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Table of Dimensions and Elevations

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Top of
Bed Full Natural Top of Crossing
Bed Bank/ Existing Top of Lining / Total Length of Girder Length of Length of Length of
Discharge Q Width Supply Surface Deck angle Skew Angle No of Depth of
Sr. No. Location (RD) Level Service Road Level Top Width Transom Pitching Bridge J Length L Approch Slab Intermediate pile L1 Abutment pile
(cfs) B Level Level Slab (Degrees) Spans girder D (ft)
El. A Road El. D El. E Freeboard FB (ft) (ft) LA (ft) (ft) L2 (ft)
(ft) El. B NSL El. F (Degree)
El. C


1 40+868 1340.2 50 703.07 710.41 707.108 714.16 708.6 77.27 1.75 82 -8 2 78.03 39.01391 10 83 75
2 42+569 1340.2 50 702.9 710.24 705.737 713.99 707.06 77.27 1.75 125 35 2 94.33 47.16368 10 83 75
3 45+366 1340.2 50 702.62 709.96 697.2 713.71 697.79 77.27 1.75 106 16 2 80.38 40.19117 10 83 75
4 55+574 1295.08 48 701.6 708.94 697.901 712.69 696.95 75.27 1.75 87 -3 2 75.37 37.68552 10 83 75
5 58+350 1295.08 48 701.33 708.67 700.552 712.42 702.9 75.27 1.75 85 -5 2 75.56 37.77763 10 83 75
6 60+474 1295.08 48 701.11 708.45 697.512 712.2 698.91 75.27 1.75 100 10 2 76.43 38.21444 10 83 75
7 65+552 1295.08 48 700.6 707.94 695.439 711.69 695.14 75.27 1.75 95 5 2 75.56 37.77763 10 83 75
8 68+730 1254.94 45 700.19 707.63 689.276 711.38 695.54 72.57 1.75 83 -7 2 73.11 36.55625 10 83 75
9 70+500 1252.47 45 700.01 707.45 690.799 711.2 691.56 72.57 1.75 94 4 2 72.74 36.37237 10 83 75
10 80+204 1248.42 45 699.04 706.48 696.095 710.23 696.5 72.57 1.75 106 16 2 75.49 37.74598 10 83 75
11 97+500 1061.91 40 696.53 703.68 702.097 707.43 704.13 66.71 1.75 103 13 2 68.47 34.23392 10 83 75
12 105+500 1060.25 40 695.69 702.84 706.478 706.59 705.28 66.71 1.75 90 0 2 73.71 36.85651 10 83 75
13 121+472 954.39 35 693.12 700.15 697.331 703.65 702.59 60.60 1.5 90 0 2 67.60 33.8005 10 83 75
14 132+100 946.44 35 691.44 698.47 702.918 701.97 704.88 60.60 1.5 90 0 2 67.60 33.8005 10 83 75
15 152+689 918.32 34 689.17 696.18 697.822 699.68 700.83 59.52 1.5 90 0 2 66.52 33.25767 10 83 75
16 250+181 613.18 23 675.18 681.7 681.593 685.2 681.42 47.06 1.5 90 0 2 54.06 27.02803 10 83 75
17 255+512 606.66 23 674.52 681.04 683.984 684.54 687.26 47.06 1.5 90 0 2 54.06 27.02803 10 83 75
18 281+821 538.58 20 669.19 675.56 677.385 678.56 680.17 43.62 1.5 90 0 2 50.62 25.31015 10 83 75
19 296+195 425.28 15 666.28 672.52 669.313 675.52 671.89 38.22 1.5 90 0 1 45.22 45.21781 10 83 75
20 302+810 418.35 15 665.34 671.58 677.086 674.58 679.57 38.22 1.5 90 0 1 45.22 45.21781 10 83 75
21 350+736 154.18 5 657.02 662.12 659.981 664.37 659.56 23.31 1 90 0 1 30.31 30.30669 10 83 75

1 48+681 1300.82 48 702.29 709.63 704.106 713.38 707.01 75.27 1.75 44 -46 2 108.35 54.17609 10 83 75
2 117+330 1042.31 39 694.47 701.59 702.826 705.34 703.64 65.61 1.75 121 31 2 76.54 38.27148 10 83 75
3 186+531 793.2 30 683.63 690.37 687.23 693.87 686.57 54.71 1.5 90 0 2 61.71 30.85424 10 83 75

1 238+750 656.93 25 676.6 683.13 696.925 686.63 698.16 49.10 1.5 90 0 2 56.10 28.05127 10 83 75
Bed Full Supply Natural
Location Discharge Q Width
Sr. No. Level Level Surface Level
(RD) (cfs) B
El. A El. B NSL

