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Journal of Public Economics: Thomas Klier, Joshua Linn

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Journal of Public Economics 133 (2016) 4163

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The effect of vehicle fuel economy standards on technology adoption

Thomas Klier a,, Joshua Linn b
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 230 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, IL 60604, United States
Resources for the Future, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Many countries are tightening passenger vehicle fuel economy standards. This paper provides the rst empirical
Received 17 September 2014 evidence on the effects of fuel economy standards on technology adoption. We investigate changes in the rate
Received in revised form 12 November 2015 and direction of technology adoption, that is, the extent to which technology is used to increase fuel economy
Accepted 16 November 2015
at the expense of other vehicle attributes. We nd that recent changes in U.S. and European standards have
Available online 2 December 2015
both increased the rate of technology adoption and affected the direction of technology adoption. Producers re-
JEL classication:
duced horsepower and torque compared to a counterfactual in which fuel economy standards remained un-
L62 changed. We estimate opportunity costs from reduced horsepower and torque to be economically signicant
Q4 relative to the gains from fuel savings.
Q5 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Passenger vehicles
U.S. greenhouse gas emissions rate standards
European carbon dioxide emissions rate
Technology adoption

1. Introduction of such standards. 1 Following conventional microeconomic theory,

these models allow for the possibility that manufacturers raise prices
Due to concerns about global warming and energy security, a num- on vehicles with low fuel economy and reduce prices on vehicles with
ber of countries have recently adopted policies to substantially increase high fuel economy in order to meet standards in the short term
the average fuel economy of new passenger vehicles. The current U.S. (Greene, 1991; Goldberg, 1998). Several models, such as in Austin and
Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards, to be met by Dinan (2005), also include a longer-term perspective by allowing for
2016, are about 40% higher than 10 years prior. New standards, extend- the adoption of fuel-saving technology. A number of recent studies
ing to 2025, may increase fuel economy of new vehicles sold in the include a third margin along which manufacturers can respond to stan-
United States by an additional 50%. European standards for carbon diox- dards; it consists of trading off fuel economy for other vehicle character-
ide (CO2) emissions rates (which are inversely related to fuel economy) istics such as horsepower (e.g., Whitefoot et al., 2011; Knittel, 2011;
are scheduled to tighten by about 30% between 2012 and 2020. In addi- Klier and Linn, 2012; Whitefoot and Skerlos, 2012). Thus, the literature
tion, many other countries, representing developed economies, such as suggests that manufacturers respond to tightened fuel economy stan-
Japan and Canada, as well as developing countries, such as Mexico and dards by adjusting vehicle prices, adopting fuel-saving technology,
China, have put in place similar policies. and trading off fuel economy for other vehicle characteristics.
The growing literature on fuel economy standards has used structur- The broader literature on technology adoption and innovation pro-
al models of the new vehicles market to characterize the welfare effects vides additional context on the effect of fuel economy standards. It sug-
gests that tightened standards can inuence the rate of technological
We thank Shanjun Li, Virginia McConnell, seminar participants at the Colorado School
of Mines, Cornell University, and the University of Maryland, conference participants at the Analysis by the U.S. regulatory agenciesthe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
International Industrial Organization Conference and three anonymous referees for very (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Transportation National Highway Trafc Safety Admin-
helpful comments. Wenfei Du and Sam Goldberg provided excellent research assistance. istration (NHTSA)tends to be more favorable to fuel economy standards than the eco-
Linn thanks the MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research and the nomics literature (see, e.g., Jacobsen, 2013). Although there are many differences
Swedish Energy Agency for supporting this research. between the analysis of the regulatory agencies and the studies in the economics litera-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 312 322 5762. ture, assumptions about technology costs likely play an important role in explaining the
E-mail address: (T. Klier). differing conclusions.
0047-2727/ 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
42 T. Klier, J. Linn / Journal of Public Economics 133 (2016) 4163

change, resulting in manufacturers innovating and adopting technology We use detailed engine and vehicle characteristics data to estimate
more quickly, in addition to trading off fuel economy for other vehicle tradeoffs between fuel economy and vehicle characteristics separately
characteristics. That literature has demonstrated that prot and regula- for the U.S. and European vehicle markets. Previously, Knittel (2011)
tory forces can affect product characteristics. For example, Newell et al. and Klier and Linn (2012) estimated tradeoffs using cross-sectional
(1999) show that characteristics of air conditioners respond to regula- and time series variation in vehicle characteristics. We extend their
tory and market pressures. Popp (2002) and Linn (2008) nd that the analyses by matching engine data to vehicle model production data.
rates of innovation and technology adoption in the manufacturing sec- That allows us to distinguish between medium-run and long-run
tor respond to energy prices.2 While fuel economy standards can affect tradeoffs among fuel economy, weight, and power. Failing to distinguish
the rate of technology adoption and cause manufacturers to trade off between within-cycle (medium-run) and cross-cycle (long-run)
fuel economy for other characteristics, neither the CAFE nor the technol- tradeoffs can overstate manufacturers' ability to trade off weight and
ogy literature has tested such predictions. Specically, Knittel (2011) power for fuel economy in the medium run and understate this ability
and Klier and Linn (2012) provide suggestive evidence that the intro- in the long run. We further improve on the literature by estimating sep-
duction of the CAFE standards in 1978 affected technology adoption. arate frontiers by engine, model, and model-year, rather than by just
Knittel (2011) nds a positive correlation between the market-wide av- model-year, as in Knittel (2011).
erage rate of adoption and changes in the standards during the 1980s. In the second stage, we use the estimated frontiers to examine
Klier and Linn (2012) show that falling weight and horsepower explain whether recent changes in standards have affected the rate or direction
about half of the overall fuel economy increase in the early 1980s. Yet of technology adoption, where a change in direction refers to movement
neither study establishes a causal connection between fuel economy along the frontier. The previous literature has been unable to identify
standards and technology. these effects because it has treated the standards as an aggregate
Our paper provides the rst such evidence for the new vehicles mar- shock to the industry. In contrast, we identify the effect of standards
ket. We analyze four recent changes in standards in the United States on the rate and direction of technology adoption using the variation in
and Europe and examine manufacturers' response to those changes. regulatory stringency across manufacturers and over time. This varia-
The United States tightened fuel economy standards for light trucks in tion allows us to control for other factors that affect technology, the
2003 and for both cars and light trucks between 2007 and 2009. two most important of which are the rising gasoline prices in the mid-
Europe adopted mandatory CO2 emissions rate standards between to late 2000s and the subsequent recession.3
2007 and 2009, replacing a voluntary standard that, incidentally, manu- Regarding the four cases of tightening standards, we nd that the
facturers did not meet (Klier and Linn, 2015). The two regions' stan- change in U.S. light truck standards in 2003 and 2007 affected both
dards contrast in several dimensions: the European standards are the rate and direction of technology adoption. The 2007 U.S. car stan-
more stringent than the U.S. standards, requiring about 20% higher dards affected the rate of technology adoption, although not as much
fuel economy in 2015; and the U.S. standards depend on the vehicle's as for light trucks; there is mixed evidence whether the 2007 car stan-
footprint (roughly, the area dened by its axles) whereas the dards also affected the direction of technology adoption. The results
European standards depend on the vehicle's weight. Other market con- for U.S. cars are consistent with the fact that the car standards tightened
ditions, such as fuel prices, differ considerably across the two regions. at the end of the sample whereas the light truck standards were tighten-
Departing from most of the structural CAFE literature, but in the spir- ing over a longer time period. The European standards affected the rate
it of the technology literature, we take a reduced-form approach and ask of adoption and also had a small, but statistically signicant, effect on
whether recent changes in U.S. and European standards have increased the direction of technology adoption. Thus, despite the regional differ-
the rate at which manufactures adopt technology. In light of the recent ences in the stringency and form of the standards, as well as in market
focus in the CAFE literature on tradeoffs between fuel economy and conditions such as fuel prices, we nd strong empirical evidence that
other vehicle characteristics, we also ask whether this margin of adjust- both U.S. and European standards affected the rate and direction of
ment is important in practice. technology adoption.
Our empirical strategy consists of two stages. The major empirical To assess the economic signicance of these effects, we perform sim-
objective in the rst stage is to distinguish between a) technology adop- ulations that yield rough estimates of the value of changes in fuel econ-
tion that trades off fuel economy for other vehicle characteristics and omy and other characteristics caused by tightened standards. To do that,
b) technology adoption that raises fuel economy without sacricing we dene the opportunity costs of the standards as the effect of the
other characteristics. The approach builds on Linn (2008), Knittel standards on a consumer's willingness to pay for vehicle characteristics
(2011) and Klier and Linn (2012). We begin by dening a frontier that other than fuel economy. Focusing on horsepower and torque, we esti-
corresponds to a vehicle's minimum fuel consumption rate (which is in- mate the opportunity costs of a hypothetical 10% increase in fuel econ-
versely proportional to fuel economy), given its horsepower, weight omy standards for both the United States and Europe. The estimated
and other characteristics. In the short run vehicle characteristics are opportunity costs are smaller than the value of the fuel savings but are
xed and in the medium run manufacturers can trade off characteristics nonetheless economically signicant. Thus, structural models used to
without redesigning the vehicle. Long-run tradeoffs between fuel econ- estimate welfare costs of tightened standards that do not include
omy and characteristics occur when the vehicle is redesigned. We make tradeoffs between vehicle characteristics miss a quantitatively impor-
this distinction because engine design cycles typically last 810 years, tant aspect of the welfare costs. The results also underscore the need
and technological tradeoffs between fuel economy and other character- to simultaneously endogenize the rate and direction of the standards
istics across design cycles may be different from tradeoffs within design when estimating their welfare costs; the opportunity costs would be
cycles. To simplify our analysis we assume that the magnitude of the much larger if one did not account for the increase in the rate of technol-
tradeoffs along the frontierfor example, the percent change in horse- ogy adoption caused by tighter standards.
power needed to increase fuel economy by 1%does not vary across ve- Our paper is most closely related to Knittel (2011). Using U.S. data
hicles or over time. This assumption allows us to use a simple linear from 1980 to 2006, Knittel estimates the tradeoffs between fuel
regression technique that simultaneously estimates the shape of the
frontier and shifts of the frontier over time (we partially relax this
assumption subsequently). The recession affected brand market shares in the United States and Europe and dra-
matically reduced manufacturer prots (Li et al., 2013; Busse et al., 2013). Both factors
would likely encourage consumers to purchase less expensive vehicles with higher fuel
economy, which could affect manufacturers' technology choices. In the results section
There is a related literature on consumer valuation of product characteristics and we report several pieces of evidence that suggest that our identication strategy can con-
product design (e.g., Mazzeo et al., 2013; Sweeting, 2013). trol for these factors.
T. Klier, J. Linn / Journal of Public Economics 133 (2016) 4163 43

