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Course Outline Mphil 2018-19 Fall Course Title: Statistics For Research-I By: Prof. Vikash Raj Satyal, PHD (Email, Cell 9841-413453)

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The key takeaways from the course outline are that the course will cover concepts in probability, statistical inference, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, design of experiments, categorical data analysis and sampling techniques. It will help students understand and apply various statistical methods in research.

The main topics that will be covered in this course include probability, discrete and continuous distributions, sampling distribution and techniques, estimation, hypothesis testing, ANOVA, non-parametric methods, experimental design and categorical data analysis.

The methods of evaluation for this course include assignments (15%), case presentations (15%), a mid-term exam (35%) and an end-term exam (35%). Students will be graded on a letter grade scale from A to B- based on their performance.

Course Outline MPhil 2018-19 Fall

Course Title: Statistics for Research-I

By: Prof. Vikash Raj Satyal, PhD (email, cell 9841-413453)

1. To help understand the concept of probability and various probability distributions having applications to management discipline.
2. To explore relation between population and sample, and how sample
information is connected to population attributes.
Quote from KUSOM website:
3. To examine applications of various statistical methods in exploring the
nature of relation in and across variables. “KUSOM emphasizes more on learning by the
4. Provide knowledge of decision making in quantitative/qualitative research
students themselves rather than on teaching them…..
using parametric and nonparametric statistical tests.
5. Provide basic data analysis ideas in EXCEL and some output interpretation It uses the teaching methods that encourage students’
from STATA.
active participation and involvement”
 Probability: Basic concepts; compound and conditional probabilities; Bayes’ rule.
 Discrete distributions: Random variable and expectation, Binomial, Poisson, and hyper-geometric distribution.
 Continuous distributions: Uniform and Normal distribution.
 Sampling distribution and Sampling Technique: Sampling distribution of sample mean and proportion, some random sampling techniques.
 Statistical inference: Hypothesis testing for single population (test for mean, proportion and variance, Z , t and F tests), test for two
populations (independent and paired).
 ANOVA & DoE: One and two-way ANOVA, interaction effects, experimental design layouts.
 Categorical data analysis: Contingency test and Goodness of fit.
 Nonparametric(NP) methods: Basic NP tests.

EVALUATION: Assignments 15%, Case presentations 15%, Mid-term 35%, End-term 35%.
Letter grading: A ≥ 90%, 90% < A(-) ≤ 85%, 85% < B ≤ 75%, B(-) <75%.
Case presentation criteria: Students will be evaluated on the basis of clarity in presentation, clarity in identifying the problems, use of analysis
techniques in solving the problem, and on the overhaul presentation skill and technique.

Ken Black, Business Statistics: For Contemporary Decision Making, 9th ed, J. Wiley Publication
1. Keller Grand, Business Statistics for Management and Economics. 9th ed, South western CENGAGE Learning.
2. Levin Richard, Rubin David. “Statistics for Management”. Prentice-Hall India. Seventh ed.
3. Levind David, Krehbiel Timothy etal. “Business Statistics: A First Course”. Pearson education. Fourth ed.
4. Norean R. Sharpe, Richard D. etat, 2012, “Business Statistics” . Second Edition. Addison Wesley
5. Satyal V.R., et al, Applied Statistics, KEC Publication/Nepal.
6. Wegner T., “Applied Business Statistics: Methods and EXCEL based Applications”. 3ed ed, JUTA.

Course Outline (Tentative Session Plan):

Week* Topic Group activity
(Case presentation)
1st Basic Probability
 Methods of assigning probability
 Terminologies
 Compound probability: Marginal, joint & conditional probabilities, independent/dependent events
 Bayes’ rule
2nd Discrete Probability Distributions
 Random variable and expectation; mean, variance & standard deviation
 Probability mass function and probability density function
 Binomial distribution: mean & standard deviation, computing probabilities, applications
 Poisson distribution: mean & standard deviation, computing probabilities, applications, Poisson
approximation of Binomial distribution.
 Hypergeometric distribution: mean & standard deviation, computing probabilities, applications
 Calculating Binomial/Poisson/Hypergeometric probabilities using EXCEL
3ed Continuous Probability Distributions Case Discussions
 Characteristics of a continuous distribution, probability density function
 Uniform distribution Luxury vs
 Normal distribution, standard normal variates & their characteristics; solving problems of normal Performance
distribution using normal tables, applications, CLT
 Calculation of continuous probabilities using EXCEL

4th & Sampling distribution & Sampling Techniques Identity Theft
5th  Sampling distribution of sample mean and proportion, standard error
 Sampling and non-sampling error
 Census, frame, random vs non-random sampling
 Field survey: concept, rational, use, limitations;
 Some sampling techniques: simple, stratified, systematic, cluster, multistage
 Sample size determination to estimate mean and proportion, finite population correction
6 & Estimation of Mean & Proportion for single population The container store
7 th
 Estimating population mean/ proportion using z & t-statistics
 Estimating population variance using F statistics
 Point and interval estimation
 Constructing of confidence interval for 𝑥̅ and p
 Using EXCEL to calculate confidence intervals
8 Day Mid term
9th, & Hypothesis Testing for single population McCain Frozen Pizza
10 th
 Type of hypothesis in research Targets Teens
 HTAB paradigm of hypothesis testing
 Rejection and acceptance regions
 Type I & type II error
 P-value approach, confidence interval
 Hypothesis testing for mean when σ is known/unknown
 Hypothesis testing for proportion and variance
11 th Hypothesis Testing for two population The Internet’s
 Hypothesis testing & confidence intervals from two independent populations (means/proportion impact on
test using z and t ) marketing
 Hypothesis testing & confidence intervals for two related populations means/proportion
12th Nonparametric statistics Schwinn
 Parametric vs non-parametric tests, type of data used, advantage, disadvantage
 Mann Whitney test
 Wilcoxon matched-pairs test
 Kruskal-Wallis test
 Friedmann test

13th Categorical Data analysis Combating the
 Chi-square test for goodness of fit effects of climate
 Chi-square test for contingency analysis change in Australia
14th Introduction to Design of Experiments(DOE) and ANOVA
 Concept & use of DOE, type of DOE- concept of CRD, RBD, and Factorial designs ASCO VALVE
 Multiple comparison tests Canada introduces
 One and two-way ANOVA, and its use new red hat valve
 Construction of ANOVA table using EXCEL, output from STATA
15th End-term
*Tentative weekly schedule.

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