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The Messenger of Peace

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TranslatedBy MohammedArifPatel

Publishedby MaktabeTaibah


TheMessengerofPeace(LifeandAchievements) MaulanaMuhammedShakirAliNoorie. (AmeerSunniDawateIslami) MuhammedAbdullahAazmi (Muballig,SunniDawateIslami)



Proofreading: MaulanaMazharHusseinAleemi, MaulanaSyedImranuddinQadri

Translatedby: MuhammedArifPatel

1stEdition: Eid e Milad un Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam (1428Hijri)



Publishedby: MaktabeTaibah(SunniDawateIslami)


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For a long time, I have had a desire to compile a book on the objectivesofthearrivalofthelastandfinalProphetSallallahuAlaihi wa Sallam in the light of the Quran and the Ahadeeth. The motive behind this was to highlight the exalted status of RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam and to make people aware of his extraordinary achievements, which would help develop the love for RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam and inspire them to follow him. Alhamdulillah, on my recent visit to Africa, I reached Lusaka from Malawi on 20th Muharram 1428. I was staying at the house of my respectedhostAlhajAbdullahMeemsahib.Hehadathishousethe blessed hairs of RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. I stood thereadmiringtheblessedhairswhensomethinginspiredmetofulfil mydreamonthebook.SeekinghelpandguidancefromtheCreator oftheBelovedMasteroftheWorldSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamand taking it as a good sign that I was in front of the blessed hairs, I decidedtostartwriting. I was pleased that I was following the way of Allah Almighty in praising His Beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. It would alsoprovidemewiththeopportunitytodrawthereadersattention to the unparalleled sacrifices given by RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam in the path of Allah, thus inspiring us to present similar sacrifices. May Allah Almighty take the work which pleases Him and His BelovedRasoolSallallahuAlaihiwaSallambecausethefactisthatif we are able to do even one act which pleases Allah Almighty then that would be enough for us to succeed in both worlds. As Imam AhleSunnat,SayyediAalaHazratrightlypleads,

KaamWohLeLijiyeTumKoJoRaaziKare, TheekHoNaameRazaTumPeKaroronDurood. Intheend,Iurgethatifthereareanyshortcomingsinthisbookthen please bring it to my attention so that it can be rectified. Please remembermeandmyparentsinyourpreciousduas. MohammedShakirNoorie, AmeerSunniDawateIslami 10thMuharram1428Hijri.

InthenameofAllah,theAlmightyandwiththehelpofMustafa SallallahuAlaihiwaSallam. FromAdamAlaihisSalaamuntilourbelovedfinalProphetSallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam, there have been approximately one hundred and twenty four thousand Prophets who were sent down by Allah Almighty towards mankind. Their mission was same and they all camewiththesamemessage.

AndindeedWesenttoeverynationaNobleMessenger(proclaiming)that WorshipAllahandbewareofthedevil; All the Prophets invited the people to worship only Allah and to follow the straight path, which is the Siraat alMustaqeem. Those whowerefortunateacceptedtheirinvitationandenteredthefoldsof Islam,whilstthosewhorejectedtheinvitation,remaineddeprivedof faithandguidance. In order to invite mankind towards righteousness, the hardships encountered by the Prophets have been clearly described in the Quran and Ahadeeth. They called us towards goodness, stopped us fromevil,guidedustowardssuccessandtaughtustobowdownto nonebutAllah.Theydidallthisnotforanypersonalreward,infact theyusedtoannounce ( ourrewardisonlywithAllah). Still there were some selfish souls who, sinking in their own pride andholdingontotheirfalsebeliefs,leftnostoneunturnedtooppose theProphetsandtodiffusetheirmission.NeverthelesstheProphets were steadfast and endured all the difficulties with unparalleled patienceandneverabandonedtheirduty. OurBelovedFinalProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamwasbestowed with the best characteristics of all the Prophets. That means that all

the outstanding individual qualities enjoyed by the Prophets were combinedinourBelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam. HusneYusufPeKatiMistMeAngushteJina SarKatateHaiTereNaamPeMardaneArab TheUniversalProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam All the previous Prophets were sent to a particular tribe for a particulartime,butourFinalProphetarrivedforthewholeuniverse anduntilthelastday,asismentionedintheHolyQuran:

Opeople!IndeedIam,towardsyouall,theNobleMessengerofAllah Thus it is inevitable for all the people in the universe to believe in RasoolAllah,notonlyasaProphet,butastheFinalProphet,sinceno Prophetwillarriveafterhim. History proves that those who acknowledged the invitation of RasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamandfollowedhimsincerely havealwaysbeensuccessfulinbothworlds.Iftheywereslavesthey became masters, and those who rejected his invitation were humiliatedanddisgraced,eveniftheywereveryclosetotheProphet inrelation. TheProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamarrivedtofilltheworldwith guidanceastheHolyQuranpointsout:

AndOdearProphet,WehavenotsentyouexceptwithaProphethoodthat coverstheentiremankind,heraldinggladtidingsandwarnings,butmost

peopledonotknow.(ProphetMohammedpeaceandblessingsbeuponhim istheProphettowardsallmankind.) This verse also indicates that the Prophethood of the Final Prophet SallallahuAlaihiwaSallamextendstooneandall,whethertheyare blackorwhite,ArabsornonArabs,precedingorfollowing,theyare allhisNation. Bukhari and Muslim narrates that RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallamhassaid,Ihavebeengivenfiveuniquecharacteristicswhich werenotenjoyedbyanyonebeforeme.1.Peoplewouldfeelmyawe [urdu:raub]atadistanceofonemonth.2.Theentireearthhasbeen madepureandaplaceofworshipforme.Whenthetimearrives,my followerscanpraywherevertheyare.3.Warbootyorproceedsfrom wars have been made lawful for me, which was not so before. 4. I havebeenbestowedwiththeexaltedstatusofShafaat[intercession]. 5. Other Prophets were only sent towards their specific nations, I havebeensenttothewholeofmankind. MyBelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamsbelovedfollowers! This Hadith identifies the exclusive qualities of RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam, one of which is his universal Prophet hood. AtonemoreplacetheHolyQuranstates:

MostAuspiciousisHewhohassentdowntheFurqan(theCriterionthe HolyQuran)uponHischosenbondmanforhimtobeaHeraldofWarning totheentireworld.(ProphetMohammedpeaceandblessingsbeuponhim istheProphettowardsallmankind.) ThisverseagainreiteratesthefactthatRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihi waSallamistheProphetforeveryone.MaytheybeJinns,Humans, Angels or any other creation, they all belong to the nation of RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. This is because the above


verse quotes Aalam which corresponds to everything else except Allah. The Beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam himself states, I havebeensentasaProphettowardsallthecreations. HazratMullaAliQariRehmatullahAlaihhasstatedinrelationtothis Hadith,ThismeansthattheProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamhas been sent towards all the creations, Jinns or Humans, Animals or Plants,Angelsoranythingelse. Complete research on this subject can be seen in Imam Qistalanis workMuwahibLaduniyah. ItismentionedinoneHadith, My Prophethood and the Day of Judgement is like this mentioningthistheHolyProphetliftedhistwofingers,whichmeans justasthereisnothirdfingerbetweenthesetwofingers,inthesame waytherewillbenoProphetbetweenRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihi waSallamandtheFinalDay. As we have revealed before that the Prophethood of our Final ProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamextendsnotonlytomankind(as is the misconception) but to all the creations. We present one more versewhichprovesthistheory,

AndWedidnotsendyou(OdearProphetMohammedpeaceandblessings beuponhim)exceptasamercyfortheentireworld.(ProphetMohammed peaceandblessingsbeuponhimistheProphettowardsallmankind.) In the above verse the Almighty Lord Himself reveals the glorious rankofHisBelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam.IfHeisthe OnewhonourishesallthecreationthenhisProphetisMercyforthe same. This title Mercy for the Universes has only been conferred


upon the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam by Allah Almighty. ThisisthereasonthattheHolyProphetnotonlyprayedforhisown tribe or people but always remembered every one of us in his prayers. Even at the time of his blessed birth and the moment of leaving this world, his blessed lips were engaged in praying for his entirenation.Indeeditmakesusproudtobeapartofhisnationand inturntobeapartofhisprayers. IslamandTerrorism Unfortunate are those who levy false allegations on such a Merciful ProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamandaccusehisfollowersofbeing terrorists. If only they had studied the blessed life of RasoolAllah SallallahuAlaihiwaSallam,thentheywouldhaveknownastowho changedthestoneheartedArabsintotheflagbearersofpeace. Today some powers in the world have targeted the Muslim nation and branded them as terrorists. They are using this allegation as an alibitoattacktheMuslimsanddestroytheirintegrity.Buttheyhave failed miserably to notice that the very religion they brand as fundamental, has become the fastest growing religion in the world and the innocent people whose minds they tried to poison are enteringthefoldsofIslaminlargenumbers. Let us show you how our Beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallamendedterrorismandpracticedpeace. Firstly, the terrorism that we see today is quite different to the one which prevailed in the era of RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. Nowadays, terrorists have no fixed target; they kill men, womenandchildrenalike.Theydestroythehousesorworkplacesor hitthetransportsystem.Buttheseterroristsareveryfewinnumber as compared to the whole society. At the time of RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam, every household had a terrorist in it.


History tells us that the Arabs in those days were humiliated if a daughterwasborntothemandtheywouldburyheralive.Howevil they were that they did not even hesitate to kill their own children andthattooinsuchacruelandinhumanemanner? ButtheMercifulProphetthroughhisteachingsandcharactermelted theirheartsandcompletelyabolishedthisbarbaricsystem.Thevery peoplewhoonceburiedtheirowndaughterswerenotonlyproudto havethembutwerealsoseeneagertobecomecaretakersoftheother daughtersofthesociety. So who transformed those terrorists? We will have to admit that it was RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam who revolutionised their lives. Even today if the world needs solution to the existing terrorism then they should break all the barriers of ego and pride, and adopt the teachings and manners of the Beloved Prophet SallallahuAlaihiwaSallam.Thisistheonlywaythattheworldcan bepeacefulasitoncewas. Anyway,thiswasonlyasubtopicwhichcroppedupandwesheda bitoflightoverit.WewerediscussingtheUniversalProphethoodof ourFinalProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam.Wehaveseenthatfor everythingforwhichAllahistheDeity,RasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihi waSallamistheProphetforit. One has to agree that the larger the mission, the more difficult it is. This is the reason why our Beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam had to face much more difficulties than any other Prophet. RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam himself has expressed, I havebeentroubledthemostinthewayofAllah. ThesitechosenforRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamwasalso very harsh and severe than the other Prophets. Where the other Prophets were given green and fertile lands, our Beloved Prophet SallallahuAlaihiwaSallamhadtocopewiththeextremeheatofthe desertofArabia,compoundedbyscarcityofwaterandcrops,which describes the volatile nature of the people there. Their hearts were


madeofstonejustastheirlandwasandtheyevenworshippedgods madeofstone.RasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamwasassigned the task of illuminating these stones with the light of Imaan. The world has witnessed that in a short period of 23 years, RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam with his love, affection, character and teachings turned them into sparkling diamonds. They became the bestofcreationsaftertheProphets.Onewasturnedintotheleaderof the truthful and came to be known as Abu Bakr Siddique RadiyAllahu Anhu, one was turned into Farooq e Aazam RadiyAllahu Anhu, one came to be known as Usman e Gani RadiyAllahu Anhu and one was turned into the leader of all the saints,AlieMurtazaRadiyAllahuAnhu. BeliefinAlltheProphets

TheysaidWebelieveinAllahandwhatissentdowntousandwhatwas sentdowntoIbrahim,andIsmael,andIshaq,andYaqub,andtotheir offspring,andwhatwasbestoweduponMoosaandEisa(Jesus),andwhat wasbestoweduponotherProphetsfromtheirLord;wedonotmakeany distinction,inbelief,betweenanyofthem;andtoAllahwehavesubmitted ourselves. Thus it is clear, we should believe in all the Prophets and acknowledge their superior qualities. We cannot deny any Prophet norshouldwedisrespecttheminanymannerorelsewewillbeout ofthefoldsofIslamandinvitetheWrathofAllahAlmighty. Weprovideonemoreversetomakethingsclear,


AndthepeopleofNoohwhentheydeniedtheNobleMessengers,We drownedthemandmadethemasignformankind;andWehavekept preparedapainfulpunishmentfortheunjust. As indicated in the above verse, the nation of Hazrat Nooh Alaihis SalaamonlyrejectedoneProphetbuttheQurantakesitasrejecting all the Prophets. Because the message of all the Prophets was the same; that is believe in the oneness of Allah and reject all other deities,thereforerefutationofoneProphetislikerefutingthemall. TheHolyQuranstates,

(2:137) AndthePeoplegiventheBook(s)said,BecomeJewsorChristiansyou willattaintherightpath;say(OdearProphetMohammedpeaceand blessingsbeuponhim),NoratherwetakethereligionofIbrahim,who wasfarremovedfromallfalsehood;andwasnotofthepolytheists.Say, WebelieveinAllahandwhatissentdowntousandwhatwassentdown toIbrahim,andIsmael,andIshaq,andYaqub,andtotheiroffspring,and whatwasbestoweduponMoosaandEisa(Jesus),andwhatwasbestowed uponotherProphetsfromtheirLord;wedonotmakeanydistinction,in belief,betweenanyofthem;andtoAllahwehavesubmittedourselves.And iftheybelieveinthesamewayyouhavebelieved,theyhaveattained guidance;andiftheyturnaway,theyareclearlybeingstubborn;soAllah willsoonsufficeyou(OdearProphetMohammedpeaceandblessingsbe uponhim)againstthem;andHeonlyistheAllHearing,theAllKnowing. MyBelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamsbelovedfollowers! The Jews and the Christians made fundamental changes in their Books and modified their religion according totheirwishesbutstill claimedthattheirBooksweredivineandthattheirswastheonlytrue


religion. They used to invite people towards their man made faith. Allah Almighty condemned both groups and dismissed their claim and rightly accused them of drifting away from the faith of the founder of their religion Hazrat Ibrahim Alaihis Salaam. The pure religionofHazratIbrahimAlaihisSalaamhadnothingtodowiththe JewishorChristianbeliefs. AtonemoreplaceQuranmentions,


OPeoplewhobelieve!HavefaithinAllahandHisNobleMessengerandthe BookHehassentdownuponthisNobleMessengerofHis,andtheBookHe sentdownbefore;andwhoeverdoesnotacceptfaithinAllahandHisangels andHisBooksandHisNobleMessengersandtheLastDay,has undoubtedlywanderedfarastray. Hazrat Mufti Ahmed Yaar Khan Rehmatullah Alaih advises the believers in the light of this verse, O Believers! Never be content, your destination is still far away. Be steadfast on your faith on the onenessofAllahAlmightyandthefinalProphethoodofRasoolAllah SallallahuAlaihiwaSallamandbelieveinalltheotherProphetsand the Divine Books and do not give any place to any doubt in your hearts.Beware!EvenifyouwerebornMuslim,ifyoudenyanyone of the fundamentals of our Belief, then you will be considered as a disbeliever. TheHolyQuranexplains,


ThosewhodisbelieveinAllahandHisNobleMessengers,andseektocause divisionbetweenAllahandHisNobleMessengers,andsay,Webelievein


someanddisbelieveinothers,andwishtochooseawaybetweenfaithand disbelief;Thesearetherealdisbelievers;andforthedisbelieversWehavekept preparedadisgracefulpunishment. MyBelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamsbelovedfollowers! It has been a method of Allah Almighty that in order to guide the nation of his Beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam, He sometimesmentionsthegoodpracticesofthepioussothatothersare inspiredtofollowthemandsometimesrevealsthemalpracticesofthe evil so that we can learn lessons from them. This is evident in the aboveverses,whereAllahAlmightyhasexposedthetruefacesofthe JewsandtheChristiansinorderforustobecautiousandnottotake the same path as them. He mentions that O Believers! In reality the Jews and Christians neither believe in Allah or his Attributes nor believeinanyofHisProphets.Theywishtocreateabarrierbetween AllahandHisProphets.TheyclaimtobelieveinworshippingAllah andHimbeingworthyofbeingobeyedanddenysomeorallofHis Prophets. They want to place themselves in between the Mumins whobelievesinAllahandallHisProphetsandtheatheistwhoarein outright denial about the existence of God or His Prophets. They wanttofindapathwaybetweenfaithandinfidelity[kufr],butthere is none. These people are complete disbelievers and Allah has prepared most severe and everlasting punishment which they will havetobearinthemosthumiliatingmanner. Fromthisexplanationoftheabovementionedverseitmustbeclear, thatjustaswebelieveinourbelovedfinalProphetSallallahuAlaihi wa Sallam, in the same waywebelieveinalltheProphetsofAllah. ButthatourProphetisthefinalProphetandtherewillbenoProphet afterhimSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam.


DarknessBeforetheArrivaloftheNoorofAllah SallallahuAlaihiwaSallam
Itisworthknowingthestateofthepeoplearoundtheworldbefore thearrivaloftheFinalHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam.As suchthereweremanytribesandreligionsinhabitingtheworld.But there were few prominent ones namely the Jews, the Christians, the fireworshippers,theidolworshippersandtheArabs.Wewillseethe stateofeachofthemseparately. TheJews They were the descendants of the son of Yaqoob Alaihis Salaam called Yahood. They started worshipping idols and drifting away from their religion as early as in the era ofHazratSulaimanAlaihis Salaam. Therefore Allah Almighty imposed Bakht Nasr upon them, who imprisoned them, tortured them and made them slaves. They wereforcedtomovefromoneplacetoanother.WhenConstantinople thefirstembracedChristianity,thestateoftheJewsturnedfrombad to worse. They had no land of their own and no country wanted to adopt them. Wherever they went they were treated as slaves. According to the verse of the Holy Quran they lived in complete humiliation and disgrace. And as for their faith, they had dividedintomanysectandgroups. From the era of Hazrat Moosa Alaihis Salaam to that of Hazrat Isa Alaihis Salaam, there were numerous Prophets sent down by Allah Almighty.TheJewsconstantlyrejectedthemandgavethemtrouble. TheynotonlyrefutedtheHolyBooksbutalsomadegravechangesto it,thusincurringthesevereWrathofAllahAlmighty.Theywereleft with no authentic Book for guidance and so were misguided and misledbytheirleadersandscholars.

Andbecausetheyusedtotakeusurywhiletheywereforbiddenfromit,and theyusedtowrongfullydevourpeopleswealth;andforthedisbelievers


amongthem,Wehavekeptpreparedapainfulpunishment. It was for the above mentioned atrocities that Allah Almighty subjectedtheJewstosuchdegreeofhumiliationanddisgrace.Allah sentProphetsoneaftertheotherfortheirguidancebuttheyneither respectedthemnorhelpedthem.Infacttheystainedtheirhandswith the innocent blood of the Prophets. Hazrat Zakaria, Hazrat Yahya, Hazrat Shuya and many other Prophets were unjustly killed (AlaihimusSalaam). AllahAlmightyportraystheirdarkhistoryinthesewords,


Anddisgraceandmiseryweredestinedforthem;andtheyreturnedtowards Allahswrath;thatwasbecausetheydisbelievedinAllahssignsand wrongfullymartyredtheProphets;thatwasfortheirdisobedienceand transgression. This was the situation of the Jews until the arrival of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. Then RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam decided to liberate the Jews from their own misguidance and mischief. He desired to give them their lost glory andrespect.ForthisreasonwhentheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihi wa Sallam arrived in Madina he entered into a treaty with the Jews who were living there and gave them the status of respectable citizens. He also presented the invitation towards Islam in order to end their misguidance and set them free from the curse of denying theWordofAllah. TheStateoftheChristians HazratIsa,thesonofMaryamAlaihimusSalaamhadchosentwelve ofhisdisciplestoguidethetwelvegroupsoftheChildrenofIsraeel. ButafterHazratIsaAlaihisSalaamwasliftedtowardstheskies,there


weremajorconflictsamongsthisfollowers.Inthisdisruption,amajor rolewasplayedbyaJewcalledBoulis.HeusedtotroubleHazratIsa andhisfollowersbutafterHazratIsaAlaihisSalaamwaselevated,he disguised himself as a Christian and divided them internally. Now eachnewsectdevelopedanewfaithaboutHazratIsaAlaihisSalaam. Hazrat Naeemuddin Muradabadi, a khalifa of Sayyedi Aala Hazrat, states in his explanation of the Holy Quran: Nastoori believed that HazratIsawasasonofGod.AndMarqoosibelievedthatgodswere three and Hazrat Isa was one of them. There was again great confusion in these theories. Some believed that the three gods were father, son and Ruhul Quds, the pure spirit. Father was god, son wasHazratIsaandthethirdwasspirit.Buttheyinturntookallthree asoneOneinthreeandthreeinone!SomebelievedthatHazratIsa was in between human and God. He inherited the former from his motherandthelatterfromGod!MayAllahforbid. TheHolyQurandescribestheminthesewords,

Theyhaveindeedbecomedisbelieverswhosay,Messiah,thesonofMaryam iscertainlyAllah;

Theyarecertainlydisbelieverswhosay,IndeedAllahisthethirdofthe threeGods; Apartfromallthisthesystemofconfessionwaskillingtheirreligion. TakingtheedgeofthefalsebeliefthatHazratIsawillbeoursaviour and his sufferings have become compensation for us, they became heavily involved in following their desires and lead a sinful life. Therewasnogoodnessormodestyleftinthesociety.Someofthem believedthattherewillbenopunishmentatallwhilstothers,likethe Jews,believedthattheywilltastepunishmentforaveryshortperiod oftimeandthenwillenjoythefruitsofparadiseforever.


