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Shouichiro Iio

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Journal of Thermal Science Vol.20, No.

3 (2011) 224228

DOI: 10.1007/s11630-011-0462-9 Article ID: 1003-2169(2011)00-0000-00

Influence of Setting Condition on Characteristics of Savonius Hydraulic Turbine

with a Shield Plate

Shouichiro Iio1, Yusuke Katayama2, Fuminori Uchiyama3, Eiichi Sato4 and Toshihiko Ikeda1
1. Faculity of Eng., Shinshu University, 4-17-1 Wakasato, Nagano, JAPAN, 380-8553
2. Student of Shinshu University, 4-17-1 Wakasato, Nagano, JAPAN, 380-8553
3. Flowserve Niigata Worthington Co., Ltd., 1-32 Shinbashi, Kashiwazaki, Niigata, JAPAN, 945-0056
4. Faculty of Eng., Niigata Institute of Technology,1719 Fujihashi, Kashiwazaki, Niigata, JAPAN, 945-1195

© Science Press and Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, CAS and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010

The aim of this investigation was to improve power performance of Savonius hydraulic turbine utilizing small
stream for electric generation. An attempt was made to increase the power coefficient of runner by the use of flat
shield plate placed upstream of the runner. The difference of the power coefficient is discussed in relation to
clearance between the runner and the bottom wall and the rotation direction of the runner. The flow field around
the runner was also examined visually to clarify influences of setting conditions on the power performance. From
this study it was found that the power coefficient is achieved for 0.47 by only using a flat shield plate, the increase
is up to 80% over the runner without the plate. Moreover, it is the proper condition that clearance ratio is 0.73 in
this study.

Keywords: Nano-hydraulic turbine, Savonius runner, Shield plate, Performance

Introduction develop a Savonius type hydraulic turbine to utilize small

stream effectively as the nano-hydropower and a dis-
Environmental issues as typified by global warming persed power system. The turbine is suitable for the riv-
become conspicuous in recent years. It is obvious that ers or the irrigation canals in which the effective head is
using natural energy effectively leads achieving sustaina- not sufficient while the flow rate is enough. It is thought
ble energy. The hydropower should occupy the attention that this approach could lead to cheaper power generation
of electric power generating systems as it is clean and without the environmental destruction, compared with
renewable energy source with highest density, in cooper- that produced by large-scale hydroelectric plants.
ation with the wind and the solar powers. Most of hy- Savonius runner has been used mainly for a wind
dropower is generated by the large-scale hydroelectric power(1)-(20) and tidal/wave power generation (21)-(23). There
plant. Some have suggested that dam constructions can have been many studies of Savonius runner, e.g. runner
lead to the tremendous environmental damages. On the configuration(1)-(3), the flow field around a runner (4)-(6),
other hand, small/micro/nano hydropower has attracted numerical simulations(7),(8), effect of guide vanes set
much attention in recent years mainly because of de- around a runner (5),(9)-(14) and others. Attempts have been
crease of construction place for large-scale plants and made for the performance improvement of low-efficiency
environmental conservation. The aim of this study is to Savonius runners by optimizing both runner shape and

Received: 2011
Shouichiro IIO: Associate Professor
2 J. Therm. Sci., Vol.20, No.3, 2011

wind collector. that before the runner installation. But through this expe-
The performance improvement of the Savonius runner riment, the pump speed of the circuit tunnel was kept
is an important challenge also in this article for practical constant. The flow velocity distribution in the test section
using of the hydraulic turbines. Until now, Nakajima et al. is uniform except for near the side and bottom walls in
first attempted to improve the efficiency by applying a the tunnel. The normal water level in the test section is
phase difference to the blades of the Savonius rotor (24). set as H0=0.4 m. The distance between the runner and the
This runner had 90-degrees phase difference in the blades bottom wall of the tunnel is varied 0.033 to 0.154 m, and
between both sides of the partition plate. Additionally, is defined as HC; accordingly the clearance ratio HC/DR is
they revealed that the power performance changes de- changed from 0.23 to 1.08. A shield plate is using a flat
pend on the distance between the runner and the bottom plate because of study of Ogawa et al. that estimated the
wall of channel, and the rotation direction of the run- shape of the shield plate(12), and also from point of cost
ner(25). The maximum power coefficient was reached at and maintenance.
CPmax=0.26 under the best installation condition for small
rivers. This method is more conventional than installing
guide vanes or others around the runner, and is expected
to improve the performance without losing the advantage
of the Savonius runner, i.e. the easy maintenance, dura-
bility and low cost. But it is still necessary to greatly im-
prove the power coefficient from the practical stand point
of view. Therefore Iio et al. investigated the performance
improvement by installing a flat plate (shield plate) up-
stream the runner considering installation cost. As a re-
sult, the power coefficient was reached at CPmax=0.47(26).
It was because the shield plate blocked the stagnation
flow toward the convex side of returning blade, and ac-
celerated the flow velocity toward concave side of ad-
vancing blade.
The goal of this investigation is to achieve higher
runner performance. But it was still not clarified the op-
Fig. 1 Test section
timum installation condition attaching the shield plate
when practically setting the turbine in the rivers.
The purpose of this experimental study is to clarify the
effect of the water surface and bottom wall on the power
performance with shield plate.

