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Phase 1

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Taylors University School Of Education

EDP 4026 Teaching Practical

Lo Wei Hui 0317284


Focus Areas
Lesson Delivery &
Feedback &
My mentor
Before start a
My mentor will
During activities,
chooses the
lesson, she will
monitor the
my mentor will go
lesson objectives
first help the
around the class
based on the
students to recall
flow to make sure
and scaffold the
topic that she
the previous
it is in line with the
students. She will
wants to teach on
lesson to gain
give feedback
that day.
directly to the
Most of the time,
she will be the first
The lesson
objectives that
one to start the
She use
When students
prepared are
Questioning as a
ask her questions,
increasing in the
tuning in for the
most of the time
The students will
cognitive level
lesson. She asks
she will answer
raise their hand
many questions
before ask or
and scaffolds the
answer questions.
Synthesis, refers
students by giving When one student
to Blooms
cues (hand
does not
gesture, tone of
understand, his or
voice), and led
her peers will help
them to the new
the student and the
teacher scaffolds
As she introduced
from a side.
the topic, she first My mentor will
stated clearly the
also act as the time
lesson outcomes
keeper to remind
and success
the students about
criteria for the
the time when
doing activities.
My mentor
concludes the
lesson by
summaries the
contents and
reviews it
together with the
students. She also
provides practice
time for the
students by giving
homework to the

Lesson Preparation

My Reflection on 1st Week

At first, I was really nervous but also excited to meet with my mentor. I call her Mrs Wan. She

Taylors University School Of Education

EDP 4026 Teaching Practical

Lo Wei Hui 0317284

was a lovely person and an experience teacher. I really like how she conducts her lesson.
I remember so clearly that she enters the classroom with super excited expression and thats how
she brings the classroom into a high energy level and positive environment. Even I do feel exited
when I am in the classroom.
This reminds me that, as a teacher, we really need to be a good actor. I look at her facial
expression, body movement, tone of voice; its really like looking a show. It was so cool and fun!
Now I know why School of Education wants us to take the course Foundation in Acting. This is
because acting is one of the skills that we can use to gain students attention.
Besides that, I also see how the theories that I learnt are applied in practical. I observe how
Blooms Cognitive level of Taxonomy used in writing lesson objectives. For example, firstly,
students have to recap what they have in the previous lesson. Then, with the knowledge that they
have, they have to create their own writing task based on what they have learnt before.
I also saw how non-verbal cues are used in monitor conversation. Sometimes, when the class is
too noisy, my mentor will just keep quiet and stare at the students, after a while, students will
quickly settle down and be quiet as they know that my mentor is waiting for them.
Through her, I also find that a teacher really have many roles in the classroom. We have to be
the moderators for conversation; We have to be time keepers for activities; We have to be actors;
We have to be facilitators and so on.
I find that observation was a really good practice to revise all the theories and knowledge that I
have learnt. It gives me a concrete example on how these theories or knowledge are work out in real
life situation.
Now I really feel excited for next year phase II and III practical! For now, I will really look
forward for the next 7 weeks of observation.

Lesson Preparation

My mentor will
search resources
from internet.
Internet has a
lot of teaching
resources, but
you will have to
spend time and
look for the best
one for your
students She
said to me.
With the
resources that
she found, she
will plan and
come up with the

Focus Areas
Lesson Delivery &
My mentor will
The environment
give detailed
in the classroom
instruction to the
really supportive
students in every
for the students.
There are spaces
for students to sit
I found that when
she delivers heavy
and work on floor.
contents, she will
There are also
slow down her
spaces for students
pacing and make
to move around.
sure all students
This caters to the
can follow the
students who are
Otherwise, I
observe that her
The interactive
pacing in the
white board in the
lesson will be
classroom also

Feedback &
After my mentor
delivers content,
she will ask
students questions
to check their
During activities
time, she will
walk around the
class and look for
students that need
She will scaffold
the students and
make sure they
did not off track.
She also will give

Taylors University School Of Education

EDP 4026 Teaching Practical

Lo Wei Hui 0317284

I observe that she
will not fix to
one teaching
strategy, but
instead she will
try to integrate
the strategies to
fit her students.

normal speed, not

too slow, not too
My mentor will
also include
technology into
teaching to
sustain students
attention. For
example, she
plays a video of
the documentary
of Bermuda
She also makes
students work in
group, let the
students discuss
and brain storm
ideas together. I
saw that students
really enjoy in
group work.

makes lesson more

The speakers in the
classroom provide
sound effects and
also used by the
teacher as a cue.
The wall in the
classroom is used
to display students
work. The
students work also
acts as the
decoration in the
class. My mentor
told me that the
students work that
display in the
classroom will
change when move
to a new topic.