This was the fantasy that the Christians lived in when the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam arrived. But with his struggles andteachingshemanagedtorevertalargepartoftheircommunities towardsthetruepathofIslam. StateoftheMajoos(FireWorshippers) Yafis,thesonofNoohAlaihisSalaam,hadasonwhowasbornwith verysmallearsandlonghair.Thatiswhyhewascalledmeekhkosh whichwastranslatedasmajoosinArabic.Hebecamethefounderof thisreligion.Heclaimedthathewasadivinebeingandthatfirewas a manifestation of God. He was thus called the Prophet of Fire. Graduallypeoplestartedworshippingfireasgod.Theybelievedfire wasthecreatoroflightandallothergoodnessandthatdarknesswas the creator of all the evil. When the flames were high they believed that god was awake and when they were down they believed that god was asleep. The fire remained lit all the time and they kept feedingwoodtothefireinordertoavoiditbeingextinguished. Majoos lived in Babil and that is where this faith originated. It then moved on to Iran where it was only practiced by commoners. But soonitmadeitsplaceinthepalacesofkingsandGostashopbecame the first king to adopt it and also made it a state religion. The king hadavizierwholaterclaimedtobeaprophetandhadahugefirelit for people to worship. People had to come on a special days and standinrowsbeforeprostratingtothefire.Theywouldthenturnto theselfproclaimedprophetforprayers. He even wrote a book called Aartha, in which he modified some principles of his own religion. This way he became the second originatorofthereligion.Thenewfaithgrewstrongerbythedayand spreadtoRomeandasfarasAmerica.Thefollowersofthisreligion shaved their beards and left their moustaches to grow. They positioned their hairs to their ears, wore a gown with a belt around theirwaist.


AfterthearrivaloftheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam,all theirpowervanished.Mostofthemwereimpressedbytheteachings oftheFinalProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamandenteredintothe foldsofIslam. TheStateofthePeopleoftheIndianSubcontinent The situation of the people of the subcontinent before the arrival of theHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamwasthatofchaosand uncertainty. The people there had deep roots in polytheism and so couldnotbecontentinbelievinginoneGod.Theyhaddifferentgods fordifferenttasks.Theyworshippedanythingandeverythinglikethe sun, the trees, cows, monkeys, snakes and numerous idols with different names, forms and gender. Around 600 years before Isa Alaihis Salaam, Buddhism was founded as a religion in India. The newreligiondidmanagetoattractsomefollowersinitiallybutitsoon lostitsappeal.Therewasalsothecurseofcastesystemprevailingin the region. People were treated according to their class. They were fourmajorclasses,theBrahmins,theShatriyas,theVaishyasandthe Shudras. The Shudras was the lowest class and they were literally consideredasuntouchables.Theupperclassestreatedthemasslaves anddidnotevendrinkwaterfromthesamewellasthem. But when the Arab was illuminated with the light of Islam by the teachings of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam, its followers helped to spread it far and wide. They came through sea routestothesoutherncoastalregionofIndiaasbusinessmenbutalso brought their religion with them. They did not return back to their homeland but settled there to preach the teachings of their beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. Soon the people found themselves attracted to the message and slowly but steadily Islam spreadthroughthewholeregion.


TheStateoftheArabs TheconditionoftheArabswastheworstofall.TheylivedinHijaz and boasted about their religious link with Hazrat Ibrahim Alaihis Salaam. There were some traditions which they inherited from HazratIbrahimAlaihisSalaambuttheywerenowmodifiedbeyond recognition. For example they performed Hajj but naked. They also inheritedthetraditionofsacrificeandlookingafterthepilgrimswho visited the Holy city of Makkah. Thus overall the inheritance was only in name; in reality they had developed their own evil and immodestsocietyandafalsereligion. Fornication and adultery were a norm and they took pride in committing them. The use of wine and other intoxicants were common and not considered bad. Women were kept as slaves and weremadetodanceandusedtosatisfydesires.Theywereevenused as prostitutes with the proceeds going to the owner. In general women had no rights. They were deprived of any share in inheritance,fromtheirparentsaswellasfromtheirhusbands.Only mencouldbecomeinheritors.Whenahusbanddied,thewifewould be passed over to a close relative and this could sometime be the womans own stepson. Indecency and immodesty prevailed all throughthesociety.Thesocalledhigherclasswereinvolvedineven moregruesomeactivities.Ifadaughterwasborntothemtheywould buryheraliveorthrowherinadarkwell.Andtheydidthisnotwith contemptbutwithpride. One of the best pastimes was gambling. The people were extremely superstitious and believed in spirits and evil souls. They had made numerousdeitiesofdifferentshapesandsizesandworshippedthem. Each tribe would have their own idol and animals would be sacrificedonthem. Wars would start on trivial matters and would continue for generations.Eachtribeandfamilywoulddoeverythingtodominate overtheothertribe.


MyBelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamsbelovedfollowers! Thus we see that the state of Arabs was no betterthanthatofother nations,infactitwasevenmoreappalling.TheHolyKabaitselfhad becomearefugeforaboutthreehundredandfiftyidols.Butallthis changedatthearrivalofRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam,the darkness of ignorance turned into light of guidance. Kaba became pureonceagainandthelandofArabswasfreedforeverfromalltheir evil practices. The glad tidings of the earlier Divine Books, that the Final Prophet will eliminate the darkness of Polytheism (Shirk) and illuminate the world with the light of Faith (Iman), had come true. AndtheArabsbecamethefirstbeneficiariesofthisdivinetask.

ThosewhowillobeythisNobleMessenger(ProphetMohammedpeace andblessingsbeuponhim),theHeraldoftheHiddenwhoisuntutored* (exceptbyAllah),whomtheywillfindmentionedintheTauratandthe Injeelwiththem;hewillcommandthemtodogoodandforbidthemfrom wrong,andhewillmakelawfulforthemthegoodcleanthingsandprohibit thefoulforthem,andhewillunburdentheloadsandtheneckchainswhich wereuponthem;sothosewhobelieveinhim,andreverehim,andhelphim, andfollowthelightwhichcamedownwithhimitistheywhohave succeeded.


SallallahuAlaihiwaSallam TheTransferoftheNoorofMustafaSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam TheblessedfatherofRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam,Hazrat Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib RadiyAllahu Anhuma was extremely handsomeandbeautiful.Hisbeautywaswellknownandthewomen ofQuraishwishedtogetmarriedtohim.Theywouldevenlineupon streetstoattracthisattention. ThePeopleofBookalsonoticedsomeofthesignsandbelievedthat hewascarryingtheNooroftheProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam. This was not good news for them as they did not want the last ProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamtoarrivefromtheArabsandso theydecidedtohavehimkilled. Once when Hazrat Abdullah RadiyAllahu Anhu went hunting, a large army of Syrians was already waiting with the intention of killinghim.Incidentally,HazratWahabbinMunaf,whowaslaterto be the maternal grandfather of RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam, was also present in the same forest. He saw that a few horsemenwhodidnotresemblehumansappearedfromnowhereto fightwiththearmyandsavedHazratAbdullahRadiyAllahuAnhu. He was astonished to see this and when he returned home, he decided to get his daughter Hazrat Amina married with Hazrat Abdullah, as he was already looking for a good man from a good family. Hazrat Amina was equally beautiful and possessed good qualitiesandthusHazratAbdulMuttalibagreedtothewedding. ItisnarratedthatthewomenofQuraishwouldofferlargeamounts ofmoneytoallureHazratAbdullahtogetmarriedtothem.Onesuch woman was a sorceress. When she saw the beauty of Hazrat Abdullah, she could not hold herselfbackandproposedtohim.He declined and moved on. After marrying Hazrat Amina, Hazrat Abdullahagainhappenedtopassbythesamewomenandsheasked Hazrat Abdullah if he had married someone. Hazrat Abdullah


RadiyAllahuAnhurepliedpositiveandaskedhowdidsheknew.She repliedthattheNoorshecouldseeinhimhadnowdisappearedasit was transferred from him to Hazrat Amina after they got married. And by this Noor she meant the light of the last and final Prophet SallallahuAlaihiwaSallam. When the Noor of RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam was transferred to Hazrat Amina RadiyAllahu Anha, there was an announcementintheworldofangelstodecoratetheentireuniverse and prepare for celebrations. All the Angels from the heavens and earth rejoiced withhappiness.ThegatekeeperofJannahwastoldto open the gates, and it was announced that all this was because the arrivaloftheFinalProphetwasveryclose. Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Haqq Muhaddith Dehlvi, after narrating the aboveincidents,writes,Thereasonforcelebrationisobvious.Itwas only for the Final Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam that Allah created the universe and everything in it and all the blessings and mercyenjoyedbytheworldwasduetohim.Soatlastitwastimefor the much awaited Mercy of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam to be born.[MadarijunNubuwwah] TheBlessingsbeforetheBirth That morning, all the idols fell down on their faces. It was now prohibitedforthedevilstoascendtotheskiesandsotheycouldno longer eavesdrop on the angels. The thrones of all the mighty kings toppled over. Every corner of the world was illuminated by the angels.Eventheangelsweresharingthegoodnewswitheachother. Atthattime,theQuraishwereundertheinfluenceofseveredrought. Theplantationshadgonedryandtheanimalshadbecomweak.But atthearrivaloftheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam,Allah AlmightysentsuchrainthattheArabshadneverseenbefore,there wasgreeneryallaroundandthepeoplewererejoicing.Thatyearwas namedTheyearofvictoryandhappinessbytheQuraish.


Hazrat Amina RadiyAllahu Anha reports, At the birth of the Holy ProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam,suchlightwasemittedfromme thatIcouldseethepalacesofSyriafrommyhouseinMakkah. AnnouncementfromtheUnseenWorld Hazrat Amina reports, I did not even realise that I was pregnant until I heard a voice saying, O Amina! You are carryingthebestof creations in your womb. After that I would hear a voice regularly congratulatingmethatthetimeisdrawingclosetothearrivalofAbul Qasim(distributorofthebountiesofAllah). TheDeathofHazratAbdullahRadiyAllahuAnhu MyBelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamsbelovedfollowers! Hazrat Amina and Hazrat Abdullah RadiyAllahu Anhuma had no other children other that the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam was not yet born when Hazrat Abdullah RadiyAllahu Anhu passed away in Madina Munawwara.Hewasactuallyonabusinesstripwithothermembers of Quraish. When they passed through Madina, Hazrat Abdullah decided to stop over to visit his cousins who were from the tribe of Bani Najjar. When the caravan reached Makkah without Hazrat Abdullah,hisfatherHazratAbdulMuttalibenquiredabouthimand he was told that Hazrat Abdullah had stayed over in Madina. But soonthenewsarrivedthathehadpassedawayandhadbeenburied inDaareNabigah.(RadiyAllahuAnhu). HazratAbdullahbinAbbasRadiyAllahuAnhumanarratesthatwhen Hazrat Abdullah RadiyAllahu Anhu passed away, the angels urged in the court of Allah Almighty, Ya Allah! Our master and leader MohammedSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam,whoisalsomostbelovedto You,hasbeenmadeanorphan?AllahAlmightyreplied,Iwilltake


careofhimandhelphim.Yousendabundantsalutationsuponhim andprayforhim. TheBlessedBirth TheBelovedHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamstayedforfull ninemonthsinthewomb.DuringthatperiodHazratAminareports thatshedidnotfeelanypainanddidnotgothroughthedifficulties that a woman normally goes through during pregnancy. In fact she didnotevenrealiseshewaspregnantuntilsheheardthevoiceand shenoticedthathermenstrualperiodhadstopped. HazratAminacontinues,Whenthelabourpaininitiated,Iwasalone inthehouseandHazratAbdulMuttalibwasengagedinthetawafof theHolyKaba.Iheardaveryloudvoicewhichfrightenedme.NextI felt soft feathery touch on my heart which settled me down. Then I waspresentedwithasweetwhitedrink,whichIdrankandreceived internalcontentment.ThenIsawaminaretofNoorappearbeforeme and also some very tall women whom I did not recognise. One of them said, IamAasiya,thewifeofFiraun.Thesecondonesaid,I amMaryam,daughterofImran(MotherofIsaAlaihisSalaam)and these are the Hoor of Jannah. One after the other I was seeing and hearing astonishing things. Soon I saw a floor in the air and many people were standing on it with silver trays in their hands. Then I sawalargegroupofbirdscomingtowardsme.Theysoonfilledmy room. Their beaks and feathers were made of pearls and precious stones.IfeltthattheveilshadbeenliftedfrommeandIsawtheeast and the west. Then I saw three flags, one was fixed in the east, the other in the west and the last one on the Holy Kaba. Then after a thrust of pain, the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam finally arrived. Assoonashewasborn,theHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam boweddowninprostration.Heliftedhisindexfingerandmovedhis blessedlipsasifhewasprayingsomething.SoonIsawawhitecloud appearwhichhidtheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamfrom


me. I heard someone saying, Show him the east and the west and take him to all the cities. Let everyone know his name and characteristics.AndalsothatheisMahithatmeanshewilleliminate polytheismfromthisworld. ThenIheardvoicesofthesighingofhorsesandflatteringoffeathers. A voice then said, Show him every corner of the world. Take him over the souls of Jinns and humans; show him the angels, animals andthebirds.BestowhimwiththecharacterofHazratAdamAlaihis Salaam, the understanding of Hazrat Sheesh Alaihis Salaam, the courage of Hazrat Nooh Alaihis Salaam, the friendship of Hazrat Ibrahim Alaihis Salaam, the language of Hazrat Ismaeel Alaihis Salaam,thecontentofHazratIshaqAlaihisSalaam,theeloquenceof Hazrat Saleh Alaihis Salaam, the wisdom of Hazrat Loot Alaihis Salaam,thegladtidingsofHazratYaqoobAlaihisSalaam,thepower ofHazratMoosaAlaihisSalaam,thepatienceofHazratAyubAlaihis Salaam,theobedienceofHazratYunusAlaihisSalaam,thestruggle ofHazratYoshaAlaihisSalaam,thesweetvoiceofHazratDawood Alaihis Salaam, the affection of Hazrat Danyal Alaihis Salaam, the aweofHazratIlyasAlaihisSalaam,theasmat(immunity)ofHazrat Yahya Alaihis Salaam, the meditation of Hazrat Isa Alaihis Salaam. Anddiphimintheoceanofsuperiorcharacter. Hazrat Amina RadiyAllahu Anha continues, Then the cloud disappeared and I found the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallamwrappedinfinegreensilkandthereweredropsofwateron hisbody.Avoicethensaid,BytheWillofAllah,bytheWillofAllah, Allah has sent his Final Prophet with supremacy over His creation. There is none in the world who is not under his command. He has beengivenauthorityovereverything.ThenwhenIlookedathisface Isawthatitwassparklinglikethefullmoonandwavesofmuskand sweet fragrance was emitting from him. Then I saw three men with trays in their hands. One had a silver tray, the other had green and thethirdhadwhite.Theythentookaringwhichsparkledinoureyes andwasheditseventimes.Theringwasthenusedtostampbetween hisshoulders.Hewasthenpickedupandpassedovertome.


KabaBowedDowninProstration Hazrat Abdul Muttalib narrates, I was near the Holy Kaba on the nightofbirth.InthemiddleofnightIsawthattheKabawasbowing downinprostrationtowardsMaqamIbrahimandIheardthispraise from it, Allah is Supreme, Allah is Supreme, He is the God of Muhammed,thechosenone,nowmyLordwillliberatemefromthe idols and the evil practices of the polytheist. Then a voice said, By the Lord of Kaba, Kaba has attained its lost glory. Beware! Kaba willbetheQiblaandtheplacewheretheFinalProphetwillreside. Then all the idols which were in and around Kaba, including the largest Bubul, toppled down on their faces. A voice said, Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) has been born from HazratAminaandheisunderthecloudofMercy. TheMonthandtheDayofBirth The most authentic tradition is that the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam was born on Monday, the 12th of RabiulAwwal corresponding to 20th April 571 A.D. This was the day when the peopleofHijazusedtocelebratehisbirthday. ThechoiceofRabiulAwwalandMondaybyAllahAlmightyforthe birth of His Beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam indicates that the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam does not take importance from anything but rather whatever becomes associated with him gains importance. Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Haqq Muhaddith DehlviRahmatullahAlaihcommentsonthis: RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam was not born in a month already prominent or a day which was already blessed. He was not born in a sacred month such as Muharram or Rajab or in a blessed monthsuchRamadan.AlsodayssuchasFridayorthatofAashurain which most Prophets were born were not chosen for him. Thus it becomesclearthathedidnotagainanyprominencebythemonthor


the day, in fact the day, month and year achieved eminence due to him. HazratShaikhfurtherwrites,TofastonMondaysbecausetheHoly Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam was born on that day is Mustahab (preferred and rewarding) as it is stated in Hadith that RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam fasted on Mondays. When enquiredthereasonforit,hereplied,ThatisthedayIwasbornand thisisthedaywhenthefirstrevelationarrived.[MuslimSharif] TheShatteringofthePalaceofKisra There were many extraordinary signs that took place at the birth of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. One of the most prominent one was the shattering of the palaces of Kisra and the toppling over of its fourteen pillars. Kisra was one of the mightiest empires at the time. Some scholars say that the fourteen pillars indicatethattheempirewouldendatthefourteenthking. At the same time, the greatest scholar of Persia, who was called Jobdan saw a dream that healthy camels and strong large Arabic horses are marching towards the cities of Persia. He saw that they crossed the river Dajla and spread in the cities. The interpreters of dreams interpreted this as a sign of a major event taking place in ArabwhichwillresultinallthenonArabpowerslosingtoit.Kisra, theking,wasanxiousandwantedtoknowmore.Sohesenthismen toafamoussorcerercalledSateeh.WhentheyreachedSateeh,hewas onhisdeathbed.Whenheheardthenewshereplied,Thisisthetime when the Quran will be recited. The Last Prophet Muhammed will arrive.TheinfamousflameofPersiawillextinguish.Sateehwilllive nomore.Aftersayingthesewords,hedied.


TheIdolSpokeUp ItwasacustomoftheQuraishtoassemblenearamuchreveredidol onceayeartocelebrate.Onthenightoftheblessedbirthwhenallthe idolswerehumiliatedandfellontheirfaces,theysawthatthisidol toowaslyingontheground.Theytriedtoliftitupbutitagainfell down. The Quraish were very upset about this and they were even more astonished when they heard the idol say, The new born has beenwrappedinashawlofmercy,thelightofwhichhasilluminated theeastandthewest.Histremorhasforcedtheidolstogatherdust onthegroundandhisawehasterrifiedallthekingsintheworld.


WhentheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamreachedtheage of40,hislifebegantotransform.Hepreferredisolationthanstaying withpeople.Hebecamepassionatetostayinseclusionandengagein worship.Hewasfoundtobesubmergedindeepreflectionaboutthe signsoftheCreatorandHiscreation.Hestartedtoseedreamswhich turnedtrue.Therewasacaveonamountainatadistanceof3miles from MakkahcalledHiraonMountNoor.Hetooksomeprovisions andstartedtolivefordaysinthecaveontopofthemountain.From therehewouldcoolhiseyeswiththeblessedsightoftheHolyKaba andsimultaneouslyworshiphisLord.Itwasasifhewaslostinthe manifestationofAllahAlmighty.Heworshippedupontheprinciples he inherited from the religion of Hazrat Ibrahim Alaihis Salaam or theotherProphetandwhateverhethoughtwasgood. When the provisions ran out or when he felt the need to see his family, he would come down the mountain, visit his family and returntothecavewithsomemoreprovisions.Itisrecordedinsome narrationsthatrightfromthebeginningitwasthecustomoftheHoly Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam to visit the mountain of Hira onceeveryyearfortendays. TheCommencementofDivineRevelation As we have seen that the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam was already being prepared for the Divine Revelation through his extensive worship in seclusion. Suddenly one day the he saw the angel Jibraeel Alaihis Salaam who said, Ya Muhammed! I am Jibraeel. I have been sent down by Allah Almighty. You are the Prophet of Allah towards the world. Invite the Jinns and Humans towardsthemessageofLaIlahaIllallah(thereisnoGodbutAllah).


Then Jibraeel Alaihis Salaam embraced the Holy Prophet Sallallahu AlaihiwaSallamwithfullmightbeforereleasinghim.Hethenurged the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam, Iqra (read). The Holy ProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamreplied,Iamnotgoingtopray. Then Jibraeel Alaihis Salaam again embraced with the same might and repeated his request. The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam again replied, I am not going to pray. Hazrat Jibraeel embracedhimonceagainandsaid,

ReadwiththenameofyourLordWhocreated,Createdmanfromaclot. Read,andourLordonlyistheMostBeneficent,TheOneWhotaughtto writewiththepen.TheOneWhotaughtmanallwhathedidnotknow. The reason why Hazrat Jibraeel Alaihis Salaam embraced the RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam was to instil the Divine PowerintheheartoftheHolyProphettotaketheextremepressure of Divine Revelation. It was also to purify the heart of RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam so that nothing could remain in it but Allah. Hazrat Jibraeel Alaihis Salaam thenstampedhisfootontheground andastreamoozedout.Thenheablutionwiththatwater.Inthisway he even showed the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam the methodofperformingablution,whichhedid.HazratJibraeelAlaihis Salaam thenmovedforwardandledtheprayerof2rakat.Hethen turned towards the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam and said, This is how you make ablution and pray Namaz. He then returnedtotheheavensandRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam returnedtoMakkah. WhydidRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamDeclinetoPray?


AsswehaveseenthattheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam declined the first two requests by Hazrat Jibraeel Alaihis Salaam to read. This is because he was so engrossed in his worship and his heartwaswitnessingsuchamanifestationofAllahAlmightythathe didnotwanttobeinterruptedbyanyone.ThenfinallywhenHazrat JibraeelrequestedtoreadintheNameofthesameLordthathewas worshipping,RasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamagreedtoread. ReturningtoMakkah All the plants and mountains were now proclaiming, Assalam Ya RasoolAllah. The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam was in the state of extreme apprehension. His heart and body was shaking withanxiety.Thiswasbecauseofwhathehadjustwitnessedandthe overwhelmingpoweroftheDivineRevelation. Whenhereachedhome,heaskedhisblessedwife,HazratKhadijatul Kubraa RadiyAllahu Aaha to put a shawl over him. Hazrat Khadija didsoandsplatteredsomecoldwateronhisfaceinordertocomfort him.Henarratedthewholeincidentofherandconfided,Iamfearful thatIwillfallintosomedifficulty.HazratKhadijareassuringlysaid, Dontbegrievedandbepleased.YourLordwillneitherputyouinto anydifficultynorforsakeyou.IndeedAllahAlmightywillbegoodto youasyouaregoodtoothers.Youaretheonewhostrengthensties with family and friends, you take care of your household, you are devotedtoHim,youareveryhospitabletoguests,youhelpthepoor and the needy and assist the disadvantaged, you behave in an exceptionalwaywithoneandall,youassistthepeopleintruthand save them from evil, you give refuge to the orphans, you are most truthfulandtrustworthy.