economy and other characteristics as well as the cross-model annual av- distinguish different power sources, such as gasoline, diesel, and hybrid.
erage rate of adoption. Knittel uses these estimates to assess the techni- We merged to the sales data other vehicle characteristicssuch as en-
cal feasibility rather than welfare costs of the 2016 standards, and gine displacement, number of cylinders, horsepower, torque, and fuel
whether weight or horsepower reductions would be needed to meet economyfrom Wards annual yearbooks (fuel economy is harmonized
the standards, assuming the frontiers continue to shift at their historical to reect changes over time in EPA rating systems). Those characteris-
rates. Considering the initial phase-in of the U.S. standards during the tics were measured at the model version level, for example
late 1970s and 1980s, he also reports a positive correlation between distinguishing versions of the Honda Accord that have 4 and 6 cylinders.
changes in the standards and the market-wide average rate of technol- A model version includes one or more versions of the same model and
ogy adoption. trim, which may differ because of certain options such as body type (for
In four ways, our analysis extends Knittel's analysis. First, we example, two-door or hatchback). The characteristics data distinguish
compare the effects of changes in U.S. and European standards on diesel fuel from gasoline versions.4
the rate and direction of technology adoption. We estimate similar Finally, we merge to the Wards data additional engine data by vehi-
technical tradeoffs across the regions and we nd that both regions' cle model, fuel type, and number of cylinders. These engine data distin-
standards affect technology, albeit by different amounts. Second, by guish three levels of engine aggregation: an engine platform combines
estimating the effects of standards on the rate and direction of tech- related engine programs, each of which in turn may consist of multiple
nology adoption, rather than just the rate, we can gauge the opportu- engine models. The data, which originated with IHS Global Insight,
nity costs of technology adoption, whereas the previous empirical allow us to determine when a vehicle is sold with a redesigned engine
literature has not accounted for both margins. Third, instead of com- model and when an engine program is rst introduced in a vehicle.5
puting time series correlations between the level of the standards On average, models contain redesigned engines about once every ve
and average adoption rates, we identify the effects of the standards years in the United States, and less frequently in Europe. There exists a
using cross-sectional variation in regulatory stringency. This allows fair amount of cross-company variation. Models sold by GM contain
us to control for unobserved shocks that may be correlated with redesigned engines nearly twice as frequently as models sold by
changes in the standards, such as business cycle uctuations. Finally, Honda, Nissan, and Toyota, whereas models sold by Ford are more sim-
rather than focusing on the initial U.S. phase-in period, we analyze ilar to those sold by the Japanese producers. Chrysler lies in between the
the recent changes in U.S. standards for cars and light trucks and two extremes. This variation arises from underlying variation in the
European standards for cars. Many observers believe that, given length of design cycles and the number of engines sold with a particular
existing technology, the new standards are harder to meet than the model.
initial standards and thus may have different effects on the rate Table 1 provides some summary statistics for the U.S. data for the
and direction of technology adoption. In the concluding section we years 2005 and 2010. The table shows unweighted averages across
discuss three policy implications of our results: a) because standards model versions. There are more than 1300 observations per year. Be-
increase the rate of adoption, opportunity costs are lower than those tween 2005 and 2010, fuel economy increased 6%, weight increased
suggested in the literature; b) the European results are suggestive of 5%, and horsepower increased 13%. Panel A of Fig. 1 shows the trends
future potential technology improvements in the U.S. market; and over the entire sample period, 20002012. Horsepower and weight in-
c) opportunity costs of the standards have been economically signif- creased steadily in the United States in the rst half of the sample and
icant and should be included in welfare analysis of future standards. then leveled off (more so for weight than horsepower, which resumed
growth in 2009), whereas fuel economy was constant in the rst half
2. Data and overview of the U.S. and European standards and then increased steadily in the second half; these patterns foreshad-
ow the results in Section 4.
2.1. Data The European data were obtained from R.L. Polk and cover the years
20052010. The data include all new cars sold in the eight largest
The U.S. data come from several sources. Vehicle sales are from markets in EuropeAustria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the
Wards Auto Infobank. Monthly sales data are aggregated to the model Netherlands, Spain, and the United Kingdomand in Sweden. Observa-
by model-year, where a model-year begins in September of the previ- tions are by country, year, and model version, where a version denotes
ous calendar year and ends in August of the current year. The vehicle a unique model name, model trim, number of doors, engine displace-
sales data are measured at the vehicle model level. The sales data ment, horsepower, transmission type (manual or automatic), and fuel
type (gasoline or diesel fuel). We pool data across European countries
so that the nal data set contains about 47,000 observations per year.
Table 1 Thus, a model version in the European data is much more disaggregated
Summary statistics for the United States and Europe, 2005 and 2010.
than in the U.S. data. A European model-year corresponds to a calendar
United States Europe year (Klier and Linn, 2013). Panel B of Fig. 1 shows that horsepower,
2005 2010 2005 2010 weight, and fuel economy in Europe increased in the rst half of the
sample, but in the second half fuel economy increased more quickly
Sales or registrations 12,586.85 6855.51 268.19 203.79
(11,894.34) (8051.22) (829.14) (628.92)
Fuel economy (mpg) 25.21 26.78 34.47 38.16 4
More specically, the sales are reported by model, fuel type, and month. The charac-
(6.10) (7.01) (8.94) (9.27)
teristics are reported by model version, which refers to a unique model, fuel type, trim,
Fuel consumption rate (gallons per 4.16 3.97 3.11 2.79
body type, etc. We aggregate monthly sales to annual sales and merge the sales data to
100 miles) (0.84) (0.99) (0.86) (0.76)
characteristics data by model, year, and fuel type. In the analysis below, the rst stage es-
Horsepower 228.21 258.12 134.44 150.01
timation uses only the characteristics data, whereas some of the robustness checks for the
(64.64) (77.63) (56.01) (68.34)
second-stage analysis uses the sales data. In those cases, we allocate sales of a particular
Weight (tons) 1.99 2.09 2.09 2.21
model, year, and fuel type evenly across corresponding model versions.
(0.41) (0.46) (0.37) (0.42) 5
The production data available to us have worldwide coverage for 20002007 but only
Number of observations 1352 1546 46,521 47,884
cover North America for 20082012. This introduces some measurement error in identify-
Notes: The table reports the means of the indicated variables, with standard deviations in pa- ing redesign years for engines that are produced only outside North America but are sold
rentheses, for model-years 2005 and 2010. The United States data set includes observations in the United States. On average, about 25 percent of vehicles sold in the United States
by model version from 2000 to 2011, and the European data set includes observations by have engines produced outside North America. Restricting the sample to models with en-
model version for 2005 to 2010. For the United States, weight is the curb weight; for gines produced within North America does not appreciably affect the estimation results;
Europe, weight is the gross vehicle weight. See text for details on the construction of the this suggests that any measurement error in the redesign variable does not signicantly
data sets. bias the estimates.
44 T. Klier, J. Linn / Journal of Public Economics 133 (2016) 4163

A) United States Europe has traditionally taxed fuels at much higher rates than the
United States (Klier and Linn, 2013). European cars also tend to be
Fraction change since 2000

0.25 much smaller and have higher fuel economy than U.S. cars. In 1998
0.2 and 1999 manufacturers agreed to increase fuel economy to about 39
mpg within 10 years. However, they did not increase fuel economy
quickly enough to meet the targets and in 2007 the European Commis-
0.1 sion issued requirements for about 42 mpg by 2015. Whereas the initial
agreement was purely voluntary, compliance with the 2015 standards
is backed by nes (Klier and Linn, 2015). The standard is weight-
0 based, depending on the difference between a specic car's weight
2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
-0.05 and a benchmark weight.
The U.S. and European standards thus differ in several important
ways. First, the European standards are more stringent, which may
-0.15 make it more challenging for manufacturers to increase the rate of tech-
Fuel consumption rate Horsepower Weight nology adoption. Second, one of the reasons for adopting footprint rath-
er than weight-based standards in the United States was to provide
B) Europe stronger incentives for weight reduction. For that reason the tighter
standards might cause more weight reduction in the United States
Fraction change since 2005

than in Europe.6 Third, high fuel prices in Europe incentivize manufac-

0.2 turers to raise fuel economy when they adopt fuel-saving technology,
even in the absence of tighter standards. Therefore we might expect
tighter standards to affect the direction of technology adoption to a
0.1 smaller extent in Europe than the United States, all else equal.

0 3. Estimating the frontier: technical tradeoffs among vehicle

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 characteristics

-0.1 3.1. Empirical strategy

CO2 emissions rate Horsepower Weight In this section we estimate technology frontiers for the United States
and Europe. Because the United States has historically regulated the
Fig. 1. Fuel consumption rate, emissions rate, horsepower, and weight. Notes: Panel A harmonic mean of fuel economy and Europe regulates the CO2 emis-
plots the fraction change in sales-weighted fuel consumption rate (Panel A), CO2 emis- sions rate, we estimate a fuel consumption rate frontier for the United
sions rate (Panel B), weight, and power since 2000 for the United States, using the same
States and an emissions rate frontier for Europe.7
data set as Table 1. Panel B plots fraction changes in registration-weighted fuel economy,
weight, and power since 2005 for Europe, using the same data set as Table 1.
Before dening the frontier, we briey summarize the typical vehicle
design process. Engines are redesigned every 510 years and vehicle
models every 46 years (Klier and Linn, 2012). During an engine or
while weight and horsepower were at overall. The summary statistics model redesign, the manufacturer can implement large changes. For ex-
reported in Table 1 allow comparisons between the European and the ample, the manufacturer could add technologies to the engine such as
U.S. data. Fuel economy is much lower and horsepower is much higher cylinder deactivation, which allows an engine with 6 or 8 cylinders to
in the United States than in Europe. The fuel consumption rate (mea- effectively use only 3 or 4 cylinders when the engine is not under a
sured in gallons per 100 miles) is inversely related to fuel economy, heavy load. Similarly, during a model redesign, the manufacturer
and is much lower in Europe than the United States. The reported could trade off a sedan's cabin space for trunk space. Between redesigns,
weight is larger in Europe, but that is because the European data report however, only smaller changes are possible, such as changing the num-
the gross vehicle weight, while the U.S. data report the curb weight ber of transmission speeds or re-tuning the engine.
(gross vehicle weight includes the weight of passengers and cargo, We focus on the tradeoffs between weight, horsepower and fuel
and curb weight does not). The table also shows that fuel economy in- consumption rate that are possible within and across design cycles of
creased nearly twice as much (in percentage terms) in Europe as in both engine and vehicle. We dene the frontier as the minimum fuel
the United States, whereas increases in weight and horsepower were consumption rate (or emissions rate) given a particular horsepower
about the same. and weight, and holding xed other vehicle characteristics that cannot
be altered without a redesign (such as the number of engine cylinders).
2.2. Overview of the U.S. and European standards The curvature of the frontier represents medium-run tradeoffsfor ex-
ample, between the fuel consumption rate and horsepowerthat are
We briey summarize the U.S. and European standards and discuss possible by adopting technology used in other versions of the same ve-
the empirical implications of the contrasts between the two regions' hicle model, without redesigning it. The long-run shifts of the frontier
policies. The U.S. CAFE standards were rst phased in by the mid- include technology adoption that is feasible between redesigns and
1980s and set standards of 27.5 mpg for cars and 20.7 mpg for light that does not impose the same tradeoffs between characteristics as in
trucks. In 2003 NHTSA nalized new, tighter, standards for light trucks the medium run. Shifts of the frontier thus represent technology
that increased fuel economy to 24.1 mpg by 2011. The 2007 Energy In-
dependence and Security Act set standards for 2020 that would require 6
The European standards are a linear function of the vehicle's weight, which contrasts
a combined 35 mpg for cars and light trucks; in 2009 the compliance with the Japanese weight-based standards that jump discreetly with the vehicle's weight.
deadline for these new standards was moved to 2016. Thus, tighter The linearity of the European standards prevents the bunching around the weight cutoffs
standards were announced in 2003 (light trucks), 2007 (cars and light that Ito and Sallee (2014) observe in Japan.
We compute the harmonic mean using the reciprocal of fuel economyi.e., the fuel
trucks) and 2009 (cars and light trucks). In those three cases the new consumption rate. Thus, using the fuel consumption rate, rather than fuel economy, is con-
standards are based on the footprint of the vehicle, which is roughly sistent with the form of the U.S. standards. It also fosters comparability with the European
the vehicle's width multiplied by the distance between the two axles. analysis, as the fuel consumption rate is proportional to the CO2 emissions rate.
T. Klier, J. Linn / Journal of Public Economics 133 (2016) 4163 45