1 40+868 1340.2 50 703.07 710.41 707.108

2 42+569 1340.2 50 702.9 710.24 705.737
3 45+366 1340.2 50 702.62 709.96 697.2
4 55+574 1295.08 48 701.6 708.94 697.901
5 58+350 1295.08 48 701.33 708.67 700.552
6 60+474 1295.08 48 701.11 708.45 697.512
7 65+552 1295.08 48 700.6 707.94 695.439
8 68+730 1254.94 45 700.19 707.63 689.276
9 70+500 1252.47 45 700.01 707.45 690.799
10 80+204 1248.42 45 699.04 706.48 696.095
11 97+500 1061.91 40 696.53 703.68 702.097
12 105+500 1060.25 40 695.69 702.84 706.478
13 121+472 954.39 35 693.12 700.15 697.331
14 132+100 946.44 35 691.44 698.47 702.918
15 152+689 918.32 34 689.17 696.18 697.822
16 250+181 613.18 23 675.18 681.7 681.593
17 255+512 606.66 23 674.52 681.04 683.984
18 281+821 538.58 20 669.19 675.56 677.385
19 296+195 425.28 15 666.28 672.52 669.313
20 302+810 418.35 15 665.34 671.58 677.086
21 350+736 154.18 5 657.02 662.12 659.981

1 48+681 1300.82 48 702.29 709.63 704.106

2 117+330 1042.31 39 694.47 701.59 702.826
3 186+531 793.2 30 683.63 690.37 687.23

1 238+750 656.93 25 676.6 683.13 696.925

Top of Bank/ Existing Top of Top of
Lining / Pitching angle
Service Road Road Level Top Width Transom Bridge
Freeboard FB
El. C El. E El. D


714.16 708.6 77.27 712.16 716.41 1.75 82
713.99 707.06 77.27 711.99 716.74 1.75 125
713.71 697.79 77.27 711.71 715.96 1.75 106
712.69 696.95 75.27 710.69 714.94 1.75 87
712.42 702.9 75.27 710.42 714.67 1.75 85
712.2 698.91 75.27 710.2 714.45 1.75 100
711.69 695.14 75.27 709.69 713.94 1.75 95
711.38 695.54 72.57 709.38 713.63 1.75 83
711.2 691.56 72.57 709.2 713.2 1.75 94
710.23 696.5 72.57 708.23 712.48 1.75 106
707.43 704.13 66.71 705.43 709.43 1.75 103
706.59 705.28 66.71 704.59 708.59 1.75 90
703.65 702.59 60.60 701.65 705.4 1.5 90
701.97 704.88 60.60 699.97 703.72 1.5 90
699.68 700.83 59.52 697.68 701.43 1.5 90
685.2 681.42 47.06 683.2 686.7 1.5 90
684.54 687.26 47.06 682.54 686.04 1.5 90
678.56 680.17 43.62 677.06 680.56 1.5 90
675.52 671.89 38.22 674.02 678.52 1.5 90
674.58 679.57 38.22 673.08 677.58 1.5 90
664.37 659.56 23.31 663.12 666.87 1 90

713.38 707.01 75.27 711.38 716.38 1.75 44

705.34 703.64 65.61 703.34 707.59 1.75 121
693.87 686.57 54.71 691.87 695.87 1.5 90

686.63 698.16 49.10 684.63 688.63 1.5 90

Girder (No.) Pile(No.)
2 2
4 4
5 5
Total Length of Girder Length of
Skew Angle No of Depth of
Bridge J Length L Approch Slab
(Degrees) Spans girder D (ft)
(ft) (ft) LA (ft)

-8 2 85.03 42.51 10 3.25

35 2 101.33 50.66 10 3.75
16 2 87.38 43.69 10 3.25
-3 2 82.37 41.19 10 3.25
-5 2 82.56 41.28 10 3.25
10 2 83.43 41.71 10 3.25
5 2 82.56 41.28 10 3.25
-7 2 80.11 40.06 10 3.25
4 2 79.74 39.87 10 3
16 2 82.49 41.25 10 3.25
13 2 75.47 37.73 10 3
0 2 73.71 36.86 10 3
0 2 67.60 33.80 10 2.75
0 2 67.60 33.80 10 2.75
0 2 66.52 33.26 10 2.75
0 2 54.06 27.03 10 2.5
0 2 54.06 27.03 10 2.5
0 2 50.62 25.31 10 2.5
0 1 45.22 45.22 10 3.5
0 1 45.22 45.22 10 3.5
0 1 30.31 30.31 10 2.75

-46 2 115.35 57.68 10 4

31 2 83.54 41.77 10 3.25
0 2 61.71 30.85 10 3

0 2 56.10 28.05 10 3
Length of Length of
Intermediate pile Abutment pile
L1 (ft) L2 (ft)

83 75
83 75
83 75
83 75
83 75
83 75
83 75
83 75
83 75
83 75
83 75
83 75
83 75
83 75
83 75
83 75
83 75
83 75
83 75
83 75
83 75

83 75
83 75
83 75

83 75

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