The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam with Warqa bin Naufal Hazrat Khadija RadiyAllahu Anha was extremely pleased with the recent developments with the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. For further contentment she sent RasoolAllah Sallallahu AlaihiwaSallamtoWarqabinNaufal.Warqawasanoldcousinof RasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamwhohadabandonedtheevil andignorantpracticesofQuraishandwassteadfastonthetruefaith ofHazratIsaAlaihisSalaam.Hehadconsiderableknowledgeofthe Holy Book Injeel. Hazrat Khadija briefed what had happened and the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam narrated the whole incident to him. Warqa replied, Congratulation to you Ya Muhammed. You are the Prophet of Allah. Itestifythatyouarethe Prophet about whom Hazrat Isa Alaihis Salaam prophesised and gave the glad tidings that after him will come a Prophet called Ahmed. Soon you will have to struggle with the infidels. I wish I would be alive and strong enough to assist you when your people will force you out of here. The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam astonishingly enquired, Will I be forced to leave this place. Warqa replied, Yes, indeed. What you have brought with you no onehasbroughtitbefore.TheProphetswhocameearlierwerefought withandforcedtoleave.Sothesamewillhappentoyouaswell.This is the way chosen by Allah that the infidels have always created enmitywithHisProphets.IfIremainalive,Iwillassistyouinevery way. Soon after this Warqa passed away. He did not receive the period when the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam invited people towardsIslam.ButstillhebelievedintheFinalProphetandtestified inhimsoheisconsideredtohavediedontruefaith. ForawhileafterthistherewerenoDivineRevelationsandthismade theHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamveryanxious.Thenone day, when he was outside his house he heard a voice say Muhammed. When he looked up he saw Hazrat Jibraeel Alaihis Salaam sitting on a large chair between the earth and the sky. This


extraordinary sight gave a fright to the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam and he came inside the house and lied down coveringhimselfwithhisshawl.Itwasinthisstatethatthefirstfew versesofSurahMuddassirwererevealed.

OtheCloakedOne!(ProphetMohammedpeaceandblessingsbeupon him).Riseupandwarn!AndproclaimthePurityofyourLord.Andkeep yourclothesclean.Andstayawayfromidols.


(MaqsadeBasat) MyBelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamsbelovedfollowers! OnemightwondersometimeswhyAllahAlmightysenthisProphets and what was their actual purpose. Let us explore some of the reasons. 1.RecitationofQuran

ThewayWehavesenttoyouaNobleMessengerfromamongyou,who recitestoyouOurversesandpurifiesyou,andteachesyoutheBookand soundwisdom,andteachesyouwhatyoudidnotknow. HazratMuftiAhmedYaarKhanNaeemiinhisinfamousexplanation of the Holy Quran Tafseer e Naeemi writes, O Believers! As such there are immeasurable favours of RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihiwa Sallam upon us but in the context of the Quran, there are a few particularones.HeconveyedtoustheversesoftheQuran.Heread theQurantousandtaughtusthecorrectmethodofreadingaswell as the correct manner and respect of reciting. He corrected our pronunciation. He then purified us from Polytheism, idol worshipping,infidelity,badmanners,jealousyandenmity,disputes, basicallyfromalltheapparentandhiddenailments. The Arabian people, who had fallen below the boundaries of humanity and were animals in human form, were transformed to become teachers of others. He modified the Polytheists into staunch Monotheists who only worshipped Allah Almighty. Those who misled people from the true path became guides towards it. Those whousedtogetintoxicatedwithalcoholwerenowintoxicatedbythe love of Allah. The shameless were turned into an embodiment of


modesty and so on. He led the creation to the Creator. He also exposedthehiddenmeaningsabouttheBookofAllahandtaughtus all that we did not know. He opened the doors of the hidden knowledge for us. He not only came as a Mercy, but also brought withhimthousandsofMercies. MyBelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamsbelovedfollowers! Allah Almighty has highlighted some qualities of his Final Prophet SallallahuAlaihiwaSallamintheaboveversewhichalsogivesusan indicationofhisdutiesandtasks.ToconveytheQuran,topurifyus, to teach us the Book and wisdom were the purposes which he fulfilledinhislifetime.Letuslookateachoneindetail. 2.TeachingtheBookandWisdom TheknowledgeoftheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam FirstweneedtoknowthatRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallams obligation was not only to transmit the Holy Quran but also to comprehensivelyexplainitscontents.Hewassentastheteacher.He arrivedtoeliminatethedarknessofignorancefrommankind.Hisjob wastoguideusineveryaspectofourlives.Forthistaskitwasvital thathisknowledgeencompassedthemall.Nobodyshouldbeableto challengehisway,asthesuccessoftheworldwoulddependonhis teachings. Unfortunately there are people who believe that the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam was ummi the literal translation of whichisilliterate.Butthetruthisthatitmeansthathewasneither taughtbyanypersonnorherequiredreadinganybooks,infactthe CreatorHimselftaughthiminawaythathebecamethemostlearned in the creation. Certainly no one in the world apart from Allah, the AllKnowing, couldimpartsuchknowledge.Thisisthetruthwhich Allahmadeevidentin,


andtaughtyouallwhatyoudidnotknow ThereforeifwesincerelyreadtheHolyQuranandtheAhadith,itis not hidden that the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam not onlytaughtustherulesonreligionbutalsoinformedusonwhathad happened before and what will happen later. Thus his knowledge encompassespast,presentandfuture. RasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamasaTeacher

AndAllahwillteachhimtheBookandwisdom ByteachingtheBook,itsignifiestoconveytheverses,itsmeanings, its hidden truths, and by teaching wisdom it means to explain the Book in such a way that it can never be challenged. All this constitutes the sayings of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa SallamcalledAhadith.

Heteachesyoueverythingthatyoudidnotknow. It was these teachings of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam which has given the world the masters in each field. Who would disagree that Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique and Hazrat Umar Farooq e Aazam RadiyAllahu Anhuma, who were on one side the leaders of the pious, then on the other they were the best of rulers. Hazrat Usman Gani RadiyAllahu, who on one hand was an embodiment of modesty and whose strength of faith is second to none, then on the other hand he was a leading economist and his practiceshelpedeliminatepoverty.HazratAliMurtazaRadiyAllahu Anhu,whoalongwithbeingthemostcourageouswasalsoanocean of knowledge and wisdom. The same was the case with Hazrat AbdullahbinMasoodRadiyAllahuAnhu.HazratAbdurRahmaans generosityisanexampleandsoisthecontentmentofHazratSalman Farsi RadiyAllahu Anhuma. The world looks astonished at the


achievementsofHazratKhalidbinWaleedandHazratAbuUbaidah bin Jarrah as commanders. Thus the students of RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam were leaders in their respective field, whether it was religious or worldly. It was only the ocean of the knowledge of RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam which could satisfytheneedsofsomany. UniqueCharacteristicsoftheTeachings OneoftheuniquequalitiesoftheteachingsofRasoolAllahSallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam was that he laid out the wisdom behind the commandsofAllahAlmighty.Thismadeitcleartothepeopleasto whytheywereaskedtodoacertaintaskandinspiredthemtofollow thecommands. ItcanbesaidthattheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamwasa spiritual doctor and presented the religion as a spiritual healing process.Thatisifyouobeythiscommandthenitwillmakeyoursoul strongerinthisway,andifyoudisobeythenitwillweakenyoursoul in that way. Thus if one wants a spiritually healthy body, then he needtofollowallthecommands. And of course for a healthy body you need a healthy heart as the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam has said, If your heart is goodthewholebodyremainsgoodandiftheheartisbadthewhole bodybecomesbad. As we have seen the teachings of RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallamistheexplanationofthecommands.Thusifweneedtofollow theHolyQuran,weneedtofollowRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwa Sallam.Forthisreason,hiswayhasbeenmadeasanexampleforus. Onlyifweactinaccordancewithhiswaysthenourworshipwillbe acceptedasheistheprimaryteacher.

(33:21 41

IndeedfollowingtheNobleMessengerofAllahisbetterforyouforone whoisconfidentofAllahandtheLastDay,andremembersAllahmuch. ThisisthereasonthattheQuranonlygivesindicationonthingssuch asablution,bathing,Salaah,etc,thecompletewaycanonlybefound inthelifeandteachingsofRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam. ThusourworshipcanneverbecompleteuntilwefollowRasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. His memory is revived every time we followhimandhisremembranceelevated,

AndWehaveelevatedyourremembranceforyou Itisalsomadeclearthatthereisnodoubtinhisteachings,

Andhedoesnotsayanythingbyhisowndesire.Itisbutadivinerevelation, whichisrevealedtohim. thustofollowhimislikefollowingAllahandisameansofgaining thepleasureofAllah.

AndacceptwhatevertheNobleMessengergivesyou;andrefrainfrom whateverheforbidsyou; 3.PurifyingtheHeart The other quality of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam which is mentioned in the Holy Quran is that he purifies people, which means that he purifies their hearts and souls. He relieves the


people from false beliefs, evil practices, and educates people on the effectofsinsandpreparesthemforgooddeeds. PurificationthroughQuran It was not an easy task to purify the hearts which were rusted for centuries,anduntiltheheartswerepurified,theywouldnothavethe capacity to absorb the Quran and Sunnah. This is the reason that AllahAlmightyfirstadvisedRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam topurifythemandthenteachthemtheQuranandSunnah. The method used by RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam to cleanse the heart was recitation of the Holy Quran, as that would haveamaximumeffectonthosewhoread.Forexample,ifsomeone receivesaletterfromapersonofsomeauthority,thereaderwillfeel itseffectsonhisheartwhichwillalsoreflectonhisface.Inthesame way,ifwehavereceivedaBookfromAllah,itsrecitationwillhavea great effect on the hearts. The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa SallamhimselfrecitedtheQurantothepeopleandalsoadvisedthe companionstorecite. The acceptance of Islam by many companions is attributed to the recitationoftheHolyQuran,andtherearemanyincidentsinhistory which proves the overwhelming effect that the Words of Allah had onthosewhorecitedthem.Letusseesomeexamples: When the non believers were alarmed with the growing number of Muslims, they gathered to come up with a plan to kill the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. But who would do it? They announced in the gathering, Is there anyone courageous enough to killtheProphetofIslam?Noonedaredtovolunteerforthismission, but Hazrat Umar RadiyAllahu Anhu who was sat in one corner, stoodupandacceptedthechallenge. Immediately he headed towards the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. On the way he met Hazrat Naeem who asked Hazrat


Umar where he was heading to. Hazrat Umar RadiyAllahu Anhu replied,IamgoingtokillMuhammed(SallallahuAlaihiwaSallam). Hazrat Naeem said, You need to first look into your own family. Your sister Fatimah and her husband Saeed bin Zaid have left the religionoftheirforefathersandacceptedIslam.HazratUmarcould not believethisandbecameextremelyfurious.Henowchangedhis directiontowardshissistershouse.Whenhereachedtherehefound thedoorsclosedandheheardtherecitationoftheHolyQuranfrom within.ItwasHazratKhabbabRadiyAllahuAnhuwhowasteaching theQurantoHazratUmarssisterandherhusband. HazratUmarshoutedforthemtoopenthedoor,uponwhichHazrat Khabbabhidinonecorner.Thesisteropenedthedoor.HazratUmar rushedinandasked,Whatareyouuptoandwhoelsewaswithyou whose voice I heard? Her husband tried tododgethequestionand changed the subject. But Hazrat Umar was adamant to know and said, I have heard that you have abandoned the religion of our forefathers?HazratSaeedreplied,Yes!Theirreligionwasfalseand Islam is the true religion. That was it; Hazrat Umar could take no more. He violently pulled Hazrat Saeeds beard and started to beat himup.Whenhissistercameforward,shetooreceivedpunchesand herfacewasfilledwithblood.ButshewasHazratUmarssisterand hadthesamecourage.Shedaringlysaid,Listencarefully,evenifyou killus,wewillnotleaveIslam.IndeedthereisnoGodbutAllahand MuhammadSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamisHisMessenger. WhenHazratUmarsawhercourageandheardthosewordsfromthe blood stained mouth of his sister, he started to wonder what made themsostrong.Hisangersubsidedalittleandhesaid,Wellthen,let mehearwhatyouwerereading,Iwanttoknowwhatiswritteninit that has changed your lives. His sister replied, You will need to purify yourself by having a bath before you read the Holy Book. Hazrat Umar had a bath and started to read the verses from Surah Taha.


IndeeditisMe,AllahthereisnoGodexceptIthereforeworshipMeand keeptheprayerestablishedforMyremembrance. BythetimeHazratUmarRadiyAllahuAnhufinishedreadinghislife had changed. He said, Take me to the Prophet. Hazrat Khabbab remarked, Let me tell you, last night RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam prayed to Allah, O Lord of the Universe! Help your religion with Umar or Abu Jahl, whoever is more beloved to you. Thus it seems that the prayer has been accepted and you havebeen chosenbyAllahAlmighty. Whenallthishappened,RasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamwas at the house of Hazrat Arqam which was situated at the foot of Mount Safa. Hazrat Khabbab accompanied Hazrat Umar there. HazratHamzaRadiyAllahuAnhu,HazratTalhaRadiyAllahuAnhu and some other companions were guarding the door. When Hazrat Hamza saw Hazrat Umar, he remarked, This seems to be Umar. If his intentions are good then he will be safe otherwise nothing will stop me from killing him. RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam had already received a revelation about the situation. He emerged from the house and holding the sword of Hazrat Umar in his hand said,YaUmar!Areyougoingtocontinuewithyouratrocitiesuntil youaredefeatedandhumiliated?WhenHazratUmarheardthishe testified, There is no God but Allah and you are His bondman and Prophet.[TareekhAlKhulfa] MyBelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamsbelovedfollowers! Fromtheaboveincidentwegetasenseofthegreatpowerwhichthe Quranpossesses.Itactsasaneffectivetooltocleansetheheartofthe nonbelieversandinstilstruefaithinthem.Soifabelieverrecitesit, thenitcancertainlypurifyhisheartfromsinsandevil. This is the reason that everyone is expected to stay silent and listen carefully to the verses of the Holy Quran when they are recited, as thisversecommandsus,



AndwhentheQuranisrecited,listentoitattentivelyandkeepsilent,so thatyoureceivemercy. PurificationthroughtheRemembranceofAllah Along with the recitation of the Holy Quran, the Holy Prophet SallallahuAlaihiwaSallamalsoadvisedhisfollowerstopurifytheir hearts with the remembrance of Allah Almighty. He recommended them to remain engaged in constant remembrance and acted as a perfect role model. Every act of his was an expression of remembrance. He practiced remembrance when in publicandwhen alone. Remembrance was his bestcompanionandwecanverilysay thateveryinchofhisbodywasinconstantremembranceofhisLord. Neverforamomentdidheabandonit,notevenwhilstsleeping.He himself informed Hazrat Aisha RadiyAllahu Anha, My eyes sleep butmyheartneversleeps. Ifone,inhisowncapacity,followstheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihi wa Sallam in remembering Allah Almighty then his soul will never becarelessnorwilleverdiebecauseremembranceisthenourishment forthesoul. PurificationthroughVoluntaryPrayers[Nawafil] Salaahisobligatoryuponeverysane,matureMuslimanditcannotbe missed under any circumstances. But when we read the life of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam, we learn that along with obligatory prayers, he also advised his followers to engage in voluntary prayers and he himself would stand up each night in voluntaryprayers. Whenweponderuponthepurposeofthesevoluntaryprayersweget toknowthattheywerealsousedasameansofpurifyingtheheartby


RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi waSallam.Andbecausehecameasa teacher and guide, he demonstrated to the nation the importance of voluntaryprayersbypracticingithimself. AllahAlmightyaddresseshisbelovedinthesewords,

Andforegosleepinsomepartofthenightanincreaseforyou;itislikely yourLordwillsetyouonaplacewhereeveryonewillpraiseyou. ItisstatedinaHaditheQudsithatAllahAlmightystates,Myslave receives my closeness through his voluntary prayers, until he becomes beloved to me. Then I grant him whatever he seeks from Me. This narration illustrates that the voluntary prayers are an effective means of purifying the heart because only when the heart is pure thenitisworthyofattainingtheclosenessofAllahAlmighty. PurificationthroughFasting FastingtooisamethodprescribedbyAllahAlmightytocleansethe heart from impurities and ills and achieve piety. Apart from voluntary prayers, the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam practicedandpreachedvoluntaryFasts. AllahAlmightystatesregardingFasting,

OPeoplewhoBelieve!Fastingismadecompulsoryforyou,likeitwas ordainedforthosebeforeyou,sothatyoumayattainpiety. ThisverseclearlyshowsthattheobjectivebehindFastingistoattain piety.


ItisstatedinanarrationbyHazratAbuHurairahRadiyAllahuAnhu that RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam pointed three times towardshisheartandsaid,Pietylieshere. This means that piety is a state of the heart after which a person is alwaysconsciousofthefactthatAllahiswatchinghim.Hedevelops His fear which results in him staying away from sins which in turn leadstothecleansingofhisheart. Weshouldknowthatsinsarecommittedduetodesireswhicharethe result of our animal instincts being stronger. When a person Fasts, these instincts are suppressed and so the desire for sin is greatly reduced. Thus for a person who cannot marry due to financial or other reasons then RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam advised himtoFastexcessivelyasthiswouldhelpcontrolhisdesires. Consequently, as a result of the purification of the hearts by RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam, the Arab society became pure of the evil such as fornication, gambling, etc they were once involvedin. Their hearts became so pure that succumbing to human nature, if someone did happen to commit a sin, then they would present themselves in the court of RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam andconfessabouttheirsins.Wepresentsomeincidents: Imam Muslim narrates that Hazrat Maiz bin Malik Aslami RadiyAllahuAnhuoncecametothecourtofRasoolAllahSallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam and confessed, Ya RasoolAllah!Ihavecommitted fornication and I want you to purify me. The Prophet Sallallahu AlaihiwaSallamturnedhimaway.Nextdayhecameagainwiththe sameplea.AgainRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamaskedhim to return back. The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam then enquired with the family of Hazrat Maiz as to whether he was speaking the truth and if there was anything compelling him to confess. They replied that he was just behaving normally. When


Hazrat Maiz came the fourth time and confessed, RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam commanded for him to be punished accordingtotheIslamicLaw. In a separate incident, one woman came to the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam and confessed having committed adultery. The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam turned her away.Shecameagainandsaid,Pleasedonotturnmeaway,rather purify me. She also informed that she was pregnant. RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam asked her to return when the child was born.Afterthechildwasbornshecamebackholdingherbabyinher hand. He said, Take your baby and come back when he is independent of your milk. She returned back after some years and the boy now had a piece of bread in his hand. She said, Ya RasoolAllah! Here I am. My son is not dependent on my milk anymore. Please purify me. The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallamhandedoverthechildtosomeoneandorderedforthewoman tobepunished. MyBelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamsbelovedfollowers! Todayweseethateverysocietyisanxioustoriditselffromevil.Each nation is trying hard to control crime and antisocial activities, but theyseemtoberising.Ontheotherhandwehaveasocietycreated by the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam, in which the members hand themselves over to the Prophet and urge to be punishedsothattheydonthavetofacepunishmentintheHereafter. This was because the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam mouldedtheirheartsandinstilledthehatredforevilandcrimeand inspiredthemtowardsgood.Hetargetedtherootcauseofcrimeand uprootedit.Asallevilevolvesfromtheheart,hisprimarytargetwas the heart as is suggested in his saying, Beware! Indeed there is a lumpoffleshinamansbody.Ifthisremainsgoodthewholebody remainsgood,andifthisgoesbadthenthewholebodygoesbad. This can be termed as the universal formula in combating evil and crime in any society. If the world follows the principles of our


Beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam then we can see a peacefulsociety. WhatisachievedbyPurification? MyBelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamsbelovedfollowers! ThepeopleofArabweresubmergedintheoceansofsins.Intoxicants were common with stalls of alcohol all around the cities and towns with flags flying highabovethem.Gamblingwasanormandthose whodidnotplaywereconsideredcowards.Theywenttotheextent of losing their families in gambling. The use of interest was also customary and they were barbaric in their methods of recovering money. The situation regarding fornication was even worse. Let us highlight the importance of purification carried out by the Holy ProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam. TheArabsusedwineinsteadofwaterthusitwasanenormoustask toliberatethemfromthisevil.ForthisreasonAllahAlmightydidnot prohibittheuseofwineatoncebutdidsogradually.Firsttheywere cautionedontheuseofwine,

(16:67 Andfromthefruitsofdateandgrapes,foryoumakejuicesandgood nourishmentfromthem;indeedinthisisasignforpeopleofintellect.

