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Lesson Plan Math 1 - Patterns

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The key takeaways are that the teacher used a video and blocks to introduce patterns to students. Students then rotated through different learning centers to practice patterns.

The teacher showed a video with a song about patterns and used blocks to model sample patterns for the students in a whole group activity.

One lower level student struggled to complete the pattern activity even with assistance. The teacher had to offer an incentive for the student to participate.

Lesson Plan Template

Date Subject Number of Grade

Math 23 KG 2

Personal Aims (What do YOU need to work on in order grow professionally?)

Students will copy, create, describe and extend patterns with objects.

Learning Outcomes: Materials

(Link to the ADEC / MOE K-5 curriculum document)

recognize and copy a range of Martials:

patterns in familiar Language:
environments. Box with unfix cubes Copy
Blocks Slide
Pipe cleaner Tie
Buttons with big holes Pattern
Shapes blocks
Lesson Introduction
Whole group activity: Time: 10 minutes. Question (Blooms Taxonomy)

Opening/Introduction: (Bullet points) Remembering (low level):

What will you do in order to introduce the Can you name the colors in this
concept to the students? pattern?
Show them a video with song
about patterns. Understanding (low level):
What shape do you think come
Active Engagement: (Bullet points) next?
After youve modeled the concept, what activity
will you have the students perform while on the
Applying (low level):
carpet to ensure that they understand it?
What is different colors and
Show them sample of patterns by
shapes of pattern do you see?

Link: (Bullet points)

Analyzing (high level):
Remind the students in kid friendly language Can you compare your pattern
how they can apply what they did whole group in with that presented in?
their independent learning centers
In the circle I will illustrate each Evaluating (high level):
activity for the children. What do you think about doing
pattern with the same shape and

Creating (high level):

Can you design a pattern in your
own way?

Learning Center Resources or Materials

Learning Center 1 Learning Center 2 Learning Center 3 Learning Center 4
(if needed)
Box with unfix pipe cleaner Two different
cubes flash cards buttons with big colors.
holes string

Small Group Learning Centers: Time: 15 minutes.

Learning Center 1 Title: (Bullet points) Learning Center 2 Title: (Bullet points)

Each group will have a box of Each group will get a tied knot
unfix cubes and flashcard. with the rope at one end of the
Flash card will show a sample of pipe cleaner.
colored pattern. Children will slide down two
Children as they see the pattern different colors of button at a
in the flashcard they will copy time as a pattern.
and complete it. At the end of the pipe cleaner
teacher will tie for the children.

Learning Center 3 Title: (Bullet points) Learning Center 4 Title: (Bullet points)

Each child will do a pattern by the

Closing activity: Time: 5 minutes.

I will let children to draw on the board with different colors a pattern of

Assessment for Learning: How will you determine if the students understood the learning
outcome? What evidence will you show to prove this?
I will give each child a flashcard of pattern and ask them what comes next?

General Comments:

Students learned the patterns while they are doing the activities.
Some of the low children level was confused while they are doing it, but I
helped them doing it.

Recommendations / Future personal targets / Areas of focus

In future I will do easier activity for the low level children so it facilitates
for them to understand the activity well.

SHJWC Lesson Reflection (Completed after EVERY

lesson taught)
Lesson Your
Math Name

MST Raja School Al Sondos Kindergarten


Class KG 2 Date

Firstly, discuss one aspect that YOU feel you did very well. Try to analyze
why you think it worked well and what hints you would share with other teachers
about the successful strategy/ resource/activity/management style etc.
Firstly, I showed them a video with a song about the patterns. Then to engage
them in the circle area I show them sample of patterns by blocks I used cars and
flowers. Then I divided them to three groups, depending on their levels. I
illustrated each activity for each group in the circle area. Then I asked the
children to move to the activities.

Secondly, elaborate on the aspect identified by YOU that requires attention.

Discuss what the problem was, why it occurred and what action you intend to
take to be more successful in the next lesson.

For the low level, they got two different colors and they did a pattern by it. The
problem that I faced that was there is child which he was from the low level, he
wasnt doing the activity even if I asked him, but I told if you did the activity you
will get a sweet, then he tried to do it.

Personal focus for next lesson:

In the future, I will try to do more activities in the circle area to make them
understand the lesson.

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