Experimental Apparatus and Procedure

A schematic of the test model orientation, instrumen- Fig. 2 Savonius runner

tation, load and measurement system is shown in Fig. 1.
The runner consists of rotating components held by For the shield plate, the height is DR/2, the width is 1.5
bearings in the side plates and in the upper support times LR, and the setting and the tilting positions are
structure. One end of the runner shaft is coupled to a fixed at α=-30°, β=90°. These angles are defined that 0°
pulley and to upper mounted load and torque meter by a is parallel to the flow, then the angle takes positive on
timing belt on pulley. The details around the test section clockwise. The runner rotation direction is also defined
is also shown in Fig. 1. The runner is placed at 1500 mm as CW (clockwise) or CCW (counterclockwise) when the
downstream from the nozzle exit of the water circuit main flow direction is from left to right. A rotation angle
tunnel. Origin of coordinate system is under the center of of the runner is defined as θ which corresponds to the
runner shaft, the x-axis is along the flow direction, the main flow direction is θ=0º. Savonius runner was used in
y-axis is in the horizontal direction perpendicular to the this experiment as shown in Fig. 2. Savonius runner (sin-
flow, and the z-axis is in the depth-wise direction. The gle-step runner) consists of two half-cylinder shaped
mean velocity at the center of the test section was set as blades and two endplates. The runner was constructed
U0=0.8 m/s in the case without the runner. When the from stainless steel mounted on a 10.0 mm diameter shaft.
runner is placed in the test section, the flow velocity de- Runner diameter is DR=0.142 m and length is LR=0.21 m.
creases and the water level becomes slightly higher than Power coefficient CP and tip speed ratio λ are defined as
Shouichiro Iio et al. Influence of Setting Condition on Characteristics of Savonius Hydraulic Turbine with a Shield Plate 3

follows: reported that the performance of the Savonius runner

CP=2P/ρAU03 (1) improved with increasing the distance between the blade
λ=Vt/U0 (2) and the flat plate. Nakajima et al. applied the study for
Where P is power output from runner, ρ is water density, hydraulic turbine(25). The flat plate was the equivalent of
A is projected area of runner, Vt is runner tip speed, ω is the bottom wall of the water tunnel. The similar reason is
angular velocity of runner, T is torque experienced by for the power performance changed with the distance
runner. Positive direction of α, β and θ is the same as between the runner and the bottom wall. In this study, the
runner rotation direction. A blade which located in the similar result is also obtained on the power performance.
range 0°≤≤180° is named advancing blade, that lo- To investigate the cause of the change in the power per-
cated in the range 180°≤ ≤360°is named returning formance by the distance between runner and bottom
blade. wall, we focused on the flow field in and around the
runner using the pigment streak-line method. The injec-
Results and Discussion tion point was set at x=-200 mm on the central section of
runner width. The visualization results are shown in Fig.
At first, the influence of Hc on power performance 5 (a) to (d). When we compare the results for CW rota-
was evaluated. Figure 3 shows power coefficient curves tion shown in Fig. (a) and (b), separation vortices from
in the case of with and without the shield plate. The plate top and bottom tip of the shield plate were observed as
setting angles were fixed at α=30°, β=90º. Figure (a) is shown in Fig. (a), it seems that the wake region is wider
the result for CW rotation, and Fig. (b) is that for CCW than that for HC/DR=0.23 in Fig. (b). Figure (b) shows
rotation. All performance curves without the shield plate only separation vortex from upper tip of the shield plate.
have the maximum power coefficient (CPmax) at approx- Therefore, the negative pressure region formed down-
imately λ=1.1. It does not depend on the rotation direc- stream the shield plate has effect on dragging the return-
tion. As increase of Hc, CP and CPmax increases for CW ing blade. As a consequence, rotation of runner was en-
rotation, on the contrary, decreases for CCW rotation. It 0.5
is the most important fact that the performance is en- CW
hanced remarkably by using a shield plate. For CW rota- 0.4
tion, the maximum power coefficient of HC/DR=0.73 is
the maximum in all clearance ratios. For CCW rotation, 0.3
the CPmax is obtained for HC/DR=0.23. The value of λ un-