Wine was still in use after this. When the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam migrated to Madina, Hazrat Umar and Hazrat Muaz RadiyAllahu Anhuma approached RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam and urged, Please give us some clear verdict on alcohol. Indeed it destroys the senses of people. Then the second versewasrevealed,


Theyaskyouthedecreeregardingwine(intoxicants)andgambling;say(O dearProphetMohammedpeaceandblessingsbeuponhim),Inbothis greatsin,andsomeworldlybenefitformenbuttheirsinisgreaterthan theirbenefit; Thisversedevelopedsomehatredintheheartsofbelievers.Manyof them abandoned drinking but some did not as it was not made mandatory. Then one day some companions were invited at the house of Hazrat Abdur Rehmaan bin Auf RadiyAllahu Anhu. After eating they were having wine when it was time for Magrib. One of thecompanionsledtheprayerinwhichherecitedSurahKafiroon.In itinsteadofprayingLaAabuduMaTabudoonmeaningwedonot worship whom you worship, he prayed Aabudu Ma Tabudoon which meant we worship whom you worship completely altering themeaning.Itwasthentheversewasrevealed,

OPeoplewhoBelieve!Donotapproachtheprayerwhenyouareintoxicated untilyouhavethesensetounderstandwhatyousay Afterthisincidenttherewereveryfewwhodidnotgiveupdrinking. Even those who did drink, did so after Isha or at times after which there was no Salaah for a long time. Then once there was a feast at Hazrat Utban bin Maliks house. After food, they started to drink which resulted in a quarrel and the matter was brought to RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. Hazrat Umar prayed, Ya Allah!GiveusYourcompletejudgmentontheissueofwine.Itwas then the verse of complete prohibition was revealed,


OPeoplewhoBelieve!Wine(allintoxicants),andgambling,andidols,and thedartsareimpuretheworksofSatan,thereforekeepavoidingthemso


thatyoumaysucceed. HazratAnasRadiyAllahuAnhunarrates,Onthedaythisversewas revealed,Ihadorganisedafeastatmyhouse,andafterfoodwehad alsoarrangedforsomewine.Thereusedtobecontainersfilledwith wine in our homes. Suddenly we heard an announcement on the streetswhichwasabouttheprohibitionofalcohol.Whentheguests heardthenewverdict,whoeverhadaglassintheirhandsdroppedit, whoever had already taken a sip threw it out and all the containers were emptied. That day wine flowed through the streets of Madina justlikerainwater. MyBelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamsbelovedfollower! This is just one example of how the purification of the hearts by RasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamledtotheliberationfroma habitwhichwascenturiesoldandapartofanunbreakablecultureof thepeople.Frombeingcompletelyhabitualtheybecamethesaviours of others. After that day until today anyone who enters the fold of Islamiscompletelysavedfromthisillness.ThisistheroleoftheHoly ProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamasthepurifierofhearts. 4.TheDominationofIslam One of the objectives of the arrival of the Last Prophet Sallallahu AlaihiwaSallamasmentionedintheHolyQuranisthedomination ofIslam.TheHolyQuranmentions,

ItisHewhohassentHisNobleMessengerwithguidanceandthetrue religion,inordertoprevailoverallotherreligionsevenifthepolytheists getannoyed. The above verse refers to three different entities which the Holy ProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamcamewith,a)Guidance,b)True Faith,c)Dominance.


a)GuidanceandIslam IntheaboveverseAllahAlmightymentionssendingHisProphet,but does not mention to whom he was sent, indicating he was sent towardseveryone.Italsoshowsthattruefaithisassociatedwiththe Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam just as light is associated withthesun.NoonecanreceiveguidancewithouttheHolyProphet SallallahuAlaihiwaSallam,asguidancewassentwithhimorhewas sentasmeansofguidance. Guidancemeanstobedirectedtothecorrectpathorhelptoreachthe destination. Guidance is of two kinds, one is just showing the way and the other is leading to the destination. If after the word guidance the Quran mentions Ila or Laam then this denotes showingthewayasismentionedintheHolyQuran, . ,And if the word guidance appears without Ila or Laam then it signifies the help to reach the destination.(1:6) TheDegreesofGuidance There are certain levels of guidance. For the non believers, to adopt Faith is guidance. For the believers, to attain piety is guidance. For those already pious, to attain the perfection in piety is guidance. Those who are already at that stage then for them to attain the closenessofAllahisguidance.Andfortheoneswhoarealreadyclose toAllah,toattainmaximumclosenessisguidance. OneDoubtanditsResolution Some people are of the opinion that the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam does not have any authority over anything. They presentthisverseasaproofinwhichAllahAlmightyhasmentioned,



Indeeditisnotsuchthatyoucanguidewhomeveryoulove,butAllah guideswhomeverHewills;andHewellknowsthepeopleuponguidance. ItisnarratedinMuslimSharifbyHazratAbuHurairahRadiyAllahu Anhu that the above verse was revealed in relation to Abu Taalib whowastheuncleofRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam.When he was on his deathbed, the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallamapproachedhimandsaid,OUncle!SaythatthereisnoGod but Allah and I will testify for you on the Day of Judgement. Abu Taalib replied, If it was not for the Quraish, I would have surely accepted your invitation. After that he passed away. Certainly the HolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamwassaddenedbyhisdeath inthisstateandthushewasconsoledbyAllahAlmightythatitisHe whogivesguidancetowhoeverHewishes. It is due to this verse that some people have the misconception that RasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamdidnothaveanyauthority. There are two answers for this. Firstly, the Holy Prophet Sallallahu AlaihiwaSallamarrivedonlytoshowthetruepathandhewasnot personally responsible for every individual. As we have mentioned thatifIlaaorLaamappearsafterguidancethenitmeanstojustshow the way and in if Ilaa or Laam appears then it signifies making someonesteadfastonreligion.TheaboveversedoesnothaveLaam or Ilaa which means to make one steadfast on the religion and this wasnotthedutyoftheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam. b)WhatisTrueFaith? MyBelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamsbelovedfollowers! As mentioned in the above verse that the Holy Prophet Sallallahu AlaihiwaSallamhasbeensentwithguidanceandtruefaith.Wehave lookedatguidanceincertaindetail;nowletuslookattruefaith.


GoodnessasTrueFaith Hazrat Tameem RadiyAllahu Anhu narrates that RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam has said, Indeed, Faithistobegoodto Allah and His Prophet, and also to the Islamic rulers and general Muslims.[BukhariSharif,KitabulImaan] In the above narration Faith is denoted as goodness. If we read the HolyQuran,wewillseethatAllahAlmightyhasdescribedthetask ofmanyProphetasgoodness.ItisstatedaboutHazratSalehAlaihis Salaam,

Salehthereforeturnedawayfromthemandsaid,Omypeople!IndeedIdid delivermyLordsmessagetoyouandwishedyougood,butyoudonotwant wellwishers. AboutHazratNoohAlaihisSalaam,


ConveyingtoyouthemessagesofmyLordandwishinggoodforyou,andI knowfromAllahwhatyoudonotknow. AboutHazratShoaibAlaihisSalaam,


SoShoaibturnedawayfromthemsaying,Omypeople!IndeedIdid delivermyLordsmessagetoyouandgaveyousoundadvice;sowhyshould Igrieveforthedisbelievers?


In the same way the Quran has used the same word in relation to Hazrat Hood Alaihis Salaam. It is stated in a Hadith, Religion is goodness IslamasTrueFaith TheQuranstatesatoneplace, IndeedtheonlytruereligioninthesightofAllahisIslam; ThusthetaskofalltheProphetswasthesame. At one place Hazrat Ibrahim Alaihis Salaams prayer is recorded in thesewords,

OurLord!Andmakeussubmissivetowardsyouandfromouroffspringa nationobedienttoYou ItisclearthatHazratIbrahimAlaihisSalaamprayedforhimselfand hischildrentobesteadfastonIslam. Atonemoreplace(2:131) WhenhisLordsaidtohim,Submit,hesaid,IhavesubmittedtotheLord oftheCreation. Thus it shows that Allah Almighty commanded Hazrat Ibrahim AlaihisSalaamtobesteadfastuponIslam. EvenotherProphetsinstructedtheirchildrentobesteadfastonthe trueFaith,



AndIbrahimwilledthesamereligionuponhissons,andalsodidYaqub (Jacob);(saying),OmysonsindeedAllahhaschosenthisreligionforyou; thereforedonotdieexceptasMuslims(thosewhosubmittoHim). The following verse also shows that the Prophets were engaged in propagatingthesamereligion,Islam.

2:136) (

Say,WebelieveinAllahandwhatissentdowntousandwhatwassent downtoIbrahim,andIsmael,andIshaq,andYaqub,andtotheiroffspring, andwhatwasbestoweduponMoosaandEisa(Jesus),andwhatwas bestoweduponotherProphetsfromtheirLord;wedonotmakeany distinction,inbelief,betweenanyofthem;andtoAllahwehavesubmitted ourselves. c)Dominance Dominance of Islam: Allah Almighty sent His Beloved Prophet SallallahuAlaihiwaSallamwithQuranandIslam.HisProphetwas already guided and was sent to guide the people. Islam was set to dominateoverallotherreligionsandabrogatedthemall. Dominance of RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam: The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam was made dominant over all other leaders, whether they were political or religious. He is still rememberedinhistorymorethananyoneelse.Therehavebeenabout hundreds and thousands of books written on him. Even those who believedinhimandfollowedhimbecameleadersoftheirtimes.His nationalsoproducedthegreatestofsaintstoarriveinanyUmmah.


Dominance of Quran: The Quranhasdominatedallotherscriptures and books. The Quran is the only book which has been completed memorised by millions of people since it was revealed. There have beenoverahundredthousandexplanationswrittenonit.Thisisthe Bookwhichismostrecited,overandoveragain. The Masjids of Islam are also dominating than other places of worship. Makkah and Madina are the most revered and sacred places. Madina is the most praised city in the world. Hajj is the biggestritewitnessedbytheworldeveryyear.Thesacredmonthsof Islamaremorenoticeableanddominantthanthesacreddaysofother religions,


SallallahuAlaihiwaSallam [TheMujizaat] The occurrence of an unusual and extraordinary act from the ProphetsinordertoprovetheirauthenticityiscalledaMujiza. Mujiza is a sign from Allah Almighty in order to establish the Prophethood of the Prophets and for this reason it is beyond ones understanding and reasoning. No one is able to provide an explanation for it and in this way it compels the non believers to believeintheProphetsofAllah. TheoccurrenceofamiraclefromtheProphetsiscalledaMujiza,and themiraclewhichoccursbeforetheirdeclarationofProphethoodis calledIrhas.ThemiraclewhichoccursfromasaintofAllahiscalled Karamat and that which occurs from a common Muslim is called Maoonat. If these strange things happen to occur from a non believerthentheyaretermedasIstidraaj. ItisimpossibletocounttheMujizaatoftheHolyProphetSallallahu AlaihiwaSallamaseverymomentofhislifeandeveryactofhisisa Mujiza in itself. He is the combination of the Mujizaat of the past Prophets and there are numerous Mujizaat which are exclusive to him. LetuslookatsomeofthemostprominentMujizas: TheSplittingoftheMoon ThesplittingofthemoonisoneoftheextraordinaryMujizaatofthe HolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam.Itwasrevealedwhenthe non believers approached him and demanded to see a miracle in ordertobelieveinhim.


Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood, Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas, Hazrat Anas bin Maalik, Hazrat Abdullah bin Amr and HazratHuzaifahbinYamaan(RadiyAllahuAnhum)aresomeofthe companionswhohavenarratedthisincident. HazratAbdullahbinMasoodRadiyAllahuAnhusays,Iwaspresent whentheincidenttookplaceandIsawitwithmyowneyes.Atthe gesture of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam, the moon split into two and I saw each half of the moon on each side of the mountain. I rushed to invite the non believers to see this extraordinary phenomenon so that they could believe and testify. [BukhariSharif,Vol2,721,722] TheReturnoftheSun The rising of the sun straight after setting is also one of the most astonishing Mujizaat of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa SallamandaclearproofofhisProphethood. Hazrat Asma bint Umais RadiyAllahu Anha narrates, At a place called Suhba near Khaiber, the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam,afterofferinghisAsrSalaatlieddownwithhisblessedhead in the lap of Hazrat Ali and went to sleep. Hazrat Ali had not yet prayedhisSalaatandthetimewasdrawingclosetosunset.Hewas extremelyupsetandanxiousbutdidnotwanttodisturbthesleepof RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. When the sun had set the HolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamwokeupandwasinformed about what had happened. RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam lifted his blessed hands and prayed, Ya Allah! Indeed Ali was in YourandYourProphetsservice,soraisethesunsothatAlicanoffer hisprayers. HazratAsmacontinues,Isawthatthesunroseagainandsunshine spread over the mountains and Ali offered his prayers. [Madarijun Nubuwwah]


RockCrushedintoPieces DuringthebattleofKhandaq,thecompanionswerediggingatrench around the city of Madina in order to avoid the enemy from attacking.Duringtheprocesstheycameacrossamightyrockwhich wouldneitherbreaknormove.Allthecompanionstriedtogether,but without any success. Finally they took the matter to RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam who came and struck one blow which broketherockintopieces.[BukhariSharif,Vol2] TheIdolsFellDown Before the conquest of Makkah, there were 360 idols placed by the infidels in the Holy Kaba. On the day Makkah was won over, the HolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamenteredtheHolyKabaand wasrecitingthefollowingversefromtheHolyQuran,

Andproclaim,TheTruthhasarrivedandfalsehoodhasvanished;indeed falsehoodhadtovanish. Whilst praying he pointed towards each idol with his stick and the idols came down without actually being touched. [Madarijun Nubuwwah,Vol2] TheMountainSpokeup HazratAliRadiyAllahuAnhunarrates,OnedayIwaswalkingwith the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam on the outskirts of Makkah and I could hear Assalamu Alaika Ya RasoolAllah. from everymountainortreethatwecameacross.[TirmiziVol2]


HazratJaabirbinSumrahRadiyAllahuAnhureports,Iknowofthe stone which sent salutations upon RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa SallamevenbeforehedeclaredhisProphethood.[Tirmizi,Vol2] TheMountainStartedtoShake ItisreportedinBukhariSharifthatoncetheHolyProphetSallallahu AlaihiwaSallamwasonamountainwithHazratAbuBakr,Hazrat Umar and Hazrat Usman RadiyAllahu Anhum. The mountain was overwhelmed by the blessed presence of RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam and his companions and started to shake. RasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamstampedhisblessedfooton it and said, Stop shaking! Do you not realise that there is one Prophet, one Truthful and two Martyrs on your back? [Bukhari Sharif,Vol2] TheWondersofaHandfulofDust HazratSalmanbinAkwaRadiyAllahuAnhunarrates,Inthebattle of Hunain, when the enemies surrounded the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam from all sides, he came down from his mount,pickedahandfulofdustfromthegroundandblewittowards theenemies.Thedustfilledtheeyesofeachofthesoldierinthearmy andtheyallfranticallystartedtorubtheireyeswhichscatteredthem and ultimately led to their defeat. Meanwhile the Holy Prophet calmly began distributing the warproceeds to the Muslim army. [Mishkaat,Vol2] Sameincidenthappenedonthenightofmigrationwhentheenemies surrounded the house of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam with the grave intention of killing him. But when the Holy ProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamemerged,heblewtowardsthem andescapedtheirsiegewithoutbeingnoticed.[BukhariSharif,Vol2]


TheTreeStartedtoWalk HazratAbdullahbinUmarRadiyAllahuAnhumareports,Iwasina journey with the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam when a Bedouin approached us and the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam offered the invitation to accept Islam. The Bedouin asked, Can you prove your Prophethood? RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam replied, Yes. That tree across the field will testifyonmy Prophethood. He then signalled to the tree to come to him, upon which the tree started to move with its roots and came close to the HolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam.Itthentestifiedthreetimes on his Prophethood. RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam then commandedittoreturnbackwhichitdid. Imam Baihaqi reports that when the tree came close to the Holy ProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam,itpresenteditssalutations.The Bedouin instantly accepted Islam and requested to prostrate to RasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam.TheHolyProphetSallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam declined his request by saying, If I was to allow anyonetoprostrateanyoneotherthanAllahthenIwouldinstructa womantoprostratetoherhusband.TheBedouinthenrequestedto kiss the hands and feet of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam.TheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamagreedandthe Bedouindidso.[Zarqani,Vol5] HazratJaabirRadiyAllahuAnhunarratesthatinajourneytheHoly Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam wanted to relieve himself but couldnotfindanycover.Thenwespottedtwosmallplantsstanding far from each other.RasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallampulled one of them just like a camel rider pulls him camel and the plant started to move with him. Then he did the same to the second one and did the same until both the plant were standing together providingenoughcover.Afterrelievinghimselfheorderedthetrees toreturntotheiroriginallocations. TheWoodenSword


In the battle of Badr Hazrat Ukasha RadiyAllahu Anhu came to the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam and urged that he had nothingtofightwithashisswordhadbroken.RasoolAllahSallallahu AlaihiwaSallampickedupabranchandaskedHazratUkashatouse itasasword.AssoonasitcameintothehandsofHazratUkasha,it turnedintoafineswordwhichheusedforyearsuntiltheheattained Martyrdom in the era of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique RadiyAllahu Anhu. A similar incident took place in the battle of Uhad with Hazrat AbdullahbinJahashRadiyAllahuAnhu.HetoocametoRasoolAllah SallallahuAlaihiwaSallamandwasgivenabranchtofightwith.The branchturnedintothebestswordHazratAbdullaheverhadandwas called Urjoon. It was preserved till the era of the Abbasi emperor Mutasim Billah who bought it for 22 Dinars. The sword of Hazrat Ukasha was called Avun and both were preserved as Islamic heritageandassignsoftheMujizaatofRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihi waSallam. TheProstrationofAnimals In is narrated in many books of Ahadith that a camel of an Ansari companion went wild. No one was able to tame it and it attacked anyonewhocameclose.WhentheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwa Sallamwasinformedhedecidedtogohimselfbutthepeoplewarned thatthecamelmightattack.RasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam indicatedthemnottoworry.Ashecameclosetothecamel,itranto himandputhisheadathisblessedfeetandprostrated.RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam then caressed the camel, who was now completely under control, and handed it overtoitsmaster.Hethen said,EverycreationofAllahknowsthatIamHisProphetbutthere are some in Jinn and Humans who refute my Prophethood. When the companions saw that the camel was prostrating to RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam, they too expressed their desire to prostratetohimbuthesaid,IfIwastoallowanyonetoprostrateto


anyoneotherthanAllah,thenIwouldinstructawomantoprostrate toherhusband.[MishakaatVol2] ThePleaofaCamel Once the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam went to the gardenofanAnsaricompanion.Acamelwhowasshoutingwastied in one corner and seemed distressed. When the camel saw RasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamitstartedtojumpandtears flowed through its eyes. RasoolAllah came closer to the camel and patted gently on its back which calmed it down. He then enquired, Who is the owner of this camel? When the owner came forward, RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam said, Allah Almighty has givenyoucontrolovertheseanimalsthusitisyourdutytotreatthem withmercy.Yourcameljustcomplainedtomethatyoudonotfeedit enoughandtakeexcessiveworkwhichisbeyonditscapacity.[Abu Dawood,Vol1] TheChapattisofUmmeSulaim OnedayHazratAbuTalhaRadiyAllahuAnhucametohiswifeand said, Do you have anything in the house which you can cook for RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. I have been with him and realisedthathehasnoteaten.HazratUmmeSulaimpreparedsome Chapattis and sent Hazrat Anas RadiyAllahu Anhu to invite RasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam.WhenhesawHazratAnas, RasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam,whowassatinagathering, enquired,HaveyoubroughtthefoodfromAbuTalha?HazratAnas replied in the affirmative. Upon hearing this RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam invited all the companions with him for the feast. Hazrat Anas ran to Hazrat Umme Sulaim to inform her that RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam was coming with a large group of companions to her house. Hazrat Abu Talha waited at the doortowelcomeRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamandasked Umme Sulaim to present whatever she had but she only had those


fewchapattisandsheputsomedatesonthemastopping.TheHoly Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam sent ten companions into the houseatatimeandtheyallatetotheirfull.WiththeMujizaofthe HolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamthehostsmanagedtofeed about seventy to eighty people with only few chapattis. [Bukhari Sharif,Vol1] TheBagofHazratAbuHurairah HazratAbuHurairahRadiyAllahuAnhunarrates,Ioncewenttosee RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam who gave me a handful of dates.Iurgedhimtoprayforabundance(barkat)inthem.Heprayed andaskedmetoputtheminabagandtakefromitaccordingtothe need but never completely empty the bag. Thus I took the bag and alwayskeptittiedaroundmywaist.Inotonlyatefromitforthree yearsbutalsofedthepoorfromit. FountainfromFingers WhenwelookatallthebooksofAhadith,wefindthatwateroozed out as a fountain from the blessed fingers of RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallamat least thirteen times. Here we present just one incident, In 6 Hijri, RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam left Madina for Makkah to perform Umrah with his companions. They camped at Hudaibiyah and by this time there was no water left at all. People were feeling extremely thirsty and were getting exhausted in the intenseheat.WhenRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamsawthis heaskedforacontainerandassoonashedippedhisblessedhandin it,waterstartedtoflowfromhisfingers.Thewaterwasusedbyall thecompanionsfordrinkingaswellasforbathingandablutionand alsofortheanimals.Theyalsostoredfortherestofthejourney.


When Hazrat Jaabir RadiyAllahu Anhu was asked as to how many companionswerewiththeHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam in the journey, he replied, Fifteen hundred but even if they were a hundredthousand,itwouldhavebeensufficientforthem. This Hadith is narrated in Bukhari Sharif and similar incident have alsobeenreportedbyHazratAnasbinMaalikandHazratBaraabin AazibRadiyAllahuAnhuma.


SallallahuAlaihiwaSallam MyBelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamsbelovedfollowers! JustastheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamisthebestand most superior in the creation, he is also the most beautiful. Those blessedcompanionswhohadthehonourtowitnessthisunparalleled beauty had to say, Allah Almighty has not created anyone like RasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamandIamsureHeneverwill. [HayatulHaywan,Vol1] From head to toe RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam is the manifestation of the creativity of Allah Almighty. Here we will just trytotakeadipintheoceanofhisbeautyinordertostrengthenour loveforhim. TheBlessedHairs The Blessed hairs of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam were just perfect, neither too straight nor too curly. There are differentnarrationsastothelengthofthehairs.Somereportthatthey reachedthemiddleoftheears,somesaytheywereuptotheearlobes andsomesuggestthattheywerejustshortofhisblessedshoulders. This means that the companions reported the different stages of his hairgrowth. WhentheHolyProphetshavedhisblessedheadduringhisfarewell pilgrimage,thecompanionsgatheredaroundhimanddidnotletany hair fall on the ground. They would be honoured to receive even a singlehairandwouldprotectitmorethantheirlife.TheBlessedwife of RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam, Hazrat Umme Salma RadiyAllahuAnhahadsomehairswhichshekeptinabottle.When anyoneinMadinawasstruckbyanillnesshewouldcometoherand she would dip the hairs in water and the illness would be cured on drinkingthatwater.[BukhariSharif]




It is reported in Khasais Al Kubraa that Hazrat Abu Naeem RadiyAllahusaid,HazratYusufAlaihisSalaamwasconsideredthe mostbeautifulandhandsomeintheworldbuthehasonlyreceiveda part of the whole beauty and our beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi waSallamreceivedthefullshareofit. Zarqani reports on the authority of the mother of faithful Hazrat AishaSiddiquaRadiyAllahuAnha,RasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwa Sallam was the most beautiful of all the people and his complexion wasalsothebest.Whoeverhastriedtopraisehimhascomparedhim tothefullmoon. Hazrat Jaabir bin Sumrah RadiyAllahu Anhu narrates, It was afull moonnightandtheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamwassat wrappedinashawlwithreddishborders.Ikeptlookingatthemoon thenthebrilliantfaceofRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamand finallyconcludedthattheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam wasindeedmorebeautifulthanthefullmoon.[MishkaatSharif]


Hazrat Aisha Siddiqua RadiyAllahu Anha says, It was dark in the houseandIwassatsewingsomethingwhentheneedledroppedon thefloor.Ilookedforitbutcouldnotfindduetodarkness.Justthen RasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamenteredandthelightofhis blessed face illuminated the whole room which helped me find my needle.[KhasaisAlKubraa] The truth is that his true splendour hasnotbeenexposedasnoone hasthecapacitytobearitsintensity. Shah Waliullah Muhaddith Dehlvi Rehmatullah Alaih reports, My father Shah Abdur Raheem saw RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallaminhisdreamandasked,YaRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwa Sallam,seeingthebeautyofHazratYusufAlaihisSalaamthewomen ofEgyptweresolostthattheycuttheirfingersandsomeevendied butwedontseesuchincidentsinyourcase.RasoolAllahSallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam replied, The truth is that Allah has concealed my truebeautyfrompeoplebecauseifitwasmadeevidentthenitwould havemuchmoresevereeffectonthepeopletheninthecaseofYusuf AlaihisSalaam. This indicates that RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam is the beloved of Allah and just as a lover wants only himself to see his beloved, in the same way the true beauty of RasoolAllah Sallallahu AlaihiwaSallamisonlyforAllahAlmighty. The great scholar, Allama Qurtabi says, The true beauty of RasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamishiddenfromusbecauseif itwastobeexposedthenoureyeswouldnothavetheabilitytosee him.[ZarqaniinMawahib]


TheBlessedForehead TheBlessedforeheadoftheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam wasbroadandbrilliantwithnosignsofanxiety.UmmulMumineen Hazrat Aisha Siddiqua RadiyAllahu Anha reports, Once I was spinning a wheel and RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam was sat across me mending his shoe. I saw his blessed forehead with sparklingbeadsofsweatonit.Thisbeautifulvisionmesmerisedme and I forgot what I was doing. On seeing my state RasoolAllah SallallahuAlaihiwaSallamenquired,Whatisthematter?Ireplied, The drops of sweat on your sparkling forehead seem like bright shiningstars.

