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ST Saviours Newsletter - 28 July 2019 - Ot17

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St Saviour’s Church
28 July 2019 - Ordinary Time 17 (Trinity 6)

Today’s gospel teaches us about prayer. Like the

disciples in the story, we too come together around
This week:
Jesus who prays alone. We gather around Him and Sun 28: Trinity 6
in Him all our energies, thoughts, every 9:30 Sung Mass (St S)
commitment and preoccupation, our hopes and 11am Sung Mass (St G)
pains. Today it is we who are those disciples who Mon 29:
see the Master praying and allow ourselves to be No Mass (St G)
involved in His prayer, which was and is quite
St Martha
special.  Today His words are addressed to us, the
invitation to trust in the love of the Father is Tues 30:
addressed to us. We are so taken up with material 10am Mass (St S)
things, so much seeking “all and immediately”, so Wed 31:
spellbound by a thousand things, that then (and 10am Mass (St G)
only “then”, after some event that shakes us) we St Ignatius Loyola
discover that they are all really superfluous.
Thur 1:
(From a Carmelite Lectio Divina passage)
5:45pm Mass (St S)
St Alphonsus Mary de
Parish Notes: Fri 2:
Benediction and Evensong - this evening at 6pm in St German’s. All are welcome. 6pm Mass (St S)
Sat 3:
Sanctuary Lamps - A reminder that sanctuary lamps can be dedicated in
11am Mass (St S)
thanksgiving/in memoriam. Please write your intentions on the sheets at the back of
St Germanus of Auxerre
church and give your £4 donation to John Sun 4: Trinity 7
Cardiff Foodbank - Many thanks from Cardiff Foodbank to all who regularly donate (OT 18)
food. Currently, we urgently needed the following items: long life fruit juice, UHT St Saviour’s:
milk, Rice Pudding, Sponge Pudding, Tinned Potatoes, Tinned Tomatoes, Tinned 9:30 Sung Mass;
fish. They also have plenty of: Beans, pasta, cereals, snacks & sweets, soup, tea, St German’s:
meat. Many thanks again. 11:00 am Sung Mass

Penrhys Sponsored Walk from Llanwonno Church to Penrhys on Saturday 17

August. Anyone interested in joining us on the walk or for Mass at the Shrine of Our Parish Priest:
Lady of Penrhys please speak to Liz for more details. Fr Phelim O’Hare,
Assumptiontide - Ecumenical Celebration of the Assumption on Sun 18 August in St 02922 411229,
Mary’s Butetown. Vespers, procession, fireworks and BBQ. All are welcome.
(Day off - Friday)
Rome and Assisi Pilgrimage 2019 - 2-6 December. If you are interested in going
please see Fr Phelim. Cost of flights from Bristol, transfers and transport in Rome
and to Assisi will be £250.
Bill Eastwood
Weekday Services - No Monday mass this coming week. All other services as usual. 07800 946949
Next Sunday - We welcome Fr Keith Kimber who will preach and preside for us. David Gibbins
Recently Departed: Arthur Petty, Louise Anne Lloyd RIP. 

Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23
Gen 18:20-32 Ps 90:3-4, 5-6, 12-13, On the day I called,
Ps 138:1–3,6-7a, 7b-8 14+17
Col 2:12-14 Col 3:1-5, 9-11
you answered me,
Luke 11:1-13 Luke 12:13-21 O Lord. (4vv)


COLLECT OFFERTORY: You are my friends,

if you keep my commands,
Merciful God, you have Oh, the love of my Lord
no longer slaves;
prepared for those who love is the essence
I call you friends.
of all that I love here on earth.
you such good things as pass Refrain:
All the beauty I see
our understanding: pour into
he has given to me
our hearts such love toward No greater love is there than this:
and his giving
you that we, loving you in and to lay down one's life
is gentle as silence.
above all things, may obtain for a friend.
your promises, which exceed Refrain:
Every day, every hour,
all that we can desire; through every moment
Jesus Christ your Son our have been blessed
Lord, who is alive and reigns by the strength of his love.
with you, in the unity of the At the turn of each tide FINAL HYMN:
Holy Spirit, one God, now and he is there at my side,
You who dwell
for ever. Amen and his touch
in the shelter of the Lord,
is as gentle as silence.
Who abide in His shadow for life,
Say to the Lord, "My Refuge,
There’ve been times
My Rock in Whom I trust."
when I’ve turned
GATHERING: from his presence,
And He will raise you up
and I’ve walked
Seek ye first the kingdom of God on eagle's wings,
other paths, other ways.
And his righteousness; Bear you on the
But I’ve called on his name
And all these things breath of dawn,
in the dark of my shame,
shall be added unto you, Make you to shine like the sun,
and his mercy
Allelu, alleluia! And hold you in the palm
was gentle as silence.
Alleluia, alleluia, of His Hand.
Alleluia, allelu, alleluia.  
The snare of the fowler
Ask, and it shall be given unto will never capture you,
you, And famine
Seek, and ye shall find. COMMUNION: will bring you no fear;
Knock, and the door Under His Wings your refuge,
We have been told.
shall be opened unto you, His faithfulness your shield.
We've seen his face
Allelu, alleluia!  
and heard his voice
Alleluia, alleluia, You need not fear
alive in our hearts.
Alleluia, allelu, alleluia. the terror of the night,
Live in my love
Nor the arrow that flies by day,
with all your heart.
You shall not live by bread alone, Though thousands fall about you,
As the Father has loved me,
But by every word Near you it shall not come.
so I have loved you.
That proceeds  
from the mouth of the Lord, For to His angels
I am the vine;
Allelu, alleluia! He's given a command,
you are the branches,
Alleluia, alleluia, To guard you in all of your ways,
and all who live in me
Alleluia, allelu, alleluia. Upon their hands
will bear great fruit.
they will bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot
against a stone.

