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Energy Eficiente, Fuel Economy

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Energy Efficiency, Fuel Economy,

and Policy Implications

Nicholas Lutsey and Daniel Sperling

In the past 20 years, the acceleration performance of light-duty vehicles tween 1995 and 2010 (3). China is moving toward instituting fuel
in the United States has improved substantially while vehicles have got- consumption standards for the first time, with new light-duty vehi-
ten larger and heavier. Over the same period, fuel economy, measured cles from 2005 and later being regulated more stringently than in the
as miles per gallon, has not improved. These data suggest that techno- United States (4). California’s proposed climate change standard
logical innovation in vehicles is not lagging but is not being used to would reduce climate change emissions by about 30% for vehicles
improve vehicle fuel economy. This paper quantifies vehicle efficiency by model year 2016 (5), corresponding roughly to a 30% to 40%
improvements in U.S. light-duty vehicles since 1975 as they relate to fuel increase in fuel economy. New initiatives in Canada and some
consumption. Energy efficiency improvements have been strongly pos- northeastern U.S. states modeled on the California law suggest the
itive and relatively constant since 1975. The rapid rise in fuel economy possibility that aggressive new greenhouse gas rules may be imple-
in the late 1970s was due to a mix of efficiency improvements and down- mented more broadly in North America in the near term—even
grading of utility in the form of reduced size, power, and elimination of though U.S. corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards have
accessories and amenities (such as air conditioning). In contrast, since not changed since 1990 for passenger cars (27.5 mpg) and since 1996
the mid-1980s, fuel economy has remained constant while the benefits of for light trucks (20.7 mpg). There are no plans currently to raise the
technological innovation were used to satisfy private desires (more power, passenger car CAFE standard, but the light-truck CAFE standard
size, and amenities), instead of the public interest (reduced greenhouse increases to 22.2 mpg (about 7%) for 2007 (6 ).
gas emissions and oil imports). An important policy question is how and Regulatory initiatives toward improved fuel economy (and cli-
to what extent future efficiency innovations might be directed to the mate change emissions) in the new light-duty vehicle fleet have been
public interest. supported by numerous studies that assessed the potential of emerg-
ing technologies (7–12). These studies generally assess the costs and
benefits of particular emerging vehicle technologies (e.g., variable
In the past 20 years, the average performance of light-duty vehicles valve technologies, gasoline–electric hybridization, and transmis-
in the United States (measured as 0- to 60-mph acceleration and sion technologies) to determine fuel savings of the incremental tech-
maximum power output) has improved substantially, and vehicle nology cost to vehicle owner operators. In those studies, technical
weight and size have increased; over this time period fuel economy, and economic feasibility of new technologies is assessed to investi-
measured as miles per gallon (mpg), has not improved at all (1). gate more stringent average levels of fuel consumption and climate
These trends suggest that vehicle efficiency, in a technical sense, change emissions for light-duty vehicles.
continues to improve but that efficiency innovations are not being This paper examines historical vehicle performance and effi-
used to improve fuel economy. This paper quantifies vehicle effi- ciency data to understand better the introduction of efficiency tech-
ciency improvements in U.S. light-duty vehicles since 1975 as they nologies and how the potential effects of these technologies have
relate to fuel consumption. been traded for other vehicle attributes. Various vehicle character-
This understanding of efficiency improvement can serve as a key istics are analyzed that affect vehicle fuel economy for vehicle model
input to policy and regulatory actions. It provides a baseline of what years 1975–2004. Trends are discerned primarily from publicly avail-
technological efficiency improvements are typical and serves as a able data from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on vehi-
guide to determine how aggressive fuel economy and greenhouse cle characteristics (1). A metric for engine and drivetrain efficiency
gas emissions policies can be without disrupting vehicle marketing is developed to differentiate between the various methods of improv-
and manufacturing plans and activities. ing fuel economy (i.e., vehicle load reduction and efficiency improve-
A number of regulatory initiatives have been adopted throughout ments), and a nuanced definition and interpretation of how CAFE
the world that challenge major automobile manufacturers to achieve standards have been “binding” over the years are offered to further
reductions in new vehicle fuel consumption and climate change emis- highlight key attribute trade-offs since 1975.
sions. In Europe, a voluntary agreement by automobile makers calls
for a 25% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions per kilometer from
light-duty vehicles between 1995 and 2008 (2). New standards in HISTORICAL CONTEXT
Japan are set to improve fuel economy by approximately 23% be-
CAFE standards were enacted by the U.S. Congress in 1975 to re-
Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, 1 Shields duce passenger vehicle petroleum use. There has been considerable
Avenue, Davis, CA 95616. debate over many aspects of the standard, including its overall effect,
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board,
associated costs, two-tiered structure (light trucks and cars), division
No. 1941, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, between imported and domestic products, and effects on safety. More
D.C., 2005, pp. 8–17. general examination of CAFE and its pros, cons, and general effects