TheBlessedEyebrows The blessed eyebrows of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallamwerelong,thinandsemicircular.Therewassuchafinegap betweenthemthatmanycompanionsreportedthemasjoinedwhen theywerenot.


Hazrat Hind bin Abi Haalah RadiyAllahu Anh reports that the eyebrowsoftheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamwasvery fine and separate and there was a vein in between them which prominentlyswelledwhenhewasangry.

TheBlessedEyesanditsWitnessing The Blessed eyes of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam werelargeandextremelybeautiful.Itnaturallyseemedasifhehad appliedSurmatoit.Thewhitenessofhiseyeswerefurtherbeautified withreddishthreadswhichisconsideredasasignofProphethood. The beauty of the eyes was further compounded by large black eyelashes.

AllahAlmightynotonlyblessedthoseeyeswithapparentvisionbut alsowiththehiddenone.Hecouldseethingsthatwerefarawayand was even aware of the intentions of the hearts. He said to his companions, You see my face towards the Qibla, but by Allah Almighty,neitheryourbowingishiddenfrommenoryoursincerity andIseeyouaswellfrombehindme.[BukhariSharif]

Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar RadiyAllahu Anhuma narrates RasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamhassaid,IndeedAllahhas


liftedtheveilsfrommeandIseethewholeworldanditseventsuntil thedayofjudgementjustlikeIseemypalm.[ZarqaniinMuwahib] Hazrat Uqbah bin Aamir RadiyAllahu Anhu reports that the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam has said, Your meeting place willbethepoolofKautharandIamlookingatitfromhere.[Bukhari andMuslimSharif] ThesenarrationsclearlyprovethatnothingishiddenfromtheHoly ProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamandhewitnessedalltheevents thatwilltakeplacetillQayamat. The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam has said, There is nothing that will occur which I have not seen from here, even ParadiseandHell.[BukhariandMuslimSharif] ParadiseisabovethesevenskiesandHellisbelowthesevenearths, thus the sight of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam encompassedthemall. During the battle of Mauta, the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam gave details of the whole battle taking place in Syria whilst sittinginMadina.Hewoulddescribeeachcompanionwhowaskilled with tears flowing from eyes. Suddenly, he started smiling. The companionsenquiredthereasonforsmilinguponwhichhereplied,I wasupsetatthelossofmycompanionsinthebattlefield,butnowI see them sitting opposite each other in Paradise, thus I am smiling outofhappiness.[Mishkaat,KhasaisAlKubraa] Hazrat Abdur Rehmaan bin Aish RadiyAllahu Anhu reports that RasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamhassaid,IhaveseenAllah AlmightywithHisbeauty.[Mishkaat] Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas RadiyAllahu Anhuma narrates, Indeed Muhammed Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam saw his Lord twice, once withhiseyesandoncewithhisheart.[KhasaisAlKubraa]


Thus,howcanthecreationbeconcealedfromtheeyesthathaveseen theCreator?

TheBlessedEarsandtheHearing The hearing of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam was unique and extraordinary. He could hear from near and far alike. OnceheaskedHazratBilal,OBilal!DoyouhearwhatIdo?Hazrat BilalRadiyAllahuAnhureplied,YaRasoolAllah!Ihearnothing.The HolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamsaid,Doyounothearthe tormentsonthepeople(theJews)intheirgraves.[Hakim]

HazratAbuDardaRadiyAllahuAnhunarratedthattheHolyProphet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam has said, There is no one who recited blessings (Duroods) upon me but I hear his Duroods, no matter where he is. The companions asked, Ya RasoolAllah! Will this continueevenafteryoupassaway?Hereplied,Yes,becauseAllah has prohibited the soil to destroy the bodies of the Prophets. [Qayyim] TheBlessedLipsandtheBlessedTeeth TheblessedlipsoftheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamwere very beautiful and reddish in colour. His blessed teeth were broad andsparklingwhite.Whenhespoketheblessedteethemittedlight.


Whenhesmileditwouldilluminatethesurroundings.Heneverhad theurgetoyawnasitisfromthedevil.

Eventhoughtheblessedteethwerenaturallybeautifulandwhite,he didtakeeverycaretokeepthemcleaninordertoteachhisnation.It isnarratedthatheneverprayedSalaatuntilhedidMiswak(brushing with a tree stick) and also used Miswaak when he went out or returnedhome,aftereating,beforeandaftersleeping,etc. TheBlessedMouthandtheVoice The blessed mouth of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam was in perfect shape. His voice was sweet and loud and everyone could hear what he was saying, whether they were near or far. His sermonscouldevenbeheardbywomenintheirhouses.

TheBlessedTongue TheblessedtongueoftheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam was pure in every sense. There was an ocean of knowledge and wisdomwhichflowedfromit.Hisvoicewassweet,hislanguagewas par excellence. He spoke clearly and slowly so that people could memorise what he was saying. He only spoke the truth and his speechwasfreefromanyindecencyorimpuritysuchaslies,slander etc.WhateverhespokebecamethelawofAllah,



Andhedoesnotsayanythingbyhisowndesire.Itisbutadivinerevelation, whichisrevealedtohim.

Hespokemanylanguages;infacthewasamasterineverylanguage hespoke.Peoplewereastonishedathiseloquenceandfluency. ItisnarratedinShifaSharifthatwhenanypersonfromanycountry would come to the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam and speak his native language, RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam wouldreplytohiminhisownlanguageandthattoowithperfection. TheBlessedBeard The blessed beard of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam wasthickandappealing.Heappliedoilandkeptitneatbycombing it. It was also his practice to trim his moustache. He never dyed his hairs. The blessed companions even counted the white hairs in the beardandontheheadandtheywerenomorethantwenty. TheBlessedNeck,ShouldersandtheBack TheblessedneckoftheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamwas of perfect length and was so beautiful that it is stated in Khasais Al Kubraathatitseemeditwasmadeofsilver.


Hisblessedshoulderswereuniquetoo.ItisreportedinZarkani,His shoulders always seemed higher than the rest when he used to sit withthecompanions. TheBlessedArmpits TheblessedarmpitsofRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamwere pure, clean and scented. His armpits had no hair. They appeared whiteandemittedsweetscent. TheBlessedHands TheblessedpalmsandarmsoftheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwa Sallamwerefleshy.Hispalmsweresoftandfragranced.Ifsomeone shookhandswithhimhishandswouldremainperfumedallday.If heplacedhishandsonachild,thatchildwouldalsobecomescented. Thecompanionswouldrubhishandsontheirfaces.Thekeystoall the wealth of the world were in his blessed hands. It is for these handsAllahsaidintheHolyQuran,

AndOdearProphet(Mohammedpeaceandblessingsbeupon him)youdidnotthrow(thesand)whenyoudidthrow,butinfact Allahthrew; TheBlessedStomachandtheBlessedChest The blessed chest and the blessed stomach of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam were aligned. His blessed chest was broadandbulged.Therewasathinfinelineofhairfromthechestto thenavel.


TheBlessedLapandtheBlessedFeet The blessed thighs and the blessed shin were flesh, soft and most beautiful. When he walked he lifted his feet slowly and with some pressure displaying awesome courage and patience. At times, even stonesturnedsoftandabsorbedhisfootprints. HazratAbdullahbinBuridahRadiyAllahuAnhustates,Theblessed feetofRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamweremostbeautiful. [Zarqani] TheBlessedStature TheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamwasneithertooshort nor too tall but just perfect. When he was with people he appeared thetallest.InrealitythiswashisMujiza,justashewasthehighestin merit,sowasheinhisapparentstature.


SallallahuAlaihiwaSallam Truthfulness TruthfulnessisoneoftheimperativecharacteristicsofProphethood. This is because the credibility of the invitation given by a Prophet depends on his truthfulness in his personal life. Indeed, Allah Almighty has bestowed all the Prophets with this quality and also highlighted some in the Holy Quran. It is stated about Hazrat SayyedunaIbrahimAlaihisSalaam.

AndrememberIbrahimintheBook;hewasverytruthful,aHeraldofthe Hidden(aProphet). AboutHazratIsmaeelAlaihisSalaam,theQuranstates,


AndrememberIsmaeelintheBook;hewasindeedtruetohispromiseand wasaNobleMessenger,aProphet. OurBelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamisthemosttruthful amongst all the creation. He is the leader of the truthful. In fact, he was termed as the truthful and the trustworthy by the people of MakkahevenbeforehedeclaredhisProphethood.Everyoneusedto turntohimtodecideontheirmatters.AbuJahl,whowashisstaunch


enemy used to say, O Muhammed Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam! I dont believe that you are a liar but I just cant persuade myself to acceptyourinvitation. StrengthandCourage Rukana, who was a renowned wrestler of the Arabian Peninsula, challenged RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam to ground him. RasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamgroundedhimthreetimes. EnduranceandForgiveness Enduranceandpatienceisasignofgoodnature.Itissuchaquality that the more it is found in someone the better that person is perceivedbyothers.ThisqualitycertainlyhasahighplaceinIslam. Our Beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam was unparallel to anyone in endurance. His whole life seems to be beautified with endurance.Whichwasthetroublethathedidnotencounter?Which weretheatrocitiesthathewasspared?Butheenduredallofthiswith awesome patience and displayed such high character that it seems impossible for anyone to replicate. There are numerous incidents whichhighlightshisenduranceandforgivenessandwhichwillactas ameansofguidanceformankinduntiltheverylastday. In the battle of Uhad, Utbah bin Abi Waqqas severed the blessed tooth of RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam and Abdullah bin Qamiyyah wounded the blessed face. But the only words the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam had for them were, O Allah! GuidemypeopleastheydontknowwhoIam. In Khaiber, a Jewish woman named Zainab tried to poison the BelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam,butherefusedtotake revenge. Lubaid bin Aasim intended to harm him through magic.


Allah revealed the truth about him to the Prophet, but the Prophet didnotreprimandhim. Gaurath bin Harith grabbed the sword of RasoolAllah Sallallahu AlaihiwaSallaminordertokillhimwhilsttheProphetwassleeping. When the Prophet woke up, Gaurath said , Ya Muhammed! Who will save you from me? The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam calmly replied, Allah. This had such an affect on Gaurath that he started to tremble and dropped his sword. RasoolAllah Sallallahu AlaihiwaSallampickeduptheswordandsaid,Whowillnowsave youfromme?GaurathfellatthefeetoftheProphetSallallahuAlaihi wa Sallam and pleaded to be forgiven. The Holy Prophet Sallallahu AlaihiwaSallamsethimfree.WhenGauratharrivedtohispeoplehe confessed,OPeople!Ihavejustmetthebestpersonintheworld. TheQuraishofMakkahsubjectedtheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihi wa Sallam to immeasurable atrocities and even forced him to leave his beloved city and birthplace. On the day when the Muslim army invaded Makkah, the Quraish thought that the Holy Prophet SallallahuAlaihiwaSallamwouldtakerevengeforalltheyhaddone tohimandhisfollowers.Buttheworldsawwhathistoryhadnever witnessed before, RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam announced,Therewillbenorevengetoday,youareallfree. MyBelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamsbelovedfollowers! ThereareplentyofotherincidentsintheblessedlifeofRasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam which demonstrates his enduring and forgivingnatureinspiteofhavingthepowertotakerevenge.Indeed the world has never seen anyone of a superior nature than our BelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam. Humbleness The humble nature of RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam was alsoverydistinctive.HewasgivenachoicebyAllahAlmightytolive


as a king or as a humble servant and he chose to live as a humble servantofAllahAlmighty. On seeing this Hazrat Israfeel Alaihis Salaam said, Ya RasoolAllah! Due to your humble nature Allah Almighty has allocated you the mostsuperiorpositioninHiscreation.Youholdthehighestrankin allthechildrenofAdam[AlaihisSalaam].Youwillbethefirstoneto be raised on the Day of Judgement and you will be the first one to openthedoorsofintercession[Shafaat].[SeeratulMustafa,Zarqani] Hazrat Abdullah bin Aamir RadiyAllahu Anhu narrates, One day theshoelaceofRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamwasripped and the Prophet himself began to mend it. When I saw this I hurriedly approached him and urged him to givetheshoetomeso that I could repair it, but the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam replied,IknowyouwouldliketodothisformebutIdonotpreferit becausethiswouldbeasignofmebeingsuperiortoyou. This was the general practice of RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallamthathewouldalwaysprefertodohisownworkandnottake assistanceinordertonotdistincthimselffromthemasses. GoodBehaviourwithFamilyandFriends The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam was so well behaved with his wives, other family members, neighbours and the Muslim peoplethateveryoneofthemwouldpraisehisbehaviour. HazratAnasRadiyAllahuAnhusays,FortenyearsIservedtheHoly ProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamathomeandduringhisjourneys. InthisperiodRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamneverrebuked nortoldmeoff.InfactheneverevensaidufandneveraskedwhyI didsomethingorwhyIdidnot. [Tirmizi]


Hazrat Anas RadiyAllahu Anhu further narrates that if someone talked to the HolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam,theProphet wouldnotmovehisfaceawayuntilthespeakerhadfinished.Andhe wouldneversitwithhislegsspreadwhensittinginagathering.He would always befirstingreetingsomeonewithSalaam.Heusedto shakehandswiththevisitorsandmostofthetimeswouldspreadhis shawlforthemtositon.Healwayscalledhiscompanionswithgood namesandtitles.Heneverinterruptedanyonewhentheyspoke.He always welcomed everyone with a smile. ThepeopleofMadinawouldbringtheircontainersfilledwithwater every morning so that RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam would dip his blessed hands in the water in order to bless it. Even when the mornings were very cold in winter and the water was freezing the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam neverturned anyone away and dipped his blessed hand in every container. [Mishkaat,page519,520] ItwaspartofthedailyroutineoftheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihi waSallamtovisithiswivesandhisdaughters.Healsodevotedsome of his time to play with the grandchildren. He would even lend his ears to children when they wanted to speak to him. He was immenselycaringwiththeneighbours. MyBelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamsbelovedfollowers! With his appealing manners and exceptionally good behaviour the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam created an extraordinary and extremely peaceful society. Even today if his teachings are followedtheworldwillbeamuchbetterplacetolivein. Modesty ThefollowingversefromtheHolyQuranunderlinesthemodestyof RasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam,


IndeedthatwascausingharassmenttotheProphet,andhewashaving regardforyou; HazratAbuSaeedKhudriRadiyAllahuAnhuhighlightsthemodesty of the Holy Proplet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam in the these words, Hewasevenmoremodestthananunmarriedandshygirl.[Bukhari Sharif,Vol1,page503] ThelifeoftheHolyProphetwascompletelyfreefromanyimmodest andindecentactivity.Henevercommittedthemnortoleratedthem. His teachings lifted humans from the lower levels of animals to the highestdegreeofangels. Themotherofthefaithful,HazratAishaSiddiquaRadiyAllahuAnha reports that RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam never spoke anything indecent nor would he speak unnecessarily. He never shouted on the roads or marketplace. He never responded to evil withevilbutwasalwaysforgiving.[MishkaatSharif,page519] FulfillingPromises To fulfil promises and keep ones word is an essential quality attributed to good character. And RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallamwassecondtononeinthisqualityaswell. Hazrat Abul Hamsa RadiyAllahu Anhu narrates, Before the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam declared his Prophethood, I boughtsomethingfromhim.IwasabitshortofcashandsoIasked the Prophet to wait whilst I went and got some money from home. TheProphetagreedtowaittherebutwhenIwenthomeIcompletely forgot about it. After three days when I suddenly remembered, I rushed to see the Prophet who was standing and waiting for me at the same place where he had promised me. He did not show any displeasureatseeingme,justadvised,Youhaveputmeinadifficult


situationasIhavebeenwaitinghereforthreedays.[ShifaSharif,Vol 1,page74] Justice ThereisnodoubtinthefactthattheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihi waSallamisthemostjustpersoneverborn.Andnotonlyfriendsbut enemiestooagreewiththis. Hazrat Rabee bin Hasheem RadiyAllahu Anhu narrates, Even beforeRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamdeclaredhisProphet hood, the people of Makkah called him as the just and the trustworthy. They always made him the judge in their affairs and would always agree with him and acknowledge his judgements. [ShifaSharif] A woman from the Quraish tribe and belonging to the Bani Makhzum family committed theft. The penalty for theft in Islam is the amputation of the right arm (with certain conditions). This becameamajorcauseforconcernfortheQuraishasthiswouldbring humiliation and disrepute to their tribe. Thus they decided to approach the Holy Prophet Sallallahu AlaihiwaSallamtopersuade himtochangehisdecision.TheypressurisedHazratOsamabinZaid RadiyAllahu Anhuma, who was held in high esteem by the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam to act as a mediator. When HazratOsamapresentedhispleainthecourtRasoolAllahSallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam, the Prophets blessed face turned red with anger and he furiously remarked, O Osama! Are you trying to negotiate with me in the matter of punishment decreed by Allah Almighty? [BukhariSharif,Vol2page300] MyBelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamsbelovedfollowers! Thisisjustoneofthegoldenincidentsofjusticewhicharereflected fromthelifeoftheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam.


Awe[Dignity,Ruab] HazratKharijabinZaidRadiyAllahuAnhuusedtosaythattheawe with which the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam would be present in his gatherings was not seen even in the courts of the mightiestkings. Hazrat Jabir bin Sumrah RadiyAllahu Anhu reports that the gatheringsofRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamwouldbethe oneswithmodestyanddiscipline.Noonewoulddareraisehisvoice. WhentheProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamspokethecompanions would be so attentive and motionless that it felt as if birds were sitting on their heads. The blessed wife of RasoolAllah Sallallahu AlaihiwaSallamHazratAishaSiddiquaRadiyAllahuAnhaconveys thattheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamwouldspeakwith extreme awe in a slow fashion (so that people could understand better).Ifsomeonewantedtocounthiswordshecoulddoso. MyBelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamsbelovedfollowers! Intodaystimesthereisanurgentneedtorevivethepracticesofthe Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam and his companions. We shouldalsolearntheimportanceofrespectforRasoolAllahSallallahu AlaihiwaSallamfromtheblessedlivesofhiscompanions. EatingHabits TheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamdidnotprefersleeping without eating at night as this leads to an early old age. He also disliked sleeping straight after eating. He advised to eat less allocating onethird space for water, onethird for food leaving the last onethird for digestion. He also recommended the use of fruits andvegetablesincorrectmannerandproportion. MyBelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamsbelovedfollowers! One of the major problems of our society is obesity and illhealth. OnlyifwedecidetofollowonthefootstepsofourMasterSallallahu


Alaihi wa Sallam, we can enjoy lasting good health. This also illustratesthatthemeasuresandsolutionswhichscienceisproviding today, has already been prescribed fourteen centuries ago by our BelovedHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam. IllnessandthePatient The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam exercised precaution and also advised others to do the same. When someone was ill, RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam advised him to take medicineandtakepreventativemeasures. VisitingtheSick When a companion fell ill, the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallamusedtovisithim.Hewouldsitbesidesthepatientandconsole himinthefollowingwords,LabathatuhoorunorKaffaratunInsha Allah. He would enquire with the patient if there was anything he would like to eat, and if that thing was not harmful, the Prophet wouldarrangeforit.WhenaJewishboy,whousedtoservetheHoly Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam fell ill, the Prophet also visited him. MyBelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamsbelovedfollowers! This demonstrates that visiting the sick was a important part of the ProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamsconduct.Notonlydidhevisit the companions, but also those who did not share the same faith or were even cruel to him. Where would we find a better example of religioustolerance? Treatment TheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamhimselfusedtreatment for illnesses and also inspired others to do the same by saying, O


servantsofAllah!UsemedicineasAllahAlmightyhasmadecurefor everythingexceptoldage. MyBelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamsbelovedfollowers! This proves that using medicine for treatment is not against having trustinAllah(Tawakkul)infactitistheSunnahoftheBelovedHoly Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. The above narration also emphasisesonthefactthatoldageisincurablethereforeoneshould notwastetimeandmoneyintryingtostayyoung. CharityandGifts TheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamnevertookcharitybut hedidtakegifts.HeacceptedgiftsfromMuslimsandthePeopleof the Book (Ahle Kitaab) like the Jews and the Christians, though he didnotacceptthemfromidolworshippers.


