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Sorting Lesson

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Name of Student Teacher: Mahra Bahkeet Mohammed

School: Al Resalah International School of Science

Lesson Plan Template

Name: Mahra Bahkeet Mohammed Alrayhi.

Professional Development Plan

(What do YOU need to work on in order to grow professionally?)
1- The learning areas

1. Choose and describe an aspect from a teaching competency that you need to work on (Goal)
MST is using the learning areas activities such as; Math area, Science area and English area. I
will use the learning areas which I found it useful to prepare the class and to develop their

2. Describe what you will do to help achieve your goal (Strategies Used)
I will divide the activities into three groups and each activity will be in a specific area (Math,
English and Science).

3. Describe how you can tell if you’re achieving your goal (Evidence)
By describing what happened and what went well and what need to be developed next time in
the reflection.

Grade Level: KG-2G Subject: Math Learning Outcome (ADEC/MOE code and words):
Learning outcomes for “Sorting by colours”:
Title: Sorting by
colours.  1- CCSS.Math.Content.K.MD.B.3: Classify objects into
given categories; sort the objects to their categories by
their colours.
My learning objectives:

1- Recognize sorting skill.

2-The students will be able to sort and classify

objects and things around them according to their

3- Differentiate between sorting by colours, shapes

and sizes.
Resources (what materials/equipment will you and Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
the students use? Be specific) class?)

1- Three pictures of coloured jars (Red, Green - The internet connection for the song.
and Yellow) + Colcord bugs (Red, Green
and yellow).
2- Rainbow picture (A3 size), with missing Key vocabulary:
coloured dots (Red, Green, Blue and yellow)
+ The missing coloured dotes. Sort – Classify – Colours names; Red, Green and
3- Sorting by colours song + Computer and
data show.
DRm5J0 (Song link).
4- Coloured cups (Red, yellow and green) +
Coloured sticks.
5- A4 papers with three colours (Red, Green
and yellow) + coloured shapes.
6- 24 Coloured sticks (Red, Green and yellow).
Introduction (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

In the circle time. I will remind the students about the classroom rules which are; Lips are

zipped, Legs are crossed, Eras are listening, hands are still, and eyes are watching. After that,

I will apply a song about sorting by colours to engage the students and I will ask them after the

song questions such as; we can sort by what? To assist their knowledge. Then, I will hang the

learning objectives of the lesson on the board and read them with the students. We will do small

activity by having A3 picture of the rainbow with missing coloured dots. I will give each student

the missing coloured dots (Red, Yellow, Green and blue) randomly and I will say: Who have
Time: 10 min

the red colour? The student who has the red dotes should come to the board and stick the dots

in the right place which is red and so on tell they finish all the missing dotes then we will see if
they did it right or not. After that, each group will line up and move to their groups (Red,

Green, Yellow), and I will explain for each group the activities before they go to their groups.

Active Engagement (group working with the teacher): The activity in the circle time.

Independent Experience (small group activity 1)

Yellow group (English Area): This group will have the coloured jars activity and the coloured
bugs. They will sort the bugs and stick them on the jars pictures according to the bugs and
jars colours (Red jar should have the red bugs).

Independent Experience (small group activity 2)

Green group (Science Area): They will have the coloured cups (Red, Green and purple), and
coloured sticks. They will sort the coloured sticks according to their colours and put them in
the cups. (Red cup should have the red sticks).

Independent Experience (small group activity 3)

Blue group (Math Area): The will have A4 papers that have four coloured empty boxes (Red,
Green and, yellow and Blue), and small coloured shapes. They will sort the shapes according
to their colours and put them in the right box.
Time: 15 min

Note: (Abdulrahman and Khalid are under the low level. I will let them do a specific
activity which is sorting the cubes according to their colours. I will ask them to sort the cubes

red tighter, Green together and yellow together on the table and I will

Bring the students to the carpet by lining up and make a quick review by doing small activity
on in the circle time as an assessment.
5 min

Note: (The students are mixed in the groups (High, Middle and low levels), that will engage


them to help each other during the activities. The time is not enough to switch over the
groups in one period).

I will ask them what we leaned today and then I will assist their understanding by doing small activity

as formative assessment called “Who has, I have”. I will give each child coloured stick and I will draw
three circles on the board (Red, Green and yellow). I will ask them to find the same sticks that they

have according to the colours by asking each other who has yellow, who has red and green. They

should find their friends who have the same colour and stand up under the coloured circles on the

board according to their sticks.

Lesson plan 5 + Reflection: (Sorting by colors)

What went well:

In the math lesson, they were listening and participating well with me. Most of the

students were able to sort the objects by colors and they liked that the song and they

asked me to put it again. Moreover, in the learning centers, they liked more bugs and

jars activity and the colors cups and sticks activities. They did not need any help in

the activities and they did great in the activities. Khalid and Abdulrahman who are

under the low level, they were able to do the shapes sorting. However, some of them

were right and some were not but it is good that they understand the sorting idea.

MCT an MST liked the activities and they said that it was clear and simple.

Even better if:

It will be better if I made the instructions simpler and use more easy language for

their level. In addition, I will focus on the classroom management by finding a way to

control their behaviors or when they talk such as using the bell.

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