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ST Germans Newsletter - 20 January 2019

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St German’s Church
20 January 2019 - Epiphany 3 (OT2)

The Christian population of Indonesia is about This week:

10% of the total. It is a society riven by division,
corruption and injustice. The words of
Deuteronomy 16 “Justice, and only justice you Sun 20
shall pursue” speaks powerfully to the situation of 8am Said Mass (St G)
the Church in Indonesia and its needs. Before the 9:30 Sung Mass (St S)
people of God enter the promised land they need 11am Sung Mass (St G)
to renew the essential covenant with their God. 6pm Ecumenical
This renewal is inclusive: sons, daughters, slaves, Service (St S)
Levites, strangers, orphans and widows are called Mon 21:
upon to rejoice. True, Godly, inclusion is always 6pm Mass (St G)
rooted in justice - living in right relationships with St Agnes
those around us. Today we pray for mercy for the Tues 22:
sin of division and for grace to end all injustice. 10am Mass (St S)
St Vincent
Parish Notes: Wed 23:
10am Mass (St G)
Week of prayer for Christian Unity Continues this week until Friday. Please join us Thur 24:
this evening in St Saviour’s at 6pm for our ecumenical service. There will be prayer 5:45pm Mass (St S)
resources for individual use during the 8 days and also laminated copies in each St Francis de Sales
church for people to pray when visiting the church. The theme for the week of Fri 25:
prayer is ‘Only Justice’. 6pm mass (St S)
Nightshelter Appeal - This year, we are looking specifically for coats (male and Conversion of St Paul
female) that are in a very good condition (new or nearly new). We are also in need Sat 26:
11am Mass (St S)
of gloves. Please see Fr Phelim or the wardens for details. The 8:00 am mass is
Sts Timothy & Titus
open to all but is focused mainly on provision for our night shelter guests and
Sun 27: Epiphany
helpers. Please continue to pray for our guests and helpers each Saturday and
4 (OT3)
Sunday morning.
St Saviour’s:
First Aid - There are still places available for the deanery first aid training to help us 9:30 Sung Mass
become more safe and healthy as churches. If you are interested please let Fr St German’s:
Phelim know (either Sat 26 Jan or Tues 12 Feb from 10-4pm). 8am Said Mass
Treorchy Male Voice Choir -concert at St German’s Church commencing at 7pm 11am Sung Mass
(doors open at 6pm) on Sat, 23 March 2019. Early indications suggest that this will
be a very popular event and you are strongly advised to book tickets (£15 from
Parish Priest:
Angela Parry) as soon as possible. Fr Phelim O’Hare,
PCC Meeting - the Parish Council next meets on Mon 4 Feb 2019 at 6pm for mass 02922 411229,
with the business items at 6.45 pm.
Recently Departed: Bert Hopkins RIP (Day off - Friday)

Isa 62:1-5 Peter Lovitt
Neh 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10 Proclaim the wonders 02920 763754
Ps 96:1-2a, 2b-3, 7-8, Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 15
9-10 of the Lord among all Richard Hill
1 Cor 12:12-30 07519 352840
1 Cor 12:4-11 the peoples. (4vv)
Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21
John 2:1-11


Today’s Hymns: 97 Christ is made; 45 As the deer pants; 72 Bind us together; 429 Love
is his word. (Mass setting: A New People’s Mass, by Dom A. G. Murray)

COLLECT: RESPONSORIAL PSALM work of one and the same Spirit,

who distributes different gifts to
Almighty God, in Christ you Proclaim the wonders of the Lord different people just as he chooses.
among all the peoples.
make all things new:
This is the word of the Lord.
transform the poverty of our O sing a new song to the Lord, 1 Cor 12
nature by the riches of your  sing to the Lord all the earth.
grace, and in the renewal of  O sing to the Lord, bless his name. GOSPEL
our lives make known your
Proclaim his help day by day, A reading from the Holy Gospel
heavenly glory; through Jesus  tell among the nations his glory according to St John.
Christ your Son our Lord, who  and his wonders among all the
is alive and reigns with you peoples. On the third day there was a
wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the
and the Holy Spirit, one God,
Give the Lord, you families of mother of Jesus was there. Jesus and
now and for ever. Amen peoples, his disciples had also been invited to
 give the Lord glory and power; the wedding. When the wine gave
 give the Lord the glory of his name. out, the mother of Jesus said to him,
FIRST READING ‘They have no wine.’ And Jesus said
Worship the Lord in his temple. to her, ‘Woman, what concern is that
The First reading is from the book of  O earth, tremble before him. to you and to me? My hour has not
Isaiah. Proclaim to the nations: ‘God is yet come.’ His mother said to the
king.’ servants, ‘Do whatever he tells you.’
About Zion I will not be silent,  He will judge the peoples in Now standing there were six stone
about Jerusalem I will not grow fairness. water-jars for the Jewish rites of
weary, until her integrity shines out Psalm 96 purification, each holding twenty or
like the dawn and her salvation thirty gallons. Jesus said to them,
flames like a torch. SECOND READING ‘Fill the jars with water.’ And they
The nations then will see your filled them up to the brim. He said to
integrity, all the kings your glory, A reading from the first letter of Paul them, ‘Now draw some out, and take
and you will be called by a new to the Corinthians. it to the chief steward.’ So they took
name, one which the mouth of the it. When the steward tasted the
Lord will confer. There is a variety of gifts but always water that had become wine, and
You are to be a crown of splendour the same Spirit; there are all sorts of did not know where it came from
in the hand of the Lord, service to be done, but always to the (though the servants who had
a princely diadem in the hand of same Lord; working in all sorts of drawn the water knew), the steward
your God; no longer are you to be different ways in different people, it called the bridegroom and said to
named ‘Forsaken’, nor your land is the same God who is working in him, ‘Everyone serves the good wine
‘Abandoned’, but you shall be called all of them. The particular way in first, and then the inferior wine after
‘My Delight’ and your land ‘The which the Spirit is given to each the guests have become drunk. But
Wedded’; for the Lord takes delight person is for a good purpose. One you have kept the good wine until
in you and your land will have its may have the gift of preaching with now.’ Jesus did this, the first of his
wedding. wisdom given him by the Spirit; signs, in Cana of Galilee, and
Like a young man marrying a virgin, another may have the gift of revealed his glory; and his disciples
so will the one who built you wed preaching instruction given him by believed in him.
you, and as the bridegroom rejoices the same Spirit; and another the gift
in his bride, so will your God rejoice of faith given by the same Spirit; This is the Gospel of the Lord.
in you. another again the gift of healing, John 2
through this one Spirit; one, the
This is the word of the Lord. power of miracles; another,
Isa 62 prophecy; another the gift of
recognising spirits; another the gift
of tongues and another the ability to
interpret them. All these are the

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