SallallahuAlaihiwaSallam MyBelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamsbelovedfollowers! WeclaimthatwearethetrueloversofRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihi wa Sallam and so we should love whatever was loved by him and leavewhateverwasdislikedbyhim. AssuchRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamwouldeatwhatever was available and thank Allah for His bounty, but some food was favouredoverothers.Letuslookathisblesseddietasitcouldhave immensebenefitsinthemaswellasrewards. TheChapattisofWheatandBarley(Jau) The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam had eaten chapattis madeofwheatandBarleybutneverofMaida(atypeofflour).From thehealthperspective,chapattiisanessentialsourceofnourishment. RasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallampreferredchapattismadeof wheatwhichwasnotsifted.Heonlyateenoughtosupportsurvival anddidnoteatoutofdesire. HazratMasrooqRadiyAllahuAnhureports,IcametoHazratAisha SiddiquaRadiyAllahuAnhaandshearrangedforsomefoodforme. She said, I cry whenever I eat to my full. When I asked the reason she replied, I remember the times when the Blessed Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam was amongst us. By Allah, there was never a day in his life in which he ate twice to his full. [Tirmizi Sharif] Shefurthernarrates,RasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamnever hadchapattitohisfullfortwodaysinarow.


Rice RicealsoformedapartofthedietofRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwa Sallam. Hazrat Anas bin Maalik RadiyAllahu Anhu narrates that RasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamlikedthehardricestuckto thecontaineraftercooking. MeatofGoat The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam liked meat and consumeditregularly.Inparticularhewasfondofroastedmeatand alsolikedthegravyofmeat. Hazrat Abdullah bin Haaris RadiyAllahu Anhu narrates, Chapattis and meat gravy was presented to RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa SallamwhenhewassatinaMasjid.Heconsumeditandsodidwe. ThenhestoodupforSalaatandwefollowedhim.[IbneMajah] HazratAmrbinUmayyahreports,IsawtheHolyProphetSallallahu AlaihiwaSallamwithaknifecuttingandeatingfromtheshoulderof agoat.ThenwhentheAzaanwascalled,theHolyProphetSallallahu AlaihiwaSallamputtheknifedownandofferedSalaat.[Mishkaat] TheMeatofChicken ToeatchickenisalsoaSunnahoftheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihi wa Sallam. It is a valuable source of nourishment and increases intellect,sharpensthesensesandstrengthensthebody. HazratZahdamJurmiRadiyAllahuAnhunarrates,Weweresatwith Hazrat Abu Moosa Ashari RadiyAllahu Anhu when someone brought some meat of chicken. One of those present turned away upon which Hazrat Abu Moosa enquired the reason. He replied, I find it dirty. Hazrat Abu Moosa reassured him by saying,Listen,I


have seen the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam eating chicken.[Tirmizi] Fish The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam has also consumed fish. It improves digestion and provides strength. It is best when eaten fresh. It ishighlyrecommendedfortheweakandthediabetic asitisveryrichinProteinandisgoodsubstituteformeat. HazratJaabirRadiyAllahuAnhureports,Thereisnocreatureinthe sea but Allah has already slaughtered it for the humans (made it lawful).[Darqatni] Paneer Paneerismadeoutofstalemilk.Itiscoldinnatureanditbenefitsthe stomach,thekidneysandtheintestines. TheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamlikeditandsoitishis Sunnah. Hazrat Umar RadiyAllahu reports, RasoolAllah Sallallahu AlaihiwaSallamwaspresentedwithPaneeratTabookwhichhecut withaknife(andconsumed).[AbuDawood] Hareerah Hareerahismadeofghee,flour,sugarandmilkandisveryusefulfor aweakperson.TheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamlikedit and advised to have it especially when suffering from high temperature. Hazrat Aisha Siddique RadiyAllahu Anha narrates, When anyone would have a high temperature in the family of RasoolAllah SallallahuAlaihiwaSallam,hewouldordertoarrangeforHareerah


andadviseforittobedranksipbysip.Hesaidthisprovidesstrength toaweakheartandeasesitjustaswaterwashesawaydirt.[Tirmizi Sharif] KadduSharif(Mellow) The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam was also fond of vegetables, in which he liked kaddu the most. Kaddu is extremely beneficialtoimprovetheintellectandtobalancethebody.Itrelieves feverwhenpiecesarerubbedonthepalmsandsoles. Hazrat Anas RadiyAllahu Anhu reports, RasoolAllah Sallallahu AlaihiwaSallamlovedKadduandsoIusedtomakeeveryeffortto provideitwhentheProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamatewithme. [TirmiziSharif] Hazrat Anas RadiyAllahu Anhu also reports, I saw RasoolAllah SallallahuAlaihiwaSallamlookingforKadduinhisplate.Sincethen Ialwayspreferredtoeatit. Thesenarrationsshowthatthecompanionspreferredandlikedthose things which were like by the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallamandmadeahabitofeatingthem. Sareed To cook chapatti in meat gravy or to soak the chapatti in gravy is called Sareed. One form of Sareed is cooked in ghee and paneer. Sareed is very tasty and extremely useful in providing strength. It formedaregularpartofthedietofRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwa Sallam. HazratAbdullahbinAbbasRadiyAllahuAnhumareports,Ofallthe dishesRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamlovedSareedofmeat themost.


Vinegar ThenatureofVinegarisauniquecombinationofwarmthandcold.It refreshesthebodyanddigestsfoodandkillsbodyworms.Becauseof its excessive benefits the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam preferreditandalsoadviseditsuseasasubstitutetogravy. Hazrat Umme Haani RadiyAllahu Anha reports, RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam once came to me and asked if I had anything to eat. I replied that I only had some dry chapattis and vinegar.Hesaid,bringit;thehousewhichhasvinegarisnotdevoid ofgravy.[TirmiziSharif] ItisalsoreportedbyHazratJaabirRadiyAllahuAnhu,RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam asked for some gravy for his family. I saidthereisnothingbutvinegar.Herepliedtwice,Vinegarisgood gravy.[MuslimSharif] Dates DatesarefoundinabundanceintheArabianPeninsula.RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam liked them and used them extensively. Datespurifyblood,strengthentheheartanddigestionandmakethe body healthier. Thus it is Sunnah to eat them and there are various Ahadithhighlightingitsbenefits, HazratSaadRadiyAllahuAnhunarratesthatRasoolAllahSallallahu AlaihiwaSallamstated,IfonehassevenAjwahdatesinthemorning then poison or magic will not harm him for the rest of the day. [MuslimSharif] Ummul Mumineen Hazrat Aisha Siddiqua RadiyAllahu Anha narrates, RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam used to come to meandaskdoyouhaveanythingtoeat?IfIrepliedinthenegative


thenhewouldsay,Ihavemadeintentionforfasting.Thennexttime heagainaskedthesame.Ireplied,YaRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihi waSallamwehavereceivedsomegift.Heenquiredastowhatitwas. Isaid,sweetdishmadeofdates.Hesaid,Ihavebeenfastingsince morningandconsumedthedish. Honey Honeyservesasmedicineaswellasfood.Itsnatureiswarmanddry. Itisparticularlyhelpfulinphlegmandgaseousillnessofthestomach andalsoincough. Allah has kept many benefits in it and so RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam expressed his liking for it and consumed it wheneveravailable. HazratAishaSiddiquaRadiyAllahuAnhanarratesthatRasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam liked sweet dishes and honey. [Bukhari Sharif] ItisstatedinMadarijunNubuwwatthattheHolyProphetSallallahu AlaihiwaSallamusedtohavehoneymixedinwaterinthemorning. And after a while when he felt hungry he would eat whatever was available. Figs Figisaverydelicatefruit.Whenripeitfallsfromthebranches.Many peopledrythemforpreservation.TheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihi waSallamconsumeditandalsohighlighteditsbenefits, HazratAbuDardaRadiyAllahuAnhureportsthatatrayfulloffigs waspresentedtoRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam.Heasked ustoeatandweate.Hethensaid,Ifsomeoneclaimsthattherecan


beafruitwhichcancomefromParadisethenIwillsayitisthis.Eatit asitisbeneficialinbawasirandjointpains.


The person who makes it his habit to recite the following Dua regularlywillachievesuccessinthisworldandthehereafter: AllahummaRabbanaaAatinaaFidDunyaaHasanatawWafilAakhirati HasanatawWaqinaaAdhaabanNaar. FreedomfromallCalamaties RasoolAllahSallallahoAlaihiWasallamsaid,Nothingintheworld willbeabletoharmthepersonwhorecitesthefollowingsupplication threetimeseverymorningandnight: BismillaahilLadheeLaaYadurruMaasMiheeShayunFilArdiWalaaFis SamaaiWahuwasSameeulAleem. DuaatTimeofDistress HazratAbdullahbinAbbasRadiallahoAlmightyAnhumareports that whenever Rasool Allah Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam was distressed or worried about anything, he would recitethefollowing supplication:


LaaIlaahaIllalLaahulHaleemulHakeemuLaaIlaahaIllalLaahuRabbul ArshilAdheemiLaaIlaahaIllalLaahuRabbusSamaawaatiWalArdi WarabbulArshilKareem. CurefromIllnesses It is reported that Abdul Aziz bin Suhaib and Thaabit Bunaani RadiallahoAlmightyAnhumacametotheCompanionHazratAnas Radiallaho Almighty Anhu. Thaabit Bunaani said, O Abu Hamza (Anas)!Ihavebecomeill.HazratAnasRadiallahoAlmightyAnhu said,ShouldInotblowawayyourillnesswiththesupplicationthat RasoolAllahSallallahoAlaihiWasallamusedtoreciteandblowon people to cure them of their illnesses? Thaabit Bunaani replied, Please do. After this, Hazrat Anas Radiallaho Almighty Anhu recitedthefollowingsupplication: AllahummaRabbanNaasiMudhhibalBasishfiAntashShaafiLaa ShaafiyaIllaaAntaShifaaalLaaYugaadiruSaqamaa. DuatoReceiveBetter Ummul Mumineen Hazrat Umm e Salma Radiallaho Almighty Anha reports that she heard Rasool Allah Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam say that if a Muslim recites the following supplication upon being inflicted with any difficulty, Allah Almighty will grant thembetterthanwhattheyhadbefore:


InnaaLillaahiWaInnaaIlayhiRaajeoon.AllahummaAjirneeFee MuseebateeWakhlufLeeKhayramMinhaa. DuatoPayoffDebts Hazrat Abu Umaamah Radiallaho Almighty Anhu narrated that Rasool Allah Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam asked him, Should I not teach you a supplication, through the recitation of which Allah Almightywillremoveallyouranxietiesandyourdebtswillbepaid off? Hazrat Abu Umamah Radiallaho Almighty Anhu replied, Why not? Please teach me. Rasool Allah Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam said, Recite the following every morning and every evening. AllahummaInniAoodhubikaMinalHammiWalHuzniWaAoodhubika MinalAjziWalKasliWaAoodhubikaMinalJubniWalBukhliWa AoodhubikaMinGhalbatidDayniWaQaharirRijaal.

DuatoHaveChildren HuwalLadheeYusawWirukumFilArhaamiKayfaYashaauLaaIlaaha IllaaHuwalAzeezulHakeem. Ablution should be performed and the above verse recited with DuroodShareef11timedbeforeandaftertheverse.Ablackpepper


should then be blown on and given to the lady to eat; this is very beneficialandhelpfulinconceiving. WealthandProsperity The person who desires to be rich and prosperous should recite the following25timesevery day after Fajr Prayer with presence of mind and heart. Insha Allah, injustafewshortdays, his difficulties will be removed and he will become wealthy and prosperous. IdhaaJaaaNasrulLaahiWalFath.WaRaAytanNaasaYadKhuloona FeeDeenilLaahiAfwaajaa.FasabbihBihamdiRabbikaWastaghfirh.Innahu KaanaTawwaabaa.


Basat: To make existent something which is non existent is called creating, and to allocate certain task to someone who is already existent is called basat Because the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam was the first creation, but he was assigned the task of guidingmankindattheend,hissendingdownbyAllahAlmightyis calledbasat. Nabi:Dependingonitsroot,thewordNabihastwomeanings.One root of Nabi is Nabawatun meaning having a high status, and because the Prophets hold the highest rank in the creation, they are called Nabi. The other root word isNabaunwhichmeanshidden voice. Because a Prophet reveals hidden truths and gives us informationoftheunseen,heiscalledNabi. There is one more root word which is Nabiun meaning way. Because the Prophet shows us the way to reach Allah, he is called Nabi. NabiandRasool:Rasoolissomeonewhobringsthemessage(Books) fromAllahAlmightytoHispeople.AndNabiistheonewhoreceives therevelationfromAllahinordertoguidepeople. FaithregardingProphets Just as we should have the correct Faith regarding Allah and His attributes, in the same way we should have the correct faith in relationtotheProphets. RevelationisexclusivetoProphets.Ifsomeonebelievesitforanyone otherthanProphetsisanonbeliever. ThedreamsofProphetsarealsotrueandpartoftheRevelationfrom AllahAlmighty.


Prophethoodcannotbeearnedbyexcessiveworshiporothertasks, ProphetsarechosenbyAllahatHiswill.ButofcoursethosewhoHe chooses for this high position are the best in creation. Even before theyareallottedthisposition,theypossessthebestcharacterandare exceptionallypurefromsinsoranydislikedqualities.Themassesare attracted to them due to their good nature and they have already surpassed all the levels of sainthood. Their intellect is perfect and much higher than any other intellectual in his time. AllahAlmighty states,


andAllahchooseswhomeverHewillsbyHisMercy;andAllahistheMost Munificent. IfsomeonebelievesthatProphethoodcanbeattainedbyworshipor inanyotherwaybecomesanonbeliever.Ifsomeonebelievesthata Prophet can cease to be a Prophet or that his Prophethood can be endedalsobecomesanonbeliever. TheImmunityofProphets AllProphetsareimmunetosins,thatistheycannotcommitsins.This quality of the Prophets is only shared by the Angels. If someone believes immunity for any other creation apart from Prophets and Angels, like some people believe it for the Imams, then he is an infidel. WebelievethattheProphetshavebeenpromisedbyAllahAlmighty thattheywillbesavedfromsins.Ontheotherhand,theImamsand


the Saints (friends of Allah) are not immune but are protected by Allahandhencedonotcommitsins,butitisnotimpossibleforthem tocommitsins. TheProphetsarealwaysimmunefromallmajorandminorsinsand they never commit or are inflicted with something which will cause otherstohatethem. It is part of our Belief that the Prophets completed their task and conveyedthefullmessage.IfsomeoneaccusesaProphettohideany messageorleavethetaskincomplete,thenheisaninfidel. TheKnowledgeoftheUnseen[IlmeGaib] Allah Almighty has revealed His Knowledge of unseen to the Prophets. A part of this knowledge is the knowledge about everything in the world. There is no question of comparing this knowledgewiththeknowledgeofAllahAlmighty,asthisknowledge to the Prophets has been imparted by Allah Almighty and that of Allah Almighty is His own. And even thoughtheknowledgeofthe Prophets is enormous, it is like a drop in the ocean in front of the knowledge of Allah, in fact the knowledge of Allah is limitless and incomparable,whereastheknowledgeoftheProphetislimited. TherearesomewhodenytheKnowledgeofUnseenfortheProphets. ItisforthesekindsofpeopleQuranstates,

sodoyoubelieveinsomeofAllahscommandsanddisbelieveinsome? Andasisclear,theProphetgaveusinformationaboutParadise,Hell and everything else that we could not have known by ourselves, in fact he told us about Allah who is the biggest Gaib (unseen), then how can we deny the knowledge of the unseen of the Prophet SallallahuAlaihiwaSallam.


TheExcellenceoftheProphets ItisourBeliefthattheProphetsholdthehighestrankinthecreation. TheyareevenhigherthantheProphetsinAngels.Nosaintcanever reach the rank of a Prophet. If someone believes so then he is an unbeliever. TheNumberofProphets It is not allowed to fix the number of Prophets that have arrived. There is confusion in their actual number, and so if we fix then we might believe more or less Prophets than they actually are and this would be infidelity. Thus we should say that we believe in all the ProphetsofAllah. There have been numerousProphetsbetweenAdamAlaihisSalaam and our Beloved Final Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. Some have been mentioned in the Holy Quran such as Hazrat Adam AlaihisSalaam,HazratNoohAlaihisSalaam,HazratIbrahimAlaihis Salaam,HazratIsmaeelAlaihisSalaam,HazratIshaqAlaihisSalaam, HazratYaqoobAlaihisSalaam,HazratYusufAlaihisSalaam,Hazrat MoosaAlaihisSalaam,HazratHaroonAlaihisSalaam,HazratShoaib Alaihis Salaam, Hazrat Loot Alaihis Salaam, Hazrat Hood Alaihis Salaam, Hazrat Dawood Alaihis Salaam, Hazrat Sulaiman Alaihis Salaam, Hazrat Ayub Alaihis Salaam, Hazrat Ilyas Alaihis Salaam, Hazrat Yasaa, Hazrat Zakariyya Alaihis Salaam, Hazrat Yahya Alaihis Salaam, Hazrat Isa Alaihis Salaam, Hazrat Yunus Alaihis Salaam,HazratIdreesAlaihisSalaam,HazratZulKiflAlaihisSalaam, Hazrat Saleh Alaihis Salaam and the leader of them all Hazrat MuhammedMustafaSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam.ThefirstNabiwas Hazrat Adam Alaihis Salaam and the first Rasool sent towards the disbelieverswasHazratNoohAlaihisSalaam.


TheLevelsofProphets There are ranks within the Prophets. The highest rank is of our BelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam.Afterhisistherankof Hazrat Ibrahim Alaihis Salaam. Then is the rank of Hazrat Moosa AlaihisSalaamandthenHazratIsaAlaihisSalaamandHazratNooh Alaihis Salaam. They are collectively known as Ulul Azm minar Rusulandtheyarehigherinrankthantherestofthecreation.Our ProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamisindeedtheleaderofthemall andalsotheProphetofalltheProphets. TheLifeoftheProphets The Prophets, after passing away, are alive just as they were in this world. They eat, drink, and can travel the entire universe (as we knowfromtheincidentofMeraj).AsperthepromiseofAllah,they did taste death, but the soul was then returned to the body. It is stated in Hadith, Indeed Allah Almighty has prohibited the earth fromdestroyingthebodiesoftheProphets,sotheProphetsarealive andreceivessustenance.[Mishkaat] TheirlifeafterdeathissuperiortothatoftheMartyrs.Thewealthof a Martyr is inherited and his wifecanmarryafterhedies,whilstin the case of Prophets, their wealth is not inherited and their wives cannotmarryagain. Note: The oversights of the Prophets as should never be mentioned apartfromwhenreadingintheQuranandtheAhadith(astheyare mentioned there). Allah Almighty is their Creator and only He has the authority to question them or refer to their oversights. We are theirslavesandcannottaketheiroversightsasanevidencetocommit sinsortodisrespecttheProphets.Moreover,theirmistakeswerenot result of following their desires, but rather there was wisdom and good intention behind it and the end result was always good. Their oversights are far better than most sincere good deeds of the saints. The oversight of Hazrat Adam Alaihis Salaam led him to leave


Paradiseandcomedowntotheworld.Itwasaresultofthisthatthe earth was inhabited, the human race developed, thousands of Prophetsandsaintsarrived,theBooksofAllahwererevealedandthe believers will ultimately enter Paradise. All this was a result of one oversight! FaithregardingtheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam TheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamwasthefirstProphetof Allah Almighty but he was last to be sent down to the earth. Allah first created the Light of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam and from that Light He created all other creations. Allah Almighty took an oath from all the Prophets to believe in the Final Prophetandtoassisthim.AlltheProphetsarefromthenationofthe Holy Prophet that means the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam is also Prophet to other Prophets. They are all his deputies. Allah Almighty has made the Final Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa SallamasHismanifestation.Itisdutyofeverycreationtofollowhim. He is the Mercy for all the creation, whether they are living or non


IndeedtherehascometoyouaNobleMessengerfromamongyouyour fallingintohardshipaggrieveshim,mostconcernedforyourwellbeing,for theMuslimsmostcompassionate,mostmerciful. ThePerfectionoftheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam is the perfect creation of AllahAlmighty.Heisthecombinationofalltheexceptionalqualities possessed byalltheProphets.Infactanyexceptionalqualityofany


Prophet was due to him as he is the reason for the creation of the universe. There were numerous qualities exclusively enjoyed by the HolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamandnooneelsehadashare init. TheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamenjoysthepositionof being the most beloved to Allah Almighty. The creation seeks the pleasure of their Lord and He seeks the pleasure of His Beloved ProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam. One of the unique characteristics of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam was the Meraj, the ascension, in which he was taken from Masjid al Haram in Makkah to Masjid al Aqsa in Jerusalem, where he led all the Prophets in prayer. From there he ascended towards the skies, the Arsh and even beyond. He passed over all the creation and witnessed it and most exclusively even witnessed Allah Almighty. All this happened in a fraction of a second. TheIntercessionoftheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam will be the primary intercessor on the Day of Judgement. He will be the one who will open the door of Intercession, when no one else will be able to. Everyone will be exhausted of waiting for the accounting to begin. ThewillapproachalltheProphetsbuttheywillnotbeinapositionto help. Then finally, all the creation will plead in the court of RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam and he will present their pleasinthecourtofAllah. Thisintercessionwillbeforoneandallwhethertheyarebelieversor non believers, obedient or disobedient. All of them, even those who did not believe in him will start to praise him. This is Maqam e Mehmood, the Position of Praise. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam himself states, I have already been allotted the position of Intercession.


