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Reflection 1

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Reflection 1

The classroom organization facilitates learners to perform all activities in a clean environment because
learners see that the surrounding environment is organized. So, they feel positive energy that helps them
perform all their activities and work. The most important rules in the classroom is showing respect for
everybody and follow the instruction that the teacher gave to students because it can help the teacher to
organize, mange her classroom and study in good and smooth environment. Also, help the students to
more active and participation with the teacher. Teacher should post pictures for the rules in the wall of
the classroom so the students can see it every day and implement it. My favorite transition strategy
when the students are in the centers after they finish the teacher sing a song with them for cleaning
“clean up clean up, it’s time to clean up” all the students stand up and clean their tables then they set on
the carpet. I think this transition will help the students and make them more success in their academic
performance. Also, children can be more excited to come to school every day with positive energy.
Everyone in this life faced challenges, so we should know how to deal and handle this situation. I faced
two challenges in this practicum. Firstly, how I can teach the students for the first time. Secondly, how I
can deal and manage the behavior in the school. However, with days I learned many things and strategies
from mentor school teacher of how I can deal with the students and rules of teaching them. I learned
that I should put specific rules for my classroom in the future, such as rising up their left hand and put
their right hand on their mouth, to let them be quiet or if they want something. So, if they apply this
routine every day. It’s allow them to respect me and they will have better learning because they learned
in what they accustomed. In addition, I use this strategy in my lesson last week and it work well. Also, the
big challenges that how I can apply the things that I learned from the college to the teaching in the
practicum. For example, how I can let the students engage and involve in my lesson. In the next time, I
should practice more of how I should manage the student’s behavior and the good ways of teaching.
According to Kolb (1984) “proposed a four-stage model known as the experiential learning cycle. It is a
way by which people can understand their experiences and, as a result, modify their behavior. It is
based on the idea that the more often a learner reflects on a task, the more often they have the
opportunity to modify and refine their efforts. The process of learning can begin at any stage and is
continuous, i.e. there is no limit to the number of cycles which can be made in a learning situation. This
theory suggests that without reflection, people would continue to repeat their mistakes”. In the final
practicum, I hope to reach my goal to be professional in the teaching.

Kolb, DA (1984) Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development.
New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
Reflection 2

My first observation lesson was in 29th of October. I asked my monitor school teacher about the
lesson that I will teach them she gave me lesson nine about “where is it?” students need to know
where things are. For example, where is the chair? The students should say “the chair is next to
the table”. However, I took the outcomes from my monitor school teacher to do my lesson plan
one day before the observation and send it to monitor college teacher Dr. Neil so, he can know
what I will teach the students. In the lesson students will be able to understands and says simple
preposition and will be able to follow instructions. In addition, I was very nervous because it was
my first time to teach whole class and whole lesson. "[The] distance between the actual
developmental level as determined by independent problem solving and the level of potential
development as determined through problem-solving under adult guidance or in collaboration with more
capable peers."—Lev Vygotsky, Mind in Society, 1978. I let the students to set on the carpet and I
start my lesson with daily curriculum ‘day and date’ then I begin the lesson with vocabulary word
‘in under next to’ and with real object like ball and box and they need to know where is the ball. I
put the ball in the box and I ask students where is the ball? I show them an example of how to
answer in full sentence ‘the ball is in the box’ I put the ball next to the box and I asked them
again, I chose students aysha from high level to answer me and she got it right. After 15min from
the lesson I let them to go to their groups and take the worksheet from the author box.
Everything went well but there is one thing that not went well the data show in the class, I has
hard copy from the worksheet and I want to present it to them in the data show and answer the
first question together but I don’t know what happen with the data show so, I explain for them
the worksheet then I move around the class to help the students. after 20min the students start
to clean up and return everything on the right place. I review with them what did we take in the
lesson and asked them some questions. At the end of the lesson I let the students to line up,
open the door and ask each student a question before she leave so, I can know if they
understand the lesson.

Cherry, K. (n.d.). What Was Lev Vygotsky's Influence on Psychology? Retrieved December 3,
2018, from
Reflection 3

My second observation lesson was in 19th of November. It was review week, students review all
lessons with the teacher to practice for the exam so, my monitor school teacher gave me lesson 1
to review it with them and it was about ‘what do you do at school?’ in this lesson students will be
able to use verbs in present simple tense and identify and use simple nouns in the singular and
plural forms. Bruner (1966) states that a theory of instruction should address four major aspects:
(1) predisposition towards learning, (2) the ways in which a body of knowledge can be structured
so that it can be most readily grasped by the learner, (3) the most effective sequences in which to
present material, and (4) the nature and pacing of rewards and punishments. Good methods for
structuring knowledge should result in simplifying, generating new propositions, and increasing
the manipulation of information. As usual the students set on the carpet then I start my lesson
with daily curriculum ‘day and date’. Before I begin to teach the lesson, I want them to always
remember the rules of the classroom so, I open a video song about ‘follow the rules’ and I let
them to stand up and dance with the video to enjoy the lesson. After that, I prepare PowerPoint
with some pictures about the lesson, the first slide it was written the lesson question and pictures
of students in the school and other slides was each picture with one full sentence. For example, I
put a picture of girl drawing and I wrote ‘I draw at school’. All students need to answer like that.
I did small activity for them it was a flash cards each card one word and they need to make three
full sentences and the first group finish will get a sticker. All groups finish their work and they
did a great job, I asked each group to read the sentences with one voice and it goes the same for
each group. everything went well with grade 2-b because this class was the excellent one
between all grade two classes, I was happy to teach them and work with them. In addition, I also
did small quiz with five questions for the students to make sure that all of them understand the
lesson and to know if I implement learning. When they finish the quiz they still have 10min so I
let each group to take out one white board with the marker and I write some words in the word, I
will say the sentence and they need to write in the board. For example, I said ‘I use computer at
school’ they need to find use computer and write full sentence in the small white board. The
lesson is over so the students start to clean up, line up and ask each student a question about the
lesson before she leave so, I can know if they understand the lesson.

 Bruner, J. (1966). Toward a Theory of Instruction. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University

Journal 4

All teachers around the world faced many behaviors in the classroom environment, so they
should manage their classroom because the student’s behavior can affect other students
improve. Every teacher has a role and responsibilities in her class, which provides the
environment suitable for children. What surprised me in class is that any child has a wrong
behavior the teacher decreases the class dojo points so, the students think about their behavior
and go to apologize to the teacher. What shocked me is that some students do not listen to the
teacher well and do some movements that affect the rest of the students. What delighted me is
that the teacher plays her role as a mother and father in the school and provides all the means
of comfort in the classroom. According to Skinner, “changes in behavior are a result of
individuals’ responses to events, or stimuli, that occur in their environment. When a stimulus-
response (S-R) pattern is rewarded, the individual is conditioned to respond similarly in the
future”. My monitor school teacher always faced issues with some student’s behaviors so, she
takes points from class dojo. I found how class dojo effects on student’s behavior in grade two,
if the teacher adds points. Each incident I noticed it have positive behavior in student herself
and other students in his group or even the whole class when the teacher adds point. For
example, good manners like sitting nicely and quietly in the class it will show that they are in
competition to gain points through doing positive behavior. So, the teacher can teach the
lesson in the quite class. Positive attitude like cleaning up right away after any activity, because
of this student who gain 3 points of cleaning up after cutting the paper. So, it shows increasing
in the positive behavior between the students.

Hussung, T. (2018, April 06). Understanding Three Key Classroom Management Theories.
Retrieved December 1, 2018, from

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