men06], and the slopes
of the transients also change with the load current and the parameters of the
switching devices. This means the model of the noise source in high frequency
should take the operating points into account.
The current waveform can be derived from this expression:

iload voutput > 0
iup sw = (3.16)
0 voutput = 0

0 voutput > 0
ilo sw = (3.17)
iload voutput = 0
The transient edges of the current and voltage are replaced according to the
following rules:

• If the load current iload > 0, then the active switch is the upper one. When
voutput rises from low to high, the current and voltage edges are replaced by
the turn-on transient waveforms. When voutput drops from high to low, the
current and voltage edges are replaced by the turn-off transient waveforms.

• If the load current iload < 0, then the active switch is the lower one. When
voutput rises from low to high, the current and voltage edges are replaced by
the turn-off transient waveforms. When voutput drops from high to low, the
current and voltage edges are replaced by the turn-on transient waveforms.

For each IGBT switching event, the transient waveforms are sketched in Fig-
ure 3.14. The nonlinear behavior model is based on the discussion in [Men06]. The
slow tails of the transients are ignored because it has been proved by simulation
that ignoring these tails with slow slopes would not has significant influence on the
noise frequency spectrum. The turn-on transient waveform which is illustrated
on the left of Figure 3.14 is first analyzed.
During t1 , the id increases linearly with a slope which can be calculated by
did gm (vg+ − Vth )
= (3.18)
dt t1 Rg Cies + gm Ls

Vdc Vdc
id id
iload iload


t1 t2 t3 t t5 t6 t
(a)Turn-on (b)Turn-off

Figure 3.14: Transient switching waveforms

vg+ is the on-state gate voltage,

Vth is the gate threshold voltage,
Rg is the IGBT gate resistor,
Cies is the IGBT input capacitance,
Ls is the IGBT stray inductance,
gm is the IGBT transconductance.

The gm can be derived from the typical transfer characteristic curve in datasheet
gm = (3.19)
The duration of t1 is calculated by,
t1 = iload / (3.20)
dt t1


iload is the inductive load current,

In most datasheets of IGBT, the diode reverse recovery time trr0 and peak
reverse current Irr0 are measured under a standard test configuration with fixed
load current IF and change ratio of the load current dIdtF . From [Moh03], the
following relationships exist,

trr , Irr ∝ id (3.21)

1/trr , Irr ∝ (3.22)
dt t1

We can calculate the diode reverse recovery time trr and peak reverse current
Irr by,
u iload didtd
Irr = Irr0 t dIF
IF ( dt )

iload dt
trr = trr0 (3.24)
IF ( didtd )t1
During t2 , the id changes from iload to iload + Irr with the same slope.
did did
= (3.25)
dt t2 dt t1
The time duration for id rushing to the top is
t2 = Irr / (3.26)
dt t2

The time for id backing to the iload is

t3 = trr − t2 (3.27)

During t4 , the vds decreases to zero in a slope of

  (   )
dvds −1 vg+ − Vth − iload /gm Cge did
= + (3.28)
dt t4 Ccg Rg gm dt t1

The duration of t4 is calculated by,

t4 = Vdc / (3.29)
dt t4


Vdc is the voltage in DC-bus.


The turn-off transient which is illustrated in the right-hand figure is analyzed

below. During t5 , the vds increases from zero to Vdc , the slope is,
dvds Vth − vg− + iload /gm
= (3.30)
dt t5 Rg Ccg

vg− is the off-state gate voltage.

The duration of t5 is calculated by,

t5 = Vdc / (3.31)
dt t5

The overvoltage of vds is ignored in the noise model. If the vds reaches Vdc ,
then the switch current id decays to zero.
did gm (vg− − Vth − iload /gm )
= (3.32)
dt t6 Rg Cies + gm Ls
The duration of t6 is calculated by,
t6 = iload / (3.33)
dt t6

The ‘‘tailing” of the drain current of IGBT is ignored here due to its low
transient slope.

3.5.3 The impact of a noise source

Here a square wave with rise- and falltimes is used to show how the transient
level affects on the spectral content of the noise source. The ringing phenomenon
is also included to make the noise signal more general. This is illustrated in
Figure 3.15(a).
The original signal can be expressed in this equation,

 0 t<0

 τ0 t 0≤t<τ

f (t) = V0 + K1 e−α1 t sin(ωr1 (t − τ )) τ ≤ t < T /2 (3.34)
V (1 − t−T /2 ) T /2 ≤ t < T /2 + τ

 0 −α1 t τ

K1 e sin(ωr1 (t − T /2 − τ )) T /2 + τ ≤ t < T

Here, τ is the rise- and falltimes. The α1 is the damping coefficient and
fr1 = ωr1 /2π is the ringing frequency. K1 describes the amplitude of the ringing

signals. The behavior around the transient is similar to the real behavior after
the convolution of two signals in the time domain, shown in Figure 3.15(b) and
Figure 3.15(c). The former is the piecewise linear waveform obtained on the
functional level, expressed by this equation.

 0 t<0
f1 (t) = V0 0 ≤ t < T /2 (3.35)
0 T /2 ≤ t < T

The latter is the normalized derivative of the transient.

 0 t<0
f2 (t) = 1/τ 0≤t<τ
 K1 −α1 t
V0 e (ωr1 cos(ωr1 (t − τ )) − α1 sin(ωr1 (t − τ ))) τ ≤ t < T /2
The Laplace transform of f2 (t) is the correcting factor,
−τ s
ωr1 (s+α1 )
CF (s) = 1−eτ s + K 1
2 2
α1 ωr1
V0  (s+α1 ) +ωr1  (s+α1 ) +ωr1 e
− 2 2
−τ s

−τ s (3.37)
= 1−eτ s + K 1
ωr1 s
(s+α1 )2 +ω 2
e−τ s

Here, s represents Laplacian operator. In Figure 3.15, T =2 ms, τ =100 µs,

K1 =0.1, V0 =1, fr1 =30 kHz, α =1000.
Three simulations are run to compare the correcting factors of the edges on the
transient level. The first one is an ideal rectangular signal with τ = 0 and K1 = 0;
the second signal is a signal with finite rise- and falltimes τ but without ringing;
last of all, the third signal includes a ringing signal in the ege. The result is shown
in Figure 3.16. With the ideal edge, i.e., τ = 0, the spectral content in the high
frequency part is overestimated. Without the ringing signal, the increased level
in the ringing frequency is missed. The correcting factors can thus reflect the
impact of the transient clearly.
To calculate the influences of the transient edges in Figure 3.14, the derivatives
of the edges are first transformed to s domain. The results are the correcting
factors to correct the overestimated or underestimated high frequency spectrum
of the noise source. The type of transient edges needs to be identified first, then
the correcting factors are then calculated by Equation (3.38) - (3.41).

(1 + Irr /iload )(1 − e−(t1 +t2 )s ) (Irr /iload )(1 − e−t3 s ) −(t1 +t2 )s
CFion (s) = − e
(t1 + t2 )s t3 s

1 − e−t4 s −t1 s
CFvon (s) = − e (3.39)
t4 s
1 − e−t6 s −t5 s
CFioff (s) = − e (3.40)
t6 s

(a) Original

(b) Functional level (c) Transient Level

Figure 3.15: The transient can be described by convolution of two signals

Figure 3.16: Illustration of the effect of the transient on the spectral content of
noise source

1 − e−t5 s
CFvoff (s) = (3.41)
t5 s

In Figure 3.17, the correcting factors in many switching events are calculated
and plotted. We do find the influence in different switching events.

(a) current source

(b) voltage source

Figure 3.17: Correcting factors of switching events considering the variation of


3.6 Propagation level

In [He04], it is shown that the equivalent capacitances of rectifier diodes have
significant influence to the characteristics of EMI coupling paths in the conducted
EMC frequency range. Also, all the switching devices and loads have internal
passive parasitic components that are included as a part of the propagation path.
The transfer ratio is defined as the ratio between the voltage drop over the LISN
50 Ω resistor and the amplitude of the noise source.
In Figure 3.18, the main parasitic components are included in a schematic
diagram of a voltage source inverter. It has been proved that the switching
behavior of the power device depends strongly on the operating points and gate
drive circuit. The transient characteristics of turn-on and turn-off are represented
by equations in the previous section, and the parasitic elements of the switches
are determined by the operating points.
In the high frequency range, the IGBTs, which are widely used as switches
in AC-AC converters, must take into account input, output and reverse transfer
capacitors. These parasitic capacitances have large influence on the propagation
path. The body diode model can be used to calculate these nonlinear variable
capacitances based on the reverse voltage.
In [Bus05], the IGBT output capacitance Coss is considered as a parallel drain-
gate capacitance Cdg and internal diode depletion capacitance Cds . When the
IGBT is turned on, Coss is not important because a path with much smaller
impedance exists. On the other hand, the junction capacitance is important
when the IGBT is turned off. Coss is expressed by Equation (3.42),
Cjds0 Cjdg0
Coss = vds Mds + (3.42)
(1 + Vjds ) (1 + dsV−V
th Mdg


Cjds0 is the zero-bias drain-source capacitance,

Cjdg0 is the zero-bias drain-gate capacitance,
Mds is the drain-source grading coefficient,
Mdg is the drain-gate grading coefficient,
Vjds is the built-in potential of the drain-source (diode) junction,
Vjdg is the built-in potential of the drain-gate junction,
vds is the voltage across the drain-source junction,
Vth is the drain-source threshold voltage.

The nonlinear regression method can be used to solve for the coefficient using
the Coss from the datasheet. This step is necessary, because the measurement is
always done below 20 V, and we need to know the capacitance of this variable
capacitor when the IGBT is reversed biased by DC-bus voltage.

T1 DT1 T3 DT3 T5 DT5

CL1 Ch1
D1 D3 D5

L1 a U' U

L2 shaft
b O V' V n
L3 c W' W

T2 DT2 T4 DT4 T6 DT6

CL2 Ch2 Motor Frame
D4 D6 D2

H Heat sink

G F Converter Frame
Protect Earth

Line Motor
Line Rectifier DC link Inverter Motor
Cable Cable

Figure 3.18: Block diagram of DC-bus voltage source inverter including parasitic components


In Figure 3.19, the curve fitting result of Coss is compared to the data from
the datasheet. Using the derived coefficient, the Coss is known as 419pF when
vds = Vdc .

Figure 3.19: Output capacitance curves of 2MBI75S-120 IGBT

The diodes in the rectifier have a large influence on EMI. During the period
when the diodes are reverse biased, the diodes can be modeled as a variable
capacitor. The capacitance value changes with the reverse voltage.
Equation (3.43) represents junction capacitance. Cj dominates in the reverse
bias and is small in the forward bias.

Cj = (3.43)
(1 + VVj )M


Cj0 is the zero-bias diode junction capacitance,

Vj is the built-in potential of the diode juction,
M is the diode junction grading coefficient.

In Figure 3.20, the transfer ratio is calculated for different conducting patterns
of the rectifier diodes.
Based on the circuit above, the transfer ratio is calculated for current noise
source and voltage noise source when the active switch is the upper switch.
In each transfer ratio plot, the voltage source or current source is set to 1 V
or 1 A. The voltage drops in the three 50 Ω resistors in LISN are calculated. It

Figure 3.20: The influence of conducting pattern of diodes

(a) when active sw. turns on (b) when active sw. turns off

Figure 3.21: Voltage source transfer ratio


(a) when active sw. turns on (b) when active sw. turns off

Figure 3.22: Current source transfer ratio

is observed that the conduction states of the rectifier diodes do have significant
impact on the transfer ratio in the frequency range below 500 kHz.

3.7 Summary
In this chapter, a hierarchical approach for modeling the conducted EMI emission
of power electronic applications is presented. In the introduction, the necessity
of predicting conducted EMI of power electronic converter and the difficulties
associated with this are discussed. An approach is proposed to rapidly predict
the EMI level with sufficient accuracy and it is implemented using a hierarchical
method. On the functional level, large time constants are used to get the operating
points of each switching device. The switching devices are then replaced by a noise
cell model including current and voltage noise sources. On the transient level,
the transient edges of the noise source are replaced by piecewise linear lines using
the nonlinear behavior model. The operating point information achieved during
the previous level calculation is used to determine the transient slope. On the
propagation level, thanks to the established information of operating points, the
accuracy of the propagation path model can be improved.
This approach can be used to predict the EMI level of a voltage source inverter
feeding an induction motor. It can also be used for a ZVS inverter.
Chapter 4
Suppression along the propagation

4.1 Introduction
In Chapter 3, a hierarchical approach for analyzing EMC problem is developed.
All parameters or factors relating to the EMC performance can be divided into
three levels. On the functional level, realizing the preset function is the main
purpose. All parameters on the functional level seldom change for the purpose of
getting better EMC performance, but, the parameters on the functional level have
a direct and indirect influence on the EMC performance. The direct impact is in
the low frequency range. For indirect impact, the parameters on the functional
level determine the operating point first. Then, on the transient level, these tran-
sient slopes are influenced by the operating points of the switches determined on
the functional level. Suppression in the noise source is related to the design on
the transient level. Correspondingly, suppression along the propagation path is
done by changing the parameters on the propagation level. All the components
positioned between the LISN receiver and noise source form part of the propaga-
tion path. In this chapter, how noise propagates is investigated. Possible design
parameters and their influence to the noise propagation path are identified.
A motor drive is a typical AC-AC application. It is used as a case study
to identify the propagation paths in the frequency domain and the time domain.
The switch inside the converter is modeled as the current noise source and voltage
noise source when the switch is turned on or turned off. The switching switch is
called ‘‘active’’ one. In the same inverter leg, the freewheel diode of another switch
providing the current when the switch is turned off is modeled as a ‘‘controlled’’
source. The other switches in other inverter legs are ‘‘inactive’’ ones, because
they remain in on or off states during switching transient of ‘‘active’’ switch. The


‘‘inactive’’ switches are modeled as passive components.