adoption during redesigns. Note that our denition of the frontier differs steel parts with aluminum parts to reduce weight, or retune the engine
from Knittel (2011), who denes the frontier as the fuel economy given to trade off horsepower for fuel economy across versions of the same
horsepower, weight, and other characteristics, and holding production model. The weight and horsepower coefcients are expected to be pos-
costs constant. Instead, we dene the frontier based on design cycles be- itive. If the technology frontiers for European and U.S. vehicles have the
cause a) we do not observe production costs, which makes it difcult to same curvature, the coefcients in Eq. (1) would be equal. The variables
control for costs in the estimation; and b) we do observe redesigns, in Xit control for other determinants of the fuel consumption rate or
which allows us to distinguish between movements along the frontier emissions rate that are xed between redesigns.
before a redesign, and shifts of the frontier across redesigns. We note that identication of Eq. (1) differs fundamentally from
We dene the efciency of the power train as the amount of useful identifying a consumer demand or hedonic price model. Eq. (1) charac-
energy produced by the engine. The fuel consumption rate depends terizes a technical relationship between fuel economy and certain other
on the power train efciency as well as vehicle characteristics such as vehicle attributes. Eq. (1) omits many vehicle attributes that consumers
weight and horsepower. That is, holding efciency xed, the manufac- may care about, such as the quality of the sound system. Omitting sound
turer can trade off the fuel consumption rate for other characteristics. system quality would not bias the estimated coefcients even if the
Our objective is to estimate both the magnitudes of these tradeoffsthat quality is correlated with included variables such as horsepower, how-
is, the shape of the frontieras well as the efciency of the power train ever. The reason is that sound system quality only affects fuel economy
at any point in time. We use a linear regression equation that is similar via weight, and weight is included in Eq. (1). The estimates in Eq. (1)
to Knittel (2011) and Klier and Linn (2012): would be biased if omitted variables are a) correlated with included var-
iables and b) affect fuel economy independently from the effects of the
lneit 0 h ln hit w ln wit imt X it it ; 1 included variables. In practice, the regression models appear to include
most determinants of fuel economy, as indicated by the very high R-
where eit is the fuel consumption rate (for the U.S. analysis) or CO2 emis- squared values reported below.
sions rate (for the European analysis) of model version i in model-year t; In summary, Eq. (1) has several important features. First, we allow
hit and wit are horsepower and weight; imt is a set of redesign by model the tradeoffs between fuel consumption/emissions rates and other
by model-year interactions; Xit contains a set of vehicle characteristics, characteristics to depend on whether an engine has been redesigned.
including the transmission type, fuel type (gasoline, diesel fuel, or 85% Second, we allow the frontier to shift out by different amounts for
ethanol [E85]), and number of engine cylinders; it is an error term; each model. Third, and importantly for Section 4, we do not impose as-
and 0, h, w, and are parameters to be estimated. sumptions on the effect of the standards on either the direction or rate
Eq. (1) can be estimated separately for the United States and Europe. of technology adoption.
For the U.S. analysis, the dependent variable is the log fuel consumption
rate; for the European analysis, the dependent variable is the log CO2
emissions rate. 3.2. Estimation results
Model by model-year interactions, mt, represent the average power
train efciency across different versions of the same vehicle model in a Table 2 shows the estimates of Eq. (1) for the United States, with col-
particular model-year (more specically, the change in efciency rela- umn 1 showing results for cars and column 2 for light trucks. We could
tive to the rst year of the sample). A change in mt between consecutive include horsepower and torque in all regressions, but in practice they
years for a particular model is interpreted as the change in the fuel con- are extremely highly correlated with one another. Our regressions for
sumption rate if all of the technology adopted between the two years U.S. and European cars use horsepower; our regressions for U.S. light
was used to decrease the fuel consumption rate, and all other variables
in Eq. (1) are held xed. Because all other characteristics are held xed,
Table 2
changing the frontier corresponds to a change in efciency. Importantly,
United States: tradeoffs between fuel consumption rate and other vehicle characteristics.
because we estimate Eq. (1) by ordinary least squares (OLS), we interpret
the frontier shift as the potential change in the average log fuel consump- (1) (2)

tion rate across all versions of a vehicle model. We estimate Eq. (1) by OLS Dependent variable: log fuel consumption rate
to maintain consistency with Knittel (2011) and Klier and Linn (2012). Log horsepower or torque 0.237 0.156
Versions of a particular model often are sold with different engines. (0.015) (0.016)
Because engine redesign cycles do not always correspond to vehicle Log weight 0.336 0.430
model redesign cycles, it is possible that the frontier shifts by different (0.044) (0.047)
Diesel fuel 0.344 0.269
amounts between two years for different versions of the same model. (0.019) (0.020)
To allow for this possibility, Eq. (1) includes the triple interaction of Hybrid 0.260 0.293
mt with a dummy variable that is equal to one for versions that have (0.020) (0.010)
a redesigned engine. To construct this dummy variable, for each version Flex fuel 0.282
of a vehicle model we match the set of engine programs sold with that
Manual transmission 0.002 0.005
version. A version is considered to be redesigned if it is sold with an en- (0.005) (0.004)
gine program that is redesigned in year t. The triple interaction, imt, al- Number of observations 6856 12,208
lows for the possibility that the frontier shifts more for versions that are R2 0.957 0.937
sold with a redesigned engine than for versions sold with an engine that Sample includes Cars Light trucks
Regression includes Interactions of redesign, Interactions of redesign,
has not been redesigned. We expect the interactions of redesign, model,
model, and model-year, model, and model-year,
and model-year to decrease over time as manufacturers adopt technology and xed effects for and xed effects for
that causes the frontier to shift. The hypotheses are analogous for the number of cylinders number of cylinders
European analysis, in which the dependent variable is the emissions rate. and number of doors and number of doors
The coefcients on weight and horsepower capture the tradeoffs Notes: The table reports coefcient estimates, with standard errors in parentheses, clus-
among vehicle fuel consumption/emissions rates, weight, and horse- tered by redesign, model, and model-year. Observations are by model version and
power across versions of the same model. Because of the redesign by model-year, and the dependent variable is the log fuel consumption rate. Besides the re-
ported variables, the regressions include the variables indicated at the bottom of the
model by model-year interactions, the coefcients are interpreted as table. Units are the same as in Table 1; torque is measured in Newton-meters. The sample
the possible tradeoffs between these characteristics in a particular includes cars in column 1 and light trucks in column 2. Column 1 uses the log of horsepow-
year without a redesign. For example, the manufacturer could replace er as an independent variable, and column 2 uses the log of torque.
46 T. Klier, J. Linn / Journal of Public Economics 133 (2016) 4163

trucks use torque, which, for light trucks, is more highly correlated with Because the European regressions include only passenger cars, we
the fuel consumption rate than is horsepower. compare the European results with the U.S. car results. The magnitudes
Fuel consumption rate, horsepower, and weight are in logs, and the of the European horsepower and weight coefcients are very similar to
reported horsepower and weight coefcients represent elasticities. The those of the U.S. estimates. The European diesel fuel coefcient is small-
regressions include dummy variables for whether the vehicle uses die- er than the U.S. coefcient, but this is because diesel fuel has a higher
sel fuel, has a hybrid power train, is a ex-fuel vehicle (capable of carbon content than gasoline; if we use the fuel consumption rate rather
using E85), or has a manual transmission; the coefcients on the indicator than the emissions rate as the independent variable for the European
variables approximately equal the percentage change in the fuel con- regressions, the magnitude of the European diesel fuel coefcient is
sumption rate associated with having these characteristics. Besides the re- very similar to that of the U.S. coefcient. As with the U.S. results, the
ported variables, regressions include xed effects for the number of R-squared value is very high, and the within R-squared is 0.70.
cylinders and doors and interactions of redesign, model, and model-year. A model trim is dened as a unique model name, body type, number
The estimates in column 1 suggest that a 1% increase in horsepower of doors, driven wheels, and trim level; different model trims may have
increases the log fuel consumption rate by about 0.24, which is signi- different engine models. The greater disaggregation of the European
cant at the 1% level. The estimate is signicantly larger than in Klier data allows us to estimate a separate frontier position for each model
and Linn (2012) because the latter focuses on within-engine program trim and year. For consistency with the U.S. analysis, we focus below
variation, whereas these estimates reect both cross-engine and with- on the estimates using redesign by model and model-year interactions,
in-engine program variation. The weight coefcient in column 1 is but column 2 of Table 3 reports the redesign by model trim and year re-
smaller in Klier and Linn (2012) for the same reason. The horsepower sults for comparison. The coefcient estimates reported in column 2 are
and weight coefcients also differ from Knittel (2011), but so do the quite similar to those in columns 1 of Table 3.
sample periods, independent variables, and data sources.
The diesel fuel coefcient implies that the log fuel consumption rate 3.3. Robustness
of diesel fuel cars is about 0.34 lower than gasoline-powered cars. The
coefcient on the manual transmission dummy, which is expected to How condent are we in translating these estimates into a produc-
be negative, is in fact positive, but it is quite small and not statistically tion possibilities frontier? Perhaps the main threat to the identication
signicant. The coefcient on the hybrid power train dummy indicates of possible shifts of the frontier is that the shape of the frontieras cap-
that the log fuel consumption rate of hybrid cars is about 0.26 lower tured by the coefcients on the vehicle characteristicsis assumed to be
than comparable gasoline-powered cars. the same across models as well as over time. If the shape does vary
Compared to cars, the light truck estimate for the torque coefcient across models or over time, the estimated model by model-year by re-
is smaller than the horsepower coefcient, and the estimate for the design interactions would be biased. To address this possibility, we
weight coefcient is larger. The car and light truck hybrid coefcients allow for variation in the shape of the frontier in several ways. First, in
are essentially the same. The coefcient on ex-fuel vehicles is positive, the main analysis we estimate technology adoption separately for cars
reecting the lower energy content of E85 compared to gasoline. and light trucks; the differences between columns 1 and 2 in Table 2 il-
The bottom of the table reports very high R-squared values for both lustrate the importance of doing so. In addition, we investigate a further
regressions, which reduces concerns about omitted variables bias. In ad- breakdown of each of those two categories, as they, in turn, encompass
dition, the regression model explains a lot of the variation within a rede- vehicles with rather different characteristics. Appendix Table 1 sepa-
sign by model by model-year; the within R-squared values are 0.71 rates the categories further, reporting results by market segment. For
and 0.67 for cars and light trucks (not reported). cars we distinguish three market segments (small, medium, and large/
Table 3 reports results for Europe; here the dependent variable is the luxury), and for light trucks four segments (crossovers, sport utility ve-
log emissions rate rather than the log fuel consumption rate. Besides the hicles, vans, and pickup trucks). Coefcients are found to vary substan-
reported variables, column 1 includes xed effects for the number of en- tially across segments; for example, weight and horsepower have larger
gine cylinders and interactions of redesign, model, and model-year. The effects on the fuel consumption rate for small cars than for other car seg-
European regressions do not include vehicles with hybrid power trains ments. Appendix Table 2, which reports separate regressions by
or ex-fuel vehicles, but column 1 is otherwise comparable to the U.S. European car market segment, shows that the coefcients vary some-
car regression. what across segments, but less so than in the U.S. segment-level regres-
sions in Appendix Table 1. Because of this variation in technical tradeoffs
Table 3 across segments in both the United States and Europe, we continue with
Europe: tradeoffs between CO2 emissions rate and other vehicle characteristics. the more detailed segment analysis in the second stage of our estima-
(1) (2)
tion (see Section 4.3).
We also examine whether the tradeoffs between vehicle character-
Dependent variable: log CO2 emissions rate
istics along the frontier vary by company or over time. We nd some
Log horsepower 0.190 0.158 variation in the tradeoffs by company, but allowing for this variation
(0.002) (0.002)
(e.g., by estimating Eq. (1) by company) does not affect the main results
Log weight 0.307 0.241
(0.007) (0.012) in the next section. Likewise, allowing for changes in the tradeoffs over
Diesel fuel 0.174 0.172 time (e.g., by interacting the vehicle characteristics in Eq. (1) with a lin-
(0.001) (0.001) ear time trend) does not affect the results.
Manual transmission 0.071 0.076 As a nal robustness check, following Knittel (2011), we introduce
(0.001) (0.001)
higher-order interactions of the vehicle characteristics to Eq. (1), such
Number of observations 276,376 276,376
R2 0.916 0.944 as the interaction between log horsepower and log weight. This partially
Regression includes Number of cylinders and Number of cylinders and relaxes the functional form assumptions in Eq. (1) about the tradeoffs,
interactions of redesign, interactions of redesign, but it does not affect the second-stage results.
model, and model-year model-trim, and model-year

