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Are You Audacious - Media Plan

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Audi A1 Sportback Media Plan:

Are You Audacious?

1. Background Analysis

Media Trends & Advertising Spend

In Global

In 2013, the automotive industry became the number 4th sector of the most global
advertising spend with 9.2%, slightly below Industry & Services 11.3%. The most
adspend is Fast Moving Consumer Good with 21.3%, and Entertainment Industry with
13% on the second place (WARC, 2013).

According to Region

The overall advertising spend in Europe was 19%, below North America 51% and Asia-
Pacific 22%. However, it is still higher than the total share in Latin America 7%, and in
Middle East & Africa with only 2% (WARC, 2013).

In United Kingdom

The total advertising spend in UK for automotive on 2013 are GBP 17.9 billions. As
predicted, the media with most adspend is Internet, followed by Television and Direct
Mail. Cinema and Radio became the least media chose by advertisers (WARC, 2014).

Audi A1 Sportback

The recession in the UK car market in 2009 gave a decline towards Audi sales. People no
longer can afford a premium car such as Audi. To anticipate this circumstance, Audi
came with an innovation by introducing the new A1 in 2010 to compete in a small car
segment or also known as the A0 car segment. The main idea is to prevent their existing
customer on shifting to another brand, besides finding a new customer from different
segmentation market (Assignment Brief, 2015).

Later on, in 2011 Audi unveiled the new version of this car, which is Audi A1 Sportback.
With still rely on the Vorsprung Durch Technik (VdT), this five doors type offers a
convenient small type of car with high-quality interior and a good range of engines
(Assignment Brief, 2015).
2. Media Objectives

Understanding the stages of consumer decision making process is important to set media
objectives. As explained at Katz (2010), here is the decision making process for Audi A1

•Understanding the needs of consumers who wants a high quality yet prestigious car but
with a lower price.

•Making people aware of Audi A1 Sportback through brand message about Audi's
sophistication and luxurious features. So, current user and new potential consumer wants
Awareness to know more about Audi A1 Sportback specification.

•Being the first preference for consumer in mini car class by making a close connection
with consumer. Make people possible to 'be in touch' with Audi A1 Sportback by menu
Design your own Audi A1 Sportback on the website. With this customization menu, people
Preference will be more happy to choose and buy it.

•Make people closer and easier to connect with Audi by giving some preferences of
information channel, such as in Audi's website, magazine, Audi car dealer, and Audi call
Search center.

•From the media, Audi needs to share some promotion package offer to prospective
consumer. So, people would likely to choose Audi than other brand.

•Encourage people to not only buy it but use it frequently. So, consumer will feel the
Purchase convinience, luxurious, and advance technology of Audi and will be loyal with Audi brand.
and Use

•For new user, media play a role to ensure that this product will satisfy consumer's need.
The real satisfaction will be reach after they try and use Audi frequently. For current user,
media play a role to ensure them that Audi will always give the best feature on every
Satisfaction products.
According to above analysis, the media objectives for Audi A1 Sportback are:
 To increase awareness of Audi A1 Sportback to 50% within 6 months media
 To gain new prospective user and maintain current user of Audi
 To increase sales volume of Audi A1 Sportback
 To raise Audi A1 Sportback’s market share within 3 months media launch

3. Target Audience Specification

The average age of Audi owners are 48 years old according to Bennett and White in
the Wall Street Journal (2013). However, for the New Audi A1 Sportback specifically, it
will not follow the pattern because of the different size, price, design, and specification.
Consequently, instead of targeting older people, the age range for this car will be for
younger people age 25-35 years old.

Based on the ABC1 demographic theory, this advert will be targeted for A, B, and
C1 category. A is upper social class, usually works as a high managerial or
administrative. Middle class where also known as B grade, commonly held a position as
intermediate managerial, meanwhile C1 social grade generally work as a junior
managerial and administrative (Kinuthia, 2015). These type of social grade mostly lived
in big cities in UK, have a high disposable income, and attracted to cars as well as

Lifestyle of target customer Audi A1 Sportback

The age segmentation of Audi A1 Sportback are focusing on young people age 25-
35, which categorized as Y Generations, also known as Milleniums. As

According to in Marketing Magazine (2013).

4. Media Mix and Supporting Rationale

The “Are You Audacious?”Campaign will use a broad variety of media from paid,
owned, and earned media to reach their objectives.


It is believed that newspaper is one of the earliest medium to accept advertisement. Even
though since the mid 1980s the numbers of readers decline, however, to reach a high
number of audience and broad segment, newspaper still considered as an important media
to advertise (Fill, 2013). This campaign will be focusing on daily National newspaper and
daily regional newspaper. In addition, the advert will enter the three newspaper
categories, which is Quality Broadsheets, Mid-Markets, and Red Tops (Kinuthia, 2015).

Quality Broadsheets: The advert will be on The Guardian Newspaper regarding to the
number of readers between others quality broadsheets such as Telegraph and the times.
The numbers of readers for The Guardian Newspaper are 5.3 millions from January to
June 2013 (Press Gazette, 2013).