Once the accounting begins, everyone will be judged according to their deeds. The nonbelievers will receive no more Intercession but the believers will receive further Intercession by the Holy Prophet SallallahuAlaihiwaSallam. TheLoveoftheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam TheloveofRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamisthebaseofour Faith, in fact it is the essence of Faith. We cannot be true believers untilwelovehimthemost. TheobedienceofAllahliesintheobedienceofRasoolAllahSallallahu AlaihiwaSallam.OnecannotobeyAllahuntilheobeysRasoolAllah. If one is offering obligatory prayers and if RasoolAllah Sallallahu AlaihiwaSallamwastocallhim,thenheshouldatthatverymoment in the middle of prayers, attend RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam.Afterhehasservedhim,thenhecanresumetheprayerfrom wherehestopped. TheRespectoftheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam TorespecttheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamispartofour Faith. This obligation is superior to any other obligation or prayers. Hisrespectshouldbeobservedinthesamewayjustasitwas,atthe timewhenhelivedinthisworld.WhenwehearthenameoftheHoly Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam, it is wajib upon us to present salutations upon him with utmost respect like Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. Slightest disrespect of anything which is even related to RasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamisinfidelity. TheAuthorityoftheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam TheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamisthechiefdeputyof Allah Almighty. His authority prevails in the world. He can allot


whateverhewishesandtowhoeverhewishes.Noonecanoverturn hisdecisionsorjudgements.Hecommandsovereveryoneandheis only under the command ofAllahAlmighty.Heisthemasterofall the creation. The Heavens and the earth and also the Paradise fall under his domain. He has the keys to the wealth of the universe. Sustenanceandeverythingelseisdistributedfromhiscourt.Heisthe lawmaker and the rules depend on his decisions. He can make anythinglawfulorunlawfulforanyone. TheFinalityoftheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam


Mohammed(peaceandblessingsbeuponhim)isnotthefatherofanyman amongyoubutheistheNobleMessengerofAllahandtheLastofthe Prophets*;andAllahknowsallthings. Intheaboveverse,AllahAlmightyclearlymentionsthatMuhammed Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam is the last and final Messenger. Now if someonebelievesthattherecanbeaprophetaftertheFinalProphet, theheisrefutingtheaboveverseandisthereforeadisbeliever.The scholarsareunanimousonthefactthattheHolyProphetisthesealof Prophethood.Wehaveseenintheeraofthefirstcaliph,HazratAbu Bakr Siddique RadiyAllahu Anhu, who killed Musailimah the liar becauseheclaimedfalseprophethood.Thisprovesthattobelievein thefinalityoftheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamispartof ourFaithandthosewhodenythisshouldbekilled. It is interesting to note that since the above verse was revealed, no other nation has claimed to have a prophet amongst them, even thoughthiswasaregularpracticeofthepeopleofIran,India,China, etc.Iftheyfoundsomeonewithsomeextrapowerstheywouldtreat himasdivineandcallhimaprophetorevenGod.ButaftertheFinal ProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamarrived,AllahAlmightyputan endtothesepractices.



TheRightsoftheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam onHisUmmah
MyBelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamsbelovedfollowers! WehavealreadyseenthelovethatRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwa Sallam has for his nation and the extent to which he is concerned aboutourwellbeing.Buttobringallthegoodnesstouswasnoteasy at all. As soon as he announced his Prophethood, the same people who once called him the Truthful and the Trustworthy, turned againsthimandsubjectedhimtothegreatesttroubleseverinflicted on anyone. He was refuted, called a liar and a magician, he was stoned,andthedirtofanimalswasthrownonhisbackwhenhewas in prostration, and so on. But the beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam endured all this with complete patience for our sake. He continued to convey his message on the Oneness of Allah and showedthetruepath.ItwasduetohimthatwereceivedtheQuran, themeaningsoftheQuran,theknowledgeaboutwhatislawfuland whatisunlawful,andsoon. When we are indebted to him for so much then certainly he should have some rights over us. We present some rights enjoyed by the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam over his nation as mentionedbyImamQaziAyazinShifaSharif: 1.FaithupontheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam: Wehavealreadyseenthisindetail.Wehavetobelieveandtestify thatheisthetrue,final,belovedandthemostsuperiorProphetof AllahAlmighty.

AndwhoeverdoesnotacceptfaithinAllahandHisNobleMessengerWe haveindeedkeptpreparedablazingfirefordisbelievers. 2.ToFollowtheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam:


It is our duty to follow RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam in everyaspectofourlife.Thisisthekeytooursalvationandsuccessas thisverseproves,


Proclaim,(OdearProphetMohammedpeaceandblessingsbeuponhim), Omankind!IfyouloveAllah,followmeAllahwillloveyouandforgive youyoursins;andAllahisOftForgiving,MostMerciful.



IndeedfollowingtheNobleMessengerofAllahisbetterforyouforone whoisconfidentofAllahandtheLastDay,andremembersAllahmuch. Theaboveverseclearlymentionsthatwecannotattainthecloseness andtheloveofAllahAlmightyunlesswefollowHisBeloved.Aswe haveseenearlier,hehasbeenmadearolemodelforus.Andhistory proves that those who followed him enjoyed success in both the worlds. HazratAbuBakrSiddiqueRadiyAllahuAnhuwhoenjoysthehighest rank after the Prophets only received this status by following RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. Even before his death he showedeagernessinfollowingtheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwa Sallam. His beloved daughter, Ummul Mumineen Hazrat Aisha Siddiquasays,Justhoursbeforehepassedaway,myfatheraskedme abouttheshroudofRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamandthe dayhepassedaway.ThisisbecausehehadfollowedtheProphetin everythinginhislifeandwantedtodothesameinhisdeath. 3.ToObeytheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam:


It is vital for us to obey each and every command of RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam and we should not even imagine to disobey him in any respect, because to obey him is to obey Allah Almighty,

OPeoplewhoBelieve!ObeyAllahandtheNobleMessengerandthose amongstyouwhoareinauthority;



AndwhoeverobeysAllahandHisNobleMessenger,willbewith thoseuponwhomAllahhasbestowedgracethatis,theProphetsandthe truthfulandthemartyrsandthevirtuous;andwhatexcellentcompanions theyare! TheseversesrevealthattofollowtheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihi wa Sallam is a sign of our Faith and the high positions are only for thosewhofollowhim. TheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamhasexpressed,None ofyoucanbeatruebelieveruntilandunlesshedevoteshisdesiresto mycommands.[BukhariSharif] This devotion is clearly reflected from the lives of the companions. RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam once saw a companion wearing a gold ring on his finger. He took the ring off the companionshandandthrewit,expressinghisdislikeinthesewords, Doesanyoneofyouprefertohaveringsoffirearoundhisfingers?


After the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam left the companionwastoldbyothercompanionstopicktheringandbring itinsomeusebuthesaid,ByAllahIcanneverpicktheringwhich has been thrown by the RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. [MishkaatSharif] 4.TheLoveofRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam: It is one of the duties of a believer to sincerely love RasoolAllah SallallahuAlaihiwaSallammorethananyoneelseintheworld,even morethanhisownself,astheHolyQuranmentions:


Say,Ifyourfathers,andyoursons,andyourbrothers,andyourwives,and yourtribe,andyouracquiredwealth,andthetradeinwhichyoufearaloss, andthehousesofyourlikingifallthesearedearertoyouthanAllahand HisNobleMessengerandfightinginHisway,thenwaituntilAllahbrings aboutHiscommand;andAllahdoesnotguidethesinful. ThisverseclearlyshowsthattheloveofRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihi waSallamisvitaljustastheloveofAllahandnobodyintheworld shouldbelovedmorethanhim. The following narration makes it clearer in which the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam has said, None of you will be a true believer until and unless he loves me more than his parents, his childrenandeveryoneelse.[BukhariSharif] Again,thelivesofthecompanionsarelivingexampleofsuchlovefor the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. Hazrat Abu Bakr SiddiqueRadiyAllahuAnhuwastheonlycompanionchosenbythe HolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamtoaccompanyhimduring


the migration. He chose to give up his life when he was bit several times by a snake but did not prefer to disturb the sleep of RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam who was resting with his blessedheadonhislap.Onanotheroccasionhesacrificedhisentire wealthuponthecallofRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamand didnotevenanyleaveclothesonhisbody,butratherjustwrapped himselfinasack. In the same way we have seen that Hazrat Ali chose to sacrifice his Salaat but did not wish to disturb RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. 5.TheRespectoftheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam: TherespectofRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamisobligatory uponeveryoneofusandtheslightestdisrespectwillresultinlossof ourFaithandallthegooddeeds. TheHolyQuranstates,

Inorderthatyou,Opeople,mayacceptfaithinAllahandHisNoble Messenger,andhonourandreveretheNobleMessenger;andmaysaythe PurityofAllah,morningandevening. It is interesting to note that AllahAlmightyhasfixedmorningsand evenings for His Praise (tasbeeh) but did not set any time for the respect of RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam which indicates that the respect should be observed at all times during his life and also after he leaves this world. At another place Allah Almighty states,



OPeoplewhoBelieve!Donotraiseyourvoiceshigherthanthevoiceofthe Prophet,norspeaktohimloudlythewayyoushouttooneanother,lestyour deedsgotowastewhilstyouareunaware. Thus,evenraisingvoicesisamarkofdisrespectandcandestroyour deeds. Inoneverseitindicatesthattherespectisthekeytosuccess.


Sothosewhobelieveinhim,andreverehim,andhelphim,andfollowthe lightwhichcamedownwithhimitistheywhohavesucceeded. 6.ToPraisetheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam AbelieverisexpectedtopraisetheRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwa Sallam and remember the high rank and position which Allah Almightyhasbestoweduponhim.ThisisaSunnahofAllahHimself as he has praised His Beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam throughouttheHolyQuran, (94:4) AndWehaveelevatedyourremembranceforyou The companions too expressed their love and respect for the RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam in form of poems. Thus HazratHassabbinSaabit,HazratAbdullahbinRawahahandHazrat Kab RadiyAllahu Anhum were some prominent companions who praisedtheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamintheirpoems andtheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamhimselfheardthem andalsorewardedthemforit. 7.SendingSalutationsBlessings(Duroods):


Every believer should send excessive Duroods upon the Holy Prophet SallallahuAlaihiwaSallamjustasAllahAlmightyHimself does,

IndeedAllahandHisangelssendblessingsontheProphet;OPeoplewho Believe!Sendblessingsandabundantsalutationsuponhim.(Everlasting peaceandunlimitedblessingsbeupontheHolyProphetMohammed.) AllahAlmightyfirstinformsustheimportanceofDuroods,thatHe andallHisangelsprayDuroodsonHisBelovedProphetandthenHe commandsthebelieversthattheytooshouldsendexcessiveDuroods uponHisBeloved. There have been thousands of books written on the etiquettes of Duroods,oneofwhichisDalailAlKhairat.Thereisaveryinspiring storybehindthecompilationofthisbook, HazratShaikhJazooliwasonceonajourneyalongwithhisfollowers. TheyreachedavillageandbecauseitwastimeforSalaat,theystarted lookingforsomewatertomakeablution.Afteratiresomesearchthey did find a well but to their dismay there was no rope or bucket around to remove water from it. They were in this dilemma when theysawayounggirlwhoaskedwhywaseveryonesoupset.Shaikh Jazooli introduced himself and said it was time for Salaat and they wantedtomakeablutionbutcouldnotfindabucketorarope.The littlegirlastonishinglysaid,YouareagreatShaikhandIhaveheard alotaboutyou.Iamsurprisedthatyoucannotsolvethispettyissue. Sayingthisshewentnearthewellandspatinit.TheShaikhandthe followerscouldnotbelievetheireyesastheysawthewateroflevel risinginthewelluntilitreachedthebrim. The Shaikh requested her to stay back till they performed their prayers. After prayers he turned to the girl and said, I beg u my child,pleasetellmehowdidyouattainthishighstatusatthisyoung


age?Thegirlhumblyreplied,Iamjustanordinarypersonandthis is no miracle of mine, this is just the reward of sending excessive Duroods on the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam who our Master and our caretaker. The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam too once dropped his blessed saliva in a well and quenched thethirstofhisfollowersandIhavejusttriedtofollowhisexample. Shaikh Jazooli was so impressed by this incident that he decided to compileabookontheDuroodsforthenationtobenefitfrom.Hehas alsoincludedtheDurudprayedbythegirlintheseventhchapterof hisbook. SOMEMOREDUROODS&THEIRBENEFITS ExcellenceandBenefitsofDuroodeRazvia

There are forty benefits of this blessing, which are proven from authentic and credible Hadith, and some of them are being mentionedhere.ThepersonwhohasloveforRasoolullahSallallahu alaihi wasallam, who respects him more than the world and everythinginit,whostaysawayfromthosewhotryandbelittlehis rank and respect, stays away from those who try to stop his remembrance, and is disgusted with the enemies of Rasoolullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam with his heart, such a person will have three thousand favours bestowed on him when he recites this blessing.Someoftheotherbenefitsareasfollows: Hewillhavetwothousandsalutationsbestowedonhim. Fivethousandrewardswillbeenteredintohisbookofdeeds. Fivethousandofhissinswillbewipedaway.




It will be written on his forehead that he is free from the fire of


Allah Almighty will keep him with the Martyrs on the Day of





He will be blessed with seeing Rasoolullah Sallallahu alaihi



Intercession of Rasoolullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam will be


willneverbedispleasedwithhim. ThispermissionforrecitingDuroodeRadwiyyawillbeplacedinthe hearts of all people provided they stay away from misguided sects andmisguidedpeople. MethodofRecitingDuroodeRazvia


This blessed Durood is also called Durood e Juma. After Juma prayer, turn your face towards Madinah Munawwarah and stand witharmsfoldedandwithrespect,andreciteitonehundredtimes.It is better if a group of people recite it together. This one blessing is equivalent to ten blessings and the reward for each blessing is multiplied ten times. Therefore, if this blessing is recited one time, rewardforonehundredblessingsisawarded.Thereforeiftenpeople recite it one time each together, each person receives one thousand rewards; one thousand sins are removed; one thousand good deeds are written, and divine favours are showered on each person one thousandtimes.Allthisisifitisrecitedonlyonce,ifitisrecitedone hundredtimeseach;therewardsaremultipliedonehundredtimes. Thepeoplewhoknowaboutthisshouldensurethattheymaketheir family, friends, acquaintances, and people who pray Juma prayers aware of it, so that there can be a substantial gathering ofpeopleto recite the blessing because the reward ismultipliedbytentimesfor each extra person that is part of the gathering. The person who organisesthisormakespeopleawareofthiswillreceivethereward of everyone multiplied by ten times, and the reward of the restwill notbereduced. Understanditthiswaythattenpeoplegettogetherandreciteitone time each. Each person will receive the reward for reciting it one thousandtimes.Thepersonwhobroughteveryonetogetherreceives ten times more than everyone else and therefore receives ten thousandrewards.MayAllahAlmightyguideusalltoperformthis, Aameen. Whenthequantityofblessingshavebeenrecited,raiseyourhandsas youwouldforsupplication;theImam,oranotherappointedperson, shouldrecitetheversesoftheShajrah.Afterthat,reciteFatihahand present the reward to Rasoolullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam, his Companions,hisfamily,andallourpiouspredecessors.Next,recite the Supplication of Acceptance (Munaajaat), and then make


supplicationforyourselves.EnsurethatyousupplicateforallSunni Muslimsandforallofustodiewithfaith. DuroodeShifa

Translation: O Allah send blessings upon our Master Muhammad SallallahoAlaihiWasallamwhoisthephysicianandthemedicineof hearts;heisthesafetyandthecurerofourbodies;heisthelightin oureyesanditssplendour,andsendblessingsandsalutationsonhis familyandhisCompanions.1 Benefit:Physicalandspiritualillnessesarecured. DuroodeHallilMushkilaat Translation: Oh Allah send blessings upon our Master Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam, Yaa Rasool Allah Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam,helpmeasmyattemptsandmeanshavefailed. Benefit: The Mufti of Damascus, Haamid Aafandi Rehmatullahe AlmightyAlaihwasarrestedonetimeandwasingreattrouble.The presidentwasanarchenemyofhis.Atnighthewasingreatpainand difficultywhenhesuddenlyfellasleep.RasoolullahSallallahualaihi wasallam came into his dream, comforted him and taught him this


Durood,andsaidwhenyourecitethis,AllahAlmightywilleaseyour difficulties.Hewokeup,recitedthisDuroodandthedifficultieswere removed. Many of our noble predecessors in Islam would recite this blessing duringdifficulties.AllamaSyedIbnAabideenhasquotedtheproofs anddetailsofthisinhisFatawaeShaami.1 MethodofReciting:Thewaytorecitethisistoperformfreshablution after Isha prayer and perform two rakats Nafl prayer. In the first rakaat,afterAlhamdu,reciteSurahKaafiroonandinthesecond, afterAlhamdu,reciteSurahIkhlaas.Whencompleted,sitfacing the Qibla in a place where you will be able to sleep. Repent with a true heart and recite Astagfirullaahal Adheem one thousand times. Afterthat,sitrespectfully(asyouwouldsitinSalaah),andimagine that you are pleading in the court of Rasool Allah Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam. Recite the Durood one hundred, two hundred, three hundred times; keep reciting it until you start to feel sleepy. When you feel sleepy, lie down and go to sleep on your right side, facing the Qibla. When you wake up in the latter part of the night, sit respectfullyinthesamespotandrecitetheDurooduntilFajrprayer. When you are reciting, keep your need or difficulty that you want help with in your mind. Insha Allah, in one night or three nights, your desire will be fulfilled. If the final night is the night of Friday, thatisbetter. VisitingtheRawdhaofBelovedRasoolSallallahualaihiwasallam: Like sending blessings on Beloved Rasoolullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam,evenvisitngtherawdahmubarakofRasoolullahSallallahu alaihiwasallamisofgreatimportanceforonemuslim. Allahsubhanuwatalstates: Andifwhentheydoinjusticeuntotheirsouls,thenObeloved!They should come to you and then beg forgiveness of Allah and the


prophetshouldintercedeforthem,thensurelytheywouldfindAllah MostRelenting,Merciful(SurahNisa,verse64) InregardstothevirtuesofthepeoplevisitngtheRawdahmubarak, theBelovedProphethassaid,Whosoevervisitsmyrestingplace,my intercessioniscompulsoryforhim.(Baihaqi) Another narration states, Rasoolullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam has said, Whoever visits me after I leave this world, it is as though he visited me during my life on the earth. The one that dies in the precincts(Haram)ofMakkahorMadinah,hewillberaisedwiththe peacefulonesonthedayofjudgement.(DarQutni) It has also been stated by Rasoolullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam Whoever performs Hajj and does not visit me, definitely he has committedtyrannyagainstme.(KaamilIbneAdi)


MyBelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamsbelovedfollowers! AllahAlmightyhasfavoureduswithimmeasurablebountieswhich cannot be counted. Every breath we take is a bounty and favour of Allah,ifwecannotbreatheinforalittlewhilethenthatcouldmean the end of our life and if we cannot exhale that air then the case wouldbethesame. Likewise, Allah Almighty has blessed us with body parts such as eyes,hands,etcandbountiessuchasparents,food,shelteraresigns of His immense Mercies on us. But Allah Almighty has never expressed His favour on any of these Mercies, except when He blesseduswithHisBelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam,He hasstated,


AllahhasindeedbestowedagreatfavourupontheMuslims,inthatHesent tothemaNobleMessenger(ProphetMohammedpeaceandblessingsbe uponhim)fromamongthem,whorecitestothemHisverses,andpurifies them,andteachesthemtheBookandwisdom;andbeforeit,theywere definitelyinopenerror. NowthatweknowthattheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam is the greatest bounty of Allah Almighty upon us, then we should knowthatQuranasksustorejoiceonthebountiesofAllah. ThisiswhatwedoinEideMilaad,torejoiceonthegreatestfavourof AllahAlmightyasitisthearrivaltheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihi wa Sallam who showed us the way to our Lord, who liberated us fromtheevilandenteredusintothegardensofgoodness,whomade our hearts worthy to hold the love and manifestation of Allah, who gave us a peaceful heart and a peaceful society, who is more concernedaboutusthenourownselvesandifanyoneofuswasto


encounter any difficulty then he is most disturbed by it, as is made evidentbythisverse, IndeedtherehascometoyouaNobleMessengerfromamongyouyour fallingintohardshipaggrieveshim,mostconcernedforyourwellbeing,for theMuslimsmostcompassionate,mostmerciful.Theniftheyturnaway, say(OdearProphetMohammedpeaceandblessingsbeuponhim),Allah sufficesme;thereisnoworshipexceptforHim;onlyHimhaveItrusted,and HeistheLordOfTheGreatThrone. WhentheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamhasgivenusso much then should we, as a nation, not celebrate his Milad, to rememberhisblessedlifeandthesacrificesthathemadeforus? TheSunnatofAllahAlmighty LetustalkabouttheveryfirstMiladthattookplace,


AndrememberwhenAllahtookacovenantfromtheProphets;IfIgiveyou theBookandknowledgeandthe(promised)NobleMessenger(Prophet Mohammedpeaceandblessingsbeuponhim)comestoyou,confirmingthe Booksyoupossess,youshallpositively,definitelybelieveinhimandyou shallpositively,definitelyhelphim;Hesaid,Doyouagree,andacceptMy bindingresponsibilityinthismatter?Theyallanswered,Weagree;He said,Thenbearwitnessamongstyourselves,andIMyselfamawitness withyou. This was indeed a very blessed gathering in which the host was Almighty Allah Himself and the guests were all the Prophets from HazratAdamAlaihisSalaamuntilHazratIsaAlaihisSalaamandthe


purposeofwhichwastopraisetheFinalBelovedProphetSallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam of Allah Almighty and to make evident his true status. In Milad, we too call a gathering and praise the Beloved Prophet of Allah, then, are we not following the way of Allah Almighty? DidtheCompanionsCelebrateMilad? To celebrate the Milad of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam is not an innovation but rather a way established by the companions.TheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamhimself along with many of his companions used to Fast on Mondays to commemoratehisbirthandthearrivalofthefirstRevelation. HazratKaabAhbarRadiyAllahuAnhu,beforeenteringintothefolds ofIslam,wasaJewandarenownedscholaroftheTorahwhichwas revealed upon Hazrat Moosa Alaihis Salaam. The companions used to approach him and ask him to recite the verses from the Torah whichhighlightedtheblessedqualitiesoftheFinalProphetSallallahu AlaihiwaSallam.HazratKaabwouldtakethemhomeandrecitethe verses with much love and enthusiasm and the companions would thenpraiseAllahAlmightyforbestowingthemwithsuchabounty. OncetheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamemergedfromhis houseandfoundthecompanionssatinagathering.Heasked,What areyoudoing?Theyreplied,WearepraisingourLord,whoonlyby HisfavourblesseduswithIslamandHisBelovedProphetSallallahu AlaihiwaSallam.UponthisRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam said,AllahAlmightyisexpressingPrideuponHisangelsaboutyou. Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas RadiyAllahu Anhuma reports, Some companions were sat talking about the different Prophets of Allah Almighty.Oneofthemsaid,IbrahimAlaihisSalaamistheKhaleelof Allah(FriendofAllah),theothersaid,MoosaAlaihisSalaamisthe Kaleem of Allah (Spoke to Allah), the third one said, Isa Alaihis SalaamisKalimatullah,thefourthonesaid,AdamAlaihisSalaamis