Notes: The table reports coefcient estimates, with standard errors in parentheses, clus- 4. Have standards affected the rate and direction of technology
tered by redesign, model trim, and model-year. Observations are by model version and adoption?
model-year, and the dependent variable is log of the CO2 emissions rate. Units are the
same as in Table 1. Besides the reported variables, the regressions include the variables in-
dicated at the bottom of the table. A model trim includes all specications with the same In this section, we use the estimates of Eq. (1) to investigate whether
model, body type, number of doors, driven wheels, and trim level. the recent changes in U.S. and European standards have affected the
T. Klier, J. Linn / Journal of Public Economics 133 (2016) 4163 47

rate and direction of technology adoption. We rst report qualitative ag- case we ask whether the average rate and direction of technology adop-
gregate results followed by quantitative cross-sectional results. tion changed after the standards were adopted.
Note that we look for changes after the standards were adopted
rather than when they rst had to be met, which is usually two to
4.1. Hypotheses for aggregate rate and direction
three years after adoption. Mostly because of the fact that models and
engines are redesigned on regular cycles, manufacturers often begin to
We rst consider whether the market-wide average rate or direction
respond to future standards before they are fully implemented. For ex-
of technology adoption changed subsequent to the adoption of the new
ample, they may introduce vehicles with lower fuel consumption rates
standards. We dene the aggregate rate of adoption of fuel consumption
prior to the actual increase in the standards, either because the regulator
technology in a specic year as the change between the current and pre-
offers credits for pre-standard increases in fuel consumption, or because
vious year in the market-wide average estimate of imt from Eq. (1). The
the manufacturer would otherwise have to wait until several years after
change represents the decrease in the average log fuel consumption rate,
the new standards are implemented for the next opportunity to rede-
relative to the previous year, if all of the adopted technology were used
sign the vehicle and reduce its fuel consumption rates. Consequently,
to decrease the fuel consumption ratethat is, if manufacturers held
we start looking for evidence of manufacturer responses once the
xed other vehicle characteristics. We dene the direction of technology
tighter standards are adopted.
adoption as the log of the ratio of the fuel consumption rate to horse-
power or weight, respectively (i.e., there are two direction variables).
In the aggregate analysis, we do not attempt to control for potential- 4.2. Aggregate results
ly confounding factors that affect rate and direction. Instead, we simply
ask whether the average rate and direction changed after the standards Fig. 2 shows the aggregate results for the United States and Europe.
changed. We consider the U.S. light truck fuel economy standards Vertical lines indicate the adoption years of the standards. The solid
adopted in 2003, the U.S. car and light truck fuel economy standards black curve is the cumulative frontier shift since the year 2000 (the
adopted in 2007 (and tightened in 2009), and the European CO2 emis- dashed curves indicate the 95% condence intervals). The frontier line
sions rate standards adopted in 2007 (and nalized in 2009). In each indicates that the average fuel consumption rate of U.S. cars would

A) U.S. Cars
Change in logs since 2000


2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012



Frontier Fuel consumption rate Horsepower
Weight Hybrid Transm. type, cyl., fuel type

B) U.S. Light Trucks

Change in logs since 2000

2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
Frontier Fuel consumption rate Horsepower
Weight Hybrid Transm. type, cyl., fuel type

C) European Cars
Change in logs since 2005


2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


Frontier CO2 emissions rate Horsepower
Weight Diesel Auto/manual, cylinders

Fig. 2. Technology adoption in the United States and Europe. Notes: In Panel A, the frontier plots the change in redesign, model, and model-year interactions estimated in column 1 of
Table 2; in Panel B, the frontier plots the interactions estimated in column 2 of Table 2; and in Panel C, the frontier plots the interactions estimated in column 1 of Table 3. In Panels A
and B, fuel consumption rate is the change since 2000 in the average log fuel consumption rate across specications. Horsepower, weight, and diesel represent the decrease in the fuel
consumption rate that would have been possible if these characteristics had remained at their 2000 levels; see text for details. The curves in Panel C are constructed similarly, and represent
changes since 2005. Vertical lines indicate the adoption of the higher standards. The dotted lines indicate the 95% condence intervals of the estimated frontiers. In Panel A the frontier
shifts 0.7% per year 20002006 and 2.1% per year 20072012. In Panel B the frontier shifts 0.1% per year 20002002, 1.5% per year 20032006, and 2.1% per year 20072012. In Panel
C the frontier shifts 1.7% per year 20052007 and 2.9% per year 20082010.
48 T. Klier, J. Linn / Journal of Public Economics 133 (2016) 4163

have been 12% lower in the year 2010 than in 2000 if all vehicle charac- technology adoption are likely to vary across manufacturers, depending
teristics besides fuel consumption rate had remained at their 2000 on how close they are to achieving the new standard. In both the United
levels, in which case the new technology would have entirely been States and Europe, the new standards require all manufacturers to re-
used to reduce fuel consumption rates. The red line is the change in duce fuel consumption and emissions rates. We dene the stringency
the actual average fuel consumption rate compared to the year of standards as the difference between a manufacturer's pre-standard
2000. The other lines in Fig. 2 represent a series of simple counterfac- fuel consumption or emissions rate and the level of the new standard.
tuals. To construct each line, we suppose that the corresponding A manufacturer with a high fuel consumption rate (and low fuel econo-
characteristicfor example, horsepower for the green curveremains my) therefore has a higher value of the stringency variable.9 Stringency
xed at its initial level rather than changes over time. For example, can vary across manufacturers because of different levels of pre-
horsepower increased by about 25% for U.S. cars between 2000 and standard fuel economy or because of differences in the mix of vehicles
2012 (see Fig. 1). In the counterfactual, we suppose that horsepower offered (recall that the U.S. standards depend on the vehicle's footprint
had instead remained xed at its 2000 level and that the foregone whereas the European standards depend on weight). Accordingly, in a
horsepower increase had been used to reduce the fuel consumption footprint-based system and similarly for the European weight-based
rate. This calculation uses the horsepower coefcient in Eq. (1) and system, manufacturers with larger vehicles are subject to higher fuel
shows that, if horsepower of U.S. cars had remain constant at its 2000 consumption rate requirements.10
level rather than increasing 25%, fuel consumption rates of U.S. cars Cross-manufacturer variation in stringency enables a differences-
would have been about 6% lower in 2012 than they actually were. By in-differences strategy for identifying the effects of standards on the
construction, in the gure the sum of the change in characteristics is rate and direction of technology adoption. We estimate separate re-
equal to the frontier shift. gressions for U.S. cars, U.S. light trucks, and European cars. For the
The gure shows that the average rate and (in most cases) the direc- rate of technology adoption, each regression is a variation of the fol-
tion of technology adoption changed soon after the standards changed. lowing equation:
Regarding the rate, for U.S. cars (Panel A), the frontier shifted out twice
as quickly after 2007 as compared to 20002007. For U.S. light trucks ^imt R S F Post t Seg m Post t ln em t m it : 2
(Panel B), the frontier shifted out twice as quickly after 2003 as compared
to 20002003. The earlier timing for the light trucks is consistent with the
fact that the light-truck standards tightened before the car standards. For Observations are by redesign, model, and model-year; that is, there
European cars, the frontier also shifted out more quickly after 2007 com- are two observations for a model that was redesigned in a particular
pared to 20052007. For reference, for each time period the gure notes year. The dependent variable is the redesign by model and model-year
report the average rates at which the frontier increased. interaction term estimated in Eq. (1). The variable Postt is a dummy var-
There is also suggestive evidence that the direction of technology iable equal to one after the standard has been adopted (e.g., post-2007
adoption changed as well, particularly for U.S. cars and light trucks. for Europe), and SF measures stringency by manufacturer, F. The vari-
Until about 2007, the average car fuel consumption rate was at, as able is the difference between the log of the manufacturer's average
manufacturers used the outward shifts of the frontier to improve fuel consumption or emissions rate in the rst year of the sample and
other characteristics, particularly horsepower. After 2007, on the other the log of the manufacturer's standard; R is the coefcient on the inter-
hand, the fuel consumption rate began decreasing at about the same action of Postt with SF. For the U.S. light truck standards, we allow for the
rate as the frontier. The pattern is similar for light trucks; the fuel con- possibility that the 2003 and 2007 standards differed from one another
sumption rate was roughly at until about 2004, after which it began in their effects on the direction and rate of adoption and estimate a sep-
decreasing. arate R for each time period. The Term SegmPostt ln(em) represents the
Fig. 2 illustrates the market-wide average patterns; Appendix triple interaction of market segment xed effects with Postt and the log
Figs. 13 supplement that with company or brand-level detail. The of the average fuel consumption or emissions rate of the corresponding
gures are constructed similarly to Fig. 2, except that each panel repre- model in the initial year of the sample. Note that when estimating
sents a different company (in the United States) or brand (in Europe). 8 Eq. (2), we include all lower-order terms for the triple interaction; we
The gures illustrate considerable cross-rm heterogeneity in the rate omit these terms in the expression for brevity. Later in the subsection,
and direction of technology adoption, but most rms exhibit patterns we discuss how the triple interactions address concerns about gasoline
similar to those shown in Fig. 2. prices and other possibly confounding factors.11
Eq. (2) includes both year xed effects (t) and model xed effects
(m). The year xed effects control for the average level of the frontier
4.3. Hypotheses for cross-sectional rate and direction

Although the aggregate results suggest that the introduction of

tighter standards affected both the rate and direction of technology We assume that all rms elect to meet the standards. Historically, in the U.S. market,
adoption, there may have been confounding inuences. For example, several rms, such as Mercedes, have elected to pay nes instead of meeting the standards.
However, beginning in 2011 the EPA and NHTSA jointly regulate greenhouse gas emis-
gasoline prices began rising in 2003. Given vehicle design lags of
sions rates and fuel economy, and the EPA nes under the Clean Air Act are orders of mag-
three years or more, rising gasoline prices may have affected the nitude higher than the historical NHTSA noncompliance nes. Hence all rms are
rate and direction of adoption as early as 2006. This subsection expected to comply with the new standards, which is consistent with observed behavior
presents an approach to control for such potential confounding in the early years of the 2016 standards.
One might be concerned that provisions in the U.S. and European regulations that
equalize marginal compliance costs across rms, such as cross-rm credit trading, would
The main feature of our identication strategy is that we exploit reduce or even eliminate the cross-rm variation in stringency. However, the identica-
cross-sectional variation in the stringency of the standards. Although tion strategy is valid even if marginal compliance costs do not vary across rms. Even in
the adoption of each of the four standards (U.S. light trucks in 2003, that case, the stringency variable would be proportional to the regulatory pressure caused
U.S. cars and light trucks in 2007, and European cars in 2007) affects by the regulations (Roth, 2014). In addition, the very limited credit trading to date sug-
gests that rms are unlikely to overshoot the standards, and that marginal costs are un-
the entire market, the incentives for changing the direction and rate of
likely to be equated across rms (Leard and McConnell, 2015).
Rather than estimating Eqs. (1) and (2) separately, we could replace the triple interac-
The fuel consumption rate decreased noticeably in 2010 for several manufacturers. tions of model by model-year by redesign in Eq. (1) with the independent variables in
Starting in 2010, the fuel consumption rate calculated from Wards data for ex-fuel vehi- Eq. (2). This would increase the efciency of the estimates, but the two-stage approach al-
cles corresponds to the fuel consumption rate using 85 percent ethanol rather than gaso- lows for an unobserved component (essentially, a random effect) of the model by model-
line. Those manufacturers sell a large share of ex-fuel vehicles. year by redesign triple interaction.
T. Klier, J. Linn / Journal of Public Economics 133 (2016) 4163 49