The ‘‘active’’ switch and the freewheel diode operate as a pair of noise sources.
The freewheel diode noise source is controlled by the ‘‘active’’ switch noise sources.
Meanwhile, the ‘‘inactive’’ switches, the DC-bus, the rectifier and the rest of the
converter system provide the propagation path to spread the noise generated by
the ‘‘active’’ switch to the LISN receiver. The diagram of the generation and
progagation of the EMI noise is shown in Figure 4.1. Along with the operation of
the converter, the switches change their states between the ‘‘active’’, ‘‘controlled’’
and ‘‘inactive’’. In other words, they are changing their roles between noise
sources and propagation paths.

Propagation path
Noise source
(rest parts of the
(active switch & Receiver
converter system &
flywheel diode)

Figure 4.1: EMI noise generation and propagation

Unlike the models of previous work [Liu05], the ‘‘inactive’’ switches are also
treated as a part of the propagation path in this thesis. This is necessary because
the source impedances of these ‘‘inactive’’ switches have an influence on the noise
propagation in the high frequency range.
The efficiency of the propagation path is defined as the transfer ratio. This
conversion efficiency serves as a criterion to evaluate EMC. A high transfer ratio
means that more noise goes to the LISN receiver. In practice, the CM current on
the line side can be considered as the results which are converted from the CM
currents on the motor side. It is a simple measurement to make. Models are built
and used to determine the transfer ratio.
When we analyze the models, we see that the transfer ratio is independent of
the motor and the cable and is only related to the converter itself if the measure-
ment setup conforms to the standard. It is verified experimentally and it is shown
that it is meaningful to compare the EMC performance of different converters by
comparing transfer ratios even if they have different loads [Zha06a].
The transfer ratio can be measured by the signal injecting method proposed
in [Che00]. Using this approach, the transfer ratio is measured when the con-
verter is powered off. The result is consistent with the measurement result when
the converter is powered up [Zha06b]. An evident advantage of this method is
preventing system damage or personal injuries.

4.2 Decoupling the propagation path and the noise source

In Chapter 3, the hierarchical approach is proposed for EMC analysis. The basis of
the approach is that the propagation path and the noise source can be decoupled.

In this section of the chapter, the reason for doing this is discussed. The feasibility
is considered, and the steps for analysis are presented.
In [Gra97], the influence of high frequency parasitic components is discussed.
To get an accurate EMC analysis result, it is necessary to include all high fre-
quency parasitic components. The parasitic components have a slight influence
on the waveforms of the noise sources on the transient levels. However they
strongly affect the efficiency of noise propagation and the final EMI spectrum
received by LISN. The main reason for this is that these parasitic components
modify the propagation path between the noise source and the LISN receiver on
the propagation level. By contrast, it is not necessary to consider the influence of
parasitic components on the functional level. A few parasitic components around
the switches need to be included in the analysis to get the accurate transient
waveform on the transient level.
There is some freedom in the way to divide the whole converter into two
parts, the noise source part and the propagation path part. In Figure 4.2, two
different boundaries to distinguish the noise source from the propagation path are
illustrated by dotted line boxes.


Cout Cout


(a) on the DC-bus (b) on the die pads of


Figure 4.2: Division boundary between the noise source and the propagation path

In Figure 4.2(a), the boundary is placed at the DC-bus interconnects. There-

fore, the noise sources need to include the output capacitances Cout and the stray
inductances of the interconnect wires and the transistors leads, denoted as Ld1
and Ls1 . According to the Thévenin theorem, the noise source including parasitic

components is equal to an ideal noise source veq with a Thévenin resistance ZT H .

veq and ZT H can be derived from the equations below by using the impedance of
parasitic capacitances and inductances.
ZT H = + s(Ld1 + Ls1 ) (4.1)
veq = id (4.2)
Evidently, there is a series resonance due to the capacitance and inductances.
This is the reason why the voltages or currents measured at the output terminals
of an inverter leg are normally accompanied by parasitic ringing. The waveform
of the noise source changes with the values of parasitic components. As known
from Equation (3.43), the values of the parasitic components are not fixed. This
conflicts with the prerequisite to use a hierarchical approach, namely that the
noise source depends very little on the parasitic components.
Another approach is shown in Figure 4.2(b). The parasitic components are
excluded from the noise source and considered as part of the propagation path.
The noise sources can be treated as ideal voltage sources or current sources with-
out source impedance. Therefore, it is desirable to put the boundary between
the noise source and the propagation path as close as possible on the die pads of
the transistor. It should be noted that the impact of the diode reverse recovery
is considered in the noise source by including the peak of the reverse recovery
current in the waveform.

4.3 Analysis of the propagation path

When using the conventional method for EMI analysis, the noise received by
LISN can be decomposed into the DM and CM noise components. The DM noise
is the noise that occurs between the phase lines. For the CM noise, the ground
and phase lines form the path for the noise propagation. The noises in each phase
line have the same amplitude and phase.
The noise source can be modeled in the form of voltage and current. Therefore,
we have four kinds of transformations:

• voltage source → CM noise,

• current source → DM noise,

• voltage source → DM noise,

• current source → CM noise.

The first two types of noise sources are most commonly known. They are the
sources of the CM and DM current on the line side. The DM noise generated by

the voltage source is ignored because v1 +v2 ≈ Vdc when the parasitic inductances
of the DC-bus are negligible. Similarly, no CM noise is generated by the current
source in the conventional model since i2 − i1 ≈ iload . This is true when the
parasitic capacitance to ground is neglected.
Aside from these assumptions, the symmetric characteristic of the propagation
paths is also taken into account for simplification. Under the assumption that the
propagation path between the CM noise voltage source and the phase lines are
symmetric to ground, the positive and negative rails of the DC-bus are treated
as identical paths, and the three-phase lines as well. The simplified CM circuit is
then achieved.
To simplify the DM circuit, we also need the following three assumptions:
• two rails of DC-bus are symmetric to the mid-point of the DC-bus,
• three-phase lines are symmetric to the neutral point of the phase lines,
• the diodes in the bridge rectifier always conduct in pair.
Under these assumptions, the ground is ignored and we get the simplified DM
In short, the voltage source and the current source generate the CM noise on
the DC-bus and the DM noise in the phase lines respectively. No cross conversion
exists between CM and DM. This is true only under the above assumptions.
The limitations of the conventional approach are evidently due to the simpli-
fications made for simplification. Firstly, all the parameters in the three inverter
legs must be the same. This is generally not true, according to a real measure-
ment [Hua04]. Secondly, the inductive and capacitive coupling between inverter
legs cannot be considered in the simplified model, and these parasitic parameters
are not negligible [Hua04; Ker03]. Thirdly, the simplification is only applicable in
an inverter with a diode rectifier. For a complex converter with active rectifier,
the simplified model is not available. A quantitive analysis of EMC performance
for such power electronics application is still desirable.
Simulations are run to find the inaccuracies due to these simplifications:
• the components in the different inverter legs are identical,
• there are no inductive couplings between inverter legs,
• there are no capacitive couplings between inverter legs.
Four simulations are run to observe how the transfer ratio calculated by sim-
plified models compares to the detailed models. The first simulation is of the
most simplified circuit that meets all these three assumptions. The assumptions
are then removed one by one in this sequence:
• adding the deviation of the component values in inverter legs,
• adding the inductive coupling between inverter legs,

R10 L41

L2 L4 L6

R1 Is
50 Rdc

C2 C3 C4
L21 R12 L31
C31 C33 C5
L22 R13 L32
C32 L23 C6 R14 L33
R2 L3 L5 L7
50 Ldc
R21 R22 R23

L11 L12 L13

R11 L42

Figure 4.3: Circuit used to calculate transfer ratio of current source during switch-
ing transient in one inverter leg

• adding the capacitive coupling between inverter legs.

The parameters in the most simplified circuit are L11 = L12 = L13 =18 nH,
L41 = L42 =20 nH. The motor high frequency parameters are derived from a mea-
surement of an experimental motor. To evaluate the deviations of the component
values in inverter legs, L11 is set to 10 nH, and L13 is set to 33 nH, and the bus
rail inductances L41 , L42 are set to 15 nH and 25 nH respectively. Inductive cou-
pling is included by setting the coupling coefficient between L11 , L12 , L13 as 0.3.
Capacitive coupling is included by putting capacitors C31 = C32 = C33 =0.1 nF
between phases.
The rest parameters in the circuit are constant. They are listed in Table 4.1.
The transfer ratio is defined as the ratio of the voltage drop over the LISN
resistors to the current provided by the current noise source. It can be obtained
by solving the equivalent circuit shown in Figure 4.3. We observe the transfer
ratio in two parts,

vR1 + vR2
TiCM = (4.3)

vR1 − vR2
TiDM = (4.4)

Table 4.1: Parameters in the model

Cdc 620 µF
Rdc 15 mΩ
Ldc 45 nH
C2 , C3 , C4 0.9 nF
R10 , R11 1Ω
L2 , L3 , L4 , L5 , L6 , L7 20 nH
L21 , L22 , L23 3 µH
C5 , C6 , C7 0.4 nF
R12 , R13 , R14 900 Ω
L31 , L32 , L33 1.9 mH

The CM transfer ratio and DM transfer ratio of the current source are drawn
in Figure 4.4.
The CM transfer ratio and the DM transfer ratio of voltage source are also
defined as the ratio of the voltage drop over the LISN resistors to the voltage
provided by the voltage noise source. We observe the transfer ratio in two parts,
vR1 + vR2
TvCM = (4.5)

vR1 − vR2
TvDM = (4.6)
The CM transfer ratio and DM transfer ratio of the voltage source are drawn
in Figure 4.5.
It can be observed from the figures that the inductive coupling and capacitive
coupling have an impact on the noise received by LISN. There are deviations of
the transfer ratio for different levels of simplifications. The influence is significant
above 10 MHz, which is still within the band of conducted emission. We can say
that the simplification is a good approximation only below 10 MHz.
Also observing from the figures, it is confirmed that the CM transfer ratio
is lower than the DM transfer ratio for the current noise source up to 2 MHz.
This means that the current noise source mainly transfers to the DM noise until
2 MHz. Beyond that, the CM transfer ratio has the same order of magnitude as
the DM transfer ratio. The cross conversion takes place above 2 MHz.
Another conclusion can be obtained for the voltage noise source. The voltage
noise sources convert mainly to the CM noise in the whole frequency range.
Although the conventional approach has limitations, it is still a powerful tool
for the design of an EMI filter for a simple converter [Shi96]. A new approach is
needed when the conventional approach encounters its limits.

(a) CM transfer ratio

(b) DM transfer ratio

Figure 4.4: CM and DM transfer ratio of current source with different details

(a) CM transfer ratio

(b) DM transfer ratio

Figure 4.5: CM and DM transfer ratio of voltage source with different details

4.4 The observation in the time domain

In the frequency domain, the observation is limited to time-invariant systems.
Therefore, we have several assumptions and simplifications. Through the obser-
vations in the time domain, how the propagation path varies is understood.
The noise current is generated and propagates to the line side. We use two
current probes to measure the current on the line side of the converter. Using the
different wiring configurations depicted in Figure 4.6, we can get two measure-
ment results. iCM1 is the CM current on the line side of the inverter. iDM1 is the
DM current on the line side of the inverter.


(a) iL1 + iL2 + iL3 = 3iCM1 (b) 2iL1 − iL2 − iL3 = 3iDM1

Figure 4.6: Using current probe to separate CM and DM

The measurement is recorded during half of the AC power period. It is pre-

sented in Figure 4.7(a). To get more details, we zoom in for the different scenarios,
as shown in Figure 4.7(b)-4.7(d). By observing these figures, the features of these
figures are summarized below for different scenarios.
By observing the relationships between these waveforms, as tabulated in Ta-
ble 4.2 and Table 4.3, we know directly how the diode conduction patterns cor-
respond to the scenarios we measured.