Lutsey and Sperling 9

on fuel consumption and the economy can be found elsewhere (13, 14) (mile), divided by the fuel consumed (gallons of gasoline). This
and are beyond the scope of this paper. Instead of studying U.S. energy efficiency metric is plotted against fuel economy in Figure 1
fuel economy through an econometric lens, this paper looks at it for new vehicles from 1975 to 2004. This metric is a good measure
from a technology perspective, investigating how vehicle technology of efficiency improvements, with some important exceptions. The
has been deployed, with various consumer- and regulatory-driven metric does not disaggregate the effects of different efficiency tech-
demands pulling it in different directions over the past 30 years. Over nologies used in new vehicles, including improved load reduction
this time period, vehicle product offerings, fuel price spikes, fuel econ- (e.g., aerodynamics, rolling resistance) and engine and drivetrain
omy standards, large changes in vehicle size preferences, and a grow- efficiency technologies. It also does not account for how weight has
ing desire for vehicle performance in acceleration and towing have all fluctuated due to other technology advances over the past 30 years and
influenced the vehicle fleet and offer a rich data set for the examina- thus affected fuel economy in different ways. By offering a metric that
tion of how technology attributes are traded off. First, key vehicle separates efficiency improvements from weight, this paper takes a
technology trends related to vehicle fuel efficiency are reviewed. step toward an enhanced explanation of all the attributes that most
EPA uses a simple metric for vehicle energy efficiency: ton-mpg, affect fuel economy. Efficiency improvements are examined more
the mass of the vehicle (ton) multiplied by the distance traveled carefully and specifically than was done by EPA to understand better

40 45 30 45

42 Efficiency
35 40

Fuel economy (mpg)

Fuel economy (mpg)

Vehicle efficiency

Vehicle efficiency
30 35

36 20 Fuel economy
Fuel Economy

25 30

20 25

15 27 10 20
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
Model year Model year
(a) (b)

4500 15 5000 15
0-60 mph 0-60 mph
acceleration acceleration
4250 14
4750 14
0-60 mph acceleration time (s)
0-60 mph acceleration time (s)

4000 13
Vehicle weight (lb)
Vehicle weight (lb)

4500 13

3750 12
4250 12
3500 11 Vehicle
Vehicle weight
weight 4000 11
3250 10

3750 10
3000 9

2750 8 3500 9
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
Model year Model year
(c) (d)

FIGURE 1 Fuel economy and other vehicle attribute trends for light-duty vehicles, 1975–2004 (1): (a and c) passenger cars and
(b and d ) light trucks.
10 Transportation Research Record 1941