each year and for any unobserved factors that affect the dependent var- example, is the log of the ratio of fuel consumption rate to horsepow-
iable proportionately. The vehicle xed effects control for the average er. Direction variables for fuel consumption ratetorque and fuel
frontier of the corresponding model over the sample. Because of the consumption rateweight are dened similarly. The hypothesis to
presence of vehicle xed effects, a vehicle's frontier shift is measured be tested is that an increase in the stringency of the fuel economy
relative to its average frontier over the sample. standard causes a change in the direction of technology adoption to-
The central hypothesis to be tested is that R is negative. To illustrate ward a reduction in the fuel consumption rate relative to torque,
the differences-in-differences interpretation of R, suppose the average horsepower, or weight. We estimate the equation:
frontier for manufacturer A shifts at the same rate as the frontier for
manufacturer B prior to the adoption of tighter light truck standards. As- dir it D S F Post t Segm Post t ln em t m vit : 3
sume further that the stringency variable is greater for A than for B,
meaning the standard is more stringent for manufacturer A. The coef- For the United States we estimate four regressions: two for cars and
cient R is negative if the average frontier for A shifts more quickly than two for light trucks, where the dependent variables for the car regres-
the average frontier for B after the new light truck standards were sions are the horsepower and weight direction variables, and the de-
adopted (recall that a decrease in the fuel consumption rate corre- pendent variables for the light truck regressions are the torque and
sponds to an increase in fuel economy). Note that this approach cannot weight direction variables. For Europe we estimate two regressions,
distinguish between a case in which the standards caused a one-time one each for the horsepower and weight direction variables. Observa-
frontier shift and a case in which the standards caused the frontier to tions are by model version and year.
shift at a faster rate for multiple years. Either case would result in a neg- The interpretation of the coefcient D is similar to that of R. For
ative coefcient, but we lack enough years of post-standards data to dis- horsepower, for example, the coefcient is negative if manufacturers
tinguish them. with a higher value of SF move toward a lower fuel consumption rate
In this differences-in-differences research design, the identifying as- and away from horsepower, and if this change is greater for manu-
sumption is that stringency is uncorrelated with deviations from pre- facturers for which the standard is more stringent. Thus, a negative
policy trends in rate or direction. That is, we assume that pre-trends in coefcient suggests that the standards cause manufacturers to
rate or direction are unbiased estimates of the counterfactual trends change the direction toward a lower fuel consumption rate. For
that would have occurred in the absence of the changes in stringency. Europe, the coefcient D is negative for the horsepower regression
In principle, unobserved demand or supply-side shocks could cause if manufacturers with a higher initial emissions rate reduce emis-
the estimate of R to be biased or spurious. On the demand side, changes sions rates at the expense of horsepower more than do other
in consumer preferences that are contemporaneous with the stringency manufacturers.
changes could cause manufacturers to change rate or direction, and the
manufacturer responses could be correlated with stringency. For exam- 4.4. Cross-sectional results
ple, an increase in consumer demand for fuel economy in the mid-2000s
could cause manufacturers to trade off horsepower and weight for fuel For the United States, we allow the effects of the standards to vary
economy. Ford, which has a higher measure of stringency than Toyota across four time periods: 20002002, in which light truck and car
and which typically produces cars with lower fuel economy than Toyo- standards were unchanged; 20032006, in which higher light truck
ta, could respond more to such a demand shock. On the supply side, standards were rst adopted; 20072009, in which new car and
changes in technology costs could affect rate or direction. For example, light truck standards were adopted and the tighter light truck stan-
innovation that reduces the cost of improving efciency of large cars but dards, adopted in the previous period, took effect; and 20102012
does not affect the cost of improving efciency of small cars would cause as these standards took effect (subsequent tightening of the stan-
the rate to increase, and this increase could be greater for manufacturers dards through 2025 occurred after the end of the sample period).
that sell more large cars than small cars. The last time period allows for the possibility that manufacturers
The triple interaction term in Eq. (2), SegmPostt ln(em), controls for responded more strongly as the tighter standards took effect. The
such demand or supply shocks that occur in the post-policy periods key independent variables are the interactions between stringency
and that are correlated with stringency, to the extent that these shocks and the time period xed effects. We test whether (a) the direction
affect rate or direction proportionately for all vehicles in the same mar- and rate of technology adoption for light trucks differed between
ket segment, or proportionately to the vehicle's initial fuel economy. the rst time period and the subsequent periods and (b) the direc-
Returning to the innovation example, if the cost-reducing innovation af- tion and rate of adoption for cars differed between the rst two pe-
fects rate and direction similarly for all large cars, or in proportion to riods and the last two periods.
those cars' initial fuel economy, the estimate of R would be unbiased. Panel A of Table 4 shows results from estimating Eq. (3), in which
Likewise, the estimate would be unbiased if changes in consumer de- we assess the effect of the standards on the direction of technology
mand for fuel economy affect rate and direction in proportion to initial adoption. Columns 1 and 2 show results for cars, and columns 3
fuel economy, or affect rate and direction proportionately for all vehicles and 4 for light trucks. We nd no evidence that the standards affect-
in the same market segment. After presenting the main results in ed the direction for cars, but we nd strong evidence for light trucks
Section 4.4, we present evidence in Section 4.5 supporting the identify- for periods 2, 3 and 4: there the standards caused the direction of
ing assumption. technology adoption to shift toward reducing the fuel consumption
Next, we turn to the direction of technology adoption. A change in rate at the expense of torque (and, to a lesser extent, of weight).
standards could cause manufacturers to move along the frontier by To interpret the magnitudes for light truck torque, we consider a
reducing the fuel consumption rate and reducing horsepower or manufacturer for which the stringency is one standard deviation
weight.12 We dene a set of direction variables, dirit, at the model above the mean in the second time period (i.e., a manufacturer with a
version level. The fuel consumption ratehorsepower direction, for high initial fuel consumption rate compared to its standard). For
example, Mitsubishi is near the mean stringency for U.S. cars, where-
as the standard is about one standard deviation more stringent for
The standards could cause manufacturers to trade fuel consumption for any vehicle Volvo and one standard deviation less stringent for Toyota. The size
characteristics in Eq. (1). We focus on weight and horsepower (torque) primarily because of the estimated effect implies that Volvo decreased torque and
these two variables are continuous, making it simpler to dene the dependent variable in
Eq. (3). In principle we could dene the direction variables in terms of fuel economy rather
decreased the fuel consumption rate 5% (about 1 mpg) compared
than fuel consumption rates, but this would not be consistent with the form of the stan- to Mitsubishi (the estimate of 5% is obtained by multiplying one
dards as noted in the text. standard deviation of the stringency variable by the light truck
50 T. Klier, J. Linn / Journal of Public Economics 133 (2016) 4163

Table 4
Effect of U.S. standards on direction and rate of technology adoption.

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Dependent variable Log (fuel cons rate/horsepower) Log (fuel cons rate/weight) Log (fuel cons rate/torque) Log (fuel cons rate/weight)

Panel A: direction
Stringency 20032006 0.131 0.070 0.824 0.260
(0.078) (0.059) (0.136) (0.085)
Stringency 20072009 0.084 0.022 0.939 0.308
(0.090) (0.065) (0.148) (0.094)
Stringency 20102012 0.029 0.057 0.749 0.094
(0.093) (0.071) (0.157) (0.106)
Number of observations 6856 6856 11,966 11,966
R2 0.783 0.623 0.625 0.633

Panel B: rate
Stringency 20032006 0.017 0.006 0.226 0.241
(0.040) (0.040) (0.063) (0.065)
Stringency 20072009 0.024 0.056 0.269 0.261
(0.047) (0.046) (0.065) (0.066)
Stringency 20102012 0.091 0.101 0.142 0.123
(0.051) (0.050) (0.067) (0.068)
Number of observations 1749 1749 1425 1425
R2 0.768 0.766 0.847 0.838
Sample includes Cars Cars Light trucks Light trucks
Frontier estimated by Entire market Market segment Entire market Market segment

Notes: The table reports coefcient estimates, with standard errors in parentheses, clustered by redesign, model, and model-year. Observations are by model version and model-year in
Panel A and by redesign, model, and model-year in Panel B. Regressions in columns 1 and 2 include cars, and regressions in columns 3 and 4 include light trucks. In Panel A, the dependent
variable is the log of the ratio of fuel consumption rate to horsepower in column 1, the log of the ratio of fuel consumption rate to weight in columns 2 and 4, and the log of the ratio of fuel
consumption rate to torque in column 3. Units are the same as in Table 1; torque is measured in Newton-meters. The dependent variable in Panel B is the estimated redesignmodel-year
interaction from Eq. (7). Columns 1 and 3 use the estimated redesignmodel-year interactions from Table 2 and columns 2 and 4 use estimates from Table 3. Stringency is the difference
between the log sales-weighted standard for the corresponding company and vehicle type and the log sales-weighted fuel economy in 2000. The calculation uses the 2016 standards. All
regressions include model xed effects and triple interactions between model-year, market segment, and log fuel consumption rate of the model in 2000, along with all associated main
effects and double interaction terms.

coefcient for 20072009 in Table 4). Given that the average light Panel B of Table 4 shows results from Eq. (2), which focuses on the
truck fuel consumption rate decreased 3 mpg during the sample pe- rate. The results suggest that the standards increased the rate of adop-
riod, the movement along the frontier represents a substantial fuel tion for cars in 20102012 but not in the earlier periods. The truck re-
consumption rate decrease. sults are consistent with the hypothesis that the standards affected
the rate of adoption, as companies facing more stringent standards in-
creased their rates of adoption more than other companies in the mid-
Table 5 dle two time periods (see columns 3 and 4); the coefcient in the nal
Effect of European emissions rate standards on direction and rate of technology adoption. time period is smaller and is only marginally statistically signicant.
(1) (2) Interpreting the magnitudes in Panel B, we again consider the same
hypothetical manufacturer facing stringency one standard deviation
Dependent variable Log (emissions rate/ Log (emissions
horsepower) rate/weight)
above the mean. For cars in 20102012, the rate of adoption for this
manufacturer is 0.5 percentage points faster than the observed average
Panel A: direction
rate of 1.4% per year. The light truck results for 20072009 suggest that
Stringency post 2007 0.030 0.014
(0.008) (0.007) the manufacturer increased the rate of adoption by 1.5 percentage
Number of observations 275,675 275,675 points above the mean of 1.5% per year. Thus, the estimated magnitudes
R2 0.765 0.586 imply substantial increases in the rate of adoption, although smaller for
cars than light trucks.
Panel B: rate
Stringency post 2007 0.029 0.019 In comparing the rate and direction estimates, we nd them to be
(0.004) (0.005) larger and more precise for light trucks than for cars. Differences in tech-
Number of observations 63,824 63,824 nological opportunities or preferences for fuel economy could explain
R2 0.952 0.964 this result. Alternatively, this difference could be explained by the fact
Frontier estimated by Entire market Market segment
that the standards for cars only tightened toward the end of the sample;
Notes: The table reports coefcient estimates, with standard errors in parentheses, clus- the aggregate analysis in Section 4.2 suggested that the rate of adoption
tered by redesign, model trim, and model-year. Observations are by model version and
increased after 2007, but the statistical evidence in the cross-sectional
model-year in Panel A and by model trim and model-year in Panel B. The dependent var-
iable in Panel A is the log of the ratio of the CO2 emissions rate to horsepower in column 1 estimation suggests that this response was correlated with potentially
and the log of the ratio of fuel economy to weight in column 2. Units are the same as in confounding factors omitted from the aggregate analysis. We conclude
Table 1. In Panel B, the dependent variable in column 1 is the estimated model by that the rate and direction changed rst for light trucks and then for
model-year by redesign interaction from column 1 of Table 4, and the dependent variable cars. This timing is consistent with the timing of the change in U.S.
in column 2 is the estimated interaction from Appendix Table 2. Stringency is the differ-
ence between the log registration-weighted 2015 standard and the log registration-
weighted brand emissions rate in 2005. The variable is interacted with a dummy variable
equal to one for years 20082010. Regressions include model-year xed effects, the inter-
actions between a post-2007 dummy variable and market segment xed effects, the inter-
action between the model's 2005 emissions rate and a post-2007 dummy variable, the Above we noted that the frontier estimates in Eq. (1) differ from those by Knittel
interaction between the model's 2005 emissions rate and a set of segment xed effects, (2011). Using the data from that paper and applying our estimation strategy, we nd that
and the interaction between the log of the model's 2005 emissions rate interacted with the rate of technology adoption increased for light trucks after 2003 but not for cars, which
the post-2007 by segment interactions. All regressions include model trim xed effects. is consistent with the results reported in Table 4.
T. Klier, J. Linn / Journal of Public Economics 133 (2016) 4163 51

Table 5 reports the results for Europe. The key independent vari- Table 6
able is the interaction of a dummy variable equal to one for Potential omitted variables bias: fuel prices and the recession.