Table 4.2: The relationship between iCM1 and iDM1 in different scenarios

Scenario Relationship between iCM1 and iDM1

1 iDM1 = - iCM1
2 iDM1 = 0.5 iCM1
3 iDM1 = 2 iCM1 and iDM1 = - iCM1 by turns
4 iDM1 = 0.8 iCM1

(a) measured waveform and scenarios

(b) zoom in of scenario 1

Figure 4.7: Time domain waveforms measured on the line side of converter (to
be continue)

(c) zoom in of scenario 2

(d) zoom in of scenario 3

Figure 4.7: (cont.)Time domain waveforms measured on the line side of converter

Table 4.3: The relationship between iCM1 and vLISN in different scenarios

Scenario Relationship between iCM1 and vLISN

1 vLISN = 0
2 vLISN = 25 iCM1
3 vLISN = 50 iCM1 and vLISN = 0 by turns
4 vLISN = 30 iCM1

Scenario 1 occurs when diode pair D2/D3 or diode pair D5/D6 pair are con-
ducting. No current flows through D1 or D4, therefore, no noise voltage drop is
present on the LISN in phase L1.
Scenario 2 is also a very familiar situation. When the diode pair D1/D2, or
D3/D4, or D4/D5, or D6/D1 are being turned on, the CM current flows through
the diode pair as Figure 4.8 shows. The CM current ripple is superimposed on
the rectifier input DM current.

D5 D3 D1
Vdc/2 Turn on
L2 O n

D2 D6 D4 Vdc/2


Figure 4.8: The loop of CM current of scenario 2

Scenario 3 is introduced by [Men04b; She04; Qu02]. At the instant when the

gate signal turns on the upper switch or turns off the lower switch, the potential
of the inverter terminal u is still low because of the parasitic capacitance. The D1
goes in conduction to this positive bias voltage while D2 or D6 are reverse biased
because the voltage of the DC-bus capacitor clamps their anodes at a voltage
value lower than the voltage at their cathodes. As a result, the current flows only
through L1. The loop of the CM current is illustrated in Figure 4.9. A similar
situation occurs when the gate signal turns off the upper switch or turns on the
lower switch, and then the potential of the inverter terminal u is equal to the
positive DC-bus. This causes all the current to flow through L2 or L3, keeping
the D1 reverse biased. One observes that the mixed mode current will disappear
when X capacitors are installed. This causes the current to be distributed evenly

between the phase lines. Because the values of the X capacitors are limited, there
is always some unbalance. Therefore, mixed mode current needs to be considered
especially at low frequencies.
Scenario 4 is observed during the transit time between scenario 2 and scenario
3. It is illustrated in Figure 4.7(c). This scenario happens when the only conduct-
ing diode is handing over part of the CM current to another diode which then
starts conducting.

D5 D3 D1
Vdc/2 Turn on
L2 O n

D2 D6 D4 Vdc/2


Figure 4.9: The loop of CM current of scenario 3

In the measured waveforms shown in Figure 4.7(a), it is easily seen that the
envelope of the CM noise presents a periodic ripple. The ripple period is exactly
1/6 times the mains voltage period. This confirms that the CM current is gen-
erated by voltage transient and is proportional to this transient voltage change
From the above observation, it is clear that the noise propagation path is not
fixed but it changes with the conducting pattern of the diodes. Therefore, over
a very short time interval we can calculate the transfer ratio for a propagation
path in the frequency domain. This helps to prevent convergence problems and
the result can be achieved faster and reliably. This calculation of the transfer
ratio needs to be updated at each new switching event to reflect the influence of
the variation of the propagation path.

4.5 Passive filter for noise suppression and the influence of

Using filters is a well-known solution to suppress the EMI of drive systems [Shi96;
Han04; Aka08]. The filters should work efficiently according to the datasheets
provided by filter manufacturers. However, the effect of filters may change signif-
icantly depending on how they are installed. Grounding methods or interconnect
methods have a large impact on the real attenuation provided by the filter. A

node in a schematic diagram may be a wire or a mounting screw in the real ap-
plication. For example, in one converter provided by industry, the heat sink and
the Y capacitors on the PCB board are connected to the converter frame by 20
cm long wires (see Figure 4.10). Although in some well designed products the
long wires are replaced by shorter interconnects or mounting screws, the parasitic
elements still play a role in the interconnects. These parasitic parameters affect
the EMC performance of the drive system [Gra97; Wan02].
In [Zha06b], the transfer ratio is defined as the ratio of the CM current iCM1
on the line side to the CM current iCM2 on the motor side. It is used to indicate
how efficiently the filter blocks the noise propagation. There are three reasons
why the transfer ratio is defined in this way,

1. The CM current can be easily measured with a current probe because the
electrical contact is not necessary. The transfer ratio can possibly be mea-
sured with low-cost current probes [Rid99], even when the conversion fac-
tors of these low-cost current probes are unknown, or the probes are not

2. The installation methods, including the grounding configuration and inter-

connect methods, have little effect on the DM noise conversion. The DM
noise is dominant in the low frequency range, where the values of the discrete
components are significant compared to that of the parasitic components.
By contrast, the main part being influenced is CM noise.

3. CM currents may flow in any of the phases in the three-phase lines [She04;
Men04b]. There are DM components produced by CM currents when the
CM currents are not evenly distributed in the three phases. For the same
CM currents with different distributions in the three phase lines, LISN
measurement in one particular phase gives an uncertainty up to 9.5 dB
(20log10 3), because the LISN cannot distinguish the CM components from
the DM components. Using current measuring to measure the CM current
can avoid the DM components by adding the currents in the three phase
lines together.

In the next section, the relationship between transfer ratio and parasitic pa-
rameters is derived by using a model. The parameters can then be extracted from
significant points on the curve of the transfer ratio measurement result. The sup-
pression efficiencies when placing the Y capacitors on different places are also
compared using the model. The transfer ratio is used to evaluate the suppression
During the study, a commercial PWM VSI with diode rectifiers is selected
for the case study. Its power rating is 12 kW. An induction machine is fed with
this converter. The measurements are made in unloaded condition. It is believed
that the transfer ratio is determined mainly by the passive components and not
affected by the load condition.

Y Capacitors


Figure 4.10: Photo shows the real installation inside a converter

Figure 4.11 illustrates the whole experimental setup. In the original design,
the AC-Y capacitors are placed between the AC line and the converter frame.
The dashed lines represent the real installation wires which cannot be idealized
in the model for EMC analysis. Also in Figure 4.11, it is proposed to place the
DC-Y capacitors between the DC-bus and the converter frame or the heat sink.
Two circles indicate the positions where the CM currents are measured to derive
the transfer ratio.

Figure 4.11: Circuit diagram of the converter under test

4.5.1 CM equivalent model

In [Gon03], a frequency domain model is proposed to calculate the CM noise gen-
erated by the switched power converter. Based on the CM equivalent circuit,
the model is expanded by including the parasitic parameters introduced by in-

stallation. It is then further simplified by applying reasonable assumptions. We

assume that the parameters of the three inverter legs are the same. The arbitrary
voltage noise sources can be treated as three superimposed identical CM voltage
sources and three DM voltage sources. The DM voltage sources will not produce
a current flowing through ground. Therefore, they can be removed if we want to
calculate the CM current. The three identical CM voltage sources can be further
reduced to one CM voltage source after changing the CM impedance of the load
and the stray impedance between the output terminal and the heat sink to 1/3
of their original value. The equivalent circuit used to calculate the transfer ratio
is shown in Figure 4.12.
The generated CM currents flow through the DC-bus to the line side. The
CM current will be evenly distributed in positive and negative DC-bus bars by
the high frequency DC-bus capacitors CHF . Therefore, two DC-bus bars are
considered as one node in the model. Zy1 , Zy2 and Zy3 represent the three
possible places for placing the Y capacitors. They are identified by dashed lines
in Figure 4.11 and 4.12. Zy1 represents the AC-Y capacitors connected between
the AC line input and the converter frame. Zy2 represents the DC-Y capacitors
added between the DC-bus and the converter frame. Zy3 represents the DC-
Y capacitors whose one terminal is connected to the heat sink instead of the
converter frame. The impedance of the AC line, the rectifier and the DC-bus are
indicated as Zline , Zrectifier and Zdc . In addition, the following notations have
been adopted:

• Zp1 : the impedance of the interconnect between the converter frame and
the heat sink,

• Zp2 : the impedance of the interconnect between the motor frame and

• Zp3 : the impedance of the interconnect between the converter frame and

• Zo(1,2,3) : the CM impedance of the load, including the cable and the motor
in the present example,

• Zp(A,B,C) : the impedance between output terminals of the converter legs

and the heat sink,

• ZL : the impedance of the LISN.

4.5.2 Extraction of parasitic parameters

The transfer ratio T is defined as the ratio of the CM current iCM1 on the line
side to the CM current iCM2 on the motor side. In the conventional way, AC-Y
capacitors are placed between the AC line input and converter frame as indicated

Zline Zrectifier Zdc

iCM1 vs
Zy1 Zy2 Zy3 Terminals
ZpA/3 iCM2
Zp3 Zp1
Converter Frame Heat Sink
Motor Frame

Figure 4.12: CM equivalent circuit

by Zy1 in Figure 4.12. This model can further be simplified by Y-∆ conversion
because it is easy to apply the current divider rule. The simplified model is shown
in Figure 4.13, and the transfer ratio can be expressed in a concise form,
iCM1 ZA ZC + Z4
T = = (4.7)
iCM2 Z5 + ZA ZC

Z4 = (Zo1 /3 + Zp2 ) (4.8)

Z5 = (ZL /2 + Zline ) (4.9)

Zy1 Zp3
ZA = (Zy1 + Zp3 ) + (4.10)
ZpA /3 + Zp1

(ZpA /3 + Zp1 )Zp3

ZC = (ZpA /3 + Zp1 + Zp3 ) + (4.11)


line side Vs motor side



Figure 4.13: CM equivalent circuit after Y-∆ conversion


It is not easy to obtain the values of the parasitic parameters. In most cases,
it is done by a direct measurement [Che98] or time domain reflectometry (TDR)
method [Zhu99]. Here, a method to derive the parasitic parameters from the
transfer ratio measurement results in particular situations is introduced.
First, the high frequency CM behavior of the motor and the cable is mod-
eled using the method introduced in [Sch06; Bog07]. The model is illustrated in
Figure 4.14. The values of these components are found using the curve fitting
method. The impedances of the motor and the cable correspond to the impedance
of Zo1 /3 and Zp2 in Figure 4.12. Figure 4.15 compares the final curve fitting result
and the CM impedance amplitude measurement.
3.0uH 300 634uH
Power Line

1.15nF 5.16nF

Motor Frame



Figure 4.14: High frequency CM model of the motor and the cable

After this, the transfer ratio of the test setup is measured in three situations,

1. the AC-Y capacitors are installed at AC line input (AC-Y);

2. the AC-Y capacitors are not installed (W/O AC-Y);

3. the AC-Y capacitors are installed at the AC line input and the motor is
ungrounded (AC-Y, motor floating).

The results are shown in Figure 4.16. The next step involves deriving the
parameters of the model from the measurement data. From Equation (4.7), the
transfer ratio apparently reaches its minimum value when ZA reaches a minimum
or ZC + Z4 reaches a minimum. In the first situation, a minimum is found around
370 kHz (see Figure 4.16 point A). This is because ZA approaches a minimum as
mentioned before. It can be approximated by the series resonance of Zy1 + Zp3 .
The values of the AC-Y capacitors are already known to be 100 nF. Therefore, the
stray inductance to produce the Zp3 is calculated by 1/(4π 2 f 2 3CY ), i.e., 0.7 µH.
Although the impedances Z4 and Z5 may shift the resonance frequency slightly,
it provides a method to determine a first guess at the parasitic parameters of the

Figure 4.15: Calculated impedance of the model vs. measured CM impedance of

the motor and the cable

Figure 4.16: Experimental results of the transfer ratio


In the second situation, the Y capacitors are disconnected, which makes Zy1
quite large and ZC + Z4 can be approximated as ZpA /3 + Zp1 + Zp3 + Zo1 /3 + Zp2 .
This determines the second minimum observed at around 3.6 MHz (see Figure 4.16
point B). The inductive part of impedance in this loop is 3.4 µH+0.7 µH=4.1 µH,
while the capacitive part should be around 470pF. In this frequency range, only
Cg1 (1.15 nF) dominates Zo1 /3. The ZpA /3 is calculated from the capacitive
impedance produced by the 800 pF capacitor to get this resonance frequency.

During the measurement done in the third situation, the motor is ungrounded,
and the resonance moves to 10 MHz (see Figure 4.16 point C). The reason for this
is that the capacitive part in the loop is dominated by the parasitic capacitance
between the motor frame and ground. Zp2 is replaced by a 100pF capacitor to
create the resonance.

Comparing the first and the third situation, the point D and the point C in
Figure 4.16 are caused by the same resonance. The minimum point shifts slightly
due to the variation of Zp2 . By fine adjustment of Zp1 and Zp3 , the resonance
frequency can be matched to the measurement result. In the last step, some
damping resistances are added to adjust the quality factor of the resonance. The
ratio curves by calculation comes even closer to the measurement results.

By now, the parameters for the proposed CM model are extracted by the
transfer ratio measurement. They are listed in Table 4.4. With the model, the
transfer ratio calculated by the model shown in Figure 4.17 shows a good agree-
ment with the measurement result in Figure 4.16. Because the calculation is done
in the frequency domain, it is an efficient way to calculate the transfer ratio even
for a complex model [Ran98].