the technology innovation and deployment process of the automotive that there have been distinctly different ways in which average fuel
industry. The following three hypotheses are explored: economy has kept pace with the CAFE standards. This point, that
CAFE binds different attributes in different ways, provoked the
1. Vehicle efficiency improvements over the past 20 years have hypothesis that the attribute binding effect of CAFE has differed
primarily gone to improved vehicle acceleration and vehicle size and over the years and that it has become decreasingly binding on auto-
weight increases (and not improved fuel economy). mobile makers in deploying fuel efficiency technology. With the
2. CAFE standards have been decreasingly “binding” over the objective of CAFE to reduce petroleum usage via improved fuel
30-year history of CAFE standards, with fewer vehicle attributes economy, the authors are concerned with whether the cluster of tech-
being constrained over the years to improve fuel economy. nology attributes on vehicles is in fact actually bound to improve
3. As long as there is a competitive market and industry, energy fuel economy. Although, in more recent years, CAFE standards have
efficiency improvements will be relatively constant over time. provided a floor that has constrained average fuel economy from
decreasing in each vehicle category, its overall binding effect on
This paper focuses on three time periods: 1975–1980, 1980–1987, the entire vehicle technology package has diminished by allowing
and 1987–2004. In the first two time periods, fuel economy increased efficiency improvements to be converted to advances in vehicle
dramatically, and in the most recent period it was constant. In the first performance and size.
period, the EPA energy efficiency metric suggests that efficiency also In addition to vehicle weight, vehicle size was considered in the
increased dramatically but that it increased at a much slower rate there- analysis. Although these variables (weight and size) clearly bear a
after. Using this ton-mpg efficiency metric, average light-duty vehi- strong resemblance and are often correlated with one another, there
cle efficiency over the entire 30-year period improved 1.6% per year. are reasons to model them as distinct in statistical regression models.
(Passenger cars improved at about 1.5% per year and light trucks These two variables represent different vehicle traits with different
improved about 2.0% per year.) The average annual efficiency utilities associated with them. An increase in vehicle size offers pas-
improvement in the earlier years, 1975–1987, was 2% to 3% per year, senger and cargo space to vehicle users, whereas vehicle weight per
when CAFE standards and fuel prices increased sharply. Since then se does not directly offer such utility. Increased vehicle weight is
the increase in energy efficiency, using this metric, has moderated to associated with utility indirectly when the weight increases result
a constant rate of 1% per year in both vehicle categories. from the addition of safety features, towing capacity, or increased
Beginning in 1987, according to all metrics, vehicle efficiency accessories (e.g., air conditioning, electronics); on the other hand,
began to diverge from fuel economy. Efficiency continued to improve, these weight increases negatively affect fuel economy. These differ-
but fuel economy did not. As suggested in Figure 1, the efficiency ing characteristics associated with vehicle size and weight imply dif-
improvements went toward increased weight and acceleration. The fering relationships with fuel economy trends among cars and light
fact that weight was relatively unchanged from 1980 to 1987, when trucks. The EPA study (1) reports interior volume for passenger cars
efficiency and fuel economy continued to improve, appears to sug- and uses the combined passenger and cargo volume to designate
gest that vehicle efficiency technology, not simply downweighting small, midsized, and large vehicle types. For light trucks, the report
vehicles or selling more small vehicles, was a primary contributor uses wheelbase as the determinant for the three types. These vehicle
to fuel economy gains during this time period. These trends suggest types are presented in Figure 2.

100% 100%
80% 80%
Percent of vehicles

Percent of vehicles

60% 60%

40% 40%


20% 20%


0% 0%
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
Model year Model year
(a) (b)

FIGURE 2 Vehicle size classes for light-duty vehicles, 1975–2004 (1): (a) passenger cars and (b) light trucks.
Lutsey and Sperling 11

ANALYSIS rolling resistance coefficient of new vehicles. Data were taken from
Michelin sources (16, 17) and reconciled with values of 0.009 for
Vehicle Efficiency Characteristics current average cars and 0.012 for current light trucks.
In the case of load reduction via decreasing vehicle weight, few
In an effort to understand better the diverging fuel efficiency and data were available to distinguish between several weight-related
fuel economy trends shown in Figure 1, the effects of various effi- trends: (a) an overall increase in weight due to increased acces-
ciency technologies were analyzed. Efficiency technologies were sories and safety enhancements; (b) the decrease in weight due to
split into two basic categories: engine and drivetrain technologies and the use of high-strength, lightweight materials or improved struc-
vehicle load reduction technologies. These two areas of vehicle tural designs; and (c) weight changes due to sales mix trends to
energy use are presented schematically in Figure 3. Engine and drive- different size classes. Ideally, these separate trends would be dis-
train technology improvements improve the combustion of the fuel entangled, allowing analysis of the impacts of efficiency-oriented
into useful mechanical energy and the efficient transfer of that energy weight reduction; however, in the absence of appropriate data to do
to the vehicle’s wheels for traction. Examples of these technologies so, this task was forgone. To some extent, these sales mix changes
include improved fuel–air mixing, increased control of valve timing, are incorporated by the separation of cars and light trucks and the
and reduced transmission losses by shifting to more gears. Load reduc- inclusion of a vehicle size variable in the analysis, but these effects
tion technologies, on the other hand, involve reducing the amount of were not further analyzed.
total work required to propel the vehicle. Areas for load reduction
include the use of lower aerodynamic drag vehicle designs, reduc-
tion of tire rolling resistance, and reducing the weight of the vehi-
cle. In this section, the trends in these different aspects of vehicle Engine and Drivetrain Efficiency
efficiency are analyzed.
A metric was established to estimate vehicle efficiency based on
publicly available vehicle fuel use and weight characteristics, theo-
retical road load equations, and average vehicle attributes. Effi-
Load Reduction ciency generally is the percentage of energy input that contributes
to any desired output. As defined here, a vehicle’s engine and drive-
Estimations of aerodynamic and rolling resistance friction coeffi- train efficiency is the percentage of fuel energy consumed that
cients are presented in Figure 4. Because these coefficients are not contributes to moving the vehicle or overcoming the vehicle road
published alongside EPA fuel economy data, these data were esti- load. The energy required to propel the vehicle includes the inertial
mated from the available literature. For aerodynamic drag, the trend energy to accelerate the vehicle and the energy to maintain a given
was estimated from textbook data from sedans from three major auto- speed due to aerodynamic drag and rolling resistance at the wheels.
mobile makers (15). These data were extrapolated into recent years Defining and evaluating efficiency in this way incorporate the oper-
to match average drag coefficients of 0.31 for passenger cars and ation of the fuel intake system, fuel combustion, engine friction, and
0.41 for light trucks. A similar method was used to estimate the the drivetrain.