more explanation
and example, if
the students
cannot get the
message that she
tried to deliver.
My mentor will
also correct the
students directly
when she found
her students have

My Reflection on 2nd & 3rd Week

These two weeks, my observation was more towards the technical part. Like last week, it was
really excited to observe Mrs Wans lesson. I really glad that I got to remember 7 students name in
the class!
I really amazed at the words that she said to me. Internet has a lot of teaching resources, but you
will have to spend time and look for the best one for your students. It is not only just search for a
resource that can achieve the lesson objective, but teachers must also make sure the resources cater
to the students needs. This including the students learning ability and learning styles.
Once again, through observing the lesson in her class, I saw and learnt how I can fully use the
technology in the classroom. For example, she shown a video and draw a picture on the smart board.
To be honest, I really interested in technology. I am really happy and excited that I started to
imagine how I can use technology in my future classroom.
Next, it reminds me that, its also important to sustain students attention, so that the content and
knowledge can successful deliver to the students. My mentor asked the students to stand up and
stretch their body, so the students will not feel so tired. These two weeks, I really learn many ways
to sustain students attention.
As a future 21st century teacher, I found that I have so much more to learn and equip myself with
knowledge and skills. By shadowing Mrs Wan, I learn how to scaffold students and the skills to ask
Not only that, through this observation, I also saw how print-rich environment can support
students learning. For example, the VCOP (Vocabulary, Connective, Opening, and Punctuation)
cards that pasted on the wall help students in their literacy writing. The words decoration and

Taylors University School Of Education

EDP 4026 Teaching Practical

Lo Wei Hui 0317284

students work on the wall were also act as references for the students when needed.



Focus Areas
Lesson Preparation
Lesson Delivery &
My mentor told
She set individual When a student
me that she will
task for the
performing a good
read the article or
students when she
behavior, she will
research on
wants to know
reinforce it such as
internet to update
exactly how this
praise the good
her content
particular student
behavior in the
is performing in
the class.
Sometimes, she
She will also
will also talk
When design
constantly remind
with her
group work, she
the students on
colleagues can
have different
what kind of
get ideas from
types of grouping
behavior she is
styles. For
example, ability
She also
My mentor will
grouping, mix
also model the
ability group and
updates herself
good behavior in
with the latest
the class.
She will also
education policy.
cheer for and
encourage the
students in
questions. If the
students answer it
wrongly, she will
give the students
chance to try
My mentor will
also choose on the
topic that the
students like and
relate it to the
content to trigger
students interest
and participate in
the learning

Feedback &
My mentor told
me that every
written must be
design based on
the lesson
It is also
important to
design few level
of difficulty so
that it can cater to
different ability
groups of
She also assigns
written work to
her students based
on her assessment

Taylors University School Of Education

EDP 4026 Teaching Practical

Lo Wei Hui 0317284

My Reflection on 4th & 5th Week

These two weeks we have been assigned to focus more on skills part. When I talk to Mrs Wan, I
really amazed at how she keep updates her selves on content knowledge. Through her, I really see
what lifelong learning is.
One of her suggestions for me is Keep yourselves updates with the latest education news, thats
how you make sure you are on current trend. I totally agree with what she said, and saw what I lack
of. After heard this, I told myself I must train myself to read and look for news about education.
Besides that, ways to form different types of grouping is one of the skills that I learn from Mrs
Wan. It was really cool and fun look at how see divide students into groups. One example is she
does the random grouping by making it as a lucky draw! In the process, I saw how students excited
and enjoy on it, and for Mrs Wan, she successfully gain the whole class attention.
On top of that, I also realize that it is very important for teachers to be a good model for students.
Not only the students will imitate a teachers behavior, it also has a great impact on how will the
students react and behave in the class.
When I talk to Mrs Wan about the design on written work, I found that design a written task is
not an easy job. It is not just design but a teacher had to take many aspects into consideration such as
objectives, learners ability and so on.
Through the 5 weeks of observation at Taylors International School, I really learn and revise a
lot. One thing that impact me the most is once again, I have to admit that teachers really have to be
knowledgeable and skillful.