20082010 and the difference between the log emissions rate of Panel A: exit (1) (2) (3)
the manufacturer and the log of the 2015 standard. As with Table 4, Log fuel cons rate/emissions 0.104 0.409 0.040
Panel A of Table 5 focuses on the direction of technology adoption rate log fuel price (0.219) (0.257) (0.036)
(Eq. (3)) and Panel B on the rate (Eq. (2)). If the coefcients are neg- Log fuel cons rate/emissions 0.103 0.299 0.017
ative, manufacturers with higher initial emissions rates shift direc- rate log aggregate sales/registrations (0.324) (0.349) (0.109)
Number of observations 5850 5524 228,492
tion toward lower emissions rates and raise the rate of adoption, 2
R 0.162 0.237 0.009
compared to other manufacturers. Sample includes U.S. cars U.S. light European
The European standards had a statistically signicant effect on the trucks cars
direction of technology adoption away from horsepower and weight.
The magnitudes of both effects are small: a one standard deviation in- Panel B: sales and registrations
crease in stringency causes a shift along the frontier that reduces emis-
Stringency 20032006 log gas price 2.705 0.850
sions rates by 2% (recall that the corresponding estimate for U.S. light (3.583) (3.093)
trucks was 5%). We also nd that the rate of adoption increased. The Stringency 20072009 log gas price 6.253 7.406
magnitude implies that a one-standard-deviation increase in stringency (8.877) (6.565)
increases the rate of adoption by 0.3 percentage points, compared to the Stringency 20102012 log gas price 21.801 3.653
(68.811) (9.256)
mean rate of adoption of 2%. Thus, the magnitude is noticeable, but Stringency 20032006 log aggregate sales 35.060 10.022
smaller than for the United States. We conclude that the European stan- (45.445) (43.094)
dards had a relatively small, but statistically signicant, effect on the di- Stringency 20072009 log aggregate sales 3.173 7.151
rection (horsepower and weight) as well as on the rate of technology (5.884) (4.557)
Stringency 20102012 log aggregate sales 1.067 1.257
(8.949) (3.178)
Stringency post 2007 log fuel price 4.433
4.5. Potential omitted variables bias (7.076)
Stringency post 2007 log aggregate 9.885
The fact that from 2003 to 2009 the adoption rate increased for U.S. registrations (4.636)
Number of observations 1506 1206 3590
light trucks but not for U.S. cars supports the validity of our identica- R2 0.347 0.224 0.219
tion strategy; confounding factors would yield spurious results only if Sample includes U.S. cars U.S. light European
they affected light trucks and not cars during that time period. However, trucks cars
gasoline prices and the recession may have differentially affected cars Notes: Standard errors are in parentheses, clustered by redesign, model, and model-year
and light trucks; these factors represent the primary threats to the valid- in Panel A and by model and model-year in Panel B. Observations are by model version
ity of Eqs. (2) and (3). As noted, we control for these factors using triple and model-year in Panel A and by model and model-year in Panel B. The dependent var-
iable in Panel A is an indicator equal to one if the vehicle exits between the current and
interactions of fuel consumption rate by market segment by year. Be-
next years. The dependent variable in Panel B is the log sales in columns 1 and 2 and the
cause the reported regressions include model xed effects, the main log registrations in column 3. Log fuel cons rate log fuel price is the interaction between
concern would be time-varying shocks that differentially affect vehicles log fuel consumption rate and the log of the fuel price. Log fuel cons rate aggregate sales
in the same market segment or with the same fuel consumption rate. is the interaction between the vehicle's log fuel consumption rate and the log of the total
For example, rms may change the rate or direction for reasons other annual sales in the market. In Panel, A columns 1 and 2 include these variables along with
the main effects of the interaction terms. In Panel A, column 3 uses the same main effects
than the standards, such as a rm-level technology cost shock or a stra-
and interaction terms, except that the emissions rate replaces the fuel consumption rate
tegic change in product positioning (we note that changes in product and registrations replaces sales. Instead of these variables, Panel B includes the interac-
positioning caused by the standards would not constitute bias). This sec- tions of stringency, time period, and gas price or aggregate sales. Stringency and time pe-
tion reports four approaches to assess the magnitude of any biases in riods are dened as in Tables 6 and 7. All regressions include triple interactions of year,
market segment, and initial fuel consumption rate, along with lower-order main effects
this research design.
and interactions, as in Tables 6 and 7. Units are the same as in Table 1; fuel prices are mea-
First, in the main regressions, we assume that the stringency var- sured in dollars per gallon (United States) and euros per litre (Europe).
iable is exogenous after controlling for segment-level shocks to tech-
nology adoption. While this approach controls for segment-level
shocks that affect technology adoption, one might be concerned
that segment shocks may also be correlated with stringency. We sufciently for them to exit the market. We construct an indicator vari-
can assess whether segment shocks are correlated with stringency able that is equal to one if a vehicle version exits between the current
by omitting the triple interactions in Eqs. (7) and (8). Appendix and next year. We regress the exit variable on the fuel price and on
Table 3 and 4 report the same specications as in Tables 4 and 5, total market sales interacted with the version's fuel consumption rate.
without the triple interactions. The magnitudes in the appendix ta- Changes in total market sales serve as a proxy for the effect of the reces-
bles are similar to those reported in the main tables, and the qualita- sion on the aggregate market. (For the European regressions we use the
tive conclusions are the same: there is strong evidence that the emissions rate and registrations instead of the fuel consumption rate
standards affected the rate and direction for U.S. light trucks, weaker and sales.) Importantly, the regressions also include the triple interac-
evidence for the rate and direction for U.S. cars, and evidence that the tion of time period, market segment, and initial model fuel consumption
European standards affected the rate and direction. rate. If either the fuel price or market sales interaction is statistically sig-
Furthermore, rm-level changes in rate or direction for strategic rea- nicant, we would be concerned that gasoline prices or the recession
sons or other reasons uncorrelated with the standards are likely to occur cause exit and thereby bias the results. Panel A of Table 6 reports the co-
gradually over time, in contrast to the discrete changes in stringency of efcients on the interactions. None of the interaction terms is large and
the standards. If we add company-specic time trends R is identied statistically signicant at conventional levels.
off of the linear time trends. The U.S. results are similar if we add inter- Third, gasoline prices or the recession could affect technology via
actions of linear time trends with company xed effects (Appendix market shares. For example, if gasoline prices raise the market share
Table 5), which supports the assumed exogeneity of the stringency of vehicles with low fuel consumption rates, manufacturers would
variable. have greater incentive to adopt technology that reduces the fuel con-
Second, the estimates would be biased if fuel prices or the recession sumption rate of such vehicles (Acemoglu et al., 2012). Of particular
(or other factors) reduced demand for vehicles with low fuel economy concern is the possibility that fuel prices or the recession differentially
52 T. Klier, J. Linn / Journal of Public Economics 133 (2016) 4163

Table 7
Effects on consumer welfare of a 10% fuel consumption rate decrease.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Frontier shift (percent fuel Percent change in Percent change WTP for hp change WTP for mpg change
consumption rate change) horsepower/torque in weight (2005 $) (2005 $)

U.S. cars 0.95 15.86 15.09 389 725

U.S. light trucks 1.50 18.52 12.70 595 983
European cars 0.30 18.71 18.58 211 1487

Notes: The table reports effects of a standard that is 10% more stringent than the actual standard in the nal time period of the data (20102012 for the United States and 20082010 for
Europe). The counterfactual standards are compared to the baseline scenario using the actual values of the standards and the predicted values of the frontier, fuel economy, horsepower/
torque, and weight. The rst row shows results for U.S. cars, the second row for U.S. light trucks, and the third row for Europe. Each column reports the difference in the indicated outcome
between the actual and counterfactual scenarios, across all vehicles in the data and weighting observations by sales or registrations. The frontier shift is the difference in the technology
frontier between the two scenarios, estimated using the coefcients from Eq. (2). The percentage changes in horsepower and weight are computed using the change in direction estimated
from Eq. (3) and the change in rate estimated from Eq. (2). The willingness to pay (WTP) for the horsepower or torque changes is computed using a value of $10 per horsepower or torque
per ton in column 4. In column 5, the WTP for the fuel economy increase is calculated using a fuel price of $2.65 per gallon in the United States and $6.15 per gallon in Europe, a 10% discount
rate, and the vehicle miles traveled and survival estimates in U.S. EPA (2012).

affect market shares of vehicles sold by rms for which the standards shares may therefore not be very strong. This assumption avoids
are more stringent. In that case, the coefcients on the stringency inter- the need to introduce a structural model of vehicle demand and sup-
actions in Tables 4 and 5 could reect the effects of either fuel prices or ply and estimate additional parameters. The assumption of constant
the recession on technology. Panel B of Table 6 reports regressions sim- market shares may cause us to overestimate costs, and we therefore
ilar to Panel A, except that (a) the dependent variable is the log of sales treat our results as rough estimates of the opportunity costs. On the
or registrations rather than the exit indicator and (b) the key indepen- other hand, imposing the assumption of constant market shares al-
dent variables are the interaction of stringency, time period, and either lows us to isolate the implications of technology adoption for oppor-
fuel consumption rate or aggregate sales. Statistically signicant or tunity costs by eliminating manufacturers' price responses from the
large interaction coefcients would raise concerns that the other simulations.
variables in Eqs. (2) and (3) do not adequately control for the effect Although we could base the simulations on the actual change in
of fuel prices or the recession on market shares. We nd only the fuel standards, we consider the same change in standards relative to the ob-
price coefcient for European cars to be statistically signicant. The served standards to compare results across the United States and
point estimate is small; a 20% increase in the fuel price (as occurred Europe. We dene the baseline as the observed level of the standards
during the European estimation sample) affects market shares by for U.S. cars, U.S. light trucks, and European cars. For the baseline scenar-
less than 1%. io we use the predicted values of the frontier, horsepower, weight, and
Finally, we control directly for gasoline prices by adding to fuel consumption rate or emissions rate, as obtained by Eqs. (1) (3),
Eqs. (2) and (3) the interactions of gasoline prices with the referencing the levels of the standards in the nal time period of the
stringencytime period interaction. The main results (not reported but sample (2010 2012 for the United States and 2008 2010 for
available upon request) are unaffected.14 Europe). Against this baseline we compare the outcomes of a situation
where the standards require fuel consumption rates to be 10% lower in-
stead. The level of the hypothetical standard is chosen so that the
5. The opportunity costs of standards
resulting stringency is equivalent to a one-standard deviation increase
in stringencyconsistent with the in-sample variation used to identify
The empirical results suggest that tighter fuel economy standards in-
the coefcients. We use the estimating equations, combined with the
creased the rate of technology adoption in both the United States and
counterfactual stringency levels to predict the weight, horsepower,
Europe and also affected the direction of technology adoption for U.S.
and fuel economy in both the observed and counterfactual levels of
light trucks and European cars. In that context, one could quantify the
the standards.
opportunity cost of technology adoption by comparing equilibria with
Table 7 presents the results from these simulations, with each row
and without tighter standards and computing the reduced willingness
showing results for the indicated set of vehicles. The rst column
to pay for characteristics other than the fuel consumption rate. In this
shows the effect of the tighter standards on the frontier,
section, we use our results to estimate the opportunity cost of tighten-
representing the percent efciency increase relative to the baseline.
ing the standards.
The remaining columns show the percentage changes in horsepower
We focus on opportunity costs because a full welfare analysis of the
(or torque for U.S. light trucks) and weight relative to the no-policy
standards is beyond the scope of this paper, as it would require the spec-
case, the consumer willingness-to-pay for the lost horsepower, and
ication of a dynamic model of manufacturer technology adoption, the
the value of the fuel savings.15 The willingness to pay for the lost
choice of vehicle characteristics, as well as consumer demand. Instead,
horsepower is computed using estimates in Klier and Linn (2012)
we assume that the standards do not affect vehicle prices or market
of $10 per horsepower per ton (in 2007 dollars). This value corre-
shares. Klier and Linn (2012) suggest that, over a period of three to
sponds to the lower-end value of willingness to pay as reported in
ve years, it is less costly to manufacturers to adjust vehicle characteris-
the vehicle demand literature (Whitefoot and Skerlos, 2012); the
tics than to change vehicle prices and market shares; over the multi-
year time horizon considered here, the assumption of constant market