Exhaust heat

Engine and
Fuel drivetrain losses
Cooling system

Engine friction

Pumping losses

work Engine Accessories
(brake work) Inertial acceleration
Road load
losses Aerodynamic drag

Rolling resistance

FIGURE 3 Qualitative vehicle energy breakdown [based on TRB (7)].

12 Transportation Research Record 1941




Rolling resistance coefficient

Drag coefficient, Cd



0.2 0.01
Chrysler cars
Ford cars
Buick full-size sedan Estimated car trend
Estimated average car
0.1 Estimated average light truck 0.005 Esimated light truck trend
Light trucks

0 0
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
Model year Model year
(a) (b)

FIGURE 4 Estimated new vehicle aerodynamics and tire rolling resistance, 1975–2004: (a) aerodynamic drag [based on Hucho (15)] and
(b) rolling resistance [based on California Energy Commission (16 ) and LaClair (17 )].

Determining the amount of fuel that is consumed for vehicle travel

⎛ ρair ⎞
is relatively straightforward based on EPA data on fuel economy aerodynamic drag ( N ) = 0.5⎜ (C )⎛ frontal ⎞
⎝ ( kg m 3 )⎟⎠ drag ⎜⎝ area ( m 2 )⎟⎠
over the “city,” or federal test procedure, and “highway” drive cycles.
Using fuel economy data in miles driven per gallon of gasoline (mpg) ⎛ vehicle ⎞

× ⎜
⎝ speed ( m s )⎟⎠
over particular drive cycles for which the distance is known and the (3)
low heating value of gasoline, the fuel energy consumed over a given
cycle is calculated as follows:
vehicle ⎞ ⎛ gravity⎞
rolling resistance ( N ) = Fresistance ⎛ ( 4)
⎝ mass ( kg)⎠ ⎝ ( m s2 ) ⎠
fuel energy ( kJ ) = ⎛
1 ⎞ ⎛ distance⎞
⎝ fuel economy( mpg) ⎠ ⎝ ( mi ) ⎠ vehicle ⎞ ⎛ acceleration⎞
acceleration ( N ) = ⎛ (5)
⎝ mass ( kg)⎠ ⎝ ( m s2 ) ⎠
low heating ⎞
⎝ value ( kJ gal)⎠
where ρair is the density of air, 1.2 kg/m3.
Thus, with knowledge of vehicle attributes—the coefficient of
The power delivered to the road to move the vehicle, referred to as
drag (Cdrag), mass, the rolling resistance of the tires (Fresistance)—and
the road load, is the sum of the forces of aerodynamic drag, rolling
the speed and acceleration of the vehicle, the road load is calcu-
resistance, inertial acceleration, and grade-climbing forces that must
lated according to Equation 2. The road load force multiplied by
be overcome for the vehicle to move at a given speed and accelera-
the distance traveled is the final work or energy used at the tires.
tion. Grade is not included because there is no grade in the EPA drive The efficiency equation then becomes
cycle test procedure on which fuel economy data are taken.
{[ road load ( N )][ distance ( m )]}
road load (N) = aerodynamic + rolling
drag resistance )( ) engine and drivetrain efficiency=
fuel energy ( kJ )