Mid-Markets: Daily Mail will be a wise choice for the National Newspaper. It established
themselves as the number two top in UK for the most number of readers, around 12
millions per week. Considering our targeted customers are in big cities in UK, therefore,
advertise in London Evening Standard, Yorkshire Post, and The Scotsman will be

Red Tops: A newspaper that has a red nameplate on the front page, the writing style were
simple, and mostly give more prominence to sensationalism news such as celebrities,
entertainment, and sports. A study from Edelman Trust Barometer indicated that almost
70% of the people in UK distrust red tops media since the phone hacking scandal (The
Guardian, 2012). However considering that the high amount of The Sun readers, which
reach 13.5 million peoples every week (Press Gazette, 2013), it is still believed that
advertise in The Sun will give huge benefits for this campaign.

The main focus is to put the Audi A1 advertisement based on the top 4 Motoring
magazines in UK according to Media Week (2012). The lists are BBC Top Gear
Magazine in the first place, What Car Magazine, Evo Magazine, and last is Auto Express
Magazine. However, assuming that Evo Magazine mainly focus on super car and race
car, therefore it will not suit Audi A1 Sportback and as a result it will not be one of the
chosen media to advertise on.

In order to reach another type of prospective customer such as female, the advertisement
will also be on a female lifestyle magazine name Cosmopolitan which sold 394.660
printed copies in 2013 (Statista, 2015). For male, Shortlist as the number one lifestyle
magazine will be a rational choice (Statista, 2015), men’s health to reach the niche
market of those who love to do sport activities, and lastly Forbes magazine to attract
professionals and executive.

One of the advantage by using magazine as a medium for advertisement is the longevity
issue. Because of the small size and the long lasting materials being used on magazine,
readers did not usually throw their magazine after finished reading it. They often bestow
it to someone else or keep it at their house, office, doctor’s waiting room, and any other
place (Fill, 2013).
Product Placement


Advertisement in Television is one of the most popular ways for automotive industry.
Nevertheless, the high cost of production and spot makes advertiser to think twice. Now
days, there is another way to place a product in Television with lower budget, it is widely
known as product placement.

Product placement in Television has been permitted in UK since 2011 (WARC, 2011).
The Audi A1 Sportback will be on Television shows in channels where allow a product
placement in their programs. The channels that have a big probability to be chosen are
Sky Media, Channel 4, and ITV (Thinkbox, 2015). Movies in drama series, action, and
the type of series like Top Gear will be preferred. The category of the product placement
will be “product used on screen” whereas the actor use Audi A1 Sportback in the movies.


Audi is not a new player on performing a product placement in Hollywood movies. In

2015, Audi place 5 of their new car, which is Audi A3, S7, S8, Q7, and R8 in the Fifty
Shades of Grey movie (Brands & Films, 2015). Another analogy is in the Iron Man
Trilogy whereas Audi car being used by Tony Stark constantly (Marvel, 2013. Therefore,
to increase the awareness and also to maintain the position of Audi brand, Audi A1
Sportback will be appear on Hollywood movies.

The advantage of performing advertising in radio is the ability to target niche audience,
and it is mobile and multi tasking (people can hear it when driving, shopping, working,
and even while in the middle of doing sport activities). Measuring the target audience is
the key to success on this medium (Green, 2014).

Advertising Spot

Classic FM will be the main radio medium for this campaign. The data from
(2015) shows that the total listeners of Classic FM during September 2014 to December
2014 were 5.570.000 listeners per week. The total market share was 3.5% and rank fifth
in the UK. Another reason is because the target audiences suit the target audience of Audi
A1 Sportback. 70% of the listeners are from the ABC1 social class; constantly seek out
aspirational lifestyle, new experience, and ethical choice (This is Global, 2015).

Next, this campaign will be run in Capital FM. The coverage of this station focused on
big cities in UK whereas its divided into small version according to the areas. As example
in London represent by 95.8 Capital FM, in Glasgow and Edinburgh 105-106 Capital
FM, 105 Capital FM in Yorkshire, 102 Capital FM in Manchester, and even 97.4 Capital
FM in South Wales. In addition, they conquer Generation Y as their main listeners (This
is Global, 2015).


The BBC Channel from BBC 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 Live attract a huge number of listeners.
Unfortunately, the regulations prevent advertiser to put their advertisement on the radio.
However, BBC channel 4 has a program called Discussion and Talks. It will be a big
advantage for Audi Sportback to perform a Talk Show in the Radio. Therefore, the Audi
spokesperson can inform about Audi specifically and then listeners can ask directly their
question via phone call.
1. Media schedule

2. Budget allocation

The automotive worldis a fast moving industry. Those who cannot advance with it will
get left behind. In order to that, advertiser must embrace the transition by think and act
creatively. However, changing the media allocation is too risky, therefore, applying
the model 70:20:10 will be a rational way to run this campaign effectively (Bull and

 70%: This was categorized as a comfort zone. Considering the big allocation, this
part is to advertise through an established media such as TV, Newspaper, and also
for the Internet since it becomes the most advertising spend in UK on 2013 that
proves the evidence. From this part, it is still believed that maintaining the same
media, which become the part of the journey for our existing customer, are
 20%:To innovate what already have been prove in the past. This kind of
innovation such as promote in a new magazine.
 10%: This part is where the genuine experimentations take place. Even though
this is a new and a high-risk project, advertiser need to ensure that this media still
follow the guideline and support the other media activities.

Product Placement
Social Media

3. Media evaluation 

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