We assume a maximum 35-year vehicle lifetime, adjusting for survival probabilities
The Appendix A reports further robustness checks on the main rate and direction re- for cars and light trucks, and we use the estimated annual vehicle miles traveled by age
sults. Panel B of Appendix Table 5 adds interactions of a linear time trend to segment xed from U.S. EPA (2012). Consumers value fuel savings at a 10 percent discount rate, which
effects to allow for segment-level deviations from the pre-policy time trends. Appendix lies within the range of estimates in Busse et al. (2013). Real fuel prices are held constant
Table 6 reports U.S. results if we add interactions of a linear time trend with weight and at their 2007 levels over the lifetime of the vehicle, which is consistent with recent fuel
horsepower in Eq. (1), which allows for the possibility that the frontier tradeoffs change price variation (Klier and Linn, 2010). To maintain comparability across regions, assump-
smoothly over time. Appendix Tables 7 and 8 report direction results by market segment. tions are the same for European and U.S. consumers except for fuel prices.
T. Klier, J. Linn / Journal of Public Economics 133 (2016) 4163 53

opportunity costs reported in Table 7 should therefore be considered Consistent with these expectations, we nd evidence that recent-
conservative estimates.16 ly tightened fuel economy standards in the United States and Europe
For the U.S. simulations, the opportunity costsas measured by the have increased the rate of technology adoption. We also nd strong
willingness to pay for lost horsepowerare smaller than the value of evidence that the standards affected the direction of technology
the fuel savings (see column 5) but are nonetheless economically adoption by reducing light truck torque in the United States and
signicant.17 The European opportunity costs are lower than for the both vehicle weight and horsepower in Europe. The results are
United States, but are still sizeable compared to the fuel savings. The robust to controlling for other, potentially confounding, inuences
European opportunity costs are lower because, due to the lower horse- on technology.
power levels in the European than the U.S. market, even a large percent Thus, we observe that even the European standards, which are
reduction in horsepower translates to a relatively small reduction in more stringent than the U.S. standards, have a statistically and
levels. economically signicant effect on the rate of technology adoption,
Because we would expect fuel economy standards to reduce con- suggesting that as U.S. standards tighten over time, they will contin-
sumers' valuation of vehicles compared to the unregulated equilibrium, ue to increase the rate of technology adoption. The European stan-
it is perhaps surprising that the estimated opportunity costs are lower dards are found to have smaller effects on weight and horsepower
than the value of fuel savings. There are several possible explanations than the U.S. standards. In principle, differences in tradeoffs could
for this result. First, we assume that consumers fully value fuel savings, explain this result, but that is not likely as we estimate similar tech-
which may not be true in practice (Busse et al., 2013). Second, given the nical tradeoffs between vehicle characteristics. Instead, the result
uncertainty in the empirical literature about the marginal willingness to could arise a) from the fact that European fuel prices are much higher
pay for horsepower, the assumed value may be too high. Third, because than U.S. fuel prices, which creates greater incentives to trade off
the literature provides even less clarity about willingness to pay for horsepower and weight for fuel economy in the United States than
weight than it does for horsepower, we do not calculate opportunity in Europe, even if standards had remained unchanged (i.e., in the
costs of weight reduction.18 Finally, implicitly we have assumed that counterfactual); and b) from the fact that European standards are
any costs of increasing the rate of adoption are not passed to consumers. weight-based, which might create less of an incentive for trading
Unfortunately, given the available data we are not able to evaluate these off weight for fuel economy than the footprint-based standards in
possible explanations. effect in the United States. Testing these alternative hypotheses is
left for future research.
This paper is the rst to document the effects of fuel economy
6. Conclusion standards on the rate of technology adoption. Furthermore, the pre-
vious literature has not quantied the opportunity costs of actual
Recent increases in fuel economy and greenhouse gas emissions rate standards due to changes in other vehicle characteristics besides
standards require a substantial increase in passenger vehicle fuel econ- fuel economy. We use the empirical results to derive back-of-the-
omy in the United States, in Europe, as well as in other regions. Econom- envelope estimates of these opportunity costs. In simulating the
ic theory suggests that tighter performance standards increase the rate imposition of hypothetical standards, we nd that the opportunity
of technology adoption. Because vehicle manufacturers choose multiple costs are smaller in size than the value of the fuel savings but
vehicle characteristics in designing a vehicle and because technical nonetheless economically signicant. Furthermore, accounting for
tradeoffs exist across some of these characteristics, theory also suggests the effect of the standards on the rate of technology adoption
that the tightening of fuel economy standards will likely affect other ve- reduces the estimated opportunity costs; the increase in the rate of
hicle characteristics besides fuel economy. adoption reduces by about 15% the fuel economy improvement
attained by trading off weight and horsepower.
We leave for future work further investigation of the mecha-
nisms behind the observed changes in rate and direction, as well
as the costs to manufacturers of meeting the standards. For exam-
We do not allow for heterogeneous preferences for vehicle characteristics, which ple, manufacturers facing greater stringency may adopt technology
could affect the welfare analysis (Bento et al., 2012). In addition, we assume that con- that other manufacturers already employ, and there may be inter-
sumers care about absolute horsepower rather than horsepower relative to other ve- national spillovers in which manufacturers adopt technologies in
hicles on the road; the empirical literature on consumer demand has not made this
one market that they already use in another market. Future work
The estimation results in Section 4.4 showed no effect of the standards on horse- may also incorporate the opportunity costs into a fully dynamic
power for cars. It may seem surprising that estimated opportunity costs in Table 7 model of the vehicles market. In such an analysis it would be
are nonzero. However, the actual standards for cars were less stringent than the stan- possible to relax the assumption, maintained in this paper, that
dards modeled in the simulations. The simulations are performed assuming that the
consumers have homogeneous willingness to pay for vehicle character-
standards increase the rate of adoption by the same amount as observed in response
to the actual standards. More stringent standards could increase the rate of adoption istics and that consumers fully value fuel savings. Undervaluation of fuel
further than observed, in which case the results in Table 7 would over-estimate op- savings is a commonly used justication for the introduction of fuel
portunity costs for U.S. cars. economy standards (Allcott, 2013); future work could consider the
More specically, a change in vehicle weight can affect a consumer's willingness to welfare and policy implications of this possibility in a dynamic
pay for the vehicle in several ways. First, consumers may value a heavier vehicle because
of greater safety (real or perceived). Second, because some vehicle components, such as a
high-quality sound system, increase weight, consumers may indirectly value heavier vehi-
cles. On the other hand, all else equal, a heavier vehicle has worse performance as mea-
sured, for example, by the time needed to accelerate from 0 to 60 miles per hour. The Acknowledgements
literature has not distinguished between these components of consumers' valuation of
weight. In addition, we do not have sufcient data to determine if weight reductions
caused by standards reect elimination of components that consumers value or if they re- We thank Shanjun Li, Virginia McConnell, seminar participants at
ect replacing heavier with lighter parts; these possibilities would have different implica- the Colorado School of Mines, Cornell University, and the University of
tions for opportunity costs of standards. Nevertheless, we can estimate opportunity costs Maryland, and conference participants at the International Industrial
of one piece of the valuation of weight reduction, which is the change in safety. The esti- Organization Conference. Wenfei Du and Sam Goldberg provided excel-
mated effects of weight on fatalities from Anderson and Auffhammer (2014), combined
with the value of a statistical life from the EPA, imply an opportunity cost of weight reduc-
lent research assistance. Linn thanks the MIT Center for Energy and En-
tion of $330 per vehicle for U.S. cars and $380 per vehicle for U.S. light trucks (2006 vironmental Policy Research and the Swedish Energy Agency for
dollars). supporting this research.
54 T. Klier, J. Linn / Journal of Public Economics 133 (2016) 4163

Appendix A

A) General Motors

Change in logs since 2000

2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
Frontier Fuel consumption rate
Horsepower Weight
Hybrid Auto/manual, cylinders, diesel fuel

B) Toyota
Change in logs since 2000

2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
Frontier Fuel consumption rate
Horsepower Weight
Hybrid Auto/manual, cylinders, diesel fuel

C) Ford
Change in logs since 2000

2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
Frontier Fuel consumption rate
Horsepower Weight
Hybrid Auto/manual, cylinders, diesel fuel

Appendix Fig. 1. U.S. technology adoption by company, cars.

T. Klier, J. Linn / Journal of Public Economics 133 (2016) 4163 55

D) Honda

Change in logs since 2000

2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
Frontier Fuel consumption rate
Horsepower Weight
Hybrid Auto/manual, cylinders, diesel fuel

E) Nissan
Change in logs since 2000

2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
Frontier Fuel consumption rate
Horsepower Weight
Hybrid Auto/manual, cylinders, diesel fuel

F) Chrysler
Change in logs since 2000

2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
Frontier Fuel consumption rate
Horsepower Weight
Hybrid Auto/manual, cylinders, diesel fuel

Appendix Fig. 1 (continued).

56 T. Klier, J. Linn / Journal of Public Economics 133 (2016) 4163

A) General Motors

Change in logs since 2000


2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012




Frontier Fuel consumption rate
Horsepower Weight
Hybrid Auto/manual, cylinders, diesel fuel, flex fuel

B) Ford
Change in logs since 2000


2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012




Frontier Fuel consumption rate
Horsepower Weight
Hybrid Auto/manual, cylinders, diesel fuel, flex fuel

C) Chrysler
Change in logs since 2000


2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012




Frontier Fuel consumption rate
Horsepower Weight
Hybrid Auto/manual, cylinders, diesel fuel, flex fuel

Appendix Fig. 2. U.S. technology adoption by company, trucks.

T. Klier, J. Linn / Journal of Public Economics 133 (2016) 4163 57

D) Toyota

Change in logs since 2000


2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012




Frontier Fuel consumption rate
Horsepower Weight

E) Honda
Change in logs since 2000


2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012




Frontier Fuel consumption rate
Horsepower Weight

F) Nissan
Change in logs since 2000


2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012




Frontier Fuel consumption rate
Horsepower Weight
Hybrid Auto/manual, cylinders, diesel fuel, flex fuel

Appendix Fig. 2 (continued).