+ (acceleration
+ grade ) (2)
⎛ kJ ⎞
×⎜ 3
⎝ 10 N m ⎠⎟
100% (6)

where the components of Equation 2 are determined by the following A series of averaging estimations are utilized to be able to use
equations: these theoretical equations to approximate vehicle efficiency for this
Lutsey and Sperling 13

analysis. Calculations for efficiency were done separately for the two sions. Through this time period, three-speed transmissions were
drive cycles, highway and urban, for which data were available about being replaced with four-speed transmissions (for automatic) and five-
the drive cycle characteristics (distance, time, speed, and accelera- speed transmissions (for manual). Car efficiency is also improving due
tion) (18). The average amount of fuel consumed (mpg) for 2004 to the switch from rear- to front-wheel drive. More recent efficiency
vehicles on each of the cycles was taken from the EPA trends report improvements are to some extent driven by the increase in the num-
(1). Average vehicle characteristics of rolling resistance, drag co- ber of valves per cylinder. Likely negative influences on engine and
efficient, and vehicle inertial weight are used from the preceding fig- drivetrain efficiency are the slow increase of automatic transmissions,
ures for cars and light trucks. Although this methodology gives only air conditioning systems, and four-wheel (or all-wheel) drive.
a gross, nonrigorous estimation for the actual engine and drivetrain
efficiency, the resulting changes in this measure of efficiency should
be relatively accurate when comparing different years within the Statistical Analysis
same population and data set of vehicles.
A linear statistical regression was used to analyze the correlated effects
Figure 5 presents an estimation of engine and drivetrain efficiency
of the three efficiency factors (engine and drivetrain efficiency, aero-
with fuel economy. By inspection, the vehicle engine and drivetrain
efficiency and fuel economy curves bear a resemblance to each other, dynamics, and rolling resistance), vehicle weight, vehicle size, and
showing strong upward trends in the late 1970s and being mostly flat acceleration on fuel economy. It is hypothesized that fuel economy is
through the 1990 model years. On the other hand, there are substan- positively affected by efficiency and that the load reduction technolo-
tial differences between the curves in some of the earliest and latest gies of aerodynamics and tire friction are negatively correlated with
model years. The increases in this efficiency metric encompass effi- fuel economy. As weight and size increase and as acceleration time
ciency improvements in the vehicle engine (e.g., going from two to is reduced, fuel economy will be negatively affected.
four valves per cylinder, reduced engine friction) and transmission
⎛ fuel ⎞ ⎡⎛ + ⎞
(e.g., automatic three speed to automatic four speed). To some extent,
⎢⎜ engine and⎟ ⎛ _ ⎞⎛ _ ⎞
the early fluctuations in efficiency from 1975 to 1980 are showing the ⎜ economy⎟ = f ⎢ , ⎜ aerodynamic ⎟ ⎜ rolling ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎢⎜ drivetrain ⎟ ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ ⎜ ⎟
effects of weight changes; vehicle downsizing (via sales mix, smaller ⎝ ( mpg ) ⎠ drag ⎝ resistance⎠
within-class vehicles, and lightweighting) inherently affects efficiency ⎣ efficiency ⎠

based on the theoretical road load calculation. The largest engine and ⎛ − ⎞ ⎛ − ⎞ ⎛ + ⎞⎤
drivetrain increase for light trucks is from 1978 to 1982. This period × ⎜ vehhicle⎟ , ⎜ vehicle⎟ , ⎜ 0 − 60 mph ⎟ ⎥
coincides with a peaking of diesel sales at 10% and rapid replacement ⎜⎝ weight ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ size ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ acceleration⎟⎠ ⎥
of carburetors with fuel injection technologies for light trucks. ⎦
Some of the key technology trends that are likely contributors to
the efficiency trends are presented in Figure 6. For both cars and light The results from the statistical regression of efficiency, weight, size,
trucks, the 1980s saw the introductions of fuel injection in place of and performance vehicle attributes on fuel economy are presented
carburetors and torque converter lock-up for automatic transmis- in Table 1. The statistical model conforms roughly to commonly held

30 33%
35 Engine and
30% drivetrain
Engine and
Estimated engine and

Estimated engine and

29% 31%
Fuel economy (mpg)
Fuel economy (mpg)

drivetrain efficiency

drivetrain efficiency
Fuel economy
20 30%
28% Fuel economy


20 15

15 26% 10 27%
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
Model year Model year
(a) (b)