Table 4.4: Parameters in the model

ZL 50 Ω
Zy1 300 nF+0.2 µH
Zp1 0.2 µH+6 Ω
Zp2 0.4 µH+5 Ω
Zp3 0.5 µH+0.8 Ω
Zo1 /3 3.0 µH+1.15 nFk(300 Ω+634 µH+5.16 nF)
ZpA /3 800 pF
Zrectifier ignored
Zline ignored
Zdc 0.5 µH+8 Ω

Figure 4.17: Transfer ratio as calculated with the model

4.6 DC-bus filter

The suppression on the propagation path is actually the suppression of the transfer
ratio. EMI mitigation method which is widely adopted in industry is passive
filtering as yet. Discrete elements are used to increase the impedance of the noise
current loop or to constrain the noise current in a local area. The filters are
installed on the AC line side or the output side.
Various topologies include these basic elements:

• CM capacitor,

• CM inductor,

• DM capacitor, star or delta interconnect,

• DM inductor.

By combining these basic elements, many variations are possible. The L type
filter is frequently used. Looking at commercial products, most of them consist of
one stage or multi-stage L type filters. To obtain a combined DM and CM filtering
effect, the common capacitor star point can be grounded [Jue07], while the value of
the capacitor is limited by the leakage current value. The alternative is to connect
to the DC-bus mid-point [Ren98] as a virtual ‘‘ground’’. The main disadvantage
is that the DC-bus mid-point is not always available. In [Pal02; Aka04b], the
DC-bus rails are used as virtual ground. It is proven in [Aka04a] that the extra

interconnect between the motor neutral point and the DC-bus mid-point makes
the CM inductor works more efficiently. A main concern of passive filter design
is avoiding the saturation of the filter core. By adding an extra winding with a
resistor, this arrangement reduces both the peak value and duration of unwanted
oscillations [Oga96] with a smaller core.
In Figure 4.11, three possible positions to place Y capacitors are shown in
dashed line. They are represented by three dashed symbols in the equivalent
circuit in Figure 4.12. The approach proposed by this thesis is for the Y capacitors
to be connected to the DC-bus, as indicated by Zy2 or Zy3 in the figure. The
method of calculating the transfer ratio then requires modification.
When the Y capacitors are placed at the position of Zy2 or Zy3 , Equation (4.9)
need to be changed to
Z5 = (ZL /2 + Zline + Zrectifier + Zdc ). (4.12)
When the Y capacitors are placed at the position of Zy3 , the (4.10) and (4.11)
need to be changed to (4.13) and (4.14).

Zy1 (Zp1 + Zp3 )

ZA = (Zy1 + Zp1 + Zp3 ) + (4.13)
ZpA /3
ZpA (ZpA /3)(Zp1 + Zp3 )
ZC = ( + Zp1 + Zp3 ) + (4.14)
3 Zy1
These closed-form equations can be used to calculate the transfer ratio in the
frequency domain directly. Based on the established model, the noise suppression
efficiency of three possible methods can be compared. Some conclusions are drawn
1. In Figure 4.18, the transfer ratio is calculated using the built model. When
the Y capacitors are placed at position Zy1 or Zy2 , the two interconnect
methods cause a slight difference in the transfer ratio because the DC-bus
impedance is small. For the third interconnect method, the DC-Y capaci-
tors are connected to a heat sink. ZA and ZC are calculated using (4.13)
and (4.14) instead of (4.10) and (4.11). It can be seen that the EMC per-
formance becomes slightly worse in the low-frequency range and improves
in the high-frequency range. For all these positionings of the Y capacitors,
the suppression effects are almost the same.
2. As opposed to the AC-Y capacitors, the DC-Y capacitors are placed at
positions Zy2 or Zy3 . Z5 is calculated by (4.12) instead of (4.9). The
increasing value of Z5 can decrease the transfer ratio, which means that by
inserting a CM choke between the rectifier and DC-Y capacitors, the noise
will be better suppressed. On the other hand, inserting the CM choke into
the DC-bus has no effect on the transfer ratio when AC-Y capacitors are
connected to the AC line input. In Figure 4.19, this is shown by the transfer
ratio calculated using the built model.

Figure 4.18: Transfer ratio comparison by inserting Y capacitors in different

positions (calculated result)

3. The interconnect between the heat sink and ground and the interconnect
between the Y capacitors and the heat sink are vital to the suppression
efficiency. They must all be kept as short as possible. By decreasing Zp1 ,
Zp3 and the inductive part of Zy1 , the suppression effect is significant im-
proved. In Figure 4.20, the transfer ratio is first calculated assuming that
the interconnect wires are two times shorter. The result shows that the
transfer ratio is improved by 10 dB in the frequency range 1-6 MHz, where
some EMC problems often show up. The calculation is also done assum-
ing that the parasitic components of the interconnect wires are reduced to
one-tenth of the original values. This is possible when screw mounting is
used instead of wire interconnect. Here the Y capacitor is also increased
three times although it contributes additional leakage current. By this ar-
rangement, 20 dB improvement is achieved around 1-6 MHz; there is also
a 10 dB improvement in the low frequency range.

It is worthwhile mentioning here that the addition of the filter not only changes
the transfer ratio, but also changes the level of the noise source. The changes
might be for better or for worse, and sometimes take place in opposite directions.
These two effects can be considered separately and there is a trade-off between
them. The transfer ratio is affected by the passive components only, while the
noise source level is determined by both the active and passive components. Here,
we study the transfer ratio solely because we consider only the influence of the
installation methods.

The experiments are done on the test setup to verify the model further and
the conclusions are drawn in the last section. The components employed in the
experiments are listed in Table 4.5. The first experiment is done to show the
effects of inserting a CM choke into the DC-bus. Compared with the transfer
ratio of using AC-Y solely, inserting the CM choke into the DC-bus does not
make a big difference, which is consistent with the calculation. However, the
combination of DC-Y and DC-CMC improves the suppression effect in 1-4 MHz,
as shown in Figure 4.21.

Table 4.5: Components used in experiments

Qty. Components Specification

3 AC-Y 100 nF
2 DC-Y 47 nF
1 DC-CMC Rasmi RS-OC/2, AL=12 µH, 2 turns

The second experiment shows the importance of short interconnects. The

transfer ratios are compared between the test setup originally designed (20 cm),
half length interconnect (10 cm) and screw mounted filter. The benefit is signif-
icant for a well designed installation. Compared to the calculated results from
Figure 4.22, the trends are the same, and the minimum point moves towards a
higher frequency as predicted, and the transfer ratio is lower after the resonance
frequency. The transfer ratio does not improve much beyond 10 MHz and it even
becomes a positive value. That means that a new resonance loop occurs, because
of the resonance of the DC-Y capacitors and the stray inductance of the DC-bus.
Because the noise source level is much lower in this frequency range, it would not
be a problem, even though the transfer ratio is increasing.
When we compare the experimental results of Figures 4.21 and 4.22 to the
calculated results of Figures 4.19 and 4.20, a deviation exists. The deviation
between the experimental results and the calculated results are due to the very
simple model. In the experimental results, the transfer ratio approaches 0 dB
in the high frequency range. This is because the noise measurements are close
to the noise floor in the high frequency range. The application of the transfer
ratio method is limited by the measurement in the high frequency range. More
accurate measurements of the transfer ratio can be achieved if a preamplifier is
available to lower the noise floor.

Figure 4.19: Transfer ratio comparison for the effect of DC-bus CM chokes after
inserting Y capacitors in different positions (calculated result)

Figure 4.20: Transfer ratio using DC-bus filter with very short interconnect (cal-
culated result)

Figure 4.21: Transfer ratio comparison for the effect of DC-bus CM chokes after
inserting Y capacitors in different positions (experimental result)

Figure 4.22: Transfer ratio using DC-bus filter with very short interconnect (ex-
perimental result)

4.7 Summary
In this chapter, the propagation of noise is investigated. It corresponds to the
propagation level of the hierarchical approach. The efficiency of the propaga-
tion path is defined as the transfer ratio. This approach also considers the cross
conversion between CM and DM. The limitation of the simplified conventional
approach is described. Observations in the time domain confirm that the propa-
gation path is not fixed. In practice, the CM on the line side can be regarded as
the results which are converted from the CM currents on the motor side. The CM
transfer ratio can be measured with a low-cost current probe. The parasitic pa-
rameters of the model can be extracted based on the transfer ratio measurement
Based on the established model, it is proposed to connect the DC-Y capacitors
between the DC-bus and the heat sink and to put the common mode choke
(CMC) between the rectifier and the DC-Y capacitors. The improvement due
to inserting a DC-bus CM filter can be calculated efficiently in the frequency
domain. The filter is installed inside the converter and the interconnects can be
made very short. This improves the suppression performance significantly and
avoids the tricky task of designing or selecting a filter afterwards. The noise level
is suppressed partly inside the converter if the DC-bus filter is included in the
design. For some critical EMC requirements, the additional external filter needed
would be much smaller.
Chapter 5
Noise source analysis

In this chapter, the characteristics of the noise source are described. The relation-
ship is established between calculated results and compliance measurement results
by correcting factors. This approach is used in the analysis of the noise source of
a resonant converter where the switching frequencies and transient slopes are not
fixed. The prediction of the noise level is compared with experimental results.

5.1 Noise source characteristics

The noise source has two kinds of parameters in the time domain used to evaluate
its influence on the victim. The first kind of parameter includes the repetition
frequency of the impulses. The frequency shows how often the switching events
occur. For aperiodic impulses, the impulse interval time is used instead of the
frequency. The second kind of parameter includes the impulse amplitude, width
and waveform. These parameters are related to the strength of the impulses.

5.1.1 Periodic noise source

A periodic noise source is a signal that repeats itself every period all the time.
The phrase ‘‘all the time’’ is theoretically not possible since a signal cannot last
forever. Actually, ‘‘all the time’’ refers to the time period when the measurement
takes place. The measure times are in the order of milliseconds to seconds for
different detectors according to the requirements of the CISPR standard [CIS99a].
The condition that the noise source is periodic is much more easily satisfied in a
DC converter, since the output voltage and current are relatively constant during
the measurement. Therefore, the time intervals between switching events are
constant as well, and the transient waveforms are also fixed. In most cases, the
noise sources are treated as periodic signals in analysis.


The assumption that the noise sources are periodic rectangular waveforms is
very common in EMC analysis, for example, the work done in [Ran98; Che03].
In [Men06], the nonlinear transient waveforms are taken into consideration. This
approach is applied to a DC converter. The transient waveforms during turn-on
and turn-off of the transistors are calculated based on the operating conditions.
Compared to the results obtained by a rectangular waveform model, a more pre-
cise result can be achieved by the nonlinear transient waveform model, especially
in the high frequency range. Because it is a DC converter, the transient wave-
form is periodic. This approach is not applicable to an AC-AC converter where
the noise is not periodic during measurement since the operating conditions are

5.1.2 Aperiodic noise source

There are several differences between periodic and aperiodic noise sources. The
spectrum consists of discrete frequencies for a periodic noise source, while the
discrete spectral components are continuously spread for an aperiodic one. During
measurement, an aperiodic noise source does not repeat itself or repeats at a low
repetition frequency. To achieve the spectra of the compliance measurement of
the aperiodic noise, both the characteristics of the noise source and the compliance
measurement system must be taken into account.
The compliance measurement setup consists of a band pass filter, a quasi-peak
detector and an indicator instrument. The result using the peak and average
detector can be calculated from the envelope at the output of the band pass fil-
ter [Pet94]. All these components inside the measurement system can be modeled
by circuit elements. A general approach is to do the computation in the time
domain with very short time steps. Obviously, it requires extensive computation.
Another method is deriving the waveform in the time domain by an analytical
method [Pet94]. In this thesis, we use the detector pulse response characteristic
curve from CISPR standard [CIS99a] to speed up the computation.

5.2 An improved method to analyze noise sources

EMI signals are always considered as a superposition of stationary and transient
signals. The stationary signals are normally functional signals. They determine
the low frequency part of noise spectra. On the other hand, the transient signals
determine the high frequency part of noise spectra.
There are many ways to model noise sources. Four of them are listed below
in the order of complexity.
1. Periodic rectangular pulses;
2. Periodic trapezoidal pulses;
3. Periodic pulses with multiple slope approximation;

4. Aperiodic pulses with multiple slope approximation.

The first method can obtain good results in the low frequency range. The
second and third methods can achieve improvement in the high frequency range.
The first three models can be done in the frequency domain using a fast Fourier
transformation (FFT). For an AC-AC converter, the most accurate way to model
the noise source is the fourth method.
In [Kru03], a new measurement concept called time-domain EMI measure-
ment (TDEMI) is proposed. It is also called fast emission measurement in the
time domain (FEMIT) system in [Kel07]. The intelligent recording part works
in a special mode called fast frame mode. It captures the transient part of the
noise when the oscilloscope is triggered by pulses. The time intervals between two
pulses are also recorded. Short time fast Fourier transformation (STFFT) is used
to calculate the spectra. After the measurement, errors are corrected by signal
processing, and the values of all kinds of detectors are calculable. The diagram
of the TDEMI concept is repeated in Figure 5.1.