58 T. Klier, J. Linn / Journal of Public Economics 133 (2016) 4163

0.04 A) VW

Change in logs since 2005


2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010





Frontier CO2 emissions rate Horsepower Weight Diesel Auto/manual, cylinders

B) Renault
Change in logs since 2005


2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010





Frontier CO2 emissions rate Horsepower Weight Diesel Auto/manual, cylinders

0.04 C) Ford
Change in logs since 2005

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Frontier CO2 emissions rate Horsepower Weight Diesel Auto/manual, cylinders

Appendix Fig. 3. European technology adoption by brand.

T. Klier, J. Linn / Journal of Public Economics 133 (2016) 4163 59

D) Peugeot

Change in logs since 2005

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Frontier CO2 emissions rate Horsepower Weight Diesel Auto/manual, cylinders

E) Citroen
Change in logs since 2005

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Frontier CO2 emissions rate Horsepower
Weight Diesel Auto/manual, cylinders

F) Opel
Change in logs since 2005

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Frontier CO2 emissions rate Horsepower Weight Diesel Auto/manual, cylinders

Appendix Fig. 3 (continued).

60 T. Klier, J. Linn / Journal of Public Economics 133 (2016) 4163

Appendix Table 1
Tradeoffs by segment: United States.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Sample includes Small cars Medium cars Large/luxury cars Crossovers Sport utility vehicles Vans Pickups

Dependent variable: log fuel consumption rate

Log horsepower or torque 0.245 0.188 0.200 0.165 0.154 0.183 0.122
(0.028) (0.028) (0.016) (0.022) (0.026) (0.051) (0.021)
Log weight 0.654 0.186 0.275 0.571 0.587 0.358 0.399
(0.107) (0.060) (0.053) (0.105) (0.035) (0.051) (0.058)
Diesel fuel 0.375 0.201 0.309 0.287 0.228
(0.017) (0.028) (0.022) (0.018) (0.019)
Hybrid 0.350 0.293 0.105 0.319 0.286 0.298
(0.030) (0.023) (0.026) (0.015) (0.025) (0.007)
Flex fuel 0.352 0.290 0.225 0.280
(0.003) (0.011) (0.003) (0.017)
Manual transmission 0.002 0.006 0.012 0.008 0.003 0.004
(0.010) (0.006) (0.007) (0.008) (0.005) (0.004)
Number of observations 1798 2188 2870 2416 2826 1105 5861
R2 0.943 0.945 0.907 0.933 0.910 0.959 0.867

Notes: The table reports coefcient estimates, with standard errors in parentheses, clustered by model and model-year. Columns 13 report similar regressions to those reported in column
1 of Table 2, except that the sample is restricted to included observations from the market segment indicated at the bottom of the table; likewise, columns 47 correspond to column 2 in
Table 2. Units are the same as in Table 1; torque is measured in Newton-meters.

Appendix Table 2
Tradeoffs by segment: Europe.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Sample includes Mini Small Lower medium Medium Upper medium Large

Dependent variable: log CO2 emissions rate

Log horsepower 0.163 0.182 0.252 0.145 0.061 0.021
(0.009) (0.003) (0.002) (0.003) (0.005) (0.019)
Log weight 0.246 0.207 0.263 0.360 0.375 0.206
(0.040) (0.018) (0.012) (0.014) (0.016) (0.035)
Diesel fuel 0.140 0.197 0.173 0.174 0.163 0.134
(0.004) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.002) (0.005)
Manual transmission 0.058 0.065 0.076 0.076 0.059 0.009
(0.004) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.009)
Number of observations 8263 47,425 91,430 90,206 35,170 3882
R2 0.812 0.820 0.796 0.868 0.909 0.892

Notes: The table reports coefcient estimates, with standard errors in parentheses, clustered by model and model-year. Each column reports a similar regression to column 1 of Table 3
except that the sample is restricted to included observations from the market segment indicated at the bottom of the table. Units are the same as in Table 1.

Appendix Table 3
Effect of U.S. standards on direction and rate of technology adoption, omitting other controls.

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Panel A: direction
Dependent variable Log (fuel cons rate/horsepower) Log (fuel cons rate/weight) Log (fuel cons rate/torque) Log (fuel cons rate/weight)
Stringency 20032006 0.047 0.032 0.646 0.320
(0.068) (0.052) (0.120) (0.070)
Stringency 20072009 0.003 0.052 0.878 0.441
(0.073) (0.055) (0.134) (0.078)
Stringency 20102012 0.083 0.049 0.714 0.242
(0.077) (0.066) (0.142) (0.092)
Number of observations 6856 6856 11,966 11,966
R2 0.781 0.615 0.616 0.622

Panel B: rate
Stringency 20032006 0.034 0.053 0.270 0.276
(0.046) (0.049) (0.056) (0.061)
Stringency 20072009 0.046 0.051 0.371 0.337
(0.050) (0.051) (0.055) (0.062)
Stringency 20102012 0.140 0.091 0.281 0.225
(0.064) (0.062) (0.056) (0.063)
Number of observations 1749 1749 1425 1425
R2 0.753 0.754 0.829 0.821
Sample includes Cars Cars Light trucks Light trucks
Frontier estimated by Entire market Market segment Entire market Market segment

Notes: The table reports coefcient estimates, with standard errors in parentheses, clustered by redesign, model, and model-year. Regressions are the same as in Table 4 except that the
independent variables include only the reported variables, model-year xed effects, and model xed effects. Units are the same as in Table 1; torque is measured in Newton-meters.
T. Klier, J. Linn / Journal of Public Economics 133 (2016) 4163 61

Appendix Table 4
Effect of European emissions rate standards on direction and rate of technology adoption, omitting other controls.

(1) (2)

Panel A: direction
Dependent variable Log (emissions rate/horsepower) Log (emissions rate/weight)
Stringency post 2007 0.076 0.046
(0.007) (0.006)
Number of observations 275,675 275,675
R2 0.764 0.585

Panel B: rate
Stringency post 2007 0.028 0.014
(0.003) (0.004)
Number of observations 63,824 63,824
R2 0.950 0.963
Frontier estimated by Entire market Market segment

Notes: The table reports coefcient estimates, with standard errors in parentheses, clustered by redesign, model, and model-year. Regressions are the same as in Table 5 except that the
independent variables include the reported variables, model-year xed effects, and model trim xed effects. Units are the same as in Table 1.

Appendix Table 5
Effect of U.S. standards on rate of technology adoption, including company or market segment time trends.

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Panel A: rate, with company time trends

Stringency 20032006 0.074 0.066 0.218 0.213
(0.066) (0.067) (0.075) (0.077)
Stringency 20072009 0.098 0.068 0.263 0.220
(0.118) (0.117) (0.114) (0.117)
Stringency 20102012 0.102 0.091 0.151 0.079
(0.162) (0.161) (0.146) (0.149)
Number of observations 1749 1749 1425 1425
R2 0.786 0.784 0.852 0.851

Panel B: rate, with market segment time trends

Stringency 20032006 0.006 0.017 0.261 0.267
(0.038) (0.039) (0.064) (0.065)
Stringency 20072009 0.057 0.086 0.283 0.268
(0.046) (0.046) (0.064) (0.065)
Stringency 20102012 0.113 0.121 0.154 0.132
(0.050) (0.050) (0.065) (0.067)
Number of observations 1749 1749 1425 1425
R2 0.775 0.763 0.840 0.837
Sample includes Cars Cars Light trucks Light trucks
Frontier estimated by Entire Market Entire Market
market segment market segment

Notes: The table reports coefcient estimates, with standard errors in parentheses, clustered by redesign, model, and model-year. Regressions are the same as in Panel B of Table 4 except
that Panel A includes the interactions of a linear time trend with a set of company xed effects, and Panel B includes the interactions of a linear time trend with a set of market segment
xed effects.

Appendix Table 6
Effect of standards on rate of technology adoption, allowing for time trends in rst-stage estimation.

(1) (2) (3)

Stringency 20032006 0.020 0.259

(0.039) (0.065)
Stringency 20072009 0.022 0.305
(0.046) (0.066)
Stringency 20102012 0.095 0.166
(0.050) (0.069)
Stringency post 2007 0.026
Number of observations 1749 1425 1425
R2 0.945 0.822 0.838
Sample includes U.S. cars U.S. light trucks European cars

Notes: The table reports coefcient estimates, with standard errors in parentheses, clustered by redesign, model, and model-year. Regressions in columns 1 and 2 are the same as in col-
umns 1 and 3 of Panel B of Table 4 except that Eq. (1) includes interactions of weight and horsepower with linear time trends. Regressions in column 3 is the same as in column 1 in Panel B
of Table 5 except that Eq. (1) includes interactions of weight and horsepower with linear time trends.
62 T. Klier, J. Linn / Journal of Public Economics 133 (2016) 4163

Appendix Table 7
Direction results by market segment: United States.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Sample includes Small cars Medium cars Large/luxury cars Crossovers Sport utility vehicles Vans Pickups

Panel A: Dependent variable is log (fuel cons rate/horsepower)

Stringency 20032006 0.280 0.327 0.031 0.521 0.826 0.121 1.505
(0.217) (0.223) (0.070) (0.289) (0.142) (0.287) (0.493)
Stringency 20072009 0.552 0.423 0.131 0.648 0.763 0.553 1.862
(0.222) (0.216) (0.087) (0.287) (0.184) (0.262) (0.442)
Stringency 20102012 0.811 0.251 0.082 0.627 0.617 0.365 0.772
(0.242) (0.277) (0.085) (0.284) (0.187) (0.288) (0.584)
Number of observations 1798 2188 2870 2416 2826 1105 5861
R2 0.655 0.661 0.698 0.605 0.741 0.560 0.563

Panel B: Dependent variable is log (fuel cons rate/weight)

Stringency 20032006 0.578 0.018 0.064 0.618 0.133 0.168 0.512
(0.300) (0.179) (0.050) (0.188) (0.095) (0.161) (0.318)
Stringency 20072009 0.131 0.231 0.072 0.773 0.130 0.519 0.589
(0.300) (0.174) (0.064) (0.188) (0.123) (0.156) (0.334)
Stringency 20102012 0.134 0.096 0.005 0.711 0.429 0.545 0.446
(0.311) (0.231) (0.067) (0.197) (0.137) (0.189) (0.457)
Number of observations 1798 2188 2870 2416 2826 1105 5861
R2 0.518 0.687 0.642 0.514 0.727 0.766 0.558

Notes: The table reports coefcient estimates, with standard errors in parentheses, clustered by model and model-year. The dependent variable in Panel A is the log of the ratio of the fuel
consumption rate to horsepower and the dependent variable in Panel B is the log of the ratio of the fuel consumption rate to weight. Regressions are the same as in Table 4 except that each
sample includes the market segment indicated at the top of the table.

Appendix Table 8
Direction results by market segment: Europe.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Sample includes Mini Small Lower medium Medium Upper medium Large

Panel A: Dependent variable is log (fuel cons rate/horsepower)

Stringency post 2007 0.146 0.148 0.047 0.109 0.021 0.057
(0.060) (0.028) (0.021) (0.015) (0.012) (0.023)
Number of observations 8263 47,425 91,430 90,206 35,170 3882
R2 0.666 0.526 0.579 0.735 0.833 0.902

Panel B: Dependent variable is log (fuel cons rate/weight)

Stringency post 2007 0.041 0.022 0.016 0.058 0.017 0.012
(0.045) (0.021) (0.020) (0.013) (0.010) (0.023)
Number of observations 8263 47,425 91,430 90,206 35,170 3882
R2 0.617 0.410 0.460 0.599 0.775 0.811

Notes: The table reports coefcient estimates, with standard errors in parentheses, clustered by model and model-year. The dependent variable in Panel A is the log of the ratio of the fuel
consumption rate to horsepower and the dependent variable in Panel B is the log of the ratio of the fuel consumption rate to weight. Regressions are the same as in Table 5 except that each
sample includes the market segment indicated at the top of the table.

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