FIGURE 5 Fuel economy [data from EPA (1)] and engine and drivetrain efficiency, 1975–2004: (a) passenger cars and (b) light trucks.
14 Transportation Research Record 1941

100 100

80 80
Percent of vehicles

Percent of vehicles
with technologies

with technologies
60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
Model year Model year
(a) (b)

Front-wheel-drive All- or four-wheel-drive Front-wheel-drive All- or four-wheel-drive

Automatic transmission Converter lock-up Automatic transmission Converter lock-up
Fuel injection 4-valves per cylinder Fuel injection 4-valves per cylinder
Air conditioning Air conditioning Diesel

FIGURE 6 Technology deployment in new vehicles, 1975–2004 (1): (a) passenger cars, [data from EPA (1)] and (b) light trucks.

engineering rules of thumb. For example, the elasticities for the load regression is the vehicle performance metric, the 0- to 60-mph accel-
reduction factors of weight (−0.5 to −0.7), aerodynamic drag (−0.14 eration time. This is likely because acceleration performance can,
to −0.17), and rolling resistance (−0.22 to −0.24) approximately with some technologies, be complementary with efficiency improve-
match up with those relationships of an engineering handbook (19) ments. One example of this is a variable valve timing fuel intake
and a recent vehicle simulation modeling study (12). Each percentage system that can simultaneously improve power output on demand
point change in engine and drivetrain technology correlates with a while improving fuel efficiency during the less demanding driving
0.6-mpg increase or an elasticity of 0.7 (cars) to 0.9 (light trucks). periods of regulatory testing drive cycles. For the light-truck case, the
The least significant variable (t = 1.3, α = 0.2) in the passenger car size variable did not correlate highly (t = −0.6, α = 0.6).

TABLE 1 Statistical Regression of Efficiency, Weight, Size, and Acceleration on Fuel Economy for 1975–2004
Light-Duty Vehicles

Passenger Cars Light Trucks

Regression Regression
Coefficient Coefficient
Significance (implied mpg change Elasticity Significance (implied mpg change Elasticity
Independent Variable Unit (t-Stat) per unit change) (% mpg/% unit) (t-Stat) per unit change) (% mpg/% unit)

Constant — 0.00 30.0 — 0.00 22.6 —

(11.7) (8.0)
Engine and drivetrain % 0.00 0.63 0.70 0.00 0.57 0.89
efficiency (8.3) (15.3)
Aerodynamic drag — 0.02 −11.4 −0.17 0.03 −5.2 −0.14
coefficient (−2.4) (−2.4)
Rolling resistance — 0.00 −453.2 −0.24 0.00 −240.1 −0.22
coefficient (−8.4) (−9.2)
Weight lb 0.00 −0.0038 −0.49 0.00 −0.0032 −0.66
(−10.8) (−8.5)
Vehicle size* % 0.00 −0.032 −0.02 0.56 −0.004 −0.01
(−4.7) (−0.6)
0 –60 mph acceleration s 0.20 0.205 0.12

*Percentage of cars defined as “midsized” and “large” and light trucks defined as “large” vehicles in EPA trends report (1) as in Figure 3.
Lutsey and Sperling 15