Recording in
Oscilloscope Detectors
frame mode
Time domain signal Quasi-Pk
reconstruction at Average
each spectral point

Figure 5.1: TDEMI measurement concept

The purpose of this approach is to reduce the measurement time drastically

compared to the traditional sweep frequency measurement receiver, while keeping
the maximum deviation acceptable for a compliance measurement result within
the range specified by the CISPR standard [CIS99b].
In the TDEMI measurement system, this method is used to speed up mea-
surement. In the hierarchical analysis approach, the same principle is followed.
The time intervals between switching events are recorded and then the frequency
response correction is considered. With this approach, we can achieve compliance
measurement results with the following expected improvements:

1. It achieves accurate results from very low frequency to very high frequency;

2. It is applicable to aperiodic signals;

3. It achieves the result within a short time-frame;


4. It obtains the compliance measurement results not only for peak detectors
but also for quasi-peak and average detectors.

5.3 Compliance measurement correction

As emphasized in the previous chapter, the rising and falling edges often show
different shapes and slopes. Therefore, the different spectra for each transient are
calculated on the functional and transient levels with the hierarchical approach.
After that, the spectra must be corrected to get conformity with the compliance
measurement receiver.
Undoubtedly, the correction must be carried out according to particular stan-
dards, because the measurement parameters have a significant influence on the
final measurement result. In this thesis, the calculated result is corrected for full
compliance to the international EMC standard CISPR 16-1 [CIS99a].
According to the standard, the basic measurement parameters of the test
receiver are defined in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1: The measurement parameters of the test receiver according to

Band Frequency Step IF bandwidth M-Time
A 9 kHz - 150 kHz 200 Hz 200 Hz 50 ms
B 150 kHz - 30 MHz 5 kHz 9 kHz 20 ms

The time intervals between them are variable. To superpose several pulses
with different repetition frequency, the spectrum is calculated as described below:
Firstly, the operating points are achieved using the functional level analy-
sis. Then, the spectra of the edges are calculated using the Laplace transform.
The reason for using the Laplace transform is because the transient waveform is
piecewise linear most of the time and is suitable for Laplace transform calculation.
The result in the ‘s’ domain is converted to the frequency domain for narrow
band noise. That is when the repetition frequency is higher than IFBW. The
conversion follows this equation:

U (jω) = 2f U (s)|s=jnω (5.1)

The time interval T0 between the present transient and the next transient is
used to determine the repetition frequency f0 .
In the spectrum calculation, the signal is always truncated for a finite time
T . Therefore, no matter how long the time interval T0 between two pulses is, the
calculation is always done as if only one transient is present during T . The pulse
response curve for the spectrum calculation is independent on the pulse repetition
frequency T0 , but it depends on the finite time T . The correcting factor can be
derived as:

C1 = 20log10 ( ) (5.2)
T B6dB
Therefore, the spectrum calculated from the transient waveform is corrected
by taking the repetition frequency and selected detector into account. The finite
time T for each transient and the bandwidth of the measurement receiver are
both parameters for correction.
The noise in the receiver is calculated based on the spectrum of the noise
source and the transfer ratio from source to receiver. The noises in the receiver
caused by each transient are combined together to get the final spectrum after
the superposition of narrowband and broadband spectra.
In Figure 5.2, the diagram of the algorithm to get the final spectrum is shown.

5.3.1 Detector correction

Based on the calculated results on the functional level, the following characteris-
tics of the transient noise are known:

• the transient waveform,

• the arrival time ta .
• the interarrival time tia

The spectrum of each transient waveform can be derived from the transient
waveform. This gives the result for a peak (Pk) detector. Many compliance
standards require the measurement to be done with a quasi-peak (QP) or an
average (Av) detector . The correction curve for using each kind of detector is a
function of detector type and repetition frequency.

C2 = f (detector, f0 ) (5.3)
The theoretical pulse response curves for QP detector receiver and Av detector
receiver can be found in the standard [CIS99a].
The pulse response curve in [CIS99a] clearly shows the linear relationship
between indicated level of the Av detector receiver and the pulse repetition fre-
quency. The indicated level of the average detector is linear to the pulse repetition
frequency with a gradient of 20 dB per decade. The indicated level of the QP
detector receiver decreases with the lower repetition frequency nonlinearly. For
the peak detector, the level stays constant with the variation of the repetition
frequency. When the repetition frequency is higher than the bandwidth of the
measurement receiver, the level stays constant with the variation of the repe-
tition frequency for all these three detectors. High repetition frequency in the
time domain means larger frequency intervals between narrowband signals in the
frequency domain. Because only one narrowband signal falls into the bandwidth
of the receiver, the indicated level stays constant.

Function level & Transient level

u(t) u(t)

t t
T0 T

Propagation level

Time interval to next transient Narrowband noise

u(t) U1(f) U5(f)

t f f


U(f) U3(f)

T(f) U4(f)

f f
Transfer function at
the moment

Broadband noise
U4_QP(f) U4_AV(f) U4_PK(f) U4_QP(f) U4_AV(f) U4_PK(f)


Predicted result

Figure 5.2: The diagram of the algorithm for spectrum calculation


The curves are redrawn in Figure 5.3 and Figure 5.4 for different frequency
bands of conducted emission.

Figure 5.3: Pulse response curves of the measurement receiver for the peak de-
tector, the quasi-peak detector, and the average detector in band A

5.3.2 Signal spectrum reconstruction

The signal spectrum of each transient ti is already obtained. They include the
broadband noise for each transient and narrowband noise for the low frequency
The Pk and QP detectors keep the maximum value are each frequency of the
signal for a relatively long time when they scan the spectrum. The mathematics
can be summarized in Equation (5.4) and (5.5)

P k(fk ) = max(P k(fk , ti )) (5.4)

QP (fk ) = max(QP (fk , ti )) (5.5)

The result using the average detector is the average result of the spectrum at
each transient time. Equation (5.6) shows the result of the Av detector.

Av(fk ) = average(Av(fk , ti )) (5.6)


Figure 5.4: Pulse response curves of the measurement receiver for the peak de-
tector, the quasi-peak detector, and the average detector in band B

5.4 Noise source of a resonant converter

The circuit diagram of the resonant pole inverter is shown again in Figure 5.5.
This inverter is working under ZVS condition and has a variable switching fre-
quency. It is also used as a case study.
In this new topology, an LC-filter is connected between the bridge and the
motor. The motor is the load. A smaller inductor in the LC-filter is connected
to the output terminal of the bridge, Therefore the output current of the bridge
can change very rapidly. The output current even changes its direction in each
switching period. The high frequency current generated by the bridge is smoothed
by the filter. Because of the large value of the capacitors in the LC-filter, the filter
provides a slow-change output voltage feeding the motor. In summary, the LC-
filter is an essential component in the topology that not only provides resonance
condition, but also blocks the high frequency noise from reaching the load.
The benefit of this topology is the special mode during commutation. In
a conventional hard switching inverter, it is commonly known that when the
transistor is turned on, it must provide the opposite diode a reverse recovery
current to turn off the diode. The transistors must have a high rating to bear
this current. The fast transient of the recovery current is a well-known EMI
noise source. In a resonant converter, the current flowing through the diode is
not turned off by hard switching. The current always decreases naturally to zero
and changes its flowing direction. It is then taken over by the parallel transistor.
Tu+ Du+ Tu+ Du+ Tw+ Dw+
Da+ Db+ Dc+ CL1 Cu+ Cv+ Cw+
CDa+ CDb+ CDc+


N Lv LV eVn
eBNB b
v V
Lw LW eWn n
eCNC c w W shaft
CL2Tu- Du- Tu- Du- Tw- Dw-
CYA CYB CYC Da- Db- Dc- Cu- Cv- Cw- CYu CYv CYw Motor
CYa CDa- CDb- CDc- Frame

H Heat sink
G Protect Earth F Converter Frame

ac DC Motor
Line Cable & EMC filters Diode Rectifier CM choke PWM Inverter Sinusoidal filter EMC fitler Motor
source link cable

Figure 5.5: Block diagram of resonant pole inverter


Therefore, the diode is turned off at zero current and the transistor is turned on
at zero voltage.

T+ Cds+ Cds+ Cf+

Cf+ +

DT+ Vdc

Lf Lf

io io Lf

Cds- + Cf- + + Cds- + Cf- Cds+ Cds-
DT- vo vload 0 vo
- - - -

(a) (b) (c)


+ +
io Vdc vload
- -
+ + Cf-
Vdc vo
- - (e)


Figure 5.6: An inverter leg of a resonant converter and its equivalent circuit at
different moments; (a) circuit diagram, (b) T− turns off, (c)equivalent circuit
when T− turns off, (d) DT + turns on, (e)equivalent circuit when DT + turns on

For this resonant converter, the current and voltage waveform are analyzed
using an equivalent circuit for each mode in the switching cycle. One inverter
leg is drawn in Figure 5.6. The drain-source capacitance shown in Figure 5.6(a)
affects the switching waveforms. Initially, before t0 , T− is conducting a negative
output current i0 . At time t0 , T− is turned off. Before T+ is turned on, the
circuit is equivalent to Figure 5.6(b). The initial voltages on the drain-source
capacitors of T+ and T− are shown in this figure. The voltage across Cds+ is Vdc
and the voltage across Cds− is 0. Since the filter capacitors have much larger
capacitances than the drain-source capacitors, the filter capacitors are regarded
as short-circuited in the AC equivalent circuit. The simplified
p circuit is drawn
in Figure 5.6(c). The resonant frequency f0 = 1/(2π Lf (Cds+ + Cds− )). The
voltage across Cds− reaches Vdc at t1 and is then clamped to Vdc because of the
conducting of DT + . The waveforms are shown in Figure 5.7. It should be noted
that the time axis is expanded specifically around transients to show the details.
Beyond t1 , this circuit is equivalent to Figure 5.6(d) and is simplified to Fig-


t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t


t0 t1 t2 t3 t4


Figure 5.7: Output current and voltage waveform in a resonant converter

ure 5.6(e). The load current increases linearly until it exceeds a preset value Ip
at t2 .
As long as DT + begins to conduct, T+ is gated on. When the load current
changes the flowing direction, it flows through T+ instead of DT + . This arrange-
ment avoids the reverse recovery current of DT + which is a main noise source in
a hard switching converter.
At t2 , the T+ is turned off, which is conducting the positive output current io .
In the time interval between t2 and t3 , the voltage across Cds− falls from Vdc to
0 by the resonance between the drain-source capacitors and the filter inductors.
At t3 , the voltage is clamped at 0 volt since DT − is conducted. Then the load
current decreases linearly to a preset value In at t4 .
The slopes of the transient at t0 and t2 are determined by the amplitude and
frequency of the resonances. No matter what the initial voltage values on the
capacitor are, the dv/dt of the output voltage can be expressed by:
dv 1
= I0 (5.7)
dt t0 Cds+ + Cds−
Therefore, the dv/dt of the output voltage transient is not constant. It is low
at a low output current and increases with a high output current. The value of
drain-source capacitances can be derived by the following equation,

Cds = Coss − Crss (5.8)


Coss is the output capacitance,

Crss is the reverse transfer capacitance.

Coss and Crss can be obtained from the manufacturer’s datasheet or experiment-
based parameter extraction. Actually, the value of Coss and Crss provided by
the datasheet is the measurement in a particular test condition. It varies as a
nonlinear function of the drain to source voltage vds . The effective Coss in [IRF]
is defined as a capacitance that would give the same charging time as the output
capacitance of a MOSFET while vds is rising from zero to 80% Vdc at vgs = 0V.
Next, a validation is done to calculate the dv/dt in transient time. The transis-
tor type is APT8024LF. The measured voltage and current waveforms are shown
in Figure 5.8.

Figure 5.8: Measured output current and voltage waveform in a resonant con-

Measurements are done for different values of the output current vo . The
comparison in Table 5.2 shows a good agreement.
An exception occurs when the output current level is very low. If the condition
in Equation (5.9) is satisfied, the peak of the resonance output voltage cannot
reach Vdc during t0 and t′1 . At t′1 , T+ is turned on at the end of the deadtime.
The output is connected to the bus voltage by T+ , the time diagram is shown in
Figure 5.9. This voltage transient is a hard switching with a much higher dv/dt
which can be calculated using the approach in the last chapter.

Table 5.2: Comparison of the dv/dt by calculation and measurement

output current(A) dv/dt by calculation dv/dt by measurement

(V/ns) (V/ns)
18 12.77 11.40
12 8.51 7.60
7 4.96 4.56
4 2.84 2.28

Io < q (5.9)
Cds+ +Cds−


t0 t1' t2 t3 t4 t

In t0 t1' t2 t3 t4

Figure 5.9: Output current and voltage waveform in a resonant converter when
output current is very low

The transients are very important for EMI analysis. If the time axis is ex-
panded to a large scale, the output current is a triangle waveform. The fundamen-
tal component of the output current io1 is a sinusoidal signal which is required on
the functional level. The preset value Ip and In to turn on the transistor T+ and
T− are set according to Figure 5.11. A tolerance band exists for Ip and In to let
the bridge current reach zero and change direction in each switching cycle. This
fulfills the condition for resonant switching. To determine the right moment to

Figure 5.10: Measured output current and voltage waveform in a resonant con-
verter when output current is very low

switch the transistors, the current through the inductance of the LC-filter needs
to be measured.




