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English 4 - Vocabulary: Units Words Pronunciati ON Meaning in Eng. Meaning in VN Example Unit 11: Leadership

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-not acting quickly in Auto companies are taking
Unit 11:
1 order to avoid risks; Cẩn thận, thận a cautious approach toward
Leadership cautious /ˈkɔː.ʃəs/ careful. trọng, dè dặt. introducing electric cars.
-His casual behaviour was
-Casual clothes are not wholly inappropriate for
formal or not suitable -Bình thường,
Unit 7A: What such a formal occasion.
for special occasions giản dị ( ý chỉ
-Although close to tears,
does your -Not taking or not cách ăn mặc).
2 seeming to take much - Tình cờ, vô she tried to make her
food say voice sound casual.
interest. tình.
about you? -not intended or -Không đặt quá -To a casual observer,
planned, or done by nhiều chú ý, everything might appear
casual /ˈkæʒ.ju.əl/ chance quan tâm. normal.
Unit 7A: What -believing that very
does your good things can be When I was young and
3 achieved, often when idealistic I believed it was
food say this does not seem possible to change the
about you? idealistic /ˌaɪ.dɪəˈlɪs.tɪk/ likely to other people Duy tâm world.
Unit 7A: What
does your -behaving confidently
4 and not being It's that assertive and
food say frightened to say what Quả quyết, chắc confident attitude that
about you? assertive /əˈsɜː.tɪv/ you want or believe. chắn helps business grow.
Unit 7A: What
does your
5 There was a lot of positive
food say -making you feel more Động viên, khích feedback, which was very
about you? encouraging /ɪnˈkʌr.ɪ.dʒɪŋ/ confidence or hope. lệ encouraging.
- She seems to wear
Unit 7A: What -not the same something different every
does your - used when you think day.
food say someone or something -Khác nhau - What do I think of your
is unusual or shows -Đôi lúc sử dụng purple shoes? Well, they're
about you? diffident bad judgment như một lời chê. certainly different.
Unit 7A: What
does your
food say -using an agreed and
about you? often official or Chính thức (theo -There are formal
traditional way of đúng luật, thuộc procedures for applying to
formal /ˈfɔː.məl/ doing things. về hình thức) become a US citizen.
- saying that someone
or something is bad or - The report is highly critical
Unit 7A: What wrong. of safety standards at the
- the greatest factory.
does your
8 importance to the way - The president's support is
food say things might happen. critical (to this project).
about you? -giving opinions or - She has written a major
judgments on books, Chỉ trích, phê critical of Saul Bellow's
critical /ˈkrɪt.ɪ.kəl/ plays, films, etc.: bình, nhận xét. novels.
Unit 7A: What
does your -making choices
9 quickly and surely,
food say without having any Qủa quyết, In an emergency, decisive
about you? decisvie /dɪˈsaɪ.sɪv/ doubts. quyết đoán. action is called for.
Unit 7A: What -accepting things as
does your they are in fact and not
10 making decisions based It isn't realistic to expect
food say on unlikely hopes for people to work for so little
about you? realistic /ˌrɪəˈlɪs.tɪk/ the future. Thực tế money.
Unit 7A: What
does your Năng động,
11 -having a lot of ideas nhiệt huyết và He was seen as young and
food say and enthusiasm; tràn đầy năng dynamic compared to his
about you? dynamic /daɪˈnæm.ɪk/ energetic and forceful. lượng. predecessor.
- believing or
expressing the belief
that there should be
Unit 7A: What great or extreme social
does your or political change
food say - relating to the most -(chính trị) có - He was known as a radical
important parts of quan điểm cực reformer/thinker/politician.
about you? something or đoan. - We need to make some
someone; complete or -cơ bản, hoàn radical changes to our
radical /ˈræd·ɪ·kəl/ extreme toàn ,triệt để operating procedures.
Unit 7A: What 13 ruthless /ˈruːθ.ləs/ -not thinking or Tàn nhẫn, vô Some people believe that to
worrying about any tình succeed in this world you
does your pain caused to others; have to be ruthless.
food say cruel.
about you?
She dreamed of traveling to
Khoảng cách distant lands.
far away in space or ( không gian, We could hear the sound of
distant /ˈdɪs.tənt/ time thời gian). distant thunder.
Unit 7B: How
much water -not usually liking or
15 trusting change, Older people tend to be
do we really especially sudden more conservative and a bit
need? conservative /kənˈsɜː.və.tɪv/ change Bảo thủ suspicious of anything new.
-friendly and easy to
Unit 7B: How talk to.
much water -If a place is
do we really approachable, you can Malcolm is always very
reach it or get near to -Dễ gần approachable – talk it over
need? approachable /əˈprəʊ.tʃə.bəl/ it -Có thể lại gần with him.
Unit 7B: How
much water based on principles, or -Thuộc về
17 (of a person) having nguyên tắc, She was known among her
do we really good personal người có nguyên colleagues as a principled
need? principled /ˈprɪn·sə·pəld/ standards of behavior tắc. professional.
relaxed in manner and
Unit 7B: How character; not usually
much water worried about other
do we really people's behaviour or I've never seen her worried
things that need to be -Thư thái, ung or anxious in any way -
need? laid-back /ˌleɪdˈbæk/ done dung, bình thản she's so laid-back.
If you have
responsibility for
Unit 7B: How something or
someone, or if they
much water
19 are your responsibility,
do we really it is your job or duty to
need? to take on /tuː teɪk ɒn rɪ deal with them and to -Tự chịu trách
responsibility ˈspɒn.sə.bəl fɔː r take decisions relating nhiệm cho việc He must take on
for something ˈsʌm.θɪŋ / to them. gì responsibility for his family.
Unit 7B: How
much water
20 -Có đủ năng lực
do we really to be up to the /tu: bi: ʌp tu: ði: làm một công Don’t worry, I think you’re
need? job dʒɒb/ qualified to do a job việc nào đó. definitely up to the job.
Unit 7B: How to state an idea or Many suggestions have
much water opinion, or to suggest -Đề xuất, trình been put forward, but a
21 to put forward /tu: pʊt ˈfɔː.wəd ə a plan or person, for bày, nêu ra một decision is unlikely until
do we really
a proposal/ prəˈpəʊ.zəl/ sə other people to ý tưởng, lời after next year's general
need? suggestion ˈdʒes.tʃən/ consider khuyên. election.
Unit 7B: How
much water to do something in -giải quyết,thực
22 order to achieve hiện vấn đề A few minor technical
do we really to deal with a /tu: diːl wɪð ə something or in order (nhiệm vụ) nào problems will have to be
need? problem ˈprɒb.ləm/ to solve a problem. đó. dealt with.
Unit 7B: How
much water
23 to hand in the act of telling your She handed in her
do we really your /tu: hænd ɪn jɔːr employer that you are -nộp đơn xin từ resignation in order to
need? resignaiton rez.ɪɡˈneɪ.ʃən/ leaving your job chức/ thôi việc. travel aroung the world.
Unit 7B: How
much water
do we really to come in for /tu: kʌm ɪn fɔːr to receive blame or -nhận lời phê The mayor came in for a lot
need? criticism ˈkrɪt.ɪ.sɪ.zəm/ criticism bìn, chỉ trích. of criticism of his remarks.

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