Other studies have also sought to distinguish the different contri- and therefore automobile makers had no choice other than to meet
butions of vehicle technology innovation, weight, and performance. CAFE standards via efficiency technologies.
These studies were motivated by the notion from CAFE critics that The third distinct period analyzed, from 1987 to the present, was
CAFE, through the mid-1980s, was simply spurring manufacturers to a period with comparatively little movement in the CAFE standards.
sell smaller cars (14). Three studies that used somewhat different During this period, new car fuel economy increased by 0.6 mpg, so
methods over different time periods within 1975–1986 apportioned the regression results are not so much dissecting where all the gains
65%, 40%, and two-thirds of mpg improvements to efficiency-oriented came from as analyzing the counteracting trends. Advances in effi-
engineering and design changes for passenger cars (20–22). The fuel ciency correlate with a 3.5-mpg improvement. Weight increases cor-
economy implications of the regression analysis of Table 1 are pre- respond to a 1.7-mpg decrease, size increases with a 0.5-mpg decrease,
sented in Table 2. The results have been separated into the three dis- and performance improves with a 0.7-mpg decrease.
tinct time periods since CAFE was installed, as discussed previously, This overall three-part trend was similar for light trucks. For light
to show the different ways the market for vehicle technologies has trucks from 1975 to 1987, efficiency was consistently a major corre-
affected fuel economy differentially. This study has the benefits of late with fuel economy improvements. Both from 1975 to 1980 (with
working from a richer data set with more variation from which to deter- 87%) and from 1980 to 1987 (with 76%), the clusters of efficiency
mine regression coefficients and the value of hindsight to distinguish technologies are heavy contributors to fuel economy. It is reasonable
between the time periods with distinctively different attribute trends. to think that, especially in the earlier years of CAFE, light-truck buy-
For cars, from 1975 to 1980, the combined effect of the efficiency ers, compared with car buyers, would be less tolerant of size- and
technologies was to increase fuel economy by approximately 4.2 mpg weight-related reductions in fuel economy considering the work-
(55% of the total fuel economy change), and weight reduction con- related functionality of these attributes in light trucks. Thus, the auto-
tributed to a 3.5-mpg (45% of the total fuel economy change) increase. mobile industry could be more inclined to deliver fuel economy
A plausible explanation for this mixed “weight reduction plus tech- improvements in light trucks through technology innovation with less
nology” approach toward fuel economy improvements initially is compromise in other attributes. Over these two earlier time periods,
that, although some readily available efficiency gains were to be taken weight reductions (12% and 19%) and size reductions (1% and 5%)
in a previously unregulated market, consumer tolerance for smaller explain only a small amount of the variation in fuel economy. In the
vehicles in a time of high fuel prices was also a viable compliance latest period, from 1987 to 2004, efficiency technologies equate to a
strategy. 3.1-mpg increase, whereas weight (−3.6 mpg) and size (−0.1 mpg)
However, from 1980 to 1987, efficiency technology improve- correlate to deduct these efficiency gains.
ments for cars were almost singularly responsible for fleet fuel econ- The overall trend over these three time periods since 1975 is for
omy increases, equating to about 93% of the implied fuel economy CAFE to be less binding on new-vehicle attributes. The effect in the
improvement. During this period, fuel economy improved by 4.6 mpg initial years of the fuel economy regulation was to bind technologi-
within 7 years, being driven by efficiency improvements (+4.2 mpg) cal efficiency improvements and to constrain average vehicle weight
and some reductions in weight (+0.3 mpg) and size (+0.3 mpg), with and hold acceleration performance nearly constant to accommodate
a slight offset by performance gains (−0.3 mpg). This period coincides the large increases in fuel economy. Reflecting the seriousness of
with relatively rapid deployment of automatic transmission, torque the times when fuel shortages were a reality, the CAFE standard was
converter lock-up, port fuel injection (in place of carburetors), and stringent enough that neither efficiency advances nor fleet weight
front-wheel drive technologies. This nearly “all-efficiency” approach reduction alone would have resulted in meeting the CAFE standard.
toward fuel economy increases could equally signify (a) that auto- In the middle years of CAFE, 1980–1987, efficiency improvements
mobile makers and suppliers had the research lead time, were suffi- contributed substantially to increasing fuel economy while average
ciently confident with, and could therefore ramp up production of vehicle weight held roughly constant and acceleration improved only
these new drivetrain technologies at this point; or (b) that consumers’ marginally. In the most recent years, efficiency has improved but
appetite for smaller vehicles had diminished with lower fuel prices not to the benefit of fuel economy. Instead, efficiency increases

TABLE 2 Correlated Effects of Efficiency, Weight, Size, and Acceleration on Fuel Economy

Total Implied
Implied Fuel Economy Effect (mpg) Fuel Economy (mpg)
for Given Time Period Effect
Category Vehicle Characteristic 1975–1980 1980 –1987 1987–2004 1975–2004