Figure 5.11: Output current and voltage waveform in a resonant converter

For very high switching frequency, the relationship between Ip , In and io1

Ip + In
io1 = (5.10)

For the simplest realization, Ip and In are determined by,

Ip = max(Ib , 2io1 + Ib )
In = min(−Ib , 2io1 − Ib )

here, Ib is the lowest current for switching to take place.

The output voltage can be calculated by the output current and the impedance
of the load.
V = IZl + Vdc /2 (5.12)

The time interval taken for the output current increasing from In to Ip is

Lf (Ip − In )
tr = (5.13)
Vdc − V

Similarly, the time interval taken for the output current decreasing from Ip
to In is
Lf (Ip − In )
tr = (5.14)
here, the capacitances of the output filter are considered large enough.
In Figure 5.12, the probability density function calculated over the switching
period of a resonant converter is plotted. The switching period is varying in a
wide range from 3.2 µs to 32 µs. The probability of the switching period is not
evenly distributed. The maximum probability occurs at 32 µs.
The hierarchical approach is used here to calculate the noise spectrum of the
resonant converter. The result of predicted noise spectrum on the functional level
is shown in Figure 5.13. Some peaks in the spectrum correspond to the switching
period with maximum probability.
After applying the correcting factors of the edges, the final result of the cal-
culated noise spectrum is shown in Figure 5.14.

5.5 Experimental verification

The resonant converter is also measured by compliance EMC measurement equip-
ment. The experimental result is shown in Figure 5.15.
Comparing with the predicted result, there are some differences. Here are the
explanations for the differences.

• The differences in the low frequency range may be due to the possible value
deviation of the components, especially due to the inductance of the reso-
nance inductor. In the variable switching frequencies, the inductance value
is no longer fixed. The variable inductance can spread the resonance fre-
quency to wider frequency range.

Figure 5.12: Probability density calculated over the switching period of a resonant

Figure 5.13: The predicted noise spectrum of a resonant converter before applying
the corecting factors

Figure 5.14: The predicted noise spectrum of a resonant converter after applying
the corecting factors

Figure 5.15: Experimental verification of the noise spectrum of a resonant con-


• The difference in the high frequency range may be due to the not detailed
model of propagation path. This can be improved by detailed modeling or
through experimentation [Che98].

• A peak appears around 28 MHz in the measured spectrum. It is caused by

the occasional hard switching which is shown in the time domain in Fig-
ure 5.10. Although the lowest switching current Ib is set in the converter to
4 A, and it is already higher than the condition given by (5.9) to avoid hard
switching, the current sensor circuit may be disturbed causing the switching
to occur at the wrong moment. This can be avoided by improvements in
the control circuit.

5.6 Summary
In this chapter, a new approach to model the noise source is explained. This
approach overcomes the limitations of previous methods. It can be used to model
the noise source with variable interval times between transients and variable tran-
sient waveforms. This approach is applied to a resonant converter that operates
under ZVS conditions. The experimental result is compared to a calculated result.
This method of noise source modeling is especially for AC-AC converters due to
their variable operating points on the functional level.
Chapter 6
Suppression in the noise source

In this chapter, suppression approaches which are implemented on the noise source
side are discussed. Firstly, the remedies in the literature and their limitations are
reviewed. A new active filter approach called ‘‘fourth leg compensator’’ is pro-
posed. Its principles are introduced. How the values of components in the com-
pensator are determined to obtain the satisfying suppression effect is explained.
The simulation results are presented. It is shown that the new active filter over-
comes limitations of previous approaches and can be a potential solution to solve
EMI issues in motor drive systems.

6.1 Introduction
As we discussed in Chapter 3, the noise level received at the victim is decided
by the noise level of the noise source and the conversion efficiency at the prop-
agation path. The suppression approaches can be divided into two categories
according to where the mitigations are taking place. For the approaches which
are implemented in the noise source, the mitigations are realized in three ways:
• reducing the noise spectrum by changing the transient waveform,
• decreasing the repetition frequency of the switching events,
• creating additional noise sources which are anti-phase to the original noise
The first type of the suppression approaches modifies the shape of the wave-
form at each transient. In [Hol04], the edges of each hard switching transient
are controlled to become optimized shapes to mitigate the noise spectrum. The
improvement is only in the high frequency range. The resonant converter is an-
other solution which is studied in Chapter 5. The transient edges are replaced


by the resonances. The resonances make the commutations much smoother than
with hard switching. The resonance frequency changes with the load current.
For very low load current, once the condition in Equation (5.9) is satisfied, a
hard switching occurs next to the resonance. Because these hard switching tran-
sients occur occasionally, the overall EMI level is not suppressed as expected.
In [Kim97; Hab02; Han04], diodes are used to limit the output voltage to the DC-
bus voltage. The amplitude of the CM voltage is decreased. The main drawback is
that the voltage transient slope is not changed. Therefore, the EMC performance
is improved in the low frequency but not in the high frequency range.
The second factor that influences the final EMI spectrum is the time interval
between transients. It relates to the PWM modulation strategy or the switching
frequency of the converter. In [Cac99], it is shown that by choosing a suitable
PWM method, the common mode current can be reduced by reducing the amount
and amplitude of common mode voltage transients. This method can be further
enhanced by including a small common mode inductor [Hav08]. For modern
motor drive systems, the switching frequency is normally above 4 kHz. The
switching frequency is close to or larger than the intermediate frequency band
width (IFBW) of the measurement receiver. For the compliance receiver, there
is only one sideband centered around harmonics hfc falling into the IFBW. The
noise source is a kind of narrow band source. As known from the Equation (5.1),
higher repetition frequency brings a higher spectrum level for the noise sources
having the same transient waveforms.
For most compliance measurements using a QP detector, there is a correcting
factor between the QP detector result and Pk detector result. A lower repetition
frequency means a longer discharge time for the QP detector, therefore, there is
a larger correlation factor to adjust the QP detector result to a lower spectrum
level. The QP measurement result can be much lower with a lower switching
frequency. Observing Figure 5.3 and Figure 5.4, for power switching converters,
the correlation factor takes effect when the converter works with a switching
frequency less than 9 kHz. For a converter with a 16 kHz switching frequency,
the correcting factor is 0 dB. For 4 kHz switching frequency, the correcting factor
can be -6 dB.
In Figure 6.1, the spectra of a converter running under 4 kHz and 16 kHz
switching frequencies are compared. Since the switching frequency is increased
by 4 times, the spectrum should be lifted 12 dB. This is consistent with the graphs.
It can also be observed that the difference between the QP detector result and Pk
detector result is larger for the converter running under 4 kHz than the converter
running under 16 kHz.
Most parts of the spectrum follow the ‘‘shifting vertically’’ rule, but an ex-
ception occurs around the frequency range 300 kHz - 600 kHz. The transient
waveform is unavoidably changed by the changing of switching frequency. To
reduce the current ripple and the size of energy storage elements, high switching
frequency is required. Decreasing the repetition frequency of switching events is
always accompanied by side effects.

(a) (b)

Figure 6.1: Spectrum of measured noise in LISN; (a) 4 kHz switching frequency,
(b) 16 kHz switching frequency; upper trace: prescan Pk detector, lower trace:
prescan Av detector, x point: final measurement QP detector, + point: final
measurement Av detector

The third approach is creating anti-phase sources to compensate the noise

In [Coc03], an auxiliary anti-phase winding has been added to compensate for
the noise source. Passive canceling circuits are also reported in [Mur92; Swa01;
Mei03]. All these circuits include voltage detecting and voltage compensation
parts. Because they are passive filters, the control scheme can only be the feed-
forward method. The detection circuit always needs to draw current since the
input impedance of the voltage compensator cannot be infinite. The voltage
dropping along the detecting circuit brings the error of the compensating volt-
age [Mei03]. In [Son06], general active filters that can be applicable to the EMI
filter are reviewed. For active filters, the control scheme can be feed-forward
or feed-back and the compensating signal has a much smaller error. In [Son02],
such mitigation circuits have been described. In [Sho03], the balanced switching
converter circuit is proposed to reduce the CM noise. In [Jau99], an approach
called ‘‘dual-bridge inverter’’ uses three extra inverter legs to create extra noise
sources to mitigate CM noise. In [Jul99], only one inverter leg is used instead
of three inverter legs to reduce the CM voltage to zero. In ideal situations, the
CM voltage can be compensated completely to constant zero. The CM current
is eliminated. The drawback is that the zero state in the PWM pattern is not
allowed. To get rid of zero vector states, a specific modulation technique has to be
chosen. It brings side effects, for instance, reduction of the maximum modulation
index, increased amount of switching and power loss, increased current ripple.

A new approach is proposed to suppress the CM voltage generated in motor

drive systems. The strategy is trying to suppress both the transient slope and
amplitude of CM voltage using only one additional inverter leg. It is a compromise
between complexity of additional circuits and efficiency of mitigation.

6.2 Operation principle

The diagram of this approach is shown in Figure 6.2. Here the extra winding of
the CMC is connected between the fourth leg compensator and the middle point
of the DC-bus. The inductor Ly is used when the CM transformer is not ideally

u U
v V shaft
o w W
x y


Figure 6.2: The diagram of the fourth leg approach

The strategy is summarized as below:

1. Synchronize the voltage in the fourth leg jumps with the voltage jumps in
any other three inverter legs.

2. Reset the voltage in the fourth-leg with a slow slope if the voltages of the
other three inverter legs change sequentially in the same direction (0→1 or

The voltage waveforms of all inverter legs are illustrated in Figure 6.3. The
converter is using SPWM modulation. The reference vector state vr is supposed
in sector 1. The complete period of PWM voltage signal is composed of two
active vector states (V1 and V2 ) and two zero vector state (V0 and V7 ). vu , vv
and vw are the terminal voltage outputs in three inverter legs. The waveform
vCM0 represents the CM voltage waveform when no suppression is applied. It is
obvious that the peak-to-peak amplitude of the vCM0 is Vdc , and the CM current
iCM is unavoidable because of the fast transient edge of vCM0 .

The output voltage of the fourth leg compensator is represented by the wave-
form vx in Figure 6.3. By applying the voltage vx on the extra winding of the
CM transformer, the peak-to-peak amplitude of the CM voltage vCM is reduced
to Vdc /2 and the CM current iCM is suppressed because of the slow transient edge
of vCM . The CM current iCM is almost eliminated.
In Figure 6.3, the vx changes states when one of the vu , vv and vw changes
its states. The vx always needs to reset its states slowly and prepares for next
compensation since the vu , vv and vw change sequentially from 0 to 1 or from 1
to 0. The reset procedure must be much slower than the original transient of the
terminal voltage signal to avoid generating new noise sources.

S0 S1 S2 S7 S2 S1 S0









Figure 6.3: The voltage waveform of the fourth leg approach

The simulated spectra of CM voltage are shown Figure 6.4. In this simulation,
the compensation is supposed to be perfect, it is an idealized situation.
With this approach, we use only one extra inverter leg to balance the CM
voltage, and the zero vector states of the PWM modulation are still available. No
special PWM modulation is necessary. This overcomes the limitation of the active
filtering method in [Jau99; Jul99]. The amplitude of the CM voltage is reduced to
50% of the CM voltage before mitigation. As explained in Subsection 2.6.3, the
EDM bearing current is produced when the amplitude of the CM voltage exceeds
a threshold voltage, therefore, the decreasing of the CM voltage can mitigate
EDM in most case.

240 240

220 220

200 200

180 180
Level of CM voltage(dbuV)

Level of CM voltage(dbuV)
160 160

140 140

120 120

100 100

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20
4 5 4 5
10 10 10 10
Frequency(Hz) Frequency(Hz)

(a) (b)

Figure 6.4: Spectrum of the CM voltage; (a) before adding the fourth leg com-
pensator, (b) after adding the fourth leg compensator

The CM high frequency current can also be reduced. It benefits from the
compensation of the fast transients. The newly created slow transients have
much less high frequency components than fast transients.

6.3 The determination of the values of magnetic components

Here, we explain how to determine the magnetic component values to minimize
the CM current flowing through the CM path. The magnetically coupled windings
can be modeled and simplified as a CM transformer as shown in Figure 6.5. A
set of voltage-current equations is given by

vCM0 L1 i1

vx Lx ix CM

Figure 6.5: The diagram of the fourth leg approach

vCM0 = (sL1 + ZCM )i1 + sM ix
vx = sM i1 + (sLx + Zy )ix


vCM0 is the inverter output CM voltage,

vx is the compensation voltage in the fourth leg,
i1 is the flowing current in the CM path,
ix is the flowing current in the fourth leg path,
L1 , Lx is the coupled windings in the CM path and the fourth leg path,
ZCM is the impedance of the CM path,
Zy is the impedance of the extra winding in the fourth leg path.

Here i1 can be derived by Equation (6.1),

(sLx + Zy )vCM0 − sM vx
i1 = (6.2)
(sL1 + ZCM )(sLx + Zy ) − s2 M 2

To let the CM current be zero in a wide frequency range, the numerator of

Equation (6.2) has to be equal to zero.