der unloaded condition is larger than that without the 0.2

shield plate. This tendency strengthens as close to the
water surface for CW rotation, as close to the bottom 0.1
wall for CCW rotation. Solid marks: With shield plate
Figure 4 illustrates the variation of CPmax with HC/DR. 0.0
Open marks: Without shield plate

It is obviously recognized that the CPmax is enhanced in 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
HC/DR>0.73 for CW and in HC/DR<0.73 for CCW. (a) CW rotation
Similar pattern can also be seen in the case without the 0.5
shield plate. For HC/DR=0.73, the power coefficient has CCW
the maximum value of CPmax=0.47 for CW with the 0.4
shield plate, it is improved up to 80%. From the result of
performance for CW with the shield plate, the water sur- 0.3

face has little effect on the runner performance. The

power coefficient of HC/DR =1.08 for CCW decreases by 0.2
15% than CPmax of HC/DR =0.73. CPmax for CW with the
shield plate rapidly decreases with HC/DR. Both CP and 0.1
CPmax are the same as HC/DR =0.73 for CCW with the Solid marks: With shield plate
Open marks: Without shield plate
shield plate under the installation condition near the bot- 0.0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
tom wall. For CCW, the flow near the bottom wall has λ
little effect to the runner performance. It can be said that (b) CCW rotation
CPmax with the shield plate is weakened near the water
HC/DR =▢ 0.23 ▤ 0.38 ● 0.73 ■ 1.08
surface of CW and near the bottom wall of CCW. Ueno
▣ 0.23 ▥ 0.38 ▦ 0.73 □ 1.08
et al.(11) studied the influence of flat plate for wind col-
lector on performance of Savonius wind runner. They Fig. 3 Power performance (α=-30º, β=90º)
4 J. Therm. Sci., Vol.20, No.3, 2011

hanced because of blocking effect of stagnation flow ing to the water surface for CCW.
toward a returning blade and of occurring negative
pressure upstream the returning blade. For CCW rotation Conclusions
as shown in Fig. 5(c) and (d), it can be easily recognized
that the flow over the shield plate and through between The influence of the water surface and the bottom wall
the shield plate and the upper plate is apparently different. on the power performance is almost similar to that of
For HC/DR=0.73, the flow toward the returning blade is runner without the shield plate. In particular, the flow
not observed. As a result, it is clear that the size of wake near the water surface has little influence on the power
region and the block effect of stagnation flow toward the performance for CW rotation, on the other hand, influ-
returning blade are most important factors to improve the ence of the bottom wall is small for CCW rotation.
power coefficient of Savonius runner with shield plate. The power coefficient is reached at 0.47 by only using
And the water surface and the bottom wall affect on the a flat shield plate, the increase of approximately 80%
power performance. Fig. 5(a) shows vortices from top over the runner without the plate. The rotation speed of
and bottom tip of the shield plate, therefore pressure drop the runner is almost enhanced by the shield plate. The
is remarkable. But Fig. (b) shows vortex from only top best orientation conditions of the runner with the shield
tip of the shield plate, so negative pressure behind the plate are as follows; the clearance ratio defined the dis-
shield plate is lower than that of Fig. (a); accordingly it is tance between the runner and the bottom wall of channel
not easy to draw the returning blade for CW rotation. Fig. to the runner diameter is 0.73.
(d) shows the impinging flow on the returning blade ow-

This work was partly supported by KAKENHI

No.2231004 and Ministry of Environment.


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