In the presence of the angels me three loaves of bread; for a friend of
I will bless you. mine has arrived, and I have nothing to
I will adore before your holy temple. R/ set before him.” And he answers from
within, “Do not bother me; the door has
I thank you for your faithfulness already been locked, and my children
FIRST READING and love, are with me in bed; I cannot get up and
which excel all we ever knew of you. give you anything.” I tell you, even
The First reading is from the book of
On the day I called, you answered; though he will not get up and give him
you increased the strength of my soul. anything because he is his friend, at
R/ least because of his persistence he will
The Lord said, ‘How great an outcry
get up and give him whatever he needs.
there is against Sodom and Gomorrah!
The Lord is high ‘So I say to you, Ask, and it will be given
How grievous is their sin! I propose to
yet he looks on the lowly to you; search, and you will find; knock,
go down and see whether or not they
and the haughty he knows from afar. and the door will be opened for you. For
have done all that is alleged in the
Though I walk in the midst of affliction everyone who asks receives, and
outcry against them that has come up to
you give me life and frustrate my foes. everyone who searches finds, and for
me. I am determined to know.’
R/ everyone who knocks, the door will be
opened. Is there anyone among you
The men left there and went to Sodom
You stretch out your hand and save me, who, if your child asks for a fish, will
while Abraham remained standing
your hand will do all things for me. give a snake instead of a fish? Or if the
before the Lord. Approaching him he
Your love, O Lord, is eternal, child asks for an egg, will give a
said, ‘Are you really going to destroy the
discard not the work of your hands. R/ scorpion? If you then, who are evil,
just man with the sinner? Perhaps there
know how to give good gifts to your
are fifty just men in the town. Will you
Psalm 138 children, how much more will the
really overwhelm them, will you not
heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to
spare the place for the fifty just men in
those who ask him!’
it? Do not think of doing such a thing: to
kill the just man with the sinner, treating SECOND READING This is the gospel of the Lord.
just and sinner alike! Do not think of it!
The Second Reading is from St Paul’s Luke 10
Will the judge of the whole earth not
administer justice?’ the Lord replied, ‘If letter to the Colossians.
at Sodom I find fifty just men in the
town, I will spare the whole place You have been buried with Christ, when
because of them.’ you were baptised; and by baptism, too,
you have been raised up with him
Abraham replied, ‘I am bold indeed to through your belief in the power of God
speak like this to my Lord, I who am who raised him from the dead. You were
dust and ashes. But perhaps the fifty just dead, because you were sinners and had
men lack five: will you destroy the not been circumcised: he has brought
whole city for five?’ ‘No,’ he replied ‘I you to life with him, he has forgiven us
will not destroy it if I find forty-five just all our sins.
men there.’ Again Abraham said to him,
‘Perhaps there will only be forty there.’ ‘I He has overridden the Law, and
will not do it’ he replied ‘for the sake of cancelled every record of the debt that
the forty.’ we had to pay; he has done away with it
by nailing it to the cross.
Abraham said, ‘I trust my Lord will not
be angry, but give me leave to speak: This is the word of the Lord.
perhaps there will only be thirty there.’ ‘I Col 1
will not do it’ he replied ‘if I find thirty
there.’ He said, ‘I am bold indeed to
speak like this, but perhaps there will GOSPEL
only be twenty there.’ ‘I will not destroy
it’ he replied ‘for the sake of the twenty.’ A reading from the Holy Gospel
He said, ‘I trust my Lord will not be according to St Luke.
angry if I speak once more: perhaps
there will only be ten.’ ‘I will not destroy He was praying in a certain place, and
it’ he replied ‘for the sake of the ten.’ after he had finished, one of his disciples
said to him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray, as
This is the word of the Lord. John taught his disciples.’ He said to
Gen 18 them, ‘When you pray, say: Father,
hallowed be your name. Your kingdom
come. Give us each day our daily bread.
RESPONSORIAL PSALM And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves
forgive everyone indebted to us. And do
On the day I called, not bring us to the time of trial.’
you answered me, O Lord. And he said to them, ‘Suppose one of
you has a friend, and you go to him at
I thank you, Lord, with all my heart: midnight and say to him, “Friend, lend
you have heard the words of my mouth.

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