Lesson Preparation

You cannot
teach everything
in one lesson
This is what my
mentor told me.
My mentor will
divide and teach
the different
components in
the subject in
different days
and weeks.
She will choose
one component
to focus on in
each lesson, but
she will also
integrate it to
show the relation
in each

Focus Areas
Lesson Delivery &
Before start a
There is a
lesson or an
classroom rules
activity, my
board in the class.
mentor will state
My mentor will
the instruction
remind the
clearly to the
students about the
rules before start
the lesson.
She will clarify
the instruction if
When students
she feels its
misbehave, she
will ask the class
She will show the
to recall the class
criteria for
rules and students
success to the
judge on their own
students, so that
they know what to She will reinforce
expect and what
the good behavior
are expect from
in the class. She
also follows and
keeps the class
I observe that my

Feedback &
There is a rubric
for teachers to
mark students
written work.
Usually, my
mentor will also
pass the rubric to
the students, so
that they have a
guide to follow.
My mentor will
mark based on the
rubric, but may
also change
according to the

Taylors University School Of Education

EDP 4026 Teaching Practical

Lo Wei Hui 0317284


mentor will ask

different difficulty
of questions to the
students. Not
only, open-ended
question but also
questions that
engage students in
Sometimes, she
wills response the
students slow a bit
to give them time
to think about
their answer and

rules together with

the students.
After half year, she
will revise the
class rules again
with the students
and makes
necessary change
if needed.

My Reflection on 6th & 7th Week

You cannot teach everything in one lesson, I was quite shock when I heard this. It was because
most of my lecturers have told me the same thing. I think this is to remind me again, I must plan my
lesson well.
I really glad that Mrs Wan share with me how she plan her lesson although she was quite busy
that time. That was a really nice talk and fruitful talk. She shared many examples on planning
lesson to me. She also gives me a lot of suggestions such as divide the lesson into chunk.
When I look at how see she introduce the lesson, I saw that clear instruction will give you a good
starting for the lesson. For 7 times I observe in her classes, I saw that a clear instruction really led
the lesson goes well. From there, I learnt some skills from her such as clarify the instruction once
again if you feel that your students still blur.
Besides that, I was so happy that I learnt classroom management in my course before comes to
do observation at Taylors International School. This is because when I look at how Mrs Wan
manage the classroom rules, I can understand the process as I have learnt it! I am also glad the
observation helps me revise my course before my final exam.
Add on to that, I practically saw how rubric is useful for both students and teachers. I did talk to
some of the students, both of them told me that they prefer to have rubric when doing a written
Through chatting with Mrs Wan, I learn that making rubric will not be an easy task too.
However, it is useful when we have it as our guide in assessment. Next week will be the last week
for phase I and for us (My course mates and I) at Taylors International school. I am really looking
forward for it!

Lesson Preparation

Focus Areas
Lesson Delivery &

Feedback &

Taylors University School Of Education

EDP 4026 Teaching Practical

Lo Wei Hui 0317284

My mentor will
make sure she
understands the
differences of
her students in
the class. This
includes races,
gentle, family
background and
so on.
She will use the
diversity in the
class as example
when it is
She will also
take diversity
when planning
her lesson.

I observe that my
Some of the
mentor used
intervention and
proper English in
the class. She will
strategies that she
also encourage
used in the class
the students to
are non-verbal
speak proper
cues (such as timeEnglish.
up signal, silent),
body movement,
She always
and facial
speaks with
different tone in
the class. Her tone She also will talk
of voice makes
to the students to
the message that
prevent the
deliver become
misbehavior in the
more lively and
My mentor will
also calling on
She also used
technology such
students to answer
as video, pictures
questions to
or slides in her
prevent they lost
attention in the
When she looking
for the correct
pronunciation of a
word, she will
make use of
internet dictionary
such as

When my mentor
is planning for the
lesson, she also
plans for the
She also uses
different types of
assessment and
assessment) to
check for
She keeps
assessment record
as for future
reference use.

My Reflection on 8th Week

This week is the last week for phase I observation at Taylors International School. I found that
diversity is very obvious and often seen in international school. I am glad that I learnt about it during
my semester 2.
8 weeks of observation really worth it. Through the observation, I saw how the knowledge that I
learn can be used and applied in the classroom situation. I also learn many practical skills that I did
not know before from Mrs Wan. She also told me that You will learn these skills as time pass by,
its build through experiences. I guess I just need more practice and experience.
Besides that, I also realize that although I really like technology, but it seem like I still lack of
knowledge in applying the technology that I know into classroom situation or as lesson activities.
This actually encourages me to go look for related information in applying technology in the class.
I think after the final exam, I will go revise all the useful subjects that I have took on the pass
few semesters. I also found that I should start practicing observation more often as I find it really
useful and it is one of the ways that I got the direct feedback.

Taylors University School Of Education

EDP 4026 Teaching Practical

Lo Wei Hui 0317284

Adding on to that, through chatting with the students, I also got information about what they
expect from their teachers. For the coming phase II and III, I will prepare myself with the content
knowledge and skills, and practice what I have learnt from Mrs Wan. I hope I can achieve my future
students expectation. I am so excited for the time to come!

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