Passenger cars Efficiency Engine and drivetrain efficiency 1.0 0.6 0.8 12.0
technologies Aerodynamic drag coefficient 0.6 0.8 1.0
Rolling resistance coefficient 2.6 2.8 1.7
Weight 3.5 0.3 −1.7 2.1
Size 0.0 0.3 −0.5 −0.2
0–60 mph 0.0 −0.3 −0.7 −0.9
Light trucks Efficiency Engine and drivetrain efficiency 2.2 −0.5 1.1 9.6
technologies Aerodynamic drag coefficient 0.3 0.5 0.7
Rolling resistance coefficient 1.8 2.2 1.3
Weight 0.6 0.6 −3.6 −2.4
Size 0.0 0.2 −0.1 0.1
16 Transportation Research Record 1941

have served to partially counterbalance increasing size, weight, and stant, fuel economy improves steadily; gradually compromising these
performance. vehicle attributes back to their 1990 levels results in further fuel
From Table 2, efficiency technologies have resulted in implied economy gains.
(but unrealized in later years) fuel economy improvements in each
of the three time periods. In each of these periods, the average mpg
effect of efficiency gains in passenger cars has gone from 0.8 mpg/
year (1975–1980) to 0.6 mpg/year (1980–1987) to 0.2 mpg/year Fuel economy increased sharply in the late 1970s and early 1980s,
(1987–2004). Similarly for light trucks, the average amount of partly through energy efficiency improvements and partly through
implied efficiency-driven fuel economy gains went from 0.8 mpg/
a reduction in “utility”—a shift to smaller cars, reductions in per-
year (1975–1980) to 0.3 mpg/year (1980–1987) to 0.2 mpg/year
formance, and elimination of accessories. But since then, fuel econ-
(1987–2004). This trend could imply a lack of anticipation of any
omy has remained static, even as efficiency—the result of constant
CAFE-mandated fuel economy increases from the perspective of
engineering and design innovations—has continued to improve.
automobile makers or perhaps a diminishing response to further fuel
Fuel efficiency improvements have not been converted into fuel
economy improvements by consumers.
economy improvements for almost two decades in the United States.
From the preceding regression results, two hypothetical fuel econ-
Historical efficiency improvements in aerodynamics, rolling resis-
omy scenarios were examined. Figure 7 presents a hypothetical sce-
nario in which all efficiency improvements from 1987 to 2004 were tance, and engine and drivetrain efficiency have amounted to about 1%
realized in fuel economy improvements by assuming constant vehi- per year improvements in overall energy efficiency—equivalent to
cle size, weight, and acceleration. Both cars and light-truck fuel increases of about 0.2 mpg per year in new passenger cars and light
economy would be approximately 12% higher than they were in trucks from the mid-1980s to today. There is good reason to think
1987 (up to 31.4 mpg for cars and 24.3 mpg for light trucks). This improvements of this scale are likely to continue for some time. New
is in contrast to the actual average fuel economy trends for cars, technologies such as hybridized electric–internal combustion engine
which increased by 2%, and light trucks, which decreased by 3%. technologies, diesel engines, regenerative braking, continuously vari-
Figure 8 presents hypothetical projections of fuel economy under able transmissions, engine on-off controls, and continuing replacement
different trends for vehicle size, weight, and performance. The most of heavy hydraulic and mechanical systems with electrical systems, all
recent period of 1987–2004 was used to determine the baseline provide substantial energy efficiency improvements. Further in the
(i.e., routine, without CAFE increases) efficiency-driven fuel econ- future, fuel cells will provide additional improvements.
omy increases of about 0.2 mpg per year. Three different trends (cur- In effect, efficiency improvements since the mid-1980s have been
rent attribute trends, constant attributes, and compromised attributes used in the United States to increase private benefits—more power,
to 1990 levels) in the size, weight, and acceleration are considered larger vehicles, and more accessories (including all-wheel drive)—
for 2004–2020 to investigate these attributes’ effects on projected fuel and not for public benefits of reduced oil imports and greenhouse gas
economy. Current trends in size, weight, and acceleration result in emissions. Europe and Japan have pursued a quite different approach.
relatively unchanged fuel economy. If these attributes are held con- They are capturing most of these efficiency benefits for the public


Passenger cars

Fuel economy (mpg)

Light trucks


1975–2004 average fuel economy

Constant weight, size, and acceleration

1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
Model year

FIGURE 7 Fuel economy: actual versus hypothetical trend if vehicle weight, size, and acceleration are
constant from 1987.
Lutsey and Sperling 17


Passenger cars
Fuel economy (mpg)


Light trucks

1975-2004 Average fuel economy

Forecast - Compromising weight, size, and acceleration (back to 1990 levels)

Forecast - Constant weight, size, and acceleration (2004 levels)

Forecast - Current trends in weight, size, and acceleration

1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
Model year

FIGURE 8 Projected fuel economy assuming current efficiency trend and various trends in weight,
size, and acceleration.

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