Safiullah. Just then the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam arrivedandsaid,Ihaveheardyourconversationandindeedyouall have spoken the truth, but listen, I am the Beloved of Allah, and I dontsaythisoutofpride. Thus to organise a gathering to praise Allah Almighty and His BelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamisnotaninnovationbut theSunnahofthecompanions. ThePurposeofMilad InIslamicterminology,Miladistoorganiseagatheringtoremember and praise the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam, talking about his blessed birth, about his blessed life and achievements, to discussthehighmeritbestowedbyAllahonhim,andsoon. Imam Jalaluddin Syuti Rahmatullah Alaih states, The logic behind MiladistorecitetheHolyQuran,toreadthenarrationshighlighting theblessedbirthoftheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamand thentodistributesomesweets.Thescholarsareunanimousthatthese areblesseddeedsandawayofexpressingourjoyatthearrivalofthe HolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamandtorememberhishigh status.[HusnulMaqsadFilAmalilMawlid] ThefatherofAlaaHazratImamAhmedRaza,HazratMaulanaNaqi AliKhanRadiyAllahuAnhumastates,TheconceptbehindMiladis thatanindividualoragroupofpeoplegathertosincerelyandwith the depth of their hearts remember and express gratitude on the greatest bounty of Allah Almighty and remember his blessed birth, his days of fostering, the Revelations, the incidents of his life and migration,theIrhasandtheMujizaatasshownbyhim,hisblessed nature and character and the high rank decreed by Allah to him, to understand the respect and the exclusive characteristics unique to him, to quote the saying of the companions and the renowned scholars, to send excessive Duroods whilst in the gathering and


distributes sweets at the end. All this is good, established, and proved. Oneisrequiredtocelebrateandrejoiceineverypossiblemanner.Just as we prepare and rejoice for the other Eids, in the same way we should prepare for this Eid because if it was not for this Eid, we would never have the other Eids. Allah Almighty has said that if it wasnotforHisBeloved,hewouldnothavecreatedtheuniverse.So, alongwithwearingnewclothes,preparinggoodfood,oneshouldtry and stand in Salaam at the time of birth, apply scent, spend generouslyonthefamily,feedthepoor,providetothedestitute,etc andearntremendousrewards. Unfortunately, there are some, who in the name of celebrations, engage themselves in disliked acts such as fireworks and other un Islamicactivitieswhichisacompletewasteoftimeandmoney. TheRewardofMilad There are immense and uncountable rewards on celebrating Milad, letuslookatjustone: Abu Lahb was one of the staunchest enemies of the Holy Prophet SallallahuAlaihiwaSallamandistheonlyoneamongsttheenemies ofRasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamwhohasbeencriticisedby name in the Holy Quran. When he heard from his maid Suwaibah that a nephew was born to him, he out happiness and as a mark of celebrationatthearrivalofhisnephewpointedhisfingerindicating thathehassetherfreeforbringingthegoodnews. Afterhedied,HazratAbbasRadiyAllahusawhiminhisdreamand enquired, What is your state now? He replied, I am in the severe punishment of Allah Almighty but every Monday I am given water frommyfingerwhichIpointedtofreemymaidbecauseofthearrival oftheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam.[BukhariSharif]


Itisinterestingtonotethatifanonbelieverandastaunchenemyof RasoolAllahSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamhashistormentreducedand receives water, which cannot even be imagined in Hell, for celebratingthearrivalofhisnephew,thenwebeingthebelieversand the slaves of RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam, celebrate the arrivalofourBelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallam,thenhow canwebedevoidofrewardsfromAllahAlmighty?



Now let us look at the final and most comprehensive sermon deliveredbytheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamduringhis finalpilgrimage.Thissermonwasanembodimentofknowledgeand wisdomandcontainedauniversaleverlastingmessage. O People! Just as this day (day of Arafa) is sacred, this month is sacred (ZillHajj) and this city is sacred (Makkah), so is the life and wealthofeveryMuslimasacredIndeedyouwillseeyourLordand Hewillaccountaboutyourdeeds. Be cautious! I have conveyed the message. Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners. God hasforbiddenyouto takeusury(interest),thereforeallinterestobligationshallhenceforth be waived. Your capital, however, is yours to keep. Neither anyone willinflictinjusticeuponyou,norwillinflictinjusticeuponanyone. Godhasjudgedthatthereshallbenoribaandthatalltheribadueto `Abbasibn`AbdalMuttalibshallhenceforthbewaived. EveryrightarisingoutofhomicideinpreIslamicdaysishenceforth waived and the first such right that I waive is that arising from the murderofRabi`ahibnalHarithibnAbdulMuttalib. BewareofSatan,forthesafetyofyourreligion.Hehaslostallhope thathewilleverbeabletoleadyouastrayinbigthings,sobewareof followinghiminsmallthings. O People, the year has been divided into twelve months since the creationoftheskiesandtheearth.Fourofthemaresacred,threeof these are successive and one occurs singly between the months of JumadaandSha`ban.Donotfightinthesemonths.TheUnbelievers indulgeintamperingwiththecalendarinordertomakepermissible that which God forbade, and to forbid that which God has made permissible. O People, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women,buttheyalsohaverightsoveryou.Rememberthatyouhave taken them as your wives only under Gods trust and with His


permission.Iftheyabidebyyourrightthentothembelongstheright to be fed and clothed in kindness. If she goes against your wishes thenyoucansleepawayfromherandhitherlightlythenreturnback to her when she repents. Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers. And it is yourrightthattheydonotmakefriendswithanyoneofwhomyou donotapprove,aswellasnevertobeunchaste. IndeedIhaveconveyedtoyouthemessageofAllahAlmighty.Iam leavingtwothingsbehindme.Ifyouholdthemtightlythenyouwill nevergoastray.OneistheBookofAllahandtheotheristhewayof yourProphet. OPeople,listentomecarefully.LearnthateveryMuslimisabrother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslimunlessitwasgivenfreelyandwillingly.Donot,therefore,do injusticetoyourselves. Learn that three characteristics should cause envy; doing any good onlytopleaseAllahAlmighty,toboldlycorrecttherulerandtostick withtheMuslimmasses. Whosoever yearns only for the worldly gains, Allah Almighty will showhimshortageandpovertyandhewillseehiswealthscattered. (Despitehisefforts)Hewillearnnomorethanwasdestined.(Onthe contrary)WhosoeveryearnsfortheHereafter,Allahwillcontenthis heart and his earnings will suffice him and the worldly wealth humiliatinglyfollowshim. May Allah Almighty have mercy on those who listen to what I say and then convey it to others. Sometimes, the bearer of knowledge passesittosomeonewhoismoreablethanhim. Treat your slaves nicely. Feed them from what you eat and clothe them from what you wear. And if you happen to strongly dislike themfortheirmistakesthensellthemoff.


O servants of Allah! Do not be cruel to your neighbours. Take my adviceonthis.(ThecompanionssaidthattheHolyProphetSallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam repeated this so many times that we thought that ourneighbourswillbemadeourinheritors.) O People! Allah has already decreed the inheritance, so you do not needtomakeawill.Asonwillalwaysinheritthefathersnameandif anyonelinkshislineagetoanyoneapartfromhisfatherwillbeunder thecurseofAllah,HisAngelsandallthepeople. Allah will not settle for anything less than that what is borrowed is returned to the owner, the debt is cleared and what is entrusted is alsoreturned. What will you reply when you will be asked about me? The companionsreplied,wewillsay,Wewilltestifythatyoutruthfully conveyedthemessageofAllahwithutmostsincerity. MyBelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamsbelovedfollowers! This was the last sermon delivered by the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam on the 9th of ZillHajj in 10 Hijri, in which he summarised the core of his teachings and outlined the rights of people.Hehighlightedtherulesregardingourfamilyandsociallife, and cautioned us from following the evil practices of the devil. It is worth reading the sermon over and over again so that we fully understand the message and implement it in order to improve our lives and the society. May Allah Almighty give us the ability to be steadfast on the teachings of His Beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi waSallam.


SallallahuAlaihiwaSallam FathersName MothersName :HazratAbdullahbinAbdulMuttalib RadiyAllahuAnhuma :HazratAminabintWahab RadiyAllahuAnha :TheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihiwa Sallamwasborn55daysbeforetheincident ofFeelonMonday,the12thRabiulAwwal correspondingto20April571A.Din MakkahMukarrama. :SayyedunaMuhammedsonofAbdullah sonofAbdulMuttalibsonofHashimsonof AbdMunafsonofKusaasonofKilaabsonof MurrahsonofKabsonofLuwasonof GaalibsonofFihrsonofMaaliksonof NadhrsonofKinaanahsonofKhuzeimah sonofMudrikahsonofIlyassonofMudhar sonofNazaarsonofMuidsonofAdnaan (SallallahuAlaihiwaSallamwaRadiyAllahu Anhum)



No 1 ProminentIncidents FatheroftheHolyProphet,Hazrat AbdullahRadiyAllahuAnhuleft thisworld 131 Date 6monthsbeforetheHolyProphet SallallahuAlaihiwaSallamsbirth inBanuAdiNajjar

3 4 5

6 7 8

MotherofHolyProphetHazrat AminaRadiyAllahuAnhaleftthis world HazratAbdulMuttalib RadiyAllahuAnhupassedaway TheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihi waSallamsfirstjourneytoSyria FirstBattleinwhichtheHoly ProphetSallallahuAlaihiwa Sallamparticipated Thetreaty SecondjourneytoSyria PeopleofMakkahgavehimthe titleofTheTruthfulandThe Trustworthy NikaahwithHazratKhadija RadiyAllahuAnha TheconflictamongstQuraish aboutwhowillplacetheBlack StoneintheHolyKaba Extensiveworshippinginisolation inthecaveofHiraonMountNoor ThefirstRevelationandthe declarationofProphethood Commencementofinvitingpeople towardsIslam InvitingpeopletowardsIslam Insecrecy Openlyinvitingpeople towardsIslam Allowingfirstmigrationof companionstowardsAbyssinia TheuncleoftheHolyProphet, HazratAmeerHamzaaccepts Islam HazratUmarFarooqRadiyAllahu AnhuacceptsIslam SiegeoftheMuslimsinthevalley ofAbuTalib TheuncleoftheHolyProphet, AbuTaalibpassesaway ThemotherofthefaithfulHazrat KhadijaRadiyAllahuAnhapasses away 132

WhentheHolyProphetSallallahu AlaihiwaSallamwas6yearsold Attheageof8 Attheageof12 Attheageof14

Afterthefirstbattle Attheageof25 Justaftertheageof25

9 10

Attheageof25 Attheageof35

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Attheageof37 Attheageof40 Year1(AfterdeclaringProphet hood) Year1to3 Year4 Year5 Year6

18 19 20 21

Year6 Year7to10 Year10 Year10

22 23

24 22 26 27

28 29 30 31 32 33





38 39 40 41

TheHolyProphetSallallahuAlaihi waSallaminTaiftoinvitepeople TheAscension(Meraj)oftheHoly ProphetSallallahuAlaihiwa Sallam Thefivedailyprayers becomeobligatory FirstpledgeofUqbah SecondpledgeofUqbah ThemigrationoftheHolyProphet SallallahuAlaihiwaSallamfrom MakkahtoMadina DeparturefromthecaveofSaur ArrivalinQuba FirstJumaPrayer ArrivalinMadinaMunawwara EstablishmentofMasjidAlNabwi IntroductionofAzaanasacallto prayers Thebrotherhoodtiesbetweenthe MigrantsandtheHelpers(Muhajir andAnsaar) HazratSalmaanFaarsiaccepts Islam FastingandZakatbecomes obligatory FirstEidNamazinEidGaah(open ground) TheconsentforJihad ThebattleofBadr ThechangingofQibla TheordertogiveSadqaeFitr 133

Year10 Year10

Year10(DuringMeraj) Year12 Year13 28thSafarYear13

Monday1stRabiulAwwalYear 13 Monday8thRabiulAwwalYear13 12thRabiulAwwalYear13in BanuSaalim(justoutsideMadina) Friday12thRabiulAwwalYear14 Hijri1 Hijri1

Hijri1(Duringtheconstructionof MasjidAlNabvi) Hijri1



12thSafarHijri2 17thRamadanHijri2 Hijri2 Hijri2


43 44


46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62

Theestablishmentoftheruleson murder ThebattleUhad Theestablishmentoftheruleson inheritance Prohibitiontomarrypolytheist women TheincidentofBeerMaunah Theprohibitionofalcohol ThebattleofBadrAlSugraa TheobligationofHijaab TheBattleofKhandaq(trench) TheRevelationonTayammum TheincidentofUfak ThebattleofHudaibiyah ThepledgeofRidwan TheobligationofHajj Invitationstodifferentempires ThebattleofKhaiber TheprohibitionofMutah (temporarymarriages) ThevictoryoverMakkah ThebattleofHunain Therulesregardingtheft Completeprohibitionofalcohol andgambling 134


ShawwalHijri3 Hijri3


SafarHijri4 Hijri4orHijri6 Hijri4 Hijri5 ZulQadahHijri5 Hijri5 Hijri5 ZulQadahHijri6 ZulQadahHijri6 Hijri6 MuharramHijri7 MuharramHijri7 MuharramHijri7(Duringbattleof Khaiber) RamadanHijri8 ShawwalHijri8 Hijri8 Hijri8

63 64 65 66 67 68

ThebattleofTabook TheprohibitionofInterest Thelastpilgrimage Thefinalillness TheHolyProphetSallallahhu AlaihiwaSallampassesaway Burial

RajabHijri9 Hijri9 Hijri10 Monday29thMuharramHijri11 Monday12thRabiulAwwalHijri 11 Wednesday14thRabiulAwwal Hijri11

TheBlessedWivesoftheHolyProphet SallallahuAlaihiwaSallam


AGE OF WIFE THEYEAR OF PASSING AWAY 10th Ramdhaan, 10thyear from proclamation ofProphet hood 23A.H.or Shawwal,54 A.H. 17th Ramadhaan, 57or58A. H. Jamadilula, 45A.H. STATE WHEN GETTING MARRIED





Hazrat Khadijah

25thyearof birth


40 yrs

65 yrs

Shewas married twotimes before.

Hazrat Saudah

10thyear from proclamation ofProphet hood Shawwal2 A.H.


50 yrs

76 or 106 yrs 63 or 65 yrs 60 or 63 yrs 30 Yrs 80 Yrs 51 Yrs 71 Yrs 72 Yrs 60 Yrs 80 Yrs

Shewas widow Shewas most belovedto Prophet Shewas widow

Hazrat Aysha



Hazrat Hafsa Hazrat Zainub binte Khuzaima Hazrat Umme Salmah Hazrat Zainab binte Jahash Hazrat Juwayriya Hazrat Umme Habiba Hazrat Safiyya Hazrat Maimuna

Shabaan,3 A.H.


20 Yrs

Shabaan,3 A.H. Shawwal,4 A.H.


30 Yrs 26 Yrs 36 Yrs 20 Yrs 36 Yrs 17 Yrs 136 36 Yrs


Shewas widow Shewas widow Shewas divorced Shecame asa captive Shewas daughter ofAbu Sufyan Shewas widow Shewas widow





20A.H. Rabiul Awwal,56 A.H. 44A.H.

Shabaan,5 A.H.


6A.H. Muharram,7 A.H. 7A.H.


59Yrs 59Yrs

50A.H. 51A.H.

No 1 2 Nameofthe mother Namesof Children HazratQasim HazratZainab Hazrat Ruqaiya Hazrat Abdullah HazratUmmi Kulsum HazratFatema HazratIbrahim Birth Beforethe declarationof Prophethood Death Atbirth 8Hijri 2Hijri Atbirth 9thShaban After Prophecy ZullHajHijri 8 3rdRamadan Hijri11 Hijri10Rabiul Awwal

Hazrat Khadijatul Kubraa Radiyallahu Anha

HazratMariah Qabtiya

SallallahuAlaihiwaSallam WhatareGazwaat? MyBelovedProphetSallallahuAlaihiwaSallamsbelovedfollowers! InIslamicterminologyGazwahisthatexpeditioninwhichtheHoly Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam himself participated in. And those wars which took place at the time of the Holy Prophet SallallahuAlaihiwaSallambuthehimselfdidnotparticipateinthem arecalledSiraya. There is come confusion amongst the historians about the actual numberofGazwaatandSiraya.TheGazwaatareanywherebetween nineteen and twentyseven and the Siraya between fortyseven and fiftysix.


No 1 2 BattleName Abwa Bawaat Totalworriers 60 200 Total oppositions Groupof Quraish 100(Groupof Businessmen) Alargegroup Dates Safar2Hijri Rabiul Awwal 2Hijri Rabiul Awwal 2Hijri Jamadil Aakhir 2Hijri 17thRamadan 2Hijri Shawwal 2Hijri ZulHijjah 2Hijri Muharram 3Hijri Rabiul Awwal 3Hijri 6thShawwal 3Hijri 7thShawwal 3Hijri Rabiul Awwal 4Hijri ZulQadah 4Hjri 10th Muharram 5Hijri Rabiul Awwal 5Hijri 3rdShabaan 5Hijri Shawwalor ZulQadah,5 Hijri ZulHijjah





Business Caravans 1000 700 200 Thetribeof BanuSaleem Thetribesof BanuSalaba andMaharib 3000 2970 BanuNazir

5 6 7 8 9

BadrAlKubrah BanuQainiqa Saweeq BanuSaleem Gutfan

313 Groupof Companions 200 200 450

10 11 12

Uhad HumraulAsad BaniNazir

1000 540 Groupof Companions 1510 400

13 14

BadrSugra ZaaturRiqaa

2050 Thetribesof BanuSalaba andAnmar Thepeopleof Dawmatul Jandal About800 10000


Dawmatul Jandal BaniMustalaq Khandaq


16 17

700 3000



Groupof 138




Companions 200

BanuQuraizah ThetribeofBani Lahyan Thetribeof BanuGatfaan Peopleof Makkah 10000 TheJews TheQuraishof Makkah Thetribesof Hawazinand Saqeef Thetribesof Hawazinand Saqeef Thearmyof ArabandRome

20 21

ZiQarwah Hudaibiyah

500 1400

5Hijri Rabiul Awwal 5Hijri RabiulAakhir 6Hijri ZulQadah 6Hijri Muharram 7Hijri Muharram 7Hijri Ramadan 8Hijri Shawwal 8Hijri Shawwal 8Hijri Rajab 9Hijri

22 23 24 25

Khaiber WadiAlQura Victoryover Makkah Hunain

1600 1382 10000 12000







No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Nameofthemessenger AmrbinUmaiyyaZamri HazratDahiyabinKalbi HazratAbdullahBin Hazafah HazratHatibBinAbi Balta HazratSaleetbinAmr Aamiree HazratShuzaBin Wahab Nameoftheking Najashi Hercules KhushruParvaiz Harmaz Maqooqas HoozbinAliHaqqi HarisBinAbiSamar Gistani 139 Nameofthe Kingdom Habsha(Abyssinia) Rome Iran Egypt Yamama Damascus

7 8

HazratAlaabin Hazrami HazratAmrBinAas

MunzarBinSawi JayfarBinJalandi BinAamir

Bahrain Oman






It is compulsory for all Muslim men and women to obtain religious knowledge.Studyingandreadingbooks,newsletters,magazinesetc. is a way of increasing knowledge. If you want to increase your knowledge,youshouldstudythebooksandwritingsoftheScholars of Ahle Sunnat and the writings of Ameer e Sunni Dawat e Islami, Hazrat Maulana Shakir Ali Razvi Noorie. Specifically reading and studyingBarkaateShariatParts1&2willbeverybeneficial, whichcoverthetopicslistedbelowandarebothnowavailable. BarkaateShariatPart2 BarkaateShariatPart1 BlessingsoftheQuran Faith BenefitsofDurood Salaah InvitingtoGood BenefitsofCongregation Knowledge&Scholars WarningsforMissing Repentance&Forgiveness Salaah RespectsoftheMosque Fasting Poordue(Zakat) Pilgrimage(Hajj) ContactAddress RemembranceofAllah RightsofParents MaktabeTaibah GoodRelations IsmaeelHabibMasjid, RightsofNeighbours 126KambekarSt, Condemnationof Backbiting Mumbai3 Pride&Arrogance Jealousy Tel:00912223434366 Lying


Sunni Dawat e Islami

Sunni Dawat e Islami Quarterly is a publication of the worldwide Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat organisation, Sunni Dawat e Islami. It has been published punctually since January2005.Itisfilledwiththewritingofthebrightest, most luminous Scholars nationally and internationally. Sunni Dawat e Islami Quarterly is a means to bring the teachingoftheQuranandAhadith,alongwiththecorrect teachingsofourpiouspredecessors. Weurgeyoualltobecomemembersyourselvesandpass it onto family and friends and especially to religious institutions.

Maktab e Taibah
IsmaeelHabibMosque.126KambekarSt Mumbai,3. Tel:00912223434366

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NoorMosque,NoorSt. Preston.U.K. Tel:00441772881786



BringingpeopleclosertotheQuranandRasoolAllah Sallallaho

Reformationoffaithanddeeds. Strive & struggle to act upon the teachings of the Quran and
the Blessed Sunnahs of Sayyedina Rasool Allah

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IsmaeelHabibMasjid 126,KambekarStreet,Mumbai 400003(India)


ItisreportedinSahihBukharithatHazratAbu HurairahRadiallahoAlmightyAnhunarratedthatRasoolAllahSallallaho AlaihiWasallamsaid,AllahAlmightyhasstatedthatThepersonwho hashostilitytowardsMyFriends,Iaminformingthemthattheyhave wagedwaronMe,andamongstthedeedsthroughwhichMyslave triestoachieveclosenesstoMe,themostbelovedtoMearethose deedswhichIhavemadecompulsoryonhim.WhenMyslave constantlyseeksMyclosenessthroughvoluntarydeeds,Ibeginto lovehim,andwhenMyloveincreases,Ibecomehisearsthrough whichhehears,andhiseyesthroughwhichhesees,andhisarms withwhichheholds,andhislegswithwhichhewalks.Ifhedesires somethingfromMe,Igrantittohim,andifhedesiresprotection,I protecthim.


AttendSunniDawateIslamisweeklyIjtemaeverySaturdayafter SalaatulIshaat:




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