6.3.1 Ideal coupling

To achieve i1 = 0, the corresponding component values in the compensator are
derived. The deriving starts with the assumption of ideal coupling between the
windings in the CM transformer. We have Lx = ( N x 2 Nx
N1 ) L1 and M = ( N1 )L1 . Here
Nx and N1 are numbers of turns of the windings of the CM tranformer. If the
condition vCM0 N1
vx = Nx is satisfied, then i1 can be zero.
Here, extra winding providing Zy is not necessary in the fourth leg. On the
contrary, the Zy must be zero. Therefore, a hidden condition is that the leakage
inductances of the CM transformer must be zero. The condition to achieve i1 = 0
with ideal coupling condition is consistent with the conclusion derived in [Mei03].

6.3.2 Nonideal coupling

In real situations, the coupling cannot be idealized. Actually, under nonideal
coupling conditions, we can still achieve i1 = 0 by extra winding providing Zy .
√ If the coupling coefficient is a constant k which is smaller than 1, then M =
k L1 Lx . To let i1 be zero, we need the following condition,
Ly = M − Lx (6.3)
As long as the condition Nx < kN1 vCM0 , the Ly calculated by Equation (6.3)
is larger than 0. Satisfying this condition is feasible. In the special condition when
vCM0 = vx , the Equation (6.3) is simplified to Ly = M − Lx . How compensation
takes place can be explained clearly by the equivalent circuit method.

Two voltage sources can be replaced by one source when vCM0 = vx as shown
in Figure 6.6(a). Then T-Equivalent tranformer is used to eliminate the mutual
inductance. The Figure 6.6(b) shows the equivalent circuit. When N N1 < k,

Lx − M is a negative inductance. With Ly = M − Lx , the impedance in the

branch of the fourth leg is zero and the entire CM current is bypassed through
the fourth leg path instead of the CM path which is exactly our goal.

vCM0 L1 i1

Lx ix CM

(a) vCM0 = vx

vCM0 M L1-M i1
Lx-M ix

(b) T-Equivalent transformer

Figure 6.6: Simplified diagram of fourth leg approach to show the mitigation
principle in the special condition vCM0 = vx

If the leakage inductance Lσ of the CM transformer is not zero, the extra

winding inductance Ly can be the value of vCM0 M − Lx − Lσ to achieve a good

6.4 The control method

In the fourth leg compensator, there is a drive circuit between the logic control
and the output terminal voltage with controllable slope. For this key circuit, the
following specifications are required:

1. It is connected to the DC-bus of the motor drive. The voltage ratings of

transistors are the same as that of the other three inverter legs.

2. The dv/dt slope and the transient time of the output voltage need to be
controlled. Two fixed slopes of the dv/dt are necessary. The fast one
(200 ns-500 ns) is used to compensate the transients of the other three
phase lines. The slow one (2 µs-5 µs) is used to reset the compensator for
the next transient if it is required.
3. The gate signal and slope control signal are provided by the DSP board and
the interface utilizes plastic optic fibers for galvanic isolation.
In Figure 6.7, the circuit diagram of the fourth leg compensator is illustrated.

Gate Signal drive

Slope Control

Figure 6.7: The circuit diagram of the fourth leg compensator

For three-phase PWM VSD systems, there are 23 = 8 switching vector states.
The number N of the inverter outputs which are connected to the positive bus rails
can be (0,1,2,3). The corresponding relationships between the switching vectors
and the CM voltage are given in Table 6.1. Here, the algorithm to calculate the
gate signal and slope control signal is presented in Figure 6.8. Figure 6.9 shows
the waveforms of all control and terminal voltages of the fourth leg compensator.

Table 6.1: The corresponding relationships between the switching vectors and
the CM voltage in a three-phase motor drive
Vector vu vv vw vCM0 N
0 0 0 0 −Vdc /2 0
1 1 0 0 −Vdc /6 1
2 1 1 0 Vdc /6 2
3 0 1 0 −Vdc /6 1
4 0 1 1 Vdc /6 2
5 0 0 1 −Vdc /6 1
6 1 0 1 Vdc /6 2
7 1 1 1 Vdc /2 3

Transient Occurs

N increases in this


N increases in next No N decreases in next No

transient? transient?


Gate signal = Gate signal = Gate signal = Gate signal =

Slope control= Slope control= Slope control= Slope control=

Figure 6.8: The algorithm to generate the gate signal and slope control signal for
the fourth leg compensator

6.5 The method to generate variable voltage transient slopes

As known from the previous sections, the variable voltage transient slope is a
key issue in this fourth leg compensator approach. Actually, we need a transient
with a fast slope to compensate the transient of the other inverter legs, and we
use a transient with a slow transient slope to reset the state of the fourth leg
compensator before the next compensation if it is required.
Several approaches are proposed to control the voltage transient slopes. In
[Par01], The principle is using the effective miller capacitance between gate and
drain to adjust the slope electronically. In [Con96], auxiliary current source
and auxiliary current sink are used to change the variation of the drain voltage
during the turn-on and turn-off transient. Another main contributor in active
gate control method suggests adding a precondition bias to the demand reference
waveform shifts the IGBT into the active region for dv/dt control [Pal04]. We use
the approach [Par01] in a simulation to show the feasibility using the simplified
diagram shown in Figure 6.10.
By adjusting the gain of the current controlled current source, the slopes
changes from approximately 1420 V/µs to 6960 V/µs for turn-off and from ap-
proximately 994 V/µs to 6960 V/µs for turn-on. The simulation result is shown
in Figure 6.11.
Further simulation is done in a full circuit. The control signal is calculated
and fed to the fourth leg compensator. In Figure 6.12, the voltage transient
slope is changed according to the requirements. The average power dissipation
is estimated as 15.5 W for a 15 kW motor drive working at 8 kHz switching


Vector 0 1 2 7 2 1 0




Gate signal

Slope control


Figure 6.9: Voltage waveforms of control and output terminals in the fourth leg


10mH 10m

C1 0.1nF 5

+ V2

R1 40 -

F1 f ixgm17N100a


Figure 6.10: The equivalent circuit to control the voltage transient slopes

(a) Turn off (b) Turn on

Figure 6.11: Simulation results showing the controllable transient waveforms us-
ing active gate control

(a) Transient voltage and current waveform

(b) Control signal and power dissipation

Figure 6.12: Upper: simulation results showing the voltage and current switching
waveforms of a transistor (IXGM17N100A) which is controlled by the flexible
dv/dt control method. Lower: the control signal used for slope control and the
calculated power dissipation

frequency. This is acceptable.

The influence of deadtime should be considered [Cir06; Cac09]. The deadtime
is introduced to prevent a short circuit at the inverter leg in the commutation
moment. The real moment of transients then depends on the polarity of the
load current. This introduces the error in compensation. The influence of the
deadtime can be mitigated if the polarity of the load current in each inverter leg
can be measured and the fourth leg compensator can be controlled by an accurate
digital circuit.

6.6 Summary
The EMC issue is a main concern before further improvement of motor drive sys-
tems can be made. The present solutions are always accompanied by drawbacks.
This is the reason why the industry still uses traditional passive filters as their
solution. Based on previous research results, a new CM noise suppression method
is proposed called a ‘‘fourth leg compensator’’. Two main modifications bring
benefit compared to previous remedies. One is achieved by adding an extra wind-
ing in the fourth leg path. This arrangement can compensate the CM voltage,
even with nonideal coupling in the CM transformer and when leakage inductance
is present. The second improvement is the arrangement of the switching pattern
of the fourth inverter leg. Two slope rates exist in the turn-on and turn-off of
the compensator. The high slope rate is used to compensate the transient of the
other three inverter legs, while the low slope rate is used to reset the state of
the fourth leg for the next transient if it is required. By this arrangement, zero
vector states of the PWM modulation are not allowed, the amplitude of the CM
voltage is reduced by 50%, and the CM voltage transients with high dv/dt are
successfully compensated. This approach results in an increase of the number of
active components, but a decrease in overall size and weight due to the smaller
and lighter CMC can be used.
Chapter 7
Conclusions and recommendations

7.1 Conclusions
In this thesis, a hierarchical approach is proposed for analyzing the EMC problem
of power electronics applications. This thesis focuses on two main issues. The first
is to develop an approach which makes modeling and prediction of the EMI level
in power electronic applications possible. The second is to develop suppression
approaches for EMI noise.
When approaching the first issue, the main goal is to develop a design pro-
cess. A hierarchical approach is proposed and demostrated in this thesis. The
previous approaches to model the noise are based on many simplification as-
sumptions. However, in many applications, this is not sufficient due to many
recent developments in the field. These include variable switching frequency and
variable transients of switches, hence, a hierarchical approach is proposed. The
proposed approach has three steps. In the first step (functional level), a sim-
ple model of switches in the system is developed. The operating points of each
switching transient and all time intervals are derived and the narrowband signals
of the EMI noise can be derived. In the second step (transient level), the result
contains detailed transient waveforms which take the variation of the nonlinear
switching transient into account. In the third step (propagation level), the noise
propagation through the system is described by the transfer ratio, and the EMC
performance is evaluated.
In order to validate the hierarchical approach, it is applied to predict the noise
in a resonant converter, which has not been done before. The major challenge
for the AC-AC converter is that the operating points of voltage and current are
not fixed as in a DC-DC converter and the current varies over a large range.
This makes the transient slope of the current and voltage waveforms vary over
a large range. It is very important to take this into account when predictiing


the associated EMI. Also, the time interval between transients is not fixed. The
assumption used in the conventional approach, namely, periodic noise sources
and a fixed propagation path, is then, not valid. This makes the hierarchical
approach desirable for analyzing the EMI in power electronics, especially for an
AC-AC converter.
The analysis on the functional level gives the noise source in the low frequency
range. The detailed result achieved from the transient level is used in the prop-
agation level analysis to get the noise source in the high frequency range. The
final spectrum of the noise source is based on the combined results of narrowband
noise and broadband noise.
To conclude the first issue addressed, this thesis presents a hierarchical ap-
proach which is applicable to analyze the EMC issue in power electronic applica-
tions. These aspects are presented together in a framework which demonstrates
how to obtain operating points, how to obtain transient waveforms, how to predict
noise levels in the low frequency range and the high frequency range respectively,
and how to get the final noise source level. The predicted result is extended from
a peak detector to an average detector and quasi-peak detector, which has not
been included before.
The second issue is the development of suppression approaches for EMI noise.
There are two proposed approaches for EMI suppression in this thesis. The first
approach is by inserting a passive filter into the DC-bus. It can be concluded that
the same noise suppression performance can be achieved using a DC-bus filter as
the conventional AC side filter. The advantage of this approach is that the con-
nections can be made very short which can improve the suppression significantly.
The transfer ratio is defined and can be measured by a low-cost current probe.
The parasitic parameters of the model can be extracted based on the transfer ratio
measurement results. Based on the established model, the benefit of using a DC-
bus CM filter can be calculated efficiently in the frequency domain. The filter is
installed inside the converter and the interconnections can be made very short.
This can improve the suppression performance significantly and avoids the tricky
task of designing or selecting a filter afterwards. The noises are suppressed partly
inside the converter if the DC-bus filter is included in the design. For some critical
requirements, the additional filter needed would be much smaller.
A new active filter is proposed as the second solution. The so called ‘‘fourth
leg compensator’’ generates a signal to compensate the transients of the other
three legs. This approach results in an increase of the number of active compo-
nents, but a decrease in overall size and weight due to the decrease in passive
components which would otherwise be needed for filters. The fourth leg approach
is compared with another state of the art active approach viz., the double in-
verter bridge. For comparison, the previous fourth ‘‘pseudo phase’’ cannot use
the zero vector states, which leads to undesirable secondary effects. This includes
a reduction of the maximum modulation index, an increased number of switching
transients, an increased current ripple and an increasing power loss. The fourth
leg compensator suppresses the fast transient of CM voltage while reducing the

amplitude of the common mode voltage by 50%. A method to determine the val-
ues of the additional components is described. It is shown that the CM voltage
can be compensated for even with nonideal coupling in the CM transformer and
when leakage inductance is present.

7.2 Outlook towards future development

7.2.1 Systematic EMC design tool
The hierarchical approach is developed because the final EMC performance relies
greatly on the result of the transient level analysis. The transient level analysis is
based on the operating points obtained on the functional level analysis. The parts
of the analysis based on the transient and functional level are familiar to power
electronics specialists, but not to an EMC expert. Conversely, power electronics
specialists are not familiar with the EMC standard and noise propagation paths.
The hierarchical approach gives a clear way of task division for the whole problem.
Therefore, a systematic EMC design tool based on the hierarchical approach
could be realized by software programmers, power electronics engineers and EMC
experts. The fundamental building blocks of this systematic tool are already
available. For instance, simulation software for education purposes or design
purposes can be used for functional analysis. The circuit simulation can be used
for transient analysis if the libraries of components are added. The additional
efforts include developing an extra interface to provide the details of the transients
which can be used for EMC design.

7.2.2 Statistical method

To describe an aperiodic noise source, the present method creates a switching
event list. For EMC analysis over a long period, for instance, the acceleration
and deceleration process of the motor drive, the amount of collected data could be
of a huge size. For this kind of problem, statistical approaches can be a solution.
The characteristics of transients are analyzed, and the EMC performance can
be linked to the probability distribution of the amplitudes and the time interval
between the switching events.

7.2.3 Circuit realization

In Chapter 6, the fourth leg approach to compensate the CM voltage of the PWM
motor drive is proposed. The theory and circuit simulation are presented. Due to
time limitations, the circuit realization of the fourth leg approach was not done.
It would be of great interest to start an experimental implementation of the fourth
leg approach in order to investigate whether it can replace passive filters. The key
point of the circuit is letting the transistor work in switching mode with variable

transient slopes. Letting transistors work in active mode is another possibility,

but the power dissipation is increased.
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List of publications

This thesis is based on the works described in the following journal and conference
1. D. Zhao, J. Ferreira, A. Roc’h, and F. Leferink. Common-Mode DC-Bus
Filter Design for Variable-Speed Drive System via Transfer Ratio Measure-
ments. IEEE Trans. Power Electronics, vol. 24(2):pp. 518--524, 2009.
2. D. Zhao, J. Ferreira, A. Roc’h, and F. Leferink. New Common Mode EMI
filter for motor drive using a fourth leg in the inverter. in Proc. EMC
Europe Int. Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC-Europe),
pp. 741--746, 2008.
3. D. Zhao, J. Ferreira, A. Roc’h, and F. Leferink. Hierarchical EMC Anal-
ysis Approach for Power Electronics Applications. in Proc. IEEE Power
Electronics Specialists Conf. (PESC), pp. 1176--1182, 2008.
4. D. Zhao, J. Ferreira, H. Polinder, A. Roc’h, and F. Leferink. Noise propaga-
tion path identification of variable speed drive in time domain via common
mode test mode. in Proc. European Conference on Power Electronics and
Applications (EPE), vol. 1:p. CDROM, 2007.
5. D. Zhao, J. Ferreira, and H. Polinder. Common Mode DC-Bus Filter Design
for Variable Speed Drive System via Transfer Ratio Measurements. in Proc.
IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conf. (PESC), vol. 1:pp. 2881--2886,
6. A. Roc’h, D. Zhao, F. Leferink, H. Polinder, and J. Ferreira. Investigation
of the Coupling Paths of a Galvanically Isolated AC/AC Converter. in
Proc. IEEE Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), pp. 1--
6, 2007.
7. D. Zhao, J. Ferreira, H. Polinder, A. Roc’h, and F. Leferink. Using transfer
ratio to evaluate EMC design adjustable speed drive systems. in Proc. EMC


Europe Int. Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC-Europe),

pp. 140--145, 2006.

8. D. Zhao, J. Ferreira, and H. Polinder. Noise Source and Transfer Path

Analysis in Variable Speed Drive Systems. in Proc. IEEE Benelux Young
Researchers Symposium in Electrical Power Engineering (YRS), p. Paper
no.29, 2006.

9. D. Zhao, J. Ferreira, H. Polinder, A. Roc’h, and F. Leferink. Investigation

of EMI Noise Transfer Characteristic of Variable Speed Drive System. in
Proc. Int. Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation
and Motion (SPEEDAM), pp. S26--13--S26--18, 2006.

The list of papers below are other collaborated works which are not included
in the thesis

1. A. Roc’h, H. Bergsma, D. Zhao, J. Ferreira, and F. Leferink. Performances

optimization aspects of common mode chokes. in Proc. Int. Zurich Sym-
posium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC-Zurich), vol. 1: CDROM,

2. A. Roc’h, H. Bergsma, F. Leferink, D. Zhao, H. Polinder, and J. Ferreira. A

new predictive model for performances evaluation of common mode chokes.
in Proc. Int. Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC-
Zurich), Singapore, vol. 1: CDROM, 2007.

3. A. Roc’h, H. Bergsma, D. Zhao, J. Ferreira, and F. Leferink. A new

behavioural model for performance evaluation of common mode chokes. in
Proc. Int. Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC-
Zurich), vol. 1: CDROM, 2007.

4. A. Roc’h, H. Bergsma, F. Leferink, D. Zhao, H. Polinder, and J. Ferreira.

Ontwerp van een EMI-outputfilter voor frequentieomzetters. Elektronica,
vol. 54(10):pp. 23--29, 2006.

5. A. Roc’h, H. Bergsma, F. Leferink, D. Zhao, H. Polinder, and J. Ferreira.

Design of an EMI output filter for frequency converters. in Proc. EMC
Europe Int. Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC-Europe),
pp. 123--127, 2006.

6. D. Zhao, J. van Duijn, F. Leferink, and W. van Etten. EMI synthesis and
preventive methods for PWM driven DC motors. in Proc. EMC Europe
Int. Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC-Europe), vol. 1:
CDROM, 2004.

Hierarchical EMC Design for Inverters in Motor Drive Systems

Power electronics applications are usually accompanied by high voltage and cur-
rent amplitudes, and steep voltage and current transients. The EMI (Electromag-
netic Interference) issue is regarded as the main side effect of power electronics
applications. Noise level prediction is a vital task for filter design, but many
difficulties are encountered. For instance, a large amount of experience is needed
to build equivalent circuits, the use of simplified models often requires sacrificing
details in the high frequency range, individual approaches must be developed for
various topologies, etc. A new method for EMI prediction of power electronics
applications is thus desirable.
The new method should overcome the following common characteristics of
power electronics circuits: (a) the large difference between the time constants,
and (b) the long time required to reach steady state. The time domain approach
is very time-consuming. The assumptions used in the frequency domain approach,
namely, periodic noise sources and a fixed propagation path, are also not valid.
For example, the slopes of voltage and current transients depend on the operating
points, and the assumption of periodic noise sources does not apply. Because
the junction capacitors of power rectifiers and switches change with the reverse
voltage, the values of the components in the noise propagation path also change.
In this thesis, a hierarchical approach is proposed for the EMC design of
inverters in motor drive systems. It combines the advantage of the time domain
and frequency domain approach to achieve a fast, universal and accurate result.
The approach is validated by observations in the time domain and the frequency
domain. The proposed approach has three steps. In the first step (functional
level), a simple model of switches in the system is developed. The operating
points of each switching transient and all time intervals are derived and the
narrowband signals of the EMI noise can be derived. The second step (transient
level) results in detailed transient waveforms which take the variation of the
nonlinear switching transient into account. In the third step (propagation level),


the noise propagation through the system is described by the transfer ratio, and
the EMC performance is evaluated.
The approach is described in detail, and then a PWM voltage source inverter
feeding an induction motor is analyzed using this approach. This approach is
also applied to a resonant converter that operates under ZVS conditions. The
experimental results are compared to calculated results.
Two approaches are proposed for EMI suppression in this thesis. The first ap-
proach is by inserting a passive filter into the DC-bus. It can be concluded that
the same noise suppression performance can be achieved using a DC-bus filter as
the conventional AC side filter. The advantage of this approach is that the con-
nections can be made very short which can significantly improve the suppression.
A new active filter called the ‘‘fourth leg compensator’’ is proposed in this
thesis. The fourth leg inverter generates a signal to compensate the transients of
the other three legs. It can suppress the fast transients of common mode voltages
while reducing the amplitude of the common mode voltage by 50%. A method to
determine the values of the additional components is described. It is shown that
the CM voltage can be compensated for even with nonideal coupling in the CM
transformer and when leakage inductance is present.

Dongsheng Zhao

Hiërarchisch EMC Ontwerp voor Inverters in Motoraandrijfsystemen

Een vermogenselektronische toepassing gaat meestal gepaard met grote spannings-
en stroomamplitudes en steile spannings- en stroomtransiënten. De EMI (Elektro-
magnetische Interferentie) kwestie wordt beschouwd als een belangrijk neveneffect
van vermogenselektronische toepassingen. Het voorspellen van het ruisniveau is
een essentiële taak bij het ontwerpen van filters, maar men komt hierbij veel moei-
lijkheden tegen. De voorspelling vraagt bijvoorbeeld veel ervaring in het bouwen
van equivalente circuits, het gebruik van een vereenvoudigd model leidt vaak tot
verlies van hoogfrequente details, individuele benaderingen moet ontwikkeld wor-
den voor verschillende topologieën, etc. Daarom is een universele methode om de
EMI van vermogenselektronische toepassingen te voorspellen wenselijk.
De universele methode zou de volgende karakteristieken van vermogenselek-
tronische schakelingen moeten overwinnen: (a) het grote verschil tussen de tijd-
constanten, (b) de lange tijd die nodig is voordat de stabiele toestand bereikt
is. Simulaties uitvoeren in het tijddomein is zeer tijdrovend. De veronderstel-
lingen die in het frequentiedomein gebruikt worden, namelijk dat ruisbronnen
een periodiek signaal genereren en dat het propagatiepad vast is, zijn niet geldig.
De hellingen van spannings- en stroomtransiënten hangen bijvoorbeeld af van de
werkpunten en de veronderstelling van een periodieke ruisbron is niet correct.
Omdat de junctiecapaciteiten van gelijkrichters veranderen met het omkeren van
de spanning is het ruispropagatiepad ook niet vast.
In dit proefschrift wordt een hiërarchische benadering voorgesteld voor het
EMC (Elektromagnetische Compatibiliteit) ontwerp van inverters in motoraan-
drijfsystemen. Het combineert de voordelen van de tijddomein- en de frequentie-
domeinbenadering om een snel, universeel en accuraat resultaat te bereiken. De
geldigheid van de benadering wordt door de waarnemingen in het tijddomein en
het frequentiedomein bevestigd. De voorgestelde benadering heeft drie stappen.
In de eerste stap (functioneel niveau) wordt een eenvoudig model met schakelaars
van het systeem ontwikkeld. De werkpunten van elke schakeltransiënt en elk


tijdinterval worden afgeleid en de smalbandige signalen van de EMI ruis kunnen

afgeleid worden. De tweede stap (transiënt niveau) resulteert in gedetailleerde
transiëntgolfvormen waarin rekening gehouden is met de variatie van de niet-
lineaire schakeltransiënt. In de derde stap (propagatie niveau) wordt de ruispro-
pagatie door het systeem beschreven door de overdrachtsverhouding en wordt het
EMC gedrag geëvalueerd.
De benadering wordt in detail beschreven, waarna een PWM (pulsbreedte-
modulatie) spanningsbron inverter die een inductieve motor voedt, geanaliseerd
wordt aan de hand van deze benadering. Deze benadering wordt toegepast op
een ‘resonant inverter’ die de spanning omschakelt tijdens de nuldoorgangen van
de spanning. De experimentele resultaten worden vergeleken met berekende re-
Twee benaderingen voor EMI onderdrukking worden in dit proefschrift voor-
gesteld. De eerste benadering houdt het toevoegen van een passief filter op de
gelijkspanningsbus in. De conclusie kan getrokken worden dat door toevoeging
van dit filter dezelfde onderdrukking van de ruis bereikt kan worden, als met het
toevoegen van een conventioneel filter aan de wisselspanningskant. Het voordeel
van deze benadering is dat de verbindingen zeer kort gemaakt kunnen worden,
wat de onderdrukking drastisch kan verbeteren.
Een nieuw actief filter, dat ‘‘fourth leg compensator’’ (vierde tak compensa-
tor) genoemd wordt, wordt in dit proefschrift voorgesteld. De inverter met een
vierde tak genereert een signaal om de transiënten van de andere drie takken
te compenseren. Het kan de snelle transiënten van de common mode spanning
onderdrukken, terwijl het de amplitude van de common mode spanning met 50%
laat afnemen. Een methode wordt beschreven om de waardes van de toegevoegde
componenten te bepalen. Het wordt aangetoond dat de common mode span-
ning , zelfs met niet-ideale koppeling van de common mode transformator en het
voorkomen van parasitaire inductiviteit, gecompenseerd kan worden.

Dongsheng Zhao
Curriculum Vitae

Dongsheng Zhao was born in Yining city, China on February 12, 1975. He moved
with his family to Wenzhou city, when he was five years old.
He received the B.Sc degree in Electronic Engineering from Shanghai Jiao-
Tong Univeristy, Shanghai, China, in 1993. Then he joined industry for 9 years.
He worked as a technical engineer in Wenzhou postal, telegraph and telephone
office, served as a vice general manager in Zhejiang GuoXin Telecommunication
company Wenzhou branch, and was a manager in the mobile department in China
Unicom Corporation Wenzhou branch. During his work, he got a MBA (Master
of Business Administration) degree from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
in 2001.
He went to the Netherlands to continue his technical education in 2002. He
completed his master degree of Electric engineering in 2004 in University of
Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands. He did his master assignment in specials
division, at Nedap N.V., Groenlo involving the EMC issues in an automotive ap-
plication. He did internship after his graduation at the power supply division, at
the same company.
He was a Ph.D. researcher (in Dutch: Assistent in Opleiding or AIO) with
the electrical power processing group at the faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Mathematics and Computer (in Dutch: Elektrotechniek, Wiskunde en Informatica
or EWI) at Delft, the Netherlands during November 2004 till October 2008.
Since November 2008, he is a research scientist in research and development
department, at VSL, Dutch Metrology Institute, at Delft, the Netherlands. His
tasks include realization, maintenance and development of the national primary
standards for electromagnetic fields, power and other electrical quantities.
Dongsheng is married to Ran since the 27th of December, 2002 and they have
two sons, Chengji and Xingqi, born at the 26th of June, 2003 and the 11th of
August, 2008.


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